1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:14,480 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,560 --> 00:00:17,720 Speaker 1: to say hello to Charlie and Jenny, five year old 3 00:00:17,800 --> 00:00:23,800 Speaker 1: twins from Houston, Texas. Hello to Sonomica and sey On, 4 00:00:25,320 --> 00:00:31,920 Speaker 1: Hello to Amara, Hello to Wolf Olive from the Gold Coast, Australia. 5 00:00:33,280 --> 00:00:36,479 Speaker 1: And a great big hello to Saint Peter's Day School 6 00:00:36,760 --> 00:00:38,280 Speaker 1: in Norfolk, Virginia. 7 00:00:41,840 --> 00:00:44,639 Speaker 2: I'd like to say a happy belated birthday to. 8 00:00:44,760 --> 00:00:51,400 Speaker 1: Sophie, who turned ten on February twenty first. Happy belated 9 00:00:51,440 --> 00:00:55,440 Speaker 1: birthday to Evan who turned nine on January second, and 10 00:00:55,520 --> 00:00:59,840 Speaker 1: his sister Josephine, who is turning seven on February twenty 11 00:00:59,840 --> 00:01:06,200 Speaker 1: s seven. Happy birthday to Solet who is turning fourteen 12 00:01:06,360 --> 00:01:14,959 Speaker 1: on February twenty seventh. Happy seventeenth birthday to Cameron. Happy 13 00:01:15,000 --> 00:01:19,400 Speaker 1: birthday to Alexander del Cooro from North Yarmouth, Maine, who 14 00:01:19,480 --> 00:01:25,640 Speaker 1: is turning five on February twenty seventh. Happy birthday to 15 00:01:25,760 --> 00:01:32,600 Speaker 1: Imani who is turning eight on February twenty eighth. Happy 16 00:01:32,640 --> 00:01:36,520 Speaker 1: birthday to Ari from Portland, Oregon, who is turning five 17 00:01:36,920 --> 00:01:44,160 Speaker 1: on February twenty eighth. Happy birthday to Ottley Hoague from 18 00:01:44,200 --> 00:01:48,560 Speaker 1: the Sunshine Coast in Gibson's British Columbia, Canada who has 19 00:01:48,600 --> 00:01:55,960 Speaker 1: a birthday on March third. Happy birthday to Wyatt Wolf 20 00:01:56,120 --> 00:02:02,360 Speaker 1: who is turning eight on March third. And Happy birthday 21 00:02:02,400 --> 00:02:07,080 Speaker 1: to Soraya from Minnesota who is turning seven on March fourth. 22 00:02:09,200 --> 00:02:11,800 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to you all. I hope you have a 23 00:02:11,880 --> 00:02:16,520 Speaker 1: wonderful day. Shout outs and birthday wishes are one way 24 00:02:16,560 --> 00:02:19,800 Speaker 1: we give thanks to our supporters. If you would like 25 00:02:19,880 --> 00:02:23,239 Speaker 1: to support us and receive more bedtime entertainment like this 26 00:02:23,800 --> 00:02:27,520 Speaker 1: I'll add free, please visit our support page at sleep 27 00:02:27,600 --> 00:02:45,519 Speaker 1: tightstories dot org slash support Thank you. This is part 28 00:02:45,600 --> 00:02:50,520 Speaker 1: eleven of The Transfer Student and Red is finally starting 29 00:02:50,560 --> 00:02:53,519 Speaker 1: to feel more like she belongs in this new place. 30 00:02:55,560 --> 00:02:58,359 Speaker 1: She has friends now who she chats with and does 31 00:02:58,400 --> 00:02:59,120 Speaker 1: homework with. 32 00:03:01,560 --> 00:03:02,680 Speaker 2: When Red gets. 33 00:03:02,440 --> 00:03:05,160 Speaker 1: Home, she sees her mom has made a local dish 34 00:03:05,200 --> 00:03:09,440 Speaker 1: for dinner. Red is not so sure she is willing 35 00:03:09,520 --> 00:03:13,359 Speaker 1: to try, but finds out it is actually more delicious 36 00:03:13,760 --> 00:03:14,760 Speaker 1: than she thought. 