1 00:00:04,160 --> 00:00:07,200 Speaker 1: Hey friends, it's mister jim Man. Welcome back to Kit 2 00:00:07,320 --> 00:00:11,640 Speaker 1: Short Stories. If this is your first time, welcome to 3 00:00:11,680 --> 00:00:15,320 Speaker 1: the family. We are the podcast that turns your ideas 4 00:00:15,360 --> 00:00:19,200 Speaker 1: into an amazing adventure every single day. You know, we 5 00:00:19,280 --> 00:00:24,000 Speaker 1: couldn't even exist without imaginations from kids just like you. 6 00:00:24,560 --> 00:00:27,120 Speaker 1: So if you have an idea for a story, I'd 7 00:00:27,200 --> 00:00:29,280 Speaker 1: love to see it. Check down in the show notes 8 00:00:29,320 --> 00:00:32,479 Speaker 1: below for how you can submit your own story idea 9 00:00:32,479 --> 00:00:35,920 Speaker 1: and maybe we'll turn it into an awesome adventure. And parents, 10 00:00:35,920 --> 00:00:38,680 Speaker 1: if you're new to kids podcasting, I'm gonna challenge you 11 00:00:39,200 --> 00:00:41,519 Speaker 1: to listen to podcasting for five days in a row 12 00:00:41,520 --> 00:00:44,760 Speaker 1: with your kids. It's going to increase their imagination, decrease 13 00:00:44,800 --> 00:00:46,680 Speaker 1: screen time, and we're gonna have a lot of fun 14 00:00:46,720 --> 00:00:50,159 Speaker 1: along the way. Are you guys ready for today's adventure? 15 00:00:50,479 --> 00:00:59,880 Speaker 1: Me too? Let's go. Every night during nesting season, Brooke 16 00:01:00,200 --> 00:01:03,600 Speaker 1: the ecologist went to the beach to check on the 17 00:01:03,720 --> 00:01:07,760 Speaker 1: sea turtle ness. He needed to make sure that they 18 00:01:07,800 --> 00:01:12,240 Speaker 1: were not being disturbed by predators, you know, the kinds 19 00:01:12,360 --> 00:01:17,160 Speaker 1: that want to eat them or people walking to closely. 20 00:01:17,800 --> 00:01:23,839 Speaker 1: Brooks job was very important. He and the other ecologists 21 00:01:23,880 --> 00:01:28,640 Speaker 1: protected the endangered critters until they were ready to hatch. 22 00:01:29,319 --> 00:01:32,640 Speaker 1: Does that sound like a pretty cool job. Oh, that 23 00:01:32,959 --> 00:01:36,200 Speaker 1: sounds like something I need to sign up for protecting 24 00:01:36,280 --> 00:01:41,600 Speaker 1: the baby turtles. Well, one night, as Brooks was walking 25 00:01:41,640 --> 00:01:46,319 Speaker 1: on the sandy beach, he spotted an egg. Oh dear, 26 00:01:46,959 --> 00:01:51,920 Speaker 1: it was lying above the sand. It was all alone, 27 00:01:52,720 --> 00:01:56,880 Speaker 1: sitting near one of the sea turtle nests. How do 28 00:01:56,960 --> 00:02:01,640 Speaker 1: you get out here, little fella? Brooks the egg you 29 00:02:01,920 --> 00:02:05,160 Speaker 1: should be buried under the sand with the rest of 30 00:02:05,200 --> 00:02:09,680 Speaker 1: the nest. Brooks thought that maybe a predator must have 31 00:02:09,720 --> 00:02:12,239 Speaker 1: gotten scared when it saw him leaving the egg and 32 00:02:12,360 --> 00:02:17,840 Speaker 1: ran away. You were almost someone's midnight snack. He picked 33 00:02:17,880 --> 00:02:20,920 Speaker 1: up the egg and gently cradled it in his hands. 