1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:14,920 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Every week 2 00:00:15,080 --> 00:00:19,600 Speaker 1: we celebrate our supporters through shout outs and personal birthday messages. 3 00:00:20,680 --> 00:00:22,880 Speaker 1: We think this is also a fun way for us 4 00:00:23,000 --> 00:00:26,360 Speaker 1: to hear about all the amazing places that you our 5 00:00:26,440 --> 00:00:31,520 Speaker 1: listeners come from. I'd like to say hello to Tommy 6 00:00:31,560 --> 00:00:36,720 Speaker 1: and Martin in Columbus, Ohio from Mom, Dad, James, Goldie 7 00:00:36,760 --> 00:00:42,840 Speaker 1: and Jet. Happy belated birthday to Alexander, who turned nine 8 00:00:42,960 --> 00:00:46,879 Speaker 1: years old on March twenty fourth. Mommy, Daddy and Elise 9 00:00:47,000 --> 00:00:52,440 Speaker 1: are so proud of you. Happy belated birthday to Terrez 10 00:00:52,840 --> 00:00:56,400 Speaker 1: who turned five on March twenty seventh, from mom, dad 11 00:00:56,440 --> 00:01:02,360 Speaker 1: and brother Charles. Happy belated birthday to Alice in Sydney, Australia, 12 00:01:02,480 --> 00:01:06,200 Speaker 1: who turned six on March twenty seventh, from her dogs 13 00:01:06,319 --> 00:01:12,360 Speaker 1: Catnus and Django. Happy belated birthday to Laurel I, who 14 00:01:12,440 --> 00:01:17,280 Speaker 1: turned ten on March twenty ninth. And Happy belated birthday 15 00:01:17,319 --> 00:01:21,000 Speaker 1: to Ada on March twenty ninth. Love, Mom and Dad, 16 00:01:21,600 --> 00:01:23,920 Speaker 1: We are so proud of you and love watching you 17 00:01:24,040 --> 00:01:27,080 Speaker 1: grow into the yoga and book loving eight year old 18 00:01:27,120 --> 00:01:32,120 Speaker 1: that you are today. Happy birthday to Ellie from Danville, 19 00:01:32,120 --> 00:01:35,760 Speaker 1: who was turning six on April first, Love, Mommy and Daddy, 20 00:01:36,400 --> 00:01:40,720 Speaker 1: you fill our happy hearts with love and joy. Happy 21 00:01:40,760 --> 00:01:44,360 Speaker 1: birthday to Violet Rowan, who was turning five on April first. 22 00:01:45,120 --> 00:01:50,360 Speaker 1: Have a magical day from Sylvie, Mama, Dada, and Georgia. 23 00:01:50,480 --> 00:01:53,840 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Derek, who was turning ten on April first. 24 00:01:54,360 --> 00:01:58,200 Speaker 1: From your parents, Eric and Caroline and your sister Carolina. 25 00:01:58,640 --> 00:02:01,880 Speaker 1: You are truly a blessing in their lives, filling their 26 00:02:01,880 --> 00:02:05,520 Speaker 1: hearts with immeasurable joy. They love you to the moon 27 00:02:05,640 --> 00:02:11,120 Speaker 1: and back. Happy ninth birthday to Aria from Mamara, Mama 28 00:02:11,160 --> 00:02:15,799 Speaker 1: and Papa on April second. Happy birthday to Becker who 29 00:02:15,880 --> 00:02:19,600 Speaker 1: is turning seven on April third. Your Mommy, Daddy, brother 30 00:02:19,720 --> 00:02:24,000 Speaker 1: and sisters love you so much. And Happy birthday to 31 00:02:24,160 --> 00:02:27,760 Speaker 1: James from Hong Kong who's turning four on April third. 32 00:02:28,520 --> 00:02:33,440 Speaker 1: Love from Mom, Dad, Emilia, and Aria. You are their superhero. 33 00:02:34,919 --> 00:02:49,680 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to you all. Now on to our story. 