1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:14,440 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,520 --> 00:00:18,000 Speaker 1: to say hello to Keegan and Lee in New York. 3 00:00:19,280 --> 00:00:23,800 Speaker 1: Hello to Aaron Frieda from the Philippines. Hello to Killian 4 00:00:23,920 --> 00:00:29,680 Speaker 1: and Hunter from Orange County, California. Hello to Lily Summer 5 00:00:29,800 --> 00:00:36,479 Speaker 1: from Stadland, Norway. Hello to Melody, age twelve from New Brighton, Minnesota. 6 00:00:37,680 --> 00:00:45,360 Speaker 1: Hello to Sophia, and hello to Maggie from Michigan. A 7 00:00:45,479 --> 00:00:50,800 Speaker 1: Happy belated birthday to Eliza Slatterly from Melbourne, Australia, who 8 00:00:50,840 --> 00:00:57,200 Speaker 1: turned nine on December twenty fifth. Happy belated birthday to 9 00:00:57,360 --> 00:01:01,240 Speaker 1: Celeste and Laura Lee Solomon and Austin in Texas who 10 00:01:01,280 --> 00:01:06,880 Speaker 1: turned five on December twenty sixth. A Happy belated birthday 11 00:01:06,880 --> 00:01:12,440 Speaker 1: to Jony from Quapaw, Oklahoma, who turned six on December thirtieth. 12 00:01:14,840 --> 00:01:18,520 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Ila from Royal Oak, Michigan, who is 13 00:01:18,560 --> 00:01:25,280 Speaker 1: turning six on January third. Happy birthday to Audra from Bozeman, 14 00:01:25,440 --> 00:01:31,040 Speaker 1: Montana who is turning eight on January fifth, And Happy 15 00:01:31,040 --> 00:01:35,759 Speaker 1: birthday to Emma from Holland, Pennsylvania who is turning nine 16 00:01:36,040 --> 00:01:40,880 Speaker 1: on January seventh. Happy birthday to you all. I hope 17 00:01:40,880 --> 00:01:45,240 Speaker 1: you have a wonderful day. Shout outs and birthday wishes 18 00:01:45,280 --> 00:01:49,240 Speaker 1: are one way we give thanks to our supporters. If 19 00:01:49,280 --> 00:01:52,040 Speaker 1: you would like to support us and receive more bedtime 20 00:01:52,160 --> 00:01:56,280 Speaker 1: entertainment like this, I'll add free, please visit our support 21 00:01:56,360 --> 00:02:01,240 Speaker 1: page at sleep tightstories dot org slash support. Thank you. 22 00:02:05,120 --> 00:02:08,520 Speaker 1: This is the third part of our story about the 23 00:02:08,520 --> 00:02:12,680 Speaker 1: White rocking Horse. In the last chapter, the rocking horse 24 00:02:12,680 --> 00:02:15,639 Speaker 1: and the elephant were having a race to see who 25 00:02:15,760 --> 00:02:21,360 Speaker 1: could go faster, until the night watchmen came along and 26 00:02:21,440 --> 00:02:27,160 Speaker 1: returned them to their spots. When they talked about continuing 27 00:02:27,200 --> 00:02:29,800 Speaker 1: the race, they said it would have to wait until 28 00:02:29,840 --> 00:02:34,760 Speaker 1: the next night. When the store opened, a very loud 29 00:02:34,919 --> 00:02:38,720 Speaker 1: boy raced in and demanded that his mom buy him 30 00:02:38,800 --> 00:02:43,520 Speaker 1: the rocking horse. The rocking horse was very worried that 31 00:02:43,600 --> 00:02:50,480 Speaker 1: he might be going home with this boy. The Story 32 00:02:50,520 --> 00:02:58,240 Speaker 1: of the White Rocking Horse, Chapter three. Dear me, thought 33 00:02:58,240 --> 00:03:01,360 Speaker 1: the white rocking horse to himself, as he felt the 34 00:03:01,400 --> 00:03:05,960 Speaker 1: boy banging hard leather heels into his side. This is 35 00:03:06,200 --> 00:03:10,360 Speaker 1: quite dreadful. I hope I am not sold to this boy. 36 00:03:11,040 --> 00:03:13,920 Speaker 1: He would be a very unpleasant boy to have, I 37 