1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:14,480 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,600 --> 00:00:19,640 Speaker 1: to say a happy belated birthday to Delilah Peanut Travis 3 00:00:20,239 --> 00:00:26,680 Speaker 1: who turned eight on September fifth. Happy birthday to Gabriella 4 00:00:26,800 --> 00:00:31,640 Speaker 1: from Sydney, Australia who is turning seven on September twelfth. 5 00:00:33,560 --> 00:00:37,960 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Irene who has a birthday on September thirteenth. 6 00:00:40,280 --> 00:00:45,320 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Charlotte from Gainesville, Florida who turns nine 7 00:00:45,520 --> 00:00:52,680 Speaker 1: on September thirteenth. Happy birthday to Grayson Gaines who is 8 00:00:52,760 --> 00:00:59,640 Speaker 1: turning one on September thirteenth. Happy birthday to Wesley from 9 00:00:59,720 --> 00:01:05,920 Speaker 1: Gayes Meansville, Florida who is turning twelve on September fourteenth. 10 00:01:06,280 --> 00:01:12,920 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Naomi who was turning five on September fourteenth. 11 00:01:13,280 --> 00:01:17,360 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Carter Mays who is turning six on 12 00:01:17,440 --> 00:01:26,600 Speaker 1: September fifteenth. Happy birthday to Frankie from sant Anselmo, California 13 00:01:27,040 --> 00:01:33,200 Speaker 1: who is turning six on September sixteenth, And happy birthday 14 00:01:33,280 --> 00:01:37,560 Speaker 1: to Avy Winter Tour from Switzerland who has a birthday 15 00:01:37,800 --> 00:01:43,280 Speaker 1: in late September. Happy birthday to you all. I hope 16 00:01:43,280 --> 00:01:48,320 Speaker 1: you have a wonderful day shout outs and birthday wishes 17 00:01:48,360 --> 00:01:52,200 Speaker 1: are one way we give thanks to our supporters. If 18 00:01:52,240 --> 00:01:55,240 Speaker 1: you would like to support us and receive more bedtime 19 00:01:55,400 --> 00:01:59,840 Speaker 1: entertainment like this, all add free, please visit our support 20 00:02:00,720 --> 00:02:03,920 Speaker 1: at sleep tightstories dot org slash support. 21 00:02:05,080 --> 00:02:05,520 Speaker 2: Thank you. 22 00:02:08,040 --> 00:02:12,480 Speaker 1: This is the second part of The Magical Book of Dreams. 23 00:02:14,080 --> 00:02:17,120 Speaker 1: In the first part, Esther took a walk on the 24 00:02:17,240 --> 00:02:20,280 Speaker 1: right side of the fork on her way home from 25 00:02:20,320 --> 00:02:24,400 Speaker 1: school and came to a clearing where she found something. 26 00:02:26,440 --> 00:02:30,480 Speaker 1: Esther ate some berries and carried home a locked book 27 00:02:30,680 --> 00:02:32,200 Speaker 1: that she found in the clearing. 28 00:02:33,880 --> 00:02:36,799 Speaker 2: She can't wait to open the book and see what. 29 00:02:37,040 --> 00:02:41,440 Speaker 1: Is inside, but she doesn't have a key to open it. 30 00:02:43,360 --> 00:02:47,320 Speaker 1: Esther searches around her room to find something to help 31 00:02:47,400 --> 00:02:52,560 Speaker 1: her get the book open. She finally finds a hammer, 32 00:02:52,720 --> 00:02:56,160 Speaker 1: and just as she gets the book open, her candle 33 00:02:56,280 --> 00:03:03,760 Speaker 1: goes out and it's too dark to see The Magical 34 00:03:03,840 --> 00:03:09,840 Speaker 1: Book of Dreams Part two. It took Esther a long 35 00:03:10,040 --> 00:03:14,040 Speaker 1: time to get to sleep that night. Not getting to 36 00:03:14,120 --> 00:03:17,800 Speaker 1: see what was printed in the book was disappointing, but 37 00:03:17,960 --> 00:03:20,320 Speaker 1: not the cause of her difficulty sleeping. 