1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:14,840 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Hi friends, 2 00:00:15,600 --> 00:00:19,640 Speaker 1: you can help shape our future stories by sharing your 3 00:00:19,760 --> 00:00:25,400 Speaker 1: character or story ideas with us. If Clark is successful 4 00:00:25,640 --> 00:00:29,840 Speaker 1: in turning your ideas into a bedtime story, we will 5 00:00:29,840 --> 00:00:35,920 Speaker 1: give a big thanks on our show. Visit sleeptightstories dot org, 6 00:00:36,280 --> 00:00:40,960 Speaker 1: slash contact and send us your ideas or leave your 7 00:00:41,040 --> 00:00:47,360 Speaker 1: name and your idea as part of a review. Our 8 00:00:47,520 --> 00:01:00,480 Speaker 1: thanks to lovers of Unicorns and Dragons Taylor and Grayson, KaiA, Carina, Josie, Melanie, Teagan, 9 00:01:00,560 --> 00:01:08,280 Speaker 1: and Campbell for suggesting that we write this story. Bernice 10 00:01:08,560 --> 00:01:12,440 Speaker 1: is ready for her bedtime story and she asks Papa 11 00:01:12,440 --> 00:01:17,480 Speaker 1: Bear to please tell her an unseerious story. So Papa 12 00:01:17,520 --> 00:01:21,280 Speaker 1: says okay and starts to tell a story about Kai Kai, 13 00:01:21,319 --> 00:01:25,440 Speaker 1: the dragon and something that happens as he is out 14 00:01:25,520 --> 00:01:36,039 Speaker 1: flying Kai Kai and the unicorn. Do you know what 15 00:01:36,200 --> 00:01:41,039 Speaker 1: time it is? Papa asked Bernice. I'm not sure, little bear. 16 00:01:41,440 --> 00:01:46,479 Speaker 1: What do you mean, replied her, Papa, what do we 17 00:01:46,480 --> 00:01:50,280 Speaker 1: do almost every night at this time? Hmm? 18 00:01:51,160 --> 00:01:52,040 Speaker 2: Eat pizza? 19 00:01:53,000 --> 00:02:00,760 Speaker 1: No, let me think, hm, brush our teeth? Is that already? 20 00:02:00,920 --> 00:02:07,480 Speaker 1: Guess again? Bernice said, with a big smile. Hmm, go outside, 21 00:02:07,520 --> 00:02:13,120 Speaker 1: and roll in the mud. Nope, is it time for 22 00:02:13,160 --> 00:02:15,640 Speaker 1: me to put on my purple and green tutu and 23 00:02:15,720 --> 00:02:21,920 Speaker 1: do ballet? No silly, Well, I guess I don't know. 24 00:02:22,720 --> 00:02:26,440 Speaker 1: I'm all out of guesses, that are Papa with a smile. 25 00:02:27,680 --> 00:02:32,840 Speaker 1: It's time for a story. But I have a favor, sure, 26 00:02:32,960 --> 00:02:37,800 Speaker 1: little bear, anything, well, anything, as long as you go 27 00:02:37,919 --> 00:02:41,920 Speaker 1: to sleep so you can have your best day tomorrow, 28 00:02:42,400 --> 00:02:48,720 Speaker 1: replied Papa Bear. Mommy has been telling more serious stories lately. 29 00:02:49,240 --> 00:02:53,800 Speaker 1: Can you tell me an unserious story? Don't you like 30 00:02:53,919 --> 00:02:58,959 Speaker 1: mummy stories? I love mummy stories, but I would love 31 00:02:59,000 --> 00:03:02,840 Speaker 1: something different, maybe a story about a dragon and a 32 00:03:02,960 --> 00:03:08,240 Speaker 1: unicorn because my friends Taylor and Grayson from Vancouver told 33 00:03:08,280 --> 00:03:13,080 Speaker 1: me a story once and it included them. Maybe we 34 00:03:13,120 --> 00:03:15,800 Speaker 1: can give Booboo a rest and let Kai Kai be 35 00:03:15,919 --> 00:03:21,760 Speaker 1: our story. Okay, but before I try my very best, 36 00:03:22,240 --> 00:03:25,640 Speaker 1: I need a favor from you. I need a great 37 00:03:25,680 --> 00:03:37,600 Speaker 1: big hug and kiss Kai Kai and the unicorn. Once 38 00:03:37,720 --> 00:03:41,560 Speaker 1: upon a time, in a world full of magic and fun, 39 00:03:42,240 --> 00:03:46,600 Speaker 1: there lived a dragon named Kai Kai, and he was 40 00:03:46,640 --> 00:03:50,720 Speaker 1: a good friend to a brave little bear named Booboo. 