00:03:14,000 --> 00:03:20,320 Speaker 1: am sure. Just because the white rocking Horse and the 38 00:03:20,400 --> 00:03:23,880 Speaker 1: other toys could not talk and move about when human 39 00:03:23,919 --> 00:03:27,880 Speaker 1: eyes were watching them did not stop them from thinking 40 00:03:27,960 --> 00:03:33,480 Speaker 1: things to themselves or from having feelings. And you may 41 00:03:33,560 --> 00:03:37,640 Speaker 1: be very sure the white rocking horse felt that his 42 00:03:37,800 --> 00:03:41,680 Speaker 1: feelings were very much hurt when the boy banged his 43 00:03:41,760 --> 00:03:49,200 Speaker 1: heel so hard into the sides of the horse. I 44 00:03:49,280 --> 00:03:52,720 Speaker 1: certainly hope I am not going to belong to this boy, 45 00:03:53,320 --> 00:03:56,480 Speaker 1: thought the white rocking horse, and he looked towards the 46 00:03:56,520 --> 00:04:02,280 Speaker 1: toy counter. He saw the calico cl glancing sadly at him, 47 00:04:02,800 --> 00:04:05,880 Speaker 1: and he noticed the monkey on a stick making funny 48 00:04:05,920 --> 00:04:10,720 Speaker 1: faces at the boy. I wish I could make that 49 00:04:10,920 --> 00:04:13,920 Speaker 1: boy come over here and look at me, thought the monkey. 50 00:04:14,560 --> 00:04:20,600 Speaker 1: Then he would leave my friend the white rocking horse alone. 51 00:04:21,480 --> 00:04:24,360 Speaker 1: But the loud boy seemed to like being in the 52 00:04:24,400 --> 00:04:27,520 Speaker 1: red leather saddle on the back of the rocking horse. 53 00:04:29,000 --> 00:04:32,760 Speaker 1: Gid y up, get along there, cried the boy, and 54 00:04:32,839 --> 00:04:36,680 Speaker 1: again he clapped his heels against the wooden sides of 55 00:04:36,720 --> 00:04:42,360 Speaker 1: the horse, chipping off bits of paint with his hands. 56 00:04:42,440 --> 00:04:46,000 Speaker 1: The boy yanked on the reins until he nearly pulled 57 00:04:46,040 --> 00:04:51,440 Speaker 1: them off the head of the white rocking horse. A 58 00:04:51,560 --> 00:04:54,800 Speaker 1: young lady clerk who worked in the toy department came 59 00:04:54,839 --> 00:04:59,200 Speaker 1: along just then, please do not be so rough on 60 00:04:59,279 --> 00:05:02,560 Speaker 1: the horse, little boy, she said in a gentle voice. 61 00:05:03,520 --> 00:05:07,839 Speaker 1: I'm going to have this horse, shouted the loud boy, 62 00:05:07,920 --> 00:05:11,640 Speaker 1: as he rocked to and fro. I'm going to make 63 00:05:11,760 --> 00:05:18,440 Speaker 1: my mother buy him for me. Get yup, get yup. Oh. 64 00:05:18,480 --> 00:05:22,320 Speaker 1: I never could stand belonging to this boy, thought the 65 00:05:22,360 --> 00:05:25,680 Speaker 1: poor white rocking horse. I would want to run away. 66 00:05:29,200 --> 00:05:32,960 Speaker 1: While the unpleasant boy was still in the saddle, swaying 67 00:05:33,200 --> 00:05:37,200 Speaker 1: to and fro and banging his heels, a lady came 68 00:05:37,279 --> 00:05:41,599 Speaker 1: walking down the aisle to the toy department. Here's the 69 00:05:41,640 --> 00:05:45,440 Speaker 1: horse I want, the boy, cried at her. He's a dandy. 70 00:05:45,720 --> 00:05:48,599 Speaker 1: He has real hair in his tail in Maine, and 71 00:05:48,720 --> 00:05:55,080 Speaker 1: the saddle is real leather. Buy me this horse. No, roy, 72 00:05:55,400 --> 00:05:58,279 Speaker 1: I cannot buy you this horse, said the lady. It 73 00:05:58,440 --> 00:06:01,560 Speaker 1: costs too much. And you have a rocking horse at 74 00:06:01,560 --> 00:06:07,520 Speaker 1: home now. Yes, but that one has no ears, his 75 00:06:07,640 --> 00:06:11,240 Speaker 1: leg is broken, and he has no saddle or bridle. 