1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:16,439 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Clark and 2 00:00:16,520 --> 00:00:19,079 Speaker 1: I would like to say a special thank you to 3 00:00:19,239 --> 00:00:27,720 Speaker 1: will Allie, Kathy and Andy for your generous donation. I 4 00:00:27,760 --> 00:00:31,159 Speaker 1: will be giving shout outs on a special episode for 5 00:00:31,280 --> 00:00:37,480 Speaker 1: those of you who have kindly filled out our survey. 6 00:00:38,400 --> 00:00:42,120 Speaker 1: This is our third episode with Tinkle the trick Pony. 7 00:00:43,479 --> 00:00:46,560 Speaker 1: If you have missed the last two, you might want 8 00:00:46,600 --> 00:00:53,120 Speaker 1: to go back and listen to them. Tinkle is still 9 00:00:53,159 --> 00:00:56,800 Speaker 1: stuck in the swamp, and now his father and some 10 00:00:56,880 --> 00:01:00,840 Speaker 1: of his friends are stuck as well. From when they 11 00:01:00,960 --> 00:01:07,400 Speaker 1: went to try and rescue Tinkle, dapple Gray was the 12 00:01:07,440 --> 00:01:11,080 Speaker 1: only one who didn't get stuck, so he is going 13 00:01:11,160 --> 00:01:17,280 Speaker 1: to get the man to see if he can help 14 00:01:19,920 --> 00:01:27,440 Speaker 1: Tinkle and George dapple Gray, running toward the hole which 15 00:01:27,480 --> 00:01:31,400 Speaker 1: the horses has made by pushing against the fence, met 16 00:01:31,440 --> 00:01:36,800 Speaker 1: Tinkle's mother going into the swamp. Oh my dear lady, 17 00:01:37,240 --> 00:01:41,119 Speaker 1: exclaimed the old fire horse. You mustn't go in there. 18 00:01:41,480 --> 00:01:48,280 Speaker 1: You really must not, why, asked Tinkle's mother. Oh, I'm 19 00:01:48,440 --> 00:01:52,520 Speaker 1: sure something dreadful has happened. Tell me what it is 20 00:01:52,520 --> 00:02:00,080 Speaker 1: is Tinkle is Tinkle and she could not ask anymore now, No, 21 00:02:00,200 --> 00:02:03,160 Speaker 1: it isn't as bad as you think, said Dapple Gray. 22 00:02:04,040 --> 00:02:07,000 Speaker 1: Horses and ponies have been caught in the swamp before. 23 00:02:07,960 --> 00:02:11,639 Speaker 1: I remember when I was a young cold. I. Oh, 24 00:02:12,280 --> 00:02:18,080 Speaker 1: is my little Tinkle caught in the bog, asked his mother. Yes, 25 00:02:19,120 --> 00:02:22,480 Speaker 1: I am sorry to say he is, and so are 26 00:02:22,520 --> 00:02:27,640 Speaker 1: some of the other ponies and horses, Tinkle's father among them, 27 00:02:28,320 --> 00:02:33,519 Speaker 1: said dapple Gray. But don't be worried. All they have 28 00:02:33,600 --> 00:02:36,519 Speaker 1: to do will be to stay there until we get 29 00:02:36,560 --> 00:02:41,440 Speaker 1: the man to come with ropes and pull them out. 30 00:02:41,919 --> 00:02:44,720 Speaker 1: They won't be a bit the worse for the adventure 31 00:02:44,840 --> 00:02:49,280 Speaker 1: after they wash the mud off. Now, please don't go 32 00:02:49,440 --> 00:02:53,400 Speaker 1: in there, my dear lady, or you might get stuck too. 33 00:02:53,480 --> 00:02:59,200 Speaker 1: And goodness knows, there is trouble enough. Oh, I am 34 00:02:59,400 --> 00:03:03,480 Speaker 1: so sorry, Glory Tinkle made trouble, exclaimed his mother. He 35 00:03:03,639 --> 00:03:08,200 Speaker 1: is usually such a good little pony. Oh well, boys 36 00:03:08,240 --> 00:03:13,359 Speaker 1: will be boys, exclaimed dapple Gray. Or he said something 37 00:03:13,520 --> 00:03:16,880 Speaker 1: like that which meant the same thing. And you all 38 00:03:16,919 --> 00:03:21,160 Speaker 1: know how frisky colts are, always kicking up their heels 39 00:03:21,680 --> 00:03:27,800 Speaker 1: and never knowing where they are going to land. Of course, 40 00:03:27,840 --> 00:03:31,400 Speaker 1: Tinkle didn't do exactly right, and running away and making 41 00:03:31,440 --> 00:03:36,040 Speaker 1: this trouble, said dapple Gray in a kind voice. But 42 00:03:36,200 --> 00:03:38,560 Speaker 1: then it will be a lesson to him and he 43 00:03:38,640 --> 00:03:43,920 Speaker 1: won't do it again. I'm sure I should think once 44 00:03:44,000 --> 00:03:47,800 Speaker 1: would be enough, sighed his mother. But are you sure 45 00:03:47,840 --> 00:03:53,560 Speaker 1: I cannot do anything to help? Not in there, said 46 00:03:53,640 --> 00:03:57,480 Speaker 1: dapple Gray, nodding his head toward the swamp. But you 47 00:03:57,600 --> 00:04:00,640 Speaker 1: can come with me if you like. I go to 48 00:04:00,720 --> 00:04:03,480 Speaker 1: get the man to help pull Tinkle and the others 49 00:04:03,520 --> 00:04:09,280 Speaker 1: out of the swamp. Yes, I'll do that, Winnie Tinkle's mother, 50 00:04:10,640 --> 00:04:14,720 Speaker 1: so she and dapple Gray ran back to the green meadow. 51 00:04:23,040 --> 00:04:26,640 Speaker 1: What is it? What is it? Asked all the other 52 00:04:26,760 --> 00:04:29,560 Speaker 1: animals that were waiting by the hole in the fence. 53 00:04:31,000 --> 00:04:33,440 Speaker 1: These were the horses and the ponies who had not 54 00:04:33,960 --> 00:04:39,839 Speaker 1: gone into the swamp. Dapple Gray quickly told them of 55 00:04:39,920 --> 00:04:44,799 Speaker 1: the trouble. At the same time, he said, don't any 56 00:04:44,880 --> 00:04:49,440 Speaker 1: of you go in there. The ground is too soft now, 57 00:04:49,920 --> 00:04:52,640 Speaker 1: and if a lot of you trample on it, that 58 00:04:52,800 --> 00:04:56,520 Speaker 1: will make it so much softer, and the man and 59 00:04:56,560 --> 00:04:59,760 Speaker 1: his friends will have trouble getting in there with their 60 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:09,480 Speaker 1: hopes and boards. So please keep out. The horses promised 61 00:05:09,520 --> 00:05:13,479 Speaker 1: they would, while dapple Gray and Tinkle's mother ran as 62 00:05:13,560 --> 00:05:18,440 Speaker 1: fast as they could across the meadow. They wanted to 63 00:05:18,480 --> 00:05:20,960 Speaker 1: get to the long lane, which led to the bar, 64 00:05:21,960 --> 00:05:25,240 Speaker 1: not far from which was the house where lived the man, 65 00:05:25,680 --> 00:05:30,040 Speaker 1: as the horses called mister John Carter, the stock dealer. 66 00:05:32,960 --> 00:05:35,200 Speaker 1: How are we going to tell him that Tinkle and 67 00:05:35,279 --> 00:05:38,320 Speaker 1: the others are in the mire, asked the pony's mother. 68 00:05:39,000 --> 00:05:44,560 Speaker 1: We can't talk, man talk, you know, Yes, I know, 69 00:05:44,800 --> 00:05:47,960 Speaker 1: said dapple Gray, But I guess I can find a 70 00:05:48,000 --> 00:05:52,599 Speaker 1: way to make him understand. I know what I'll do, 71 00:05:52,800 --> 00:05:56,599 Speaker 1: he said, as he galloped on. I'll pick up a 72 00:05:56,600 --> 00:05:59,320 Speaker 1: piece of rope in the barn and take it to 73 00:05:59,400 --> 00:06:03,320 Speaker 1: the man and my teeth. He'll know that means we 74 00:06:03,440 --> 00:06:06,720 Speaker 1: want him to bring other ropes and get the horses 75 00:06:06,880 --> 00:06:13,240 Speaker 1: out of the swamp. I hope he will understand, said 76 00:06:13,240 --> 00:06:21,480 Speaker 1: Tinkle's mother. Oh I think he will, replied dapple Gray hopefully. 