1 00:00:13,503 --> 00:00:17,783 Speaker 1: Or an ad free listening experience. And more stories, please 2 00:00:17,863 --> 00:00:20,983 Speaker 1: check out sleep Type Premium. A link can be found 3 00:00:21,023 --> 00:00:34,943 Speaker 1: in our show notes. Thank you, hello friends, and welcome 4 00:00:35,103 --> 00:00:50,623 Speaker 1: to sleep Tight Stories. This is the second of our 5 00:00:50,783 --> 00:00:54,823 Speaker 1: series telling the story of Red before she moved to Earth, 6 00:00:55,663 --> 00:00:59,583 Speaker 1: became a student at a new school, and eventually became 7 00:00:59,703 --> 00:01:06,543 Speaker 1: part of the solving a mystery club. Red cannot believe 8 00:01:06,703 --> 00:01:10,103 Speaker 1: that her family is going to Earth. That was the 9 00:01:10,263 --> 00:01:14,463 Speaker 1: last thing she expected to hear. Is there any way 10 00:01:14,543 --> 00:01:24,503 Speaker 1: she can make them stay on Mars? The transfer student 11 00:01:25,103 --> 00:01:33,783 Speaker 1: Red must move to Earth. Red stood in the middle 12 00:01:33,823 --> 00:01:39,303 Speaker 1: of their home in a state of shock, holding her breath. 13 00:01:39,663 --> 00:01:42,903 Speaker 1: The only sound she could hear was the deafening thump 14 00:01:43,063 --> 00:01:46,583 Speaker 1: of her heart, which she was sure would jump right 15 00:01:46,623 --> 00:01:51,103 Speaker 1: outside her chest. She held her breath for what felt 16 00:01:51,103 --> 00:01:55,063 Speaker 1: like an eternity. A part of her thought she might 17 00:01:55,143 --> 00:01:57,983 Speaker 1: finally win the how long can you hold your breath? 18 00:01:58,023 --> 00:02:01,863 Speaker 1: Contest that she and the gang used to have before 19 00:02:01,903 --> 00:02:07,103 Speaker 1: they graduated to different pursuits. When she heard her annoying 20 00:02:07,183 --> 00:02:12,103 Speaker 1: brother say, hey, stinky head, your face is turning blue, 21 00:02:12,383 --> 00:02:15,183 Speaker 1: she took a deep breath and looked at the pad 22 00:02:15,223 --> 00:02:21,103 Speaker 1: on her wrist she had held her breath longer than anyone. 23 00:02:21,383 --> 00:02:28,183 Speaker 1: Too bad it didn't count. Isn't this great news? Red's 24 00:02:28,223 --> 00:02:32,383 Speaker 1: mother said excitedly. We are moving to Earth. You will 25 00:02:32,423 --> 00:02:36,303 Speaker 1: get to attend a new school, make new friends, and, 26 00:02:36,503 --> 00:02:43,663 Speaker 1: best of all, breathe in non manufactured air. No, it's 27 00:02:43,943 --> 00:02:50,503 Speaker 1: terrible news, Red said bluntly, her anger rising. Red had 28 00:02:50,623 --> 00:02:55,183 Speaker 1: always had a tendency to get angry quickly, hence her name. 29 00:02:57,023 --> 00:03:00,863 Speaker 1: Usually this rise in emotion served her well when she 30 00:03:00,943 --> 00:03:04,463 Speaker 1: directed it toward her studies or a goal she was 31 00:03:04,503 --> 00:03:09,063 Speaker 1: trying to meet, but her parents often complained it just 32 00:03:09,103 --> 00:03:14,503 Speaker 1: as often made her grumpy and disagreeable. This is the 33 00:03:14,583 --> 00:03:21,663 Speaker 1: worst decision ever, Red continued. Mars is my home, our home. 34 00:03:22,543 --> 00:03:25,743 Speaker 1: Why would we ever want to leave our home for 35 00:03:25,903 --> 00:03:29,743 Speaker 1: some yucky blue and green ball of color when we 36 00:03:29,863 --> 00:03:36,823 Speaker 1: have perfection here. Please