1 00:00:01,120 --> 00:00:04,880 Speaker 1: You've got the way. Wait. Fred's show is. 2 00:00:05,080 --> 00:00:07,480 Speaker 2: On the Hottest Morney Show. 3 00:00:09,960 --> 00:00:13,480 Speaker 3: Good morning everybody, Monday, May twenty second, It's the Fred Show. Hi, Kayler, 4 00:00:13,680 --> 00:00:17,360 Speaker 3: Hi Jason Brown, Hi, Roofio, Hi Paulina, Hi Ki Ki 5 00:00:17,880 --> 00:00:20,759 Speaker 3: Morning she Shelly A little bit in turn, Ben mean 6 00:00:20,840 --> 00:00:22,360 Speaker 3: not Benjamin. We have to talk to him in a 7 00:00:22,360 --> 00:00:24,920 Speaker 3: while because he got his first big boy apartment apparently, 8 00:00:26,800 --> 00:00:28,040 Speaker 3: and I can't wait to hear about this. 9 00:00:30,280 --> 00:00:34,479 Speaker 1: They're paying this kid's going an apartment. 10 00:00:37,920 --> 00:00:40,840 Speaker 4: Jason, you should be so rich here laying my body 11 00:00:40,920 --> 00:00:42,720 Speaker 4: dollars just to get a roof over my head. 12 00:00:43,280 --> 00:00:47,400 Speaker 1: Roos, guy, I got a three bedroom, locked apartment. 13 00:00:47,760 --> 00:00:51,040 Speaker 5: Switch in two roommates. He has a three one the 14 00:00:51,159 --> 00:00:51,599 Speaker 5: only one? 15 00:00:51,720 --> 00:00:55,840 Speaker 6: Yeah who it was who got a two bed too 16 00:00:56,000 --> 00:00:57,600 Speaker 6: bad apartment? 17 00:00:57,760 --> 00:01:00,680 Speaker 3: And the girlfriend, which I wonder if his roommate knows 18 00:01:00,880 --> 00:01:03,240 Speaker 3: how basically he does have a third roommate. It's going 19 00:01:03,240 --> 00:01:05,840 Speaker 3: to be the girlfriend in this summer. We'll have to 20 00:01:05,920 --> 00:01:10,440 Speaker 3: discuss in a little bit. But yeah, yeah, yeah, Jason, 21 00:01:10,440 --> 00:01:12,480 Speaker 3: I don't understand why you don't have any money. I 22 00:01:12,560 --> 00:01:14,480 Speaker 3: continue to not understand what you don't have any money? 23 00:01:14,600 --> 00:01:16,000 Speaker 3: You all the bills are paid for it. 24 00:01:16,160 --> 00:01:19,600 Speaker 1: It's called student loans. My dude, I left college with 25 00:01:19,840 --> 00:01:23,440 Speaker 1: six figures in debt. Okay, they did you, they. 26 00:01:23,440 --> 00:01:26,600 Speaker 7: Did me so bogused and that was three years, three 27 00:01:26,680 --> 00:01:31,280 Speaker 7: years them, And yes I'm paying. I don't have a choice. Okay, 28 00:01:31,400 --> 00:01:35,600 Speaker 7: Discovery student loans. There's no forgiveness, right, They're like, hello, no, 29 00:01:35,760 --> 00:01:36,680 Speaker 7: my parents paid for one. 30 00:01:36,840 --> 00:01:41,280 Speaker 5: Yeah yeah, even graduate, No I did, unfortunately. 31 00:01:41,319 --> 00:01:44,000 Speaker 3: I mean I just all you do is tell us 32 00:01:44,160 --> 00:01:47,200 Speaker 3: all day about how you how Mike pays for everything. 33 00:01:47,400 --> 00:01:47,600 Speaker 1: Yeah. 34 00:01:47,720 --> 00:01:49,040 Speaker 3: And then you're like, I don't have any money, And 35 00:01:49,080 --> 00:01:51,520 Speaker 3: I'm like, if everybody, if somebody's paying for everything for me, 36 00:01:52,000 --> 00:01:52,960 Speaker 3: I have lots of money. 37 00:01:53,840 --> 00:01:56,080 Speaker 1: The money when these loans are paid off, I'm gonna 38 00:01:56,080 --> 00:01:59,800 Speaker 1: be balling. What ten years? Yeah, forty? 39 00:02:00,520 --> 00:02:02,840 Speaker 5: So many records every day? 40 00:02:02,920 --> 00:02:09,520 Speaker 3: Yeah yeah, that's a massive record collection of the Yeah. Okay, well, 41 00:02:09,560 --> 00:02:11,160 Speaker 3: good morning. Let me see what do we have today? 42 00:02:11,680 --> 00:02:14,720 Speaker 3: Trending stories in just a second, headlines to start your Monday, 43 00:02:15,040 --> 00:02:16,360 Speaker 3: the entertainment reports coming up? 44 00:02:16,360 --> 00:02:17,079 Speaker 1: What are you working out for that? 45 00:02:17,600 --> 00:02:20,120 Speaker 8: The popstar who said she may never tour again. And 46 00:02:20,400 --> 00:02:23,880 Speaker 8: the most expensive home ever sold in California. I'll tell 47 00:02:23,880 --> 00:02:24,359 Speaker 8: you who bought it? 48 00:02:24,560 --> 00:02:27,639 Speaker 3: Okay, Blogs, audio journals, new waiting by the phone this morning. 49 00:02:27,639 --> 00:02:30,359 Speaker 3: Why did somebody get ghosted thirteen fifty Yes it was 50 00:02:30,400 --> 00:02:33,200 Speaker 3: Shelley one three and fifty bucks new player. 51 00:02:33,400 --> 00:02:35,120 Speaker 1: Yes it is. Why are you confirming in? 52 00:02:35,480 --> 00:02:37,760 Speaker 5: Because I had to check this morning. I am your 53 00:02:37,840 --> 00:02:38,600 Speaker 5: rufio next week? 54 00:02:38,720 --> 00:02:39,720 Speaker 1: Yes, oh I see. 55 00:02:39,800 --> 00:02:42,239 Speaker 3: Also we're pretending that you're rufeo ye oh good. So 56 00:02:42,320 --> 00:02:45,600 Speaker 3: can you come in here yelling scream? I need you 57 00:02:45,680 --> 00:02:50,160 Speaker 3: food obsessed? Okay, and then we'll say my bad every 58 00:02:50,200 --> 00:02:52,600 Speaker 3: now and again. Got you, and just when someone's talking, 59 00:02:52,760 --> 00:03:01,320 Speaker 3: just talk anyway, So let's practice. So anyway, yeah, okay, 60 00:03:01,560 --> 00:03:06,240 Speaker 3: get it all right. That was fantastic. Next week's going 61 00:03:06,320 --> 00:03:08,760 Speaker 3: to be so good. It's the fread Show. Good morning, 62 00:03:08,800 --> 00:03:13,000 Speaker 3: Glad you're here. It's the Fread Show. This is what's trending, guys. 63 00:03:13,280 --> 00:03:15,680 Speaker 3: Another social media app? Are you ready? 64 00:03:16,080 --> 00:03:16,720 Speaker 6: You got to join it? 65 00:03:18,520 --> 00:03:21,359 Speaker 3: Instagram is planning to release a text based app that 66 00:03:21,440 --> 00:03:26,040 Speaker 3: will compete with Twitter. Another another social media app that 67 00:03:26,080 --> 00:03:27,160 Speaker 3: we need to be responsible for. 68 00:03:27,680 --> 00:03:29,640 Speaker 5: Is there an edit button? Because then I'm moving I'm 69 00:03:29,680 --> 00:03:30,919 Speaker 5: taking my talents to this one. 70 00:03:31,000 --> 00:03:33,600 Speaker 3: They hopefully there is, because I'll take my talents with you. 71 00:03:33,840 --> 00:03:36,440 Speaker 3: We'll take our talents collective litter. We'll be a super 72 00:03:36,520 --> 00:03:39,720 Speaker 3: team on the new whatever it's called. They're currently testing 73 00:03:39,760 --> 00:03:42,640 Speaker 3: the project with celebrities and influencers. It's been secretly available 74 00:03:42,680 --> 00:03:45,160 Speaker 3: to select creators from months. According to sources, The app, 75 00:03:45,200 --> 00:03:48,040 Speaker 3: which will be separate from Instagram, will allow people to 76 00:03:48,080 --> 00:03:48,920 Speaker 3: connect the accounts. 77 00:03:49,000 --> 00:03:50,600 Speaker 1: It my debut as soon as June. 78 00:03:51,440 --> 00:03:53,800 Speaker 3: Twitter's takeover by Elon Musk has caused some users to 79 00:03:53,840 --> 00:03:57,280 Speaker 3: look for alternatives and creating an opening and create and 80 00:03:57,680 --> 00:04:00,360 Speaker 3: has created an opening in the market. By the way, 81 00:04:01,280 --> 00:04:03,680 Speaker 3: gen zors and millennials say that social media apps like 82 00:04:03,720 --> 00:04:09,040 Speaker 3: TikTok and Instagram exacerbate their financial anxiety. Do you look 83 00:04:09,080 --> 00:04:11,840 Speaker 3: at social media and feel that you need to keep 84 00:04:11,920 --> 00:04:13,920 Speaker 3: up with the Joneses? Like when you look at celebrities, 85 00:04:13,960 --> 00:04:15,680 Speaker 3: do you go, oh, I got to have that car, 86 00:04:16,440 --> 00:04:18,800 Speaker 3: I got to have that outfit, I got to have 87 00:04:18,960 --> 00:04:21,080 Speaker 3: that bag or whatever, because I look at them and 88 00:04:21,120 --> 00:04:22,600 Speaker 3: I go, well, that's inaccessible to me. 89 00:04:22,839 --> 00:04:24,159 Speaker 1: Next like I don't. 90 00:04:24,160 --> 00:04:25,600 Speaker 3: I guess I don't look at it and go in 91 00:04:25,720 --> 00:04:28,960 Speaker 3: my head like I should have a lambo because well 92 00:04:29,000 --> 00:04:30,120 Speaker 3: that's never gonna happen. 93 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:32,200 Speaker 8: Right, So yeah, I don't, but I have friends that do, 94 00:04:32,480 --> 00:04:35,560 Speaker 8: Like they get very much like travel jealousy. So when 95 00:04:35,560 --> 00:04:38,120 Speaker 8: people are on trips, so like they'll mute people or 96 00:04:38,200 --> 00:04:40,920 Speaker 8: delete their Instagram just because it's so like influential to 97 00:04:41,000 --> 00:04:41,680 Speaker 8: some of my friends. 98 00:04:41,800 --> 00:04:43,480 Speaker 3: Yeah, I do wonder how some of these people have 99 00:04:43,560 --> 00:04:45,679 Speaker 3: all these points, but yet their job is to travel 100 00:04:45,720 --> 00:04:48,800 Speaker 3: on points. I'm like, well, how are you getting to 101 00:04:49,200 --> 00:04:53,000 Speaker 3: you getting points? Could you spending points only? How are 102 00:04:53,040 --> 00:04:54,279 Speaker 3: you acquiring zaid points? 103 00:04:54,320 --> 00:04:54,480 Speaker 1: Wait? 104 00:04:54,560 --> 00:04:56,000 Speaker 5: People do that like that's their whole thing. 