41 00:03:53,280 --> 00:03:56,600 Speaker 1: Kai Kai lived in a large cave in a mountain 42 00:03:56,920 --> 00:04:00,840 Speaker 1: near the edge of a mystical forest, and in this 43 00:04:01,080 --> 00:04:08,240 Speaker 1: forest there were unicorns, fairies, gnomes, and all manner of insects, 44 00:04:08,520 --> 00:04:16,480 Speaker 1: birds and animals. In the beginning, not everyone liked Kai 45 00:04:16,600 --> 00:04:22,599 Speaker 1: Kai because they were scared of him. You see, one day, 46 00:04:23,000 --> 00:04:27,479 Speaker 1: Kai Kai had a really bad cold, and when he sneezed, 47 00:04:27,960 --> 00:04:32,320 Speaker 1: and he sneezed often, all kinds of fire would come 48 00:04:32,360 --> 00:04:37,120 Speaker 1: out of his mouth and nose. The creatures of the 49 00:04:37,160 --> 00:04:41,320 Speaker 1: mystical forest had all heard the stories of scary fire 50 00:04:41,400 --> 00:04:45,440 Speaker 1: breathing dragons, so they thought that Kai Kai had come 51 00:04:45,480 --> 00:04:51,520 Speaker 1: to hurt them. But the brave little bear Boo Boo 52 00:04:51,640 --> 00:04:55,479 Speaker 1: wasn't scared. She talked to him and found out he 53 00:04:55,640 --> 00:05:00,440 Speaker 1: was simply not well and helped him get better. They 54 00:05:00,480 --> 00:05:05,039 Speaker 1: have been best friends ever since. After that very day, 55 00:05:05,160 --> 00:05:09,599 Speaker 1: the creatures of the mystical forest were no longer afraid, 56 00:05:10,440 --> 00:05:18,080 Speaker 1: and many became his friend. On this day, Bobu went 57 00:05:18,120 --> 00:05:21,080 Speaker 1: to the nearby town with her family to go to 58 00:05:21,160 --> 00:05:25,840 Speaker 1: the market and visit some family friends. So Kai Kai 59 00:05:26,040 --> 00:05:29,080 Speaker 1: wasn't able to play with Boboo like he often did. 60 00:05:31,120 --> 00:05:34,160 Speaker 1: When he wasn't playing with Boboo, he liked to fly 61 00:05:34,480 --> 00:05:38,599 Speaker 1: high up in the sky floating through the clouds and 62 00:05:38,640 --> 00:05:44,000 Speaker 1: then quickly swooped down just above the tree tops. That is, 63 00:05:44,080 --> 00:05:46,760 Speaker 1: when he wasn't in the forest munching on some of 64 00:05:46,800 --> 00:05:55,640 Speaker 1: his favorite treats, acorns and gooseberries. To day, Kaikai did 65 00:05:55,640 --> 00:05:59,480 Speaker 1: a long sweep of the meadow and the forest. It 66 00:05:59,520 --> 00:06:03,120 Speaker 1: was cool high up in the sky, the wind hard 67 00:06:03,320 --> 00:06:09,680 Speaker 1: and strong. Past the mystical forest, the broad grassy meadow 68 00:06:09,800 --> 00:06:13,279 Speaker 1: was empty except for the deer that would often come 69 00:06:13,320 --> 00:06:18,839 Speaker 1: out to eat the delicious grass that grew there. He 70 00:06:18,960 --> 00:06:23,800 Speaker 1: flew up higher into the mountains, passing over narrow gorges 71 00:06:24,200 --> 00:06:29,920 Speaker 1: and dozens of small waterfalls. The wind was rougher here 72 00:06:30,400 --> 00:06:33,800 Speaker 1: and he had to work harder to keep his flight smooth. 73 00:06:35,240 --> 00:06:39,520 Speaker 1: He pushed himself higher until he was well above the clouds, 74 00:06:40,240 --> 00:06:44,280 Speaker 1: and after heading back towards the forest, saw the small 75 00:06:44,320 --> 00:06:48,920 Speaker 1: meadow below that he knew had some of his favorite treats. 