1 00:00:09,160 --> 00:00:14,560 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Before we 2 00:00:14,640 --> 00:00:18,079 Speaker 1: get started with our story, here is a short message 3 00:00:18,120 --> 00:00:22,680 Speaker 1: from our sponsors. Summer means schools out and the kids 4 00:00:22,720 --> 00:00:25,040 Speaker 1: are back at home with a lot of free time. 5 00:00:25,320 --> 00:00:28,720 Speaker 1: You've already booked the sleep away camp and the outdoor camp, 6 00:00:29,080 --> 00:00:30,800 Speaker 1: but what are they going to do for the other 7 00:00:30,920 --> 00:00:34,960 Speaker 1: ten weeks? Go wild with Wonder this summer without School. 8 00:00:35,520 --> 00:00:38,760 Speaker 1: Enroll in a fun, flexible learning experience with over one 9 00:00:38,840 --> 00:00:42,720 Speaker 1: hundred and forty thousand online classes and camps for every 10 00:00:42,800 --> 00:00:47,040 Speaker 1: kid and any interest. Out School offers the widest variety 11 00:00:47,080 --> 00:00:49,960 Speaker 1: of classes, so kids are free to learn about anything 12 00:00:50,000 --> 00:00:54,280 Speaker 1: they can imagine, from video game design and entrepreneurship to 13 00:00:54,400 --> 00:00:58,560 Speaker 1: freestyle dancing and magic lessons. There is something for kids 14 00:00:58,560 --> 00:01:03,200 Speaker 1: of all ages, grades and all interests. Our Son is 15 00:01:03,280 --> 00:01:07,640 Speaker 1: enrolled in French classes, which fit his summer schedule just perfectly. 16 00:01:08,120 --> 00:01:10,959 Speaker 1: He's found the learning environment to be fun and friendly. 17 00:01:11,680 --> 00:01:15,039 Speaker 1: Without School, kids can connect with teachers and kids around 18 00:01:15,120 --> 00:01:18,600 Speaker 1: the world through their shared passions, giving your child a 19 00:01:18,680 --> 00:01:23,280 Speaker 1: whole community of new friends. Outschool empowers kids with different 20 00:01:23,280 --> 00:01:27,560 Speaker 1: styles of learning, from live online classes to one on 21 00:01:27,560 --> 00:01:30,640 Speaker 1: one tutoring, so they can choose how they want to learn. 22 00:01:31,360 --> 00:01:33,920 Speaker 1: Out school will have your kids loving to learn and 23 00:01:34,080 --> 00:01:38,040 Speaker 1: having fun doing it. Head over to outschool dot com 24 00:01:38,080 --> 00:01:42,080 Speaker 1: slash sleep tight and use code sleep tight to learn 25 00:01:42,120 --> 00:01:46,399 Speaker 1: all about outschool summer programs and save fifteen dollars on 26 00:01:46,480 --> 00:01:53,040 Speaker 1: your child's first class. That's out sc chool dot com. 27 00:01:53,200 --> 00:01:57,000 Speaker 1: Slash sleep tight to save fifteen dollars on your child's 28 00:01:57,040 --> 00:02:02,880 Speaker 1: first class. Outschool dot com slash sleep tight, code sleep tight, 29 00:02:04,200 --> 00:02:22,600 Speaker 1: Thank you. This is the second part of our story 30 00:02:22,960 --> 00:02:29,520 Speaker 1: about a weird witch, a princess, and a boy. In 31 00:02:29,600 --> 00:02:33,040 Speaker 1: the first part, Princess Winsome had gone to the witch 32 00:02:33,200 --> 00:02:36,480 Speaker 1: to ask for help to find the bravest boy in 33 00:02:36,520 --> 00:02:41,680 Speaker 1: her country. The witch traps her in an enchanted forest. 