34 00:02:50,520 --> 00:02:54,280 Speaker 1: Nicole has found the perfect place to plant the seeds 35 00:02:54,360 --> 00:02:57,919 Speaker 1: she found in the barn. She is hoping they will 36 00:02:57,919 --> 00:03:04,200 Speaker 1: grow into chocolate flowers or maybe gummy bear bushes. She 37 00:03:04,360 --> 00:03:07,880 Speaker 1: heads off to bed after planting, hoping that maybe they 38 00:03:07,880 --> 00:03:13,600 Speaker 1: will grow overnight. The next morning, the sun wakes Nicole 39 00:03:13,919 --> 00:03:17,640 Speaker 1: very early, so she gets up and goes downstairs to eat. 40 00:03:19,240 --> 00:03:22,960 Speaker 1: When she looks out the window, she can hardly believe 41 00:03:23,200 --> 00:03:33,799 Speaker 1: her eyes. Nicole and the Box in the Barn Part three, Ugh. 42 00:03:34,360 --> 00:03:40,240 Speaker 1: Nicole groaned, why must the sun shine? The drafty window 43 00:03:40,360 --> 00:03:45,280 Speaker 1: had somehow opened her drapes just enough to allow one bright, 44 00:03:45,560 --> 00:03:49,560 Speaker 1: focused beam of light to shine perfectly on her face, 45 00:03:50,320 --> 00:03:53,760 Speaker 1: waking her up long before she would even think of 46 00:03:53,840 --> 00:03:59,680 Speaker 1: waking up. For some reason, her mother had given her 47 00:03:59,720 --> 00:04:02,520 Speaker 1: the bed bedroom in this stinky old house that faced 48 00:04:02,560 --> 00:04:06,320 Speaker 1: the sun in the morning, and since there were no 49 00:04:06,520 --> 00:04:10,480 Speaker 1: trees close to the house, that gave the sun permission 50 00:04:10,560 --> 00:04:17,400 Speaker 1: to ruin her day. Nicole wasn't a morning person. She 51 00:04:17,720 --> 00:04:20,240 Speaker 1: liked to think of herself as a night owl, but 52 00:04:20,360 --> 00:04:24,240 Speaker 1: her mother disagreed with that, so she had to go 53 00:04:24,279 --> 00:04:29,760 Speaker 1: to bed early. But no matter what, she just couldn't 54 00:04:29,839 --> 00:04:33,000 Speaker 1: wake up in the morning without her mother coming in 55 00:04:33,080 --> 00:04:37,760 Speaker 1: and shaking her. One time, her mother carried her down 56 00:04:37,839 --> 00:04:41,400 Speaker 1: for breakfast and sat her in a chair, and Nicole 57 00:04:41,520 --> 00:04:46,599 Speaker 1: didn't even realize it. She couldn't hear her phone alarm either. 58 00:04:47,600 --> 00:04:51,080 Speaker 1: It's like her ears had an off switch, but the 59 00:04:51,160 --> 00:04:55,400 Speaker 1: sun shining on her eyes worked. She would have to 60 00:04:55,560 --> 00:05:01,799 Speaker 1: nail the curtains to the wall later. The house was quiet, 61 00:05:02,440 --> 00:05:06,920 Speaker 1: which meant it must have been super early. Nichole's mother 62 00:05:07,440 --> 00:05:12,279 Speaker 1: was a mourning person. Nichole put on her jeans that 63 00:05:12,320 --> 00:05:16,160 Speaker 1: were crumpled up on the floor, an old, torn sweatshirt 64 00:05:16,200 --> 00:05:19,640 Speaker 1: that was draped over her luggage, and tiptoed down the 65 00:05:19,680 --> 00:05:26,359 Speaker 1: stairs to the kitchen. Tiptoeing she started to realize was 66 00:05:26,400 --> 00:05:29,919 Speaker 1: a waste of time because each step on the stairs, 67 00:05:30,360 --> 00:05:36,640 Speaker 1: no matter how light, was met with loud, creaking noises. Still, 68 00:05:36,800 --> 00:05:41,279 Speaker 1: her mother didn't seem to hear her. Today was supposed 69 00:05:41,320 --> 00:05:44,960 Speaker 1: to be her mother's bread and banana concoction for breakfast, 70 00:05:45,720 --> 00:05:50,480 Speaker 1: but Nichole decided to settle for peanut butter and toast. 