1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:16,960 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I would 2 00:00:17,000 --> 00:00:19,800 Speaker 1: like to say hello to some of our friends who 3 00:00:19,920 --> 00:00:26,120 Speaker 1: filled out our sleep Tight Stories survey. Hello to Loewen, 4 00:00:27,520 --> 00:00:38,879 Speaker 1: Luciana and Aurelia, Izzy Graham, Mirah May and Una, Nathan 5 00:00:39,159 --> 00:00:49,080 Speaker 1: and Amelia, Mirabelle Nolan and gerrig Robert McDonald from Chicago, 6 00:00:50,960 --> 00:00:57,200 Speaker 1: Norah Olin and Everett. And a special happy birthday to 7 00:00:57,400 --> 00:01:05,240 Speaker 1: Ginger and Teddy just celebrated their six birthdays. I am 8 00:01:05,280 --> 00:01:10,399 Speaker 1: sorry if I said your name wrong. If you would 9 00:01:10,400 --> 00:01:13,920 Speaker 1: like to support us, please visit us at patreon dot 10 00:01:13,959 --> 00:01:18,800 Speaker 1: com slash sleep Tight Stories. A link can be found 11 00:01:18,800 --> 00:01:28,160 Speaker 1: in the show notes. Thank you. It is fall here 12 00:01:28,720 --> 00:01:32,640 Speaker 1: and that is my favorite season of the year, and 13 00:01:32,880 --> 00:01:39,640 Speaker 1: apple picking is happening all around. I remember our family 14 00:01:39,720 --> 00:01:43,080 Speaker 1: going to pick apples when I was a child, and 15 00:01:43,160 --> 00:01:48,120 Speaker 1: how delicious those apples tasted when you had picked them yourself. 16 00:01:50,480 --> 00:01:55,880 Speaker 1: Have you ever gone picking apples? John in this episode 17 00:01:56,120 --> 00:02:00,560 Speaker 1: is going to see what happens when the apples are picked. 18 00:02:09,800 --> 00:02:16,680 Speaker 1: The apple story. Once upon a time there was a farmhouse, 19 00:02:17,800 --> 00:02:22,280 Speaker 1: and it was painted white and had green blinds, and 20 00:02:22,360 --> 00:02:28,240 Speaker 1: it stood not far from the road. In the fence 21 00:02:28,880 --> 00:02:32,680 Speaker 1: was a wide gate to let the wagons through to 22 00:02:32,840 --> 00:02:38,200 Speaker 1: the barn, and the wagons going through had made a 23 00:02:38,360 --> 00:02:43,200 Speaker 1: track that went up past the kitchen door and passed 24 00:02:43,200 --> 00:02:47,600 Speaker 1: the shed and past the barn, and passed the orchard 25 00:02:48,240 --> 00:02:58,920 Speaker 1: to the wheat field. In the orchard grew many apple trees. 26 00:03:00,440 --> 00:03:05,160 Speaker 1: Some had yellow apples, and some had green apples, and 27 00:03:05,240 --> 00:03:11,040 Speaker 1: some had red apples, and some had brown apples. And 28 00:03:11,120 --> 00:03:14,880 Speaker 1: the yellow apples got ripe before the summer was over, 29 00:03:16,320 --> 00:03:20,000 Speaker 1: but the green apples and the red apples and the 30 00:03:20,040 --> 00:03:24,360 Speaker 1: brown apples were not ripe until the summer was over, 31 00:03:25,280 --> 00:03:41,080 Speaker 1: and it was beginning to get cold. So one day, 32 00:03:41,720 --> 00:03:45,400 Speaker 1: after the summer was over and it was beginning to 33 00:03:45,560 --> 00:03:50,880 Speaker 1: get cold, Uncle John saw that the apples on one 34 00:03:50,920 --> 00:03:55,640 Speaker 1: of the trees were ready to be picked, and they 35 00:03:56,200 --> 00:04:01,640 Speaker 1: were red apples. So he got out the old oxen, 36 00:04:02,320 --> 00:04:05,320 Speaker 1: and they put their heads down, and he put the 37 00:04:05,400 --> 00:04:10,120 