1 00:00:09,920 --> 00:00:12,639 Speaker 1: Welcome, sleep tight stories. 2 00:00:34,040 --> 00:00:43,479 Speaker 2: The slow little mud turtle. When the twenty little mud 3 00:00:43,520 --> 00:00:49,400 Speaker 2: turtles broke their eggshells one hot summer day and poked 4 00:00:49,479 --> 00:00:53,120 Speaker 2: their way up through the warm sand in which they 5 00:00:53,159 --> 00:00:58,520 Speaker 2: had been buried, they looked almost as much alike as 6 00:00:58,680 --> 00:01:05,839 Speaker 2: many raindrops do. The mother turtle, who was sunning herself 7 00:01:05,920 --> 00:01:10,360 Speaker 2: on the bank near by, said to her friends, why 8 00:01:10,920 --> 00:01:15,360 Speaker 2: there are my children? Did you ever see a finer family? 9 00:01:16,240 --> 00:01:22,240 Speaker 2: I believe I will go over and speak to them. 10 00:01:23,200 --> 00:01:27,080 Speaker 2: Most of the young mud turtles crawled quickly out of 11 00:01:27,120 --> 00:01:32,360 Speaker 2: the sand and broken shells, and began drying themselves in 12 00:01:32,520 --> 00:01:39,880 Speaker 2: the sunshine. One slow little fellow stopped to look at 13 00:01:39,920 --> 00:01:44,640 Speaker 2: the broken shells, stubbed one of his front toes on 14 00:01:44,760 --> 00:01:49,760 Speaker 2: a large piece, and then sat down until it should 15 00:01:49,800 --> 00:01:54,640 Speaker 2: stop aching. Wait for me, he called out to his 16 00:01:54,760 --> 00:02:00,760 Speaker 2: brothers and sisters, I'm coming in a minute. The other 17 00:02:00,880 --> 00:02:07,640 Speaker 2: little turtles waited, but when his toe was comfortable again 18 00:02:08,360 --> 00:02:12,880 Speaker 2: and he started toward them, he met a very interesting 19 00:02:13,040 --> 00:02:19,920 Speaker 2: snail and talked awhile with him. Come on, said the 20 00:02:19,919 --> 00:02:24,639 Speaker 2: biggest little turtle. Don't let's wait any longer. He can 21 00:02:24,720 --> 00:02:32,160 Speaker 2: catch up. So they sprawled along until they came to 22 00:02:32,240 --> 00:02:36,200 Speaker 2: a place where they could sit in a row on 23 00:02:36,320 --> 00:02:41,320 Speaker 2: an old log, and they climbed on to it and 24 00:02:41,480 --> 00:02:44,000 Speaker 2: sat just close enough together. 25 00:02:44,560 --> 00:02:51,200 Speaker 1: And not at all too close. Then the slow. 26 00:02:51,080 --> 00:02:56,160 Speaker 2: Little turtle came hurrying over the sand, with a rather 27 00:02:56,520 --> 00:03:00,520 Speaker 2: cross look in his eyes, and putting him his feet 28 00:03:00,639 --> 00:03:04,839 Speaker 2: down a little harder than he needed to, quite as 29 00:03:04,880 --> 00:03:08,960 Speaker 2: though he were out of patience about something. Why didn't 30 00:03:09,000 --> 00:03:12,560 Speaker 2: you turtles wait for me, he grumbled, I was coming 31 00:03:12,639 --> 00:03:20,919 Speaker 2: right along. Just then the mother turtle came up. Good morning, 32 00:03:21,840 --> 00:03:29,840 Speaker 2: She said, I believe you are my children. The little 33 00:03:29,919 --> 00:03:34,200 Speaker 2: mud turtles looked at each other and didn't say a word. 34 00:03:36,800 --> 00:03:40,880 Speaker 2: This was not because they were rude or bashful, but 35 00:03:41,000 --> 00:03:45,600 Speaker 2: because they did not know what to say, and that, 36 00:03:45,880 --> 00:03:50,080 Speaker 2: you know, was quite right, for unless one has something 37 00:03:50,240 --> 00:03:55,440 Speaker 2: worth saying, it is far better to say nothing at all. 38 00:03:59,560 --> 00:04:04,400 Speaker 2: She threw a long mud turtle breath and answered her 39 00:04:04,480 --> 00:04:11,640 Speaker 2: own question. Yes, she said, you certainly are, for I 