71 00:05:51,760 --> 00:05:56,360 Speaker 1: Why is this house so cold, she complained out loud, 72 00:05:56,640 --> 00:06:00,920 Speaker 1: hopping up and down until she realized that her feet 73 00:06:00,960 --> 00:06:05,440 Speaker 1: were so cold because she had forgotten to put on socks. 74 00:06:06,920 --> 00:06:09,599 Speaker 1: She grabbed the huge jar of peanut butter from the 75 00:06:09,640 --> 00:06:13,320 Speaker 1: cupboard and stopped to look out the kitchen window towards 76 00:06:13,320 --> 00:06:18,039 Speaker 1: where her garden would be. Hey, maybe it's grown over 77 00:06:18,160 --> 00:06:22,000 Speaker 1: night and I can have some fresh cotton candy straight 78 00:06:22,040 --> 00:06:26,240 Speaker 1: off the bush, or some chocolate leaves from the chocolate tree. 79 00:06:26,279 --> 00:06:31,280 Speaker 1: She laughed to herself. What what is all that color? 80 00:06:32,240 --> 00:06:35,440 Speaker 1: Nicholl said, with more than a little bit of surprise 81 00:06:35,720 --> 00:06:40,839 Speaker 1: as she looked out the window. Nicholl quickly walked to 82 00:06:40,920 --> 00:06:44,839 Speaker 1: the back entryway, put on her sneakers, which were now 83 00:06:44,880 --> 00:06:48,120 Speaker 1: covered in grass stains and red dirt, went out the 84 00:06:48,160 --> 00:06:52,200 Speaker 1: door and started walking towards the plot by the old 85 00:06:52,320 --> 00:06:57,680 Speaker 1: barn r she said as she rubbed her arms. It 86 00:06:57,839 --> 00:07:00,000 Speaker 1: was cold on the island first thing in the morning. 87 00:07:01,560 --> 00:07:03,760 Speaker 1: She would have gone back into the house to get 88 00:07:03,800 --> 00:07:06,960 Speaker 1: a jacket, but she was scared that if she turned 89 00:07:07,000 --> 00:07:13,120 Speaker 1: around what she saw would disappear. She hesitated for a moment, 90 00:07:13,720 --> 00:07:18,000 Speaker 1: wondering if maybe she was still asleep. That would make 91 00:07:18,040 --> 00:07:22,800 Speaker 1: sense considering how early it was, But judging how wet 92 00:07:22,840 --> 00:07:26,560 Speaker 1: her sneakers were from the morning dew, she figured she 93 00:07:26,720 --> 00:07:31,400 Speaker 1: must be awake. I can't dream of cold wet feet, 94 00:07:31,440 --> 00:07:37,720 Speaker 1: can I? Taking a deep breath, she kept walking her feet, 95 00:07:37,880 --> 00:07:45,760 Speaker 1: leaving small damp footprints behind. As the fog lifted from 96 00:07:45,840 --> 00:07:49,200 Speaker 1: around the plot of land, what was revealed to her 97 00:07:49,440 --> 00:07:54,080 Speaker 1: was nothing short of magic. A garden like she had 98 00:07:54,160 --> 00:08:02,120 Speaker 1: never seen before. Reds, yellows, purples, and blues mingled together 99 00:08:02,200 --> 00:08:04,840 Speaker 1: in a display that stretched from one end of the 100 00:08:04,920 --> 00:08:11,000 Speaker 1: garden to the other. There were sunflowers that towered above 101 00:08:11,120 --> 00:08:16,160 Speaker 1: most of the other plants, their large, smiling faces turning 102 00:08:16,200 --> 00:08:22,040 Speaker 1: slowly to follow the sun's path across the sky. Roses 103 00:08:22,160 --> 00:08:27,280 Speaker 1: of every conceivable color bloomed in clusters, their petals looking 104 00:08:27,480 --> 00:08:34,840 Speaker 1: velvety soft. The fence was no longer in ruin, and 105 00:08:34,920 --> 00:08:37,280 Speaker 1: it looked like