1 00:00:09,920 --> 00:00:43,560 Speaker 1: Welcome, sleep tight stories the selfish Giant. Every afternoon, as 2 00:00:43,600 --> 00:00:47,720 Speaker 1: they were coming from school, the children used to go 3 00:00:48,080 --> 00:00:54,640 Speaker 1: and play in the Giant's garden. It was a large, 4 00:00:55,560 --> 00:01:03,360 Speaker 1: lovely garden with soft green grass here and there. Over 5 00:01:03,400 --> 00:01:09,040 Speaker 1: the grass stood beautiful flowers like stars. And there were 6 00:01:09,120 --> 00:01:14,360 Speaker 1: twelve peach trees that in the springtime broke out into 7 00:01:14,480 --> 00:01:20,000 Speaker 1: delicate blossoms of pink and pearl, and in the autumn 8 00:01:20,200 --> 00:01:26,880 Speaker 1: bore rich fruit. The birds sat on the trees and 9 00:01:27,080 --> 00:01:31,360 Speaker 1: sang so sweetly that the children used to stop their 10 00:01:31,480 --> 00:01:38,160 Speaker 1: games in order to listen to them. How happy we 11 00:01:38,200 --> 00:01:45,720 Speaker 1: are here, they cried to each other. One day the 12 00:01:45,800 --> 00:01:51,440 Speaker 1: Giant came back. He had been to visit his friend, 13 00:01:51,520 --> 00:01:56,680 Speaker 1: the Cornish Ogre, and had stayed with him for seven years. 14 00:01:58,600 --> 00:02:01,880 Speaker 1: After the seven years were over, he had said all 15 00:02:01,960 --> 00:02:06,160 Speaker 1: that he had to say, for his conversation was limited, 16 00:02:07,680 --> 00:02:11,560 Speaker 1: and he was determined to return to his own castle. 17 00:02:14,080 --> 00:02:18,400 Speaker 1: When he arrived, he saw the children playing in the garden. 18 00:02:20,040 --> 00:02:23,799 Speaker 1: What are you doing here, he cried in a very 19 00:02:24,040 --> 00:02:30,840 Speaker 1: gruff voice, and the children ran away. My garden is 20 00:02:30,919 --> 00:02:35,720 Speaker 1: my own garden, said the giant. Anyone can understand that, 21 00:02:36,280 --> 00:02:40,000 Speaker 1: and I will allow nobody to play in it, but myself. 22 00:02:42,639 --> 00:02:47,840 Speaker 1: So he built a high wall all round it and 23 00:02:47,960 --> 00:02:59,240 Speaker 1: put up a notice board. Trespassers will be prosecuted. He 24 00:02:59,440 --> 00:03:09,200 Speaker 1: was a very selfish giant. The poor children had nowhere 25 00:03:09,280 --> 00:03:13,919 Speaker 1: to play. Now. They tried to play on the road, 26 00:03:15,200 --> 00:03:19,480 Speaker 1: but the road was very dusty and full of hard stones, 27 00:03:20,360 --> 00:03:25,840 Speaker 1: and they did not like it. They used to wander 28 00:03:25,919 --> 00:03:29,440 Speaker 1: around the high wall when their lessons were over and 29 00:03:29,600 --> 00:03:36,120 Speaker 1: talk about the beautiful garden inside. How happy we were there, 30 00:03:37,160 --> 00:03:44,640 Speaker 1: they said to each other. Then the spring came, and 31 00:03:44,880 --> 00:03:50,480 Speaker 1: all over the country there were little blossoms and little birds. 32 00:03:52,040 --> 00:03:56,280 Speaker 1: Only in the garden of the selfish giant it was 33 00:03:56,360 --> 00:04:01,600 Speaker 1: still winter. The birds did not care to sing in it, 34 00:04:01,920 --> 00:04:07,200 Speaker 1: as there were no children, and the trees forgot to blossom. 