1 00:00:09,920 --> 00:00:43,680 Speaker 1: Welcome sleep tight stories. Jimmy Scarecrow's Christmas Jimmy Scarecrow led 2 00:00:43,760 --> 00:00:47,720 Speaker 1: a sad life in the winter. Jimmy's greatest grief was 3 00:00:47,760 --> 00:00:51,839 Speaker 1: his lack of occupation. He liked to be useful, and 4 00:00:51,880 --> 00:00:55,160 Speaker 1: in winter he was absolutely of no use at all. 5 00:00:56,400 --> 00:00:59,560 Speaker 1: He wondered how many such miserable winters he would have 6 00:00:59,600 --> 00:01:03,200 Speaker 1: to endure. He was a young scarecrow, and this was 7 00:01:03,240 --> 00:01:07,000 Speaker 1: his first one. He was strongly made, and although his 8 00:01:07,080 --> 00:01:10,000 Speaker 1: wooden joints creaked a little when the wind blew, he 9 00:01:10,080 --> 00:01:14,360 Speaker 1: did not grow in the least rickety. Every morning, when 10 00:01:14,360 --> 00:01:17,680 Speaker 1: the wintry sun peered like a hard yellow eye across 11 00:01:17,720 --> 00:01:22,679 Speaker 1: the dry corn stubble, Jimmy felt sad. But at Christmas 12 00:01:22,680 --> 00:01:28,440 Speaker 1: time his heart nearly broke. On Christmas Eve, Santa Claus 13 00:01:28,520 --> 00:01:31,720 Speaker 1: came in his sledge, heaped high with presents, urging his 14 00:01:31,800 --> 00:01:35,360 Speaker 1: team of reindeer across the field. He was on his 15 00:01:35,400 --> 00:01:40,160 Speaker 1: way to the farmhouse where Betsy lived with her aunt Hannah. 16 00:01:40,200 --> 00:01:43,959 Speaker 1: Betsy was a very good little girl, with very smooth 17 00:01:44,080 --> 00:01:49,600 Speaker 1: yellow curls, and she had a great many presents. Santa 18 00:01:49,640 --> 00:01:52,760 Speaker 1: Claus had a large wax dull baby before her. On 19 00:01:52,880 --> 00:01:56,320 Speaker 1: his arm tucked up against the fur collar of his coat. 20 00:01:57,280 --> 00:02:00,400 Speaker 1: He was afraid to trust it in the pack stick 21 00:02:00,400 --> 00:02:06,120 Speaker 1: get broken. When poor Jimmy Scarecrow saw Santa Claus, his 22 00:02:06,280 --> 00:02:10,480 Speaker 1: heart gave a great leap. Santa Claus, here, I am, 23 00:02:11,200 --> 00:02:14,519 Speaker 1: he cried out, but Santa Claus did not hear him. 24 00:02:16,440 --> 00:02:19,600 Speaker 1: Santa Claus, please give me a little present. I was 25 00:02:19,639 --> 00:02:22,360 Speaker 1: good all summer and kept the crows out of the corn, 26 00:02:23,480 --> 00:02:27,680 Speaker 1: pleaded the poor scarecrow in his choking voice. But Santa 27 00:02:27,680 --> 00:02:30,520 Speaker 1: Claus passed by with a merry hello and a great 28 00:02:30,600 --> 00:02:35,760 Speaker 1: clamor of bells. Then Jimmy Scarecrow stood in the corn 29 00:02:35,800 --> 00:02:40,200 Speaker 1: stubble and shook with sobs until his joints creaked. I 30 00:02:40,240 --> 00:02:43,280 Speaker 1: am of no use in the world, and everyone has 31 00:02:43,360 --> 00:02:50,680 Speaker 1: forgotten me, he moaned. But he was mistaken. The next morning, 32 00:02:52,320 --> 00:02:55,800 Speaker 1: Betsy sat at the window holding her Christmas doll baby, 33 00:02:56,360 --> 00:02:59,480 Speaker 1: and she looked out at Jimmy Scarecrow standing alone in 34 00:02:59,520 --> 00:03:04,800 Speaker 1: the field the monthst the corn stubble. Aunt Hannah, she said. 35 00:03:05,760 --> 00:03:09,120 Speaker 1: Aunt Hannah was making a crazy patchwork quilt. And she 36 00:03:09,360 --> 00:03:13,040 Speaker 1: frowned hard at a triangular piece of red silk and 37 00:03:13,160 --> 00:03:18,400 Speaker 1: a circular piece of pink wondering how to fit them together. Well, 38 00:03:19,120 --> 00:03:25,200 Speaker 1: said she. Did Santa Claus bring the scarecrow any Christmas present? No, 39 00:03:25,520 --> 00:03:30,239 Speaker 1: of course he didn't. Why not because he's a scarecrow. 