a fresh coat of paint had been 106 00:08:37,320 --> 00:08:41,640 Speaker 1: applied overnight while she was asleep. There was even a 107 00:08:41,720 --> 00:08:45,800 Speaker 1: gate which she opened, and unlike every other door on 108 00:08:45,880 --> 00:08:53,920 Speaker 1: the farm, it opened smoothly and noiselessly. Walking through the gate, 109 00:08:54,280 --> 00:08:58,040 Speaker 1: she was greeted with the sweet smell of flowers, a 110 00:08:58,160 --> 00:09:05,200 Speaker 1: mixture of lilac, rose and something mysteriously exotic she couldn't 111 00:09:05,280 --> 00:09:10,120 Speaker 1: quite name. They had had some of these flowers in 112 00:09:10,160 --> 00:09:13,640 Speaker 1: their garden in Montreal, but they were not as big 113 00:09:13,640 --> 00:09:18,040 Speaker 1: and beautiful as these were. She could hear the buzz 114 00:09:18,160 --> 00:09:23,720 Speaker 1: of bees and the soft fluttering of butterfly wings and birds, 115 00:09:24,480 --> 00:09:31,640 Speaker 1: lots and lots of chirping birds. As she walked further 116 00:09:31,760 --> 00:09:36,840 Speaker 1: into the garden, its ground expertly manicured. Her fingers brushed 117 00:09:36,840 --> 00:09:42,440 Speaker 1: against the petals and leaves, each texture unique, some smooth, 118 00:09:43,160 --> 00:09:50,160 Speaker 1: some slightly rough, and others delicately fringed. Nicole bent down 119 00:09:50,200 --> 00:09:54,920 Speaker 1: to inhale the rich, chocolatey scent of a particularly beautiful flower. 120 00:09:56,360 --> 00:09:59,680 Speaker 1: She closed her eyes for a moment, a smile spreading 121 00:09:59,720 --> 00:10:05,720 Speaker 1: acros her face. Taking another sniff, she laughed, though you 122 00:10:05,800 --> 00:10:11,480 Speaker 1: look like a normal flower, you smelled delicious enough to eat. 123 00:10:13,960 --> 00:10:17,679 Speaker 1: The further she walked into the garden, the more amazing 124 00:10:17,800 --> 00:10:22,120 Speaker 1: things she discovered. A small patch of what looked like 125 00:10:22,280 --> 00:10:27,840 Speaker 1: tiny star shaped flowers glowed softly, illuminating the shaded path 126 00:10:27,960 --> 00:10:33,040 Speaker 1: with their gentle light. A cluster of bushes bearing fruit 127 00:10:33,160 --> 00:10:38,400 Speaker 1: that shimmered in the sunlight, changing colors like tiny jewels. 128 00:10:39,400 --> 00:10:43,320 Speaker 1: There were large bushes with giant ripe strawberries waiting to 129 00:10:43,360 --> 00:10:49,880 Speaker 1: be picked. Blueberries too. At the heart of the garden, 130 00:10:50,080 --> 00:10:54,560 Speaker 1: there was even a pond that certainly wasn't there before, 131 00:10:54,960 --> 00:10:59,800 Speaker 1: Nicole said. Lily pads floated on the water, each bearing 132 00:10:59,840 --> 00:11:04,880 Speaker 1: a bloom more beautiful than the last. Little fish played 133 00:11:04,880 --> 00:11:08,800 Speaker 1: with each other below the surface. Nicole knelt by the 134 00:11:08,840 --> 00:11:13,400 Speaker 1: pond's edge, dipping her fingers into the cool water, watching 135 00:11:13,520 --> 00:11:17,800 Speaker 1: as the waves rippled across the water. How did this 136 00:11:17,920 --> 00:11:21,440 Speaker 1: all come about from a simple packet of seeds, she 137 00:11:21,520 --> 00:11:26,080 Speaker 1: asked herself. I really must be dreaming. This can't be real. 138 00:11:27,040 --> 00:11:32,040 Speaker 1: Change doesn't come overnight, does it. Then she heard her 139 