1 00:00:29,724 --> 00:00:33,724 Speaker 1: Never want to miss a story. Please ask your parents 2 00:00:33,764 --> 00:00:38,044 Speaker 1: to subscribe. You can find us on Apple Podcasts or 3 00:00:38,084 --> 00:00:42,684 Speaker 1: wherever your parents listen to podcasts. And please, if you 4 00:00:42,924 --> 00:00:46,324 Speaker 1: love our stories, take a moment to leave us a review. 5 00:00:47,044 --> 00:00:55,764 Speaker 1: It may help others find our show. Thank you, Hello friends. 6 00:00:56,404 --> 00:00:59,804 Speaker 1: As the year draws to a close, Clark and I 7 00:00:59,964 --> 00:01:02,884 Speaker 1: want to take a moment to express our thanks to 8 00:01:03,044 --> 00:01:07,564 Speaker 1: each and every one of you. We have had so 9 00:01:07,764 --> 00:01:11,084 Speaker 1: much fun sharing our stories with you this year, over 10 00:01:11,204 --> 00:01:15,924 Speaker 1: two hundred and eighty six in total. It's just Clark 11 00:01:15,964 --> 00:01:18,844 Speaker 1: and me and we couldn't have done it without your support. 12 00:01:20,004 --> 00:01:23,204 Speaker 1: Because of you, we are one of the top bedtime 13 00:01:23,284 --> 00:01:29,764 Speaker 1: Stories shows worldwide. Thank you for listening and we hope 14 00:01:29,804 --> 00:01:32,204 Speaker 1: you will continue to join us in the new year. 15 00:01:33,244 --> 00:01:47,524 Speaker 1: From our family to yours, sleep Tight, Hello, friends, and 16 00:01:47,684 --> 00:02:00,564 Speaker 1: welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Blinky and his friends are 17 00:02:00,604 --> 00:02:03,724 Speaker 1: getting ready to go on their adventure to the pet store. 18 00:02:04,804 --> 00:02:07,884 Speaker 1: Doodoo still needs to tell Blinki why they are going, 19 00:02:08,524 --> 00:02:12,764 Speaker 1: and after he does, Blinky realizes he never knew but 20 00:02:12,924 --> 00:02:15,964 Speaker 1: understands now why his family took him to see so 21 00:02:16,124 --> 00:02:21,364 Speaker 1: many doctors. When they arrive at the pet store, they 22 00:02:21,404 --> 00:02:29,084 Speaker 1: find the cure, but don't get away so easily. Blinky 23 00:02:29,284 --> 00:02:37,764 Speaker 1: has Stinky Breath Part two. Before embarking on their adventure, Doodoo, 24 00:02:38,124 --> 00:02:43,604 Speaker 1: Captain Sniffer, Buddy, Chewbacca, and Tank knew they had one important, 25 00:02:44,044 --> 00:02:49,524 Speaker 1: albeit awkward task at hand informing Blinky about the true 26 00:02:49,604 --> 00:02:55,764 Speaker 1: reason behind their nighttime escapade. As they approached Blinkie's house, 27 00:02:55,964 --> 00:03:00,484 Speaker 1: Doodoo whispered, okay, everyone, let's be gentle with Blinky. He 28 00:03:00,604 --> 00:03:08,044 Speaker 1: doesn't know about his uh breath situation. When they arrived, 29 00:03:08,324 --> 00:03:13,644 Speaker 1: Doodoo had the responsibility of talking to Blinky. Sitting patiently, 30 00:03:14,084 --> 00:03:20,364 Speaker 1: Blinky saw that Doodo was nervous, So uh like I said, 31 00:03:21,004 --> 00:03:24,484 Speaker 1: it's a noble mission, Blinky Doodo said, with a stutter. 32 00:03:25,284 --> 00:03:27,964 Speaker 1: I'm all up for some fun, Blinky said, but I 33 00:03:28,044 --> 00:03:30,924 Speaker 1: do have to be back before sunrise. I don't want 34 00:03:30,924 --> 00:03:34,044 Speaker 1: my family to worry about me, and we always go 35 00:03:34,124 --> 00:03:36,684 Speaker 1: for walks in the morning. It's one of my favorite 36 00:03:36,724 --> 00:03:41,244 Speaker 1: times of the day. That should be no problem, Blinky 37 00:03:41,564 --> 00:03:44,724 Speaker 1: Tank said, wondering why it was taking due Doo so 38 00:03:44,964 --> 00:03:50,804 Speaker 