1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:27,160 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Lenora is 2 00:00:27,200 --> 00:00:31,240 Speaker 1: in a new home, in a new school, and a 3 00:00:31,360 --> 00:00:35,640 Speaker 1: new place. She has been very busy getting used to 4 00:00:35,680 --> 00:00:38,879 Speaker 1: this new place and hasn't noticed that fall has arrived 5 00:00:39,360 --> 00:00:44,559 Speaker 1: and things are starting to cool down. For Lenora, that 6 00:00:44,760 --> 00:00:48,680 Speaker 1: means Halloween is coming soon and that is her favorite 7 00:00:48,760 --> 00:00:53,160 Speaker 1: time of the year when she loses a tooth, though 8 00:00:53,760 --> 00:01:01,480 Speaker 1: things are not looking so good the Vampire and the 9 00:01:01,520 --> 00:01:07,000 Speaker 1: Tooth Fairy. Thank you to Onnica for the inspiration for 10 00:01:07,040 --> 00:01:19,200 Speaker 1: this story. Leonora and her family had moved to Charlottown 11 00:01:19,440 --> 00:01:23,400 Speaker 1: from Europe this past summer, and she was so busy 12 00:01:23,480 --> 00:01:28,200 Speaker 1: adjusting to her new home, starting a new school, and 13 00:01:28,280 --> 00:01:31,080 Speaker 1: all the other excitements of being in a new place 14 00:01:31,920 --> 00:01:34,840 Speaker 1: that she hadn't noticed the chill in the air and 15 00:01:34,920 --> 00:01:41,200 Speaker 1: the change in color. After school, as she was walking 16 00:01:41,240 --> 00:01:44,080 Speaker 1: down the street that took her to her house, she 17 00:01:44,240 --> 00:01:49,960 Speaker 1: noticed the colors yellow, red, and brown, which could mean 18 00:01:50,120 --> 00:01:55,480 Speaker 1: only one thing. All was here and with it her 19 00:01:55,600 --> 00:02:11,360 Speaker 1: favorite time of year, Halloween. Leonora absolutely loved, loved, loved Halloween. 20 00:02:12,680 --> 00:02:17,240 Speaker 1: She loved the candy, the food, and all the fun 21 00:02:17,360 --> 00:02:23,800 Speaker 1: surrounding the day and especially the night. Halloween was a 22 00:02:23,840 --> 00:02:27,440 Speaker 1: time when she and her family could reveal their true 23 00:02:27,440 --> 00:02:33,040 Speaker 1: selves to be spooky, a little scary, and have fun 24 00:02:33,080 --> 00:02:38,560 Speaker 1: with all the people in their neighborhood. You see, Leonora 25 00:02:38,639 --> 00:02:48,560 Speaker 1: Bogden and her family were vampires. Arriving home, she ran 26 00:02:48,680 --> 00:02:52,400 Speaker 1: into the kitchen and, judging by the smells, it was 27 00:02:52,560 --> 00:02:58,440 Speaker 1: fall treat season. The smell of cinnamon, pumpkin, and other 28 00:02:58,560 --> 00:03:01,840 Speaker 1: spices she didn't know the name of filled the air. 29 00:03:04,360 --> 00:03:09,760 Speaker 1: Will we practice tonight, mommy, Lenora asked, excitedly, Practice what, 30 00:03:09,919 --> 00:03:14,160 Speaker 1: my little princess, Her mother replied, pretending not to know 31 00:03:14,240 --> 00:03:21,720 Speaker 1: what she was talking about. You know, practice being spooky 32 00:03:21,919 --> 00:03:25,480 Speaker 1: so that we can get ready for Halloween. It's coming soon, right, 33 00:03:25,800 --> 00:03:29,120 Speaker 1: I know it is. The air is cool outside, and 34 00:03:29,200 --> 00:03:33,040 Speaker 1: the leaves are all red, brown and orange. You only 35 00:03:33,160 --> 00:03:37,560 Speaker 1: use these awesome smelling spices just before Halloween. It's our 36 00:03:37,600 --> 00:03:44,200 Speaker 1: favorite time of year, right, Yes, it is, Leonora. It's 37 00:03:44,320 --> 00:03:48,160 Speaker 1: fall and Halloween is coming. That's why I am home 38 00:03:48,200 --> 00:03:51,320 Speaker 1: baking all kinds of goodies so that we can share 39 00:03:51,360 --> 00:03:56,640 Speaker 1: it with our new friends. And I'll have some too. 40 00:03:56,880 --> 00:03:59,760 Speaker 1: We would never forget to give you lots of sweet 41 00:03:59,720 --> 00:04:04,400 Speaker 1: treats this time of year. But remember we are living 42 00:04:04,480 --> 00:04:07,640 Speaker 1: in a new home this year. There might be some 43 00:04:07,800 --> 00:04:14,560 Speaker 1: differences from last time, but everyone here still celebrates Halloween, 44 00:04:14,640 --> 00:04:19,680 Speaker 1: don't they, Mummy. They get dressed up as ghosts, monsters, aliens, 45 00:04:19,720 --> 00:04:26,720 Speaker 1: and other spooky creatures. Right, I believe. So, don't you worry, Princess. 46 00:04:27,160 --> 00:04:31,839 Speaker 1: We are going to have the best Halloween ever. Now, 47 00:04:32,279 --> 00:04:34,520 Speaker 1: why don't you go and get washed up for dinner. 48 00:04:35,120 --> 00:04:37,800 Speaker 1: Your father will be home soon and he will want 49 00:04:37,839 --> 00:04:43,599 Speaker 1: to know all about your day at school. Okay, Leonora said, 50 00:04:43,920 --> 00:04:47,440 Speaker 1: as she walked stiffly away, like she was an ancient 51 00:04:47,520 --> 00:04:55,520 Speaker 1: mummy that had risen to give people hugs. At dinner, 52 00:04:56,040 --> 00:05:00,560 Speaker 1: Leonora shared all about her day at school, about her 53 00:05:00,600 --> 00:05:06,240 Speaker 1: new teachers, her classmates, including Charlie, who just moved here too, 54 00:05:06,400 --> 00:05:10,120 Speaker 1: and her first practice with the basketball team. It was 55 00:05:10,200 --> 00:05:13,839 Speaker 1: a great day, Daddy. Then everyone seems really nice so far. 56 00:05:15,400 --> 00:05:18,680 Speaker 1: I'm glad to hear that, Princess. I think we made 57 00:05:18,680 --> 00:05:21,520 Speaker 1: a good decision to move to this small town here 58 00:05:21,600 --> 00:05:26,839 Speaker 1: on the island. Are you both ready for dessert? Lenora's 59 00:05:26,839 --> 00:05:31,920 Speaker 1: mother said, I've got some hard pumpkin spice cookies. Yummy, 60 00:05:32,520 --> 00:05:37,839 Speaker 1: Lenora said. Leonora was so excited that she forgot to 61 00:05:38,000 --> 00:05:43,000 Speaker 1: first dip her cookie in milk, and she bit down hard. Ouch. 62 00:05:43,680 --> 00:05:48,640 Speaker 1: She said, what's wrong, Princess? Her mother asked, I think 63 00:05:48,680 --> 00:05:52,000 Speaker 1: I hurt my tooth. Mummy, Lenora said, as she stuck 64 00:05:52,000 --> 00:05:56,159 Speaker 1: her finger in her mouth. She hadn't hurt her tooth, 65 00:05:57,040 --> 00:06:02,000 Speaker 1: but she sped up what was happening naturally, Mommy, my 66 00:06:02,120 --> 00:06:07,159 Speaker 1: tooth is loose. That's okay, Princess, it's all part of 67 00:06:07,240 --> 00:06:10,680 Speaker 1: growing up. You are losing your baby teeth so that 68 00:06:10,839 --> 00:06:14,200 Speaker 1: new teeth can grow in. Her mother said, but but 69 00:06:14,920 --> 00:06:19,480 Speaker 1: it's my fang. It can't come out now. It's almost Halloween, 70 00:06:20,080 --> 00:06:22,560 Speaker 1: and how can I be myself? How can I be 71 00:06:22,680 --> 00:06:28,159 Speaker 1: spooky without two fangs? Let me look at your tooth. 