1 00:00:29,724 --> 00:00:33,724 Speaker 1: Never want to miss a story. Please ask your parents 2 00:00:33,764 --> 00:00:38,044 Speaker 1: to subscribe. You can find us on Apple Podcasts or 3 00:00:38,084 --> 00:00:42,684 Speaker 1: wherever your parents listen to podcasts. And please, if you 4 00:00:42,924 --> 00:00:46,324 Speaker 1: love our stories, take a moment to leave us a review. 5 00:00:47,044 --> 00:01:04,364 Speaker 1: It may help others find our show. Thank you, Hello friends, 6 00:01:04,404 --> 00:01:19,364 Speaker 1: and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. It is summertime and 7 00:01:19,484 --> 00:01:24,284 Speaker 1: Bernice has been at Bobby's house all day. They had 8 00:01:24,404 --> 00:01:27,884 Speaker 1: only this day to play together before he heads off 9 00:01:27,924 --> 00:01:33,324 Speaker 1: for summer camp for two whole weeks. Bernice feels like 10 00:01:33,404 --> 00:01:39,884 Speaker 1: it will be forever before she sees him again. Bernie 11 00:01:39,924 --> 00:01:47,924 Speaker 1: spends the day at Bobby's house. Squish, squish, squash squish. 12 00:01:49,204 --> 00:01:52,924 Speaker 1: Bernice's sneakers made funny sounds as she walked up the 13 00:01:52,964 --> 00:01:58,524 Speaker 1: walkway to her little house. Bobby's mother had just dropped 14 00:01:58,524 --> 00:02:01,724 Speaker 1: her off after she had spent the whole day playing 15 00:02:01,764 --> 00:02:06,084 Speaker 1: at his house. As she reached the front door, she 16 00:02:06,204 --> 00:02:09,324 Speaker 1: looked behind and saw that she was leaving marks on 17 00:02:09,404 --> 00:02:14,604 Speaker 1: the walkway from her super wet sneakers. That looks kind 18 00:02:14,604 --> 00:02:18,324 Speaker 1: of cool. Bernice thought, maybe I should go back and 19 00:02:18,364 --> 00:02:20,964 Speaker 1: make it look like I arrived with a friend, but 20 00:02:21,124 --> 00:02:27,524 Speaker 1: they disappeared at the door. Then her stomach made gurgling noises, 21 00:02:27,884 --> 00:02:31,404 Speaker 1: and she decided to go straight into the house. Her 22 00:02:31,484 --> 00:02:38,164 Speaker 1: tummy took priority. Bernice squishily walked up the front steps 23 00:02:38,164 --> 00:02:42,204 Speaker 1: to the door of her house, quietly opened and closed 24 00:02:42,244 --> 00:02:45,324 Speaker 1: the door, and sat down to take off her sneakers. 25 00:02:47,204 --> 00:02:50,484 Speaker 1: Her sneakers were always hard to take off, but now 26 00:02:50,524 --> 00:02:56,524 Speaker 1: that they were super wet, it was triply hard. Hi, Papa, 27 00:02:56,724 --> 00:03:01,164 Speaker 1: I'm home, she said. My tummy is sending signals to 28 00:03:01,244 --> 00:03:05,404 Speaker 1: my brain, and you know what that means. Or maybe 29 00:03:05,444 --> 00:03:09,284 Speaker 1: it's my brain sending signals to my tummy. I can't 30 00:03:09,284 --> 00:03:13,524 Speaker 1: remember which right now, because I am super starving, and 31 00:03:13,564 --> 00:03:19,724 Speaker 1: when I am super starving, I forget science. Okay, little Bear, 32 00:03:20,004 --> 00:03:23,124 Speaker 1: you know where I am, Papa Bear said in his 33 00:03:23,284 --> 00:03:29,684 Speaker 1: super deep voice. Just and Cookie came running towards her, 34 00:03:29,964 --> 00:03:33,444 Speaker 1: looking for a head butt and some pets, but she 35 00:03:33,604 --> 00:03:36,924 Speaker 1: stopped and sat a little bit farther away than normal, 36 