77 00:06:22,680 --> 00:06:26,000 Speaker 1: As they ran past the barn, the big doors of 78 00:06:26,080 --> 00:06:32,200 Speaker 1: which were open, the old fire horse trotted inside. He 79 00:06:32,320 --> 00:06:35,679 Speaker 1: looked about and on the floor he saw a piece 80 00:06:35,720 --> 00:06:41,360 Speaker 1: of rope. Picking this up in his teeth, dapple Gray 81 00:06:41,720 --> 00:06:47,120 Speaker 1: with Tinkle's mother ran on toward the house. Out in 82 00:06:47,200 --> 00:06:52,320 Speaker 1: the backyard stood mister Carter, talking to some of his hands. 83 00:06:54,560 --> 00:06:58,279 Speaker 1: Look suddenly called one of the men. Some of the 84 00:06:58,360 --> 00:07:03,200 Speaker 1: horses are out of the meadow. They're coming here, so 85 00:07:03,400 --> 00:07:07,520 Speaker 1: they are, said mister Carter, I wonder what that means. 86 00:07:08,720 --> 00:07:11,440 Speaker 1: And dapple Gray has a rope in his teeth, went 87 00:07:11,480 --> 00:07:16,640 Speaker 1: on the man. Why so he has, exclaimed mister Carter, 88 00:07:17,120 --> 00:07:23,560 Speaker 1: I wonder what that means. Dapple Gray and Tinkle's mother 89 00:07:23,760 --> 00:07:26,440 Speaker 1: ran right up to where the stock breeder and his 90 00:07:26,600 --> 00:07:31,560 Speaker 1: men stood. The old fire horse stretched out his neck 91 00:07:31,920 --> 00:07:35,760 Speaker 1: and shook his head up and down, the rope flapping 92 00:07:35,840 --> 00:07:39,640 Speaker 1: to and fro. He seemed to be offering it to 93 00:07:39,760 --> 00:07:47,480 Speaker 1: mister Carter. Huh, dapple wants something, said mister Carter. I 94 00:07:47,600 --> 00:07:53,920 Speaker 1: wonder what it is. I wish he could talk. And 95 00:07:54,080 --> 00:07:58,640 Speaker 1: then dapple Gray did something which was almost as good 96 00:07:58,840 --> 00:08:03,320 Speaker 1: as talking. He rubbed the rope that was in his 97 00:08:03,480 --> 00:08:10,000 Speaker 1: mouth against mister Carter's hand, and then dropping it at 98 00:08:10,000 --> 00:08:13,800 Speaker 1: his feet, and took hold of the man's coat in 99 00:08:14,000 --> 00:08:20,680 Speaker 1: his teeth. Then the old fire horse began to pull gently, 100 00:08:21,440 --> 00:08:24,840 Speaker 1: just as often a dog when it finds some one 101 00:08:24,920 --> 00:08:28,600 Speaker 1: in danger, will try to lead somebody to the place 102 00:08:28,680 --> 00:08:35,440 Speaker 1: to help. Why cried the surprised mister Carter. I believe 103 00:08:35,520 --> 00:08:40,240 Speaker 1: Dapple wants me to come with him. That's what he does, 104 00:08:40,679 --> 00:08:44,080 Speaker 1: exclaimed one of the hands. But what about the rope, 105 00:08:44,640 --> 00:08:48,960 Speaker 1: asked another. Maybe he wants me to bring that, too, 106 00:08:49,600 --> 00:08:54,440 Speaker 1: observed the stockman. I wonder if anything can have happened 107 00:08:54,720 --> 00:09:02,680 Speaker 1: to the horses. I'll go and take a look, offered 108 00:09:02,720 --> 00:09:07,240 Speaker 1: mister Carter's overseer. He quickly ran to a place where 109 00:09:07,280 --> 00:09:11,559 Speaker 1: he could look down into the green meadow. What is it, 110 00:09:12,160 --> 00:09:17,240 Speaker 1: asked mister Carter. All the horses seemed to be over 111 00:09:17,360 --> 00:09:21,080 Speaker 1: near a hole in the fence, the man reported, and 112 00:09:21,280 --> 00:09:24,720 Speaker 1: some seemed to be missing. I don't see that little 113 00:09:24,760 --> 00:09:33,080 Speaker 1: pony Tinkle anywhere. Whew, whistled mister Carter. Something certainly has happened. 114 00:09:33,960 --> 00:09:38,719 Speaker 1: This is Tinkle's mother, He went on, looking at Dapple's companion. 