37 00:03:14,520 --> 00:03:14,960 Speaker 2: It would be. 38 00:03:19,919 --> 00:03:28,880 Speaker 1: The Transfer Student Party eleven, the Mystery of the Stinky Jimsucks. 39 00:03:29,919 --> 00:03:33,800 Speaker 1: The bell rang and Red packed up her books, said 40 00:03:33,800 --> 00:03:37,320 Speaker 1: goodbye to the gang, and quickly headed to the exit. 41 00:03:37,600 --> 00:03:42,080 Speaker 1: So she could get the bus home. She was riding 42 00:03:42,120 --> 00:03:45,200 Speaker 1: the bus alone today, as the rest of her friends 43 00:03:45,800 --> 00:03:50,000 Speaker 1: a word she still wasn't accustomed to using, had after 44 00:03:50,120 --> 00:03:56,520 Speaker 1: school activities that she wasn't interested in. Even Charlie had 45 00:03:56,520 --> 00:04:01,640 Speaker 1: an activity. Red had actually thought of joining him, just 46 00:04:01,680 --> 00:04:05,000 Speaker 1: to have the opportunity to watch as he was going 47 00:04:05,040 --> 00:04:11,680 Speaker 1: to yoga. Considering Charlie wasn't coordinated enough to put his 48 00:04:11,800 --> 00:04:21,440 Speaker 1: shirt on properly, watching him do downward dog might be hilarious. Hello, Red, 49 00:04:21,600 --> 00:04:24,960 Speaker 1: it was a wonderful day to day, wasn't it, Miss McDonald, 50 00:04:25,000 --> 00:04:29,599 Speaker 1: the bus driver said, as Red stepped on the bush. 51 00:04:29,640 --> 00:04:36,120 Speaker 1: I guess so, Red replied. Miss McDonald always seemed so cheerful, 52 00:04:36,800 --> 00:04:39,000 Speaker 1: even when the kids on the bus started to get 53 00:04:39,000 --> 00:04:45,480 Speaker 1: a little rowdy. Walking down the aisle, Red had her 54 00:04:45,520 --> 00:04:49,360 Speaker 1: pick of seats, but out of habit, she took her 55 00:04:49,520 --> 00:04:52,880 Speaker 1: usual spot at the back of the bus, where she 56 00:04:53,080 --> 00:04:57,839 Speaker 1: usually sat with Charlie. She noticed that he had left 57 00:04:57,920 --> 00:05:05,279 Speaker 1: some tissue there, luckily unused. He was always sneezing, sick 58 00:05:06,080 --> 00:05:13,279 Speaker 1: or something. The bus ride home was quick, and as 59 00:05:13,360 --> 00:05:17,120 Speaker 1: the bus arrived close to her stop, read in a 60 00:05:17,120 --> 00:05:20,039 Speaker 1: bit of days from daydreaming about her past life on 61 00:05:20,160 --> 00:05:23,240 Speaker 1: Mars got up out of her seat a bit early, 62 00:05:24,480 --> 00:05:26,840 Speaker 1: just in time for the bus to hit the bump 63 00:05:27,080 --> 00:05:33,400 Speaker 1: it always does. Red hit her head on the ceiling again. Ugh, 64 00:05:35,920 --> 00:05:39,400 Speaker 1: have a great evening, Red, ms McDonald said as Red 65 00:05:39,440 --> 00:05:44,320 Speaker 1: got off the bus. It's not off to a great start. 