Speaker 1: yoke over and the bows under, and hooked the tongue 38 00:04:10,160 --> 00:04:15,200 Speaker 1: of the ox cart to the yoke. Then he said, 39 00:04:15,960 --> 00:04:20,719 Speaker 1: get up there, buck, get up their star. And the 40 00:04:20,839 --> 00:04:27,000 Speaker 1: old oxen began walking slowly along past the barn to 41 00:04:27,160 --> 00:04:32,360 Speaker 1: the orchard, and they turned in through the wide gate 42 00:04:33,160 --> 00:04:37,359 Speaker 1: into the orchard and went along until they came to 43 00:04:37,520 --> 00:04:47,160 Speaker 1: the right tree, uncle John gathered all the apples. Then 44 00:04:47,240 --> 00:04:51,359 Speaker 1: they stopped, and Uncle John took a basket and climbed 45 00:04:51,480 --> 00:04:57,119 Speaker 1: up into the tree, and he picked the apples very 46 00:04:57,200 --> 00:05:02,960 Speaker 1: carefully and put them into the basket. And when the 47 00:05:03,040 --> 00:05:07,719 Speaker 1: basket was full, he climbed down from the tree and 48 00:05:07,920 --> 00:05:14,440 Speaker 1: emptied the basket carefully into the cart. Then he climbed 49 00:05:14,520 --> 00:05:20,800 Speaker 1: up again and filled the basket again. And so he 50 00:05:20,920 --> 00:05:28,119 Speaker 1: did until the cart was full. Then Uncle John said, 51 00:05:28,880 --> 00:05:34,560 Speaker 1: get up there, And the old oxen started and turned 52 00:05:34,640 --> 00:05:39,800 Speaker 1: around and walked slowly back to the barn and in 53 00:05:40,040 --> 00:05:47,320 Speaker 1: at the big door. Then uncle John took all the 54 00:05:47,400 --> 00:05:50,599 Speaker 1: apples out of the cart and put them in a 55 00:05:50,760 --> 00:05:56,960 Speaker 1: kind of pen. And the old oxen started again and 56 00:05:57,120 --> 00:06:05,840 Speaker 1: walked slowly back to the orchard. So uncle John gathered 57 00:06:05,960 --> 00:06:09,479 Speaker 1: all the apples from that tree and put them in 58 00:06:09,560 --> 00:06:14,520 Speaker 1: the pen in the barn. Then he unhooked the tongue 59 00:06:14,600 --> 00:06:18,359 Speaker 1: of the cart and took off the yoke, and the 60 00:06:18,520 --> 00:06:22,760 Speaker 1: old oxen went to their places and went to sleep. 61 00:06:30,040 --> 00:06:35,279 Speaker 1: The next morning, Uncle Solomon and Uncle John and little 62 00:06:35,360 --> 00:06:40,120 Speaker 1: John all went out to the barn and they took 63 00:06:40,680 --> 00:06:45,040 Speaker 1: little three legged stools that had one end higher than 64 00:06:45,080 --> 00:06:49,760 Speaker 1: the other, the kind they used when they milked the cows. 65 00:06:51,160 --> 00:06:55,160 Speaker 1: And they sat on these stools and looked over all 66 00:06:55,400 --> 00:07:04,279 Speaker 1: the apples one by one. The apples that were very nice, indeed, 67 00:07:04,880 --> 00:07:09,920 Speaker 1: they put in some barrels that were there. And the 68 00:07:09,960 --> 00:07:14,240 Speaker 1: apples that were good but not quite so nice and big, 69 00:07:15,280 --> 00:07:20,600 Speaker 1: they were putting a pile on the floor. And the 70 00:07:20,640 --> 00:07:24,560 Speaker 1: apples that had specks on them, or holes in them, 71 00:07:25,400 --> 00:07:31,480 Speaker 1: or that were twisted, they put in another pile. And 72 00:07:31,600 --> 00:07:36,400 Speaker 1: this last pile they gave to the horses and cows, 73 00:07:37,040 --> 00:07:42,600 Speaker 1: and oxen and pigs, and the apples in the barrels 74 00:07:42,680 --> 00:07:46,440 Speaker 1: were to go to market or for the people to eat. 75 00:07:50,560 --> 00:07:54,840 Speaker 1: Then Uncle John got out the old oxen, and they 76 00:07:54,880 --> 00:07:58,520 Speaker 1: put their heads down low, and he put the yoke 77 00:07:58,680 --> 00:08:02,280 Speaker 1: over and the bowl was under, and hooked the tongue 78 00:08:02,360 --> 00:08:06,320 Speaker 1: of the ox cart to the yoke, and he put 79 00:08:06,440 --> 00:08:09,960 Speaker 1: into the cart all the apples that were in the 80 00:08:10,000 --> 00:08:14,520 Speaker 1: first pile, those that were good but not quite big 81 00:08:14,680 --> 00:08:18,600 Speaker 1: enough to put in the barrels, And he put two 82 00:08:19,080 --> 00:08:23,920 Speaker 1: empty kegs, little barrels on the top of the load. 83 00:08:26,520 --> 00:08:32,360 Speaker 1: Then the old oxen started walking slowly along out of 84 00:08:32,400 --> 00:08:36,800 Speaker 1: the barn and along the wagon track, passed the shed 85 00:08:37,640 --> 00:08:42,520 Speaker 1: and passed the kitchen door, and threw the gate into 86 00:08:42,600 --> 00:08:50,440 Speaker 1: the road, and they turned along the road, not the 87 00:08:50,480 --> 00:08:53,120 Speaker 1: way to the field where they went to get water, 88 00:08:54,240 --> 00:09:02,160 Speaker 1: but the other way. And Uncle John walked beside, and 89 00:09:02,240 --> 00:09:08,680 Speaker 1: little John ran ahead, and they went along until they 90 00:09:08,720 --> 00:09:12,760 Speaker 1: came to a little house by the side of the road, 91 00:09:13,720 --> 00:09:21,199 Speaker 1: and there they stopped. Then uncle John opened the door 92 00:09:21,240 --> 00:09:27,280 Speaker 1: of the little house and they went in, and inside 93 00:09:27,880 --> 00:09:31,240 Speaker 1: there was nothing but a log against the wall to 94 00:09:31,360 --> 00:09:35,400 Speaker 1: sit on, and in the middle of the room a 95 00:09:35,520 --> 00:09:41,680 Speaker 1: kind of a thing they called a cider press. It 96 00:09:41,760 --> 00:09:45,160 Speaker 1: had a place to put the apples in, and a 97 00:09:45,200 --> 00:09:50,239 Speaker 1: flat cover that came down on top, and a screw 98 00:09:50,840 --> 00:09:57,960 Speaker 1: and a long handle. Above besides the cider press there 99 00:09:58,080 --> 00:10:02,559 Speaker 1: was a chopper to chop the apples into little pieces. 100 00:10:07,240 --> 00:10:11,720 Speaker 1: Then little John sat down on the log, and Uncle 101 00:10:11,800 --> 00:10:16,040 Speaker 1: John put the apples in the chopper and chopped them 102 00:10:16,160 --> 00:10:22,480 Speaker 1: up fine. Then he put some chopped apples with some 103 00:10:22,600 --> 00:10:27,240 Speaker 1: straw over them in the place that was meant for apples, 104 00:10:28,720 --> 00:10:32,320 Speaker 1: And then he took hold of the long handle and 105 00:10:32,520 --> 00:10:41,000 Speaker 1: walked around and around that made the screw turn and 106 00:10:41,080 --> 00:10:45,040 Speaker 1: the cover squeezed down on the apples. So that the 107 00:10:45,160 --> 00:10:49,640 Speaker 1: juice ran out below into the keg that was put there. 