115 00:09:40,040 --> 00:09:43,959 Speaker 1: Wouldn't it be strange if Tinkle were in trouble and 116 00:09:44,160 --> 00:09:47,320 Speaker 1: she had come to get you to help him, asked 117 00:09:47,320 --> 00:09:51,640 Speaker 1: the overseer. And of course you and I know that 118 00:09:51,800 --> 00:09:55,520 Speaker 1: is just what Tinkle's mother did want. But the stockman 119 00:09:55,600 --> 00:10:03,520 Speaker 1: and his helpers did not know that yet. I think 120 00:10:03,559 --> 00:10:07,040 Speaker 1: I see what the trouble is. Suddenly, cried mister Carter. 121 00:10:07,840 --> 00:10:10,600 Speaker 1: Some of the animals must have broken down the fence 122 00:10:10,760 --> 00:10:15,920 Speaker 1: and gotten into the swamp. They are stuck there. We 123 00:10:16,000 --> 00:10:19,560 Speaker 1: must get ropes and haul them out. Dapple is a 124 00:10:19,600 --> 00:10:22,960 Speaker 1: smart horse to tell me that I'll come right away. 125 00:10:23,240 --> 00:10:30,000 Speaker 1: Come on, men, lively now. The men ran toward the 126 00:10:30,040 --> 00:10:35,040 Speaker 1: barn for ropes, led by mister Carter. Though Dapple and 127 00:10:35,120 --> 00:10:39,199 Speaker 1: Tinkle's mother could not understand what the men said, they 128 00:10:39,240 --> 00:10:42,760 Speaker 1: knew that help would soon be carried to Tinkle and 129 00:10:42,840 --> 00:10:48,600 Speaker 1: the others held fast in the mud. They trotted along 130 00:10:48,800 --> 00:10:56,240 Speaker 1: after the men, who were talking among themselves. Of course, 131 00:10:56,400 --> 00:11:01,040 Speaker 1: horses and ponies understand some man talk. Else how would 132 00:11:01,080 --> 00:11:03,640 Speaker 1: they know they are to stop when a man says whoa, 133 00:11:04,800 --> 00:11:08,000 Speaker 1: or to start when they hear giddy up, or to 134 00:11:08,160 --> 00:11:12,320 Speaker 1: back when they are told to do so. But it 135 00:11:12,360 --> 00:11:14,760 Speaker 1: takes a little time for a horse to get to 136 00:11:14,880 --> 00:11:18,680 Speaker 1: know these words, just as it does your dog to 137 00:11:18,800 --> 00:11:21,080 Speaker 1: know when you want him to run toward you, when 138 00:11:21,120 --> 00:11:24,959 Speaker 1: you say come here, or go back, when you point 139 00:11:25,000 --> 00:11:32,480 Speaker 1: toward home and tell him to go there. Things will 140 00:11:32,520 --> 00:11:35,760 Speaker 1: be all right now, said Dapple Gray to Tinkle's mother, 141 00:11:36,000 --> 00:11:40,760 Speaker 1: using horse talk. Of course, the man will soon have 142 00:11:40,880 --> 00:11:44,640 Speaker 1: all the horses and ponies out of the bog. Oh, 143 00:11:44,720 --> 00:11:47,360 Speaker 1: I'm so glad you thought of a way to tell him, 144 00:11:47,440 --> 00:11:54,080 Speaker 1: said Tinkle's mother. Taking some ropes and planks out of 145 00:11:54,120 --> 00:11:58,000 Speaker 1: the barn, mister Carter and his men ran on toward 146 00:11:58,080 --> 00:12:01,880 Speaker 1: the green meadow. It did not take them long to 147 00:12:02,000 --> 00:12:07,880 Speaker 1: reach the broken fence. Here's where the rascals got through 148 00:12:07,920 --> 00:12:11,400 Speaker 1: to the swamp, cried mister Carter. I must make the 149 00:12:11,520 --> 00:12:16,840 Speaker 1: fence much stronger. Of course, he did not know that 150 00:12:16,880 --> 00:12:20,800 Speaker 1: Tinkle had made all the trouble by first jumping over 151 00:12:21,000 --> 00:12:25,160 Speaker 1: the fence. The others had only broken it down to 152 00:12:25,240 --> 00:12:30,280 Speaker 1: go to the help of the boy pony. Come on, 153 00:12:30,480 --> 00:12:34,839 Speaker 1: cried the stockman. That bog is a bad place. If 154 00:12:34,880 --> 00:12:38,400 Speaker 1: they sink down too far, we'll have even more trouble. 