1 00:00:08,360 --> 00:00:14,080 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. A short 2 00:00:14,120 --> 00:00:19,960 Speaker 1: message for grown ups. Bringing you sleep Tight Stories takes 3 00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:23,760 Speaker 1: us hundreds of hours each month. If you and your 4 00:00:23,840 --> 00:00:28,600 Speaker 1: family enjoy our stories, please consider supporting us on Patreon 5 00:00:29,000 --> 00:00:33,160 Speaker 1: with a monthly donation of your choosing between the cost 6 00:00:33,280 --> 00:00:37,840 Speaker 1: of a cup of coffee and a nice sweet. Please 7 00:00:37,920 --> 00:00:42,000 Speaker 1: visit us at patreon dot com slash sleep Tight Stories. 8 00:00:43,240 --> 00:00:46,159 Speaker 1: A link can also be found in our show notes. 9 00:00:47,560 --> 00:01:14,440 Speaker 1: Thank you. Spensee Spider. In the far forest, among the 10 00:01:14,520 --> 00:01:22,399 Speaker 1: many hawthorn bushes, lived a very small spider called Speinsee. 11 00:01:23,360 --> 00:01:28,440 Speaker 1: He is rather happy that his great great great grandfather 12 00:01:29,120 --> 00:01:33,319 Speaker 1: was the spider of the eensy ween See spider nursery rhyme. 13 00:01:34,840 --> 00:01:38,760 Speaker 1: Spensee told this to his friends, Brett the Beetle and 14 00:01:38,840 --> 00:01:45,640 Speaker 1: Brett's little brother, little Bit. Brett and little Bit did 15 00:01:45,680 --> 00:01:51,040 Speaker 1: not have anyone famous in their family. They had no 16 00:01:51,240 --> 00:01:55,760 Speaker 1: time to think about such things. The beetles were busy 17 00:01:56,000 --> 00:02:02,920 Speaker 1: from morning tonight gathering food, helping in the house, staying 18 00:02:02,960 --> 00:02:08,919 Speaker 1: out of harm's way. Spinsee was lucky. All he did 19 00:02:09,160 --> 00:02:13,000 Speaker 1: was spin webb, which was his home, and wait for 20 00:02:13,080 --> 00:02:17,080 Speaker 1: the flies to get cocked. So he had plenty of 21 00:02:17,240 --> 00:02:22,800 Speaker 1: time to think about being famous. Like his great great 22 00:02:23,639 --> 00:02:31,239 Speaker 1: great grandfather, Spinsey wanted to be famous, but he did 23 00:02:31,240 --> 00:02:36,680 Speaker 1: not know how. One day he spun a thread from 24 00:02:36,680 --> 00:02:42,240 Speaker 1: his web and went to another branch to look for famous, 25 00:02:42,919 --> 00:02:49,120 Speaker 1: then the second branch, third branch, fourth branch, till he 26 00:02:49,240 --> 00:02:56,239 Speaker 1: reached branch number ten. He did not find famous anywhere. 27 00:02:57,960 --> 00:03:02,560 Speaker 1: He asked his friends how to get famous. They also 28 00:03:02,600 --> 00:03:09,520 Speaker 1: did not know what famous was. One sunny morning, Brett 29 00:03:09,919 --> 00:03:15,160 Speaker 1: and little Bit came to visit Speencee. Between them, they 30 00:03:15,280 --> 00:03:19,640 Speaker 1: rolled a dead fly into Speensee's web as a present. 31 00:03:21,760 --> 00:03:26,119 Speaker 1: Speensee was very pleased and made his guests as comfortable 32 00:03:26,160 --> 00:03:31,440 Speaker 1: as possible. Speensee, I have news for you. I think 33 00:03:31,560 --> 00:03:37,120 Speaker 1: I know what famous is. Spensee was so excited that 34 00:03:37,240 --> 00:03:43,960 Speaker 1: he nearly dropped the fly he was eating. What is it? Brett, Well, 35 00:03:44,560 --> 00:03:48,160 Speaker 1: little Bit and I are friends with Peel the parrot. 36 00:03:49,000 --> 00:03:53,119 Speaker 1: We are not close friends, but sometimes he throws pieces 37 00:03:53,160 --> 00:03:57,000 Speaker 1: of fruit from the tree for us, so you could 38 00:03:57,160 --> 00:04:02,640 Speaker 1: say we are friends. Brett liked to talk and got 39 00:04:02,680 --> 00:04:05,280 Speaker 1: carried away and forgot what he had come to say. 40 00:04:06,200 --> 00:04:10,600 Speaker 1: Spensee knew this, and so he interrupted, What did Peel 41 00:04:10,640 --> 00:04:17,679 Speaker 1: the parrot say about famous. Brett continued, Peel the parrot 42 00:04:17,920 --> 00:04:24,760 Speaker 1: stays with people. They talk about famous people. Peel thinks 43 00:04:24,800 --> 00:04:28,880 Speaker 1: that you have to do something which no one else 44 00:04:29,120 --> 00:04:37,080 Speaker 1: has done. Peel says, famous is when everyone knows your name. 45 00:04:40,680 --> 00:04:45,599 Speaker 1: Speensee was no wiser than before. Little Bit try to 46 00:04:45,720 --> 00:04:49,600 