00:03:37,444 --> 00:03:42,244 Speaker 1: looking at Bernice with squinty eyes. I Cookie, I don't 37 00:03:42,284 --> 00:03:46,004 Speaker 1: blame you for not getting close. I am super duper 38 00:03:46,044 --> 00:03:48,804 Speaker 1: wet today, and you aren't the kind of cat who 39 00:03:48,844 --> 00:03:51,884 Speaker 1: likes to get wet, right. I tried to get you 40 00:03:51,964 --> 00:03:54,164 Speaker 1: to take a bath with me, and you ran away, 41 00:03:54,724 --> 00:03:58,604 Speaker 1: so it must be true, Bernice said, as she took 42 00:03:58,684 --> 00:04:01,684 Speaker 1: one sneaker off with a grunt and then the other. 43 00:04:03,964 --> 00:04:07,404 Speaker 1: I was at Bobby's today, Cookie, I'm sorry I couldn't 44 00:04:07,444 --> 00:04:10,564 Speaker 1: take you with me, but Mama was scared something might happen. 45 00:04:11,164 --> 00:04:14,684 Speaker 1: I'm not sure what that something was, but I'm sure 46 00:04:14,804 --> 00:04:17,644 Speaker 1: you and I will have lots of fun together this summer. 47 00:04:18,524 --> 00:04:21,884 Speaker 1: But guess what happened today. I don't think you would 48 00:04:21,964 --> 00:04:25,604 Speaker 1: like it, but we certainly did. Bobby had a couple 49 00:04:25,724 --> 00:04:29,844 Speaker 1: toys called a super Girder or something like that, and 50 00:04:29,924 --> 00:04:32,684 Speaker 1: we filled them up with water and played a game. 51 00:04:34,004 --> 00:04:36,804 Speaker 1: I'm not sure what the rules were, but we basically 52 00:04:36,844 --> 00:04:40,364 Speaker 1: sprayed water on each other as we hid around bushes 53 00:04:40,404 --> 00:04:43,964 Speaker 1: and stuff. I think I sprayed Bobby Moore, but it's 54 00:04:44,004 --> 00:04:47,964 Speaker 1: hard to tell because we were both soaked through to 55 00:04:48,124 --> 00:04:52,204 Speaker 1: the bone. That's what Bobby's mother said, but it doesn't 56 00:04:52,244 --> 00:04:56,524 Speaker 1: really make sense. How can water touch your bones? Do 57 00:04:56,604 --> 00:05:02,564 Speaker 1: you know how? Cookie simply started grooming herself as she pard. 58 00:05:04,404 --> 00:05:07,764 Speaker 1: Bobby is going away to summer camp tomorrow, so today 59 00:05:07,884 --> 00:05:10,204 Speaker 1: was the only chance I will get to play with 60 00:05:10,324 --> 00:05:15,604 Speaker 1: him for two whole weeks, which is basically the whole summer, right, 61 00:05:17,004 --> 00:05:19,684 Speaker 1: But Papa has promised that we can have lots of 62 00:05:19,724 --> 00:05:22,484 Speaker 1: ice cream and stuff, and I know you love ice 63 00:05:22,524 --> 00:05:28,044 Speaker 1: cream too, so we can share a bit. Just then, 64 00:05:28,124 --> 00:05:32,604 Speaker 1: Bernice's Tommy made a loud, gurgling noise, loud enough that 65 00:05:32,724 --> 00:05:38,684 Speaker 1: Cookie stopped licking herself and looked at Bernice. Yeah, that's 66 00:05:38,724 --> 00:05:42,244 Speaker 1: a sign, Cookie. It means I need to get something 67 00:05:42,284 --> 00:05:45,764 Speaker 1: to eat, or else I might get so hungry that 68 00:05:45,884 --> 00:05:49,244 Speaker 1: I can't even think straight, and I don't want to 69 00:05:49,284 --> 00:05:55,804 Speaker 1: think crooked. Bernice got up and with wet feet, squished 70 00:05:55,844 --> 00:06:02,204 Speaker 1: and squashed into the kitchen. I'm super starving, she said 71 00:06:02,204 --> 00:06:06,404 Speaker 1: as she plopped into a chair. I don't smell any cookies. 