1: long to say what had to be said. Blinky, we 39 00:03:50,924 --> 00:03:54,244 Speaker 1: love you, but we have to tell you something. Your 40 00:03:54,324 --> 00:03:59,924 Speaker 1: breath could knock a squirrel off a tree. Branch. Blinky blinked, 41 00:03:59,964 --> 00:04:06,964 Speaker 1: looking confused my breath, what do you mean? Tank h 42 00:04:07,044 --> 00:04:10,404 Speaker 1: Chihuahuah and the toughest dog in the gang, added softly, 43 00:04:11,164 --> 00:04:18,724 Speaker 1: it's a bit stinky, but don't worry. We have a plan. Chewbacca, 44 00:04:19,004 --> 00:04:23,004 Speaker 1: the intellectual said, We're going to help you, Blinky. There's 45 00:04:23,044 --> 00:04:26,804 Speaker 1: a new miracle cure at Paws and Whiskers. That's that 46 00:04:26,884 --> 00:04:29,684 Speaker 1: new pet store that just opened, and they sell a 47 00:04:29,724 --> 00:04:33,324 Speaker 1: new product perfect for your condition. We're going to get 48 00:04:33,364 --> 00:04:38,844 Speaker 1: it for you. Blinky's ears drooped a little. I had 49 00:04:38,924 --> 00:04:44,724 Speaker 1: no idea, but doesn't all dogs breast stink. Come to 50 00:04:44,764 --> 00:04:48,484 Speaker 1: think of it, my family has taken me to all 51 00:04:48,604 --> 00:04:53,484 Speaker 1: kinds of doctors and stuff, and considering how gentle I am, 52 00:04:54,164 --> 00:04:57,804 Speaker 1: I was always curious why other humans would avoid our house. 53 00:04:59,044 --> 00:05:02,484 Speaker 1: One of my family's friends came over and their faces 54 00:05:02,524 --> 00:05:06,044 Speaker 1: turned green. I always thought that that was because of 55 00:05:06,084 --> 00:05:12,484 Speaker 1: the food they ate. Doodoo padded Blinky's paw. It's okay, 56 00:05:12,924 --> 00:05:17,324 Speaker 1: we're in this together. Let's turn this stinky situation into 57 00:05:17,364 --> 00:05:23,964 Speaker 1: a fun adventure. Blinky's tail started wagging again. All right, 58 00:05:24,444 --> 00:05:32,244 Speaker 1: let's do it. Lead the way, friends, together, they set 59 00:05:32,364 --> 00:05:36,004 Speaker 1: off under the cover of night. Everyone in the neighborhood, 60 00:05:36,044 --> 00:05:40,764 Speaker 1: fast asleep. Their paws made soft sounds on the grass 61 00:05:40,804 --> 00:05:46,284 Speaker 1: and pavement as they headed towards paws and whiskers. As 62 00:05:46,324 --> 00:05:49,884 Speaker 1: they walked, they chatted and joked, keeping the mood light. 63 00:05:51,564 --> 00:05:54,684 Speaker 1: Captain Sniffer teased Chewbacca aboute his attempt to be a 64 00:05:54,724 --> 00:05:59,444 Speaker 1: stealthy giant. Buddy shared his grand planned of squeezing through 65 00:05:59,444 --> 00:06:05,604 Speaker 1: the tiny doggie door. After arriving near the store, they 66 00:06:05,644 --> 00:06:11,124 Speaker 1: tiptoed or paw tipped across an alley, dodging the occasional 67 00:06:11,204 --> 00:06:14,324 Speaker 1: piece of trash and jumping at the sudden sound of 68 00:06:14,404 --> 00:06:19,684 Speaker 1: a distant car horn. The pet store loomed ahead, silent 69 00:06:19,804 --> 00:06:25,244 Speaker 1: and dark, like a giant sleeping bear. Reaching the back 70 00:06:25,284 --> 00:06:29,764 Speaker 1: of the pet store, they paused. Blinky, feeling a mix 71 00:06:29,844 --> 00:06:34,044 Speaker 1: of excitement and nervousness, looked at his friends. This has 72 00:06:34,084 --> 00:06:38,564 Speaker 1: been fun so far. Well, except for those cats that 73 00:06:38,724 --> 00:06:42,604 Speaker 1: chased us along the way. How could they don't they 74 00:06:42,644 --> 00:06:46,484 Speaker 1: know we are friendly dogs on an important adventure. Captain 75 00:06:46,524 --> 00:06:51,924 Speaker 1: Sniffer