66 00:05:44,600 --> 00:05:48,599 Speaker 1: Red thought, as she waved goodbye. I'll probably have a 67 00:05:48,640 --> 00:05:51,800 Speaker 1: headache now, which is never a good thing when you 68 00:05:51,839 --> 00:05:55,800 Speaker 1: have a stinky brother like Blue. Blue would only make 69 00:05:55,839 --> 00:06:02,920 Speaker 1: it worse. Hello, I've arrived, Red said as she came 70 00:06:02,960 --> 00:06:08,320 Speaker 1: in the front door. Hello, Mom, I've arrived. Blue yelled, 71 00:06:08,600 --> 00:06:13,520 Speaker 1: in an annoying voice meant to bug Red mom. We 72 00:06:13,640 --> 00:06:17,039 Speaker 1: still could send Blue for training. I called the animal 73 00:06:17,080 --> 00:06:19,720 Speaker 1: trainer across town and they still have openings. 74 00:06:21,160 --> 00:06:21,600 Speaker 2: Red. 75 00:06:22,120 --> 00:06:25,400 Speaker 1: Don't say those things about your brother. And we don't 76 00:06:25,440 --> 00:06:30,559 Speaker 1: say I've arrived. We say I'm home. Her mother said, 77 00:06:32,400 --> 00:06:34,600 Speaker 1: I'm not sure I am ready yet for that kind 78 00:06:34,600 --> 00:06:35,320 Speaker 1: of commitment. 79 00:06:35,600 --> 00:06:39,760 Speaker 3: Red replied, blah blah blah. All you ever say is 80 00:06:39,839 --> 00:06:45,560 Speaker 3: blah blah blah. Her brother Blue said in a whiny voice. Blue, 81 00:06:46,160 --> 00:06:51,680 Speaker 3: let's not start a big kerfuffle tonight. Their mother said, kerfuffel. 82 00:06:52,360 --> 00:06:55,680 Speaker 3: Both Red and Blue said at the same time, is 83 00:06:55,720 --> 00:06:56,679 Speaker 3: that some kind. 84 00:06:56,520 --> 00:06:59,479 Speaker 2: Of chocolate treat? Red asked, huh. 85 00:07:00,080 --> 00:07:02,560 Speaker 1: I'm learning new English words which come up on my 86 00:07:02,640 --> 00:07:07,720 Speaker 1: English learning app. That's nothing compared to what I learned 87 00:07:07,760 --> 00:07:15,800 Speaker 1: in English class today. Blue said, I learned that pigs fly. Blue, 88 00:07:15,960 --> 00:07:20,800 Speaker 1: you are impossible. Pigs don't fly, at least I don't 89 00:07:20,840 --> 00:07:26,120 Speaker 1: think so. Red said, well, when a classmate asked if 90 00:07:26,160 --> 00:07:28,440 Speaker 1: we could look at the exam before we wrote it, 91 00:07:28,840 --> 00:07:35,160 Speaker 1: my teacher said, when pigs fly, so it must be true. 92 00:07:35,360 --> 00:07:39,160 Speaker 1: You are such a stinker. It's an idiom, not reality. 93 00:07:39,680 --> 00:07:44,800 Speaker 1: Red said with a laugh. Okay, okay, why don't you 94 00:07:44,920 --> 00:07:47,840 Speaker 1: both go wash your hands and we'll have an early dinner. 95 00:07:48,640 --> 00:07:51,280 Speaker 1: Red can help you with your homework after we eat. 96 00:07:52,960 --> 00:07:54,000 Speaker 2: What does she know? 97 00:07:54,640 --> 00:07:58,400 Speaker 1: Blue said as he ran up the stairs. More than you, 98 00:07:58,400 --> 00:08:06,480 Speaker 1: you stinker, Red sea, as she chased behind him. Dinner 99 00:08:06,720 --> 00:08:11,000 Speaker 1: was something new, and Red couldn't quite understand what she 100 00:08:11,160 --> 00:08:15,640 Speaker 1: was seeing on her plate. Since they arrived on Earth, 101 00:08:15,720 --> 00:08:19,240 Speaker 1: her mother had been serving a lot of fresh local food, 102 00:08:20,000 --> 00:08:25,160 Speaker 1: especially potatoes, which were famous in the area. Red thought 103 00:08:25,160 --> 00:08:29,440 Speaker 1: they were weird. It took a long time for their 104 00:08:29,440 --> 00:08:34,480 Speaker 1: bodies to adjust to their new diet. Still, over time, 105 00:08:35,000 --> 00:08:38,400 Speaker 1: Red started to appreciate all the different colors that were 106 00:08:38,400 --> 00:08:39,680 Speaker 1: commonly on her plate. 