105 00:04:56,080 --> 00:04:56,760 Speaker 1: Oh my god, there's a. 106 00:04:56,720 --> 00:04:59,080 Speaker 3: Whole TikTok side of TikTok about this, about like like 107 00:04:59,200 --> 00:05:01,719 Speaker 3: travel hacks, like how to most efficiently use your points 108 00:05:01,760 --> 00:05:03,919 Speaker 3: that you get from your credit card or whatever. Yeah, right, 109 00:05:04,440 --> 00:05:07,080 Speaker 3: And it's a very complicated game, but like you can 110 00:05:07,200 --> 00:05:09,080 Speaker 3: go Like I saw one the other day. It was like, 111 00:05:09,240 --> 00:05:11,440 Speaker 3: you want to go to France from New York. Well, 112 00:05:11,440 --> 00:05:14,320 Speaker 3: if you use if you go to you know whatever airline, 113 00:05:14,440 --> 00:05:16,440 Speaker 3: it'll charge you this many points. But if you transfer 114 00:05:16,520 --> 00:05:18,760 Speaker 3: your points to this airline and then book the same 115 00:05:18,800 --> 00:05:21,480 Speaker 3: flight with this airline doing this thing and then this, 116 00:05:21,680 --> 00:05:22,880 Speaker 3: and then you save all this money. 117 00:05:23,080 --> 00:05:25,320 Speaker 8: Oh I just got a United credit card so I 118 00:05:25,360 --> 00:05:27,720 Speaker 8: could get points. Because I'll say, trips are starting to 119 00:05:27,839 --> 00:05:30,160 Speaker 8: really add up. So I'm like, you know, they will 120 00:05:30,240 --> 00:05:32,480 Speaker 8: give you a certain amount of points if you join right, 121 00:05:32,720 --> 00:05:33,960 Speaker 8: and then I'm just gonna use that. 122 00:05:34,040 --> 00:05:35,640 Speaker 5: I guess I'm waiting for my credit to get better 123 00:05:35,720 --> 00:05:37,320 Speaker 5: so i can get me one. I think I've asked 124 00:05:37,320 --> 00:05:39,600 Speaker 5: you before. Fred, I'm like, oh, which one should I get? 125 00:05:39,640 --> 00:05:39,880 Speaker 9: Whatever? 126 00:05:39,920 --> 00:05:41,640 Speaker 10: Because I feel like if I'm gonna you know, you 127 00:05:41,680 --> 00:05:43,960 Speaker 10: said for anybody, Yeah, we're going to Paris? 128 00:05:44,080 --> 00:05:44,640 Speaker 5: How next year? 129 00:05:44,960 --> 00:05:45,159 Speaker 1: Yep? 130 00:05:45,640 --> 00:05:48,279 Speaker 5: I doubt if can make that just something. 131 00:05:48,360 --> 00:05:50,279 Speaker 3: And it's a whole game trying to use the least 132 00:05:50,279 --> 00:05:51,919 Speaker 3: amount of points to get the most amount of stuff. 133 00:05:51,960 --> 00:05:54,200 Speaker 3: And if you buy this, you get upgraded to this 134 00:05:54,520 --> 00:05:56,599 Speaker 3: and the whole thing. Yeah, but then and then there 135 00:05:56,640 --> 00:05:58,800 Speaker 3: are people you can hire that will do it for you, 136 00:05:59,480 --> 00:06:01,000 Speaker 3: like you pay i'm a certain amount of money and 137 00:06:01,080 --> 00:06:04,160 Speaker 3: then they find you the best thing, oh the best 138 00:06:04,320 --> 00:06:06,000 Speaker 3: you know way to use your points, because I mean 139 00:06:06,040 --> 00:06:08,400 Speaker 3: it's like, and I could, I'm so stingy with my points, 140 00:06:08,640 --> 00:06:10,440 Speaker 3: like they're free. Well they weren't free, you know, you 141 00:06:10,520 --> 00:06:13,000 Speaker 3: had to spend money to get them, but like I 142 00:06:13,040 --> 00:06:14,400 Speaker 3: don't know, I mean, like I want to use points 143 00:06:14,440 --> 00:06:16,360 Speaker 3: for this trip and it's like a gazillion miles, and 144 00:06:16,400 --> 00:06:17,560 Speaker 3: I'm like, why, I don't want to use that many 145 00:06:17,600 --> 00:06:20,000 Speaker 3: miles for this, So then they just stack up. I 146 00:06:20,040 --> 00:06:22,200 Speaker 3: get all these miles I never used because I don't I. 147 00:06:22,200 --> 00:06:23,520 Speaker 5: Don't know what are you saving them for. 148 00:06:23,680 --> 00:06:25,840 Speaker 3: I don't know, I have no idea. I have an 149 00:06:25,920 --> 00:06:28,359 Speaker 3: ungodly amount of airline miles. It's stupid. 150 00:06:28,560 --> 00:06:30,039 Speaker 5: Treat yourself to a nice little trip. 151 00:06:30,120 --> 00:06:32,960 Speaker 3: I just don't want to overspend my miles. And I'm 152 00:06:33,000 --> 00:06:35,200 Speaker 3: not a cheap person, but I don't want to waste 153 00:06:35,279 --> 00:06:40,840 Speaker 3: them because Okay, so there's only so many seats on 154 00:06:40,920 --> 00:06:44,320 Speaker 3: the plane that are like low mileage. 155 00:06:45,320 --> 00:06:46,880 Speaker 1: Trips, like or seats or whatever. 156 00:06:47,160 --> 00:06:49,440 Speaker 3: And once those are gone, and they're almost instantly gone, 157 00:06:49,560 --> 00:06:52,240 Speaker 3: typically then you start having to pay a premium. So 158 00:06:52,400 --> 00:06:54,799 Speaker 3: like let's say a let's say a business class ticket 159 00:06:54,880 --> 00:06:59,920 Speaker 3: to England from wherever should cost sixty thousand or whatever, 160 00:07:00,080 --> 00:07:02,160 Speaker 3: sixty thousand miles. Let's say there might only be two 161 00:07:02,200 --> 00:07:04,040 Speaker 3: business class seats on the whole plane that are that. 162 00:07:04,839 --> 00:07:07,520 Speaker 3: So then they go away, and then they start going up, 163 00:07:07,680 --> 00:07:11,000 Speaker 3: and then if I like, let's say I want to 164 00:07:11,040 --> 00:07:14,960 Speaker 3: go tomorrow, well I can probably get there with points, 165 00:07:15,000 --> 00:07:17,040 Speaker 3: but it will be like one hundred and eighty thousand 166 00:07:17,120 --> 00:07:19,720 Speaker 3: points as opposed to the sixty that it would be 167 00:07:19,760 --> 00:07:21,040 Speaker 3: if you had you know what I'm saying. So like 168 00:07:21,120 --> 00:07:23,680 Speaker 3: in my mind, I'm like, well, that's one hundred and 169 00:07:23,680 --> 00:07:26,680 Speaker 3: eighty thousand dollars that I spent, you know what I'm saying, 170 00:07:26,720 --> 00:07:28,400 Speaker 3: to get or whatever it is to get. So I 171 00:07:28,480 --> 00:07:31,560 Speaker 3: don't want to have to to spend all that when 172 00:07:31,560 --> 00:07:32,720 Speaker 3: I know that I could get it. 173 00:07:32,760 --> 00:07:35,440 Speaker 1: For sixty, So I don't do anything. 174 00:07:36,480 --> 00:07:38,520 Speaker 5: Well, yeah, but it's for a free flight, Yeah, I know. 175 00:07:38,800 --> 00:07:40,960 Speaker 1: But like I'm trying to I don't know what I'm like, 176 00:07:41,320 --> 00:07:42,720 Speaker 1: half point like I want to use. 177 00:07:42,760 --> 00:07:45,040 Speaker 11: I want to pay money and then use the rest 178 00:07:45,240 --> 00:07:46,760 Speaker 11: like point half points half money. 179 00:07:47,000 --> 00:07:47,520 Speaker 2: You could do that. 180 00:07:47,880 --> 00:07:48,880 Speaker 1: Yeah, sometimes you can do that. 181 00:07:49,000 --> 00:07:51,240 Speaker 3: Sometimes you can buy a ticket on you can buy 182 00:07:51,480 --> 00:07:54,080 Speaker 3: you can buy a ticket and then upgrade with points. 183 00:07:54,520 --> 00:07:56,200 Speaker 3: There's a lot of different stuff you can do. Sometimes 184 00:07:56,240 --> 00:07:59,680 Speaker 3: you can buy points. Airlines will sell you points. Sometimes 185 00:07:59,720 --> 00:08:02,480 Speaker 3: they have like sales on points, and so sometimes you 186 00:08:02,560 --> 00:08:04,320 Speaker 3: use it. So that's what I'm saying, that's too much. 187 00:08:04,440 --> 00:08:07,440 Speaker 3: That's why I got to hire a consultant to figure 188 00:08:07,480 --> 00:08:09,560 Speaker 3: out how to do this, because it would be like, Okay, well, 189 00:08:09,600 --> 00:08:11,960 Speaker 3: if you spend this many miles and then you buy 190 00:08:12,080 --> 00:08:14,400 Speaker 3: this many miles at this discount, then you're saving this 191 00:08:14,520 --> 00:08:15,000 Speaker 3: much money. 192 00:08:15,120 --> 00:08:18,120 Speaker 1: But people should runt all day and do this very confused, 193 00:08:18,200 --> 00:08:18,880 Speaker 1: How are you confused? 194 00:08:19,920 --> 00:08:23,360 Speaker 2: Getty dollars, spirit flight and get there on the wing right. 195 00:08:23,400 --> 00:08:24,200 Speaker 5: And praying the whole time. 196 00:08:24,360 --> 00:08:27,960 Speaker 3: Yeah, have you heard about this Frontier controversy that's all 197 00:08:27,960 --> 00:08:31,880 Speaker 3: over TikTok too. So and again I'm only going up 198 00:08:31,880 --> 00:08:33,400 Speaker 3: by what I saw on TikTok, but it's a bunch 199 00:08:33,400 --> 00:08:36,160 Speaker 3: of people upset because they'll put there, they'll fly Frontier, 200 00:08:36,280 --> 00:08:39,600 Speaker 3: and Frontier will say that bag can't come on because 201 00:08:39,600 --> 00:08:40,600 Speaker 3: it doesn't fit, and. 202 00:08:40,640 --> 00:08:41,240 Speaker 1: Then they'll put it. 203 00:08:41,440 --> 00:08:43,000 Speaker 3: Yeah, the thing you know how they have the little 204 00:08:43,040 --> 00:08:46,680 Speaker 3: box like that demonstrates the right size in the gate area. 205 00:08:46,960 --> 00:08:48,840 Speaker 3: So then they'll sit it in there and it fits, 206 00:08:49,280 --> 00:08:51,520 Speaker 3: and then the airline will be like, sorry, that doesn't fit, and. 207 00:08:51,520 --> 00:08:54,280 Speaker 1: You'll be like, but it fit yet to pay the check. 