1 00:00:13,503 --> 00:00:17,783 Speaker 1: Or an ad free listening experience and more stories, Please 2 00:00:17,863 --> 00:00:20,983 Speaker 1: check out sleep Tight Premium. A link can be found 3 00:00:21,023 --> 00:00:34,863 Speaker 1: in our show notes. Thank you, hello friends, and welcome 4 00:00:34,983 --> 00:00:49,303 Speaker 1: to sleep Tight Stories. Red is back and ready for 5 00:00:49,343 --> 00:00:54,383 Speaker 1: a new adventure. She wakes up early after a bad 6 00:00:54,503 --> 00:00:57,023 Speaker 1: dream and thinks she should get up and try to 7 00:00:57,023 --> 00:01:01,143 Speaker 1: get into the bathroom before blue what falls back asleep 8 00:01:01,703 --> 00:01:07,223 Speaker 1: until she hears her mother calling. After breakfast, she heads 9 00:01:07,263 --> 00:01:11,263 Speaker 1: off to school with Charlie and Rachel. When they arrive, 10 00:01:11,703 --> 00:01:14,743 Speaker 1: Alaxa asks if she can meet after school with the 11 00:01:14,783 --> 00:01:17,463 Speaker 1: rest of them to check out what she found in 12 00:01:17,543 --> 00:01:32,383 Speaker 1: her backyard. The Transfer Student, Part fourteen. Red woke up 13 00:01:32,423 --> 00:01:37,023 Speaker 1: in a sweat, her heart beating fast. She had had 14 00:01:37,063 --> 00:01:40,423 Speaker 1: a nightmare again, but like many of the dreams she 15 00:01:40,463 --> 00:01:45,023 Speaker 1: had been having lately, she couldn't remember the details, just 16 00:01:45,223 --> 00:01:50,743 Speaker 1: a feeling. This time it was like someone or something 17 00:01:50,983 --> 00:01:54,663 Speaker 1: was watching her. That or she had to eat a 18 00:01:54,703 --> 00:01:58,623 Speaker 1: plate of green vegetables. She was confused as to which 19 00:01:59,703 --> 00:02:06,263 Speaker 1: were green vegetables, an awake nightmare or a sleeping one. 20 00:02:06,463 --> 00:02:09,863 Speaker 1: Turning over, Red wiped her eyes and looked at her clock. 21 00:02:11,143 --> 00:02:14,263 Speaker 1: She still had a night hour before her alarm would 22 00:02:14,303 --> 00:02:19,903 Speaker 1: go off. Ugh that meant she wouldn't get enough sleep, 23 00:02:20,223 --> 00:02:23,863 Speaker 1: which always put her in a bad mood. How would 24 00:02:23,903 --> 00:02:27,863 Speaker 1: she survive breakfast with Blue and his slurpy slurps and 25 00:02:28,023 --> 00:02:33,263 Speaker 1: silent stinks. At least she might be able to get 26 00:02:33,303 --> 00:02:38,103 Speaker 1: in the bathroom before he did. How could one person 27 00:02:38,263 --> 00:02:42,423 Speaker 1: make as much mess in the bathroom as Blue. It's 28 00:02:42,503 --> 00:02:48,543 Speaker 1: like he splashed water everywhere, even on the ceiling. And 29 00:02:48,663 --> 00:02:53,383 Speaker 1: being his big sister, she was expected to look after him, 30 00:02:53,703 --> 00:02:59,103 Speaker 1: which seemed to include cleaning up his messes. Well, with 31 00:02:59,263 --> 00:03:01,823 Speaker 1: any luck, he would be on his own this morning 32 00:03:02,063 --> 00:03:07,623 Speaker 1: and forced to clean up his mess. Red let out 33 00:03:07,663 --> 00:03:11,623 Speaker 1: a deep sigh. Sighing was a new habit, which she 34 00:03:11,703 --> 00:03:16,223 Speaker 1: blamed on having to secretly move here and all the 35 00:03:16,263 --> 00:03:20,503 Speaker 1: weird rules. I might as well lay here for a while, 36 00:03:20,583 --> 00:03:24,503 Speaker 1: she thought. If I go downstairs, I