34 00:02:21,919 --> 00:02:25,760 Speaker 1: Then he uncovered the nearest sea turtle nest and nestled 35 00:02:25,800 --> 00:02:31,160 Speaker 1: it carefully down beside the others. There you go back home, 36 00:02:31,360 --> 00:02:36,160 Speaker 1: safe and sound. Brooks covered the nest back up with 37 00:02:36,320 --> 00:02:41,240 Speaker 1: sand and patted it gently. Several weeks later, it was 38 00:02:41,639 --> 00:02:46,919 Speaker 1: hatching time for the baby sea turtles. All this this 39 00:02:46,960 --> 00:02:50,560 Speaker 1: is the day that we've all been waiting for. Right well, 40 00:02:50,600 --> 00:02:56,160 Speaker 1: As the sunset, people gathered around to watch the deedy 41 00:02:56,400 --> 00:03:00,240 Speaker 1: tiny turtles dig their way out of the sand and 42 00:03:00,400 --> 00:03:05,440 Speaker 1: waddle as fast as they could towards the ocean. Brooks 43 00:03:05,600 --> 00:03:09,480 Speaker 1: was busy making sure all of the guests and nearby 44 00:03:09,639 --> 00:03:14,080 Speaker 1: buildings did not have any bright lights or shiny items 45 00:03:14,160 --> 00:03:18,560 Speaker 1: that might confuse the baby sea turtles. He wanted them 46 00:03:18,600 --> 00:03:22,280 Speaker 1: to follow their instincts and towards the shiny light of 47 00:03:22,360 --> 00:03:26,960 Speaker 1: the moon reflecting off the ocean, and not towards someone's 48 00:03:27,040 --> 00:03:31,799 Speaker 1: porch light, you know, or flashlight. That's really important. Friends, 49 00:03:31,840 --> 00:03:35,440 Speaker 1: if we're ever watching sea turtles crawl out of the 50 00:03:35,480 --> 00:03:38,720 Speaker 1: sand and towards the ocean, you can't touch them. We 51 00:03:38,880 --> 00:03:42,040 Speaker 1: just got to watch with our eyes because that's a 52 00:03:42,120 --> 00:03:45,040 Speaker 1: really important part in a baby sea turtle's life, as 53 00:03:45,080 --> 00:03:49,000 Speaker 1: they crawl their way and learn the map of that beach, 54 00:03:49,560 --> 00:03:52,760 Speaker 1: because one day they're gonna come back, and this is 55 00:03:52,760 --> 00:03:57,440 Speaker 1: when they have time to learn how to crawl as well. 56 00:03:57,560 --> 00:04:02,440 Speaker 1: Underneath the sand, sea turtles began using their tiny sharp 57 00:04:02,520 --> 00:04:07,320 Speaker 1: beats on their noses to break through the eggshells. The 58 00:04:07,360 --> 00:04:10,560 Speaker 1: egg that Brooks had returned to the nest was doing 59 00:04:10,600 --> 00:04:13,760 Speaker 1: the same. Remember that one egg that was sitting on 60 00:04:13,800 --> 00:04:16,880 Speaker 1: the top of the sand, Well, I don't think it 61 00:04:17,000 --> 00:04:20,920 Speaker 1: was quite the normal sea turtle egg. It used it 62 00:04:21,040 --> 00:04:25,200 Speaker 1: speak to break through and reached out long. What is 63 00:04:25,560 --> 00:04:30,560 Speaker 1: It's a tentacle. There's a tentacle coming out of the egg. 64 00:04:31,240 --> 00:04:36,160 Speaker 1: And another, Oh dear. The first sea turtle emerged from 65 00:04:36,200 --> 00:04:40,279 Speaker 1: the nest, and the crowd quietly responded, you know, the 66 00:04:40,360 --> 00:04:47,200 Speaker 1: typical oh, it's so cute. Because it was an adorable 67 00:04:47,279 --> 00:04:50,880 Speaker 1: little baby turtle. It didn't want to be too loud 68 00:04:50,960 --> 00:04:54,440 Speaker 1: and scare the baby turtles. They watched in awe as 69 00:04:54,520 --> 00:04:58,960 Speaker 1: one after another, the cutest turtles they'd ever seen emerged 70 00:04:59,040 --> 00:05:04,760 Speaker 1: from the nest across the beach. Then you know the 71 00:05:04,800 --> 00:05:08,799 Speaker 1: thing with the tentacles crawling out of that egg? Ugh, yep. 