76 00:06:51,480 --> 00:06:56,760 Speaker 1: Hungry after having so much fun flying, Kaikai came down 77 00:06:56,839 --> 00:07:01,240 Speaker 1: to the small meadow, saw his favorite treat and started 78 00:07:01,279 --> 00:07:06,400 Speaker 1: eating some acorns off the trees, gooseberries off the bushes, 79 00:07:06,920 --> 00:07:12,560 Speaker 1: and clover off the ground. He was so busy eating 80 00:07:12,880 --> 00:07:16,800 Speaker 1: that he didn't know that he was being watched, but 81 00:07:16,960 --> 00:07:20,800 Speaker 1: then from behind, he heard a rustling and saw a 82 00:07:20,840 --> 00:07:25,520 Speaker 1: colorful shadow out of the corner of his eye. But 83 00:07:25,640 --> 00:07:28,840 Speaker 1: before he had the chance to be scared, a little 84 00:07:28,920 --> 00:07:33,360 Speaker 1: voice said, hmm, hello, mister dragon. I hope I am 85 00:07:33,400 --> 00:07:39,200 Speaker 1: not disturbing you. Kai Kai turned around and saw a 86 00:07:39,280 --> 00:07:44,480 Speaker 1: beautiful unicorn standing in the meadow, the sun sparkling off 87 00:07:44,480 --> 00:07:49,480 Speaker 1: her mane. He said, with a mouthful of clover. Mm, no, 88 00:07:49,880 --> 00:07:53,880 Speaker 1: not at all. I'm just having my morning snack, and 89 00:07:54,040 --> 00:07:59,520 Speaker 1: you can call me Kai Kai. Okay Kai Kai. My 90 00:07:59,680 --> 00:08:05,720 Speaker 1: name is Bluebell. After he swallowed his mouthful of food, 91 00:08:06,160 --> 00:08:09,840 Speaker 1: Kai Kai said, what brings you to this small meadow, Bluebell, 92 00:08:10,240 --> 00:08:15,160 Speaker 1: and all by yourself? I was just having fun flying 93 00:08:15,200 --> 00:08:19,280 Speaker 1: around the forest meadow and the area near the mountains, 94 00:08:19,840 --> 00:08:22,400 Speaker 1: and I didn't see any sign of your herd at all. 95 00:08:23,520 --> 00:08:26,040 Speaker 1: I almost always see you near the deer eating the 96 00:08:26,080 --> 00:08:31,520 Speaker 1: sweet grass. Yes, we aren't eating today because we are 97 00:08:31,560 --> 00:08:34,680 Speaker 1: all too busy, which is why I came over to 98 00:08:34,760 --> 00:08:40,360 Speaker 1: talk to you. I appreciate that I don't get a 99 00:08:40,480 --> 00:08:44,199 Speaker 1: chance to meet many unicorns, because I think you still 100 00:08:44,320 --> 00:08:49,280 Speaker 1: might not trust that I am not scary. No, no, 101 00:08:49,400 --> 00:08:53,280 Speaker 1: that's not it. We have heard many dragon stories, of course, 102 00:08:53,800 --> 00:08:58,400 Speaker 1: but we unicorns often keep to ourselves in the mystical forest. 103 00:08:59,320 --> 00:09:04,920 Speaker 1: We often out in public only when needed. Oh that's 104 00:09:04,960 --> 00:09:08,000 Speaker 1: good to know. I try hard to let all the 105 00:09:08,080 --> 00:09:10,640 Speaker 1: animals of the forest know that I am a friend 106 00:09:10,960 --> 00:09:15,120 Speaker 1: and not scary. But if you most often come out 107 00:09:15,120 --> 00:09:18,120 Speaker 1: in public when you are needed, why have you come 108 00:09:18,160 --> 00:09:22,200 Speaker 1: to say hello? I mean, I appreciate it, and it's 109 00:09:22,320 --> 00:09:25,360 Speaker 1: very nice to meet you, But I don't think I 110 00:09:25,400 --> 00:09:30,440 Speaker 1: need help, do I? Well? You see this time I 111 00:09:30,480 --> 00:09:36,840 Speaker 1: think we need your help, my help. Yes, one of 112 00:09:36,880 --> 00:09:40,200 Speaker 1: our young ones is lost, and I am afraid that 113 00:09:40,280 --> 00:09:44,400 Speaker 1: we might not find her in time before dark. If 114 00:09:44,440 --> 00:09:50,240 Speaker 1: she is alone at night, she might be afraid. This 115 00:09:50,320 --> 00:09:54,520 Speaker 1: young unicorn is so fast and, like all young ones, 116 00:09:54,960 --> 00:09:58,920 Speaker 1: very curious, so I'm afraid she went off on her 117 00:09:58,960 --> 00:10:03,240 Speaker 1: own before we could notice. Now her family and the 118 00:10:03,280 --> 00:10:06,520 Speaker 1: whole herd is looking for her. But I don't think 119 00:10:06,520 --> 00:10:11,360 Speaker 1: we can find her before nighttime. How can I help? 120 00:10:12,760 --> 00:10:15,240 Speaker 1: Would you be able to help us by flying