1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:14,480 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,520 --> 00:00:20,080 Speaker 1: to say hello to Autumn Taylor from Aberdeen, Scotland. Happy 3 00:00:20,120 --> 00:00:24,520 Speaker 1: belated birthday to Darcy who turned seven on January twenty ninth. 4 00:00:26,160 --> 00:00:29,440 Speaker 1: Happy belated birthday to Phoebe who lives in Hong Kong, 5 00:00:29,840 --> 00:00:34,720 Speaker 1: who turned seven years old on February first. And Happy 6 00:00:34,760 --> 00:00:39,600 Speaker 1: belated birthday to Dylan Dee from Sherman Oaks, California, who 7 00:00:39,640 --> 00:00:43,760 Speaker 1: turned seven on February second, with lots of love from Daddy. 8 00:00:45,800 --> 00:00:49,159 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Winnie Kate who is turning eight on 9 00:00:49,240 --> 00:00:55,800 Speaker 1: February fifth. Also Hello Wyatt, Love mom and Dad. Happy 10 00:00:55,840 --> 00:00:59,800 Speaker 1: birthday to Getty from Charleston, South Carolina, who was turning 11 00:01:00,160 --> 00:01:04,399 Speaker 1: or on February seventh. Mama, Dada, Huxley and Rosie love 12 00:01:04,440 --> 00:01:08,399 Speaker 1: you so much and are so proud of you. Happy 13 00:01:08,400 --> 00:01:11,600 Speaker 1: birthday to Caden Lee from Miami who is turning ten 14 00:01:11,760 --> 00:01:15,480 Speaker 1: on February seventh. Hope every day is a good day 15 00:01:15,520 --> 00:01:20,080 Speaker 1: for you, Caden, Happy tenth birthday. Love you from Baba, 16 00:01:20,200 --> 00:01:25,720 Speaker 1: Gaga and Sugar from Regina, Skatchewan, Canada. Happy birthday to 17 00:01:25,840 --> 00:01:30,120 Speaker 1: Lee who is turning six on February eighth. Happy birthday 18 00:01:30,160 --> 00:01:33,760 Speaker 1: to Ellis Cain in California who is turning eight on 19 00:01:33,840 --> 00:01:39,600 Speaker 1: February tenth. Happy birthday to Francesca and Addie of Otatara, 20 00:01:39,640 --> 00:01:43,400 Speaker 1: New Zealand, who turn eight on February tenth. You are 21 00:01:43,520 --> 00:01:48,440 Speaker 1: loved beyond measure. Have a wonderful day and happy birthday 22 00:01:48,480 --> 00:01:52,680 Speaker 1: to Hayden's sister Quinn from Prague, Czech Republic, who is 23 00:01:52,760 --> 00:01:57,280 Speaker 1: turning one. Happy birthday everyone, I hope you have a 24 00:01:57,320 --> 00:02:03,920 Speaker 1: wonderful days, birthday wishes and a touch of extra gratitude. 25 00:02:04,320 --> 00:02:07,919 Speaker 1: Join us as a supporter. In addition to shout outs, 26 00:02:08,280 --> 00:02:12,560 Speaker 1: you'll enjoy exclusive stories and an ad free listening experience. 27 00:02:13,520 --> 00:02:17,320 Speaker 1: Find out more at sleep tightstories dot org, slash support 28 00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:29,560 Speaker 1: Thank you. Esther wakes up in pain after a night's 29 00:02:29,639 --> 00:02:34,000 Speaker 1: sleep on the rocks. She and Ariah still need to 30 00:02:34,040 --> 00:02:36,640 Speaker 1: get to the top of the summit, but the path 31 00:02:36,760 --> 00:02:40,200 Speaker 1: is getting more narrow and even the air is thinner. 