107 00:08:41,800 --> 00:08:45,160 Speaker 2: She still missed the food from Mars, which had a softer. 108 00:08:45,000 --> 00:08:49,280 Speaker 1: Texture, but even the crunchy green food her mother usually 109 00:08:49,360 --> 00:08:55,120 Speaker 1: served started growing on her. Green and blue were Red's 110 00:08:55,320 --> 00:08:57,600 Speaker 1: least favorite colors. 111 00:09:00,240 --> 00:09:02,280 Speaker 2: Mom, what is this. 112 00:09:03,320 --> 00:09:05,600 Speaker 1: It looks like the oatmeal that we had for breakfast 113 00:09:05,720 --> 00:09:12,120 Speaker 1: last week. Our neighbor calls it sloppy Joe's. She says, 114 00:09:12,160 --> 00:09:14,720 Speaker 1: it's a fun food that her kids like, so I 115 00:09:14,720 --> 00:09:19,440 Speaker 1: thought we could try it. It's so good, Blue said, 116 00:09:19,480 --> 00:09:22,559 Speaker 1: with his mouth open, showing Red what he had inside. 117 00:09:24,040 --> 00:09:28,960 Speaker 1: I may have just lost my appetite. Red said, maybe 118 00:09:29,000 --> 00:09:33,640 Speaker 1: I can just have waffles. Red said, so far waffles 119 00:09:33,679 --> 00:09:38,040 Speaker 1: have been Red's favorite food, with pancakes a close second. 120 00:09:41,200 --> 00:09:44,240 Speaker 1: Just give it a try. I think it's kind of interesting, 121 00:09:44,559 --> 00:09:50,720 Speaker 1: her mother said. Taking a bite, Red said, hmm, not bad, 122 00:09:51,559 --> 00:09:55,839 Speaker 1: kind of sweet and spicy, and looking at her brother 123 00:09:55,960 --> 00:10:00,280 Speaker 1: blues face, which was covered with food and very mess see. 124 00:10:04,880 --> 00:10:09,160 Speaker 1: After finishing her dinner, everyone had seconds, except for Blue, 125 00:10:09,200 --> 00:10:13,080 Speaker 1: who seemed to just constantly eat. Red helped her mother 126 00:10:13,200 --> 00:10:16,000 Speaker 1: clear the table while her brother washed the food off 127 00:10:16,040 --> 00:10:22,120 Speaker 1: his face upstairs. Your brother has a hard problem. To 128 00:10:22,240 --> 00:10:25,920 Speaker 1: solve for English class? Can you help him? Red's mother 129 00:10:26,000 --> 00:10:31,520 Speaker 1: asked English help him with his English? Mom, I hardly 130 00:10:31,640 --> 00:10:36,280 Speaker 1: understand the language myself. Science and math I could help 131 00:10:36,360 --> 00:10:42,600 Speaker 1: him with, But English, like you, he finds science and 132 00:10:42,679 --> 00:10:46,800 Speaker 1: math easy. It's the subtlety of the local language that 133 00:10:46,920 --> 00:10:53,160 Speaker 1: gives him trouble. As Blue walked into the kitchen with 134 00:10:53,240 --> 00:10:57,200 Speaker 1: food still on his face, Red asked, what is it 135 00:10:57,240 --> 00:11:00,559 Speaker 1: in English that you need help with? I don't need 136 00:11:00,640 --> 00:11:01,199 Speaker 1: your help. 137 00:11:01,520 --> 00:11:07,280 Speaker 2: What do you know? Blue replied Blue. Their mother said. 138 00:11:07,760 --> 00:11:14,160 Speaker 1: It was something about connotation and denotation. Well, if you 139 00:11:14,200 --> 00:11:17,120 Speaker 1: don't want my help, I'll go upstairs to my room 140 00:11:17,160 --> 00:11:18,480 Speaker 1: and do my homework. 