might cause my 37 00:03:24,583 --> 00:03:27,423 Speaker 1: mother to jump out of bed in affright, thinking that 38 00:03:27,543 --> 00:03:31,583 Speaker 1: something must be wrong. I haven't been up early since 39 00:03:31,623 --> 00:03:34,823 Speaker 1: I arrived at this silly place with all its green 40 00:03:35,023 --> 00:03:41,383 Speaker 1: and blue. Even the flowers have too much color. Red 41 00:03:41,423 --> 00:03:44,663 Speaker 1: then heard her mother shuffling about in her bedroom down 42 00:03:44,663 --> 00:03:49,103 Speaker 1: the hall. Wow, I had no idea she got up 43 00:03:49,183 --> 00:03:53,263 Speaker 1: so early every day. I assumed she had breakfast ready 44 00:03:53,303 --> 00:03:57,263 Speaker 1: as fast as she did back home. There, you just 45 00:03:57,303 --> 00:03:59,943 Speaker 1: had to put the ingredients in the cookery, and a 46 00:03:59,983 --> 00:04:04,143 Speaker 1: short time later your meal was ready. I guess there 47 00:04:04,183 --> 00:04:06,943 Speaker 1: is more to making waffles and hot cocoa here on 48 00:04:07,023 --> 00:04:14,303 Speaker 1: Earth than I thought. Will this place ever be home? Read, 49 00:04:14,343 --> 00:04:18,183 Speaker 1: asked herself as she closed her eyes and thought back 50 00:04:18,223 --> 00:04:23,063 Speaker 1: to all the things that had transpired these past months. 51 00:04:24,223 --> 00:04:27,343 Speaker 1: The announcement that they had won the lottery to move 52 00:04:27,423 --> 00:04:31,703 Speaker 1: to Earth, leaving behind all her friends and the only 53 00:04:31,783 --> 00:04:35,423 Speaker 1: life she had ever known to come to this stinky place. 54 00:04:37,143 --> 00:04:42,503 Speaker 1: And the gray, Oh, how she still missed the gray. 55 00:04:44,423 --> 00:04:47,303 Speaker 1: She was still upset that her mother and father hadn't 56 00:04:47,343 --> 00:04:51,383 Speaker 1: even asked her opinion before making a decision that would 57 00:04:51,463 --> 00:04:57,543 Speaker 1: ruin her life. At least that's what she thought. Despite 58 00:04:57,623 --> 00:05:01,223 Speaker 1: the initial quarantine, all the secrecy as to where they 59 00:05:01,223 --> 00:05:05,183 Speaker 1: had come from, and the overbearing agents of the aid, 60 00:05:06,303 --> 00:05:12,023 Speaker 1: life here had definitely improved. Earth wasn't Mars, but it 61 00:05:12,023 --> 00:05:15,903 Speaker 1: had waffles and hot cocoa, which was just about her 62 00:05:16,023 --> 00:05:21,823 Speaker 1: favorite food. She had made friends, too. Luckily, her immune 63 00:05:21,863 --> 00:05:25,623 Speaker 1: system was strong because Charlie, one of her good friends 64 00:05:25,663 --> 00:05:30,543 Speaker 1: and fellow solving a mystery club member constantly sneezed on her. 65 00:05:33,023 --> 00:05:37,463 Speaker 1: Going to school here was incredibly boring, with yet more 66 00:05:37,623 --> 00:05:42,863 Speaker 1: strange rules enforced by the Mountain mister Nozle and Principal Burke. 