32 00:02:42,840 --> 00:02:45,720 Speaker 1: Esther dreamt about the summit and has an idea of 33 00:02:45,720 --> 00:02:49,680 Speaker 1: what to expect when she gets there, But when they 34 00:02:49,720 --> 00:02:53,880 Speaker 1: do finally arrive at the summit, even she is surprised 35 00:02:53,880 --> 00:03:01,000 Speaker 1: by what happens. The Magical Book of Dreams, Part twenty 36 00:03:01,080 --> 00:03:08,239 Speaker 1: seven Esther woke in pain, her back hurt from the hard, 37 00:03:08,360 --> 00:03:11,799 Speaker 1: rocky ground, and her legs let her know they would 38 00:03:11,840 --> 00:03:17,360 Speaker 1: resist any efforts to move from her present position. She 39 00:03:17,440 --> 00:03:22,280 Speaker 1: had slept a long time. She could tell exhaustion is 40 00:03:22,320 --> 00:03:25,840 Speaker 1: a great way to ensure you sleep soundly, even with 41 00:03:25,919 --> 00:03:30,560 Speaker 1: a bed of rocks and dirt. Her sleep was full 42 00:03:30,600 --> 00:03:34,960 Speaker 1: of dreams, images of her mother and brother. Back in Shirewood. 43 00:03:35,920 --> 00:03:39,320 Speaker 1: She saw her father. He looked thin and older, with 44 00:03:39,400 --> 00:03:43,760 Speaker 1: white hair. She saw what once looked like a great castle, 45 00:03:44,120 --> 00:03:49,120 Speaker 1: now fallen into room, its magnificent gardens now devoid of 46 00:03:49,160 --> 00:03:53,880 Speaker 1: any color. She saw the summit of Valdoria again, this 47 00:03:54,000 --> 00:03:57,520 Speaker 1: time during the day and without the mist. It was 48 00:03:57,560 --> 00:04:00,600 Speaker 1: a clear view of the sky and the star that 49 00:04:00,720 --> 00:04:04,960 Speaker 1: gave it its name. She saw the tree with its 50 00:04:05,000 --> 00:04:09,520 Speaker 1: thick scars, but still reaching to the sky, a sign 51 00:04:09,560 --> 00:04:13,640 Speaker 1: that it still had hope for a better future. Its 52 00:04:13,760 --> 00:04:18,039 Speaker 1: leaves were dark, but with some traces of color, like 53 00:04:18,120 --> 00:04:25,000 Speaker 1: good magic still existed. Opening her eyes, she thought about 54 00:04:25,000 --> 00:04:28,360 Speaker 1: how her mother and little brother looked in her dream. 55 00:04:28,920 --> 00:04:33,799 Speaker 1: They both looked sad. She hadn't thought of the consequences 56 00:04:33,839 --> 00:04:36,839 Speaker 1: of leaving to find her father, of walking through the 57 00:04:36,880 --> 00:04:43,000 Speaker 1: portal If she had, she would never have left. Her 58 00:04:43,040 --> 00:04:46,119 Speaker 1: brother would be fine, but how would her mother deal 59 00:04:46,160 --> 00:04:51,599 Speaker 1: with losing two to the unknown realm? You are finally awake, 60 00:04:51,680 --> 00:04:55,159 Speaker 1: are you, Princess, Ariah said, with a smirk on her face. 61 00:04:56,279 --> 00:04:58,240 Speaker 1: I thought of going over to check if you were 62 00:04:58,240 --> 00:05:02,840 Speaker 1: still breathing. Who slept so soundly. If it hadn't been 63 00:05:02,920 --> 00:05:06,080 Speaker 1: for your loud snorts and grunts in your sleep, I 64 00:05:06,160 --> 00:05:08,120 Speaker 1: might have thought you left us for the land of 65 00:05:08,200 --> 00:05:15,200 Speaker 1: constant rainbows. I'm not an animal from a farm. Esther retorted, 66 00:05:15,800 --> 00:05:18,960 Speaker 1: Have you been standing there all night? Surely you need 67 00:05:19,040 --> 00:05:23,840 Speaker 1: sleep too. I slept off and on. You never know 68 00:05:23,920 --> 00:05:27,200 Speaker 1: what might sneak up on us when we sleep. I've 69 00:05:27,200 --> 00:05:31,000 Speaker 1: heard tales of people finding themselves waking up in one 70 00:05:31,000 --> 00:05:35,279 Speaker 1: of the Queen's work camps, Ariah said, as she continued 71 00:05:35,320 --> 00:05:39,240 Speaker 1: to scan the area her problems. Do they have beds 72 00:05:39,279 --> 00:05:43,080 Speaker 1: at these camps? If they do, it might be preferable 73 00:05:43,120 --> 00:05:47,120 Speaker 1: to where we slept. Esther said as she shakily got 74 00:05:47,120 --> 00:05:51,640 Speaker 1: to her feet, stretching out her back, which made audible cracks. 