asked, some cats just aren't friendly at all. Doodoo replied, 76 00:06:53,924 --> 00:06:56,324 Speaker 1: they seem to stop chasing us when I asked them to. 77 00:06:56,404 --> 00:07:00,884 Speaker 1: Blinky said, I think there may be a reason other 78 00:07:00,964 --> 00:07:05,084 Speaker 1: than your voice that stopped them in their tracks, Tank said, 79 00:07:05,524 --> 00:07:09,604 Speaker 1: trying not to state the obvious focus. We need to 80 00:07:09,644 --> 00:07:16,484 Speaker 1: be quick, Buddy hissed, and remember quiet as mice, whispered Dodo, 81 00:07:16,924 --> 00:07:23,004 Speaker 1: though his wagging tail betrayed his excitement. Dodo whispered, Buddy, 82 00:07:23,324 --> 00:07:28,684 Speaker 1: I know where the doggy door is. Follow me. Buddy 83 00:07:28,764 --> 00:07:32,244 Speaker 1: led the way, creeping along the side of the building 84 00:07:32,524 --> 00:07:36,284 Speaker 1: just like a ninja. The friends moved with quiet excitement. 85 00:07:37,564 --> 00:07:43,244 Speaker 1: This feels like a secret mission. Captain Sniffer murmured. Chewbacca, 86 00:07:43,444 --> 00:07:46,724 Speaker 1: trying to be as quiet as possible, knocked over a 87 00:07:46,764 --> 00:07:51,604 Speaker 1: small trash can. The clatter seemed deafening in the silence 88 00:07:51,644 --> 00:07:56,404 Speaker 1: of the night. They all froze, hearts pounding, but luckily 89 00:07:57,044 --> 00:08:02,204 Speaker 1: no one seemed to have heard. At the back of 90 00:08:02,244 --> 00:08:05,364 Speaker 1: the store, Buddy found the doggy door. Here it is, 91 00:08:05,804 --> 00:08:09,324 Speaker 1: he whispered excitedly. It's small, but I think I can 92 00:08:09,364 --> 00:08:15,364 Speaker 1: squeeze through. Doodo looked around nervously. Be quick, Buddy, we 93 00:08:15,404 --> 00:08:20,444 Speaker 1: don't want to get caught. Buddy nodded, and with a 94 00:08:20,444 --> 00:08:24,044 Speaker 1: wiggle and a squirm, managed to get through the doggy door. 95 00:08:25,164 --> 00:08:28,964 Speaker 1: The others waited in suspense, watching as the back door 96 00:08:29,084 --> 00:08:34,884 Speaker 1: slowly creaked open from the inside. Good job, Buddy Doodo said, 97 00:08:34,924 --> 00:08:38,204 Speaker 1: with a wag. Let's go find the miracle cure and 98 00:08:38,324 --> 00:08:44,604 Speaker 1: save Blinky from his stinky situation. One by one, the 99 00:08:44,644 --> 00:08:49,684 Speaker 1: friends entered the store. Blinky, hesitant at first, was encouraged 100 00:08:49,684 --> 00:08:53,604 Speaker 1: by the supportive nudges from his friends. We're right here 101 00:08:53,644 --> 00:09:00,164 Speaker 1: with you, Blinkie, Doodoo reassured him. Inside the store was 102 00:09:00,244 --> 00:09:05,364 Speaker 1: a treasure trove of pet delights, rows of colorful toys, 103 00:09:05,884 --> 00:09:11,484 Speaker 1: stacks of comfy beds, and shelves of delicious treats surrounded them. 104 00:09:12,084 --> 00:09:17,044 Speaker 1: Focus Team Tank reminded them, we're here for the breath freshener. 105 00:09:19,084 --> 00:09:23,084 Speaker 1: They tiptoed through the aisles, their paws padding softly on 106 00:09:23,204 --> 00:09:28,164 Speaker 1: the floor. Captain Sniffer stopped to keep watch, his eye, 107 00:09:28,284 --> 00:09:32,924 Speaker 1: scanning for any signs of movement. This way, whispered Chewbacca, 108 00:09:33,404 --> 00:09:36,644 Speaker 1: leading them to the dental care section. The cure should 109 00:09:36,644 --> 00:09:41,444 Speaker 1: be here. The shelves were filled with various products, from 110 00:09:41,484 --> 00:09:46,524 Speaker 1: tooth brushes to chew toys. Blinki's nose twitched as he 111 00:09:46,604 --> 00:09:52,044 Speaker 1: sniffed around. So