34 00:02:43,760 --> 00:02:47,600 Speaker 1: Then a long comes Kit, a brave boy who does 35 00:02:47,639 --> 00:02:51,320 Speaker 1: not like to fight unless there is something worth fighting for. 36 00:02:53,120 --> 00:02:56,040 Speaker 1: The Witch sends him off to find King Hurley Burley 37 00:02:56,160 --> 00:03:00,360 Speaker 1: and ask for something brave to do. Will be the 38 00:03:00,400 --> 00:03:05,800 Speaker 1: answer to Kit's search The Weird Witch of the Willow 39 00:03:05,919 --> 00:03:12,760 Speaker 1: Herb Part two. Kit started out on his travels once more, 40 00:03:13,600 --> 00:03:16,760 Speaker 1: and no sooner did he get outside the city gates 41 00:03:17,080 --> 00:03:21,600 Speaker 1: than he began to whistle his wonderful tune, and down 42 00:03:21,760 --> 00:03:25,880 Speaker 1: swept all the birds of the air in hundreds, and 43 00:03:25,960 --> 00:03:29,399 Speaker 1: they flew in front of him as before, and led 44 00:03:29,480 --> 00:03:34,800 Speaker 1: him to the very edge of the enchanted forest. There 45 00:03:35,200 --> 00:03:39,120 Speaker 1: they left him, for no one can help anybody to 46 00:03:39,200 --> 00:03:44,160 Speaker 1: go through an enchanted forest, and Kit knew quickly enough 47 00:03:44,400 --> 00:03:48,880 Speaker 1: that he must find the princess by himself. He was 48 00:03:49,000 --> 00:03:52,880 Speaker 1: not a bit afraid, though, and he plunged straight into 49 00:03:52,920 --> 00:03:59,040 Speaker 1: the woods without looking back. He had not taken two 50 00:03:59,080 --> 00:04:04,600 Speaker 1: steps before he had completely lost himself. The trees were 51 00:04:04,800 --> 00:04:09,440 Speaker 1: so so thick overhead that not a streak of sunshine 52 00:04:09,600 --> 00:04:13,320 Speaker 1: was able to get through, and the forest was so 53 00:04:13,680 --> 00:04:17,680 Speaker 1: full of wild beasts that it was impossible to walk 54 00:04:17,839 --> 00:04:22,679 Speaker 1: five yards without tumbling over a lion or a bear. 55 00:04:24,839 --> 00:04:28,800 Speaker 1: But this did not frighten Kit at all, for he 56 00:04:28,839 --> 00:04:32,320 Speaker 1: had learned to talk the language of the woods all 57 00:04:32,440 --> 00:04:35,560 Speaker 1: the time that the other boys were knocking one another 58 00:04:35,680 --> 00:04:39,920 Speaker 1: on the head. And so he soon made friends with 59 00:04:40,080 --> 00:04:44,200 Speaker 1: every animal in the forest, and they told him the 60 00:04:44,240 --> 00:04:50,680 Speaker 1: best places to find apples and nuts and blackberries, and 61 00:04:50,720 --> 00:04:53,680 Speaker 1: the bees brought him the very best honey they could make, 62 00:04:54,720 --> 00:04:58,680 Speaker 1: and he grew so happy and so contented that he 63 00:04:58,800 --> 00:05:03,280 Speaker 1: quite forgot he was enchanted and could not escape if 64 00:05:03,320 --> 00:05:10,160 Speaker 1: he wanted to. But it is impossible to be happy 65 00:05:10,200 --> 00:05:14,640 Speaker 1: for long when one is bewitched. And one day Kit 66 00:05:14,800 --> 00:05:17,479 Speaker 1: found himself in a part of the forest that was 67 00:05:17,600 --> 00:05:21,839 Speaker 1: more horrible than any dark passage that was ever invented. 68 00:05:23,560 --> 00:05:27,480 Speaker 1: It was not only dark, but it was strangely silent 69 00:05:27,560 --> 00:05:33,000 Speaker 1: as well, and a curious feeling of gloom and unhappiness 70 00:05:33,040 --> 00:05:38,080 Speaker 1: suddenly crept over Kit. If it had been a nice 71 00:05:38,080 --> 00:05:41,080 Speaker 1: sort of silence, the sort we find when we get 72 00:05:41,120 --> 00:05:44,279 Speaker 1: away from the other boys and girls into a place 73 00:05:44,320 --> 00:05:47,200 Speaker 1: where it is quiet enough to hear the real sounds 74 00:05:47,240 --> 00:05:52,120 Speaker 1: of the air, Kit would have been quite happy. But 75 00:05:52,320 --> 00:05:56,520 Speaker 1: here there was nothing to be heard at all, not 76 00:05:56,600 --> 00:06:00,840 Speaker 1: even the brushing of leaves, nor the blooming the flowers, 77 00:06:01,520 --> 00:06:06,360 Speaker 1: nor the growing of the grass. But the most frightening 78 00:06:06,400 --> 00:06:09,159 Speaker 1: thing of all was when he clapped his hands together 79 00:06:09,800 --> 00:06:12,320 Speaker 1: and stamped as hard as he could on the ground. 