40 00:03:30,320 --> 00:03:34,520 Speaker 1: Don't ask silly questions. I wouldn't like to be treated 41 00:03:34,560 --> 00:03:38,120 Speaker 1: so if I was a scarecrow, said Betsy. But her 42 00:03:38,120 --> 00:03:41,320 Speaker 1: aunt Hannah did not hear her. She was busy cutting 43 00:03:41,320 --> 00:03:44,560 Speaker 1: a triangular snip out of the round piece of pink 44 00:03:44,640 --> 00:03:47,600 Speaker 1: silk so the piece of red silk could be feather 45 00:03:47,720 --> 00:03:53,200 Speaker 1: stitched into it. It was snowing hard out of doors, 46 00:03:53,240 --> 00:03:57,440 Speaker 1: and the north wind blew. The scarecrow's poor old coat 47 00:03:57,520 --> 00:04:02,320 Speaker 1: got whiter and whiter with snow. Sometimes he almost vanished 48 00:04:02,320 --> 00:04:06,240 Speaker 1: in the thick white snow. Aunt Hannah worked until the 49 00:04:06,280 --> 00:04:09,520 Speaker 1: middle of the afternoon on her crazy quilt. Then she 50 00:04:09,640 --> 00:04:12,280 Speaker 1: got up and spread it out over the sofa with 51 00:04:12,320 --> 00:04:17,159 Speaker 1: an air of pride. There, said she. That's done, and 52 00:04:17,279 --> 00:04:20,760 Speaker 1: that makes the eighth I've got one for every bed 53 00:04:20,800 --> 00:04:23,839 Speaker 1: in the house, and I've given four away. I'd give 54 00:04:23,880 --> 00:04:26,520 Speaker 1: this away if I knew of anybody that wanted it. 55 00:04:28,360 --> 00:04:30,760 Speaker 1: Aunt Hannah put on her hood and shawl and drew 56 00:04:30,800 --> 00:04:34,360 Speaker 1: some blue yarn stockings on over her shoes and set 57 00:04:34,360 --> 00:04:36,520 Speaker 1: out through the snow to carry a slice of plum 58 00:04:36,640 --> 00:04:39,760 Speaker 1: pudding to her sister Susan, who lived down the road. 59 00:04:42,320 --> 00:04:45,280 Speaker 1: Half an hour after Aunt Hannah had gone, Betsy put 60 00:04:45,279 --> 00:04:48,680 Speaker 1: her little red plain shawl over her head and ran 61 00:04:48,720 --> 00:04:52,760 Speaker 1: across the field to Jimmy Scarecrow. She carried her new 62 00:04:52,880 --> 00:04:56,599 Speaker 1: doll baby smuggled up again to her shawl. Wish you 63 00:04:56,680 --> 00:05:01,799 Speaker 1: merry Christmas, she said. To Jimmy Scarecrow. Wish you the same, 64 00:05:02,760 --> 00:05:06,359 Speaker 1: said Jimmy, but his voice was choked with sobs and 65 00:05:06,520 --> 00:05:09,960 Speaker 1: was also muffled, for his old hat had slipped down 66 00:05:10,000 --> 00:05:15,200 Speaker 1: to his chin. Betsy looked pitifully at the old hat, 67 00:05:15,320 --> 00:05:19,440 Speaker 1: fringed with icicles like frozen tears, and the old snow 68 00:05:19,560 --> 00:05:23,880 Speaker 1: laden coat. I've brought you a Christmas present, she said, 69 00:05:24,839 --> 00:05:27,799 Speaker 1: and with that she tucked her baby doll inside Jimmy 70 00:05:27,880 --> 00:05:33,080 Speaker 1: Scarecrow's coat, sticking its tiny feet into a pocket. Thank you, 71 00:05:34,360 --> 00:05:39,680 Speaker 1: said Jimmy Scarecrow faintly. You're welcome, she said. Keep her 72 00:05:39,760 --> 00:05:42,240 Speaker 1: under your overcoat so the snow won't wet her and 73 00:05:42,320 --> 00:05:48,320 Speaker 1: she won't catch cold. She's delicate. Yes, I will, said 74 00:05:48,400 --> 00:05:51,359 Speaker 1: Jimmy Scarecrow, and he tried hard to bring one of 75 00:05:51,400 --> 00:05:55,040 Speaker 1: his stiff, outstretched arms around to clasp the doll baby. 76 00:05:56,400 --> 00:05:59,719 Speaker 1: Don't you feel cold in that old summer coat, asked Betsy. 