155 00:12:39,120 --> 00:12:44,000 Speaker 1: Come on, I say on, ran the men with the 156 00:12:44,000 --> 00:12:48,240 Speaker 1: planks and the ropes. They soon came to the place 157 00:12:48,280 --> 00:12:54,880 Speaker 1: where the horses and ponies were stuck. Tinkle is in 158 00:12:55,000 --> 00:12:58,440 Speaker 1: deeper than any of them, said mister Carter. We must 159 00:12:58,480 --> 00:13:06,160 Speaker 1: get him out first. The men laid down the wide planks. 160 00:13:07,120 --> 00:13:10,440 Speaker 1: The pieces of wood were so broad that they did 161 00:13:10,480 --> 00:13:14,720 Speaker 1: not sink down in the soft mud anymore than wide 162 00:13:14,880 --> 00:13:18,920 Speaker 1: snowshoes will sink down when a man walks on them. 163 00:13:22,360 --> 00:13:27,120 Speaker 1: Then standing on the planks, the men put ropes about 164 00:13:27,160 --> 00:13:32,400 Speaker 1: Tinkle and began to pull on them. They also laid 165 00:13:32,440 --> 00:13:36,000 Speaker 1: down planks near him so that when he got one 166 00:13:36,160 --> 00:13:38,880 Speaker 1: foot out of the mire, he could put it on 167 00:13:38,960 --> 00:13:46,200 Speaker 1: a plank and it would not sink down again. After 168 00:13:46,280 --> 00:13:50,160 Speaker 1: some hard work and much pulling on the ropes, which 169 00:13:50,240 --> 00:13:54,240 Speaker 1: hurt the little pony a bit, Twinkle was pulled out 170 00:13:54,280 --> 00:13:59,360 Speaker 1: of the swamp and led to firm, dry ground back 171 00:13:59,720 --> 00:14:06,559 Speaker 1: in the meadow. And now you'd better stay there, said 172 00:14:06,559 --> 00:14:12,920 Speaker 1: mister Carter. Don't try a thing like this again. No, indeed, 173 00:14:13,000 --> 00:14:17,320 Speaker 1: you must never do it again, said Tinkle's mother, or 174 00:14:17,360 --> 00:14:20,840 Speaker 1: she could tell by mister Carter's voice that he was 175 00:14:21,240 --> 00:14:26,480 Speaker 1: in a way scolding the pony. See what a lot 176 00:14:26,560 --> 00:14:29,480 Speaker 1: of trouble you made your father and me, as well 177 00:14:29,520 --> 00:14:34,480 Speaker 1: as Dapple Gray and our other friends, said Tinkle's mother. Ah, 178 00:14:34,520 --> 00:14:38,240 Speaker 1: I'm sorry, said the little pony. I'm never going to 179 00:14:38,360 --> 00:14:43,720 Speaker 1: run away again. And see how muddy and dirty you are, 180 00:14:44,240 --> 00:14:47,320 Speaker 1: went his mother. You had better go to the brook 181 00:14:47,360 --> 00:14:53,080 Speaker 1: and wash yourself. Oh, let me stay and watch them 182 00:14:53,120 --> 00:14:55,440 Speaker 1: get my father and the others out of the swamp, 183 00:14:56,320 --> 00:15:02,240 Speaker 1: beg Tinkle, so his mother let him stay. It was 184 00:15:02,320 --> 00:15:05,800 Speaker 1: not quite so hard to get the others out as 185 00:15:05,840 --> 00:15:09,480 Speaker 1: it had been to save Tinkle, for they were not 186 00:15:09,800 --> 00:15:13,920 Speaker 1: so deep in the mud. But it took mister Carter 187 00:15:14,040 --> 00:15:20,120 Speaker 1: and his men quite a while. Finally, however, the ponies 188 00:15:20,160 --> 00:15:26,120 Speaker 1: and the horses were all saved from the swamp. And 189 00:15:26,200 --> 00:15:29,520 Speaker 1: I hope they never get caught that way again, said 190 00:15:29,520 --> 00:15:33,400 Speaker 1: the stockman, while Tinkle and the ponies and the horses 191 00:15:33,800 --> 00:15:40,560 Speaker 1: hoped the same thing. After the mud was washed off them, 192 00:15:41,080 --> 00:15:44,280 Speaker 1: the animals were not much worse off for what had happened. 