80 00:06:13,040 --> 00:06:17,599 Speaker 1: He didn't make a sound, and when he tried to speak, 81 00:06:18,160 --> 00:06:22,120 Speaker 1: he found he could only whisper. And when he burst 82 00:06:22,160 --> 00:06:25,760 Speaker 1: out laughing, he made no more noise than if he 83 00:06:25,800 --> 00:06:32,160 Speaker 1: had been smiling. Still, he kept his wits about him, 84 00:06:32,240 --> 00:06:35,680 Speaker 1: for of course, there was a princess to be rescued. 85 00:06:36,520 --> 00:06:41,719 Speaker 1: And at last he thought of trying to whistle. At 86 00:06:41,760 --> 00:06:45,320 Speaker 1: first he could not make a note sound in the stillness, 87 00:06:46,320 --> 00:06:49,839 Speaker 1: but he went on trying until the wonderful tune he 88 00:06:49,960 --> 00:06:54,599 Speaker 1: had learned long ago from the birds themselves began to 89 00:06:54,680 --> 00:07:01,560 Speaker 1: echo once more through the silent forest. He did not 90 00:07:01,839 --> 00:07:05,719 Speaker 1: get an answer at once, or really, nice birds cannot 91 00:07:05,760 --> 00:07:08,159 Speaker 1: be expected to go out of their way to a 92 00:07:08,200 --> 00:07:12,040 Speaker 1: place where there is no sunshine, and the flowers cannot 93 00:07:12,160 --> 00:07:17,400 Speaker 1: enter into conversation with them. But after a while, a 94 00:07:17,640 --> 00:07:23,200 Speaker 1: very fat blackbird, who certainly had enough courage for anything, 95 00:07:23,880 --> 00:07:28,560 Speaker 1: came hopping along from branch to branch until he landed 96 00:07:28,640 --> 00:07:35,360 Speaker 1: on Kit's shoulder, And with him came sunshine and sound 97 00:07:35,800 --> 00:07:40,600 Speaker 1: and merriment into the very heart of the melancholy forest. 98 00:07:41,560 --> 00:07:44,400 Speaker 1: For none of these things are ever far off when 99 00:07:44,440 --> 00:07:51,000 Speaker 1: a blackbird is near. Kit gave a shout of joy 100 00:07:51,240 --> 00:07:55,160 Speaker 1: and followed after the blackbird, who was hopping along the 101 00:07:55,240 --> 00:07:59,000 Speaker 1: ground in front of him. And the next minute he 102 00:07:59,120 --> 00:08:03,600 Speaker 1: found himself standing in a blaze of sunlight in front 103 00:08:03,720 --> 00:08:08,880 Speaker 1: of a high stone wall. Beyond the wall he could 104 00:08:08,960 --> 00:08:13,000 Speaker 1: see the tall towers of a great castle. But he 105 00:08:13,080 --> 00:08:16,000 Speaker 1: did not trouble himself much about the other side of 106 00:08:16,040 --> 00:08:19,520 Speaker 1: the wall, for on the top of it, with the 107 00:08:19,600 --> 00:08:24,800 Speaker 1: sunshine pouring all over, that the most charming little girl 108 00:08:24,960 --> 00:08:30,480 Speaker 1: he had ever seen. She had lost one of her shoes, 109 00:08:31,040 --> 00:08:34,160 Speaker 1: and there was the faintest sign of a scratch on 110 00:08:34,320 --> 00:08:39,480 Speaker 1: her round, dimpled chin, and her long black hair flowed 111 00:08:39,520 --> 00:08:42,559 Speaker 1: around her shoulders in a way that some people might 112 00:08:42,600 --> 00:08:46,760 Speaker 1: have called untidy. But Kit was sure that she had 113 00:08:46,760 --> 00:08:51,199 Speaker 