75 00:05:52,960 --> 00:05:57,200 Speaker 1: Beds made from stone, Ariah said, handing Esther her water 76 00:05:57,320 --> 00:06:04,200 Speaker 1: sack and more sticky food. After taking a drink and 77 00:06:04,240 --> 00:06:08,800 Speaker 1: a mouthful of food. Esther brushed herself off and mumbled 78 00:06:08,839 --> 00:06:11,760 Speaker 1: with her cheeks full. Well, I guess we should get going. 79 00:06:13,440 --> 00:06:17,840 Speaker 1: The summit is waiting for its princess, Riah replied Riley. 80 00:06:19,080 --> 00:06:23,080 Speaker 1: Hopefully that's all it is. I hope I never see 81 00:06:23,080 --> 00:06:26,839 Speaker 1: one of those awful creatures again, Estra said, as she 82 00:06:26,960 --> 00:06:33,719 Speaker 1: slung her bag and took the lead. Yet again. They 83 00:06:33,760 --> 00:06:37,600 Speaker 1: started their ascent, their feet finding purchase on the narrow 84 00:06:37,680 --> 00:06:43,000 Speaker 1: ledges and craggy outcroppings that dotted the steep path. It's 85 00:06:43,040 --> 00:06:46,840 Speaker 1: a bit cooler than I remember, Estra said. The air 86 00:06:47,000 --> 00:06:50,680 Speaker 1: was thin and crisp, biting at both their cheeks and 87 00:06:50,760 --> 00:06:55,320 Speaker 1: making their breath visible in puffs of white. We were 88 00:06:55,320 --> 00:06:58,080 Speaker 1: both warm from the walk and sheltered when we slept. 89 00:06:58,880 --> 00:07:02,360 Speaker 1: It will get cooler the higher we go. I don't 90 00:07:02,360 --> 00:07:04,640 Speaker 1: suppose you know a spell that will make us warm, 91 00:07:04,720 --> 00:07:09,400 Speaker 1: do you, Riah joked. If I knew how to produce 92 00:07:09,440 --> 00:07:13,080 Speaker 1: good magic, I would have created fluffy beds made from 93 00:07:13,120 --> 00:07:16,080 Speaker 1: feathers and a pot of my mother's stew to warm 94 00:07:16,160 --> 00:07:19,520 Speaker 1: us as we walked. Esther said, as she willed her 95 00:07:19,600 --> 00:07:24,560 Speaker 1: legs to work. Hh, you must have been dreaming, Riah said, 96 00:07:25,160 --> 00:07:27,880 Speaker 1: slowing her pace to give Estra time to warm up. 97 00:07:30,960 --> 00:07:34,840 Speaker 1: While the summit looked close, the path ahead was steeper 98 00:07:35,160 --> 00:07:40,400 Speaker 1: and more treacherous than anything they had faced. The mountain 99 00:07:40,480 --> 00:07:44,680 Speaker 1: seemed to rear up against them, its slopes featuring jagged, 100 00:07:44,800 --> 00:07:50,160 Speaker 1: branch like pieces of rock. The sun cast long shadows 101 00:07:50,200 --> 00:07:54,520 Speaker 1: across the mountain, filtered by the ever present gray, the 102 00:07:54,600 --> 00:07:58,960 Speaker 1: light glinting off shiny fragments of rock that looked almost 103 00:07:59,040 --> 00:08:04,680 Speaker 1: like glass or eyes. With each step, the summit seemed 104 00:08:04,720 --> 00:08:09,000 Speaker 1: to grow closer and somehow more distant, a paradox of 105 00:08:09,040 --> 00:08:15,160 Speaker 1: the mountain's daunting scale. The air grew even colder and thinner, 106 00:08:15,600 --> 00:08:21,000 Speaker 1: making each breath an effort. Esther struggled, but she didn't complain. 