76 00:06:11,520 --> 00:06:17,680 Speaker 1: Cried the boy. I want this horse. Your horse was 77 00:06:17,880 --> 00:06:20,600 Speaker 1: as good as this one when it was new, said 78 00:06:20,600 --> 00:06:24,000 Speaker 1: the boy's mother. If you had taken care of it, 79 00:06:24,000 --> 00:06:29,520 Speaker 1: it would still be a good horse. Well, I couldn't 80 00:06:29,520 --> 00:06:32,560 Speaker 1: help it because his ears pulled off. I wanted him 81 00:06:32,560 --> 00:06:36,080 Speaker 1: to stop rocking, and he wouldn't, grumbled the loud boy. 82 00:06:36,520 --> 00:06:41,599 Speaker 1: I had to pull his ears. Gracious think of pulling 83 00:06:41,640 --> 00:06:44,400 Speaker 1: off the ears of a rocking horse because he wouldn't 84 00:06:44,440 --> 00:06:49,680 Speaker 1: stay quiet, said the bold tin soldier to himself. I 85 00:06:49,839 --> 00:06:52,960 Speaker 1: hope our white horse doesn't get this boy for an owner. 86 00:06:54,520 --> 00:07:02,160 Speaker 1: I want this horse. I want this one again, banging 87 00:07:02,200 --> 00:07:05,960 Speaker 1: his heels on the side of the toy. No, Roy, 88 00:07:06,440 --> 00:07:11,040 Speaker 1: you cannot have it, said his mother. Then I want 89 00:07:11,040 --> 00:07:15,920 Speaker 1: this calico clown, the boy exclaimed, jumping off the horse 90 00:07:16,080 --> 00:07:20,240 Speaker 1: so quickly that the toy animal would have been knocked over, 91 00:07:20,920 --> 00:07:24,280 Speaker 1: only the young clerk caught it and held it upright. 92 00:07:27,160 --> 00:07:29,920 Speaker 1: The boy caught the clown up in his hands and 93 00:07:29,960 --> 00:07:33,200 Speaker 1: began jabbing the toy in the chest to make the 94 00:07:33,240 --> 00:07:40,680 Speaker 1: cymbals bang together. Dear me, what a dreadful person this 95 00:07:40,840 --> 00:07:47,720 Speaker 1: boy is, thought the calico clown. So rough. As for 96 00:07:47,840 --> 00:07:51,600 Speaker 1: the white rocking horse, he began to feel better as 97 00:07:51,600 --> 00:07:55,680 Speaker 1: soon as the boy was out of the saddle. True, 98 00:07:55,880 --> 00:07:59,760 Speaker 1: his wooden sides were somewhat dented, but the young clerk 99 00:07:59,800 --> 00:08:03,000 Speaker 1: said to her friend at the doll counter, I'll get 100 00:08:03,040 --> 00:08:06,520 Speaker 1: a little oil and rub the spots out. They won't show, 101 00:08:06,640 --> 00:08:10,800 Speaker 1: and the horse will be as good as ever. It's 102 00:08:10,840 --> 00:08:13,760 Speaker 1: a shame such boys are allowed in the toy department. 103 00:08:17,560 --> 00:08:21,320 Speaker 1: Buy me this calico clown ride, the boy who was 104 00:08:21,440 --> 00:08:25,600 Speaker 1: jabbing the brightly dressed toy and making the cymbals clang, 105 00:08:26,320 --> 00:08:31,320 Speaker 1: I want this if I can't have the rocking horse. No, 106 00:08:31,920 --> 00:08:38,000 Speaker 1: you can't have anything, said his mother. Put it back, Roy. 107 00:08:38,600 --> 00:08:42,560 Speaker 1: The boy frowned and tossed the calico clown back on 108 00:08:42,640 --> 00:08:46,560 Speaker 1: the counter so hard one of the cymbals struck the 109 00:08:46,640 --> 00:08:50,280 Speaker 1: candy rabbit and chipped a little piece of sugar off 110 00:08:50,320 --> 00:08:55,560 Speaker 1: one ear, and all the toys were glad when the 111 00:08:55,600 --> 00:09:01,280 Speaker 1: boy's mother finally took him away. I need to get 112 00:09:01,280 --> 00:09:05,400 Speaker 1: you a pair of shoes, Roy, she says. I hope 113 00:09:05,440 --> 00:09:08,880 Speaker 1: she gets them a pair that pinches his toes, thought 