208 00:08:54,440 --> 00:08:55,920 Speaker 1: So they want you to pay to check it. 209 00:08:55,960 --> 00:08:58,400 Speaker 3: And apparently that's because and again this is from TikTok, 210 00:08:58,640 --> 00:09:01,040 Speaker 3: but apparently that's because the airline put a bounty on 211 00:09:01,800 --> 00:09:04,840 Speaker 3: like raising the amount of fees they can they can 212 00:09:04,960 --> 00:09:07,920 Speaker 3: make from check or for carry on bags, so that 213 00:09:08,360 --> 00:09:10,800 Speaker 3: the gate agent gets ten dollars if they catch a 214 00:09:10,920 --> 00:09:13,160 Speaker 3: carry on bag it's too big and charge you for it. 215 00:09:15,000 --> 00:09:16,240 Speaker 3: And so now all of a sudden they're like, that 216 00:09:16,280 --> 00:09:20,679 Speaker 3: doesn't really fit, but it does faked, And so yeah, 217 00:09:20,679 --> 00:09:22,760 Speaker 3: it's his whole thing. And so I read an article 218 00:09:22,840 --> 00:09:24,959 Speaker 3: last night about him, about how they're trying to make 219 00:09:25,040 --> 00:09:28,200 Speaker 3: up for, you know, poor earnings on Frontier by charging 220 00:09:28,240 --> 00:09:30,280 Speaker 3: people fees that like don't necessarily need to be charged. 221 00:09:30,280 --> 00:09:32,079 Speaker 3: And again, I don't know if that's true or not. 222 00:09:32,280 --> 00:09:34,520 Speaker 3: That's just what one TikTok says. But there are a 223 00:09:34,600 --> 00:09:37,480 Speaker 3: lot of videos of people like, what what are you 224 00:09:37,520 --> 00:09:39,000 Speaker 3: talking about? Comfortably? 225 00:09:39,520 --> 00:09:42,040 Speaker 1: Bag is in there? It is in there, no problem, 226 00:09:42,120 --> 00:09:44,360 Speaker 1: and they're like, nope, gotta check it. In the meantime, you. 227 00:09:44,440 --> 00:09:47,679 Speaker 3: Got some guy with like an army navy like duffel bag. 228 00:09:47,760 --> 00:09:49,319 Speaker 3: You're trying to get on there and stay put it. 229 00:09:52,559 --> 00:09:54,880 Speaker 3: That's my favorite one. But it fell on the way 230 00:09:56,240 --> 00:09:58,959 Speaker 3: well I don't know, on the way met one another way. 231 00:09:59,160 --> 00:10:01,000 Speaker 3: So I they really can't help you with that. 232 00:10:01,240 --> 00:10:02,520 Speaker 5: You know what, there is shenanigans. 233 00:10:02,559 --> 00:10:05,440 Speaker 8: Because I took a trip last week and my suitcase 234 00:10:05,559 --> 00:10:06,959 Speaker 8: was fine on the way there, and on the way 235 00:10:07,040 --> 00:10:09,400 Speaker 8: back it weighed more and I lost stuff. I'm like, 236 00:10:09,480 --> 00:10:12,319 Speaker 8: you guys are doing shenanigans with your scales. All of 237 00:10:12,400 --> 00:10:14,280 Speaker 8: our suitcases weighed more on the way back. 238 00:10:14,320 --> 00:10:16,199 Speaker 3: I actually have a story about that here in just 239 00:10:16,280 --> 00:10:17,800 Speaker 3: a second, I want to know what you would do 240 00:10:17,840 --> 00:10:22,160 Speaker 3: about this, because yes, oh boy. Anyway, Yeah, so fifty 241 00:10:22,200 --> 00:10:24,400 Speaker 3: one percent of gen zers and forty three percent of 242 00:10:24,440 --> 00:10:26,760 Speaker 3: millennial set that social media makes them want to buy 243 00:10:26,920 --> 00:10:28,480 Speaker 3: things they know they can't afford. 244 00:10:29,480 --> 00:10:30,600 Speaker 1: So that's not good. Yeah. 245 00:10:30,760 --> 00:10:34,120 Speaker 3: Congress is considering a nationwide no fly list for disruptive 246 00:10:34,160 --> 00:10:39,199 Speaker 3: passengers with the Protection from the Abusive Passengers Act. So 247 00:10:39,440 --> 00:10:42,280 Speaker 3: under the law, passengers would land on the no fly 248 00:10:42,520 --> 00:10:46,199 Speaker 3: database for a conviction for assaulting, threatening, or intimidating a 249 00:10:46,280 --> 00:10:49,959 Speaker 3: crew member of an aircraft. Passengers don't have different opinions 250 00:10:50,360 --> 00:10:52,719 Speaker 3: of who should be on the no fly list. Some 251 00:10:52,960 --> 00:10:56,679 Speaker 3: say they would ban babies. Yeah, but banning babies is impractical. 252 00:10:58,679 --> 00:11:01,360 Speaker 2: Sorry, until you have That was an inn that was 253 00:11:01,480 --> 00:11:02,320 Speaker 2: not supposed to come. 254 00:11:07,280 --> 00:11:07,839 Speaker 1: It happened to. 255 00:11:08,080 --> 00:11:09,160 Speaker 2: I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. 256 00:11:09,960 --> 00:11:12,000 Speaker 3: I'm surprised you have an inner dialogue at all. I 257 00:11:12,040 --> 00:11:13,439 Speaker 3: don't even have an inner dialogue. 258 00:11:14,040 --> 00:11:15,320 Speaker 2: Thirty dollars on spirit. 259 00:11:15,360 --> 00:11:17,480 Speaker 1: You should allow anybody to do say whatever on that 260 00:11:17,600 --> 00:11:19,640 Speaker 1: plan thirty bucks. There's gonna be a baby on your 261 00:11:19,760 --> 00:11:20,080 Speaker 1: lap that. 262 00:11:21,600 --> 00:11:23,079 Speaker 2: I'm already on somebody's lap. 263 00:11:23,120 --> 00:11:29,520 Speaker 3: I don't want something, Well you want somebody's laughing, and 264 00:11:29,640 --> 00:11:30,600 Speaker 3: the baby's on your lap. 265 00:11:30,960 --> 00:11:32,280 Speaker 1: Why do you think get thirty dollars? 266 00:11:33,760 --> 00:11:34,559 Speaker 2: Baby's gone. 267 00:11:37,440 --> 00:11:40,719 Speaker 3: Irresponsible parents should get kicked off a flight as well. Well, 268 00:11:41,679 --> 00:11:43,800 Speaker 3: Look if you are, if you've got a baby on 269 00:11:43,880 --> 00:11:45,199 Speaker 3: a plane, that's a challenge. 270 00:11:45,280 --> 00:11:45,800 Speaker 1: I get that. 271 00:11:46,400 --> 00:11:48,920 Speaker 3: I've never had to do it, but I remember when 272 00:11:48,960 --> 00:11:50,880 Speaker 3: my sister was young. I was young, of course, now 273 00:11:50,960 --> 00:11:53,839 Speaker 3: Polly is young. That's so if you're trying your best 274 00:11:54,240 --> 00:11:56,600 Speaker 3: and your kid had, you know, his or her ears 275 00:11:56,679 --> 00:11:59,800 Speaker 3: hurt or whatever, that's one thing. But if you're not 276 00:12:00,160 --> 00:12:02,360 Speaker 3: in any like I've I've been on planes before where 277 00:12:02,440 --> 00:12:04,400 Speaker 3: parents have their headsets in there watching a movie and 278 00:12:04,480 --> 00:12:07,200 Speaker 3: their kids act in a fool and they're not even 279 00:12:07,240 --> 00:12:08,400 Speaker 3: attempting to correct it. 280 00:12:08,800 --> 00:12:11,760 Speaker 1: Maybe we can man that those ran the parents. A 281 00:12:11,840 --> 00:12:12,320 Speaker 1: kid can fly. 282 00:12:12,440 --> 00:12:14,360 Speaker 5: I guess a kid on my flight who wanted his 283 00:12:14,480 --> 00:12:14,959 Speaker 5: damn dad. 284 00:12:15,080 --> 00:12:17,439 Speaker 8: The parents weren't doing anything, and so that's why that 285 00:12:17,520 --> 00:12:19,160 Speaker 8: old lady said, at least you have a dad to. 286 00:12:19,200 --> 00:12:20,160 Speaker 2: Miss like you got it. 287 00:12:20,200 --> 00:12:23,040 Speaker 3: At least as a parent. I'm sure it's very, very difficult, 288 00:12:23,360 --> 00:12:26,400 Speaker 3: and you can agree with me, can't you? As a parent, Rufio, 289 00:12:26,440 --> 00:12:30,200 Speaker 3: you have to at least attempt to contain your child, right, 290 00:12:30,280 --> 00:12:32,560 Speaker 3: we live in a society. Yeah, you have to try 291 00:12:32,600 --> 00:12:32,960 Speaker 3: your best. 292 00:12:33,000 --> 00:12:34,800 Speaker 11: There's so many things you could do, Like you said, 293 00:12:34,880 --> 00:12:37,480 Speaker 11: their ears could be hurting, or they're they're scared to 294 00:12:37,520 --> 00:12:39,199 Speaker 11: be on the flight. They've never been on a flight before, 295 00:12:39,280 --> 00:12:41,240 Speaker 11: so like we buy all the things on the dollar 296 00:12:41,280 --> 00:12:43,719 Speaker 11: store to keep them occupied for that two hour flight 297 00:12:43,800 --> 00:12:45,960 Speaker 11: whatever it is. And that still might not work, because 298 00:12:45,960 --> 00:12:48,160 Speaker 11: Ashton was just like, I'm ready to get off this 299 00:12:48,200 --> 00:12:49,120 Speaker 11: plane in the middle of the flight. 300 00:12:49,160 --> 00:12:50,559 Speaker 1: I was like, we can't do that. 301 00:12:50,679 --> 00:12:57,439 Speaker 3: But as long as you're as long as you're trying, 302 00:12:58,080 --> 00:13:00,120 Speaker 3: I mean, that's a hard situation. I have a lot 303 00:13:00,160 --> 00:13:00,880 Speaker 3: of sympathy for that. 304 00:13:00,960 --> 00:13:02,599 Speaker 1: But like if it's the people who are like the 305 00:13:02,679 --> 00:13:04,760 Speaker 1: kids kicking the crap out of your seat and like 306 00:13:04,880 --> 00:13:06,840 Speaker 1: reaching through the middle, and it's like and the parents 307 00:13:06,880 --> 00:13:09,120 Speaker 1: are not paying any attime, I'm like, look, because if 308 00:13:09,160 --> 00:13:11,360 Speaker 1: I say something now I'm the I'm the mean guy. 309 00:13:12,160 --> 00:13:14,079 Speaker 8: But seen it like them running down the aisles and 310 00:13:14,120 --> 00:13:15,520 Speaker 8: the parents are not even trying to get them and 311 00:13:15,679 --> 00:13:17,599 Speaker 8: opening the doors to the bathroom. 