many smells, so little time, he joked, 112 00:09:52,404 --> 00:09:57,644 Speaker 1: trying to lighten the mood. After a few minutes of searching, 113 00:09:58,004 --> 00:10:02,044 Speaker 1: they found it, a big blue bone connected to a 114 00:10:02,124 --> 00:10:07,244 Speaker 1: machine labeled Miracle breath Freshener for Dogs. We did it, 115 00:10:07,644 --> 00:10:13,524 Speaker 1: Buddy barked softly, unable to contain his excitement. Suddenly a 116 00:10:13,644 --> 00:10:18,524 Speaker 1: light flickered on in the distance. Quick Hide whispered, Doo doo. 117 00:10:20,324 --> 00:10:25,204 Speaker 1: The friends scrambled. Blinky squeezed behind a display, while Tank 118 00:10:25,324 --> 00:10:29,684 Speaker 1: ducked under a shelf. Captain Sniffer hid behind tall bags 119 00:10:29,724 --> 00:10:33,524 Speaker 1: of dry dog food and immediately started drooling at the 120 00:10:33,564 --> 00:10:38,564 Speaker 1: delicious smell. Doodoo and Buddy hid in a nearby doghouse 121 00:10:38,604 --> 00:10:45,724 Speaker 1: display fitting right in. Heartbeats thumped loudly in their chests. 122 00:10:45,764 --> 00:10:49,964 Speaker 1: As footsteps approached. It was the night security guard making 123 00:10:49,964 --> 00:10:55,444 Speaker 1: his rounds. He paused, sniffed the air, and shrugged, must 124 00:10:55,444 --> 00:10:59,804 Speaker 1: be the new air freshener there trying. Once he passed, 125 00:11:00,044 --> 00:11:03,804 Speaker 1: the group let out a collective sigh of relief. Let's 126 00:11:03,844 --> 00:11:10,044 Speaker 1: get back to Blinkie's house, Dudu said. Mission accomplished. The 127 00:11:10,124 --> 00:11:14,684 Speaker 1: friends retraced their steps, slipping into the cool night air 128 00:11:14,884 --> 00:11:19,444 Speaker 1: out the back door. They trotted home. The magical breath 129 00:11:19,484 --> 00:11:25,724 Speaker 1: freshening bone safely in tow As they walked, Blinky felt 130 00:11:25,764 --> 00:11:29,684 Speaker 1: a sense of pride. He might have stinky breath, but 131 00:11:29,804 --> 00:11:33,524 Speaker 1: he had the best friends in the world, friends who 132 00:11:33,564 --> 00:11:35,964 Speaker 1: loved him and were willing to go on a wild 133 00:11:36,044 --> 00:11:42,604 Speaker 1: adventure just for him. Carrying the miracle breath freshener, the 134 00:11:42,684 --> 00:11:46,324 Speaker 1: group made their way back to Blinkie's house. The night 135 00:11:46,444 --> 00:11:49,844 Speaker 1: was quiet, with only the sound of their paws patting 136 00:11:49,924 --> 00:11:56,084 Speaker 1: softly against the pavement. As they approached Blinkie's house, Doodo 137 00:11:56,124 --> 00:12:00,124 Speaker 1: couldn't help but feel excited. I hope this works, he 138 00:12:00,204 --> 00:12:06,084 Speaker 1: thought aloud. Blinkie, walking beside his friends, wagged his tail 139 00:12:06,124 --> 00:12:10,844 Speaker 1: in appreciation. Even if it doesn't, I'm just happy to 140 00:12:10,924 --> 00:12:16,364 Speaker 1: have friends like you. Once they arrived at Blinky's front yard, 141 00:12:16,884 --> 00:12:20,524 Speaker 1: Blinky eagerly tried using the big blue bone connected to 142 00:12:20,604 --> 00:12:27,044 Speaker 1: the machine. The group waited with bated breath. For a moment, 143 00:12:27,404 --> 00:12:30,324 Speaker 1: there seemed to be a hint of minty freshness, and 144 00:12:30,404 --> 00:12:37,284 Speaker 1: they all cheered. However, as minutes passed, the familiar stinky 145 00:12:37,364 --> 00:12:43,004 Speaker 1: scent slowly crept back. There was a moment of silence, 146 00:12:43,684 --> 00:12:47,844 Speaker 1: but it was quickly filled with laughter, but he playfully 147 00:12:47,884 --> 00:12:51,324 Speaker 