114 00:09:08,920 --> 00:09:12,640 Speaker 1: the bold tin soldier. Such boys should be taught not 115 00:09:12,760 --> 00:09:17,000 Speaker 1: to break toys, and they should never never be allowed 116 00:09:17,000 --> 00:09:20,839 Speaker 1: to pull the ears off a rocking horse. And if 117 00:09:20,880 --> 00:09:23,960 Speaker 1: the white rocking Horse could have spoken, he would have 118 00:09:24,040 --> 00:09:31,320 Speaker 1: said the same thing. I am sure other boys came 119 00:09:31,360 --> 00:09:34,120 Speaker 1: in to try the white rocking horse, and they were 120 00:09:34,200 --> 00:09:38,240 Speaker 1: all good boys. They took their place in the red 121 00:09:38,320 --> 00:09:43,680 Speaker 1: saddle very quietly and did not bang their heels, nor 122 00:09:43,760 --> 00:09:46,200 Speaker 1: did they yank and pull on the reins that were 123 00:09:46,240 --> 00:09:51,760 Speaker 1: fastened to the head of the rocking horse. I would 124 00:09:51,880 --> 00:09:56,120 Speaker 1: rather belong to two or even three of these kind boys, 125 00:09:56,640 --> 00:09:59,880 Speaker 1: rather than that one loud boy, said the white rocking 126 00:10:00,080 --> 00:10:04,600 Speaker 1: horse to himself, as he swayed backward and forward on 127 00:10:04,720 --> 00:10:10,600 Speaker 1: the floor in the toy department. He and the lamb 128 00:10:10,640 --> 00:10:13,040 Speaker 1: on wheels were too large to be set on the 129 00:10:13,120 --> 00:10:16,880 Speaker 1: counter with the calico clown, the monkey on a stick, 130 00:10:17,440 --> 00:10:21,600 Speaker 1: the candy rabbit, and the bold tin Soldier and other 131 00:10:21,760 --> 00:10:29,720 Speaker 1: small toys. Slowly the day passed and night was coming 132 00:10:29,760 --> 00:10:34,720 Speaker 1: on again. Lights began to glow or the days were short, 133 00:10:35,080 --> 00:10:39,480 Speaker 1: and evening came quickly, even before the store was closed. 134 00:10:41,920 --> 00:10:44,440 Speaker 1: I wonder if the rocking horse and the elephant will 135 00:10:44,440 --> 00:10:48,720 Speaker 1: finish their race tonight. But the bold tin Soldier, as 136 00:10:48,720 --> 00:10:51,960 Speaker 1: he felt himself being taken out of his box to 137 00:10:52,040 --> 00:10:54,840 Speaker 1: be looked at by a lady who was doing some shopping, 138 00:10:58,160 --> 00:11:01,600 Speaker 1: it was almost closing to I'm in the store when 139 00:11:01,679 --> 00:11:04,680 Speaker 1: the white rocking horse, who felt much better since his 140 00:11:04,840 --> 00:11:08,920 Speaker 1: sides had been rubbed with oil, heard a gentleman's voice 141 00:11:08,960 --> 00:11:13,280 Speaker 1: speaking near him. This is about what I want for Dave, 142 00:11:13,760 --> 00:11:16,560 Speaker 1: said the man to the young lady clerk. Is this 143 00:11:16,679 --> 00:11:21,640 Speaker 1: a good rocking horse, the best in the store, Yes, sir, 144 00:11:22,040 --> 00:11:26,520 Speaker 1: was the answer. The tail and mane are real hair, 145 00:11:26,880 --> 00:11:31,680 Speaker 1: and the saddle and bridle are real leather. The rockers, too, 146 00:11:31,800 --> 00:11:37,600 Speaker 1: are nice and smooth, so the horse will go fast. Well, 147 00:11:37,920 --> 00:11:40,600 Speaker 1: I don't want it to go too fast, said the man, 148 00:11:41,160 --> 00:11:44,120 Speaker 1: smiling down at the white rocking horse as he patted 149 00:11:44,160 --> 00:11:48,360 Speaker 1: its neck. My son, Dave is too small to ride 150 00:11:48,480 --> 00:11:52,960 Speaker 1: even a rocking horse very fast. I think, though, that 151 00:11:53,080 --> 00:11:56,640 Speaker 1: I will bring him this one. And as it is 152 00:11:56,720 --> 00:12:00,599 Speaker 1: so near closing, and as you are so very busy, 153 00:12:00,720 --> 00:12:02,960 Speaker 1: if you will have this wrapped up for me, I 154 00:12:03,000 --> 00:12:07,520 Speaker 1: will take it home in my car. I'd be happy 155 00:12:07,559 --> 00:12:10,360 Speaker 1: to help you, replied the young lady with a smile. 