00:00:01 Speaker 1: Then Jebel Show on Demand. First Day follow Up, Your first Day follow Up. I just take a drink of water and I'm coughing like crazy, dying, And now my eyes are tearing up. Not because I'm sad that Meg is on the phone and not getting a call back from a guy named Nathan, but because I took a drink of water and I'm coughing on it and Meg is on the phone because she met us for a first date follow up and apparently she met a guy named Nathan at a car wash, of all places. Meg, you met him at the car wash? Hey, yeah, were you going to bikini? I wish no. I mean, he's really really hot, Believe it or not. It was. It was the real world finally, and I was came to the car wash and I was like, Wow, this guy's just going right there and he's really hot or was he just there but he works there. Has anyone ever met a car wash attendant and wanted to date them? I don't. I don't know. Just like most of these as you're working at the car wash, they're griming. I mean he must be super hot. Oh yeah, no, he was. He was very very hot. That's why I was like, oh, I don't really date people in the car wage but he was really really hot and he clearly had his together. And I like it though, because it's like organic. I as an organic weight normally as like people meet people on tender or hint or whatever. So did you approach him? I did? It was weird. I was like, you know what, I'm lonely, like, let me just see how this goes. And and then before you approached him, did he notice you at all? He did? Oh, he did. He was kind of like giving me the eyes a little bit, and I was like, okay, maybe this was it, you know. So I started talking and then he got my number and we went on a date. Where did you go? What'd you do? Who would you see? How did it go? Well? We just we went to the park and then we just like had coffee and chatted for a bit and the and then like the intent was to go to dinner afterwards, you know, the intent? Yeah, what do you mean the intent? Did you not go to dinner? Oh no, we didn't just send it up at my place? Oh heck, you put dessert before dinner. You were going to go to dinner? And then it was like no, let's just go back to your house first, and no, no, but yeah, he was just so charming and I really I really like him, Like I'm not a love or anything like that, but he's just so nice. How how long before you guys went on your date after you met him? Like two hours? Oh? Two hours? Day? Yeah? Yeah, okay, so you guys went to your house and how did that go? I don't know. I didn't clean up my house at all, Like it was kind of a mess, but I didn't think anybody was going to come back. So you think that that because your house was messy is the reason why he might not be calling you back? Yeah, I mean I don't know, that's what I'm thinking. I mean, he's a guy, so he can I know, and guys typically don't care he cleans. There are some guys who are very particular, which I appreciate. All right, So you think he might not be calling you back because of your house? Is there that's the only thing you can think of? Yeah, I mean, like, listen, I didn't think the physical attraction was a problem at all, and I mean he did, like he did say a comment about my underwear and what kind of where were you wearing just not the most cutest underwear in the world. But he wasn't really stoked about that. But there's a laundry day, you know, like I don't know, you had on the highwaisted granny panties cotton, probably, I mean sort of, yeah, I mean there are some sort of I mean you you get out of like two pairs of underwear or panties or whatever you want to call them. I don't wear them, so I don't know what to call them. And they're like not the cutest I mean, I don't think he I can't imagine him caring about that. No, probably not. I mean unless he thinks that you wear them all the time. Yeah, that would be weird day. Did you tell them that it was laundry day? No? No, no, no, I mean I did. I said that. Okay, okay, I'm just embarrassed. But other than that, I mean I didn't. I think it went really great, Like it was amazing from my standpoint. I don't know how long has it been since you've seen him, Um, it's been like a week, I would say a week. And has he texted you at all after that? Or nothing? You've or no? Now, all right, Well, I was curious as to why to what's happened? Yeah, all right, well we'll play a song, come back and then call him. We get your first day followable. Okay, okay, all right, we do next. It's a viewer show. Oh I'm self contact about my underwear. Why I've got cotton grandy panties on today? No, you don't, because I buy your underwear and I've never bought any of those and I've never seen them. Also, i'm your wife and I shouldn't know that in case you don't know, because you don't know. That's why Alex buyse my. But also you know something that I did notice with you is you used to go commando like me, but now you actually wear underwear every single day because then you're laundring. I didn't realize that, but it's been like that. It doesn't have to do it the lodg. It doesn't have to do Then I can't. We can't. I'll get into it off the air one. Okay, that sounds discussed. I'm sad for you. Why you have to work to wear It's so sad for some reason. I well, no, I like going commando, but then at a certain point I don't know. I just started wearing underwear, and then I noticed something about myself that I don't want to get into right now because it's the first date. What skid moks no, no, I had. I have three things in my head, but we're not going to go over them right now. Look, Okay, sometimes when you get older, certain things sag a little more. And it's nice to have support. Okay, I like the support doesn't know about No, I haven't just wait, I didn't even dropped yet. Yeah, you're gonna wear underwear and you're gonna be like, oh, this is nice, this