1: come straight out of Fairyland, and he was too amazed 114 00:08:51,280 --> 00:08:55,880 Speaker 1: even to make a bow in front of her. Dear me, 115 00:08:56,559 --> 00:08:59,640 Speaker 1: what are you doing here, asked the girl, in a 116 00:08:59,720 --> 00:09:05,080 Speaker 1: tone of great surprise. Kit took a step nearer the 117 00:09:05,120 --> 00:09:09,400 Speaker 1: wall and pulled off his cap. Her voice reminded him 118 00:09:09,400 --> 00:09:13,400 Speaker 1: that although she belonged to Fairyland, she was still a 119 00:09:13,440 --> 00:09:16,560 Speaker 1: little girl and would expect him to remember his manners. 120 00:09:18,000 --> 00:09:21,120 Speaker 1: I have come to rescue the princess, he said. Can 121 00:09:21,160 --> 00:09:24,560 Speaker 1: you tell me where she is? She lives in the 122 00:09:24,640 --> 00:09:28,080 Speaker 1: castle over there, answered the girl, What are you going 123 00:09:28,160 --> 00:09:32,360 Speaker 1: to do when you have rescued her? Well, I suppose 124 00:09:32,400 --> 00:09:34,840 Speaker 1: I shall ask her to marry me, said Kit. Do 125 00:09:34,920 --> 00:09:41,280 Speaker 1: you think she will? Ah? She replied seriously, that depends 126 00:09:41,360 --> 00:09:44,880 Speaker 1: on whether you have my permission or not. Tell me 127 00:09:44,920 --> 00:09:49,960 Speaker 1: who you are to begin with. I am Kit, and 128 00:09:50,040 --> 00:09:53,480 Speaker 1: I am not very brave, he said simply, and he 129 00:09:53,720 --> 00:09:58,359 Speaker 1: stared when she broke into the merriest peal of laughter. Imaginable. 130 00:09:59,480 --> 00:10:03,600 Speaker 1: What no nonsense, she cried. If you were not brave, 131 00:10:04,000 --> 00:10:08,480 Speaker 1: you would never have gotten here at all. Is that true, 132 00:10:09,160 --> 00:10:13,000 Speaker 1: asked Kit eagerly. Then do you think the princess will 133 00:10:13,040 --> 00:10:18,080 Speaker 1: marry me? The girl looked down at him for a moment, 134 00:10:18,320 --> 00:10:22,520 Speaker 1: with her untidy little head on one side. Then she 135 00:10:22,640 --> 00:10:25,960 Speaker 1: bent and held out her two hands to him. I 136 00:10:26,000 --> 00:10:29,920 Speaker 1: think perhaps the princess will, she said softly. If you 137 00:10:29,960 --> 00:10:33,320 Speaker 1: will help me down from this enormous high wall, we 138 00:10:33,360 --> 00:10:38,720 Speaker 1: shall go and ask her. So Kit lifted her down 139 00:10:38,720 --> 00:10:41,959 Speaker 1: from the wall, which was quite an easy matter, for 140 00:10:42,120 --> 00:10:45,880 Speaker 1: it was, in reality no higher than he was, and 141 00:10:45,920 --> 00:10:49,079 Speaker 1: for the girl was certainly the lightest weight he had 142 00:10:49,120 --> 00:10:53,160 Speaker 1: ever held in his arms. What are you looking for, 143 00:10:53,240 --> 00:10:55,720 Speaker 1: he asked, when he had set her on the ground, 144 00:10:56,400 --> 00:10:59,360 Speaker 1: for she was kneeling down and turning over the dry 145 00:10:59,480 --> 00:11:05,440 Speaker 1: leaves in a most distressed manner. I am looking for 146 00:11:05,559 --> 00:11:09,000 Speaker 1: my crown, of course, she said, with a pout. It 147 00:11:09,080 --> 00:11:12,320 Speaker 1: tumbled off my head just before you came and I 148 00:11:12,440 --> 00:11:14,960 Speaker 1: was too frightened to jump all that long way to 149 00:11:15,000 --> 00:11:19,600 Speaker 1: find it. Here it is, said Kit, and he picked 150 00:11:19,640 --> 00:11:22,920 Speaker 1: up the little glittering crown and set it gently on 151 00:11:23,000 --> 00:11:27,120 Speaker 1: the top of