141 00:11:18,080 --> 00:11:20,000 Speaker 2: With the gang via a video call. 142 00:11:23,160 --> 00:11:26,400 Speaker 1: As she walked up the stairs, Red said, hey, stinker, 143 00:11:27,040 --> 00:11:30,240 Speaker 1: your nickname is both a connotation and denotation. 144 00:11:30,960 --> 00:11:36,160 Speaker 2: You can use that for your homework. Blah blah blah. 145 00:11:35,800 --> 00:11:42,520 Speaker 1: Blue replied. Red sat down at her desk and woke 146 00:11:42,600 --> 00:11:47,360 Speaker 1: up her laptop. She didn't understand why people on Earth 147 00:11:47,400 --> 00:11:51,199 Speaker 1: said their computers went to sleep. It's not like they 148 00:11:51,200 --> 00:11:58,480 Speaker 1: were animals or something. Many things about Earth confused her. 149 00:11:59,440 --> 00:12:02,240 Speaker 1: Red still couldn't understand why she had to pay for 150 00:12:02,360 --> 00:12:08,600 Speaker 1: food on Mars. Food was a necessity so everyone had access. 151 00:12:09,679 --> 00:12:13,280 Speaker 1: Many times Red would be chased after walking away from 152 00:12:13,320 --> 00:12:18,439 Speaker 1: the counter with food without paying. Once, when she went 153 00:12:18,480 --> 00:12:21,720 Speaker 1: in to get ice cream, her third favorite Earth food, 154 00:12:22,559 --> 00:12:25,520 Speaker 1: someone even chased her down the street and yelled at her. 155 00:12:26,640 --> 00:12:33,320 Speaker 1: So embarrassing, she started the app that allowed her to 156 00:12:33,360 --> 00:12:35,400 Speaker 1: talk with her friends when they were at home. 157 00:12:36,280 --> 00:12:37,720 Speaker 2: They didn't always talk. 158 00:12:38,720 --> 00:12:41,480 Speaker 1: Often they would just work together, like when they would 159 00:12:41,480 --> 00:12:47,199 Speaker 1: go to the library. Red seldom had much homework to do, 160 00:12:47,800 --> 00:12:51,000 Speaker 1: but as the gang became more like her friends on Mars, 161 00:12:51,640 --> 00:12:58,280 Speaker 1: she found herself enjoying spending time with them. While waiting 162 00:12:58,320 --> 00:13:00,280 Speaker 1: to connect, it seemed. 163 00:13:00,240 --> 00:13:01,400 Speaker 2: So slow to Red. 164 00:13:01,960 --> 00:13:04,880 Speaker 1: She thought of other things that were so strange on Earth. 165 00:13:07,000 --> 00:13:11,040 Speaker 1: Earth had so many bright colors, including her least favorite 166 00:13:11,080 --> 00:13:16,960 Speaker 1: blue and green, and the mosquitoes were so mean. No 167 00:13:17,080 --> 00:13:22,160 Speaker 1: creature on Mars would bite you like mosquitoes. The summer 168 00:13:22,200 --> 00:13:25,199 Speaker 1: she came, she almost called for help when she got 169 00:13:25,280 --> 00:13:30,240 Speaker 1: four bites from a swarm of bugs. And she couldn't 170 00:13:30,280 --> 00:13:34,200 Speaker 1: believe how people wasted water. They even swam in it. 171 00:13:35,679 --> 00:13:39,760 Speaker 1: Water is a precious resource on Mars, and Red hadn't 172 00:13:39,800 --> 00:13:45,680 Speaker 1: even had a shower before she came to Earth. Red's 173 00:13:45,720 --> 00:13:50,239 Speaker 1: computer made a weird beep, which meant she was finally connected. 