107 00:08:22,480 --> 00:08:26,600 Speaker 1: Even Ariah was breathing heavier, which made Esther feel less 108 00:08:26,640 --> 00:08:30,080 Speaker 1: guilty that she was having such a hard time and 109 00:08:30,240 --> 00:08:35,920 Speaker 1: moving so slowly. Despite the physical toll, they both felt 110 00:08:35,920 --> 00:08:40,040 Speaker 1: excited by what they saw below them. The lands were 111 00:08:40,080 --> 00:08:44,160 Speaker 1: a patchwork of gray and the occasional spots of green. 112 00:08:45,679 --> 00:08:47,960 Speaker 1: The only sound they could hear was the sound of 113 00:08:48,000 --> 00:08:52,959 Speaker 1: the wind and their own breath. It felt isolated up here, 114 00:08:53,720 --> 00:08:58,480 Speaker 1: but the sense of danger never really left. Ariyah kept 115 00:08:58,520 --> 00:09:03,280 Speaker 1: looking for the signs of Gaelics and Chicalaurs, their absence 116 00:09:03,320 --> 00:09:09,240 Speaker 1: a relief. As they neared the summit, the path became 117 00:09:09,280 --> 00:09:13,480 Speaker 1: a narrow ridge, the drop offs on either side sheer 118 00:09:13,600 --> 00:09:18,840 Speaker 1: and scary. Esther slowed her pace, her heart racing from 119 00:09:18,960 --> 00:09:26,120 Speaker 1: fear and effort. They moved carefully. Esther stopped to take 120 00:09:26,160 --> 00:09:30,559 Speaker 1: a breath. She was so close, yet she wasn't sure 121 00:09:30,640 --> 00:09:36,199 Speaker 1: she could continue. Her legs were visibly shaking. She looked 122 00:09:36,200 --> 00:09:40,959 Speaker 1: at Aaryah. You can do it, was all Riah said, 123 00:09:42,760 --> 00:09:49,760 Speaker 1: and they did. Reaching the starlit summit of Eldoria was 124 00:09:49,960 --> 00:09:55,959 Speaker 1: unlike anything Esther or Ariyah could have anticipated, especially for Esther, 125 00:09:56,760 --> 00:10:01,160 Speaker 1: who had seen glimpses of it in her dreams. The 126 00:10:01,160 --> 00:10:04,880 Speaker 1: reality of the summit was a stark reflection of those visions, 127 00:10:05,679 --> 00:10:09,640 Speaker 1: filled with the omnipresent shadow of danger that seemed to 128 00:10:09,679 --> 00:10:15,360 Speaker 1: follow them even here. The peak of the mountain was 129 00:10:15,520 --> 00:10:20,199 Speaker 1: enshrouded in thick, swirling mists that gave the landscape and 130 00:10:20,360 --> 00:10:25,640 Speaker 1: other worldly appearance. The air was charged, as if a 131 00:10:25,679 --> 00:10:30,719 Speaker 1: storm brewed just beyond the horizon. As they made their 132 00:10:30,800 --> 00:10:34,600 Speaker 1: final steps onto the summit, the vastness of the realm 133 00:10:34,720 --> 00:10:38,600 Speaker 1: spread out below them, a reminder of the once vibrant 134 00:10:38,640 --> 00:10:42,120 Speaker 1: life that had now dimmed under a veil of sorrow. 135 00:10:44,520 --> 00:10:47,760 Speaker 1: The forests that spanned the foothills were a shadow of 136 00:10:47,800 --> 00:10:52,240 Speaker 1: their former selves, all rock now, and the rivers that 137 00:10:52,280 --> 00:10:56,000 Speaker 1: cut through the land were but dark, winding paths through 138 00:10:56,000 --> 00:11:02,320 Speaker 1: the wilderness. Despite their exhaust question, Esther and Riah were 139 00:11:02,400 --> 00:11:07,080 Speaker 1: driven by a sense of purpose. Esther in particular felt 140 00:11:07,080 --> 00:11:10,840 Speaker 1: the weight of her dream guiding her steps. She was 141 00:11:10,920 --> 00:11:15,480 Speaker 1: climbing to find answers to what her purpose was, and 142 00:11:15,520 --> 00:11:20,640 Speaker 1: to find a path to her father, the heart of 143 00:11:20,920 --> 00:11:24,920 Speaker 1: Esther's dream. The great tree at the summit was indeed 144 00:11:25,160 --> 00:11:29,920 Speaker 1: waiting for them, just as she had seen. Its wide 145 00:11:30,000 --> 00:11:34,680 Speaker 1: branches stretched out towards the sky, but up close its 146 00:11:34,720 --> 00:11:40,120 Speaker 1: scars were more evident. The trunk bore the marks of damage, 147 00:11:40,559 --> 00:11:44,320 Speaker 1: and its leaves, though still reaching for the light, were 148 00:11:44,480 --> 00:11:49,080 Speaker 1: edged with darkness. It was resilient, like the people of 149 00:11:49,120 --> 00:11:56,559 Speaker 1: the known realm. Esther approached it slowly, her hand outstretched 150 00:11:56,880 --> 00:12:03,720 Speaker 1: to touch the rough bark. Connection was immediate. A flood 151 00:12:03,840 --> 00:12:08,080 Speaker 1: of emotions and visions washed over her, a mix of 152 00:12:08,120 --> 00:12:12,600 Speaker 1: hope and despair, of battles fought and yet too be fought. 153 00:12:15,720 --> 00:12:20,240 Speaker 1: Riah watched in silence, understanding the significance of this moment 154 00:12:20,280 --> 00:12:24,040 Speaker 1: for Esther. This is it, isn't it the place your 155 00:12:24,120 --> 00:12:29,480 Speaker 1: vision guided us too, she said softly. Esther nodded, her 156 00:12:29,520 --> 00:12:33,720 Speaker 1: eyes filled with tears. Yes, but it's more than that. 157 00:12:34,520 --> 00:12:41,040 Speaker 1: It's a sign. The moment Esther's fingertips brushed against the 158 00:12:41,080 --> 00:12:45,160 Speaker 1: scarred bark of the great Tree, the air around them shifted, 159 00:12:46,520 --> 00:12:50,560 Speaker 1: The pervasive mists that had cloaked the summit receded, and 160 00:12:50,640 --> 00:12:55,839 Speaker 1: the sky above transformed into a canvas of brilliant blue. 161 00:12:56,240 --> 00:12:59,559 Speaker 1: The chill that had accompanied them up the mountain dissipated, 162 00:13:00,240 --> 00:13:05,520 Speaker 1: replaced by a comforting warmth that surrounded Esther, seeping into 163 00:13:05,559 --> 00:13:11,640 Speaker 1: her bones and igniting a light within her heart. As 164 00:13:11,679 --> 00:13:16,160 Speaker 1: she stood there, hand pressed against the tree, her eyes closed, 165 00:13:16,640 --> 00:13:21,200 Speaker 1: a vision unfolded in her mind's eye. She saw the 166 00:13:21,320 --> 00:13:25,280 Speaker 1: unknown realm, not as it was, but as it could be, 167 00:13:25,960 --> 00:13:32,400 Speaker 1: alive with color and magic. The forests were lush and vibrant, 168 00:13:32,679 --> 00:13:37,559 Speaker 1: the rivers clear and teeming with life, and the meadows 169 00:13:37,600 --> 00:13:43,080 Speaker 1: bloomed with an endless variety of flowers. The people of 170 00:13:43,120 --> 00:13:46,840 Speaker 1: the Kingdom were gathered in a great circle. Their faces 171 00:13:46,920 --> 00:13:53,240 Speaker 1: turned towards her, eyes filled with hope. In the center 172 00:13:53,320 --> 00:13:57,040 Speaker 1: of this vision stood esther, but not the ester who 173 00:13:57,120 --> 00:14:00,440 Speaker 1: had climbed the mountain, the one with weak legs and dark, 174 00:14:00,559 --> 00:14:06,320 Speaker 1: ragged clothes. This version of her was radiant, clothed in 175 00:14:06,440 --> 00:14:10,840 Speaker 1: light that seemed to emanate from within her. She was 176 00:14:10,920 --> 00:14:15,839 Speaker 1: their princess, their future queen, the conduit through which the 177 00:14:15,880 --> 00:14:21,440 Speaker 1: good magic flowed back into the realm. The vision showed 178 00:14:21,440 --> 00:14:25,560 Speaker 1: her leading her people, not with power, but with the 179 00:14:25,600 --> 00:14:30,120 Speaker 1: goodness of her heart, restoring the land to its former glory. 