her beautiful, rumpled hair. Then he started 152 00:11:27,200 --> 00:11:32,160 Speaker 1: back in surprise. You are the princess, he shouted. Of 153 00:11:32,280 --> 00:11:36,240 Speaker 1: course I am, laughed Princess Winsom, putting her hand in 154 00:11:36,320 --> 00:11:40,240 Speaker 1: his I knew that all this time. Shall we go 155 00:11:40,360 --> 00:11:46,920 Speaker 1: home now? Kit did not reply immediately, for no one 156 00:11:46,960 --> 00:11:49,959 Speaker 1: can do two things at once, and it took him 157 00:11:50,080 --> 00:11:53,800 Speaker 1: quite a long time to kiss the small soft hand 158 00:11:54,280 --> 00:11:58,200 Speaker 1: that lay in his own big one. And as for 159 00:11:58,280 --> 00:12:01,840 Speaker 1: going home, when they did start, they did not get 160 00:12:02,000 --> 00:12:05,640 Speaker 1: very far. Or it must not be forgotten that they 161 00:12:05,679 --> 00:12:10,080 Speaker 1: were still in an enchanted forest, and it is easier 162 00:12:10,080 --> 00:12:13,839 Speaker 1: to get into an enchanted forest than to get out 163 00:12:13,920 --> 00:12:19,560 Speaker 1: of it again. However, as they had everything in the 164 00:12:19,559 --> 00:12:22,959 Speaker 1: world to talk about, they would probably have been most 165 00:12:23,000 --> 00:12:26,120 Speaker 1: annoyed if they had found their way instead of losing it. 166 00:12:27,320 --> 00:12:30,400 Speaker 1: So they just went on losing it as happily as 167 00:12:30,480 --> 00:12:34,960 Speaker 1: possible until they could not walk another step. Because an 168 00:12:34,960 --> 00:12:40,240 Speaker 1: immense giant was occupying the whole of the roadway. There 169 00:12:40,280 --> 00:12:43,480 Speaker 1: he sat, smoking a great pipe that looked like a 170 00:12:43,600 --> 00:12:48,480 Speaker 1: chimney pot that wanted sweeping. And when the princess saw him, 171 00:12:48,880 --> 00:12:52,080 Speaker 1: she was so frightened that she hid herself behind Kit 172 00:12:52,480 --> 00:12:55,400 Speaker 1: and peeped under his arm to see what was going 173 00:12:55,440 --> 00:13:01,400 Speaker 1: to happen. Hello, said the giant, a huge voice that 174 00:13:01,520 --> 00:13:04,800 Speaker 1: made the grass stand on end with fright, just as 175 00:13:04,840 --> 00:13:09,360 Speaker 1: it does after a frost. What's this you're running away 176 00:13:09,360 --> 00:13:13,200 Speaker 1: with the princess? To be sure, I am, said Kit, 177 00:13:13,679 --> 00:13:16,080 Speaker 1: And if you don't let me pass, I shall have 178 00:13:16,160 --> 00:13:21,080 Speaker 1: to fight you. Oh dear, sighed the giant, raising a 179 00:13:21,160 --> 00:13:25,920 Speaker 1: wind that made the trees shiver for miles around. They 180 00:13:25,960 --> 00:13:28,880 Speaker 1: all say that there is no peace for a poor 181 00:13:29,000 --> 00:13:33,440 Speaker 1: giant nowadays. When I was a boy, the prince was 182 00:13:33,520 --> 00:13:38,479 Speaker 1: always put under a spell, as well as the princess. However, 183 00:13:39,160 --> 00:13:41,360 Speaker 1: I suppose I must make an end of you if 184 00:13:41,400 --> 00:13:46,360 Speaker 1: you are determined to fight. And he laid down his 185 00:13:46,480 --> 00:13:51,959 Speaker 1: pipe and rose most unwillingly to his feet. Kit laughed 186 00:13:51,960 --> 00:13:55,840 Speaker 1: out loud with gladness, for at last he had found 187 00:13:55,840 --> 00:13:59,080 Speaker 1: a good reason for a fight, and no one would 188 00:13:59,080 --> 00:14:03,160 Speaker 1: be able to say he was not brave anymore. But 189 00:14:03,320 --> 00:14:07,280 Speaker 1: before there was time