72 00:06:07,044 --> 00:06:11,804 Speaker 1: Didn't you bake cookies for us today? Papa, look at you, 73 00:06:12,484 --> 00:06:16,204 Speaker 1: Papa Bear said with a laugh. Bobby's mother said that 74 00:06:16,284 --> 00:06:19,724 Speaker 1: you were wet and apologized for sending you home like this, 75 00:06:20,364 --> 00:06:25,444 Speaker 1: and she certainly wasn't exaggerating. You are wet from head 76 00:06:25,524 --> 00:06:30,724 Speaker 1: to toe. I like the T shirt you are wearing. Yeah, 77 00:06:30,804 --> 00:06:33,684 Speaker 1: Bobby's mother gave me some of Bobby's stuff to wear 78 00:06:34,084 --> 00:06:37,284 Speaker 1: so that I wouldn't be uncomfortable sitting with wet clothes on. 79 00:06:38,084 --> 00:06:42,004 Speaker 1: But I got wet again, and well, now both my 80 00:06:42,244 --> 00:06:47,884 Speaker 1: clothes and Bobby's are soaked. I didn't bake cookies for 81 00:06:47,964 --> 00:06:50,964 Speaker 1: us today, little bear, But don't worry. I have a 82 00:06:50,964 --> 00:06:53,484 Speaker 1: little snack for us to eat before dinner is ready. 83 00:06:54,484 --> 00:06:57,804 Speaker 1: But first, why don't you go upstairs to your room 84 00:06:57,844 --> 00:07:00,924 Speaker 1: and put on some dry clothes. Then we can have 85 00:07:01,004 --> 00:07:03,764 Speaker 1: a little snack and you can tell me all about 86 00:07:03,804 --> 00:07:08,564 Speaker 1: your day at Bobby's. Okay, Papa, but don't forget. I 87 00:07:08,604 --> 00:07:18,524 Speaker 1: am super starving. Okay, I won't forget. After Bernice went upstairs, 88 00:07:18,764 --> 00:07:21,924 Speaker 1: put on some dry clothes and hung up all her 89 00:07:21,964 --> 00:07:25,804 Speaker 1: wet clothes in the bathroom, she came back downstairs to 90 00:07:25,884 --> 00:07:30,324 Speaker 1: see some kind of fancy minie sandwiches on a plate 91 00:07:30,724 --> 00:07:35,844 Speaker 1: in the middle of the kitchen table. These look super fancy, Papa, 92 00:07:36,204 --> 00:07:39,964 Speaker 1: are we a restaurant now, Bernie said, as she sat 93 00:07:40,004 --> 00:07:43,044 Speaker 1: at the table and had a great big drink of milk. 94 00:07:44,604 --> 00:07:48,044 Speaker 1: These are mini pea bread stuffed with some goodness inside, 95 00:07:48,524 --> 00:07:53,884 Speaker 1: Papa Bear replied, goodness like ice cream or cookies. Bernice 96 00:07:53,924 --> 00:07:58,884 Speaker 1: asked with a smile. Huhh, No, they are stuffed with tuna, 97 00:07:59,164 --> 00:08:02,484 Speaker 1: curry and stuff like that. You should try some. They 98 00:08:02,524 --> 00:08:07,404 Speaker 1: are pretty yummy. I am so hungry, Papa, I might 99 00:08:07,444 --> 00:08:12,764 Speaker 1: eat them all up. So how was your day at Bobby's. 100 00:08:13,284 --> 00:08:17,084 Speaker 1: You were really excited this morning and left early. Mama 101 00:08:17,084 --> 00:08:21,364 Speaker 1: said you were ready even before she was. Yeah. I 102 00:08:21,404 --> 00:08:23,444 Speaker 1: think I might have been the first to wake up 103 00:08:23,484 --> 00:08:26,484 Speaker 1: this morning. And Mama said that you might sleep in 104 00:08:26,564 --> 00:08:30,124 Speaker 1: a bit, so I should try to be quiet. I 105 00:08:30,204 --> 00:08:33,204 Speaker 1: knew you were sleeping, Papa, because I could hear your 106 00:08:33,284 --> 00:08:37,764 Speaker 1: snorts and snores. It sounded pretty funny, Bernie said, with 107 00:08:37,804 --> 00:08:40,764 Speaker 1: a laugh. I