don't get upset, Red, Mars is 37 00:03:36,943 --> 00:03:41,943 Speaker 1: far from perfect, and this represents a great opportunity for us. 38 00:03:42,543 --> 00:03:48,303 Speaker 1: Red's father said, trying to calm her down. We never thought, 39 00:03:48,623 --> 00:03:51,943 Speaker 1: what with your father's work with the exodus, that we 40 00:03:51,983 --> 00:03:56,183 Speaker 1: would be permitted to leave. Just think, Red, we can 41 00:03:56,183 --> 00:04:01,383 Speaker 1: be together as a family. We are together as a family. 42 00:04:02,303 --> 00:04:06,183 Speaker 1: All my friends are here, No matter what you say, 43 00:04:06,583 --> 00:04:11,503 Speaker 1: Mars is perfect, and whatever problems might exist, I will 44 00:04:11,503 --> 00:04:15,543 Speaker 1: solve them. You once said that all problems can be 45 00:04:15,623 --> 00:04:19,143 Speaker 1: solved if we work smart and hard enough. Isn't that right, 46 00:04:20,303 --> 00:04:26,783 Speaker 1: Red said, looking at her father as she got increasingly upset. Yes, Red, 47 00:04:26,823 --> 00:04:31,223 Speaker 1: I said that, but some problems outlive us. I don't 48 00:04:31,383 --> 00:04:35,983 Speaker 1: want to leave, Red said, folding her arms. I don't 49 00:04:36,023 --> 00:04:40,743 Speaker 1: want to leave. Blah blah blah. Blue said, in the 50 00:04:40,783 --> 00:04:45,903 Speaker 1: tone he usually used to annoy Red. You are an 51 00:04:45,943 --> 00:04:51,263 Speaker 1: impossible little stinky head, Red said angrily to Blue. No, 52 00:04:51,503 --> 00:04:57,063 Speaker 1: you are, Blue said, sticking out his tongue. Blue, stop 53 00:04:57,223 --> 00:05:01,983 Speaker 1: being rude. You are not helping, Red's mother said, getting 54 00:05:02,063 --> 00:05:09,183 Speaker 1: angry at him. Red and her brother always fought. It 55 00:05:09,303 --> 00:05:12,543 Speaker 1: was as much a game as any real rivalry or 56 00:05:12,543 --> 00:05:17,463 Speaker 1: dislike for each other. In fact, they were almost inseparable, 57 00:05:18,023 --> 00:05:22,143 Speaker 1: but this time his teasing bothered her more than usual. 58 00:05:24,183 --> 00:05:28,303 Speaker 1: She knew that crying in front of people, especially her family, 59 00:05:28,943 --> 00:05:32,463 Speaker 1: was a part of the range of emotions that everyone shared. 60 00:05:33,423 --> 00:05:37,543 Speaker 1: Crying meant that she was of the human species, but 61 00:05:37,743 --> 00:05:41,823 Speaker 1: this time she wanted to keep her tears to herself, 62 00:05:42,823 --> 00:05:47,183 Speaker 1: so she turned around and started towards the door before 63 00:05:47,303 --> 00:05:52,383 Speaker 1: they started flowing from her eyes red. Where are you going, 64 00:05:52,823 --> 00:05:57,103 Speaker 1: her father asked, somewhere where I can enjoy my home 65 00:05:57,183 --> 00:06:03,103 Speaker 1: while I can. The heavy door to their house opened 66 00:06:03,303 --> 00:06:08,983 Speaker 1: and closed with its usual soft and resonating hum As 67 00:06:09,023 --> 00:06:14,263 Speaker 1: she walked, the tears flowed. The tiny sparks of light 68 00:06:14,383 --> 00:06:18,903 Speaker 1: her shoes emitted seemed to lose color. The color on 69 00:06:18,943 --> 00:06:25,383 Speaker 1: the walls seemed lifeless. Mars was her home, the only 70 00:06:25,543 --> 00:06:28,703 Speaker 1: place she had ever known, and the only place she 71 00:06:28,783 --> 00:06:33,583 Speaker 1: ever wanted to know. The thought