35 00:04:10,160 --> 00:04:14,120 Speaker 1: Once a beautiful flower put its head out from the grass, 36 00:04:14,800 --> 00:04:18,440 Speaker 1: but when it saw the noticeboard, it was so sorry 37 00:04:18,480 --> 00:04:22,560 Speaker 1: for the children that it slipped back into the ground 38 00:04:22,600 --> 00:04:30,440 Speaker 1: again and went off to sleep. The only people who 39 00:04:30,520 --> 00:04:35,840 Speaker 1: were pleased were the snow and the frost. Spring has 40 00:04:35,920 --> 00:04:40,320 Speaker 1: forgotten this garden, they cried, So we will live here 41 00:04:40,520 --> 00:04:47,200 Speaker 1: all year round. The snow covered up the grass with 42 00:04:47,320 --> 00:04:52,640 Speaker 1: her great white cloak, and the frost painted all the 43 00:04:52,720 --> 00:04:59,520 Speaker 1: trees silver. Then they invited the north wind to stay 44 00:04:59,520 --> 00:05:05,720 Speaker 1: with them, and he came. He was wrapped in furs, 45 00:05:06,320 --> 00:05:10,719 Speaker 1: and he roared all day about the garden and blew 46 00:05:10,880 --> 00:05:17,560 Speaker 1: the chimney pots down. This is a delightful spot, he said. 47 00:05:17,880 --> 00:05:23,120 Speaker 1: We must ask Hale to come for a visit. So 48 00:05:23,360 --> 00:05:30,719 Speaker 1: Hale came every day for three hours. He rattled on 49 00:05:30,800 --> 00:05:34,120 Speaker 1: the roof of the castle till he broke most of 50 00:05:34,200 --> 00:05:38,680 Speaker 1: the slates, and then he ran round and round the 51 00:05:38,720 --> 00:05:43,640 Speaker 1: garden as fast as he could go. He was dressed 52 00:05:43,680 --> 00:05:50,120 Speaker 1: in gray, and his breath was like ice. I cannot 53 00:05:50,200 --> 00:05:54,160 Speaker 1: understand why the spring is so late in coming, said 54 00:05:54,160 --> 00:05:57,120 Speaker 1: the selfish giant, as he sat at the window and 55 00:05:57,240 --> 00:06:01,080 Speaker 1: looked out at his cold white garden. I hope there 56 00:06:01,120 --> 00:06:07,080 Speaker 1: will be a change in the weather. But the spring 57 00:06:07,520 --> 00:06:15,880 Speaker 1: never came, nor the summer. The autumn gave golden fruit 58 00:06:16,120 --> 00:06:22,080 Speaker 1: to every garden, but to the Giant's garden she gave none. 59 00:06:22,400 --> 00:06:27,400 Speaker 1: He is too selfish, she said. So it was always 60 00:06:27,720 --> 00:06:33,160 Speaker 1: winter there, and the north wind and the hail, and 61 00:06:33,200 --> 00:06:38,800 Speaker 1: the frost and the snow danced about through the trees. 62 00:06:43,839 --> 00:06:47,440 Speaker 1: One morning, the giant was lying awake in bed when 63 00:06:47,440 --> 00:06:52,760 Speaker 1: he heard some lovely music. It sounded so sweet to 64 00:06:52,880 --> 00:06:56,200 Speaker 1: his ears that he thought it must be the king's 65 00:06:56,279 --> 00:07:01,560 Speaker 1: musicians passing by. It was really only a little bird 66 00:07:01,680 --> 00:07:05,960 Speaker 1: singing outside his window, but it was so long since 67 00:07:06,000 --> 00:07:09,240 Speaker 1: he had heard a bird sing in his garden that 68 00:07:09,320 --> 00:07:13,320 Speaker 1: it seemed to him to be the most beautiful music 69 00:07:13,920 --> 00:07:20,040 Speaker 1: in the world. Then the hail stopped dancing over his head, 70 00:07:20,960 --> 00:07:26,880 Speaker 1: and the north wind ceased roaring, and a delicious perfume 71 00:07:27,080 --> 00:07:31,680 Speaker 1: came to him through the open window. I believe the 72 00:07:31,720 --> 00:07:35,840 Speaker 1: spring has come at last, said the giant, and he 73 00:07:36,040 --> 00:07:45,400 Speaker 1: jumped out of bed and looked out. What did he see? 74 00:07:45,680 --> 00:07:51,320 Speaker 1: He saw a most wonderful sight. Through a little hole 75 00:07:51,440 --> 00:07:56,120 Speaker 1: in the wall. The children had crept in, and they 76 00:07:56,120 --> 00:08:00,920 Speaker 1: were sitting in the branches of the trees. In every 77 00:08:01,080 --> 00:08:04,960 Speaker 1: tree that he could see, there was a little child, 78 00:08:07,320 --> 00:08:10,480 Speaker 1: And the trees were so glad to have the children 79 00:08:10,600 --> 00:08:15,880 Speaker 1: back again that they had covered themselves with blossoms and 80 00:08:16,000 --> 00:08:22,600 Speaker 1: were waving their arms gently above the children's heads. The 81 00:08:22,680 --> 00:08:27,440 Speaker 1: birds were flying about and twittering with delight, and the 82 00:08:27,520 --> 00:08:31,360 Speaker 1: flowers were looking up through the green grass and laughing. 