over 121 00:10:15,280 --> 00:10:19,240 Speaker 1: the areas that we haven't searched yet. We haven't been 122 00:10:19,240 --> 00:10:22,280 Speaker 1: able to reach the rivers and waterfalls near your home. 123 00:10:24,240 --> 00:10:27,360 Speaker 1: It would be my pleasure if I find her. I'll 124 00:10:27,400 --> 00:10:32,200 Speaker 1: send you a signal. What signal you'll know when you 125 00:10:32,280 --> 00:10:39,720 Speaker 1: see it. So Kai Kai gathered his strength and leapt 126 00:10:39,720 --> 00:10:43,720 Speaker 1: into the air. Flying higher and higher up in the sky, 127 00:10:45,360 --> 00:10:49,520 Speaker 1: kai Kai flew a long time, at least long enough 128 00:10:49,520 --> 00:10:54,040 Speaker 1: to leave the forest and head towards the mountains. The 129 00:10:54,080 --> 00:11:00,800 Speaker 1: air was much cooler than before, though unicorns were colorful 130 00:11:00,920 --> 00:11:04,320 Speaker 1: and sparkled in the sunlight. Kai Kai was worried that 131 00:11:04,440 --> 00:11:07,839 Speaker 1: he would not be able to see the young one. 132 00:11:07,880 --> 00:11:12,360 Speaker 1: The area was so vast and the unicorn was so small, 133 00:11:13,840 --> 00:11:17,880 Speaker 1: but he was determined to help the best he could. 134 00:11:19,920 --> 00:11:22,640 Speaker 1: As he flew past the rivers at the edge of 135 00:11:22,679 --> 00:11:26,520 Speaker 1: the forest, he swept along the rocky edges and the 136 00:11:26,559 --> 00:11:30,800 Speaker 1: open spaces, hoping to catch a glimpse of the unicorn. 137 00:11:33,800 --> 00:11:37,280 Speaker 1: How could such a small unicorn cover so much area 138 00:11:37,760 --> 00:11:41,640 Speaker 1: in such a short period of time, he thought. He 139 00:11:41,720 --> 00:11:45,720 Speaker 1: knew unicorns were magical creatures and had many talents that 140 00:11:45,800 --> 00:11:49,520 Speaker 1: he didn't know about, but it seemed so unlikely that 141 00:11:49,559 --> 00:11:56,120 Speaker 1: she could cover such a distance. As he flew up higher, 142 00:11:56,240 --> 00:12:00,400 Speaker 1: where the air was even colder, the wind rougher, he 143 00:12:00,480 --> 00:12:04,160 Speaker 1: spotted in the distance the first of many waterfalls in 144 00:12:04,240 --> 00:12:08,920 Speaker 1: the area. This one had a reputation for being the 145 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:12,640 Speaker 1: most beautiful, and many times Kai Kai had come here 146 00:12:12,679 --> 00:12:16,040 Speaker 1: to swim and cool off during the heat of summer. 147 00:12:19,760 --> 00:12:22,480 Speaker 1: As with all the areas he had been flying over, 148 00:12:22,840 --> 00:12:27,560 Speaker 1: he saw no sign of a unicorn. As he was 149 00:12:27,600 --> 00:12:31,439 Speaker 1: flying past the waterfall, he noticed out of the corner 150 00:12:31,480 --> 00:12:35,559 Speaker 1: of his eye a multi colored rainbow coming from the water. 151 00:12:36,640 --> 00:12:40,439 Speaker 1: It sparkled in such a way that only a unicorn 152 00:12:40,440 --> 00:12:47,200 Speaker 1: could make. Kai Kai quickly dived down from high up 153 00:12:47,240 --> 00:12:51,080 Speaker 1: in the sky and gently landed just at the water's 154 00:12:51,200 --> 00:12:54,200 Speaker 1: edge so as not to scare any one who might 155 00:12:54,240 --> 00:12:58,640 Speaker 1: be there. The water was deep enough that in the 156 00:12:58,720 --> 00:13:01,960 Speaker 1: summer he would dive star straight in the water for fun. 157 00:13:05,040 --> 00:13:08,720 Speaker 1: Kai Ki had keen eyesight, and he looked all around 158 00:13:08,760 --> 00:13:12,400 Speaker 1: the edge of the deep pond that the waterfall emptied into, 159 00:13:13,280 --> 00:13:16,920 Speaker 1: and hiding behind some bushes, he caught sight of a 160 00:13:17,040 --> 00:13:23,920 Speaker 1: wonderful