77 00:06:02,240 --> 00:06:04,839 Speaker 1: If I had a little exercise, I should be warm, 78 00:06:04,920 --> 00:06:08,400 Speaker 1: he replied, but he shivered and the wind whistled through 79 00:06:08,400 --> 00:06:12,719 Speaker 1: his rags. Wait a minute, said Betsy, and was off 80 00:06:12,760 --> 00:06:18,240 Speaker 1: across the field. Jimmy Scarecrow stood in the corn stubble 81 00:06:18,440 --> 00:06:21,919 Speaker 1: with the doll baby under his coat and waited, And 82 00:06:22,080 --> 00:06:25,560 Speaker 1: soon Betsy was back again, with Aunt Hannah's crazy quilt 83 00:06:25,560 --> 00:06:29,600 Speaker 1: trailing in the snow behind her. Here, she said, here 84 00:06:29,680 --> 00:06:32,719 Speaker 1: is something to keep you warm, and she folded the 85 00:06:32,760 --> 00:06:37,160 Speaker 1: crazy quilt around the scarecrow and pinned it. Aunt Hannah 86 00:06:37,160 --> 00:06:40,200 Speaker 1: wants to give it away if anybody wants it, she explained. 87 00:06:40,800 --> 00:06:43,599 Speaker 1: She's got so many crazy quilts in the house now 88 00:06:43,680 --> 00:06:46,520 Speaker 1: she doesn't know what to do with them. Good Bye, 89 00:06:47,160 --> 00:06:50,560 Speaker 1: Be sure you keep the doll baby covered up, And 90 00:06:50,680 --> 00:06:53,679 Speaker 1: with that she ran across the field and left Jimmy 91 00:06:53,720 --> 00:06:57,080 Speaker 1: Scarecrow alone with the crazy quilt and the doll baby. 92 00:07:00,080 --> 00:07:03,440 Speaker 1: The bright flash of colors under Jimmy's hat brim dazzled 93 00:07:03,480 --> 00:07:06,960 Speaker 1: his eyes and he felt a little alarmed. I hope 94 00:07:07,000 --> 00:07:10,239 Speaker 1: this quilt is harmless if it is crazy, he said, 95 00:07:11,000 --> 00:07:14,480 Speaker 1: But the quilt was warm, and he dismissed his fears. 96 00:07:15,400 --> 00:07:18,600 Speaker 1: Soon the doll baby whimpered, but he creaked his joints 97 00:07:18,600 --> 00:07:21,040 Speaker 1: a little, and that amused it, and he heard it 98 00:07:21,120 --> 00:07:26,880 Speaker 1: cooing inside his coat. Jimmy Scarecrow had never felt so 99 00:07:27,000 --> 00:07:29,840 Speaker 1: happy in his life as he did for an hour 100 00:07:30,000 --> 00:07:33,840 Speaker 1: or so. But after that the snow began to turn 101 00:07:33,880 --> 00:07:38,160 Speaker 1: to rain, and the crazy quilt was soaked through and through, 102 00:07:39,080 --> 00:07:42,600 Speaker 1: and not only that but his coat and the poor 103 00:07:42,720 --> 00:07:47,040 Speaker 1: doll baby. It cried pitifully for a while, and then 104 00:07:47,080 --> 00:07:49,960 Speaker 1: it was still, and he was afraid it was dead. 105 00:07:51,640 --> 00:07:54,920 Speaker 1: It grew very dark, and the rain fell in sheets. 