83 00:08:33,760 --> 00:08:41,280 Speaker 1: It was a lovely scene. Only in one corner it 84 00:08:41,520 --> 00:08:47,840 Speaker 1: was still winter. It was the farthest corner of the garden, 85 00:08:48,679 --> 00:08:53,160 Speaker 1: and in it was standing a little boy. He was 86 00:08:53,320 --> 00:08:57,160 Speaker 1: so small that he could not reach up to the 87 00:08:57,200 --> 00:09:01,800 Speaker 1: branches of the tree, and he was wandering all around 88 00:09:01,880 --> 00:09:06,840 Speaker 1: it crying. The poor tree was still quite covered with 89 00:09:07,000 --> 00:09:10,960 Speaker 1: frost and snow, and the north wind was blowing and 90 00:09:11,240 --> 00:09:16,880 Speaker 1: roaring above it. Climb up, little boy, said the tree, 91 00:09:17,400 --> 00:09:21,400 Speaker 1: and it bent its branches down as low as it could, 92 00:09:22,320 --> 00:09:29,760 Speaker 1: But the boy was too tiny, and the giant's heart 93 00:09:29,800 --> 00:09:34,160 Speaker 1: melted as he looked out. How selfish I have been, 94 00:09:35,000 --> 00:09:38,200 Speaker 1: he said, now I know why the spring would not 95 00:09:38,440 --> 00:09:42,160 Speaker 1: come here. I will put that poor little boy on 96 00:09:42,280 --> 00:09:45,160 Speaker 1: the top of that tree, and then I will knock 97 00:09:45,240 --> 00:09:48,760 Speaker 1: down the wall, and my garden shall be the children's 98 00:09:48,800 --> 00:09:55,839 Speaker 1: playground forever and ever. He was really very sorry for 99 00:09:55,880 --> 00:10:03,160 Speaker 1: what he had done, so he crept downstairs and opened 100 00:10:03,200 --> 00:10:08,240 Speaker 1: the front door quite softly and went out into the garden. 101 00:10:11,679 --> 00:10:14,880 Speaker 1: But when the children saw him, they were so frightened 102 00:10:15,360 --> 00:10:21,400 Speaker 1: that they all ran away, and the garden became winter again. 103 00:10:23,240 --> 00:10:27,160 Speaker 1: Only the little boy did not run, for his eyes 104 00:10:27,200 --> 00:10:31,120 Speaker 1: were so full of tears that he did not see 105 00:10:31,160 --> 00:10:36,880 Speaker 1: the giant coming. And the giant snuck up behind him 106 00:10:37,400 --> 00:10:41,240 Speaker 1: and took him gently in his hand and put him 107 00:10:41,360 --> 00:10:47,920 Speaker 1: up into the tree. And the tree broke at once 108 00:10:48,200 --> 00:10:52,719 Speaker 1: into blossom, and the birds came and sang on it. 109 00:10:53,440 --> 00:10:57,360 Speaker 1: And the little boy stretched out his two arms and 110 00:10:57,640 --> 00:11:04,960 Speaker 1: flung them round the giant's neck and hugged him. And 111 00:11:05,040 --> 00:11:08,040 Speaker 1: the other children, when they saw that the giant was 112 00:11:08,080 --> 00:11:13,839 Speaker 1: not frightening any longer, came running back, and with them 113 00:11:14,360 --> 00:11:19,280 Speaker 1: came the spring. It is your garden now, little children, 114 00:11:20,120 --> 00:11:24,000 Speaker 1: said the giant, and he took a great axe and 115 00:11:24,120 --> 00:11:29,040 Speaker 1: knocked down the wall. And when the people were going 116 00:11:29,080 --> 00:11:33,920 Speaker 1: to market at twelve o'clock they found the giant playing 117 00:11:33,920 --> 00:11:38,800 Speaker 1: with the children in the most beautiful garden they had 118 00:11:38,880 --> 00:11:45,960 Speaker 1: ever seen. All day long they played, and in the 119 00:11:46,040 --> 00:11:51,640 Speaker 1: evening they came to the giant to say goodbye. But 120 00:11:51,679 --> 00:11:54,880 Speaker 1: where is your little friend, he said the boy I 121 00:11:54,920 --> 00:11:59,480 Speaker 1: put into the tree. The giant loved him the best 122 00:11:59,600 --> 00:12:04,400 Speaker 1: because he had hugged him. We don't know, answered the children. 