of leaving left her 72 00:06:33,623 --> 00:06:40,743 Speaker 1: feeling gloomy and sad. It just wasn't fair. Why why, why? 73 00:06:40,943 --> 00:06:44,983 Speaker 1: Why must we go? I thought we were on the 74 00:06:45,103 --> 00:06:49,023 Speaker 1: cusp of being able to reintroduce an atmosphere to the 75 00:06:49,063 --> 00:06:53,023 Speaker 1: surface of the planet, to be able to return full 76 00:06:53,103 --> 00:06:57,503 Speaker 1: time to the surface to again see the vivid colors 77 00:06:57,503 --> 00:07:04,263 Speaker 1: of the Martian atmosphere. Like many kids, she dreamed of 78 00:07:04,383 --> 00:07:07,623 Speaker 1: joining one of the quadras that flew to the stars 79 00:07:08,023 --> 00:07:13,423 Speaker 1: and explored the regions beyond, but they always returned. She 80 00:07:13,543 --> 00:07:18,263 Speaker 1: never imagined anyone would leave, at least until the exodus 81 00:07:18,303 --> 00:07:23,343 Speaker 1: plan was slowly revealed. How could her father help craft 82 00:07:23,463 --> 00:07:28,303 Speaker 1: such a thing? People from Mars moving to Earth? Who 83 00:07:28,383 --> 00:07:32,383 Speaker 1: would ever want to leave the luscious gray of the city, 84 00:07:33,143 --> 00:07:37,183 Speaker 1: the lovely red hues of the Martian desert, or that 85 00:07:37,463 --> 00:07:42,743 Speaker 1: stupid green and blue ball of yuckiness. As she walked 86 00:07:42,783 --> 00:07:46,663 Speaker 1: towards her secret place, the place only she and her 87 00:07:46,703 --> 00:07:50,783 Speaker 1: closest friends in the gang knew about, the city, with 88 00:07:50,903 --> 00:07:55,983 Speaker 1: its endless walkways and paths, already seemed like a strange place, 89 00:07:56,943 --> 00:08:02,743 Speaker 1: a place of past memories. The angular, brushed steel structures 90 00:08:02,823 --> 00:08:07,463 Speaker 1: loomed over her, like watchguards from the Aid, making sure 91 00:08:07,503 --> 00:08:10,663 Speaker 1: she didn't tell some secret that would result in her 92 00:08:10,663 --> 00:08:16,743 Speaker 1: getting into trouble. The brushed walls and shimmering windows reflected 93 00:08:16,823 --> 00:08:25,263 Speaker 1: the underground illumination systems, now cool sterile light. Their silver glow, 94 00:08:25,543 --> 00:08:30,343 Speaker 1: which had always felt futuristic and energetic, now cast dark, 95 00:08:30,783 --> 00:08:36,703 Speaker 1: gloomy shadows that seemed to reflect her mood. As Red walked, 96 00:08:37,143 --> 00:08:40,543 Speaker 1: the usually soothing hum of the city sounded more like 97 00:08:40,583 --> 00:08:46,103 Speaker 1: a jerge like hers. The spark emitting shoes of pedestrians 98 00:08:46,143 --> 00:08:51,823 Speaker 1: had lost their color and now were reminiscent of fleeting moments, 99 00:08:51,823 --> 00:08:58,063 Speaker 1: transient like the sparks they produced. The colorful murals that 100 00:08:58,183 --> 00:09:04,943 Speaker 1: once brought her joy now seemed dim and unrecognizable. What 101 00:09:04,943 --> 00:09:08,103 Speaker 1: would happen to all of Martian history if we moved 102 00:09:08,103 --> 00:09:14,543 Speaker 1: to earth? She barely noticed the market she was passing through. 