72 00:05:08,960 --> 00:05:11,320 Speaker 1: Then that's about when the people on the beach saw 73 00:05:11,360 --> 00:05:19,800 Speaker 1: it a monster. Look at those tentacles. Brooks heard the 74 00:05:19,800 --> 00:05:25,440 Speaker 1: screams tentacles, thought Brooks. He raced back towards the nest, 75 00:05:25,520 --> 00:05:28,719 Speaker 1: ready to scare off and he squid waiting in the water, 76 00:05:28,839 --> 00:05:33,560 Speaker 1: wanting to eat the baby turtles. But instead Brooks was 77 00:05:33,600 --> 00:05:39,840 Speaker 1: scared himself. Among the cute baby turtles popping out of 78 00:05:39,880 --> 00:05:45,479 Speaker 1: the sand. Ten tentacles wait ten, okay, so it's not 79 00:05:45,560 --> 00:05:50,320 Speaker 1: an octopus. Ten tentacles were waving wildly as the gritter 80 00:05:50,680 --> 00:05:55,960 Speaker 1: tried to grip the sand. Then long, what are those? 81 00:05:56,560 --> 00:06:00,919 Speaker 1: They're like spikes, spiky things. It started poked through, and 82 00:06:01,520 --> 00:06:05,400 Speaker 1: they lined the whole back of this creature more and 83 00:06:05,560 --> 00:06:10,159 Speaker 1: more a beard as it escaped the sand. Its head 84 00:06:10,680 --> 00:06:15,320 Speaker 1: was the last to emerge. The long beak poked through, 85 00:06:15,440 --> 00:06:22,520 Speaker 1: followed by big purple eyeballs. Ah, it's a same monster, 86 00:06:23,680 --> 00:06:27,560 Speaker 1: the people screamed. The sea monster was, in fact a 87 00:06:27,600 --> 00:06:33,479 Speaker 1: sea monster. Turned and waved, and then it began walking 88 00:06:33,520 --> 00:06:37,680 Speaker 1: on its tentacles towards the water with the baby sea turtles. 89 00:06:38,760 --> 00:06:43,480 Speaker 1: He's gonna hate them, they cried to Brooks. Do something, 90 00:06:44,680 --> 00:06:50,520 Speaker 1: but Brooks wasn't sure. He was a trained ecologist and 91 00:06:50,720 --> 00:06:56,279 Speaker 1: critter protector. The sea monster followed the turtles like it 92 00:06:56,680 --> 00:07:00,760 Speaker 1: thought it was one of them. I think it thinks 93 00:07:01,040 --> 00:07:04,600 Speaker 1: it's a turtle, said Brooks, trying to calm everyone down. 94 00:07:05,520 --> 00:07:09,760 Speaker 1: The sea creature monster thing kept waving to the terrified 95 00:07:09,840 --> 00:07:13,320 Speaker 1: people as it neared the water. It was about to 96 00:07:13,440 --> 00:07:18,600 Speaker 1: reach the waves when it stopped and sniffed the air 97 00:07:18,760 --> 00:07:26,520 Speaker 1: behind him, the sea monster exclaimed. Then it began running 98 00:07:26,680 --> 00:07:32,920 Speaker 1: back up the beach towards the crowd of screaming people run, 99 00:07:33,600 --> 00:07:38,480 Speaker 1: it's after us. The people dove out of the way 100 00:07:38,600 --> 00:07:44,400 Speaker 1: into the sand, cowering, but the sea monster walked right 101 00:07:45,080 --> 00:07:50,360 Speaker 1: past them. Its tentacles gripped the railing and it pulled 102 00:07:50,360 --> 00:07:56,400 Speaker 1: itself up, climbing over onto the boardwalk. Oh dear, and 103 00:07:56,440 --> 00:08:02,160 Speaker 1: that's when the chaos began. Shopkeepers began to scream and hide. 104 00:08:02,760 --> 00:08:08,040 Speaker 1: The sea monster totally ignored them. It was not trying 105 00:08:08,040 --> 00:08:11,559 Speaker 1: to hurt anybody, and it went straight towards the snack shack. 