312 00:13:17,840 --> 00:13:18,680 Speaker 5: I'm like, oh my god. 313 00:13:18,920 --> 00:13:19,920 Speaker 1: Not good. Not good. 314 00:13:20,040 --> 00:13:22,720 Speaker 3: A Kia and Hyundai have agreed to a two hundred 315 00:13:22,760 --> 00:13:25,960 Speaker 3: million dollar class action settlement following a viral social media 316 00:13:26,080 --> 00:13:29,560 Speaker 3: challenge that showed people how to steal the vehicles, leading 317 00:13:29,640 --> 00:13:33,800 Speaker 3: to hundreds of nationwide thefts. The settlement applies to about 318 00:13:33,840 --> 00:13:38,439 Speaker 3: nine million cars that didn't have anti theft immobilizers, So 319 00:13:38,559 --> 00:13:40,319 Speaker 3: I guess the settlement includes up to one hundred and 320 00:13:40,360 --> 00:13:43,400 Speaker 3: forty five million dollars of out of pocket losses and 321 00:13:43,720 --> 00:13:46,120 Speaker 3: one hundred and seventy dollars for a security kit for 322 00:13:46,200 --> 00:13:49,160 Speaker 3: your car. So if you drive a Honday or Key, 323 00:13:49,200 --> 00:13:51,560 Speaker 3: you can thank social media for that as well. Yet 324 00:13:51,559 --> 00:13:53,439 Speaker 3: another thing we didn't need to know how to steal cars. 325 00:13:54,559 --> 00:13:56,240 Speaker 3: A traveler, this is the story I was referring to 326 00:13:56,280 --> 00:14:00,679 Speaker 3: a minute ago. A travelers shared the mortifying encounter another 327 00:14:00,840 --> 00:14:04,880 Speaker 3: passenger had to endure when she was forced to step 328 00:14:05,000 --> 00:14:09,560 Speaker 3: on a baggage scale before takeoff after confusion over her weight. 329 00:14:10,360 --> 00:14:12,839 Speaker 3: So what TikTok users shared the whole airport trying to 330 00:14:12,880 --> 00:14:14,720 Speaker 3: mine their business as a woman has asked to step 331 00:14:14,760 --> 00:14:16,560 Speaker 3: on a baggage scale because she claims she was one 332 00:14:16,640 --> 00:14:19,800 Speaker 3: hundred and thirty pounds. It's a tiny plane, so they 333 00:14:19,880 --> 00:14:23,400 Speaker 3: needed our weight to take off for safety reasons. In 334 00:14:23,440 --> 00:14:26,960 Speaker 3: the accompanying five second footage shot at an undisclosed airport, 335 00:14:27,000 --> 00:14:28,840 Speaker 3: the passenger in question could be seen standing on the 336 00:14:28,920 --> 00:14:31,600 Speaker 3: luggage scale in full view of fellow flyers. 337 00:14:31,600 --> 00:14:34,360 Speaker 1: The or deal divided TikTok. Some people are saying, why 338 00:14:34,360 --> 00:14:36,000 Speaker 1: are people so mean? That's not okay. 339 00:14:36,440 --> 00:14:39,280 Speaker 3: Others, though, are saying, well, why would she risk everyone's 340 00:14:39,360 --> 00:14:42,240 Speaker 3: lives to not be honest about her weight? They care 341 00:14:42,280 --> 00:14:44,280 Speaker 3: about weight limits on small planes because they have to 342 00:14:44,320 --> 00:14:46,720 Speaker 3: have these censor weight in a certain part of the plane. 343 00:14:47,840 --> 00:14:49,680 Speaker 3: Does she know that she could have written it down 344 00:14:49,720 --> 00:14:52,680 Speaker 3: on a piece of paper. I mean it is important. Yeah, 345 00:14:52,720 --> 00:14:53,680 Speaker 3: you factored in, don't you? 346 00:14:53,720 --> 00:14:55,880 Speaker 8: And you yeah, I think about it, yeah, because I 347 00:14:55,960 --> 00:14:58,240 Speaker 8: remember like people taking bags and stuff. 348 00:14:58,240 --> 00:14:59,960 Speaker 3: You've said before, you like how much is your bagwein? 349 00:15:00,040 --> 00:15:02,360 Speaker 3: Because I think there's only certain and yeah, yeah, you 350 00:15:02,400 --> 00:15:04,440 Speaker 3: gotta think about that stuff. So if you're saying you're 351 00:15:04,440 --> 00:15:06,240 Speaker 3: one hundred and thirty pounds, but you're two hundred pounds, 352 00:15:06,280 --> 00:15:10,720 Speaker 3: like that's that's significant. In fact, recently, I think we 353 00:15:10,760 --> 00:15:12,600 Speaker 3: did this story a couple of years ago. The airlines 354 00:15:12,720 --> 00:15:15,160 Speaker 3: used like a generic weight for Americans. I think there 355 00:15:15,240 --> 00:15:17,320 Speaker 3: was a generic weight for men in a generic weight 356 00:15:17,360 --> 00:15:20,640 Speaker 3: for women. And because we've all gotten a little bigger 357 00:15:20,880 --> 00:15:23,360 Speaker 3: as a society, they realized that we're like they were 358 00:15:23,440 --> 00:15:26,840 Speaker 3: way off, so they had to like change increase the 359 00:15:26,960 --> 00:15:29,160 Speaker 3: average weight for women and the average weight for men 360 00:15:29,600 --> 00:15:32,080 Speaker 3: so that it was a more accurate you estimate when 361 00:15:32,160 --> 00:15:34,480 Speaker 3: they when you go flying around on the plane. 362 00:15:34,640 --> 00:15:36,680 Speaker 8: They should do that in private, though not put her 363 00:15:36,760 --> 00:15:39,560 Speaker 8: on the baggage scale. That's crazy, you know, Yeah somewhere. 364 00:15:39,360 --> 00:15:39,960 Speaker 1: That was crazy. 365 00:15:40,240 --> 00:15:43,120 Speaker 3: Yeah, exactly, there are Again she could have just if 366 00:15:43,200 --> 00:15:45,000 Speaker 3: she wasn't. I don't look. I looked at her. I 367 00:15:45,040 --> 00:15:47,160 Speaker 3: don't know if she's I don't know. But if there 368 00:15:47,240 --> 00:15:49,080 Speaker 3: was any question about it and you didn't want to 369 00:15:49,080 --> 00:15:50,800 Speaker 3: say out loud how much you weigh, you could again, 370 00:15:50,840 --> 00:15:52,200 Speaker 3: you could just write it down and say this is 371 00:15:52,280 --> 00:15:54,160 Speaker 3: what it was. I'm sure it didn't have to be that, 372 00:15:54,560 --> 00:15:57,480 Speaker 3: but I don't know. The tenth installment of The Fast 373 00:15:57,520 --> 00:16:01,000 Speaker 3: and Furious franchise, not Guardians at the Galaxy, volume three 374 00:16:01,040 --> 00:16:03,120 Speaker 3: out of first place to claim the number one spot, 375 00:16:03,200 --> 00:16:07,000 Speaker 3: made sixty seven point five million dollars over the weekend. 376 00:16:07,320 --> 00:16:12,240 Speaker 3: It's International Being You Day, National Craft Distillery Day, so 377 00:16:12,360 --> 00:16:16,840 Speaker 3: the beer that tastes like earwax, the National Solitaire Day, 378 00:16:17,280 --> 00:16:22,360 Speaker 3: National Buy a Musical Instrument Day or Don't or do it? 379 00:16:22,840 --> 00:16:26,240 Speaker 3: National Maritime Day, recognizing the launch of the maritime industry 380 00:16:26,520 --> 00:16:28,360 Speaker 3: in the United States. And now you're up to date, 381 00:16:28,640 --> 00:16:31,560 Speaker 3: and the entertainer report is two minutes away. Fred's show 382 00:16:31,640 --> 00:16:34,360 Speaker 3: is on blogs, coming up, audio journals, New Waiting by 383 00:16:34,440 --> 00:16:37,560 Speaker 3: the Phone showed by Shelley thirteen hundred and fifty bucks 384 00:16:37,640 --> 00:16:40,520 Speaker 3: coming up one those three climes. Kiss FM, Chicago's number 385 00:16:40,520 --> 00:16:41,440 Speaker 3: one hit music station. 386 00:16:41,640 --> 00:16:44,320 Speaker 1: Callen's entertainer Report is on The Fresh Show. 387 00:16:44,800 --> 00:16:47,720 Speaker 8: Miles Cyrus broke a lot of our hearts when she 388 00:16:47,800 --> 00:16:49,520 Speaker 8: said she isn't going to go on tour for her 389 00:16:49,600 --> 00:16:53,200 Speaker 8: latest album, Endless Summer Vacation and maybe not ever again. 390 00:16:53,920 --> 00:16:54,680 Speaker 2: I know, I know. 391 00:16:54,800 --> 00:16:55,520 Speaker 5: Kiky's upset. 392 00:16:55,640 --> 00:16:58,480 Speaker 8: So in a new interview with British Folgue, she said 393 00:16:58,560 --> 00:17:01,320 Speaker 8: that singing for hundreds of thousands of people isn't really 394 00:17:01,400 --> 00:17:03,440 Speaker 8: her thing. In fact, the last time she did a 395 00:17:03,520 --> 00:17:06,800 Speaker 8: headlining arena tour was in twenty thirteen for Bangers. That 396 00:17:06,960 --> 00:17:10,119 Speaker 8: was That was a time Miley said touring isn't natural. 397 00:17:10,200 --> 00:17:12,240 Speaker 8: It's so isolating because you're in front of one hundred 398 00:17:12,240 --> 00:17:15,320 Speaker 8: thousand people, but you're alone. There's no connection, there's no safety. 399 00:17:15,640 --> 00:17:17,520 Speaker 8: Do I want to live my life for anyone else's 400 00:17:17,600 --> 00:17:19,720 Speaker 8: pleasure or fulfillment other than my own? 401 00:17:19,880 --> 00:17:21,080 Speaker 5: So I don't know. 402 00:17:21,119 --> 00:17:23,280 Speaker 8: That's how she feels right now. Hopefully she will change 403 00:17:23,320 --> 00:17:25,720 Speaker 8: her mind. She does do like small shows. 404 00:17:25,440 --> 00:17:27,680 Speaker 2: You know. I mean, I'm out here pushing this record, 405 00:17:27,800 --> 00:17:31,640 Speaker 2: you know, Flowers and streaming. I've made a remix dying. Yeah, 406 00:17:31,800 --> 00:17:34,080 Speaker 2: like I need her to fulfill her end of the bargain, 407 00:17:34,560 --> 00:17:35,200 Speaker 2: come beform. 408 00:17:36,040 --> 00:17:38,080 Speaker 1: Do I have the Flowers remix here? You got to 409 00:17:38,080 --> 00:17:40,000 Speaker 1: push the other songs on the album peak. 410 00:17:40,359 --> 00:17:45,240 Speaker 5: I just want to see flowers all please about Maybe. 411 00:17:45,080 --> 00:17:46,120 Speaker 2: She'll do don't. 412 00:17:46,480 --> 00:17:48,479 Speaker 1: I don't have Kiki's Flowers remix. 413 00:17:48,600 --> 00:17:49,399 Speaker 12: I do have this. 414 00:17:53,200 --> 00:17:54,280 Speaker 3: On my side. 415 00:17:56,200 --> 00:17:57,359 Speaker 1: On the streets. 416 00:18:00,640 --> 00:18:04,960 Speaker 2: Rupio, and that's up holding a gun. 417 00:18:07,560 --> 00:18:07,720 Speaker 8: Right. 418 00:18:08,040 --> 00:18:08,960 Speaker 2: She doesn't have a card. 419 00:18:09,880 --> 00:18:10,800 Speaker 13: She does have a part. 420 00:18:11,000 --> 00:18:11,960 Speaker 8: I have not heard that. 421 00:18:13,359 --> 00:18:13,679 Speaker 3: I don't know. 422 00:18:15,480 --> 00:18:18,760 Speaker 1: That one or I don't know. Boy, it's it's really 423 00:18:18,800 --> 00:18:21,119 Speaker 1: a toss up. I think maybe this might. 