108 00:10:52,080 --> 00:10:56,120 Speaker 1: And when the juice was all squeezed out of those apples, 109 00:10:57,000 --> 00:11:01,560 Speaker 1: he walked around the other way holding the handle, and 110 00:11:01,679 --> 00:11:07,240 Speaker 1: that made the cover lift up. Then he took out 111 00:11:07,280 --> 00:11:11,440 Speaker 1: the squeezed apples and put in some other apples and 112 00:11:11,559 --> 00:11:17,880 Speaker 1: squeezed them the same way. And when all the apples 113 00:11:17,920 --> 00:11:22,760 Speaker 1: in the cart had been squeezed, both kegs were full 114 00:11:22,800 --> 00:11:33,480 Speaker 1: of juice, and they called the juice cider. So Uncle 115 00:11:33,559 --> 00:11:38,280 Speaker 1: John put the great stoppers that they called bungs into 116 00:11:38,320 --> 00:11:42,320 Speaker 1: the bungholes in the kegs so that the cider would 117 00:11:42,320 --> 00:11:47,800 Speaker 1: not run out. Then he put the kegs in the cart, 118 00:11:48,640 --> 00:11:52,400 Speaker 1: and little John came out of the little house, and 119 00:11:52,600 --> 00:11:57,720 Speaker 1: Uncle John shut the door, and the old oxen turned 120 00:11:57,760 --> 00:12:03,120 Speaker 1: around and walked slowly along until they came to the gate, 121 00:12:04,800 --> 00:12:08,040 Speaker 1: and they walked up the track to the kitchen door, 122 00:12:09,360 --> 00:12:17,079 Speaker 1: and there they stopped. Then Uncle John and Uncle Solomon 123 00:12:17,720 --> 00:12:21,360 Speaker 1: took the kegs down into the cellar, and they took 124 00:12:21,440 --> 00:12:23,960 Speaker 1: out the little bung near the bottom of one of 125 00:12:24,000 --> 00:12:28,800 Speaker 1: the kegs and put in a wooden spigot, a kind 126 00:12:28,840 --> 00:12:33,280 Speaker 1: of a faucet. Then they set that keg on a 127 00:12:33,320 --> 00:12:37,800 Speaker 1: shelf so that a pitcher or a mug could go 128 00:12:38,160 --> 00:12:46,480 Speaker 1: under the spigot. Then Uncle John took the yoke off 129 00:12:46,559 --> 00:12:51,040 Speaker 1: the oxen and they went into the barn and went 130 00:12:51,160 --> 00:13:01,000 Speaker 1: to sleep. After supper that evening, uncle Solomon and Uncle 131 00:13:01,120 --> 00:13:05,839 Speaker 1: John were sitting in the sitting room, and Uncle John 132 00:13:05,960 --> 00:13:10,760 Speaker 1: spoke to Little John and said, John, I think I 133 00:13:10,800 --> 00:13:17,840 Speaker 1: would like a drink of cider. So Little John took 134 00:13:17,880 --> 00:13:22,280 Speaker 1: a picture and went down into the cellar, and his 135 00:13:22,400 --> 00:13:26,520 Speaker 1: mother held a light while he put the picture under 136 00:13:26,559 --> 00:13:32,520 Speaker 1: the spigot and turned the spigot, and the sider ran 137 00:13:32,720 --> 00:13:37,960 Speaker 1: into the picture, And when enough had run in, he 138 00:13:38,080 --> 00:13:42,600 Speaker 1: turned the spigot the other way and the sider stopped running. 139 00:13:44,960 --> 00:13:48,400 Speaker 1: Then he carried the sider up to his father, and 140 00:13:48,520 --> 00:13:55,200 Speaker 1: his father drank it. And when Uncle John had drunk 141 00:13:55,240 --> 00:14:00,800 Speaker 1: the sider, he said to Uncle Solomon, father, that's pretty 142 00:14:00,840 --> 00:14:08,240 Speaker 1: good cider. You'd better have some, And Uncle Solomon said, 143 00:14:09,160 --> 00:14:14,000 Speaker 1: don't care if I do, so Little John had to 144 00:14:14,080 --> 00:14:18,880 Speaker 1: go down cellar again and get another picture of cider. 145 00:14:22,000 --> 00:14:27,600 Speaker 1: Those two kegs of cider lasted for a while, and 146 00:14:27,680 --> 00:14:33,120 Speaker 1: then more apples were ripe and they made enough cider 147 00:14:33,320 --> 00:14:38,000 Speaker 1: to last all winter, and some to send to market. 148 00:14:38,440 --> 00:14:39,040 Speaker 1: Besides