156 00:12:11,440 --> 00:12:14,640 Speaker 1: And I hope Dave will like this horse. I am 157 00:12:14,679 --> 00:12:16,880 Speaker 1: glad our horse is going to a boy who will 158 00:12:16,880 --> 00:12:21,400 Speaker 1: be kind to him. Oh, Dave takes good care of 159 00:12:21,400 --> 00:12:25,280 Speaker 1: his toys, said the man. Well, thank goodness for that, 160 00:12:25,720 --> 00:12:29,960 Speaker 1: thought the white rocking horse. Now, like the sawdust doll, 161 00:12:30,600 --> 00:12:35,920 Speaker 1: my adventures are going to start. Maybe I could race 162 00:12:35,960 --> 00:12:40,319 Speaker 1: with the elephant, suggested the wooly lamb. I have wheels on, 163 00:12:40,679 --> 00:12:43,920 Speaker 1: and if the elephant wears his roller skates, that will 164 00:12:43,920 --> 00:12:49,760 Speaker 1: make us both even. We could have the race tonight. Perhaps. Well, 165 00:12:49,800 --> 00:12:52,400 Speaker 1: I hope you have some jolly times while I am gone, 166 00:12:52,480 --> 00:12:58,760 Speaker 1: said the white rocking horse. Try to amuse yourselves. We will, 167 00:12:59,120 --> 00:13:03,000 Speaker 1: answered the calico clown. But perhaps you will come back 168 00:13:03,040 --> 00:13:07,520 Speaker 1: to see us, as the sawdust doll once did. I'm 169 00:13:07,559 --> 00:13:12,440 Speaker 1: afraid not nade the horse. You see, the sawdust doll 170 00:13:12,520 --> 00:13:15,640 Speaker 1: came back because the little girl whose mother bought the 171 00:13:15,679 --> 00:13:19,640 Speaker 1: toy carried the doll in her arms. But I am 172 00:13:19,679 --> 00:13:24,120 Speaker 1: too big to be carried in a boy's arms. Yes, 173 00:13:24,280 --> 00:13:28,120 Speaker 1: that is so agreed, the bold tin soldier. Horses have 174 00:13:28,240 --> 00:13:33,400 Speaker 1: to travel by themselves, or else ride in cars. But perhaps, 175 00:13:33,760 --> 00:13:37,000 Speaker 1: my dear friend, you may get a chance to gallop 176 00:13:37,080 --> 00:13:40,760 Speaker 1: back here to see us some night. I would like to, 177 00:13:41,320 --> 00:13:44,320 Speaker 1: the white rocking horse said, But I don't see how 178 00:13:44,320 --> 00:13:50,439 Speaker 1: it can be done. Someone would be sure to be looking. Hush, quiet, everyone, 179 00:13:51,040 --> 00:13:57,319 Speaker 1: whispered the calico clown. The man is coming back. And 180 00:13:57,440 --> 00:14:01,600 Speaker 1: back he came, having finished looking at the checkers and dominoes. 181 00:14:02,920 --> 00:14:06,080 Speaker 1: The young clerk also returned with some large sheets of 182 00:14:06,120 --> 00:14:11,080 Speaker 1: paper and a ball of string. The toys could talk 183 00:14:11,120 --> 00:14:15,560 Speaker 1: among themselves no longer, but of course they could still think, 184 00:14:16,000 --> 00:14:19,360 Speaker 1: and each one who was to be left behind thought 185 00:14:19,400 --> 00:14:24,800 Speaker 1: how lonesome it would be with the white rocking horse gone. 186 00:14:25,280 --> 00:14:29,240 Speaker 1: As for that wonderful fellow, he was soon covered from 187 00:14:29,280 --> 00:14:32,760 Speaker 1: the sight of his friends in the wrappings of paper. 