38 00:03:21,840 --> 00:03:24,280 Speaker 2: She just could not stop. 39 00:03:23,960 --> 00:03:30,520 Speaker 1: Thinking about what information or stories might be contained within it. 40 00:03:30,600 --> 00:03:36,280 Speaker 1: Was exciting. Perhaps it contained maps to the world beyond, 41 00:03:37,200 --> 00:03:41,240 Speaker 1: or a book of secret potions or stories of the 42 00:03:41,320 --> 00:03:46,720 Speaker 1: world outside her village. Or maybe it would tell her 43 00:03:46,720 --> 00:03:50,800 Speaker 1: what happened to all the travelers that left to explore 44 00:03:50,840 --> 00:03:56,640 Speaker 1: the other world but did not return, including her father. 45 00:04:00,240 --> 00:04:04,280 Speaker 1: Her mornings were always busy, so when she woke up 46 00:04:04,320 --> 00:04:07,920 Speaker 1: that morning, she stuffed the large book into her bag 47 00:04:08,320 --> 00:04:12,360 Speaker 1: to take to school with her. She should tell her 48 00:04:12,400 --> 00:04:15,680 Speaker 1: mother about what she found, but she wanted to read 49 00:04:15,800 --> 00:04:17,120 Speaker 1: some of it first. 50 00:04:19,120 --> 00:04:19,360 Speaker 2: Time. 51 00:04:19,400 --> 00:04:22,400 Speaker 1: To get up, squirt, Esther said to her little brother, 52 00:04:23,000 --> 00:04:27,000 Speaker 1: you are off to junior school today. Can I use 53 00:04:27,040 --> 00:04:31,080 Speaker 1: the washbasin first? He asked, Only if you can race 54 00:04:31,120 --> 00:04:40,560 Speaker 1: me to it, Esther replied she let him win. After 55 00:04:40,600 --> 00:04:43,520 Speaker 1: they washed up and put on some clean clothes for 56 00:04:43,640 --> 00:04:46,800 Speaker 1: the day, they joined their mother in the kitchen, where 57 00:04:46,839 --> 00:04:52,800 Speaker 1: she was already preparing breakfast. You looked tired this morning, 58 00:04:53,000 --> 00:04:57,760 Speaker 1: Esther didn't sleep well, her mother asked, I slept okay, 59 00:04:58,200 --> 00:05:02,200 Speaker 1: It just took me a while to get to sleep well. 60 00:05:02,240 --> 00:05:04,640 Speaker 1: Try to get to bed a bit earlier tonight, and 61 00:05:04,680 --> 00:05:08,440 Speaker 1: you should be right as rain tomorrow. Help me pour 62 00:05:08,480 --> 00:05:13,279 Speaker 1: some of this hot goat's milk for your brother. Hot 63 00:05:13,320 --> 00:05:17,960 Speaker 1: milk was one of their favorite morning drinks. Do you 64 00:05:18,040 --> 00:05:20,280 Speaker 1: need any help preparing the rest of breakfast? 65 00:05:20,279 --> 00:05:20,520 Speaker 2: Mother? 66 00:05:22,200 --> 00:05:24,480 Speaker 1: Esther felt a bit guilty that her mother had to 67 00:05:24,520 --> 00:05:28,400 Speaker 1: do it all herself. Thank you, dear, but it's an 68 00:05:28,520 --> 00:05:32,800 Speaker 1: easy breakfast this morning. Our neighbor Kira dropped off some 69 00:05:33,000 --> 00:05:36,080 Speaker 1: hard bread and cheese last night, which should be. 70 00:05:36,080 --> 00:05:37,640 Speaker 2: Enough for you and your little brother. 71 00:05:38,880 --> 00:05:41,359 Speaker 1: Why don't you grab some of that gooseberry jam in 72 00:05:41,440 --> 00:05:45,920 Speaker 1: the cupboard to add to your bread and cheese. Here 73 00:05:46,320 --> 00:05:49,880 Speaker 1: have some jam, squirt, Esther said, as she poured a 74 00:05:49,920 --> 00:05:55,359 Speaker 1: spoonful of jam on her brother's crunchy bread. Eat quickly, 75 00:05:55,440 --> 00:06:01,880 Speaker 1: you two. You don't want to be late for school, School, school, school. 