40 00:04:11,680 --> 00:04:16,040 Speaker 2: saw you scrambling out of the sand a little while ago, 41 00:04:16,360 --> 00:04:19,960 Speaker 2: and you came from the very place where I laid 42 00:04:20,000 --> 00:04:25,240 Speaker 2: my eggs and covered them during the first really warm 43 00:04:25,480 --> 00:04:32,360 Speaker 2: nights this year. I was telling your father only yesterday 44 00:04:32,960 --> 00:04:37,320 Speaker 2: that it was about time for you to hatch. The 45 00:04:37,440 --> 00:04:40,840 Speaker 2: sun has been so hot lately that I was sure 46 00:04:41,000 --> 00:04:48,960 Speaker 2: you would do well. The mother turtle stretched her head 47 00:04:49,080 --> 00:04:53,800 Speaker 2: this way and that until there was hardly a wrinkle 48 00:04:53,960 --> 00:04:57,760 Speaker 2: left in her neck skin. She was so eager to 49 00:04:57,839 --> 00:05:02,919 Speaker 2: see them all. Why are you not up here with 50 00:05:03,000 --> 00:05:07,800 Speaker 2: your brothers and sisters, she asked suddenly of the slow 51 00:05:08,160 --> 00:05:11,680 Speaker 2: little turtle, who was trying to make a place for 52 00:05:11,800 --> 00:05:12,880 Speaker 2: himself on the log. 53 00:05:15,720 --> 00:05:19,000 Speaker 1: They didn't wait for me, he said, I was. 54 00:05:18,960 --> 00:05:21,680 Speaker 2: Coming right along, but they wouldn't wait. I think they 55 00:05:21,680 --> 00:05:26,800 Speaker 2: are just as mean. The mother turtle raised one of 56 00:05:26,839 --> 00:05:31,479 Speaker 2: her fore feet until all five of its toes, with 57 00:05:31,600 --> 00:05:38,960 Speaker 2: their strong claws, were pointing at him. She also raised 58 00:05:39,000 --> 00:05:41,760 Speaker 2: her head as far as her upper shell would let her. 59 00:05:43,560 --> 00:05:48,279 Speaker 2: So you are the one, she said, I thought you 60 00:05:48,400 --> 00:05:51,520 Speaker 2: were when I heard you trying to make the others wait. 61 00:05:53,200 --> 00:05:59,880 Speaker 2: It is too bad. She looked so stern that the 62 00:06:00,120 --> 00:06:03,320 Speaker 2: slow little turtle didn't dare finish what he had begun 63 00:06:03,480 --> 00:06:07,920 Speaker 2: to say. Yet, down in his little turtle heart, he thought, 64 00:06:08,440 --> 00:06:12,440 Speaker 2: now they are going to catch it. He was sure 65 00:06:12,839 --> 00:06:16,480 Speaker 2: his mother was going to scold the other turtle children 66 00:06:16,960 --> 00:06:21,720 Speaker 2: for leaving him behind. He wanted to see what they 67 00:06:21,760 --> 00:06:25,680 Speaker 2: would do. So he looked out of his right eye 68 00:06:26,120 --> 00:06:29,839 Speaker 2: at the ten brothers and sisters on that side, and 69 00:06:29,920 --> 00:06:33,120 Speaker 2: out of his left eye at the nine brothers and 70 00:06:33,200 --> 00:06:37,440 Speaker 2: sisters on that side. He could do this very easily 71 00:06:38,080 --> 00:06:41,359 Speaker 2: because his eyes were not on the front of his 72 00:06:41,520 --> 00:06:52,280 Speaker 2: head like those of some people, but one on each side. 73 00:06:52,640 --> 00:06:57,720 Speaker 2: I have raised families of young turtles every year, said 74 00:06:57,760 --> 00:07:01,640 Speaker 2: the mother turtle. The first year I had only a 75 00:07:01,720 --> 00:07:05,839 Speaker 2: few children. The next year I had more, and so 76 00:07:06,040 --> 00:07:09,640 Speaker 2: it has gone every year a few more children than 77 00:07:09,680 --> 00:07:14,280 Speaker 2: the year before. Until now I never knew quite how 78 00:07:14,360 --> 00:07:15,480 Speaker 2: many I did have. 79 00:07:16,800 --> 00:07:21,000 Speaker 1: But there is always one slow little. 