106 00:07:55,720 --> 00:07:59,520 Speaker 1: The snow melted, and Jimmy Scarecrow stood half way up 107 00:07:59,560 --> 00:08:03,680 Speaker 1: his old boots in water. He was saying to himself 108 00:08:03,760 --> 00:08:07,120 Speaker 1: that the saddest hour of his life had come, when 109 00:08:07,160 --> 00:08:10,640 Speaker 1: suddenly he heard Santa Claus's sleigh bells and his merry 110 00:08:10,720 --> 00:08:17,320 Speaker 1: voice talking to his reindeer. It was after midnight, Christmas 111 00:08:17,360 --> 00:08:20,960 Speaker 1: was over, and Santa was hastening home to the North Pole. 112 00:08:22,040 --> 00:08:27,600 Speaker 1: Santa Claus, Dear Santa Claus, cried, Jimmy Scarecrow with a 113 00:08:27,640 --> 00:08:31,240 Speaker 1: great sob, and that time Santa Claus heard him and 114 00:08:31,320 --> 00:08:35,520 Speaker 1: drew rein. Who's there, he shouted out of the darkness. 115 00:08:36,320 --> 00:08:44,079 Speaker 1: It's only me, replied the scarecrow. Who's me, shouted Santa Claus. Jimmy, Scarecrow. 116 00:08:46,280 --> 00:08:48,600 Speaker 1: Santa got out of his sledge and waded it up. 117 00:08:49,200 --> 00:08:52,199 Speaker 1: Have you been standing here ever since? Corn was ripe? 118 00:08:52,720 --> 00:08:57,640 Speaker 1: He asked pityingly, and Jimmy replied that he had. What's 119 00:08:57,760 --> 00:09:02,600 Speaker 1: that over your shoulders? Santa Claus continued, holding up his lantern. 120 00:09:03,640 --> 00:09:07,880 Speaker 1: It's a crazy quilt. And what are you holding under 121 00:09:07,880 --> 00:09:12,320 Speaker 1: your coat? The doll baby that Betsy gave me? And 122 00:09:12,440 --> 00:09:18,040 Speaker 1: I'm afraid it's dead. Poor Jimmy Scarecrow sobbed. Nonsense, cried 123 00:09:18,080 --> 00:09:22,760 Speaker 1: Santa Claus. Let me see it, and with that he 124 00:09:22,840 --> 00:09:25,959 Speaker 1: pulled the doll baby out from under the scarecrow's coat 125 00:09:26,559 --> 00:09:29,640 Speaker 1: and patted its back and shook it a little, and 126 00:09:29,720 --> 00:09:34,360 Speaker 1: it began to cry and then to crow. It's all right, 127 00:09:34,480 --> 00:09:37,920 Speaker 1: said Santa Claus. This is the doll baby I gave Betsy, 128 00:09:38,360 --> 00:09:41,880 Speaker 1: and it is not at all delicate. It went through 129 00:09:41,880 --> 00:09:46,160 Speaker 1: the measles and the chicken pox and the mumps and 130 00:09:46,240 --> 00:09:48,920 Speaker 1: the hooping cough before it even left the North Pole. 131 00:09:50,080 --> 00:09:52,960 Speaker 1: Now get in the sledge, Jimmy Scarecrow, and bring the 132 00:09:53,040 --> 00:09:56,760 Speaker 1: doll baby and the crazy quilt. I have never had 133 00:09:56,800 --> 00:09:59,280 Speaker 1: any quilts that weren't in their right minds at the 134 00:09:59,320 --> 00:10:03,280 Speaker 1: North Pole, but maybe I can cure this one. Get in, 135 00:10:04,520 --> 00:10:07,319 Speaker 1: Santa chirruped to his reindeer, and they drew the sled 136 00:10:07,400 --> 00:10:11,520 Speaker 1: up close in a beautiful curve. Get in, Jimmy Scarecrow, 137 00:10:11,679 --> 00:10:15,480 Speaker 1: and come with me to the North Pole, he cried. Please, 138 00:10:16,000 --> 00:10:20,080 Speaker 1: how long shall I stay? Asked Jimmy Scarecrow. Why you 139 00:10:20,120 --> 00:10:23,640 Speaker 1: are going to live with me, replied Santa Claus. I've 140 00:10:23,640 --> 00:10:26,880 Speaker 1: been looking for a person like you for a long time. 141 00:10:28,840 --> 00:10:31,600 Speaker 1: Are there any crows to scare away in the North Pole? 142 00:10:32,160 --> 00:10:37,319 Speaker 1: I want to be useful, Jimmy Scarecrow said anxiously. No, 143 00:10:38,120 --> 00:10:41,120 Speaker 1: answered Santa Claus. But I don't want you to scare 144 00:10:41,160 --> 00:10:45,960 Speaker 1: away crows. I want you to scare away Arctic explorers. 