00:11:32,080 --> 00:11:38,880 Speaker 1: mother's voice, Niicole, where are you. Nope, I'm not dreaming, 140 00:11:39,160 --> 00:11:44,200 Speaker 1: Nicole muttered, I'm out here. Mom. She yelled, Well, come 141 00:11:44,240 --> 00:11:47,400 Speaker 1: on in for some breakfast today. We are having my 142 00:11:47,559 --> 00:11:53,520 Speaker 1: famous French toast and banana, her mother yelled. Nichole's stomach 143 00:11:53,600 --> 00:11:58,600 Speaker 1: made some noises, and she realized she was hungry. I'll 144 00:11:58,640 --> 00:12:02,120 Speaker 1: be back after I eat breakfast. My beautiful, magical garden, 145 00:12:03,000 --> 00:12:06,760 Speaker 1: Nichole said, in the direction of a sunflower, which swayed 146 00:12:06,840 --> 00:12:13,439 Speaker 1: in response. After she closed the gate carefully, she ran 147 00:12:13,520 --> 00:12:16,440 Speaker 1: across the barnyard to the house and entered through the 148 00:12:16,440 --> 00:12:20,120 Speaker 1: screen door, which slammed behind her with a loud bang. 149 00:12:21,200 --> 00:12:23,600 Speaker 1: We are going to have to get that door fixed, 150 00:12:23,840 --> 00:12:26,880 Speaker 1: her mother said, coming out to the back entrance to 151 00:12:26,920 --> 00:12:32,200 Speaker 1: see Nicole. Oh my, she continued, we are going to 152 00:12:32,240 --> 00:12:34,800 Speaker 1: have to get you some rubber boots if you are 153 00:12:34,840 --> 00:12:38,560 Speaker 1: going to be outside when the sun rises. Your shoes 154 00:12:38,600 --> 00:12:43,280 Speaker 1: and feet are soaked. Yes, it's a bit like running 155 00:12:43,320 --> 00:12:46,800 Speaker 1: through rain puddles out there. It's all wet and splashy. 156 00:12:47,240 --> 00:12:52,280 Speaker 1: Nicole replied, I have your breakfast ready for you on 157 00:12:52,360 --> 00:12:57,760 Speaker 1: the table. Her mother said, thanks. Mom, Nicole replied, sitting 158 00:12:57,800 --> 00:13:00,200 Speaker 1: down to stuff as much food in her mouth as 159 00:13:00,240 --> 00:13:03,840 Speaker 1: she could. She wanted to go back out to explore 160 00:13:03,880 --> 00:13:10,160 Speaker 1: her garden as quickly as possible. So what has you 161 00:13:10,280 --> 00:13:13,960 Speaker 1: up so early this morning? Her mother asked, surprised to 162 00:13:13,960 --> 00:13:17,720 Speaker 1: see her daughter up so early. You are usually the 163 00:13:17,760 --> 00:13:21,160 Speaker 1: sleepy head, and the last time I remember you getting 164 00:13:21,200 --> 00:13:23,800 Speaker 1: up so early was when you were going on a 165 00:13:23,840 --> 00:13:28,439 Speaker 1: trip with your friends last summer. The sun came in 166 00:13:28,480 --> 00:13:31,720 Speaker 1: my window and almost burned a hole through my eyelids, 167 00:13:32,120 --> 00:13:35,040 Speaker 1: so I got up to avoid any harm. Nichole said, 168 00:13:36,840 --> 00:13:40,880 Speaker 1: what were you doing outside? You weren't wandering around that dark, 169 00:13:41,000 --> 00:13:45,520 Speaker 1: dangerous barn, were you. No, I was working in my garden. 