174 00:13:51,679 --> 00:13:57,640 Speaker 1: Charlie was already online and waiting. Hey, Red, what's up, 175 00:13:58,160 --> 00:14:02,760 Speaker 1: Charlie said with a stuffy nose. Nothing's up, but I 176 00:14:02,880 --> 00:14:08,840 Speaker 1: just finished dinner. How was your yoga activity? It was great. 177 00:14:09,360 --> 00:14:11,480 Speaker 1: I'll soon be a master once I can touch my 178 00:14:11,559 --> 00:14:18,720 Speaker 1: toes at least. Just then, Red's computer made another beep 179 00:14:19,000 --> 00:14:20,840 Speaker 1: as Rachel and Alexa. 180 00:14:20,480 --> 00:14:21,120 Speaker 2: Joined the group. 181 00:14:23,720 --> 00:14:26,760 Speaker 1: I've got a ton of homework for science, Rachel said, 182 00:14:27,040 --> 00:14:30,920 Speaker 1: so no, chit chat for me. Let me know if 183 00:14:30,920 --> 00:14:35,720 Speaker 1: you need help. Red said, did you finish your math homework? Red? 184 00:14:35,960 --> 00:14:40,760 Speaker 1: Alexa asked yes, I finished it in class. What are 185 00:14:40,800 --> 00:14:44,800 Speaker 1: you a genius or something? Alexa asked, amazed, it might 186 00:14:44,880 --> 00:14:51,040 Speaker 1: take me a couple of hours. Just then, with a beep, 187 00:14:51,400 --> 00:14:56,960 Speaker 1: Kurt came online. Red, can you help me with some 188 00:14:57,000 --> 00:15:01,160 Speaker 1: of the math problems missus Johnson gave us today? I started, 189 00:15:01,200 --> 00:15:06,360 Speaker 1: but some of them I don't understand. No problem, Kurt. 190 00:15:08,160 --> 00:15:09,120 Speaker 1: Can you guys hear me? 191 00:15:09,760 --> 00:15:10,440 Speaker 2: Kurt asked. 192 00:15:11,560 --> 00:15:17,200 Speaker 1: Everyone raised their hand. I have something for us to solve. 193 00:15:17,480 --> 00:15:23,040 Speaker 1: At least I think I do. A new case, Charlie said, 194 00:15:23,040 --> 00:15:26,120 Speaker 1: with excitement. I thought we had decided to wait for 195 00:15:26,200 --> 00:15:28,640 Speaker 1: mister mc donald to give us a mystery to solve. 196 00:15:30,000 --> 00:15:33,360 Speaker 1: We have been doing pretty well on our own. Rachel said, 197 00:15:34,480 --> 00:15:39,320 Speaker 1: what's the mystery? Alexa asked, Okay, I was in jim 198 00:15:39,400 --> 00:15:42,680 Speaker 1: class today and the coach complained about a bad smell. 199 00:15:44,600 --> 00:15:48,160 Speaker 1: You should change your shirt, Kurt, Charlie said, laughing, and 200 00:15:48,560 --> 00:15:57,400 Speaker 1: maybe shower more often. A ha ha, Kurt replied. Kurt continued. 201 00:15:58,280 --> 00:16:00,840 Speaker 1: The coach said that he and the clue leaning staff 202 00:16:00,840 --> 00:16:04,760 Speaker 1: had spent hours the night before looking around the gym 203 00:16:04,840 --> 00:16:07,680 Speaker 1: for the source of the smell, and they have had 204 00:16:07,760 --> 00:16:12,360 Speaker 1: no luck. It got so bad this afternoon during basketball 205 00:16:12,400 --> 00:16:18,160 Speaker 1: practice that I felt like gagging. This doesn't sound like 206 00:16:18,280 --> 00:16:21,400 Speaker 1: much of a mystery. Clean out the gym lockers and 207 00:16:21,480 --> 00:16:24,520 Speaker 1: clean the floors, and I bet the smell would be gone. 208 00:16:24,680 --> 00:16:29,600 Speaker 1: Rachel said, that's just it. They did