424 00:18:21,040 --> 00:18:31,320 Speaker 2: Be cause y'are read were to me, you gotta watch 425 00:18:31,400 --> 00:18:36,719 Speaker 2: out for the cactuses in you industries whippy. 426 00:18:38,440 --> 00:18:43,760 Speaker 3: Always have a gun, get scared anyway. So that's kiky. 427 00:18:43,880 --> 00:18:46,560 Speaker 3: I mean you are, you're out here pushing you. It's 428 00:18:46,600 --> 00:18:49,480 Speaker 3: like you work for the record label basically, right, so 429 00:18:49,640 --> 00:18:50,200 Speaker 3: at least they. 430 00:18:50,200 --> 00:18:51,160 Speaker 2: Can do as go on tour. 431 00:18:51,440 --> 00:18:53,760 Speaker 5: Yeah, I mean, my god, damn. All right, well you 432 00:18:53,840 --> 00:18:56,400 Speaker 5: talked to Miley, Yeah, felt fill her out. 433 00:18:57,040 --> 00:19:00,359 Speaker 8: Jez and Beyonce have set a California record after coppying 434 00:19:00,440 --> 00:19:02,679 Speaker 8: a thirty thousand square foot mansion for. 435 00:19:02,760 --> 00:19:05,200 Speaker 5: Two hundred million. You know, just two hundred million. Yeah 436 00:19:05,240 --> 00:19:05,560 Speaker 5: the house. 437 00:19:05,600 --> 00:19:07,200 Speaker 1: I saw it on social media. Now I need one? 438 00:19:07,680 --> 00:19:08,400 Speaker 5: Oh yeah yeah. 439 00:19:08,440 --> 00:19:10,720 Speaker 3: I called a real tour and I'm like, can I 440 00:19:11,119 --> 00:19:14,040 Speaker 3: what's your budget? About two hundred million? We can't afford that, 441 00:19:14,119 --> 00:19:15,919 Speaker 3: but like, let's see if we can get the loan anyway. 442 00:19:16,040 --> 00:19:17,440 Speaker 5: They wouldn't even let me tour that house. 443 00:19:17,520 --> 00:19:19,800 Speaker 1: What do you think the payment on two hundred million dollars? 444 00:19:21,520 --> 00:19:23,160 Speaker 5: I don't know, Yeah, I have no idea. 445 00:19:23,240 --> 00:19:24,360 Speaker 1: What million dollars? Huh? 446 00:19:24,520 --> 00:19:26,920 Speaker 8: Two hundred mil So the house is in the Paradise 447 00:19:27,040 --> 00:19:29,840 Speaker 8: Cove area of Malibu, and it is now the most 448 00:19:29,960 --> 00:19:33,080 Speaker 8: expensive home ever sold in the entire state of California. 449 00:19:33,400 --> 00:19:36,640 Speaker 8: Before this, the record was one hundred and seventy seven million. Peasants, 450 00:19:36,920 --> 00:19:40,400 Speaker 8: one hundred and seventy seven million is nothing. The shack 451 00:19:40,480 --> 00:19:42,000 Speaker 8: they must live in for that one hundred and. 452 00:19:41,960 --> 00:19:42,720 Speaker 5: Seventy seven Yeah. 453 00:19:42,960 --> 00:19:46,320 Speaker 8: The couple previously purchased a mansion in bel Laire for 454 00:19:46,440 --> 00:19:48,840 Speaker 8: eighty eight million and twenty seventeen, so this is quite 455 00:19:48,880 --> 00:19:49,240 Speaker 8: the jump. 456 00:19:49,359 --> 00:19:51,200 Speaker 3: I would like to give credit to whoever's joke. This 457 00:19:51,400 --> 00:19:54,840 Speaker 3: is the specific description, and I don't know who it is, 458 00:19:54,960 --> 00:19:58,040 Speaker 3: so to forgive me. But it's like when you're watching 459 00:19:58,119 --> 00:20:02,000 Speaker 3: House Hunters and the person like, I'm a hummingbird therapist 460 00:20:02,280 --> 00:20:04,280 Speaker 3: and the other one's like, I'm a blind art teacher, 461 00:20:04,680 --> 00:20:06,000 Speaker 3: and it's like, what's your budget? 462 00:20:06,119 --> 00:20:08,159 Speaker 1: Eighty seven million dollars and you're like. 463 00:20:08,359 --> 00:20:09,800 Speaker 14: What what? 464 00:20:11,800 --> 00:20:11,960 Speaker 2: How? 465 00:20:12,240 --> 00:20:14,679 Speaker 5: How that makes you feel bad about myself? 466 00:20:14,760 --> 00:20:14,920 Speaker 12: Yeah? 467 00:20:15,000 --> 00:20:17,120 Speaker 8: Not Instagram, but that I'm like, how are you guys 468 00:20:17,240 --> 00:20:20,520 Speaker 8: making your you know, ends meet to have that budget? 469 00:20:20,760 --> 00:20:22,840 Speaker 1: Yeah? I don't. I have no idea, you know. 470 00:20:23,000 --> 00:20:25,200 Speaker 3: It's like I'm a I'm a volunteer and I'm a 471 00:20:25,280 --> 00:20:29,359 Speaker 3: school teacher. What's your budget? Eight hundred million? And I 472 00:20:29,440 --> 00:20:31,600 Speaker 3: need seventeen rooms and I need a movie theater and 473 00:20:31,600 --> 00:20:32,560 Speaker 3: a bowling alley And I'm like. 474 00:20:32,560 --> 00:20:33,880 Speaker 5: Wait, make it makes sense? 475 00:20:34,280 --> 00:20:37,520 Speaker 1: How what do you huh? How you got so much money? 476 00:20:37,640 --> 00:20:41,960 Speaker 5: Think about that? Every day? Yes, every single day. 477 00:20:42,480 --> 00:20:45,159 Speaker 8: Dualipa and a new Man made their red carpet debut 478 00:20:45,280 --> 00:20:48,080 Speaker 8: at the cann Film Festival over the weekend. Dua and 479 00:20:48,240 --> 00:20:50,720 Speaker 8: French music video director, which is not an occupation. 480 00:20:50,800 --> 00:20:51,440 Speaker 5: I knew you could have. 481 00:20:52,080 --> 00:20:56,240 Speaker 8: Romaine Gavras were spotted leaving a London party together in February, 482 00:20:56,280 --> 00:20:58,880 Speaker 8: also during Paris Fashion Week, but this was their first 483 00:20:59,000 --> 00:21:02,199 Speaker 8: like on purpose public appearance. They looked really hot too, 484 00:21:02,280 --> 00:21:05,920 Speaker 8: He's pretty cute. Romaine previously dated Rita Aura for like 485 00:21:06,040 --> 00:21:10,000 Speaker 8: six months, and then Dua was seen making out with 486 00:21:10,080 --> 00:21:12,480 Speaker 8: Trevor Noah remember a couple months ago, and then also 487 00:21:12,560 --> 00:21:16,200 Speaker 8: dated Gigi and Bellahadid's brother Anwar. So they're hot, they're 488 00:21:16,280 --> 00:21:19,160 Speaker 8: together whatever. Marta Jack got online today and new Kelly 489 00:21:19,240 --> 00:21:23,200 Speaker 8: Clarkson and Taylor Swift piano started playing by itself on 490 00:21:23,320 --> 00:21:24,840 Speaker 8: tours on frenchpur Radio dot com. 491 00:21:25,400 --> 00:21:30,480 Speaker 3: Guys, look, you know, I'm a swifty junior. I'm a 492 00:21:30,560 --> 00:21:35,040 Speaker 3: mini SWIFTYE. I'm an ally. I'm a swifty ally. I 493 00:21:35,200 --> 00:21:38,119 Speaker 3: like Taylor Swift. I do, and I don't know if 494 00:21:38,160 --> 00:21:40,440 Speaker 3: I'm going. I think I'm going to the Taylor Swift show. 495 00:21:40,760 --> 00:21:43,000 Speaker 3: It's kind of a game time decision. I'm only going 496 00:21:43,280 --> 00:21:45,440 Speaker 3: if it has nothing to do with any of the 497 00:21:45,520 --> 00:21:47,520 Speaker 3: tickets that were giving away or anything like. It would 498 00:21:47,520 --> 00:21:50,680 Speaker 3: be an invitation for someone else anyway, I'd be somebody's guest. 499 00:21:52,160 --> 00:21:54,359 Speaker 1: Can it just end? Like? Can she come and go? 500 00:21:54,920 --> 00:21:57,359 Speaker 1: Because I am so no? 501 00:21:58,160 --> 00:22:00,280 Speaker 2: Maybe can you? 502 00:22:01,000 --> 00:22:02,280 Speaker 1: I'm not saying I'm not saying. 503 00:22:02,119 --> 00:22:06,960 Speaker 3: She should die. I'm saying a tour be over dramatic, 504 00:22:10,760 --> 00:22:13,080 Speaker 3: Like I just said, can she like die? All I'm 505 00:22:13,119 --> 00:22:15,960 Speaker 3: saying is can she come and go from Chicago or wherever? 506 00:22:16,480 --> 00:22:16,720 Speaker 2: Can she? 507 00:22:16,880 --> 00:22:18,359 Speaker 1: Can the tour just be done? 508 00:22:18,560 --> 00:22:21,000 Speaker 5: How did you just say you're SWIFTYE and you want 509 00:22:21,080 --> 00:22:21,680 Speaker 5: her tour to go? 510 00:22:22,200 --> 00:22:24,760 Speaker 1: I don't understand so dramatic looks like you're. 511 00:22:27,200 --> 00:22:27,360 Speaker 12: Why. 512 00:22:28,280 --> 00:22:30,080 Speaker 1: I don't understand why this is controversial. 513 00:22:30,160 --> 00:22:32,480 Speaker 3: I wanted to begin an end because I'm tired of 514 00:22:32,560 --> 00:22:38,600 Speaker 3: hearing about tickets. I am getting asked by everybody ever yeah, 515 00:22:38,800 --> 00:22:41,200 Speaker 3: for tickets, and it's and I'll be honest with you, 516 00:22:41,400 --> 00:22:43,960 Speaker 3: some people are approaching me like they just expect the 517 00:22:44,040 --> 00:22:46,560 Speaker 3: answer to be yes. I'm like, you, guys, if you 518 00:22:46,720 --> 00:22:49,800 Speaker 3: think you think this concert is that difficult to access? 519 00:22:49,840 --> 00:22:52,920 Speaker 3: And somehow I have a skybox that's available for everybody, 520 00:22:53,680 --> 00:22:54,720 Speaker 3: Like what are you thinking? 521 00:22:54,920 --> 00:22:56,240 Speaker 5: He does, keep messaging him. 522 00:22:57,760 --> 00:22:59,840 Speaker 1: It's not even it's not even people who listen to us. 523 00:22:59,880 --> 00:23:00,960 Speaker 1: I understand you listen. 524 00:23:01,040 --> 00:23:02,719 Speaker 3: You want to win and I want you to win too, 525 00:23:02,760 --> 00:23:04,440 Speaker 3: And we have tickets and we've given them away and 526 00:23:04,440 --> 00:23:06,240 Speaker 3: we're gonna give more away. I get all of that, 527 00:23:06,640 --> 00:23:09,480 Speaker 3: but like the number of people who just casually have 528 00:23:09,560 --> 00:23:12,680 Speaker 3: written me in the last week, Hey, so can I 529 00:23:12,720 --> 00:23:15,200 Speaker 3: get a couple to tailor? Remember that time that I 530 00:23:15,440 --> 00:23:18,320 Speaker 3: remember that time that I gave you a dollar for 531 00:23:18,520 --> 00:23:22,639 Speaker 3: the vending machine? Can I get some tailor tickets? And 532 00:23:22,720 --> 00:23:24,480 Speaker 3: I'm like, where do you think I'm gonna come up 533 00:23:24,520 --> 00:23:27,720 Speaker 3: with these? Like literally, it's it's probably the most difficult 534 00:23:27,720 --> 00:23:29,919 Speaker 3: ticket to get in my career. I'm not sure if 535 00:23:29,920 --> 00:23:32,920 Speaker 3: I've ever if I'm privy to any ticket that's been harder. 