170 00:13:46,040 --> 00:13:50,320 Speaker 1: It's already super beautiful, Nichole said, getting up out of 171 00:13:50,360 --> 00:13:55,000 Speaker 1: her chair to put her plate in the dishwasher. Nichole's 172 00:13:55,040 --> 00:13:58,680 Speaker 1: mother looked out the window a bit surprised. I guess 173 00:13:58,760 --> 00:14:01,800 Speaker 1: it's hard to see your pressed ear because of all 174 00:14:01,840 --> 00:14:05,440 Speaker 1: the strange fog covering that part of the field. But 175 00:14:05,600 --> 00:14:09,320 Speaker 1: I am happy you are outside working on something. I 176 00:14:09,400 --> 00:14:12,280 Speaker 1: have to work upstairs today, but maybe you can show 177 00:14:12,320 --> 00:14:16,640 Speaker 1: me your garden later in the week. Okay, Mom, I 178 00:14:16,640 --> 00:14:18,480 Speaker 1: think I am going to go outside and work in 179 00:14:18,520 --> 00:14:21,320 Speaker 1: my garden again. Call me if you need any help, 180 00:14:21,880 --> 00:14:25,160 Speaker 1: Nicole said as she ran out the door, not bothering 181 00:14:25,240 --> 00:14:30,640 Speaker 1: to put on her sneakers this time. Running towards the garden, 182 00:14:30,880 --> 00:14:35,440 Speaker 1: the grass felt soft, slightly springy, and a little bit ticklish, 183 00:14:35,880 --> 00:14:40,480 Speaker 1: especially between her toes. She didn't notice the cold this time. 184 00:14:42,480 --> 00:14:45,760 Speaker 1: The sun was a bit higher than earlier. The dew 185 00:14:45,880 --> 00:14:50,160 Speaker 1: on the grass and leaves sparkled, making the whole garden shimmer. 186 00:14:51,760 --> 00:14:55,720 Speaker 1: The flowers opened up even farther to the warmth, their 187 00:14:55,800 --> 00:15:02,360 Speaker 1: colors bright and cheerful under the clear blue sky. Walking 188 00:15:02,400 --> 00:15:06,080 Speaker 1: into her garden, Nichole started talking to the plants without 189 00:15:06,160 --> 00:15:11,200 Speaker 1: even thinking about it. Hello, Rose, are you magic? She asked, 190 00:15:11,680 --> 00:15:16,120 Speaker 1: of course, not expecting an answer. How about you, strawberry plant? 191 00:15:16,520 --> 00:15:18,880 Speaker 1: Would you let me take some of your strawberries back 192 00:15:18,920 --> 00:15:22,920 Speaker 1: to my mother? Wouldn't she be surprised It's not even 193 00:15:23,000 --> 00:15:31,680 Speaker 1: strawberry season yet. As she spoke, something wonderful happened. The roses, 194 00:15:32,080 --> 00:15:35,800 Speaker 1: ever so slightly, started to grow taller, as if they 195 00:15:35,800 --> 00:15:40,040 Speaker 1: were trying to reach the sky. The bush beside them 196 00:15:40,120 --> 00:15:44,440 Speaker 1: revealed even more colorful flowers, making the garden look like 197 00:15:44,480 --> 00:15:49,560 Speaker 1: a rainbow, and the strawberry bush seemed to sway back 198 00:15:49,600 --> 00:15:54,640 Speaker 1: and forth, like it was responding to Nichole's voice. You 199 00:15:54,760 --> 00:15:59,200 Speaker 1: can hear me, she laughed. My mother always said that 200 00:15:59,320 --> 00:16:03,240 Speaker 1: plants grew best if you talked to them. But this 201 00:16:03,440 --> 00:16:09,880 Speaker 1: is a whole other level. Nicole walked to a sunflower 202 00:16:10,000 --> 00:16:14,880 Speaker 1: towering nearby. Hello sunflower. My name is Nicole and I 203 00:16:15,000 --> 00:16:18,360 Speaker 1: live here on this farm. Though I don't really want 204 00:16:18,400 --> 00:16:21,720 Speaker 1: to because I miss my old friends and this farm 205 00:16:21,800 --> 00:16:25,560 Speaker 1: doesn't have internet, it feels good to talk to someone 206 00:16:25,600 --> 00:16:33,160 Speaker 1: again or something. The sunflower swayed in response. Nicole looked 207 00:16:33,200 --> 00:16:36,520 Speaker 1: around to see if the wind was blowing. She couldn't tell. 208 00:16:37,240 --> 00:16:39,960 Speaker 1: She walked a bit farther and sat down on the 209 00:16:40,000 --> 00:16:45,680 Speaker 1: green grass in front of a beautiful pink paeony. Hello paeony. 