think that might have been a bird 108 00:08:40,804 --> 00:08:45,404 Speaker 1: you heard chirping, Papa Bear said, with a smile, A great, big, 109 00:08:45,484 --> 00:08:50,244 Speaker 1: bear sized bird. Bernie said, with a laugh. I had 110 00:08:50,244 --> 00:08:53,524 Speaker 1: a good time at Bobby's, Papa. First, we went for 111 00:08:53,604 --> 00:08:56,524 Speaker 1: a bike ride around the neighborhood and to the park 112 00:08:56,604 --> 00:08:58,604 Speaker 1: to see if some of our friends were there or not. 113 00:08:59,604 --> 00:09:02,164 Speaker 1: Ethan and some of the other kids from class were there. 114 00:09:03,084 --> 00:09:07,124 Speaker 1: Bobby's mother was really strict about wearing helmets and stuff. 115 00:09:07,964 --> 00:09:11,844 Speaker 1: Bobby's helmet is super cool because it has an alligator 116 00:09:11,884 --> 00:09:14,884 Speaker 1: head in the front. He likes it even though it's 117 00:09:14,924 --> 00:09:18,684 Speaker 1: for younger kids. He says he still has a small head, 118 00:09:19,084 --> 00:09:23,324 Speaker 1: so he can still wear it. We chatted for a while, 119 00:09:23,804 --> 00:09:26,964 Speaker 1: rode our bikes around the park and stopped for frozen ice. 120 00:09:28,524 --> 00:09:32,444 Speaker 1: Ethan really likes blue flavored ice, and his whole face 121 00:09:32,484 --> 00:09:36,164 Speaker 1: had blue on it. After a bit, Bobby got the 122 00:09:36,204 --> 00:09:39,884 Speaker 1: mixed colors, which turned brown. He said it made it 123 00:09:39,964 --> 00:09:45,324 Speaker 1: look like his favorite emoji. I got a strawberry flavored one. 124 00:09:46,164 --> 00:09:49,164 Speaker 1: Then Ethan had to go home to pack. He was 125 00:09:49,244 --> 00:09:52,204 Speaker 1: leaving soon for his trip, so Bobby and I said 126 00:09:52,204 --> 00:09:56,444 Speaker 1: goodbye and rode back to his house. That sounds like 127 00:09:56,484 --> 00:09:59,164 Speaker 1: a good start to the day. What do you think 128 00:09:59,204 --> 00:10:04,404 Speaker 1: of the little peta pockets, Papa Bear asked. They are tasty, Papa, 129 00:10:04,724 --> 00:10:09,084 Speaker 1: but the curry is a little spicy, Bernice said, waving 130 00:10:09,124 --> 00:10:12,124 Speaker 1: her hand in front of her tongue, which was sticking 131 00:10:12,164 --> 00:10:15,324 Speaker 1: out of her mouth. That was how she cooled off 132 00:10:15,324 --> 00:10:19,124 Speaker 1: her mouth when she ate spicy food. I'm used to 133 00:10:19,164 --> 00:10:23,604 Speaker 1: super spicy food, Papa, because it'school. Many of our kids 134 00:10:23,644 --> 00:10:26,764 Speaker 1: eat curry for lunch or other spicy stuff, and we 135 00:10:26,844 --> 00:10:31,964 Speaker 1: always share our lunches and stuff. But guess what, Papa 136 00:10:32,164 --> 00:10:35,284 Speaker 1: Bobby has a super secret that I am not allowed 137 00:10:35,324 --> 00:10:39,004 Speaker 1: to tell anyone in the whole wide world except for 138 00:10:39,084 --> 00:10:42,364 Speaker 1: you and mama. Of course. When we got back to 139 00:10:42,484 --> 00:10:46,324 Speaker 1: his place, he wanted to show me his latest experiment 140 00:10:46,404 --> 00:10:50,924 Speaker 1: in his laboratory. His laboratory is a special corner in 141 00:10:50,964 --> 00:10:54,204 Speaker 1: his bedroom, not like some secret room in the basement 142 00:10:54,324 --> 00:10:57,604 Speaker 1: or something. He says he wants to build one there, 143 00:10:57,924 --> 00:11:01,244 Speaker 1: but his mother won't let him yet. He tried to 144 00:11:01,244 --> 00:11:03,644 Speaker 1: put a new lock on his bedroom door to guard 145 00:11:03,684 --> 00:11:07,084 Speaker 1: his secrets, one of those fancy ones that require a 146 00:11:07,164 --> 00:11:10,844 Speaker 1: phone and stuff, but his mother said no to that too. 147 00:11:11,764 --> 00:11:15,724 Speaker 1: She is super super strict, Papa, he said. She doesn't 148 00:11:15,724 --> 00:11:21,084 Speaker 1: allow explosions in the house either. Anyway, he is building 149 00:11:21,124 --> 00:11:24,604 Speaker 1: a new robot, even better than the one he had before, 150 00:11:25,204 --> 00:11:28,764 Speaker 1: and it's going to fly. I think he put a 151 00:11:28,844 --> 00:11:31,684 Speaker 1: drone on it that he bought with his allowance and 152 00:11:31,724 --> 00:11:36,284 Speaker 1: it will transport his robot anywhere in the world. But 153 00:11:36,524 --> 00:11:39,444 Speaker 1: so far, it runs out of power after it goes 154 00:11:39,484 --> 00:11:46,044 Speaker 1: across his room. But it's still super cool. He asked 155 00:11:46,044 --> 00:11:48,004 Speaker 1: me to help him with it after he gets back 156 00:11:48,044 --> 00:11:52,364 Speaker 1: from camp. That is super cool. I can't wait to 157 00:11:52,404 --> 00:11:56,484 Speaker 1: see the end result. But how did you get so wet, 158 00:11:57,004 --> 00:12:02,484 Speaker 1: Papa Bear asked with a smile. Oh yeah, well, after lunch, 159 00:12:02,764 --> 00:12:06,924 Speaker 1: which was super yummy mini pizzas and some salad. The 160 00:12:07,044 --> 00:12:10,644 Speaker 1: salad had carrots in it, and Bobby tried to hide them. 161 00:12:11,044 --> 00:12:13,404 Speaker 1: His mother caught him and said he had to eat 162 00:12:13,444 --> 00:12:16,484 Speaker 1: them or he wouldn't get the yummy dessert she made. 163 00:12:16,724 --> 00:12:19,244 Speaker 1: So he plugged his nose with his fingers and ate 164 00:12:19,324 --> 00:12:23,484 Speaker 1: the carrot super quick. If you plug your nose, Papa, 165 00:12:23,804 --> 00:12:26,884 Speaker 1: the taste will be less intense, because our sense of 166 00:12:26,964 --> 00:12:31,084 Speaker 1: smell plays a big role in how you perceive flavors. 167 00:12:31,604 --> 00:12:36,684 Speaker 1: Bobby and I use what we learned in science, Papah, Yes, 168 00:12:36,964 --> 00:12:39,324 Speaker 1: I guess that is one use of all the science 169 00:12:39,404 --> 00:12:42,644 Speaker 1: you and Bobby's study, Papa Bear said with a laugh. 170 00:12:44,804 --> 00:12:48,444 Speaker 1: After we finished, we had our treat, which was this 171 00:12:48,724 --> 00:12:53,804 Speaker 1: super yummy ice cream Sunday. It had chocolate sauce, nuts, 172 00:12:54,124 --> 00:12:58,164 Speaker 1: whipped cream, and even a cherry on top. It was 173 00:12:58,324 --> 00:13:01,324 Speaker 1: almost the most yummiest treat I have had in my 174 00:13:01,564 --> 00:13:07,284 Speaker 1: whole life, Bernice exclaimed. After that, we went out in 175 00:13:07,324 --> 00:13:11,164 Speaker 1: his backyard, but because it was so super hot today, 176 00:13:11,604 --> 00:13:15,004 Speaker 1: we played with water a bit and I got really wet. 177 00:13:16,084 --> 00:13:19,244 Speaker 1: Then we dried off and played with these super fun 178 00:13:19,484 --> 00:13:23,924 Speaker 1: super soaker things. We would hide behind bushes and try 179 00:13:23,964 --> 