76 00:06:02,640 --> 00:06:05,400 Speaker 1: Can't I just spend the day working around the house? 77 00:06:06,680 --> 00:06:11,279 Speaker 1: You mean playing around the house, Esther said. Let's not 78 00:06:11,520 --> 00:06:15,720 Speaker 1: argue about the importance of school this morning. I won't 79 00:06:15,760 --> 00:06:19,560 Speaker 1: stand having anyone under my roof that doesn't have at 80 00:06:19,640 --> 00:06:24,279 Speaker 1: least a basic understanding of the world, Esther's mother said, 81 00:06:24,320 --> 00:06:28,560 Speaker 1: with a bit of frustration. Eat your breakfast, squirt. We 82 00:06:28,640 --> 00:06:32,920 Speaker 1: have to leave soon. Esther said quietly to interrupt her 83 00:06:32,920 --> 00:06:36,640 Speaker 1: brother from saying what he usually says in these discussions. 84 00:06:41,520 --> 00:06:46,520 Speaker 1: The school day seemed to drag on and on. It 85 00:06:46,600 --> 00:06:51,840 Speaker 1: was agonizingly slow. Will this day ever end? 86 00:06:52,400 --> 00:06:53,040 Speaker 2: Esther thought? 87 00:06:53,680 --> 00:06:57,520 Speaker 1: She wanted desperately to find a place where she could 88 00:06:57,560 --> 00:06:59,760 Speaker 1: sit undisturbed. 89 00:06:59,080 --> 00:07:01,640 Speaker 2: To read the book that lay in her school bag. 90 00:07:04,680 --> 00:07:08,880 Speaker 1: Esther was a good student, but she was prone to daydreaming, 91 00:07:09,720 --> 00:07:14,200 Speaker 1: always looking out the window, thinking of what existed outside 92 00:07:14,240 --> 00:07:19,560 Speaker 1: the confines of their village. Most of her classmates were different, 93 00:07:19,960 --> 00:07:25,440 Speaker 1: her close friends too. Shirewood was a safe place with 94 00:07:25,640 --> 00:07:31,120 Speaker 1: all that everyone ever needed. Other than some slow growth, 95 00:07:31,400 --> 00:07:37,280 Speaker 1: it had remained largely unchanged for hundreds of years. People 96 00:07:37,560 --> 00:07:41,680 Speaker 1: liked it that way, and stories from the mystical forests 97 00:07:41,680 --> 00:07:47,680 Speaker 1: and beyond were met with amazement. Amazement that anyone would 98 00:07:47,760 --> 00:07:50,600 Speaker 1: want to live in a place that had so many 99 00:07:50,800 --> 00:07:58,280 Speaker 1: moving about so quickly. Finally, the end of the school 100 00:07:58,360 --> 00:08:01,400 Speaker 1: day came. Quickly got up. 101 00:08:01,280 --> 00:08:04,960 Speaker 2: To race out the door. This was the day that she. 102 00:08:05,000 --> 00:08:08,280 Speaker 1: Often met Dobby and Winkie after school to hang out 103 00:08:08,320 --> 00:08:12,000 Speaker 1: and joke around. But she wanted to race out of 104 00:08:12,040 --> 00:08:15,520 Speaker 1: the schoolhouse before they saw her so that she wouldn't 105 00:08:15,560 --> 00:08:19,840 Speaker 1: have to explain where she was going. She wanted time 106 00:08:20,040 --> 00:08:23,720 Speaker 1: to start reading her book, and they would want to 107 00:08:23,760 --> 00:08:27,320 Speaker 1: hand the book over to the headmaster before she had 108 00:08:27,320 --> 00:08:32,920 Speaker 1: a chance to look at it first. Esther called the 109 00:08:32,960 --> 00:08:38,600 Speaker 1: headmaster as she was quickly leaving the classroom. Oh please 110 00:08:38,720 --> 00:08:43,479 Speaker 1: don't make me stay after class today, Esther thought, Yes, Headmaster, 111 00:08:45,160 --> 00:08:47,800 Speaker 1: you forgot to bring samples of the plants you grew 112 00:08:47,840 --> 00:08:52,240 Speaker 1: over the summer. Don't forget to bring them tomorrow. You 113 00:08:52,360 --> 00:08:55,760 Speaker 1: have a reputation for being a good gardener and we 114 00:08:55,800 --> 00:09:01,640 Speaker 1: would all love to see your results. I'm very sorry, Headmaster, 115 00:09:02,200 --> 00:09:03,720 Speaker 1: I won't forget to bring them. 116 00:09:03,600 --> 00:09:04,560 Speaker 2: To school tomorrow. 