67 00:05:44,743 --> 00:05:47,263 Speaker 1: Most of the stuff she had to study in school 68 00:05:47,343 --> 00:05:51,543 Speaker 1: she had done years and years ago. They hadn't even 69 00:05:51,663 --> 00:05:58,103 Speaker 1: started studying quantum chromodynamics yet only English was a challenge 70 00:05:58,503 --> 00:06:03,943 Speaker 1: and also incredibly confusing. Why couldn't people here just speak 71 00:06:03,983 --> 00:06:09,063 Speaker 1: the English she had been taught in school. As she 72 00:06:09,183 --> 00:06:12,303 Speaker 1: lay in bed, her mind drifted to the outer rings 73 00:06:12,663 --> 00:06:17,023 Speaker 1: and the conversations with her father. He wasn't with them. 74 00:06:17,743 --> 00:06:22,863 Speaker 1: He disappeared to do some kind of important business. In 75 00:06:22,903 --> 00:06:26,463 Speaker 1: one of their last conversations, he said that it would 76 00:06:26,503 --> 00:06:30,943 Speaker 1: take generations to fix their home, and that it was 77 00:06:31,023 --> 00:06:35,823 Speaker 1: time we found new places to live. He didn't mention 78 00:06:35,983 --> 00:06:39,063 Speaker 1: that we would be doing that without him, at least 79 00:06:39,103 --> 00:06:44,903 Speaker 1: for now. He was this fancy scientist and likely doing 80 00:06:44,983 --> 00:06:49,423 Speaker 1: important work. But what could be more important than shielding 81 00:06:49,543 --> 00:06:54,943 Speaker 1: me from blue Red? Thought she could help heal her home. 82 00:06:55,463 --> 00:06:58,463 Speaker 1: That is what she always thought was her destiny, to 83 00:06:58,543 --> 00:07:03,263 Speaker 1: follow in her father's footsteps and be a scientist. And 84 00:07:03,343 --> 00:07:06,623 Speaker 1: though it was a lot of fun, the only puzzles 85 00:07:06,663 --> 00:07:10,543 Speaker 1: she got to solve these days, or how stinky jimsocks 86 00:07:10,663 --> 00:07:14,823 Speaker 1: could cause the whole old jim to smell so bad. 87 00:07:17,623 --> 00:07:20,423 Speaker 1: Red then thought of the corridors and pathways of her 88 00:07:20,463 --> 00:07:25,303 Speaker 1: new home, the stars, and the fun they used to have. 89 00:07:28,143 --> 00:07:32,343 Speaker 1: Red her mother yelled, hurry up and get out of bed. 90 00:07:32,783 --> 00:07:35,103 Speaker 1: Your breakfast is going to get cold and you will 91 00:07:35,143 --> 00:07:39,743 Speaker 1: be late for school. What I fell back to sleep? 92 00:07:40,263 --> 00:07:43,943 Speaker 1: How is that possible? That means that Blue got in 93 00:07:44,023 --> 00:07:47,623 Speaker 1: the bathroom first and is likely eating all the best 94 00:07:47,663 --> 00:07:51,223 Speaker 1: waffles down in the kitchen. He always eats like he's 95 00:07:51,263 --> 00:07:58,703 Speaker 1: eating his last meal. Ugh. Walking down into the kitchen, 96 00:07:59,143 --> 00:08:02,903 Speaker 1: Red saw her mother dancing around the kitchen, singing a 97 00:08:02,943 --> 00:08:05,543 Speaker 1: song about seeing the moon when you are looking at 98 00:08:05,543 --> 00:08:11,783 Speaker 1: the sun, which made absolutely no sense. Red sat down 99 00:08:11,863 --> 00:08:15,943 Speaker 1: in her chain to eat her breakfast. She grabbed the 100 00:08:15,983 --> 00:08:20,423 Speaker 1: syrup and drenched the waffles. She needed the extra syrup 101 00:08:20,463 --> 00:08:24,823 Speaker 1: this morning. How could she have fallen back to sleep 102 00:08:25,623 --> 00:08:29,063 Speaker 1: and the mess that her stinky brother left in the bathroom. 