72 00:06:28,160 --> 00:06:33,039 Speaker 1: Her father said, yes, it's really loose, Princess. I think 73 00:06:33,080 --> 00:06:36,919 Speaker 1: it has to come out. Are you sure, daddy? I 74 00:06:36,960 --> 00:06:40,040 Speaker 1: mean a wiggly fang is better than no fang at all. 75 00:06:41,920 --> 00:06:44,840 Speaker 1: I'm sorry, Leonora. I'll take it out for you when 76 00:06:44,920 --> 00:06:51,040 Speaker 1: we go upstairs to get ready for bed. Her father said, okay, Daddy, 77 00:06:51,680 --> 00:06:55,279 Speaker 1: Leonora said, with an incredibly sad look on her face. 78 00:06:56,720 --> 00:06:59,960 Speaker 1: Don't be so sad, Princess. Look on the bright side. 79 00:07:00,640 --> 00:07:03,680 Speaker 1: When you place your tooth under your pillow. Tonight, the 80 00:07:03,760 --> 00:07:08,160 Speaker 1: tooth fairy will visit and leave you a gift. Will 81 00:07:08,200 --> 00:07:12,960 Speaker 1: she leave me a new fang? Leonora said, no, I'm 82 00:07:13,000 --> 00:07:16,120 Speaker 1: afraid not. Her mother said, you are going to have 83 00:07:16,200 --> 00:07:22,480 Speaker 1: to wait until the new one grows in. Okay, I 84 00:07:22,560 --> 00:07:27,040 Speaker 1: don't think I feel like practicing being spooky tonight, Leonora said, 85 00:07:27,040 --> 00:07:31,360 Speaker 1: with a sad face. Are you sure, Leonora? This is 86 00:07:31,400 --> 00:07:34,920 Speaker 1: one of your favorite things to do before Halloween. We 87 00:07:35,040 --> 00:07:39,360 Speaker 1: always try on our traditional capes, black suits and make 88 00:07:39,400 --> 00:07:43,400 Speaker 1: our faces look really pale. It's so much fun, her 89 00:07:43,440 --> 00:07:48,880 Speaker 1: mother said, It's not fun without my fang, Leonora said, 90 00:07:48,880 --> 00:07:52,040 Speaker 1: as she got away from the table and walked slowly 91 00:07:52,160 --> 00:07:56,720 Speaker 1: up the stairs to her room. That night, after stories, 92 00:07:56,840 --> 00:07:59,440 Speaker 1: her mother tucked her into bed and put her fang 93 00:07:59,560 --> 00:08:03,760 Speaker 1: under her pillow. Go to sleep, little princess, so that 94 00:08:03,840 --> 00:08:06,239 Speaker 1: the tooth fairy will come and visit, her mother said. 95 00:08:07,360 --> 00:08:11,040 Speaker 1: Her mother gave her a kiss and whispered, I love you, Leonora, 96 00:08:12,200 --> 00:08:21,440 Speaker 1: I love you too, mommy. Later, Leonora was woken by 97 00:08:21,480 --> 00:08:26,760 Speaker 1: what sounded like little bells or chimes, which quietly surrounded her, 98 00:08:27,320 --> 00:08:32,680 Speaker 1: seemingly coming from all directions. She slowly opened her eyes 99 00:08:32,720 --> 00:08:36,280 Speaker 1: to see a small little creature flying around her room, 100 00:08:37,040 --> 00:08:43,040 Speaker 1: leaving a rainbow trail in her wake. Hello, Leonora said, 101 00:08:43,640 --> 00:08:49,160 Speaker 1: Am I awake? Or is this a really interesting dream? Oh? 102 00:08:49,400 --> 00:08:52,959 Speaker 1: Hi there, Leonora. My name is elect and you are 103 00:08:53,000 --> 00:08:56,200 Speaker 1: supposed to be asleep, she said, as she landed on 104 00:08:56,280 --> 00:09:01,120 Speaker 1: the night table beside Leonora's bed, glowing like a soft lamp. 105 00:09:03,360 --> 00:09:07,480 Speaker 1: Are you what I think you are? Lenora asked quietly. 106 00:09:08,679 --> 00:09:11,520 Speaker 1: I don't know what do you think I am? Alette 107 00:09:11,559 --> 00:09:15,560 Speaker 1: said with a laugh. You are either something from my 108 00:09:15,720 --> 00:09:21,080 Speaker 1: imagination or you are the tooth Fairy. That's a pretty 109 00:09:21,120 --> 00:09:25,040 Speaker 1: good guess. So are you happy to receive a small gift? 110 00:09:26,480 --> 00:09:30,400 Speaker 1: Not really? I mean I appreciate getting a gift, but 111 00:09:31,160 --> 00:09:34,880 Speaker 1: what I would really like is my toothpack, Leonora said 112 00:09:34,920 --> 00:09:39,320 Speaker 1: with a pout. But losing your baby teeth is something 113 00:09:39,360 --> 00:09:42,400 Speaker 1: to look forward to. It means you are growing up 114 00:09:42,760 --> 00:09:44,760 Speaker 1: and you might get a gift from the tooth Fairy. 