188 00:14:35,240 --> 00:14:37,760 Speaker 1: One sheet was put over his head so he could 189 00:14:37,760 --> 00:14:42,400 Speaker 1: see nothing more. Then his body and legs were wrapped 190 00:14:42,440 --> 00:14:45,960 Speaker 1: in another paper, and the red saddle and bridle of 191 00:14:46,000 --> 00:14:49,360 Speaker 1: real leather were covered up, as well as the mane 192 00:14:49,400 --> 00:14:54,920 Speaker 1: and tail of real hair. There I think he will 193 00:14:55,000 --> 00:14:57,880 Speaker 1: ride very nicely in my car, now, said the man, 194 00:14:58,520 --> 00:15:01,080 Speaker 1: as he paid the clerk for the white rocking horse. 195 00:15:02,520 --> 00:15:05,560 Speaker 1: Then the man carried the horse down in the elevator. 196 00:15:09,160 --> 00:15:11,640 Speaker 1: At first, it made the white rocking horse a little 197 00:15:11,680 --> 00:15:15,480 Speaker 1: dizzy to be carried down in the elevator. He had 198 00:15:15,520 --> 00:15:18,640 Speaker 1: not ridden in one for such a long time, not 199 00:15:18,760 --> 00:15:22,640 Speaker 1: since he was first brought to the big store. Then 200 00:15:22,800 --> 00:15:25,240 Speaker 1: the white rocking horse had been carried up to the 201 00:15:25,280 --> 00:15:30,080 Speaker 1: toy department in a big freight elevator with many others 202 00:15:30,160 --> 00:15:35,200 Speaker 1: like himself. But that freight elevator went more slowly than 203 00:15:35,240 --> 00:15:38,640 Speaker 1: the passenger one in which the man now carried down 204 00:15:38,760 --> 00:15:43,240 Speaker 1: his boy's present. As the man went outside the store 205 00:15:43,280 --> 00:15:46,560 Speaker 1: with his bundle, the white rocking horse felt a cold 206 00:15:46,800 --> 00:15:50,560 Speaker 1: chill run over him. He was so used to the 207 00:15:50,600 --> 00:15:55,160 Speaker 1: warm store that he had forgotten the cold weather outside. 208 00:15:55,760 --> 00:15:59,360 Speaker 1: It was snowing too, and one or two white flakes 209 00:15:59,400 --> 00:16:02,680 Speaker 1: sifted in through the cracks of the paper and fell 210 00:16:02,760 --> 00:16:08,920 Speaker 1: on the horse. Well, this is certainly a strange adventure, 211 00:16:09,160 --> 00:16:13,200 Speaker 1: thought the white horse, being carried along this way out 212 00:16:13,280 --> 00:16:18,360 Speaker 1: into a storm. I wonder what will happen next? And 213 00:16:18,400 --> 00:16:20,800 Speaker 1: the next he knew he was put in the back 214 00:16:20,840 --> 00:16:24,400 Speaker 1: of the car, and away he rode faster than he 215 00:16:24,520 --> 00:16:28,560 Speaker 1: ever could have traveled by himself, faster even than he 216 00:16:28,600 --> 00:16:31,720 Speaker 1: had gone while racing with the elephant on roller skates. 217 00:16:34,040 --> 00:16:36,320 Speaker 1: The ride in the car through the snow made the 218 00:16:36,360 --> 00:16:40,280 Speaker 1: white rocking horse rather sleepy, so he really did not 219 00:16:40,480 --> 00:16:43,880 Speaker 1: know much about what happened on his trip through the storm. 220 00:16:44,880 --> 00:16:48,240 Speaker 1: All he remembered was that he went quite fast, and 221 00:16:48,360 --> 00:16:53,080 Speaker 1: at last the car stopped. Then he felt himself being 222 00:16:53,160 --> 00:16:56,800 Speaker 1: lifted out of the car, and he heard voices, is 223 00:16:56,880 --> 00:17:00,400 Speaker 1: dave out of the way. The man asked, Yes, he 224 00:17:00,480 --> 00:17:03,360 Speaker 1: and Dorothy are up in the playroom, was the answer, 225 00:17:03,400 --> 00:17:07,000 Speaker 1: in a lady's voice. You can carry the horse right 226 00:17:07,080 --> 00:17:11,199 Speaker 1: up to the attic, all right, said the man. As 227 00:17:11,280 --> 00:17:13,359 Speaker 1: long as Dave and Dorothy are out of the way, 228 00:17:13,600 --> 00:17:20,800 Speaker 1: I'll bring the horse in. Dorothy, Dorothy, thought the horse 229 00:17:20,840 --> 00:17:26,040 Speaker 1: to himself. Where have I heard that name before? I 230 00:17:26,040 --> 00:17:28,800 Speaker 1: guess some little girl who was called that must have 231 00:17:28,880 --> 00:17:32,720 Speaker 1: come to the toy department at one time or another. Well, 232 00:17:33,400 --> 00:17:39,280 Speaker 1: now to see what happens next, He felt himself being 233 00:17:39,359 --> 00:17:43,639 Speaker 1: carried along. Dimly, he saw lights, and he felt that 234 00:17:43,720 --> 00:17:46,760 Speaker 1: he was in a warm place, as warm as the 235 00:17:46,840 --> 00:17:52,280 Speaker 1: store had been. Then suddenly the papers were taken off him. 236 00:17:53,720 --> 00:17:58,760 Speaker 1: Oh what a beautiful rocking horse, exclaimed the lady. I 237 00:17:58,800 --> 00:18:02,240 Speaker 1: am sure Dave will be pleased. It's the same one 238 00:18:02,359 --> 00:18:05,080 Speaker 1: I saw in the store. I am glad you got 239 00:18:05,119 --> 00:18:11,480 Speaker 1: that one now. The white rocking horse was still rather 240 00:18:11,600 --> 00:18:15,040 Speaker 1: dazed and still rather sleepy from his ride in the cold. 241 00:18:15,800 --> 00:18:18,879 Speaker 1: Or else, perhaps he would have been prepared for the 242 00:18:18,960 --> 00:18:23,960 Speaker 1: surprise in store for him. Dimly he seemed to remember 243 00:18:24,040 --> 00:18:28,600 Speaker 1: having heard that lady's voice before, and dimly he recalled 244 00:18:28,680 --> 00:18:33,800 Speaker 1: having seen her before then, when his papers had been 245 00:18:33,840 --> 00:18:36,920 Speaker 1: taken off, he was set down on the floor near 246 00:18:36,960 --> 00:18:40,959 Speaker 1: a warm chimney in rather a bare and cheerless attic, 247 00:18:41,480 --> 00:18:47,720 Speaker 1: and left to himself in the darkness. But the white 248 00:18:47,840 --> 00:18:50,840 Speaker 1: rocking horse could see in the dark, and when he 249 00:18:50,920 --> 00:18:54,399 Speaker 1: knew that no human eyes were watching him, he spoke 250 00:18:54,960 --> 00:19:00,480 Speaker 1: in the make believe language of toyland. Is any one here, 251 00:19:00,960 --> 00:19:03,639 Speaker 1: any toy that I can talk to, or whom I 252 00:19:03,680 --> 00:19:06,720 Speaker 1: can have a little fun with? Asked the white horse 253 00:19:06,760 --> 00:19:12,159 Speaker 1: out loud. There was no answer for a moment, and 254 00:19:12,200 --> 00:19:15,440 Speaker 1: then a voice said, you can talk to me if 255 00:19:15,480 --> 00:19:18,359 Speaker 1: you like, But it has been many years since I 256 00:19:18,400 --> 00:19:22,000 Speaker 1: have had any fun. I am old and broken and 257 00:19:22,119 --> 00:19:27,439 Speaker 1: covered with dust. Who are you, asked the white horse. 258 00:19:28,560 --> 00:19:31,880 Speaker 1: I am an old jumping jack, was the answer. Here 259 00:19:31,920 --> 00:19:36,919 Speaker 1: I am over by the chimney. Oh now, I see you, 260 00:19:37,000 --> 00:19:40,520 Speaker 1: said the horse. But what is the matter. Are you 261 00:19:40,800 --> 00:19:46,800 Speaker 1: so very old? Oh? Yes, I am almost five years old, 262 00:19:46,960 --> 00:19:50,880 Speaker 1: was the answer. My two legs are broken and one 263 00:19:50,920 --> 00:19:54,040 Speaker 1: of my arms, and the spring by which I used 264 00:19:54,040 --> 00:19:57,920 Speaker 1: to jump is all worn out, So as I am 265 00:19:58,000 --> 00:20:01,120 Speaker 1: no longer of any use in this world. I am 266 00:20:01,160 --> 