117 00:09:05,960 --> 00:09:09,760 Speaker 1: Good off you go, then, the headmaster said, as she 118 00:09:09,920 --> 00:09:16,360 Speaker 1: herself packed up for the day. Esther raced out of 119 00:09:16,400 --> 00:09:20,080 Speaker 1: the school just before her friends and ran along the 120 00:09:20,160 --> 00:09:24,600 Speaker 1: path to her home. Once she was clear of the school, 121 00:09:24,920 --> 00:09:30,160 Speaker 1: she slowed down and walked. If the villagers saw her running, 122 00:09:30,440 --> 00:09:34,320 Speaker 1: they would ask her questions out of concern, and Esther 123 00:09:34,440 --> 00:09:39,719 Speaker 1: couldn't run much more anyways. Wow, I should put more 124 00:09:39,720 --> 00:09:44,600 Speaker 1: effort into running. I'm out of breath, she said out loud, panting. 125 00:09:46,880 --> 00:09:50,320 Speaker 1: The most private place she knew in the village was 126 00:09:50,360 --> 00:09:54,200 Speaker 1: the place where she had found the book, the resting 127 00:09:54,280 --> 00:09:59,400 Speaker 1: area with all the stone benches. As she came to 128 00:09:59,520 --> 00:10:02,760 Speaker 1: that scene, fork in the path. After a short walk, 129 00:10:03,440 --> 00:10:08,680 Speaker 1: she hesitated, but continued on the right, walking along the 130 00:10:08,840 --> 00:10:11,720 Speaker 1: unused route until she came to the clearing. 131 00:10:15,240 --> 00:10:16,440 Speaker 2: Looking again at. 132 00:10:16,280 --> 00:10:19,040 Speaker 1: The sun in the sky, she said to herself, I 133 00:10:19,120 --> 00:10:21,840 Speaker 1: don't have much time before I must leave for home. 134 00:10:25,040 --> 00:10:29,319 Speaker 1: She carefully opened the book to reveal a loose, handwritten 135 00:10:29,400 --> 00:10:34,360 Speaker 1: note that fell to the ground. The first page after 136 00:10:34,640 --> 00:10:38,680 Speaker 1: was a beautiful color sketch of a castle at the 137 00:10:38,920 --> 00:10:43,160 Speaker 1: edge of a forest. I wonder if this is one 138 00:10:43,200 --> 00:10:45,880 Speaker 1: of the many castles near the mystical forests. 139 00:10:45,920 --> 00:10:50,040 Speaker 2: She thought. She was eager to continue. 140 00:10:49,880 --> 00:10:52,520 Speaker 1: But she first picked up the paper that fell to 141 00:10:52,640 --> 00:10:57,439 Speaker 1: the ground. It was filled with writing in a script 142 00:10:57,520 --> 00:11:03,280 Speaker 1: that was hard for her to understand. She started by 143 00:11:03,360 --> 00:11:07,560 Speaker 1: reading aloud. This forced her to slow down, which she 144 00:11:07,679 --> 00:11:12,120 Speaker 1: thought might help her understand the words easier. At least 145 00:11:12,120 --> 00:11:14,800 Speaker 1: it did when she had to read those hard texts 146 00:11:14,960 --> 00:11:20,160 Speaker 1: her headmaster gave her to read. My name is Gimbal 147 00:11:20,559 --> 00:11:24,320 Speaker 1: and I am from an island called Isle Dore, far 148 00:11:24,440 --> 00:11:28,160 Speaker 1: off the coast from the fishing villages of the Kingdom. 