80 00:07:20,680 --> 00:07:25,119 Speaker 2: Turtle who lags behind and wants the others to wait 81 00:07:25,160 --> 00:07:26,280 Speaker 2: for him. 82 00:07:27,400 --> 00:07:28,360 Speaker 1: That makes him. 83 00:07:28,200 --> 00:07:32,480 Speaker 2: Miss his share of good things, and then he is 84 00:07:32,600 --> 00:07:36,680 Speaker 2: quite certain to be cross and think it is somebody 85 00:07:36,920 --> 00:07:45,120 Speaker 2: else's fault. The slow little turtle felt the ten brothers 86 00:07:45,160 --> 00:07:48,680 Speaker 2: and sisters on his right side looking at him out 87 00:07:48,680 --> 00:07:52,160 Speaker 2: of their left eyes, and the nine brothers and sisters 88 00:07:52,160 --> 00:07:55,520 Speaker 2: on his left side looking at him out of their 89 00:07:55,600 --> 00:08:00,400 Speaker 2: right eyes. He drew in his head and his tail 90 00:08:00,440 --> 00:08:04,640 Speaker 2: and his legs, until all they could see was his 91 00:08:04,840 --> 00:08:10,440 Speaker 2: rounded upper shell, his shell side walls, and the yellow 92 00:08:10,560 --> 00:08:16,760 Speaker 2: edge of his flat lower shell. He would have liked 93 00:08:16,760 --> 00:08:19,360 Speaker 2: to draw them in two, but of course he couldn't 94 00:08:19,400 --> 00:08:26,000 Speaker 2: do that. I did hope, said the mother turtle, that 95 00:08:26,160 --> 00:08:30,840 Speaker 2: I might have one family without such a child in it. 96 00:08:32,559 --> 00:08:35,640 Speaker 2: I cannot help loving even a slow child who is 97 00:08:35,760 --> 00:08:39,880 Speaker 2: cross if he is hatched from one of my eggs. 98 00:08:39,960 --> 00:08:47,400 Speaker 2: Yet it makes me sad, very very sad. Try to 99 00:08:47,440 --> 00:08:50,960 Speaker 2: get over this, she said to the slow little turtle 100 00:08:51,480 --> 00:08:56,920 Speaker 2: before it is too late. And you, she added, turning 101 00:08:57,000 --> 00:09:01,000 Speaker 2: to his brothers and sisters, must be patient with him. 102 00:09:01,640 --> 00:09:06,080 Speaker 2: We shall not have him with us long. What do 103 00:09:06,120 --> 00:09:11,320 Speaker 2: you mean, asked the slow little turtle, peeping out from 104 00:09:11,360 --> 00:09:18,920 Speaker 2: between his shells. I'm not going away. You do not 105 00:09:19,160 --> 00:09:22,640 Speaker 2: want to, said his mother. But you will not be 106 00:09:22,800 --> 00:09:27,280 Speaker 2: with us long unless you learn to keep up with 107 00:09:27,520 --> 00:09:34,160 Speaker 2: the rest. Something always happens to pond people who are 108 00:09:34,240 --> 00:09:38,320 Speaker 2: too slow. I cannot tell you what it will be, 109 00:09:39,240 --> 00:09:40,520 Speaker 2: yet it is sure to. 110 00:09:40,559 --> 00:09:41,679 Speaker 1: Be something. 111 00:09:43,440 --> 00:09:47,440 Speaker 2: I remember so well my first slow child, and how 112 00:09:47,480 --> 00:09:52,720 Speaker 2: he She began to cry, and since she could not 113 00:09:52,880 --> 00:09:57,559 Speaker 2: easily get her four feet to her eyes, she sprawled 114 00:09:57,559 --> 00:10:01,319 Speaker 2: through the pond and swam off with only her head 115 00:10:01,880 --> 00:10:05,600 Speaker 2: and a little of her upper shell. Showing above the water. 116 00:10:10,120 --> 00:10:14,520 Speaker 2: The slow little turtle was really frightened by what his 117 00:10:14,679 --> 00:10:19,520 Speaker 2: mother had said, and for a few days he tried 118 00:10:19,640 --> 00:10:25,240 Speaker 2: to keep up with the others. Nothing happened to him, 119 00:10:25,280 --> 00:10:31,320 Speaker 2: and so he grew careless and made people wait for him, 120 00:10:31,440 --> 00:10:36,079 Speaker 2: just because he was not quite ready to go with them, 121 00:10:36,640 --> 00:10:41,000 Speaker 2: or because he wanted to do this, or look at that, 122 00:10:41,440 --> 00:10:47,920 Speaker 2: or talk to some other person. He was a very 123 00:10:48,160 --> 00:10:52,800 Speaker 2: trying little turtle. Yet his mother loved him and did 124 00:10:52,840 --> 00:10:56,359 Speaker 2: not like it when the rest called him a land tortoise. 