00:20:04,520 Speaker 1: in the attic home. That is the last resting place 267 00:20:04,560 --> 00:20:08,800 Speaker 1: of broken toys. You know I have heard of it, 268 00:20:09,080 --> 00:20:12,400 Speaker 1: said the rocking horse, rather sadly. I hope I am 269 00:20:12,480 --> 00:20:17,399 Speaker 1: not kept here. Indeed you will not be, said the 270 00:20:17,440 --> 00:20:20,679 Speaker 1: old jumping jack. You are new and are going to 271 00:20:20,840 --> 00:20:25,560 Speaker 1: enjoy your first year. Ah, how well I remember that. 272 00:20:26,480 --> 00:20:30,760 Speaker 1: But there is no use worrying. I had some good times. 273 00:20:31,280 --> 00:20:35,359 Speaker 1: I once made a little boy happy, and now I 274 00:20:35,400 --> 00:20:38,520 Speaker 1: am content to stay here in the dust and darkness. 275 00:20:39,040 --> 00:20:41,040 Speaker 1: I shall be glad to know that you are going 276 00:20:41,080 --> 00:20:45,520 Speaker 1: to have a jolly time. Thank you, said the white 277 00:20:45,600 --> 00:20:49,879 Speaker 1: rocking horse. Then he and the old jumping jack talked 278 00:20:49,920 --> 00:20:54,120 Speaker 1: together for some hours in the attic. All the next 279 00:20:54,240 --> 00:20:57,119 Speaker 1: day they were together, and the white rocking horse told 280 00:20:57,560 --> 00:21:00,439 Speaker 1: how he had once lived in a big department store, 281 00:21:01,119 --> 00:21:03,520 Speaker 1: and how he had been given a ride in a car, 282 00:21:04,320 --> 00:21:07,840 Speaker 1: and the jumping jack told his story how he used 283 00:21:07,880 --> 00:21:13,280 Speaker 1: to leap about and cut funny capers. The next night, 284 00:21:13,400 --> 00:21:16,640 Speaker 1: after dark, a light was seen gleaming in the attic. 285 00:21:18,040 --> 00:21:21,040 Speaker 1: The white rocking horse and the jumping jack had just 286 00:21:21,200 --> 00:21:24,640 Speaker 1: began to talk together, and the horse was showing his 287 00:21:24,680 --> 00:21:27,520 Speaker 1: friend how fast he could rock. When they had to 288 00:21:27,560 --> 00:21:31,720 Speaker 1: stop because the man came up, and the lady was 289 00:21:31,760 --> 00:21:37,439 Speaker 1: with him. Dave and Dorothy are asleep. Now, said the lady, 290 00:21:37,600 --> 00:21:39,960 Speaker 1: we can take the rocking horse down and leave him 291 00:21:40,000 --> 00:21:43,840 Speaker 1: for Dave. Yes, we can do that, the man said. 292 00:21:44,480 --> 00:21:48,120 Speaker 1: And here is an old jumping jack. It is broken, 293 00:21:48,240 --> 00:21:51,200 Speaker 1: but the paint on it is still good. I'll dust 294 00:21:51,200 --> 00:21:53,639 Speaker 1: it off and take it down. It will make it 295 00:21:53,680 --> 00:21:59,720 Speaker 1: look more jolly, And to his own great surprise, the 296 00:21:59,760 --> 00:22:03,359 Speaker 1: jumping jack was taken down with the white rocking horse. 297 00:22:05,680 --> 00:22:09,240 Speaker 1: As for the rocking horse, so many things happened at 298 00:22:09,280 --> 00:22:13,000 Speaker 1: once that he hardly knew where one began and the 299 00:22:13,040 --> 00:22:19,200 Speaker 1: other left off. He saw many toys scattered around, and 300 00:22:19,280 --> 00:22:23,400 Speaker 1: one in particular made him open his eyes in wonder. 301 00:22:25,240 --> 00:22:28,800 Speaker 1: Or there sitting on the carpet near him was the 302 00:22:28,840 --> 00:22:34,119 Speaker 1: sawdust doll, the very same sawdust doll who had lived 303 00:22:34,160 --> 00:22:41,760 Speaker 1: in the toy store with him. And that is the 304 00:22:41,920 --> 00:22:56,040 Speaker 1: end of this part. Good Night, sleep tight,