145 00:10:46,240 --> 00:10:49,000 Speaker 1: I can keep you in work for a thousand years, 146 00:10:49,520 --> 00:10:53,120 Speaker 1: and scaring away Arctic explorers from the North Pole is 147 00:10:53,240 --> 00:10:58,880 Speaker 1: much more important than scaring away crows from corn. Why 148 00:10:58,960 --> 00:11:02,280 Speaker 1: if they found the there wouldn't be a piece an 149 00:11:02,320 --> 00:11:05,640 Speaker 1: inch long left in a week's time, and the earth 150 00:11:05,679 --> 00:11:09,200 Speaker 1: would cave in like an apple without a core. They 151 00:11:09,240 --> 00:11:12,040 Speaker 1: would whittle it all to pieces and carry it away 152 00:11:12,040 --> 00:11:15,520 Speaker 1: in their pockets for souvenirs. Come along, I'm in a hurry. 153 00:11:17,120 --> 00:11:20,960 Speaker 1: I will go on two conditions, said Jimmy. First, I 154 00:11:21,040 --> 00:11:23,319 Speaker 1: want to make a present to Aunt Hannah and Betsy 155 00:11:23,520 --> 00:11:27,640 Speaker 1: next Christmas. You shall make them any present you choose. 156 00:11:28,080 --> 00:11:32,720 Speaker 1: What else? I want some way provided to scare the 157 00:11:32,800 --> 00:11:35,680 Speaker 1: crows out of the corn next summer while I am away, 158 00:11:35,720 --> 00:11:39,960 Speaker 1: said Jimmy. That is easily managed, said Santa Claus. Just 159 00:11:40,040 --> 00:11:44,439 Speaker 1: wait a minute. Santa took his pen out of his pocket, 160 00:11:44,800 --> 00:11:47,839 Speaker 1: went with his lantern close to one of the fence posts, 161 00:11:47,920 --> 00:11:53,760 Speaker 1: and wrote these words upon it. Notice to crows, whichever 162 00:11:53,920 --> 00:11:59,200 Speaker 1: crow shall hereafter hop, fly or flop into this field 163 00:11:59,240 --> 00:12:03,320 Speaker 1: during the absent of Jimmy, scarecrow, and therefore poor loin 164 00:12:03,800 --> 00:12:08,880 Speaker 1: steel or abstract corn, shall be instantly in a twinkling 165 00:12:09,120 --> 00:12:13,319 Speaker 1: and a trice turned snow white, and be ever after 166 00:12:13,600 --> 00:12:18,439 Speaker 1: a disgrace, a byword, and a reproach to his whole race. 167 00:12:19,400 --> 00:12:26,080 Speaker 1: Per order of Santa Claus, the corn will be safe now, 168 00:12:26,120 --> 00:12:30,080 Speaker 1: said Santa Claus. Get in, Jimmy got into the sled, 169 00:12:30,600 --> 00:12:33,679 Speaker 1: and they flew away over the fields, out of sight, 170 00:12:34,280 --> 00:12:39,600 Speaker 1: with merry hellos and a great clamor of bells. The 171 00:12:39,679 --> 00:12:43,680 Speaker 1: next morning, there was much surprise at the farmhouse when 172 00:12:43,720 --> 00:12:46,080 Speaker 1: Aunt Hannah and Betsy looked out of the window and 173 00:12:46,120 --> 00:12:48,840 Speaker 1: the scarecrow was not in the field, holding out his 174 00:12:48,920 --> 00:12:53,480 Speaker 1: stiff arms over the corn stubble. Betsy had told Aunt 175 00:12:53,520 --> 00:12:55,920 Speaker 1: Hannah she had given away the crazy quilt and the 176 00:12:55,960 --> 00:13:01,080 Speaker 1: doll baby, but had been scolded very little. You must 177 00:13:01,160 --> 00:13:04,760 Speaker 1: not give away anything of yours again without asking