103 00:08:32,743 --> 00:08:36,383 Speaker 1: It's yet another beautiful day in Paradise, her mother said. 104 00:08:36,943 --> 00:08:40,823 Speaker 1: The sun is shining, the grass is green, and the 105 00:08:40,903 --> 00:08:46,943 Speaker 1: flowers are in full bloom. Maah, Red said, looking out 106 00:08:46,943 --> 00:08:53,983 Speaker 1: the window, so much green, Mom, can you teach Blue 107 00:08:54,023 --> 00:08:57,743 Speaker 1: some new tricks? Every morning? I have to clean up 108 00:08:57,743 --> 00:09:01,383 Speaker 1: his mess in the bathroom. I mean, if an earth 109 00:09:01,463 --> 00:09:04,423 Speaker 1: dog can learn to sit, surely he can pick up 110 00:09:04,463 --> 00:09:08,183 Speaker 1: a towel or two. Red said, as she was poking 111 00:09:08,223 --> 00:09:14,583 Speaker 1: her soggy waffles with her fork. That was very rude. 112 00:09:15,303 --> 00:09:18,663 Speaker 1: You know, it's our tradition to help raise the youngest. 113 00:09:19,383 --> 00:09:24,503 Speaker 1: Red's mother said, in a slightly exasperated tone. Finish your breakfast. 114 00:09:24,943 --> 00:09:30,103 Speaker 1: You don't want to be late for school. Blue stuck 115 00:09:30,143 --> 00:09:34,463 Speaker 1: his tongue out at her and smirked. He won again. 116 00:09:35,903 --> 00:09:43,023 Speaker 1: Ugh Red quickly gobbled down her waffles, licked the syrup 117 00:09:43,063 --> 00:09:46,623 Speaker 1: off her plate, finished her cocoa and juice, and ran 118 00:09:46,703 --> 00:09:51,063 Speaker 1: out the door. She didn't have to wait long before 119 00:09:51,103 --> 00:09:56,143 Speaker 1: the big yellow monstrosity stopped outside her house. The doors 120 00:09:56,223 --> 00:10:01,103 Speaker 1: opened with a clang. School buses always seemed like they 121 00:10:01,103 --> 00:10:06,663 Speaker 1: were one trip away from total collapse. Good morning, said 122 00:10:06,663 --> 00:10:10,583 Speaker 1: mister McDonald, the bus driver. The bus driver was almost 123 00:10:10,623 --> 00:10:14,903 Speaker 1: as cheerful as her mom. Red was one of the 124 00:10:15,023 --> 00:10:17,783 Speaker 1: last kids that mister McDonald had to pick up on 125 00:10:17,903 --> 00:10:21,263 Speaker 1: his route, which meant that all the good seats were taken. 126 00:10:22,263 --> 00:10:24,983 Speaker 1: The only one that remained was the one in the 127 00:10:25,023 --> 00:10:28,663 Speaker 1: middle at the back, right where she always hit her 128 00:10:28,663 --> 00:10:32,183 Speaker 1: head when the bus hit a bump. This was why 129 00:10:32,223 --> 00:10:36,863 Speaker 1: everyone left that seat for her. Red put her backpack 130 00:10:36,903 --> 00:10:40,463 Speaker 1: on top of her head, just in time for her 131 00:10:40,503 --> 00:10:43,623 Speaker 1: to be sent hurling towards the ceiling as the bus 132 00:10:43,703 --> 00:10:48,423 Speaker 1: hit the speed bump again. Morning, Charlie, how was the 133 00:10:48,463 --> 00:10:52,183 Speaker 1: cold virus treating you, Red asked, as she sat down 134 00:10:52,223 --> 00:10:55,663 Speaker 1: beside a fellow member of the Solving a Mystery Club. 135 00:10:56,823 --> 00:11:01,023 Speaker 1: Charlie sneezed, the spray, missing Red, but landing on the 136 00:11:01,143 --> 00:11:05,863 Speaker 1: unsuspecting girl sitting in front of him. Oops, Charlie said, 137 00:11:06,823 --> 00:11:09,983 Speaker 1: my mom has me on some new vitamins, hoping they 138 00:11:10,023 --> 00:11:13,663 Speaker 1: will strengthen my immune system so I can stop getting 139 00:11:13,703 --> 00:11:20,063 Speaker 1: these colds, allergies, and other maladies. Everyone knew Charlie, not 140 00:11:20,183 --> 00:11:23,663 Speaker 1: because he was so popular, but because his mother put 141 00:11:23,743 --> 00:11:28,663 Speaker 1: his name on everything, on his book bag, his books, 142 00:11:29,263 --> 00:11:33,943 Speaker 1: the tissue packets he took everywhere, even on the inside 143 00:11:33,943 --> 00:11:39,463 Speaker 1: of his shirt, which he often put on inside out. Hi, Rachel, 144 00:11:39,863 --> 00:11:42,543 Speaker 1: Red said to her other friend, who also sat in 145 00:11:42,623 --> 00:11:47,583 Speaker 1: the back, but wisely far away from Charlie. Oh, hi, read, 146 00:11:47,983 --> 00:11:50,503 Speaker 1: I didn't see you come on the boss. Do you 147 00:11:50,543 --> 00:11:55,343 Speaker 1: still need help with your English homework? Rachel asked. Rachel 148 00:11:55,383 --> 00:11:58,383 Speaker 1: wouldn't have seen Red get on the boss because she 149 00:11:58,623 --> 00:12:03,063 Speaker 1: was always head down reading a book. Usually it was 150 00:12:03,103 --> 00:12:06,183 Speaker 1: a big, thick one, the kind that normal people might 151 00:12:06,383 --> 00:12:10,863 Speaker 1: never want to open, but not Rachel. She would read 152 00:12:11,023 --> 00:12:13,783 Speaker 1: one a day. The teachers didn't tell her to put 153 00:12:13,823 --> 00:12:18,983 Speaker 1: it away in class. I still need help, Red replied, 154 00:12:20,063 --> 00:12:24,263 Speaker 1: without lifting her head. Rachel said, okay, I think Alexa 155 00:12:24,343 --> 00:12:27,223 Speaker 1: wants to meet after school. She sent me a message 156 00:12:27,223 --> 00:12:31,303 Speaker 1: about some mystery she wants the club to investigate. She 157 00:12:31,423 --> 00:12:35,783 Speaker 1: sounded quite excited about it. She used so many emojis 158 00:12:36,103 --> 00:12:41,463 Speaker 1: it must be huge. Did I hear that Alexa has 159 00:12:41,463 --> 00:12:44,663 Speaker 1: a mystery for us to solve, Charlie said, just before 160 00:12:44,663 --> 00:12:49,903 Speaker 1: he sneezed again. This time he was ready with a tissue. Yes, 161 00:12:50,463 --> 00:12:53,743 Speaker 1: she will tell us before class, I think, Rachel replied, 162 00:12:54,303 --> 00:12:57,463 Speaker 1: in a tone that said leave me alone. I am 163 00:12:57,503 --> 00:13:04,183 Speaker 1: reading a book. Red arrived at school and had successfully 164 00:13:04,223 --> 00:13:09,623 Speaker 1: avoided Charlie sneezing the whole way, except when the bus 165 00:13:09,703 --> 00:13:13,183 Speaker 1: hit a pothole and some of Charlie's tissue went flying 166 00:13:13,623 --> 00:13:16,703 Speaker 1: and landed on Red's lap and the girl sitting in 167 00:13:16,743 --> 00:13:20,903 Speaker 1: the row in front of him. She wasn't very impressed 168 00:13:21,183 --> 00:13:28,103 Speaker 1: and said something mean under her breath, poor Charlie. After 169 00:13:28,143 --> 00:13:31,343 Speaker 1: getting off the bus, mister McDonald called to her, have 170 00:13:31,423 --> 00:13:35,383 Speaker 1: a good day, little princess. I don't know many princesses 171 00:13:35,423 --> 00:13:39,463 Speaker 1: who look as cool as I do, Red thought. Red 172 00:13:39,503 --> 00:13:42,863 Speaker 1: walked slowly up the sidewalk to the red colored brick 173 00:13:43,063 --> 00:13:48,183 Speaker 1: archway with the words Maplewood School emblazoned on them. The 174 00:13:48,223 --> 00:13:52,103 Speaker 1: same two teachers stood guard at the doorway, ensuring that 175 00:13:52,223 --> 00:13:57,743 Speaker 1: none of the kids escaped their daytime prison. The school 176 00:13:57,903 --> 00:14:03,143 Speaker 1: lobby was crowded and noisy, as usual. The hallway to 177 