115 00:09:45,679 --> 00:09:50,040 Speaker 1: Don't you think that's a good thing? Yes, but it's 116 00:09:50,240 --> 00:09:54,440 Speaker 1: just that this is my favorite time of year, or 117 00:09:54,480 --> 00:09:59,120 Speaker 1: a whole week. My family practices being spooky, dressing in 118 00:09:59,200 --> 00:10:02,920 Speaker 1: traditional clothes so that we can have fun on Halloween. 119 00:10:03,600 --> 00:10:09,520 Speaker 1: It's when we can express our true selves. That sounds 120 00:10:09,559 --> 00:10:12,200 Speaker 1: like a lot of fun. Lots of kids around the 121 00:10:12,200 --> 00:10:15,400 Speaker 1: world have traditions similar to this. I bet you have 122 00:10:15,480 --> 00:10:19,760 Speaker 1: treats too. Yeah, I love all the spicy treats that 123 00:10:19,800 --> 00:10:23,080 Speaker 1: we have. It was one of those treats that caused 124 00:10:23,120 --> 00:10:26,360 Speaker 1: my tooth to come out faster than was planned. Now 125 00:10:26,400 --> 00:10:29,000 Speaker 1: I don't think I can be spooky, and my whole 126 00:10:29,040 --> 00:10:33,800 Speaker 1: week and Halloween is ruined, Leonora said, sounding very sad. 127 00:10:35,120 --> 00:10:39,240 Speaker 1: Why would a missing tooth cause that? I'm not supposed 128 00:10:39,280 --> 00:10:41,880 Speaker 1: to say, but I guess since you are the tooth fairy, 129 00:10:42,200 --> 00:10:45,960 Speaker 1: you won't tell anyone else. Tooth fairies can keep a secret, right, 130 00:10:47,280 --> 00:10:50,760 Speaker 1: My lips are sealed, Alette said, as she pretended to 131 00:10:50,840 --> 00:10:55,760 Speaker 1: zip clothes her mouth with her fingers. My family and 132 00:10:55,800 --> 00:10:59,079 Speaker 1: I are vampires from the bogged In line of vampires, 133 00:10:59,679 --> 00:11:03,920 Speaker 1: and because vampires have a bad reputation, we have to 134 00:11:04,000 --> 00:11:07,200 Speaker 1: keep it a secret. That is, until this time of 135 00:11:07,320 --> 00:11:12,480 Speaker 1: year comes around. Then we show our spooky side. And 136 00:11:12,520 --> 00:11:16,319 Speaker 1: a big part of being a spooky vampire is our fangs. 137 00:11:17,040 --> 00:11:19,920 Speaker 1: And now that I have lost my fang, I don't 138 00:11:19,960 --> 00:11:27,880 Speaker 1: look the same and won't be spooky. It's very disappointing. Surely, 139 00:11:27,960 --> 00:11:31,800 Speaker 1: being spooky does not rely upon any one physical feature 140 00:11:32,000 --> 00:11:36,880 Speaker 1: or your appearance. Being true to yourself doesn't require a fang. 141 00:11:37,400 --> 00:11:42,120 Speaker 1: It comes from within. I'm sure this Halloween you can 142 00:11:42,240 --> 00:11:46,520 Speaker 1: still be the spookiest young vampire the world has ever known. 143 00:11:47,480 --> 00:11:52,160 Speaker 1: You just have to believe in yourself and try. Do 144 00:11:52,280 --> 00:11:55,360 Speaker 1: people get spooked when you just show your fang or 145 00:11:55,440 --> 00:11:59,760 Speaker 1: is it something else you do a let past, Well, 146 00:12:00,160 --> 00:12:02,839 Speaker 1: we all act a little scary and try to walk 147 00:12:02,880 --> 00:12:08,000 Speaker 1: around outside talking in weird voices, sometimes surprising others who 148 00:12:08,040 --> 00:12:11,800 Speaker 1: are out, jumping out from behind trees and stuff like that. 149 00:12:13,559 --> 00:12:16,600 Speaker 1: Then after we either give our friends a fright or 150 00:12:16,679 --> 00:12:20,800 Speaker 1: maybe make them laugh, we give them some candy treats. 