to strike a single blow, the 190 00:14:07,360 --> 00:14:12,160 Speaker 1: giant gave a loud howl of alarm, took to his heels, 191 00:14:12,600 --> 00:14:18,040 Speaker 1: and in another moment was completely out of sight. Kit 192 00:14:18,160 --> 00:14:22,120 Speaker 1: turned in amazement to his little princess, and then he 193 00:14:22,200 --> 00:14:26,520 Speaker 1: saw what had frightened the giant. For all the animals 194 00:14:26,520 --> 00:14:30,640 Speaker 1: of the forest, all the lions and the tigers, and 195 00:14:30,680 --> 00:14:35,400 Speaker 1: the bears and the wolves, stood there in rows waiting 196 00:14:35,600 --> 00:14:39,280 Speaker 1: to help him. Though there is no doubt that the 197 00:14:39,320 --> 00:14:41,760 Speaker 1: giant would have fought with someone if he had not 198 00:14:41,920 --> 00:14:47,280 Speaker 1: run away. Isn't it wonderful? Said the little princess in 199 00:14:47,280 --> 00:14:52,640 Speaker 1: a whisper. But Kit covered his face with his hands. 200 00:14:53,440 --> 00:14:57,520 Speaker 1: Oh it is no use, he said, in a disappointed tone. 201 00:14:58,160 --> 00:15:00,960 Speaker 1: The other boys will never believe that I am brave. 202 00:15:03,120 --> 00:15:07,240 Speaker 1: Princess Winsome came and pulled his hands away and laughed softly. 203 00:15:08,320 --> 00:15:10,720 Speaker 1: I think you are the bravest boy in the world. 204 00:15:10,800 --> 00:15:15,360 Speaker 1: She said, Of course he is, chuckled a voice somewhere near. 205 00:15:16,360 --> 00:15:20,600 Speaker 1: How silly some people are, to be sure. And there 206 00:15:20,680 --> 00:15:23,920 Speaker 1: sat the weird witch under a tree, all in her 207 00:15:24,000 --> 00:15:28,200 Speaker 1: pink and green gown, with her great eyes brimfull of 208 00:15:28,280 --> 00:15:32,360 Speaker 1: fun and nonsense. And as the boy and girl stood 209 00:15:32,440 --> 00:15:35,440 Speaker 1: hand in hand before her and caught the glance of 210 00:15:35,480 --> 00:15:39,760 Speaker 1: her beautiful witch's eyes, all sorts of muddles fell out 211 00:15:39,760 --> 00:15:43,640 Speaker 1: of their heads, and they began to understand everything that 212 00:15:43,720 --> 00:15:48,160 Speaker 1: had been puzzling them for years and years and years. 213 00:15:50,600 --> 00:15:52,880 Speaker 1: That only shows what a witch can do when she 214 00:15:53,120 --> 00:15:58,560 Speaker 1: is the right sort of witch. Dear little Princess, cried Kit, 215 00:15:59,280 --> 00:16:02,160 Speaker 1: it doesn't matter whether the other boys believe me or not, 216 00:16:02,720 --> 00:16:07,920 Speaker 1: so long as you know I am brave. Besides, added 217 00:16:07,960 --> 00:16:10,920 Speaker 1: Princess Winsome, we are not going to try to make 218 00:16:11,000 --> 00:16:15,760 Speaker 1: anybody believe anything. I think we'll stay here instead, forever 219 00:16:16,040 --> 00:16:21,200 Speaker 1: and ever and always. A very good idea, smiled the 220 00:16:21,200 --> 00:16:24,520 Speaker 1: weird witch of the willow herb as she nodded at them. 221 00:16:24,560 --> 00:16:32,280 Speaker 1: Both always remain enchanted, if you can so. They had 222 00:16:32,400 --> 00:16:37,160 Speaker 1: the nicest and funniest wedding possible on the spot, and 223 00:16:37,240 --> 00:16:41,280 Speaker 1: there was no time wasted in sending out invitations, for 224 00:16:41,400 --> 00:16:45,200 Speaker 1: all the guests were already there in rows, with the 225 00:16:45,240 --> 00:16:50,000 Speaker 1: exception of the songbirds, and Kit very soon summoned them 226 00:16:50,040 --> 00:16:55,760 Speaker 1: by whistling