00:14:03,263 --> 00:14:08,783 Speaker 1: room two fifteen, her classroom was dark and dungey. Everyone 178 00:14:08,943 --> 00:14:11,463 Speaker 1: was talking about who did this and who did that. 179 00:14:12,543 --> 00:14:15,903 Speaker 1: There was lots of gossip. Oh, and there is some 180 00:14:16,023 --> 00:14:20,623 Speaker 1: new show that everyone is watching, and nicky whoever that is, 181 00:14:20,983 --> 00:14:25,503 Speaker 1: has a million followers on social media, and on and on. 182 00:14:27,383 --> 00:14:31,023 Speaker 1: Red still felt out of place. She wasn't allowed to 183 00:14:31,143 --> 00:14:35,983 Speaker 1: use social media due to a I D rules. Good morning, Red, 184 00:14:36,343 --> 00:14:40,823 Speaker 1: missus Johnson, her home room teacher said, in her cheerful voice, 185 00:14:41,023 --> 00:14:43,463 Speaker 1: this was the voice she used most of the time. 186 00:14:44,223 --> 00:14:46,863 Speaker 1: The other voice was when she was in a bad mood. 187 00:14:47,823 --> 00:14:51,623 Speaker 1: Red hadn't experienced it yet, but Alexa told her it 188 00:14:51,823 --> 00:14:56,463 Speaker 1: wasn't pretty, which was another weird expression. How could a 189 00:14:56,543 --> 00:15:01,663 Speaker 1: tone of voice be pretty? Red's seat was in the 190 00:15:01,703 --> 00:15:06,783 Speaker 1: back where she sat with Alexa. Red, Alexa whispered, can 191 00:15:06,823 --> 00:15:10,423 Speaker 1: you meet after school? I need your help? Charlie and 192 00:15:10,543 --> 00:15:13,743 Speaker 1: Rachel said they could. I think Kurt might have practice, 193 00:15:13,783 --> 00:15:18,303 Speaker 1: but I'm not sure. Before Red could reply, the booming 194 00:15:18,463 --> 00:15:23,743 Speaker 1: voice of Principal Burke came loudly over the loudspeaker. Good morning, 195 00:15:23,863 --> 00:15:28,983 Speaker 1: wood Chucks, screamed Principal Burke. Today is Thursday, which is 196 00:15:29,023 --> 00:15:31,543 Speaker 1: the second favorite day of the week for us teachers. 197 00:15:32,623 --> 00:15:35,263 Speaker 1: The kitchen staff have advised me to tell you that 198 00:15:35,303 --> 00:15:40,743 Speaker 1: today's lunch is especially yummy. They are serving flatbread, pizzas 199 00:15:40,943 --> 00:15:44,983 Speaker 1: and fries. There will be a meatless option available if 200 00:15:45,023 --> 00:15:48,583 Speaker 1: you prefer. They also have a delicious flavor of jello 201 00:15:48,703 --> 00:15:54,983 Speaker 1: today in everyone's favorite color green. Not everyone's favorite color, 202 00:15:55,383 --> 00:16:00,423 Speaker 1: Red mumbled to herself, So can you meet up? Rachel whispered, 203 00:16:00,743 --> 00:16:04,743 Speaker 1: not wanting missus Johnson to hear. Sure, what's the big deal. 204 00:16:05,823 --> 00:16:08,983 Speaker 1: You won't believe what I found buried in my backyard. 205 00:16:09,503 --> 00:16:12,743 Speaker 1: It must be a treasure chest, and before I opened it, 206 00:16:12,823 --> 00:16:16,703 Speaker 1: I thought we could all do it together. Do you 207 00:16:16,783 --> 00:16:23,343 Speaker 1: know what's inside, Red asked. Alexa looked at Red somewhat perplexed. No, 208 00:16:24,303 --> 00:16:27,623 Speaker 1: that's what we are going to do together. Maybe it's 209 00:16:27,703 --> 00:16:39,063 Speaker 1: buried treasure. Red liked the sound of that, and that 210 00:16:39,463 --> 00:16:44,503 Speaker 1: is the end of this part. Good Night, sleep tight.