106 00:08:12,320 --> 00:08:16,160 Speaker 1: It reached its tentacles over the counter and swiped a 107 00:08:16,240 --> 00:08:20,160 Speaker 1: row of hot dogs with one tentacle, ice cream with 108 00:08:20,280 --> 00:08:24,960 Speaker 1: the other end, pickles with the other. Gross. You don't 109 00:08:25,000 --> 00:08:27,320 Speaker 1: think he's gonna try to eat all those things that, 110 00:08:27,960 --> 00:08:32,960 Speaker 1: oh dear, he did? Hot dog, ice cream, pickles. Gross. 111 00:08:36,480 --> 00:08:40,680 Speaker 1: The sea monster grinned and made a sound that sounded 112 00:08:40,720 --> 00:08:44,760 Speaker 1: like he liked that de terrible looking snack, and it 113 00:08:44,840 --> 00:08:49,320 Speaker 1: headed back down the sand towards the water. With a bloop, 114 00:08:49,760 --> 00:08:53,880 Speaker 1: it disappeared beneath the waves as quickly as it had 115 00:08:53,920 --> 00:08:58,760 Speaker 1: appeared out of the sand. It had now disappeared. What 116 00:08:58,960 --> 00:09:01,400 Speaker 1: would you be thinking if you were on this beach 117 00:09:01,920 --> 00:09:07,599 Speaker 1: watching that sea monster just eat some weird snacks and 118 00:09:07,679 --> 00:09:11,760 Speaker 1: leaf I would be very confused. Well, the crowd released 119 00:09:11,800 --> 00:09:16,600 Speaker 1: a collective sigh of relief. I think they were glad 120 00:09:16,640 --> 00:09:19,920 Speaker 1: to not be eaten. They stood around watching the rest 121 00:09:20,000 --> 00:09:23,320 Speaker 1: of the turtles make their way down the beach, careful 122 00:09:23,360 --> 00:09:26,680 Speaker 1: this day, away from the ocean, and on the lookout 123 00:09:26,880 --> 00:09:31,640 Speaker 1: for any more tentacles in the sand. A few seabirds 124 00:09:31,679 --> 00:09:35,959 Speaker 1: began circling by the shore, waiting to snatch a baby 125 00:09:36,040 --> 00:09:41,400 Speaker 1: sea turtle snack. The crowd was worried watching the seabirds 126 00:09:41,679 --> 00:09:47,320 Speaker 1: circle closer. The birds were about to dive for the 127 00:09:47,400 --> 00:09:52,400 Speaker 1: most adorable baby turtle when a tentacle popped out of 128 00:09:52,400 --> 00:09:58,160 Speaker 1: the water and flicked the bird across the air. Yay, 129 00:09:59,040 --> 00:10:02,400 Speaker 1: the people cheered. When all the turtles had made it 130 00:10:02,440 --> 00:10:06,640 Speaker 1: to the ocean, the tentacle popped out once more and 131 00:10:06,720 --> 00:10:10,920 Speaker 1: waved goodbye to the crowd. All the baby turtles swam along, 132 00:10:11,520 --> 00:10:22,360 Speaker 1: following the monster out to see the end. Great job, 133 00:10:22,480 --> 00:10:25,160 Speaker 1: you listened all the way to the end, and you 134 00:10:25,200 --> 00:10:29,240 Speaker 1: know what time it is. It's time for Kurd shout out. 135 00:10:29,640 --> 00:10:32,680 Speaker 1: So I want to say hey to Nicholas and Nathaniel 136 00:10:32,800 --> 00:10:39,720 Speaker 1: from Wisconsin. Ezra from Los Angeles Pricia from India, Matthew 137 00:10:39,800 --> 00:10:43,880 Speaker 1: and Jonah from New Jersey, and called her from Montana. 138 00:10:44,000 --> 00:10:46,920 Speaker 1: I'm so glad that you're all on the kid shirt 139 00:10:46,960 --> 00:10:49,320 Speaker 1: Story's family. We could not have this much fun with 140 00:10:49,440 --> 00:10:53,480 Speaker 1: imagination without you, my friends. Well, you have a super 141 00:10:53,559 --> 00:10:56,240 Speaker 1: duper day and I'll see you next time. Bye.