125 00:10:58,679 --> 00:11:01,439 Speaker 2: It is all right, you know, to be a land tortoise, 126 00:11:01,880 --> 00:11:06,280 Speaker 2: when your father and mother are land tortoises, and these 127 00:11:06,400 --> 00:11:10,240 Speaker 2: cousins of the turtles look so much like them that. 128 00:11:10,080 --> 00:11:12,280 Speaker 1: Some people cannot tell them apart. 129 00:11:14,600 --> 00:11:19,600 Speaker 2: That is because they forget that the tortoises live on land, 130 00:11:20,800 --> 00:11:32,960 Speaker 2: have higher backshells and move very very slowly. Turtles live 131 00:11:33,080 --> 00:11:37,920 Speaker 2: more in the water and can move quickly if they want. 132 00:11:39,960 --> 00:11:44,120 Speaker 2: This is why other turtles sometimes make fun of a 133 00:11:44,240 --> 00:11:54,760 Speaker 2: slow brother by calling him a land tortoise. One beautiful, 134 00:11:55,000 --> 00:12:00,520 Speaker 2: sunshiny afternoon, when most of the twenty little turtles were 135 00:12:00,559 --> 00:12:04,480 Speaker 2: sitting on a floating log by the edge of the pond. 136 00:12:05,600 --> 00:12:08,880 Speaker 2: Their mother was with some of her friends on another 137 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:15,480 Speaker 2: log near by. She looked often at her children and 138 00:12:15,600 --> 00:12:20,040 Speaker 2: thought how handsome their rounded up back shells were in 139 00:12:20,120 --> 00:12:23,880 Speaker 2: the sunshine, with the little red and yellow markings showing 140 00:12:23,960 --> 00:12:24,600 Speaker 2: on the black. 141 00:12:28,080 --> 00:12:30,240 Speaker 1: She could see their strong. 142 00:12:30,040 --> 00:12:34,320 Speaker 2: Little pointed tails, too, and their webbed feet with a 143 00:12:34,360 --> 00:12:40,440 Speaker 2: stout claw on each toe. She was so proud that 144 00:12:40,559 --> 00:12:45,240 Speaker 2: she could not help talking about them. Is there any 145 00:12:45,360 --> 00:12:49,120 Speaker 2: sight more beautiful, she said, than a row of good 146 00:12:49,240 --> 00:12:55,560 Speaker 2: little turtles, Yes, said a fine old fellow who was 147 00:12:55,600 --> 00:13:00,640 Speaker 2: floating near her, a row of their mothers. He was 148 00:13:00,679 --> 00:13:04,439 Speaker 2: a turtle whom she never liked very well, but now 149 00:13:04,480 --> 00:13:07,800 Speaker 2: she began to think that he was rather agreeable. After all. 150 00:13:09,360 --> 00:13:12,720 Speaker 2: She was just noticing how beautifully the skin wrinkled on 151 00:13:12,880 --> 00:13:20,360 Speaker 2: his neck. When she heard a splash and saw two terrible, great, 152 00:13:20,559 --> 00:13:28,680 Speaker 2: two legged animals wading into the pond from the shore boys. 153 00:13:29,559 --> 00:13:33,360 Speaker 1: She cried, boys, and. 154 00:13:33,400 --> 00:13:36,800 Speaker 2: She sprawled off the end of her log and slid 155 00:13:36,880 --> 00:13:44,040 Speaker 2: into the water, all her friends following her. The biggest 156 00:13:44,080 --> 00:13:50,560 Speaker 2: little turtle saw these great animals coming toward him. He 157 00:13:50,640 --> 00:13:53,680 Speaker 2: sprawled off the end of his log and slid into 158 00:13:53,720 --> 00:13:57,560 Speaker 2: the water, and all his brothers and sisters followed him, 159 00:13:58,520 --> 00:14:05,679 Speaker 2: except the slow little turtle. Wait for me, he said, 160 00:14:06,040 --> 00:14:11,800 Speaker 2: I'm coming in just ah. Then one of these great 161 00:14:12,080 --> 00:14:18,840 Speaker 2: animals stooped over and picked him up and held him 162 00:14:19,360 --> 00:14:25,000 Speaker 2: bottom side uppermost, and rapped on that side, which was flat, 163 00:14:25,960 --> 00:14:29,280 Speaker 2: and on the other side, which was rounded. 