149 00:11:28,920 --> 00:11:32,320 Speaker 1: If you are reading this, I have either given you 150 00:11:32,440 --> 00:11:35,959 Speaker 1: this book as a gift, or it has been lost, 151 00:11:37,000 --> 00:11:40,880 Speaker 1: or I have had the misfortune of falling into a 152 00:11:41,000 --> 00:11:44,800 Speaker 1: state that won't allow me to continue carrying it on 153 00:11:45,040 --> 00:11:50,240 Speaker 1: my way. At the point of this writing, I have 154 00:11:50,320 --> 00:11:54,080 Speaker 1: been traveling for what must be at least five turns 155 00:11:54,120 --> 00:11:54,920 Speaker 1: around the sun. 156 00:11:56,559 --> 00:11:57,520 Speaker 2: It has been a. 157 00:11:57,640 --> 00:12:03,720 Speaker 1: Wonderful time, full of adventures, sometimes hardships, and the good 158 00:12:03,800 --> 00:12:08,000 Speaker 1: fortune of seeing the wonderful beings that inhabit all of 159 00:12:08,040 --> 00:12:14,240 Speaker 1: the Greater Kingdom. The Kingdom is a beautiful and magical place. 160 00:12:17,040 --> 00:12:20,240 Speaker 1: From the start of my journeys, I have kept a diary, 161 00:12:20,840 --> 00:12:25,040 Speaker 1: a collection of my own stories and the stories of others, 162 00:12:26,800 --> 00:12:30,920 Speaker 1: a collection of the dreams of travelers of all kinds, 163 00:12:31,920 --> 00:12:35,400 Speaker 1: travelers who wish to see all of the Kingdom and 164 00:12:35,520 --> 00:12:42,079 Speaker 1: the mysterious world beyond. I call this book my Book 165 00:12:42,240 --> 00:12:46,400 Speaker 1: of Dreams, as the travelers I have met, though different 166 00:12:46,480 --> 00:12:51,720 Speaker 1: they may look, all share the same dream, the dream 167 00:12:51,800 --> 00:12:55,360 Speaker 1: of exploring the world and meeting those who live in it. 168 00:12:56,960 --> 00:13:01,679 Speaker 1: I wrote this so that their experiences, along with my own, 169 00:13:02,240 --> 00:13:05,920 Speaker 1: will not be lost, and as a record of my 170 00:13:06,120 --> 00:13:12,680 Speaker 1: time away from my home. To you, dear reader, I 171 00:13:12,800 --> 00:13:17,320 Speaker 1: ask that you forgive my script. I'm afraid my studies 172 00:13:17,360 --> 00:13:20,800 Speaker 1: on Isle Dore were far too short, and I spent 173 00:13:20,960 --> 00:13:24,600 Speaker 1: most of my time thinking of things other than my studies. 174 00:13:26,160 --> 00:13:33,520 Speaker 1: Yours an adventure Gimbal of isle Dore. Turning the paper over, 175 00:13:33,760 --> 00:13:37,840 Speaker 1: she saw the author's signature and a date from over 176 00:13:37,920 --> 00:13:43,760 Speaker 1: a hundred years past. Esther's heart sank. 177 00:13:44,880 --> 00:13:45,480 Speaker 2: Deep down. 178 00:13:45,559 --> 00:13:48,280 Speaker 1: She had hoped that the book would contain news of 179 00:13:48,320 --> 00:13:52,079 Speaker 1: her father, no matter how far fetched that may be. 180 00:13:53,800 --> 00:13:56,320 Speaker 1: But if this book is from the same time as 181 00:13:56,400 --> 00:14:00,400 Speaker 1: the note, then it came far far before her father 182 00:14:00,720 --> 00:14:07,240 Speaker 1: left on his adventure. Setting the paper back inside the book, 183 00:14:07,640 --> 00:14:11,360 Speaker 1: she carefully leafed through all the pages to see a 184 00:14:11,520 --> 00:14:16,600 Speaker 1: vulminous amount of text and sketches that, over time seemed 185 00:14:16,600 --> 00:14:23,720 Speaker 1: to improve in quality and clarity. The sketch of the 186 00:14:23,760 --> 00:14:27,120 Speaker 1: castle at the front caught her eye, and the caption 187 00:14:27,360 --> 00:14:30,440 Speaker 1: read white Castle at the edge. 188 00:14:30,240 --> 00:14:31,600 Speaker 2: Of the Mystical Forest. 