103 00:09:15,423 --> 00:09:19,423 Speaker 1: The familiar aroma of Martian herbs, which at one time 104 00:09:19,543 --> 00:09:24,143 Speaker 1: always made her feel happy, now contributed to her bad mood. 105 00:09:25,583 --> 00:09:28,543 Speaker 1: What food on Earth could compare to the tastes and 106 00:09:28,623 --> 00:09:35,143 Speaker 1: smells here. The merchant's musical chatters, which she always loved, 107 00:09:35,743 --> 00:09:41,663 Speaker 1: seemed more like laments. The shimmering trinkets and glowing fabrics 108 00:09:41,903 --> 00:09:45,943 Speaker 1: blurred passed her vision. As her tears continued to flow. 109 00:09:48,183 --> 00:09:52,663 Speaker 1: Each step felt increasingly heavy, like she was carrying the 110 00:09:52,703 --> 00:09:58,223 Speaker 1: weight of her entire world on her shoulders. She kept 111 00:09:58,303 --> 00:10:01,023 Speaker 1: trying to think of ways to convince her mother and 112 00:10:01,143 --> 00:10:07,103 Speaker 1: father not to leave Mars. It felt like an impossible problem, 113 00:10:08,143 --> 00:10:11,703 Speaker 1: like the continuing hypothesis she was introduced to at a 114 00:10:11,743 --> 00:10:17,543 Speaker 1: young age. Red used to believe her father when he 115 00:10:17,623 --> 00:10:22,183 Speaker 1: said she could solve all of mars problems, But now 116 00:10:22,223 --> 00:10:26,703 Speaker 1: she doubted that what he said was true. How is 117 00:10:26,743 --> 00:10:29,023 Speaker 1: it that I can't figure out a way for us 118 00:10:29,063 --> 00:10:33,343 Speaker 1: to stay? She knew deep in her heart that this 119 00:10:33,863 --> 00:10:38,503 Speaker 1: was a problem, one decision that could not be solved 120 00:10:38,823 --> 00:10:47,023 Speaker 1: or undone skirting past the outer corridors, past the entrance 121 00:10:47,063 --> 00:10:51,103 Speaker 1: to the outer rings, the murmur of the city started fading, 122 00:10:51,823 --> 00:10:56,783 Speaker 1: replaced by a subdued silence, broken only by the distant 123 00:10:56,823 --> 00:11:01,343 Speaker 1: whisper of the Martian winds, not real winds, but the 124 00:11:01,423 --> 00:11:08,143 Speaker 1: closest facimile that the machines could generate. Finally, after what 125 00:11:08,343 --> 00:11:12,143 Speaker 1: felt like an eternity, she finally arrived at the end 126 00:11:12,303 --> 00:11:17,463 Speaker 1: trance to her secret place, the Gang Sanctuary, a narrow, 127 00:11:17,743 --> 00:11:23,943 Speaker 1: unassuming corridor leading to an all cove overlooking a subterranean garden, 128 00:11:25,583 --> 00:11:31,223 Speaker 1: a rarity on Mars. This garden, cultivated with great care, 129 00:11:31,783 --> 00:11:36,583 Speaker 1: held a variety of native Martian flora that emitted a 130 00:11:36,623 --> 00:11:42,343 Speaker 1: soft luminescence. They no longer existed outside this space, which 131 00:11:42,383 --> 00:11:48,823 Speaker 1: made it all the more special. She sat down, her 132 00:11:48,943 --> 00:11:53,783 Speaker 1: vision blurry with tears. The scent of the garden slowly 133 00:11:53,823 --> 00:11:58,063 Speaker 1: began to soothe her. It was here that she felt 134 00:11:58,103 --> 00:12:04,663 Speaker 1: most connected to Mars. Red took a deep breath. She 135 00:12:04,783 --> 00:12:08,223 Speaker 1: and the Gang thought the air here was special, closer 136 00:12:08,263 --> 00:12:12,703 Speaker 1: to what the Martian atmosphere must have once been. They 137 00:12:12,743 --> 00:12:16,383 Speaker 1: would come here to rest whenever they had a particularly 138 00:12:16,503 --> 00:12:21,583 Speaker 1: grueling set of exams to study. For it always succeeded 139 00:12:21,823 --> 00:12:26,983 Speaker 1: in helping them pass with flying colors. As she inhaled 140 00:12:27,023 --> 00:12:32,463 Speaker 1: the familiar sense, Red started to relax, and, feeling exhausted, 141 00:12:33,223 --> 00:12:41,223 Speaker 1: laid down and fell asleep. She didn't know how, but 142 00:12:41,343 --> 00:12:45,583 Speaker 1: she always knew when he was close by. She looked 143 00:12:45,623 --> 00:12:47,703 Speaker 1: at her wrist pad and saw that she had been 144 00:12:47,743 --> 00:12:52,703 Speaker 1: asleep longer than she should have. Naps interfered with her sleep. 