00:13:27,164 Speaker 1: and see who would win, just like our snowball fights 180 00:13:27,164 --> 00:13:31,244 Speaker 1: in winter, but with water. I think I won, but 181 00:13:31,364 --> 00:13:35,044 Speaker 1: it's hard to know because we were both so super wet. 182 00:13:36,204 --> 00:13:39,684 Speaker 1: That sounds like the best day ever, little Bear, Papa 183 00:13:39,684 --> 00:13:44,004 Speaker 1: Bear said, as he took his empty teacup to the sink. Yeah, 184 00:13:44,124 --> 00:13:47,724 Speaker 1: I think so. But I am going to miss Bobby 185 00:13:47,804 --> 00:13:50,484 Speaker 1: because he is going to be gone for what seems 186 00:13:50,604 --> 00:13:55,604 Speaker 1: like forever. He kind of had mixed feelings about going 187 00:13:55,724 --> 00:13:59,084 Speaker 1: because he thought it would be fun, but he also 188 00:13:59,204 --> 00:14:03,724 Speaker 1: wanted to hang out doing stuff. It will be over 189 00:14:03,884 --> 00:14:06,684 Speaker 1: before you know it, little Bear, and I will take 190 00:14:06,764 --> 00:14:10,484 Speaker 1: some time so we can do some fun stuff too. 191 00:14:10,684 --> 00:14:13,124 Speaker 1: When you finish your snack, why don't you help me 192 00:14:13,164 --> 00:14:18,124 Speaker 1: cut up some vegetables to put in our salad for dinner. Okay, Papa, 193 00:14:18,204 --> 00:14:20,924 Speaker 1: as long as I don't have to cut stinky eggplant. 194 00:14:26,004 --> 00:14:29,924 Speaker 1: Later in the evening, Papa Bear walked into Bernice's bedroom 195 00:14:30,044 --> 00:14:36,724 Speaker 1: to see that Bernice was already in bed. Wow, you 196 00:14:36,844 --> 00:14:40,404 Speaker 1: certainly are fast this evening, little Bear. Did you do 197 00:14:40,484 --> 00:14:44,644 Speaker 1: all the things you need to do before bed? Yes, Papa, 198 00:14:45,084 --> 00:14:47,404 Speaker 1: I brushed my teeth and made sure I had some 199 00:14:47,564 --> 00:14:51,764 Speaker 1: clean clothes and all that kind of stuff. I kind 200 00:14:51,764 --> 00:14:55,764 Speaker 1: of felt too tired to do breathing exercises and stretching, though. 201 00:14:56,404 --> 00:15:01,244 Speaker 1: Bernice said, with droopy eyes and a big yawn, I'm 202 00:15:01,324 --> 00:15:04,444 Speaker 1: super fast at getting ready lately, and I think I 203 00:15:04,524 --> 00:15:09,244 Speaker 1: might win the yawning game tonight. I don't know, little Bear, 204 00:15:09,724 --> 00:15:15,964 Speaker 1: Papa Bear said, letting out a great, big, loud yawn. Wow, Papa, 205 00:15:16,484 --> 00:15:21,364 Speaker 1: your yawns are louder than your snores. Bernice laughed. Are 206 00:15:21,404 --> 00:15:26,004 Speaker 1: you comfy and warm, yes, Papa. How about twigg A 207 00:15:26,084 --> 00:15:30,324 Speaker 1: Wolfy and Madeline? Are they comfy too? I think they are. 208 00:15:31,564 --> 00:15:36,524 Speaker 1: How about you, Cookie, Papa Bear asked. Cookie didn't reply 209 00:15:36,764 --> 00:15:41,924 Speaker 1: because she was already asleep. Tomorrow is going to be 210 00:15:42,044 --> 00:15:47,764 Speaker 1: another great day, Little Bear. Love you, Papa, Love you too, 211 00:15:47,884 --> 00:15:52,644 Speaker 1: little Bear. Papa Bear gave Bernice a great big hug 212 00:15:52,684 --> 00:16:01,924 Speaker 1: and a kiss, and she fell fast asleep, and that 213 00:16:02,084 --> 00:16:18,244 Speaker 1: is the end of our story. Good night, sleep tight 214 00:16:27,924 --> 00:16:35,804 Speaker 1: in b B b BA