536 00:23:33,119 --> 00:23:35,239 Speaker 3: And I just I needed to end because I need 537 00:23:35,480 --> 00:23:39,280 Speaker 3: people to stop asking me for tickets. And here's why 538 00:23:39,320 --> 00:23:41,480 Speaker 3: I bring this up. I mean, people were just like 539 00:23:42,000 --> 00:23:44,040 Speaker 3: like people are sending me. Like one girl the other 540 00:23:44,119 --> 00:23:46,000 Speaker 3: day sent me who I went on one date with 541 00:23:46,080 --> 00:23:50,280 Speaker 3: a year ago. She sent me she forwarded me a 542 00:23:50,440 --> 00:23:54,399 Speaker 3: radio station like social media post where it said, you know, 543 00:23:54,600 --> 00:23:56,520 Speaker 3: listen here and here and here to win tickets. And 544 00:23:56,640 --> 00:23:58,480 Speaker 3: she's like, if only I knew somebody who worked at 545 00:23:58,520 --> 00:24:01,720 Speaker 3: that radio station, like her passive aggressive way of being, like, 546 00:24:01,880 --> 00:24:03,880 Speaker 3: I should, I should just get those could you say, 547 00:24:03,960 --> 00:24:10,480 Speaker 3: if only, well listen between this time, I don't have them. 548 00:24:10,560 --> 00:24:11,320 Speaker 1: They don't exist. 549 00:24:11,400 --> 00:24:13,879 Speaker 3: I don't have them, and I just needed to be 550 00:24:13,960 --> 00:24:15,760 Speaker 3: over because I'm so tired of people ask you about it, 551 00:24:15,920 --> 00:24:17,080 Speaker 3: or you could do what this kid did. 552 00:24:17,119 --> 00:24:19,439 Speaker 1: I found missed out on tickets, so the singer's popular 553 00:24:19,520 --> 00:24:22,880 Speaker 1: US tour, he went outside the box to attend listen 554 00:24:22,960 --> 00:24:23,119 Speaker 1: to this. 555 00:24:24,080 --> 00:24:27,720 Speaker 4: I actually got reprimanded by Taylor's security saying that I 556 00:24:27,800 --> 00:24:28,200 Speaker 4: was going. 557 00:24:28,080 --> 00:24:29,960 Speaker 1: Too hard and I needed to take it down a notch. 558 00:24:30,240 --> 00:24:32,119 Speaker 1: It really was a blessing that I didn't get tickets. 559 00:24:32,960 --> 00:24:35,600 Speaker 3: It's just because he got a job as a security 560 00:24:35,640 --> 00:24:39,200 Speaker 3: officer at the venue, yes, just so that he could 561 00:24:39,240 --> 00:24:40,040 Speaker 3: go to the show. 562 00:24:40,359 --> 00:24:43,000 Speaker 8: I would rather not go because you know that torture 563 00:24:43,080 --> 00:24:45,520 Speaker 8: of hearing it but not being able to turn your head. 564 00:24:45,600 --> 00:24:48,240 Speaker 3: Oh, there's video of him going hard in the pain. 565 00:24:48,720 --> 00:24:51,240 Speaker 3: He's he is a fan, he does not care what 566 00:24:51,359 --> 00:24:53,720 Speaker 3: happens after, but he can't turn around Like that would 567 00:24:53,840 --> 00:24:55,560 Speaker 3: kill me. Like I would rather not see her than 568 00:24:55,600 --> 00:24:56,520 Speaker 3: not be able to look at her. 569 00:24:56,800 --> 00:24:57,680 Speaker 2: I'd be like, I quit. 570 00:24:57,720 --> 00:25:00,639 Speaker 1: I get there, but I quit? Yeah, come fine me? 571 00:25:01,320 --> 00:25:04,360 Speaker 1: So why genius? Because he doesn't care if he gets 572 00:25:04,400 --> 00:25:05,960 Speaker 1: fired and he did. 573 00:25:06,040 --> 00:25:08,159 Speaker 3: I'm sure he doesn't care about this video of him 574 00:25:08,280 --> 00:25:10,399 Speaker 3: just rocking out because he doesn't care. People are like 575 00:25:10,440 --> 00:25:12,120 Speaker 3: the Swifties are gonna come for you. On the text, 576 00:25:12,160 --> 00:25:14,399 Speaker 3: I'm like, I didn't say anything bad about Taylor Swift. 577 00:25:14,800 --> 00:25:16,480 Speaker 3: I said I want the event to be over because 578 00:25:16,480 --> 00:25:19,400 Speaker 3: I don't have any tickets. And anyone who I've ever done, 579 00:25:19,440 --> 00:25:21,840 Speaker 3: anyone who believes they've ever done a favor for me 580 00:25:21,920 --> 00:25:24,200 Speaker 3: ever in the whole world, is like, hey, can I 581 00:25:24,240 --> 00:25:25,080 Speaker 3: get the other day? 582 00:25:26,600 --> 00:25:31,240 Speaker 1: My good friend's wife? Can I get four? Four? Wow? 583 00:25:33,160 --> 00:25:35,320 Speaker 1: I form a ticket mess, here's four available? 584 00:25:35,400 --> 00:25:35,520 Speaker 15: Right? 585 00:25:36,119 --> 00:25:39,040 Speaker 1: You think I've just got twenty thousand dollars tickets? 586 00:25:39,560 --> 00:25:39,760 Speaker 16: Oh? 587 00:25:39,920 --> 00:25:43,240 Speaker 3: Yeah, I had another person that I used to date 588 00:25:43,400 --> 00:25:47,280 Speaker 3: fifteen years ago send me a text last night, Hey 589 00:25:47,359 --> 00:25:50,320 Speaker 3: can I come to Chicago? We'll go to Taylor And 590 00:25:50,440 --> 00:25:53,040 Speaker 3: my response was that sounds like a good deal for you. 591 00:25:54,760 --> 00:25:56,720 Speaker 3: I'm serious. I've never seen anything like it. And I 592 00:25:56,880 --> 00:25:59,480 Speaker 3: wish everybody who wanted tickets, everyone who listens to us 593 00:25:59,520 --> 00:26:02,000 Speaker 3: can go. I really do, and if we had them, 594 00:26:02,080 --> 00:26:02,879 Speaker 3: we'd give them to you. 595 00:26:03,240 --> 00:26:03,840 Speaker 1: But I don't. 596 00:26:05,000 --> 00:26:06,920 Speaker 3: But I don't, and if I get to go, it's 597 00:26:06,960 --> 00:26:09,520 Speaker 3: because I'm someone else's plus one, and I can only 598 00:26:09,560 --> 00:26:12,480 Speaker 3: imagine what's going to happen when when there's a picture 599 00:26:12,520 --> 00:26:14,960 Speaker 3: of me at this thing, and then everyone's gonna believe 600 00:26:15,000 --> 00:26:15,880 Speaker 3: that that should have been them. 601 00:26:17,040 --> 00:26:17,440 Speaker 1: I don't know. 602 00:26:18,119 --> 00:26:20,080 Speaker 3: As long as you two get to go, though, and 603 00:26:20,160 --> 00:26:22,800 Speaker 3: it looks like you are right, we are, okay, good, 604 00:26:23,080 --> 00:26:23,600 Speaker 3: Well there you go. 605 00:26:23,800 --> 00:26:25,680 Speaker 5: God willing. I believe it when I'm in the venue. 606 00:26:27,320 --> 00:26:30,280 Speaker 3: Jason Mcalen needs to be first, and everyone knows that 607 00:26:30,440 --> 00:26:34,200 Speaker 3: you guys are my first priority to go. Everybody else whatever. 608 00:26:34,440 --> 00:26:37,879 Speaker 3: But I'm just like, I just please come perform. I 609 00:26:37,960 --> 00:26:42,720 Speaker 3: hope everyone has a great time and leave and don't 610 00:26:42,760 --> 00:26:44,880 Speaker 3: come back for a couple of years because I can't 611 00:26:44,920 --> 00:26:51,639 Speaker 3: handle Wow, you guys are so dramatic. The same messages 612 00:26:52,280 --> 00:26:55,560 Speaker 3: SOB story twenty three five, kiss and femt Chicago's number 613 00:26:55,600 --> 00:26:58,000 Speaker 3: one in music station Fred Show. 614 00:26:58,080 --> 00:27:00,959 Speaker 1: I didn't get to this on on Friday. 615 00:27:01,080 --> 00:27:03,800 Speaker 3: By the way, people who are going to Taylor are 616 00:27:03,920 --> 00:27:06,000 Speaker 3: texting us right now EAT five five, five nine one 617 00:27:06,000 --> 00:27:08,159 Speaker 3: one oh three five saying I have tickets and I 618 00:27:08,240 --> 00:27:10,359 Speaker 3: can't wait for it to be over. It's like, let's 619 00:27:10,480 --> 00:27:15,320 Speaker 3: just please please, I mean, have an amazing tour. I 620 00:27:15,480 --> 00:27:18,480 Speaker 3: love you, enjoy yourself, but my god, this whole thing, 621 00:27:18,520 --> 00:27:20,760 Speaker 3: which it's also kind of depressing, to be honest with you, 622 00:27:21,040 --> 00:27:22,800 Speaker 3: because the other thing is if you're on TikTok or 623 00:27:22,840 --> 00:27:25,240 Speaker 3: Instagram or any of this, you just see stories of 624 00:27:25,280 --> 00:27:28,199 Speaker 3: people who are really really really really sad that they 625 00:27:28,280 --> 00:27:31,280 Speaker 3: can't go, and really really really sad at the aftermarket 626 00:27:31,320 --> 00:27:34,520 Speaker 3: price for tickets. And that's all fair. It's all fair. 627 00:27:35,040 --> 00:27:37,640 Speaker 3: The whole thing, you know, unfortunately, was a big snafu, 628 00:27:37,720 --> 00:27:40,439 Speaker 3: and Taylor knows it. Everybody knows it, the ticketmaster's thing 629 00:27:40,720 --> 00:27:42,960 Speaker 3: and I and there are so many people that won't 630 00:27:42,960 --> 00:27:44,960 Speaker 3: get to go, who want to go despite the fact 631 00:27:45,000 --> 00:27:47,639 Speaker 3: that you know she's playing a bunch of shows and 632 00:27:47,760 --> 00:27:49,720 Speaker 3: hundreds of thousands of people. But I get all that, 633 00:27:50,160 --> 00:27:54,200 Speaker 3: which is why please just just let's just do it. 634 00:27:55,240 --> 00:27:58,520 Speaker 3: Rip the band aid off. Hey, come just sing right now, 635 00:27:58,720 --> 00:28:00,680 Speaker 3: come sing on the radio, and one will be happy. 