123 00:12:04,960 --> 00:12:08,760 Speaker 1: He has gone away. You must tell him to be 124 00:12:08,840 --> 00:12:13,760 Speaker 1: sure and come here tomorrow, said the giant. But the 125 00:12:13,840 --> 00:12:16,800 Speaker 1: children said that they did not know where he lived 126 00:12:17,280 --> 00:12:22,640 Speaker 1: and had never seen him before. And the giant felt 127 00:12:22,800 --> 00:12:31,520 Speaker 1: very sad. Every afternoon when school was over, the children 128 00:12:31,640 --> 00:12:36,680 Speaker 1: came and played with the giant, but the little boy 129 00:12:36,800 --> 00:12:44,480 Speaker 1: whom the giant loved, was never seen again. The giant 130 00:12:44,600 --> 00:12:48,320 Speaker 1: was very kind to all the children, yet he longed 131 00:12:48,360 --> 00:12:52,280 Speaker 1: for his first little friend, and often spoke of him. 132 00:12:53,840 --> 00:12:58,200 Speaker 1: How I would like to see him, he used to say. 133 00:13:02,120 --> 00:13:06,560 Speaker 1: Years went by, and the giant grew very old and feeble. 134 00:13:08,080 --> 00:13:11,040 Speaker 1: He could not play about any more. So he sat 135 00:13:11,160 --> 00:13:15,160 Speaker 1: in a huge arm chair and watched the children at 136 00:13:15,200 --> 00:13:22,920 Speaker 1: their games, and admired his garden. I have many beautiful flowers, 137 00:13:23,440 --> 00:13:27,440 Speaker 1: he said, but the children are the most beautiful flowers 138 00:13:27,480 --> 00:13:33,960 Speaker 1: of all. One winter morning, he looked out of his 139 00:13:34,120 --> 00:13:38,360 Speaker 1: window as he was dressing. He did not hate the 140 00:13:38,400 --> 00:13:41,560 Speaker 1: winter now, for he knew that it was merely the 141 00:13:41,640 --> 00:13:49,560 Speaker 1: spring asleep, and that the flowers were resting. Suddenly, he 142 00:13:49,760 --> 00:13:57,080 Speaker 1: rubbed his eyes in wonder and looked and looked. It 143 00:13:57,200 --> 00:14:03,040 Speaker 1: certainly was a marvelous sight. In the farthest corner of 144 00:14:03,120 --> 00:14:09,880 Speaker 1: the garden was a tree quite covered with lovely white blossoms. 145 00:14:12,559 --> 00:14:17,880 Speaker 1: Its branches were all golden and silver. Fruit hung down 146 00:14:17,960 --> 00:14:23,720 Speaker 1: from them, and underneath it stood the little boy he 147 00:14:23,800 --> 00:14:32,520 Speaker 1: had loved downstairs, ran the giant in great joy, and 148 00:14:32,680 --> 00:14:38,240 Speaker 1: out into the garden. He ran quickly across the grass 149 00:14:38,720 --> 00:14:44,520 Speaker 1: and came near to the child. Who are you, said 150 00:14:44,520 --> 00:14:49,880 Speaker 1: the giant, and a strange feeling fell over him, and 151 00:14:50,000 --> 00:14:56,600 Speaker 1: he knelt before the little child. And the child smiled 152 00:14:56,640 --> 00:15:01,000 Speaker 1: at the giant and said to him, you let me 153 00:15:01,040 --> 00:15:05,440 Speaker 1: play once in your garden. To day you shall come 154 00:15:05,520 --> 00:15:11,600 Speaker 1: with me to my garden. And when the children ran 155 00:15:11,680 --> 00:15:16,920 Speaker 1: in that afternoon, they found the giant lying under the tree, 156 00:15:17,760 --> 00:16:03,800 Speaker 1: all covered with white blossoms.