145 00:12:54,583 --> 00:12:57,543 Speaker 1: How did you find me, Red said to her father, 146 00:12:57,743 --> 00:13:02,943 Speaker 1: sitting near by, looking at the garden below. Do you 147 00:13:03,023 --> 00:13:05,703 Speaker 1: think you are the only one who needs a secret 148 00:13:05,743 --> 00:13:10,103 Speaker 1: place to think and relax? Her father said, I used 149 00:13:10,143 --> 00:13:14,143 Speaker 1: to come here all the time when I was your age. Later, 150 00:13:14,783 --> 00:13:18,583 Speaker 1: I introduce this place to your mother, and we used 151 00:13:18,623 --> 00:13:21,543 Speaker 1: to come here to talk back when her parents wouldn't 152 00:13:21,583 --> 00:13:25,503 Speaker 1: let us be alone. Her father took a long time 153 00:13:25,583 --> 00:13:29,463 Speaker 1: to accept me. Maybe he had a premonition that you 154 00:13:29,463 --> 00:13:32,743 Speaker 1: would form the exodus and force all the people of 155 00:13:32,823 --> 00:13:36,823 Speaker 1: Mars to leave for a stinky planet called Earth. Red 156 00:13:36,863 --> 00:13:44,383 Speaker 1: said her father's side. I don't want to leave. This 157 00:13:44,583 --> 00:13:48,463 Speaker 1: is my home and all I know, all my friends 158 00:13:48,503 --> 00:13:53,583 Speaker 1: are here. Can't we continue working on Mars's problems? Why 159 00:13:53,663 --> 00:13:59,023 Speaker 1: give up? Red asked? We aren't giving up bread. We 160 00:13:59,103 --> 00:14:03,423 Speaker 1: are simply acknowledging that our people's future is not necessarily 161 00:14:03,543 --> 00:14:07,423 Speaker 1: tied to one place, and this kind of change is 162 00:14:07,503 --> 00:14:11,503 Speaker 1: more positive than you think. Remember the quote on one 163 00:14:11,503 --> 00:14:15,943 Speaker 1: of the murals near our house from the sands of 164 00:14:16,063 --> 00:14:22,383 Speaker 1: Transformation Mars teaches us that the greatest galaxies of opportunity arise. 165 00:14:23,663 --> 00:14:27,903 Speaker 1: I always thought it was poorly written, Red said. The 166 00:14:27,983 --> 00:14:32,823 Speaker 1: point is that change can bring new and exciting opportunities. 167 00:14:34,223 --> 00:14:39,583 Speaker 1: But Red, you don't understand. We have been working on 168 00:14:39,743 --> 00:14:44,383 Speaker 1: fixing the problems, problems that were created by our ancestors 169 00:14:45,023 --> 00:14:49,743 Speaker 1: for hundreds of years. We now have the ability to 170 00:14:49,783 --> 00:14:53,423 Speaker 1: create a new Mars atmosphere to bring life back to 171 00:14:53,503 --> 00:15:00,383 Speaker 1: the surface. That's great, father, Red said excitedly. So why 172 00:15:00,383 --> 00:15:05,463 Speaker 1: would we ever want to leave? This process will take 173 00:15:05,663 --> 00:15:09,623 Speaker 1: thousands of years, and in the interim there is the 174 00:15:09,703 --> 00:15:12,663 Speaker 1: risk that we as a people will not a only 175 00:15:12,783 --> 00:15:17,383 