180 00:14:33,280 --> 00:14:36,800 Speaker 1: Then the vision shifted and she was in a dark place, 181 00:14:37,440 --> 00:14:42,360 Speaker 1: the air thick with the scent of decay. There, imprisoned 182 00:14:42,360 --> 00:14:47,040 Speaker 1: by shadows, was her father, looking much older, but with 183 00:14:47,120 --> 00:14:52,520 Speaker 1: the same kind eyes. He reached out to her, and 184 00:14:52,600 --> 00:14:56,480 Speaker 1: she knew she was the key to his release. The 185 00:14:56,560 --> 00:14:59,920 Speaker 1: path to him was clear, lit by the soft gol, 186 00:15:00,000 --> 00:15:03,240 Speaker 1: the lowing light of her map that she knew to follow. 187 00:15:06,440 --> 00:15:11,840 Speaker 1: The tree whispered to her, its voice a warm, gentle breeze. 188 00:15:12,040 --> 00:15:15,640 Speaker 1: It told her of her importance to the realm, of 189 00:15:15,680 --> 00:15:19,880 Speaker 1: the role she was born to play. She was the 190 00:15:20,000 --> 00:15:23,200 Speaker 1: antidote to the gray that had seeped into the land. 191 00:15:24,000 --> 00:15:27,880 Speaker 1: The only one who could confront the current queen, whose 192 00:15:27,920 --> 00:15:32,440 Speaker 1: heart had been captured by the artifact. Esther was to 193 00:15:32,520 --> 00:15:40,560 Speaker 1: replace gray with light, despair with hope. As the vision faded, 194 00:15:41,000 --> 00:15:45,160 Speaker 1: Esther was left with an incredible sense of purpose. She 195 00:15:45,280 --> 00:15:48,880 Speaker 1: felt that she had gained a hundred years worth of experience. 196 00:15:50,280 --> 00:15:53,960 Speaker 1: She opened her eyes to find the summit bathed in sunlight, 197 00:15:54,960 --> 00:15:59,920 Speaker 1: the tree's leaves shimmering with a vitality that mirrored the transformation, 198 00:16:00,080 --> 00:16:05,760 Speaker 1: and she felt within herself. She turned to Ariah, who 199 00:16:05,760 --> 00:16:09,560 Speaker 1: had witnessed the change but not the vision, her expression 200 00:16:09,680 --> 00:16:15,600 Speaker 1: a mix of awe and curiosity. I know what we 201 00:16:15,720 --> 00:16:19,400 Speaker 1: must do, Esther said, her voice steady and filled with 202 00:16:19,440 --> 00:16:23,960 Speaker 1: a new found confidence. I've seen the path and it 203 00:16:24,080 --> 00:16:27,080 Speaker 1: leads us to my father. But it's more than that. 204 00:16:28,080 --> 00:16:31,040 Speaker 1: I am to bring back the magic to heal the 205 00:16:31,160 --> 00:16:35,880 Speaker 1: land and its people. The tree told me, I am 206 00:16:35,920 --> 00:16:43,560 Speaker 1: their future queen. Ariah smiled and almost cheered. The elders 207 00:16:43,560 --> 00:16:46,880 Speaker 1: were right. I should never have doubted them, or doubted 208 00:16:46,960 --> 00:16:52,720 Speaker 1: you and your skinny legs. Looking down, Esther saw her 209 00:16:52,760 --> 00:16:57,360 Speaker 1: bag softly glowing again. Taking the book out of her bag, 210 00:16:57,760 --> 00:17:01,680 Speaker 1: she turned to the map, feeling the path to her father. 211 00:17:04,040 --> 00:17:06,879 Speaker 1: I know the way, I know where my father is 212 00:17:07,359 --> 00:17:11,000 Speaker 1: and he is not far from here. Let's go. We 213 00:17:11,119 --> 00:17:15,040 Speaker 1: have no time to waste, Esther said, all feelings of 214 00:17:15,119 --> 00:17:21,399 Speaker 1: exhaustion gone. It's close and all downhill. What could go wrong? 215 00:17:25,240 --> 00:17:30,200 Speaker 1: And that is the end of this part. Good night, 216 00:17:32,080 --> 00:17:32,640 Speaker 1: sleep tight,