a few notes of his wonderful tune. The 227 00:16:55,840 --> 00:16:59,760 Speaker 1: princess laid her own wedding breakfast under the trees, and 228 00:16:59,800 --> 00:17:02,960 Speaker 1: the wedding guests helped her by bringing her everything that 229 00:17:03,080 --> 00:17:06,800 Speaker 1: was nice to eat in the forest, such as roasted 230 00:17:06,880 --> 00:17:12,639 Speaker 1: chestnuts and preserved fruits, and truffles and barley sugar cane, 231 00:17:13,640 --> 00:17:17,560 Speaker 1: and lots of dewdrops and honey drops and pear drops, 232 00:17:18,640 --> 00:17:21,600 Speaker 1: and the weird which completed the feast by turning a 233 00:17:21,640 --> 00:17:25,280 Speaker 1: piece of rock that nobody wanted into a wedding cake. 234 00:17:25,840 --> 00:17:28,959 Speaker 1: And everyone will agree that it is better for a 235 00:17:29,080 --> 00:17:32,240 Speaker 1: rock to turn into a wedding cake than for a 236 00:17:32,280 --> 00:17:38,159 Speaker 1: wedding cake to turn into a rock. And all the 237 00:17:38,160 --> 00:17:41,800 Speaker 1: flowers came of their own accord and arranged themselves on 238 00:17:41,880 --> 00:17:45,720 Speaker 1: the table, which they certainly did much more prettily than 239 00:17:45,800 --> 00:17:49,120 Speaker 1: anyone else could have done it for them. And when 240 00:17:49,119 --> 00:17:52,720 Speaker 1: the wedding was over, they just walked away again, instead 241 00:17:52,760 --> 00:17:57,000 Speaker 1: of stopping until they were no longer okay, which of 242 00:17:57,040 --> 00:17:59,560 Speaker 1: course is what they would have done at any other wedding. 243 00:18:02,920 --> 00:18:06,440 Speaker 1: And although the bride had lost her other shoe by 244 00:18:06,480 --> 00:18:10,400 Speaker 1: the time she was ready to be married, and although 245 00:18:10,440 --> 00:18:14,200 Speaker 1: her beautiful hair was more untidy than ever, and her 246 00:18:14,240 --> 00:18:17,400 Speaker 1: crown had tumbled off again and had to be brought 247 00:18:17,480 --> 00:18:21,560 Speaker 1: to her by an obliging lion, Kit never noticed any 248 00:18:21,600 --> 00:18:25,439 Speaker 1: of these things, and only felt quite certain that he 249 00:18:25,600 --> 00:18:29,320 Speaker 1: was marrying someone who had come right out of fairyland 250 00:18:29,920 --> 00:18:36,520 Speaker 1: and was not an ordinary princess at all. As for 251 00:18:36,640 --> 00:18:39,760 Speaker 1: the weird witch of the willow herb, she went back 252 00:18:39,800 --> 00:18:42,080 Speaker 1: to her pink cottage on the top of the hill 253 00:18:42,760 --> 00:18:45,000 Speaker 1: so as to be ready to make the next person 254 00:18:45,119 --> 00:18:51,120 Speaker 1: happy who came up the white winding path. But before 255 00:18:51,160 --> 00:18:54,560 Speaker 1: she went she took care that all the singing birds 256 00:18:54,560 --> 00:18:57,640 Speaker 1: should fly back to Kit's home and tell the other 257 00:18:57,720 --> 00:19:01,240 Speaker 1: boys how brave he had been, which they did with 258 00:19:01,400 --> 00:19:06,600 Speaker 1: the greatest pleasure imaginable. It is said that the story 259 00:19:06,640 --> 00:19:11,680 Speaker 1: became slightly exaggerated, but when we know how much one 260 00:19:11,760 --> 00:19:15,600 Speaker 1: little bird can tell, it is not difficult to imagine 261 00:19:15,600 --> 00:19:19,439 Speaker 1: the kind of story that could be told by hundreds 262 00:19:19,480 --> 00:19:28,080 Speaker 1: and hundreds of little birds. And that is the end 263 00:19:28,160 --> 00:19:32,760 Speaker 1: of our story. Good Night, sleep tight.