Speaker 1: not thrive here, but that the process of transformation would 176 00:15:17,383 --> 00:15:21,263 Speaker 1: put us at great risk. This is why I have 177 00:15:21,383 --> 00:15:24,583 Speaker 1: helped with the exodus to ensure that we can have 178 00:15:24,663 --> 00:15:29,863 Speaker 1: a future in which you bleue and all your friends 179 00:15:29,903 --> 00:15:33,863 Speaker 1: can thrive. The great cities below the surface can no 180 00:15:33,983 --> 00:15:40,183 Speaker 1: longer provide that. But why am I just hearing this now? 181 00:15:40,623 --> 00:15:45,303 Speaker 1: Why is it such a secret. Well, that's the doing 182 00:15:45,383 --> 00:15:49,503 Speaker 1: of the AID. I don't agree with all their decisions, 183 00:15:49,823 --> 00:15:54,023 Speaker 1: but it's their decision, and I trust they, like us, 184 00:15:54,543 --> 00:15:57,783 Speaker 1: want the best for all of us. I think they 185 00:15:57,823 --> 00:16:02,783 Speaker 1: look creepy. They can be a little serious looking. I 186 00:16:02,823 --> 00:16:06,383 Speaker 1: think they looked at some old Earth movies and adopted 187 00:16:06,383 --> 00:16:10,543 Speaker 1: the movies funny style of dress. No one had the 188 00:16:10,583 --> 00:16:13,783 Speaker 1: heart to tell them when they started like that, and 189 00:16:13,943 --> 00:16:21,863 Speaker 1: well it just stuck. Now it's their uniform of choice. 190 00:16:22,063 --> 00:16:27,023 Speaker 1: So all of Mars will leave for Earth, not all, 191 00:16:27,383 --> 00:16:31,263 Speaker 1: but quite a few. Some will travel elsewhere, and some 192 00:16:31,383 --> 00:16:35,423 Speaker 1: will stay here managing the process and the transformation of 193 00:16:35,463 --> 00:16:39,503 Speaker 1: the planet. I wish I could see Mars as it 194 00:16:39,583 --> 00:16:42,823 Speaker 1: once was, and not just as it is depicted on 195 00:16:42,983 --> 00:16:47,423 Speaker 1: pads or in the lab as do I read as 196 00:16:47,463 --> 00:16:52,663 Speaker 1: do I? If this place is any indication, it must 197 00:16:52,703 --> 00:16:56,423 Speaker 1: have been even more beautiful than it is today. I 198 00:16:56,463 --> 00:17:00,023 Speaker 1: love the desert, but to see the flora, hear all 199 00:17:00,103 --> 00:17:03,663 Speaker 1: the vastness of the planet would be an incredible sight. 200 00:17:05,463 --> 00:17:10,023 Speaker 1: One day it will return. Why don't you come back 201 00:17:10,023 --> 00:17:13,303 Speaker 1: with me? Your mother is making an Earth delicacy, which 202 00:17:13,303 --> 00:17:17,063 Speaker 1: I am sure you will love. Red's father said, standing 203 00:17:17,143 --> 00:17:20,703 Speaker 1: up and getting ready to leave, I doubt I will 204 00:17:20,703 --> 00:17:24,703 Speaker 1: love anything that comes from Earth, ever, Red said, with 205 00:17:24,743 --> 00:17:28,863 Speaker 1: a frown, you might be surprised. I try to bite, 206 00:17:29,063 --> 00:17:33,503 Speaker 1: and it tasted really nice. Getting up to leave with 207 00:17:33,583 --> 00:17:37,263 Speaker 1: her father, she asked, what is this earth delicacy she 208 00:17:37,383 --> 00:17:41,263 Speaker 1: is making called? I think she called it waffles and 209 00:17:41,383 --> 00:17:53,383 Speaker 1: syrup with hot chocolate. Ugh, sounds yucky. And that is 210 00:17:53,423 --> 00:18:12,703 Speaker 1: the end of this part. Good Night, sleep Tight. Then 211 00:18:13,063 --> 00:18:14,303 Speaker 1: the movie The area