164 00:14:29,520 --> 00:14:34,120 Speaker 1: And stared at him with two great eyes. 165 00:14:37,440 --> 00:14:41,240 Speaker 2: Next, the other great animal took him and turned him 166 00:14:41,280 --> 00:14:44,880 Speaker 2: over and rapped on his shells and stared at him. 167 00:14:47,320 --> 00:14:52,600 Speaker 2: The poor slow little turtle drew in his head and 168 00:14:52,760 --> 00:15:02,480 Speaker 2: tail and legs and kept very, very still. He wished 169 00:15:02,560 --> 00:15:06,480 Speaker 2: that he had side pieces of shell all around him 170 00:15:06,520 --> 00:15:11,160 Speaker 2: now instead of just one on each side between his legs. 171 00:15:13,280 --> 00:15:17,120 Speaker 2: He was thinking over and over, something has happened, something 172 00:15:17,120 --> 00:15:22,000 Speaker 2: has happened, and he knew that back in the pond 173 00:15:22,600 --> 00:15:26,480 Speaker 2: his mother would be trying to find him and could not. 174 00:15:31,720 --> 00:15:34,400 Speaker 2: The boys carried him to the edge of the meadow 175 00:15:34,880 --> 00:15:36,680 Speaker 2: and put him down on the grass. 176 00:15:38,200 --> 00:15:40,120 Speaker 1: He lay perfectly still. 177 00:15:39,840 --> 00:15:45,800 Speaker 2: For a long long time, and when he thought they 178 00:15:45,840 --> 00:15:51,120 Speaker 2: had forgotten about him, he tried to run away. Then 179 00:15:51,120 --> 00:15:56,320 Speaker 2: they laughed and picked him up again. It was not 180 00:15:56,520 --> 00:15:59,800 Speaker 2: until the sun went down that the boys let the 181 00:16:00,120 --> 00:16:06,960 Speaker 2: low little turtle gull. Then he was very, very tired, 182 00:16:07,880 --> 00:16:10,480 Speaker 2: but he wanted so much to get back to his 183 00:16:10,600 --> 00:16:14,960 Speaker 2: home in the pond that he started at once by moonlight. 184 00:16:18,000 --> 00:16:20,800 Speaker 2: This was the first time he had ever seen the moon, 185 00:16:21,560 --> 00:16:26,120 Speaker 2: for except when they are laying eggs, turtles usually sleep 186 00:16:26,160 --> 00:16:31,280 Speaker 2: at night. He was not quite sure which way he 187 00:16:31,320 --> 00:16:34,360 Speaker 2: should go, and if it had not been for the 188 00:16:34,520 --> 00:16:38,520 Speaker 2: kindness of the tree frog, he might never have seen 189 00:16:38,640 --> 00:16:45,080 Speaker 2: his brothers and sisters again. You know, the tree frog 190 00:16:45,160 --> 00:16:48,440 Speaker 2: had been carried away when he was young, before he 191 00:16:48,520 --> 00:16:51,920 Speaker 2: came to live with the meadow people, so he knew 192 00:16:52,000 --> 00:16:57,680 Speaker 2: how to be sorry for the slow little turtle. The 193 00:16:57,760 --> 00:17:00,720 Speaker 2: tree frog hopped along ahead to sh show the way, 194 00:17:01,240 --> 00:17:05,080 Speaker 2: and the turtle followed until they reached a place from 195 00:17:05,119 --> 00:17:09,000 Speaker 2: which they could see the pond. Good Night, said the 196 00:17:09,040 --> 00:17:11,359 Speaker 2: tree frog. You can find your way now. 197 00:17:11,960 --> 00:17:13,760 Speaker 1: Good night, said the turtle. 