193 00:15:46,000 --> 00:15:48,840 Speaker 1: Tinkle was sorry for all the trouble he had caused, 194 00:15:49,320 --> 00:15:52,240 Speaker 1: and he told the other ponies and his horse friends so. 195 00:15:56,640 --> 00:16:00,480 Speaker 1: For some time after this, Tinkle lived with his father, 196 00:16:01,280 --> 00:16:05,840 Speaker 1: mother and friends in the green meadow. He played with 197 00:16:05,960 --> 00:16:09,520 Speaker 1: the other ponies, but he did not try to run 198 00:16:09,560 --> 00:16:13,960 Speaker 1: away again. He did want to have some adventures, though, 199 00:16:14,640 --> 00:16:18,920 Speaker 1: and he was soon to have some very strange ones. 200 00:16:22,240 --> 00:16:26,560 Speaker 1: One day, about a year later, a rich man called 201 00:16:26,560 --> 00:16:31,920 Speaker 1: at the stock farm to buy a horse for his carriage. 202 00:16:32,480 --> 00:16:36,080 Speaker 1: With the man who was a mister Farley, was his 203 00:16:36,200 --> 00:16:42,240 Speaker 1: son George, about nine years old. Yes I have some 204 00:16:42,400 --> 00:16:47,920 Speaker 1: good carriage horses, said mister Carter to mister Farley. Suppose 205 00:16:47,960 --> 00:16:49,920 Speaker 1: you come down to the meadow and pick out the 206 00:16:49,920 --> 00:16:57,160 Speaker 1: one you like best. May I come too, asked George. Yes, 207 00:16:57,280 --> 00:17:01,240 Speaker 1: I think so, answered his father. Won't kick, will they? 208 00:17:02,000 --> 00:17:06,440 Speaker 1: He questioned? Oh no, not at all, answered mister Carter. 209 00:17:07,040 --> 00:17:13,679 Speaker 1: They are all gentle. So George went with his father 210 00:17:13,840 --> 00:17:17,800 Speaker 1: to look at the horses. But no sooner had the 211 00:17:17,920 --> 00:17:21,440 Speaker 1: little boy caught sight of the ponies than he cried, 212 00:17:22,400 --> 00:17:28,280 Speaker 1: Oh see the little horses. I want one of them. Please, Daddy, 213 00:17:28,600 --> 00:17:34,240 Speaker 1: buy me a pony. Huh what's that? Buy you a pony? 214 00:17:34,960 --> 00:17:39,680 Speaker 1: Cried his father, half teasing. Why you couldn't ride a pony? 215 00:17:41,359 --> 00:17:45,600 Speaker 1: Oh yes I could, said the little boy. Anyhow I 216 00:17:45,640 --> 00:17:49,879 Speaker 1: could drive him hitched to a cart. But we don't 217 00:17:49,880 --> 00:17:54,879 Speaker 1: have a pony cart. Well couldn't you get me one? Oh? 218 00:17:54,920 --> 00:18:00,840 Speaker 1: Please get me a pony? Daddy you ready? Uh? Well, 219 00:18:01,480 --> 00:18:04,600 Speaker 1: which one would you want if you could have walked? 220 00:18:05,400 --> 00:18:11,040 Speaker 1: Asked mister Farley. Half in fun, George looked over the ponies, 221 00:18:11,400 --> 00:18:16,320 Speaker 1: who were cropping grass not far away. Watch The boy's 222 00:18:16,480 --> 00:18:22,320 Speaker 1: eyes rested longest on Tinkle, for Tinkle was a pretty 223 00:18:22,359 --> 00:18:27,560 Speaker 1: pony with four white feet and a white star right 224 00:18:27,760 --> 00:18:33,040 Speaker 1: in the middle of his head. This is the pony 225 00:18:33,119 --> 00:18:38,080 Speaker 1: I want, cried George, and before his father could stop him, 226 00:18:39,040 --> 00:18:42,600 Speaker 1: the boy ran straight to Tinkle and put his arms 227 00:18:42,840 --> 00:18:49,199 Speaker 1: around the pony's neck. Few things I can't jo and 228 00:18:49,280 --> 00:18:53,600 Speaker 1: that is the end of today's episode with Tinkle. I 229 00:18:53,640 --> 00:19:01,120 Speaker 1: hope you enjoyed it. Good night and sleep tight down