is okay. He's still hanging on with his mom. Yeah, everything's everything's in place, everything right, So it's really nice anyway, on the phone, I said that because on the phone with us is Meg and she's not getting a call back from a dude named Nathan. They actually met at the car wash. She was getting her car washed. He was a car washed attendant. She thought he was hot, he thought she was hot. They exchanged numbers, went out to coffee, had full intention of going to get some dinner, but dinner didn't happen. They just went back to her place and then yeah, exactly, and so uh and then after that he hasn't called her back. She thinks the two reasons that he might not be calling back are one her place was dirty, the other one it was laundry day and she wasn't wearing the best underwear. Um, all right, Meg, anything else you want to say before we call him, Let's just let's find out. I'm like nervous. Okay, I'm gonna dial his phone number right now. We'll do our best. Hello him, speak to Nathan. Please. Yeah, this is the this Nate, Nate, how are you? This is the Jewel Show. My name is Jebel, my name is Alex, my name is Evan, and the Jewel Shows a radio program showgram program. Yeah of course, yeah, yeah, oh you have Oh okay, okay, cool. Do you listen to the show from time to time. It's curious why you're calling me though. This is the first day follow up. So you went out on a day with someone and now you're not calling them back, and then they emailed us to get you on the phone and ask why Sarah about Sarah? Sarah? I know this is not about Sarah. The thing is I haven't I didn't text Sarah back in a few days. Okay, hold on, wait, Nathan, let's think about other options. Anyone else come to mind. She's the girl I'm sort of seeing. I really like her, sort of seeing her. So you and Sarah together. I met her last week and we really hit it off, and you know, it's like it's just casual to moment. But then you stopped calling her. I felt like, get the flowing her off. We've been in contact, right, Okay, you just forgot to cool heap? Okay, Well, can I tell you that it's not about Sarah? Yeah, which should Why were you? Oh this Meg? This is about Meg. It's about Okay. Meg's a girl I want a date with. Look listen, we we hooked up unexpectedly, all right, and you know I wasn't going to turn it down. You know what I'm saying. She seemed like a nice girl. Oh you just used her? Well? Oh my god. I mean I went to cough would be hooked up. It was just like in the afternoon. But I had a dinner date with Sarah that well. I mean, I Meg was like a hook up those totally unplanned, but I just didn't know. I just liked her. What I can't believe it what's what's what's what is that? Just what's going on? Yeah? I really I didn't. I did not see this coming Meg. Yes, yeah that is Meg. Meg's actually on the phone listening. I wanted to talk to you. Yeah, I'm so sorry Meg. I oh my god, I can't believe it. Oh God, I toldly forgot she was on the phone. Yeah, well you were thinking about to say that's understandable. Yeah, wow, I'm sorry Meg. You know, I just didn't know what to say. I figured all you have to say he's like, hey, I'm not interested in just move on, you know, well I have another woman. It's it's easy to like just send a text to somebody so they're not wondering because you don't owe anything else, you know. I mean, honestly, you could have said something. You could have texted. You could have just been like, hey, like it's I'm sorry I met somebody. I don't know. I would have understood, like this is so I don't even know. Well, I mean honestly, I figured you probably just said other dates and guys are lined up for I know, why would you think that, Uh, because we hooked up in like a minute, So I sort of assumed you're sort of a get around and you wouldn't even be thinking about well, I mean, that is so mean. Why would you just because I wanted to because I'm not seeing someone right now and I want to hook up that I'm immediately a whole Yeah, come on, dudes, do it all Yeah, that's yeah, I'm saying, like, hey, man, even if a guy does that, like, still the same thing. Like obviously if you meet a I was gonna say gas station attendant, but let's go a gas station again, sir. If I'm at a gas station attendant and I hooked up with him right there in the gas station, they might be thinking, like this dude hooks up with gas station attendants all the time. And that's the past. I don't talk about it anymore. But anyway, it's I mean, that's what happened. So I can understand how you would think, like, you're probably dating other people too. I could see that also doesn't mean that, Yeah, it doesn't mean that you get around a lot. It means that she wanted to get around with you. All right, Well, look my bad, you know, I mean, you know, I I honestly I thought you were a nice guy. I was. I'm honestly shocked right now, like even with you saying that, that is just wow. Okay, well let's see because you know he's not with Sarah. So, Nathan, would you like to go with Meg again on another date? We'll pay for it? Absolutely not. I was, Yeah, you wish, that's Nathan, Meg. No, I know that you were, but I'm saying no, absolutely, that's how the table's turn. Yeah, she's going off the idea now all right, Nathan, Well, I'm sorry you didn't get another date, even though I don't think you want to one. And Meg, I'm sorry that. Um Nathan was, Yeah, Nathan seeing Sarah now I guess. Yeah, well, if it doesn't work out with Sarah, maybe we could go into take that. No, probably not, Oh my god. Yeah, okay you wish you know what? I did find some of your friends on Instagram. Maybe i'll sample his friend group house one. Yeah, there's the there's the there, there's that doesn't sleep around part right? Oh okay, yeah, just never with you again, that's true. God with Sarah The Jebel Show on demand