198 00:17:14,119 --> 00:17:17,879 Speaker 2: I wish I might help you sometime. Never mind me, 199 00:17:18,680 --> 00:17:21,440 Speaker 2: said the tree frog. Help somebody else, and it will 200 00:17:21,440 --> 00:17:26,439 Speaker 2: be all right. He hopped back toward his home, and 201 00:17:26,560 --> 00:17:30,440 Speaker 2: for a long time afterward, the turtle heard his cheerful 202 00:17:30,520 --> 00:17:36,320 Speaker 2: for h a ah sounding over the dewy grass and 203 00:17:36,440 --> 00:17:41,760 Speaker 2: through the still air. At the edge of the pond. 204 00:17:42,440 --> 00:17:47,879 Speaker 2: The slow little turtle found his nineteen brothers and sisters 205 00:17:48,560 --> 00:17:55,520 Speaker 2: sound asleep. I'm here, he cried, joyfully, poking first one 206 00:17:55,560 --> 00:17:56,680 Speaker 2: and then another. 207 00:17:56,440 --> 00:17:57,520 Speaker 1: Of them with his head. 208 00:17:59,600 --> 00:18:03,719 Speaker 2: The big little turtle moved without wakening. I tell you 209 00:18:03,800 --> 00:18:07,760 Speaker 2: I'm not hungry, he murmured, I don't want to get up, 210 00:18:09,680 --> 00:18:14,960 Speaker 2: and again he fell fast asleep. So the slow little 211 00:18:14,960 --> 00:18:18,840 Speaker 2: turtle did not disturb him, but cuddled inside his two 212 00:18:18,880 --> 00:18:25,280 Speaker 2: shells and went to sleep. Also, he was so tired 213 00:18:25,359 --> 00:18:28,560 Speaker 2: that he did not awaken until the sun was high 214 00:18:28,600 --> 00:18:33,119 Speaker 2: in the sky. When he did open his eyes, his 215 00:18:33,240 --> 00:18:37,000 Speaker 2: relatives were sitting around looking at him, and he remembered 216 00:18:37,080 --> 00:18:40,720 Speaker 2: all that had happened before he slept. Does my shell 217 00:18:40,800 --> 00:18:44,800 Speaker 2: look very bad, he cried, I wish I could see it. Oh, 218 00:18:44,840 --> 00:18:46,919 Speaker 2: I am so glad to get back. I'll never be 219 00:18:47,000 --> 00:18:52,760 Speaker 2: slow again. Never. Never. His mother came and leaned her 220 00:18:52,800 --> 00:18:57,840 Speaker 2: shell lovingly against his. If you will only learn to 221 00:18:58,040 --> 00:19:02,000 Speaker 2: keep up with your brother's insist she said, I shall 222 00:19:02,000 --> 00:19:04,040 Speaker 2: not be sorry that the boys. 223 00:19:03,800 --> 00:19:08,399 Speaker 1: Carried you off. You just wait and see, said the 224 00:19:08,520 --> 00:19:10,120 Speaker 1: slow little turtle. 225 00:19:10,440 --> 00:19:14,399 Speaker 2: And he was as good as his word. After that, 226 00:19:14,920 --> 00:19:17,920 Speaker 2: he was always the first to slip from the log 227 00:19:18,080 --> 00:19:22,040 Speaker 2: to the water, if anything scared them. And when one 228 00:19:22,119 --> 00:19:26,119 Speaker 2: day a strange turtle from another pond came to visit, 229 00:19:26,960 --> 00:19:29,560 Speaker 2: he said to the turtles who had always lived there, 230 00:19:30,760 --> 00:19:34,440 Speaker 2: why do you call that young fellow with the markshell 231 00:19:35,040 --> 00:19:39,119 Speaker 2: the slow little turtle. He is the quickest one in 232 00:19:39,119 --> 00:19:44,480 Speaker 2: his family. The pond people looked at each other and laughed, 233 00:19:45,160 --> 00:19:48,400 Speaker 2: that is strange. They said, after this, we will call 234 00:19:48,480 --> 00:19:54,880 Speaker 2: him the quick little turtle. This made him very happy. 235 00:19:55,760 --> 00:19:59,400 Speaker 2: And when once in a while somebody forgot and buy 236 00:19:59,520 --> 00:20:04,760 Speaker 2: mistake called him the quick, slow little turtle, he said 237 00:20:04,840 --> 00:20:08,600 Speaker 2: he rather liked it because it showed that a turtle 238 00:20:08,800 --> 00:20:15,880 Speaker 2: needn't keep his faults if he did have them,