that and there 209 00:16:29,640 --> 00:16:33,640 Speaker 1: is still a rotten smell in the gym. This isn't 210 00:16:33,640 --> 00:16:36,680 Speaker 1: a big mystery like floating lights in the sky or 211 00:16:36,760 --> 00:16:41,760 Speaker 1: the disappearing chicken nuggets, but it's important. The coach is 212 00:16:41,880 --> 00:16:47,040 Speaker 1: considering canceling practices until the smell can be identified. I 213 00:16:47,120 --> 00:16:52,720 Speaker 1: really don't want to miss any practices. Maybe it's a 214 00:16:52,800 --> 00:16:56,680 Speaker 1: mummy being so old they might stink, Charlie said. 215 00:16:57,120 --> 00:16:58,160 Speaker 2: Or a fart gag. 216 00:16:58,640 --> 00:17:03,200 Speaker 1: Alexa laughed, Remember when someone left a fart pillow under 217 00:17:03,240 --> 00:17:08,280 Speaker 1: the physics teacher's cushion on his chair. I remember that 218 00:17:08,400 --> 00:17:11,680 Speaker 1: he spent a month in Principal Burke's office after school 219 00:17:11,720 --> 00:17:17,920 Speaker 1: cleaning whiteboard brushes and doing extra homework. Rachel replied, whatever 220 00:17:17,960 --> 00:17:21,560 Speaker 1: the reason, If we can solve this stinky smell mystery, 221 00:17:22,280 --> 00:17:25,360 Speaker 1: it would keep me on the basketball court and help 222 00:17:25,440 --> 00:17:29,600 Speaker 1: the coach. And Charlie, you know that getting on the 223 00:17:29,640 --> 00:17:33,919 Speaker 1: coach's good side might be a good thing. Kurt said, yeah, 224 00:17:34,160 --> 00:17:38,639 Speaker 1: he always makes me do extra push ups. Is that 225 00:17:38,720 --> 00:17:41,879 Speaker 1: what you call what you were doing? Alexa laughed, It 226 00:17:41,920 --> 00:17:47,000 Speaker 1: didn't look like push ups to me. So what do 227 00:17:47,040 --> 00:17:49,880 Speaker 1: you think? Can we work together to try and help 228 00:17:49,920 --> 00:17:54,040 Speaker 1: the coach find the source of the smell? Sure I 229 00:17:54,080 --> 00:17:58,639 Speaker 1: can help, Red said, so we'll call this the case 230 00:17:58,680 --> 00:18:03,479 Speaker 1: of the Mystery sting. Charlie asked, you always come up 231 00:18:03,520 --> 00:18:08,800 Speaker 1: with the best names, Charlie, Alexi said, can we meet 232 00:18:08,800 --> 00:18:12,960 Speaker 1: tomorrow after class or how about at lunch time. The 233 00:18:13,040 --> 00:18:18,520 Speaker 1: sooner we solve the mystery, the better I can't miss lunch. 234 00:18:18,720 --> 00:18:24,320 Speaker 1: My muscles need fuel. Charlie said, what muscles. Rachel asked, 235 00:18:25,359 --> 00:18:28,399 Speaker 1: I have time after school. Red said that might be 236 00:18:28,480 --> 00:18:31,120 Speaker 1: the best, as there are always students using the gym 237 00:18:31,160 --> 00:18:34,080 Speaker 1: at lunch and they might wonder what we are sniffing 238 00:18:34,119 --> 00:18:39,880 Speaker 1: around about. Okay, we will do it after class then, 239 00:18:41,400 --> 00:18:43,639 Speaker 1: and that gives us more time to talk about it 240 00:18:43,680 --> 00:18:55,919 Speaker 1: over lunch, said Alexa. Great so Red about this math problem. 241 00:18:56,040 --> 00:19:00,720 Speaker 2: And that's the end of this part. Good night, leep, 242 00:19:00,840 --> 00:19:01,040 Speaker 2: tight