189 00:14:34,120 --> 00:14:37,760 Speaker 1: The white castle's four round towers had flags at the 190 00:14:37,800 --> 00:14:43,600 Speaker 1: top and small slit like windows with colored glass. It 191 00:14:43,720 --> 00:14:47,240 Speaker 1: was all barely visible a top of the forest from 192 00:14:47,280 --> 00:14:51,640 Speaker 1: where the sketch was made. The white of the castle, 193 00:14:52,000 --> 00:14:55,960 Speaker 1: the green of the trees, and the colorful flowers were 194 00:14:56,240 --> 00:14:59,840 Speaker 1: just as Esther had imagined it whenever she had been 195 00:15:00,080 --> 00:15:06,920 Speaker 1: told stories of the Mystical Forest and the Kingdom. Esther 196 00:15:07,120 --> 00:15:10,400 Speaker 1: turned the page to read the first entry, but she 197 00:15:10,520 --> 00:15:13,960 Speaker 1: looked at the sun and realized that it was time 198 00:15:14,000 --> 00:15:18,600 Speaker 1: to go. Her mother would be expecting her, and she 199 00:15:18,640 --> 00:15:23,000 Speaker 1: didn't want her to worry. Perhaps she would find time 200 00:15:23,040 --> 00:15:28,840 Speaker 1: tonight or tomorrow to read the next page. 201 00:15:27,360 --> 00:15:28,440 Speaker 2: Before she left. 202 00:15:28,640 --> 00:15:32,000 Speaker 1: Her stomach made noises that told her that some more 203 00:15:32,040 --> 00:15:38,000 Speaker 1: of those delicious berries would taste great again. She picked 204 00:15:38,000 --> 00:15:41,800 Speaker 1: a handful, ate a few and carried the rest to 205 00:15:41,880 --> 00:15:45,480 Speaker 1: eat as she walked along the stone side path the home. 206 00:15:48,680 --> 00:15:52,080 Speaker 1: Arriving at home, her mother was busy cleaning some of 207 00:15:52,120 --> 00:15:56,840 Speaker 1: the animals before putting them back in their pens. Esther 208 00:15:57,000 --> 00:15:59,280 Speaker 1: went into the house and dropped her bag with the 209 00:15:59,320 --> 00:16:02,400 Speaker 1: book in it in her room before coming out to 210 00:16:02,440 --> 00:16:08,880 Speaker 1: help her mother. How was school today, her mother asked, Ah, 211 00:16:09,120 --> 00:16:13,760 Speaker 1: was nothing exciting, just the headmaster droning on and on 212 00:16:13,960 --> 00:16:19,440 Speaker 1: and on. Esther replied, you do so well in school, Esther, 213 00:16:20,160 --> 00:16:25,360 Speaker 1: you should be more enthusiastic about your studies. I have 214 00:16:25,480 --> 00:16:27,880 Speaker 1: to bring in some samples of the plants in our 215 00:16:27,920 --> 00:16:31,200 Speaker 1: garden tomorrow. That will at least make for a more 216 00:16:31,200 --> 00:16:35,640 Speaker 1: interesting class. The rest has not been at all interesting. 217 00:16:37,720 --> 00:16:41,040 Speaker 1: You love to grow things, but there are other things 218 00:16:41,080 --> 00:16:44,480 Speaker 1: you can do with your mind other than staring out 219 00:16:44,480 --> 00:16:48,920 Speaker 1: the window at school, her mother said, did the headmaster 220 00:16:49,040 --> 00:16:54,720 Speaker 1: send a note home? Esther asked, somewhat alarmed. No, but 221 00:16:54,840 --> 00:16:59,040 Speaker 1: I am your mother and I know you. Well go 222 00:16:59,160 --> 00:17:01,680 Speaker 1: into the house and wash your hands so you can 223 00:17:01,720 --> 00:17:07,040 Speaker 1: help set the table. I'll finish up here, okay, mother, 224 00:17:08,680 --> 00:17:13,960 Speaker 1: and wash your face, her mother yelled as Esther walked away. 225 00:17:14,960 --> 00:17:18,720 Speaker 1: She had noticed the berry juice around Esther's face again. 226 00:17:24,119 --> 00:17:51,840 Speaker 1: And that's the end of this part. Good night, sleep tight.