636 00:28:01,000 --> 00:28:01,440 Speaker 3: How about that? 637 00:28:02,080 --> 00:28:03,520 Speaker 1: How about that for a solution? You know you got 638 00:28:03,600 --> 00:28:05,200 Speaker 1: to say for the whole show, Fred, you can't leave early. 639 00:28:05,400 --> 00:28:12,760 Speaker 1: I certainly can't hurt. 640 00:28:14,760 --> 00:28:15,640 Speaker 2: For the whole three. 641 00:28:15,520 --> 00:28:19,040 Speaker 8: Hours, or bring Jason and I are tickets when you're 642 00:28:19,080 --> 00:28:21,160 Speaker 8: done down wherever you're sitting. 643 00:28:21,600 --> 00:28:23,840 Speaker 5: Because I don't think it's different anywhere. 644 00:28:24,119 --> 00:28:26,280 Speaker 1: I don't. I don't think. I don't tell people you're 645 00:28:26,320 --> 00:28:26,639 Speaker 1: going with. 646 00:28:27,720 --> 00:28:30,280 Speaker 3: I'm a guest of someone else. That's all I can 647 00:28:30,600 --> 00:28:42,120 Speaker 3: someone Taylor, Well, yeah, but radio blocks on the Fred Show. 648 00:28:42,480 --> 00:28:45,240 Speaker 3: I'm told she puts her guests way you know where 649 00:28:45,240 --> 00:28:46,640 Speaker 3: I hope I get to I hope I get to 650 00:28:46,680 --> 00:28:51,040 Speaker 3: stand next to Matt Heally, that little tant. Everywhere she 651 00:28:51,120 --> 00:28:52,920 Speaker 3: goes on tour, there's like a little place for like 652 00:28:53,000 --> 00:28:53,400 Speaker 3: her mom. 653 00:28:53,680 --> 00:28:55,200 Speaker 5: Did you see Brad Pitt was in that tyn? 654 00:28:56,240 --> 00:28:58,160 Speaker 3: Yes, like wasn't A bunch of people have been in 655 00:28:58,240 --> 00:29:00,640 Speaker 3: the little That's right, Laurence. Let me stand in a 656 00:29:00,680 --> 00:29:04,760 Speaker 3: little tent late and he gets smoke cigarettes and drink 657 00:29:04,760 --> 00:29:07,760 Speaker 3: whiskey together and swap stories. I just want to get 658 00:29:07,760 --> 00:29:11,400 Speaker 3: on TMZA. 659 00:29:10,480 --> 00:29:11,880 Speaker 5: Hilarious also lives. 660 00:29:11,920 --> 00:29:14,840 Speaker 3: And then you're like this the tall dude, just some 661 00:29:15,000 --> 00:29:16,880 Speaker 3: loser in the back, and everyone's like, who's that guy? 662 00:29:17,440 --> 00:29:21,120 Speaker 1: What band was he in? He never was? What NBA 663 00:29:21,200 --> 00:29:25,640 Speaker 1: teen did he play for? He's just a loser radio guy. Okay. 664 00:29:25,680 --> 00:29:27,360 Speaker 1: It's like we're writing in our diaries, except we say 665 00:29:27,400 --> 00:29:30,080 Speaker 1: them aloud. We call them blogs. And Calein's got one 666 00:29:30,160 --> 00:29:31,240 Speaker 1: go deer blog. 667 00:29:31,560 --> 00:29:34,640 Speaker 5: So I got busted real bad the other day. 668 00:29:34,840 --> 00:29:37,680 Speaker 8: And if anyone's ever had to have like a shared 669 00:29:37,800 --> 00:29:41,520 Speaker 8: laundry situation in a building or whatever, then you might 670 00:29:41,560 --> 00:29:44,120 Speaker 8: be able to relate to this. So I was at 671 00:29:44,400 --> 00:29:47,400 Speaker 8: my friend Hillary's the other night. Hot Hillary, as Fred 672 00:29:47,480 --> 00:29:50,920 Speaker 8: calls her, Hell yeah, and she had work in the 673 00:29:51,000 --> 00:29:54,560 Speaker 8: morning and she needed to wash her scrub. She's a nurse, right, 674 00:29:55,160 --> 00:29:58,480 Speaker 8: So she goes out to switch her laundry load and 675 00:29:58,800 --> 00:30:01,080 Speaker 8: she comes back really frustrat and she's like, oh my god, 676 00:30:01,440 --> 00:30:03,479 Speaker 8: he always does this. And it's a smaller building, it's 677 00:30:03,560 --> 00:30:05,680 Speaker 8: not like a high rise. She knew exactly the neighbor 678 00:30:05,680 --> 00:30:07,080 Speaker 8: who did it, and she's like, he always does this, 679 00:30:07,240 --> 00:30:09,720 Speaker 8: he leaves his crap in the washer and he doesn't 680 00:30:09,800 --> 00:30:11,680 Speaker 8: change it, and like it's getting late at night, like 681 00:30:11,760 --> 00:30:12,720 Speaker 8: she has to work whatever. 682 00:30:13,280 --> 00:30:15,520 Speaker 5: So we wait a while, wait a while to be courteous. 683 00:30:15,920 --> 00:30:18,280 Speaker 8: And we might have been, you know, drinking a little wine, 684 00:30:18,360 --> 00:30:19,800 Speaker 8: maybe a little left handed cigarette. 685 00:30:19,800 --> 00:30:25,080 Speaker 5: And I was like, left hand, we might have been dabbling. 686 00:30:25,120 --> 00:30:26,520 Speaker 5: The devil's at us. So I was like, I have 687 00:30:26,600 --> 00:30:28,680 Speaker 5: an idea. I'm like, I'm going to take a stand. 688 00:30:28,720 --> 00:30:29,200 Speaker 2: I don't know why. 689 00:30:29,200 --> 00:30:31,480 Speaker 5: I like stand up for other people, way easier than myself. 690 00:30:31,560 --> 00:30:33,320 Speaker 5: So I'm like, we're going to take this. 691 00:30:34,440 --> 00:30:36,640 Speaker 8: I'm like, this always happens, this is bas so we 692 00:30:37,160 --> 00:30:39,080 Speaker 8: I'm like, we're going to go out there and we're 693 00:30:39,120 --> 00:30:39,960 Speaker 8: not going to do anything. 694 00:30:40,040 --> 00:30:41,760 Speaker 5: We're just going to take his laundry and just set 695 00:30:41,800 --> 00:30:43,120 Speaker 5: it in the dryer, like I'm not going to turn 696 00:30:43,160 --> 00:30:44,280 Speaker 5: it on. I don't mess with. 697 00:30:44,320 --> 00:30:46,720 Speaker 3: People's See how that would be a problem because you 698 00:30:46,880 --> 00:30:49,080 Speaker 3: because that was my first thought. Cander was Okay, so 699 00:30:49,160 --> 00:30:50,720 Speaker 3: you just put the stuff with the dryer turn it on. 700 00:30:50,840 --> 00:30:53,160 Speaker 3: But you can't, no, because who knows, maybe he didn't 701 00:30:53,200 --> 00:30:55,360 Speaker 3: want everything dry. Maybe you wind up ruining some of 702 00:30:55,440 --> 00:30:57,320 Speaker 3: his clothes, So I get why you can't do that. 703 00:30:57,520 --> 00:30:59,960 Speaker 8: Yeah, like if somebody put you know, my nice pontees 704 00:31:00,040 --> 00:31:01,120 Speaker 8: in the dryer, I'd be really upset. 705 00:31:04,520 --> 00:31:06,200 Speaker 1: Not the nice ones, No, not the nice ones. 706 00:31:06,240 --> 00:31:06,760 Speaker 5: I would cry. 707 00:31:06,960 --> 00:31:08,760 Speaker 8: So we were like, Okay, we'll go out there and 708 00:31:08,800 --> 00:31:10,480 Speaker 8: we'll set it in there, no big deal. And like 709 00:31:10,680 --> 00:31:12,680 Speaker 8: we are, We're like we're gonna be really fast because 710 00:31:12,680 --> 00:31:15,520 Speaker 8: again we're high, and we we're like thinking everything's a bigger. 711 00:31:15,360 --> 00:31:16,840 Speaker 5: Deal than in it. So we sneak out there. 712 00:31:17,200 --> 00:31:20,280 Speaker 8: I'm not even like wearing pants, and we're switching all 713 00:31:20,320 --> 00:31:21,440 Speaker 8: this guy's crap. 714 00:31:21,640 --> 00:31:22,880 Speaker 5: And down comes the guy. 715 00:31:23,640 --> 00:31:26,720 Speaker 8: He totally busts us and we're like we're literally just 716 00:31:26,760 --> 00:31:28,640 Speaker 8: hearing this guy. And so we've run back in her 717 00:31:28,680 --> 00:31:30,920 Speaker 8: apartment because for some reason we thought that was like 718 00:31:31,200 --> 00:31:34,720 Speaker 8: the better thing to do. And he was very chill 719 00:31:34,760 --> 00:31:37,160 Speaker 8: and like hey, you know, like trying to figure out 720 00:31:37,160 --> 00:31:39,480 Speaker 8: what these women are doing with his boxers in their hands. 721 00:31:39,840 --> 00:31:41,959 Speaker 8: And so we go back in the room and she's like, Kailin, 722 00:31:42,240 --> 00:31:43,800 Speaker 8: I live in a small building. I have to see 723 00:31:43,840 --> 00:31:45,680 Speaker 8: this guy. He goes to the gym, I work out out, 724 00:31:45,720 --> 00:31:47,880 Speaker 8: Like what are we gonna do? And so our messed 725 00:31:47,920 --> 00:31:49,800 Speaker 8: up brains go, we'll write them a note. We're gonna 726 00:31:49,800 --> 00:31:53,400 Speaker 8: write them a note. So we start writing him notes, 727 00:31:53,600 --> 00:31:56,160 Speaker 8: and every note we're so messed up, Like every note 728 00:31:56,200 --> 00:31:58,400 Speaker 8: starts off really nice, like you know, dear so, and 729 00:31:58,520 --> 00:32:00,840 Speaker 8: so we're really sorry. But then he'll he was so frustrated. 730 00:32:00,880 --> 00:32:02,640 Speaker 8: She'd be like, but you really shouldn't leave your stuff. 731 00:32:02,680 --> 00:32:04,160 Speaker 8: And then so we're like, I'm like, you can't yell 732 00:32:04,160 --> 00:32:06,520 Speaker 8: at him in this notef for apologizing. Rip the note off. 733 00:32:06,600 --> 00:32:09,200 Speaker 8: We had one hundred drafts. We never left to know. 734 00:32:10,320 --> 00:32:13,760 Speaker 8: We got busted touching some guy's unmentionables, and it was 735 00:32:13,880 --> 00:32:15,760 Speaker 8: it was a situation. And now she's like, I can 736 00:32:15,840 --> 00:32:18,120 Speaker 8: never run into him ever again, Like she runs the 737 00:32:18,160 --> 00:32:20,920 Speaker 8: other way when she sees him, because it is I 738 00:32:20,960 --> 00:32:21,560 Speaker 8: think you get. 739 00:32:21,480 --> 00:32:24,200 Speaker 3: Like it in a shared environment when there's no other 740 00:32:24,360 --> 00:32:27,000 Speaker 3: machine to use. I think you get like a maybe 741 00:32:27,080 --> 00:32:30,320 Speaker 3: twenty minute grace period before somebody can move your stuff. 742 00:32:30,480 --> 00:32:33,640 Speaker 3: The problem is as a dude, imagine the other way around. 