1: snorted with his nose. Well, it was worth a try. 148 00:12:52,804 --> 00:12:56,324 Speaker 1: Chewbacca added, you know what, I think we're used to 149 00:12:56,364 --> 00:13:01,804 Speaker 1: it anyway. It's part of what makes Blinky Blinky. Tank, 150 00:13:02,004 --> 00:13:05,244 Speaker 1: who was worried about their ability to wrestle the Doberman's 151 00:13:05,644 --> 00:13:10,044 Speaker 1: nodded in agreement. Blinky, You're perfect just the way you 152 00:13:10,124 --> 00:13:15,724 Speaker 1: are stinky breath and all. Captain Sniffer chimed in, Yeah, 153 00:13:16,244 --> 00:13:19,764 Speaker 1: it's like our little adventure brought us closer. We wouldn't 154 00:13:19,804 --> 00:13:25,284 Speaker 1: have had it any other way, Doodo, after giving himself 155 00:13:25,324 --> 00:13:29,924 Speaker 1: a shake to release some tensions. You know, I think 156 00:13:30,004 --> 00:13:34,364 Speaker 1: our differences make our adventures even better. What fun would 157 00:13:34,364 --> 00:13:38,084 Speaker 1: it be if we were all the same. I'm glad 158 00:13:38,124 --> 00:13:43,004 Speaker 1: we're all different. It makes life exciting. Buddy added, we 159 00:13:43,124 --> 00:13:46,804 Speaker 1: faced a challenge and came out stronger. We are quite 160 00:13:46,804 --> 00:13:52,404 Speaker 1: a team, and you know, perhaps we should spend more 161 00:13:52,444 --> 00:13:58,604 Speaker 1: time celebrating our differences instead of trying to change Blinkie. Besides, 162 00:13:59,084 --> 00:14:02,484 Speaker 1: there are lots of positive attributes to having stinky breath. 163 00:14:05,004 --> 00:14:09,764 Speaker 1: Blinky's eyes started getting a little watery, not from the breath, Threshener. 164 00:14:10,764 --> 00:14:13,444 Speaker 1: I've never had friends who would go on a crazy 165 00:14:13,484 --> 00:14:17,444 Speaker 1: adventure just for me and the luckiest dog in the world. 166 00:14:20,564 --> 00:14:23,724 Speaker 1: Blinky's family, who had been watching them the whole time, 167 00:14:24,164 --> 00:14:27,884 Speaker 1: came forward with a tray of doggy treats for everyone. 168 00:14:28,044 --> 00:14:30,884 Speaker 1: We were worried about you, Blinky. We noticed that you 169 00:14:30,924 --> 00:14:33,364 Speaker 1: had gone out during the night, and we were just 170 00:14:33,404 --> 00:14:36,844 Speaker 1: about to look for you, they said. Blinky is lucky 171 00:14:36,884 --> 00:14:42,924 Speaker 1: to have friends like you. The friends shared stories, played games, 172 00:14:43,204 --> 00:14:47,004 Speaker 1: and enjoyed each other's company in the front yard. They 173 00:14:47,044 --> 00:14:52,164 Speaker 1: realized that their unique quirks, like blinky stinky breath, were 174 00:14:52,164 --> 00:14:57,164 Speaker 1: what made their friendship so special. As the night came 175 00:14:57,204 --> 00:15:00,164 Speaker 1: to an end and the first rays of dawn peeked 176 00:15:00,204 --> 00:15:05,164 Speaker 1: over the horizon, the friends said their goodbyes. They left 177 00:15:05,204 --> 00:15:08,644 Speaker 1: a little sleepy from a night of fun, but also 178 00:15:08,764 --> 00:15:13,324 Speaker 1: with the knowledge that true friendship wasn't about changing each other, 179 00:15:13,884 --> 00:15:21,444 Speaker 1: but about accepting and celebrating each other's differences. Blinky watched 180 00:15:21,484 --> 00:15:25,564 Speaker 1: his friends walk home, and with a contented sigh, he thought, 181 00:15:26,524 --> 00:15:31,084 Speaker 1: I wouldn't change a thing about this night, not even 182 00:15:31,204 --> 00:15:39,324 Speaker 1: my breath, and that is the end of our story. 183 00:15:40,604 --> 00:15:42,924 Speaker 1: Good night, sleep tight.