151 00:12:23,000 --> 00:12:25,560 Speaker 1: It sounds to me that your spookiness has more to 152 00:12:25,600 --> 00:12:29,719 Speaker 1: do with your behavior than your fangs. And I imagine 153 00:12:29,760 --> 00:12:33,000 Speaker 1: the costume helps a bit too. Alette said, with a smile, 154 00:12:34,480 --> 00:12:37,600 Speaker 1: it would be unfortunate to let a missing tooth ruin 155 00:12:37,679 --> 00:12:41,880 Speaker 1: your whole week. Why don't you try. It's better to 156 00:12:41,960 --> 00:12:44,800 Speaker 1: try than to not try at all. My mom used 157 00:12:44,800 --> 00:12:50,480 Speaker 1: to always say, starting to smile, Leonora said, I think 158 00:12:50,559 --> 00:12:53,720 Speaker 1: my mother has said that same thing many times, but 159 00:12:53,840 --> 00:12:58,800 Speaker 1: I appreciate hearing it from you. Good. I hope you 160 00:12:58,840 --> 00:13:02,200 Speaker 1: will try your best, and maybe I will be one 161 00:13:02,240 --> 00:13:06,000 Speaker 1: of those who you make feel spooky. You will be 162 00:13:06,080 --> 00:13:11,200 Speaker 1: out at Halloween too, Leonora asked, There are always fairies. 163 00:13:11,800 --> 00:13:14,840 Speaker 1: How else would we get treats to share with our friends. 164 00:13:15,640 --> 00:13:19,400 Speaker 1: Now it's getting late, Why don't you close your eyes 165 00:13:19,480 --> 00:13:24,000 Speaker 1: and think spooky thoughts and have a great sleep, Alette 166 00:13:24,000 --> 00:13:28,120 Speaker 1: said as she slowly flew off from Leonora's bedside table. 167 00:13:30,720 --> 00:13:37,960 Speaker 1: Thank you, Alette, good night, she yawned. The next morning, 168 00:13:38,280 --> 00:13:42,040 Speaker 1: Leonora woke up and went downstairs for breakfast, which was 169 00:13:42,160 --> 00:13:48,359 Speaker 1: pumpkin pancakes with spooky spider web shapes all over them. 170 00:13:48,520 --> 00:13:51,840 Speaker 1: This looks like a yummy breakfast, mummy, Leonora said, as 171 00:13:51,880 --> 00:13:54,320 Speaker 1: she rubbed her belly to get it ready to eat 172 00:13:54,440 --> 00:13:58,840 Speaker 1: lots of food. I hope you like it. Did the 173 00:13:58,840 --> 00:14:01,400 Speaker 1: tooth Fairy come for a visit while you were asleep? 174 00:14:01,440 --> 00:14:05,880 Speaker 1: Her mother asked. She did, and I really appreciate the 175 00:14:05,920 --> 00:14:11,640 Speaker 1: gift she left me. I'm happy to hear that, Leonora. Mommy, 176 00:14:12,440 --> 00:14:14,880 Speaker 1: I think I will practice being spooky tonight with you 177 00:14:14,960 --> 00:14:20,120 Speaker 1: and daddy. I'm so happy to hear that, Leonora. It's 178 00:14:20,160 --> 00:14:22,840 Speaker 1: such a fun time for us. And you know, there 179 00:14:22,880 --> 00:14:26,040 Speaker 1: are many ways to be spooky. You don't need to 180 00:14:26,120 --> 00:14:31,000 Speaker 1: rely upon your fangs. Bangs are not the only characteristic 181 00:14:31,080 --> 00:14:38,280 Speaker 1: that make us spooky vampires. I know, Mommy, Alette, that 182 00:14:38,400 --> 00:14:41,240 Speaker 1: is the Tooth Fairy's name, told me pretty much the 183 00:14:41,320 --> 00:14:45,200 Speaker 1: same thing. I mean, I kind of knew it already, 184 00:14:45,600 --> 00:14:49,040 Speaker 1: but she helped me realize it more. I don't need 185 00:14:49,120 --> 00:14:53,920 Speaker 1: both my fangs to be spooky. That sounds like a 186 00:14:53,960 --> 00:14:58,440 Speaker 1: great gift that the Tooth Fairy left. Yeah, she left 187 00:14:58,480 --> 00:15:05,720 Speaker 1: me the best gift in the world. And that's the 188 00:15:05,840 --> 00:15:10,240 Speaker 1: end of our story. Good Night, sleep tight.