210 00:16:46,200 --> 00:16:48,920 Speaker 1: I don't know if you heard, but my name is 211 00:16:49,040 --> 00:16:53,760 Speaker 1: Nicole and I just moved here. You are the first person. 212 00:16:54,840 --> 00:16:57,680 Speaker 1: Can I call you a person. I haven't really had 213 00:16:57,720 --> 00:17:00,800 Speaker 1: anyone to talk to for like a whole week, and 214 00:17:00,840 --> 00:17:03,440 Speaker 1: I used to talk to my friends every day, So 215 00:17:03,600 --> 00:17:07,560 Speaker 1: I am a bit lonely and bored, Nicole said, feeling 216 00:17:07,600 --> 00:17:11,800 Speaker 1: a bit self conscious about talking to a plant. The 217 00:17:11,880 --> 00:17:14,600 Speaker 1: p and he grew a little bit taller in response, 218 00:17:15,960 --> 00:17:19,280 Speaker 1: Do you think I am crazy? Or is it just 219 00:17:19,320 --> 00:17:23,240 Speaker 1: that my imagination is so powerful that it is causing 220 00:17:23,280 --> 00:17:28,040 Speaker 1: me to see things? Because the more I talk, the 221 00:17:28,080 --> 00:17:34,160 Speaker 1: more beautiful you become, and that is really super strange. 222 00:17:34,240 --> 00:17:39,560 Speaker 1: The p and he grew even taller. The grass in 223 00:17:39,640 --> 00:17:42,560 Speaker 1: the garden didn't seem wet, so she laid down and 224 00:17:42,600 --> 00:17:47,160 Speaker 1: continued to talk to whatever would listen. Did I tell 225 00:17:47,200 --> 00:17:50,879 Speaker 1: you I missed my friends? I guess I did, maybe 226 00:17:50,920 --> 00:17:54,920 Speaker 1: three or four times already. I don't know why we 227 00:17:54,960 --> 00:17:59,399 Speaker 1: couldn't stay in Montreal. I mean, I know, But what 228 00:17:59,560 --> 00:18:02,840 Speaker 1: difference is it that my father grew up here. This 229 00:18:02,960 --> 00:18:08,280 Speaker 1: isn't my home. My mother loves to travel and have adventures, 230 00:18:08,320 --> 00:18:12,880 Speaker 1: but this island with red dirt doesn't seem adventurous at all, 231 00:18:13,640 --> 00:18:19,960 Speaker 1: at least until now. Is this an adventure? Maybe? What 232 00:18:20,000 --> 00:18:23,840 Speaker 1: do you plants think? Nicole said, thinking that if the 233 00:18:23,880 --> 00:18:27,400 Speaker 1: plant talked back to her. She really should go tell 234 00:18:27,440 --> 00:18:33,280 Speaker 1: her mother that she was hallucinating the plants didn't talk 235 00:18:33,359 --> 00:18:38,320 Speaker 1: back to her. Phew, that's a relief. My mother always 236 00:18:38,440 --> 00:18:41,919 Speaker 1: says that the world is magical. I always thought it 237 00:18:42,000 --> 00:18:46,040 Speaker 1: was just an exaggeration, or a metaphor or something. I 238 00:18:46,080 --> 00:18:50,320 Speaker 1: didn't realize it was true, Nicole said as she looked 239 00:18:50,359 --> 00:18:55,360 Speaker 1: up at the flowers and bushes surrounding her. A nearby 240 00:18:55,520 --> 00:18:59,919 Speaker 1: lilac almost doubled in size. So what else would you 241 00:18:59,880 --> 00:19:03,520 Speaker 1: guys like to know about me? Nicole asked as she 242 00:19:03,680 --> 00:19:09,560 Speaker 1: started to enjoy sharing her life with someone or something new. 243 00:19:15,240 --> 00:19:18,800 Speaker 1: And that is the end of this part. Good night, 244 00:19:20,240 --> 00:19:20,920 Speaker 1: sleep tight.