permission, 178 00:13:04,960 --> 00:13:07,640 Speaker 1: said Aunt Hannah. And you have no right to give 179 00:13:07,640 --> 00:13:10,640 Speaker 1: away anything of mine, even if you know I don't 180 00:13:10,679 --> 00:13:14,800 Speaker 1: want it. Now, both my pretty quilt and your beautiful 181 00:13:14,840 --> 00:13:20,360 Speaker 1: doll baby are spoiled. That was all Aunt Hannah had said. 182 00:13:21,200 --> 00:13:23,520 Speaker 1: She thought she would send John after the quilt and 183 00:13:23,559 --> 00:13:26,520 Speaker 1: the doll baby next morning, as soon as it was light. 184 00:13:28,200 --> 00:13:31,920 Speaker 1: But Jimmy scarecrow was gone, and the crazy quilt and 185 00:13:31,960 --> 00:13:37,200 Speaker 1: the doll baby with him. John the servant man searched everywhere, 186 00:13:37,679 --> 00:13:41,280 Speaker 1: but not a trace of them could he find. They 187 00:13:41,360 --> 00:13:44,480 Speaker 1: must have all blown away, ma'am, He said to Aunt Hannah, 188 00:13:45,720 --> 00:13:49,640 Speaker 1: we shall have to have another scarecrow next summer, she said. 189 00:13:50,080 --> 00:13:53,280 Speaker 1: But the next summer there was no need of a scarecrow, 190 00:13:54,040 --> 00:13:57,560 Speaker 1: for not a crow came past the fence post on 191 00:13:57,679 --> 00:14:01,720 Speaker 1: which Santa Claus had written his notice to crows. The 192 00:14:01,800 --> 00:14:07,000 Speaker 1: cornfield was never so beautiful, and not a single grain 193 00:14:07,240 --> 00:14:10,760 Speaker 1: was stolen by a crow, And everybody wondered at it, 194 00:14:11,240 --> 00:14:13,640 Speaker 1: for they could not read the crow language in which 195 00:14:13,679 --> 00:14:17,880 Speaker 1: Santa had written. It is a great mystery to me 196 00:14:18,000 --> 00:14:21,320 Speaker 1: why the crows don't come into our cornfield when there 197 00:14:21,400 --> 00:14:25,840 Speaker 1: is no scarecrow, said Aunt Hannah. But she had a 198 00:14:25,920 --> 00:14:29,600 Speaker 1: still greater mystery to solve when Christmas came round again. 199 00:14:30,680 --> 00:14:35,240 Speaker 1: Then she and Betsy had each a strange present. They 200 00:14:35,240 --> 00:14:38,800 Speaker 1: found them in the sitting room on Christmas morning. Aunt 201 00:14:38,840 --> 00:14:44,160 Speaker 1: Hannah's present was her old crazy quilt, remodeled with every 202 00:14:44,240 --> 00:14:49,480 Speaker 1: piece cut square and true and matched exactly to its neighbor. 203 00:14:50,560 --> 00:14:53,560 Speaker 1: Why it's my old crazy quilt, but it isn't crazy now, 204 00:14:54,200 --> 00:14:58,040 Speaker 1: cried Aunt Hannah, and her very spectacles seemed to glisten 205 00:14:58,120 --> 00:15:02,520 Speaker 1: with amazement. Betsy's present was her doll baby of the 206 00:15:02,600 --> 00:15:07,000 Speaker 1: Christmas before, but the doll was a year older. She 207 00:15:07,040 --> 00:15:10,120 Speaker 1: had grown an inch and could walk and say mamma 208 00:15:10,240 --> 00:15:14,640 Speaker 1: and how do. She was changed a good deal, but 209 00:15:14,760 --> 00:15:19,720 Speaker 1: Betsy knew her at once. It's my doll. Baby. She 210 00:15:19,800 --> 00:15:24,360 Speaker 1: cried and snatched her up and kissed her. But neither 211 00:15:24,400 --> 00:15:28,120 Speaker 1: Aunt Hannah nor Betsy ever knew that the quilt and 212 00:15:28,200 --> 00:15:50,360 Speaker 1: the doll were Jimmy Scarecrow's Christmas presents to them.