multi colored horn sticking up from behind a bush. Hello, 161 00:13:23,960 --> 00:13:28,000 Speaker 1: little unicorn, there is no need to hide. My name 162 00:13:28,080 --> 00:13:32,200 Speaker 1: is Kai Kai, and Bluebell sent me to find you. 163 00:13:32,200 --> 00:13:35,480 Speaker 1: Your family are all out looking for you and are 164 00:13:35,600 --> 00:13:36,720 Speaker 1: so worried about you. 165 00:13:38,320 --> 00:13:40,080 Speaker 2: Are you sure you won't scare me? 166 00:13:41,120 --> 00:13:44,000 Speaker 1: The little baby Unicorn said as she came out from 167 00:13:44,040 --> 00:13:48,760 Speaker 1: behind the bush. I won't try to what is your name? 168 00:13:50,600 --> 00:13:54,560 Speaker 1: My name is Sparkle, and I'm not lost. I just 169 00:13:54,640 --> 00:13:57,920 Speaker 1: don't remember how to get home. He ran here as 170 00:13:57,960 --> 00:14:00,400 Speaker 1: fast as I could because I heard. I heard that 171 00:14:00,520 --> 00:14:04,640 Speaker 1: this was the most beautiful waterfall in the land, and 172 00:14:04,679 --> 00:14:08,000 Speaker 1: my mummy would never take me here. She said, I 173 00:14:08,080 --> 00:14:13,400 Speaker 1: wasn't old enough for the journey. H Well, you certainly 174 00:14:13,480 --> 00:14:18,560 Speaker 1: went very far quickly. Yes, my nickname is speedy, and 175 00:14:18,640 --> 00:14:23,200 Speaker 1: my talent is to run really really fast. Usually I 176 00:14:23,280 --> 00:14:26,080 Speaker 1: run into trees when I run fast, but this time 177 00:14:26,120 --> 00:14:30,840 Speaker 1: I didn't. I'm growing up. The waterfall certainly is pretty, 178 00:14:30,880 --> 00:14:35,479 Speaker 1: don't you think. Yes, this is one of my favorite 179 00:14:35,520 --> 00:14:40,720 Speaker 1: places to visit. Mmm, now that I have found you, 180 00:14:41,240 --> 00:14:44,000 Speaker 1: Bluebell asked me to let them know where we are 181 00:14:44,040 --> 00:14:47,080 Speaker 1: by sending a signal. And I don't want you to 182 00:14:47,120 --> 00:14:52,320 Speaker 1: be scared. Okay, don't worry. I'm brave and you seem 183 00:14:52,400 --> 00:14:55,840 Speaker 1: like a nice dragon, not like those silly stories the 184 00:14:55,920 --> 00:15:02,840 Speaker 1: older unicorns used to tell. There was only one kind 185 00:15:02,840 --> 00:15:05,840 Speaker 1: of signal that a dragon could send that could be 186 00:15:05,920 --> 00:15:10,640 Speaker 1: seen for a great distance. So Kaiki took a huge 187 00:15:10,840 --> 00:15:14,800 Speaker 1: breath and shot a great big ball of fire up 188 00:15:14,960 --> 00:15:19,720 Speaker 1: into the sky, which then exploded just like the fireworks 189 00:15:19,920 --> 00:15:22,120 Speaker 1: that they show at celebrations in town. 190 00:15:23,840 --> 00:15:27,040 Speaker 2: Wow, said Sparkle. That is so cool. 191 00:15:30,320 --> 00:15:35,240 Speaker 1: After a time, and just before nightfall, Sparkle's family arrived 192 00:15:35,280 --> 00:15:38,160 Speaker 1: at the waterfall to take her back to where they 193 00:15:38,200 --> 00:15:45,080 Speaker 1: would normally roam. Thank you, Kai Kai, said Bluebell, my pleasure. 194 00:15:45,960 --> 00:15:49,000 Speaker 1: You should come and play with Booboo and I sometimes 195 00:15:49,840 --> 00:15:57,280 Speaker 1: I would like that. And with that, up a bear 196 00:15:57,400 --> 00:16:01,640 Speaker 1: gave Bernice a kiss on the forehead, adjusted her blanket, 197 00:16:02,240 --> 00:16:06,480 Speaker 1: making sure that her giraffe friend Twigger was comfy, turned 198 00:16:06,480 --> 00:16:15,600 Speaker 1: off her lamp, and quietly whispered good night. And that 199 00:16:15,760 --> 00:16:17,120 Speaker 1: is the end of our story. 200 00:16:18,480 --> 00:16:45,840 Speaker 2: Good night, sleep tight. 201 00:17:00,080 --> 00:17:00,120 Speaker 1: B