Speaker 1: comfort Speenze. I think you're a famous I know your name. 47 00:04:50,120 --> 00:04:53,360 Speaker 1: Brett knows your name. Peel the parrot knows your name. 48 00:04:54,040 --> 00:04:58,520 Speaker 1: All the spiders in this bush know your name. Spensey 49 00:04:58,720 --> 00:05:02,200 Speaker 1: just shook his head than all of his eight legs. 50 00:05:04,520 --> 00:05:08,240 Speaker 1: No one has written a nursery rhyme on Speensee the spider, 51 00:05:09,240 --> 00:05:15,120 Speaker 1: he said, sadly. Bret and little Bit went away rather 52 00:05:15,279 --> 00:05:19,800 Speaker 1: sad too. They had not been able to help their 53 00:05:19,880 --> 00:05:27,440 Speaker 1: friend become famous. Spaensey sat down to think about what 54 00:05:27,680 --> 00:05:34,159 Speaker 1: he could do that no other spider had done. He 55 00:05:34,240 --> 00:05:42,000 Speaker 1: spun a perfect web. All spiders spin perfect webs. He 56 00:05:42,080 --> 00:05:49,200 Speaker 1: caught flies, so did the other spiders. He could climb 57 00:05:49,320 --> 00:05:53,760 Speaker 1: up and down really fast, but other spiders did the same. 58 00:05:55,600 --> 00:06:00,919 Speaker 1: There was nothing he could do that the other could not. 59 00:06:04,640 --> 00:06:11,320 Speaker 1: Many days passed and Spensee was no nearer to being famous. 60 00:06:12,600 --> 00:06:15,640 Speaker 1: One day, while he was sitting in the middle of 61 00:06:15,720 --> 00:06:21,440 Speaker 1: his web. He heard Brett shouting, spain, see little Bit 62 00:06:21,560 --> 00:06:28,599 Speaker 1: is hurt. Help help. Speensee ran as fast as he could. 63 00:06:31,880 --> 00:06:36,880 Speaker 1: He saw that a large stone had fallen on little Bit. 64 00:06:38,640 --> 00:06:42,080 Speaker 1: Little Bit had managed to crawl from under it, but 65 00:06:42,200 --> 00:06:47,520 Speaker 1: had broken his leg and hurt his sides. He was 66 00:06:47,680 --> 00:06:53,279 Speaker 1: lying very still. Brett and the other beetles were running 67 00:06:53,360 --> 00:07:01,760 Speaker 1: around helplessly. Speense asked Brett to get a small Brett 68 00:07:01,800 --> 00:07:06,560 Speaker 1: got the leaf. As it was getting dark and spiders 69 00:07:06,600 --> 00:07:11,200 Speaker 1: don't see too well, Brett asked his cousins, the glowworms, 70 00:07:11,720 --> 00:07:17,280 Speaker 1: to come and light up the place. Speensee put the 71 00:07:17,320 --> 00:07:21,720 Speaker 1: stem of the leaf on the broken leg, folded the 72 00:07:21,800 --> 00:07:27,480 Speaker 1: leaf over it, and started spinning a spider thread around 73 00:07:27,520 --> 00:07:33,960 Speaker 1: the leg, stem and leaf together till it was nicely 74 00:07:34,160 --> 00:07:39,760 Speaker 1: bandaged in spider silk. He put a piece of leaf 75 00:07:40,080 --> 00:07:43,920 Speaker 1: on Bit's hurt side and spun a little silk patch 76 00:07:44,120 --> 00:07:51,320 Speaker 1: on it. Little Bit was already feeling much better. The 77 00:07:51,400 --> 00:07:58,760 Speaker 1: other beetles helped little Bit into his house. Speensee sat down, 78 00:07:59,200 --> 00:08:06,680 Speaker 1: tired but happy he had helped save his friend's life. 79 00:08:06,960 --> 00:08:11,760 Speaker 1: It was time to go home and rest. As Speensee 80 00:08:11,800 --> 00:08:16,480 Speaker 1: walked home, he saw beetles of all sizes walking with him. 81 00:08:18,160 --> 00:08:24,040 Speaker 1: The glow worms twinkled overhead like so many stars lighting 82 00:08:24,080 --> 00:08:28,200 Speaker 1: Speensee's way. They were all singing a rhyme Peel the 83 00:08:28,240 --> 00:08:35,640 Speaker 1: parrot had made Speancie the spider is kinder than any 84 00:08:35,960 --> 00:08:41,720 Speaker 1: other spider. He can bandage your leg spinning a patch. 85 00:08:42,760 --> 00:08:50,560 Speaker 1: Spensee the spider has no match. In days to come. 86 00:08:51,320 --> 00:08:58,120 Speaker 1: Everyone from far Forest had heard of Speensee. If you 87 00:08:58,400 --> 00:09:02,840 Speaker 1: find the far forest, you too can hear this rhyme. 88 00:09:04,120 --> 00:09:07,480 Speaker 1: It is sung in the evening when the glow worms 89 00:09:07,520 --> 00:09:13,560 Speaker 1: come out and light up Speincie's hothorn bush. What does 90 00:09:13,600 --> 00:09:19,040 Speaker 1: Speencee feel, Speincey says, I don't care to be famous. 91 00:09:19,720 --> 00:09:24,280 Speaker 1: I am happy that when my friends need help they 92 00:09:24,360 --> 00:09:25,600 Speaker 1: call my name.