743 00:32:33,920 --> 00:32:37,160 Speaker 3: Imagine if you'd walked in and he was moving Hillary's 744 00:32:37,200 --> 00:32:39,600 Speaker 3: panties all of a sudden, he was a creep. 745 00:32:39,920 --> 00:32:41,880 Speaker 1: So I feel like as I feel like I don't know. 746 00:32:42,320 --> 00:32:44,720 Speaker 3: I probably would just avoid the whole scenario, yeah, and 747 00:32:44,880 --> 00:32:47,160 Speaker 3: just be like for you know, I'm gonna have to wait. 748 00:32:47,280 --> 00:32:49,360 Speaker 1: But people need to be courteous. We live in a society. 749 00:32:49,640 --> 00:32:51,320 Speaker 8: Yeah, we said, he leaves it for like hours, and 750 00:32:51,400 --> 00:32:53,560 Speaker 8: if it wasn't her scrubs, and also if I didn't 751 00:32:53,560 --> 00:32:55,600 Speaker 8: want to go to bed very badly, then I probably 752 00:32:55,640 --> 00:32:58,480 Speaker 8: wouldn't have touched his stuff. But we got busted and 753 00:32:58,560 --> 00:33:01,120 Speaker 8: now she's hiding from him. I can never go back there, 754 00:33:02,240 --> 00:33:03,400 Speaker 8: and you know, we're idiots. 755 00:33:03,720 --> 00:33:06,840 Speaker 1: Yeah, I think I think it's just easier. 756 00:33:07,080 --> 00:33:09,440 Speaker 3: I'm just thinking about this in the in the course 757 00:33:09,480 --> 00:33:11,800 Speaker 3: of a relationship or in context of a relationship, everyone 758 00:33:11,800 --> 00:33:12,640 Speaker 3: does their own laundry. 759 00:33:13,200 --> 00:33:14,960 Speaker 1: I know there's a different topic, but I'm just thinking 760 00:33:14,960 --> 00:33:16,160 Speaker 1: about like, I don't I don't know. 761 00:33:16,320 --> 00:33:18,880 Speaker 3: I would mess it up because my first thought in 762 00:33:18,920 --> 00:33:20,520 Speaker 3: my brain was, well, just stick it in the dryer 763 00:33:20,600 --> 00:33:21,400 Speaker 3: and turn the dryer. 764 00:33:21,280 --> 00:33:22,640 Speaker 1: On it for the guy. No, you can't do that. 765 00:33:22,680 --> 00:33:25,040 Speaker 10: I'm not allowed anymore to do hobbies laundry for that reason. 766 00:33:25,160 --> 00:33:27,400 Speaker 10: Ye know how many shirts I've shrunk. You can't even 767 00:33:27,400 --> 00:33:28,479 Speaker 10: go to work anymore properly. 768 00:33:30,520 --> 00:33:33,280 Speaker 8: Oh my god, Yeah, you just dry everything, And I 769 00:33:33,320 --> 00:33:34,800 Speaker 8: would be so sad if you put all my I 770 00:33:34,840 --> 00:33:35,920 Speaker 8: barely dry anything. 771 00:33:36,120 --> 00:33:38,480 Speaker 5: I'd be so sad if you put myself in the dryer. 772 00:33:39,200 --> 00:33:40,040 Speaker 1: Yeah, I do. 773 00:33:40,200 --> 00:33:43,800 Speaker 3: I watch everything on cold. I hang up some stuff, 774 00:33:43,840 --> 00:33:51,080 Speaker 3: but especially my panties. I my unmentionables waiting by the phone, 775 00:33:51,120 --> 00:33:51,640 Speaker 3: brand new. 776 00:33:51,640 --> 00:34:00,760 Speaker 1: Net More, Breadshell next, You've got to Breadshell is on. 777 00:34:02,480 --> 00:34:03,040 Speaker 15: Money show. 778 00:34:05,560 --> 00:34:09,640 Speaker 3: I guess John Taffer is on local television and somebody 779 00:34:09,840 --> 00:34:13,239 Speaker 3: uh texted your boy. John Taffer is on TV right now. 780 00:34:13,360 --> 00:34:16,520 Speaker 3: Perhaps it's time to remind us of what ingredients are 781 00:34:16,600 --> 00:34:24,000 Speaker 3: in the margarita. And if you watch bar Rescue, then 782 00:34:24,080 --> 00:34:27,759 Speaker 3: you know, then you know. We're introducing a new drink 783 00:34:27,800 --> 00:34:29,880 Speaker 3: to the menu, to our custom cocktail. 784 00:34:30,239 --> 00:34:33,520 Speaker 1: What is it our cocktail program. It's called a margarita. 785 00:34:33,840 --> 00:34:37,680 Speaker 1: Ah margarita. Margarita is created with the perfect. 786 00:34:37,440 --> 00:34:42,320 Speaker 16: Ratio vois quila, high quality triples sick and freshly squeezed 787 00:34:42,400 --> 00:34:45,439 Speaker 16: lime juice for the best tasting margarita every time. 788 00:34:48,160 --> 00:34:48,839 Speaker 1: It's pretty good. 789 00:34:48,880 --> 00:34:53,360 Speaker 11: It's pretty good fun so myself, Yeah, we need to 790 00:34:53,440 --> 00:34:55,279 Speaker 11: hit our vollyme he owes us he does. 791 00:34:55,320 --> 00:34:57,920 Speaker 3: We're supposed to be on reco. He promised us that 792 00:34:58,800 --> 00:35:00,799 Speaker 3: he did it. We got to do reco in one 793 00:35:00,840 --> 00:35:01,480 Speaker 3: of his places. 794 00:35:01,560 --> 00:35:09,000 Speaker 16: Yeah, Mugury is you're incredibly simple, ingredients, jequila, triple sick 795 00:35:09,280 --> 00:35:10,240 Speaker 16: bl I'm in salt. 796 00:35:11,280 --> 00:35:12,880 Speaker 5: Who texted that in We're Fighting? 797 00:35:13,360 --> 00:35:17,480 Speaker 3: I texted myself somebody actually said that. Can can you 798 00:35:17,520 --> 00:35:18,480 Speaker 3: ever watch about Rescue? 799 00:35:19,080 --> 00:35:19,120 Speaker 14: No? 800 00:35:19,320 --> 00:35:20,600 Speaker 1: Well, then this doesn't mean anything to you. 801 00:35:20,880 --> 00:35:21,799 Speaker 2: I never got to that one. 802 00:35:22,160 --> 00:35:26,240 Speaker 3: He's got this guy with like the super raspy voice. 803 00:35:26,280 --> 00:35:28,759 Speaker 3: It's like the narrator of the show, and for some 804 00:35:28,880 --> 00:35:31,600 Speaker 3: reason they feel the need to like explain everything. So 805 00:35:31,680 --> 00:35:34,400 Speaker 3: it'll be like, you know, I don't know a buttery nipple, 806 00:35:34,600 --> 00:35:37,200 Speaker 3: right exactly. It'll be like, I don't know, you're not 807 00:35:37,320 --> 00:35:40,640 Speaker 3: melting and cheese. I'm not finding burgers melting cheese. And 808 00:35:41,360 --> 00:35:43,640 Speaker 3: then the guy comes on and like explains the science 809 00:35:43,680 --> 00:35:47,880 Speaker 3: behind melting cheese. Yeah, it's really it sounds just like that. 810 00:35:48,160 --> 00:35:49,880 Speaker 1: Oh. I mean, I'm not proud of a lot of 811 00:35:49,920 --> 00:35:51,719 Speaker 1: my impressions, but I'm really proud of that one. 812 00:35:51,840 --> 00:35:54,359 Speaker 2: Yeah, that one you have down a heck, I can 813 00:35:54,440 --> 00:35:57,840 Speaker 2: tell and Jimmy Fallon is Oh no, your Jimmy Fallon 814 00:35:57,920 --> 00:35:58,359 Speaker 2: is really good? 815 00:35:58,400 --> 00:36:01,800 Speaker 1: Yes, yeah, yeah, sorry can On Monday, he's on the 816 00:36:01,840 --> 00:36:02,279 Speaker 1: show today. 817 00:36:02,320 --> 00:36:06,600 Speaker 2: What's going on? Jimmy, Hey, Hey, it's going on. 818 00:36:06,760 --> 00:36:10,400 Speaker 1: Jimmy Fallons was like, hey, I can't leave Kicky, my 819 00:36:10,440 --> 00:36:14,640 Speaker 1: good friend, my palace. Hey, Simmy found waiting by the 820 00:36:14,680 --> 00:36:16,800 Speaker 1: fun is coming up. I can't believe these people get ghosted. 821 00:36:16,880 --> 00:36:19,399 Speaker 1: I can't believe it. And then my friend, my friend 822 00:36:19,560 --> 00:36:22,920 Speaker 1: justin timber Lake is seving find a minute, and Jimmy 823 00:36:22,960 --> 00:36:29,560 Speaker 1: foun Hey, guys, I just did a keep up. You 824 00:36:29,600 --> 00:36:32,960 Speaker 1: can't believe what. I can't believe. It's so crazy, so crazy. Hey, 825 00:36:33,040 --> 00:36:36,120 Speaker 1: can what's coming up in the Entertainer the Entertainer Report. 826 00:36:36,120 --> 00:36:39,520 Speaker 1: I can't wait for no, go ahead and tell me 827 00:36:41,920 --> 00:36:44,000 Speaker 1: you're welcome for both of those guys, Jimmy. 828 00:36:45,160 --> 00:36:45,359 Speaker 11: Yeah. 829 00:36:46,800 --> 00:36:49,040 Speaker 1: Imagine if the bar Rescue guy talked. 830 00:36:48,760 --> 00:36:53,320 Speaker 11: To one of the guy was being interviewed by Jimmy 831 00:36:53,400 --> 00:36:56,080 Speaker 11: Fallon when he was on the Jimmy Fallon Show. 832 00:36:57,840 --> 00:37:02,680 Speaker 1: Oh no, I'm on the Jimmy Follon Show tonight. I'm 833 00:37:02,719 --> 00:37:04,759 Speaker 1: the guy from bar Rescue. Oh my god, I can't 834 00:37:04,800 --> 00:37:07,560 Speaker 1: believe it. I got you're gonna make it some margarita? 835 00:37:07,560 --> 00:37:07,800 Speaker 1: What's it? 836 00:37:07,880 --> 00:37:12,360 Speaker 3: A margarita? I can't believe in Wow, Please, I'm exhausted 837 00:37:12,400 --> 00:37:13,759 Speaker 3: I'm exhausted. Now the show's over. 838 00:37:13,840 --> 00:37:14,160 Speaker 1: Go ahead. 839 00:37:14,600 --> 00:37:17,040 Speaker 5: I bet this was not planned you guys, but I 840 00:37:17,120 --> 00:37:19,360 Speaker 5: do have to talk about Taylor Swift. I hope everyone's 841 00:37:19,360 --> 00:37:21,200 Speaker 5: going to be okay, and I mean for that story. 842 00:37:22,440 --> 00:37:25,680 Speaker 3: I want to reiterate. I want to reiterate I love Taylor. 843 00:37:26,040 --> 00:37:28,919 Speaker 3: I just need this tour to end because also people 844 00:37:28,960 --> 00:37:30,880 Speaker 3: are like, hey, you know what about Uh? 845 00:37:31,800 --> 00:37:32,520 Speaker 1: I don't know what it was? 846 00:37:32,560 --> 00:37:32,600 Speaker 13: Like? 847 00:37:32,719 --> 00:37:34,400 Speaker 1: What about? What's the next stop after? I don't know? 848 00:37:34,680 --> 00:37:36,320 Speaker 1: Lay can I get tickets? 849 00:37:36,360 --> 00:37:36,440 Speaker 3: Now? 850 00:37:36,480 --> 00:37:39,040 Speaker 1: I'm the last I can't get tickets where I live? 851 00:37:39,719 --> 00:37:42,439 Speaker 1: Are you talking about the tickets somewhere I don't live? 852 00:37:44,360 --> 00:37:47,080 Speaker 1: I can't. I need it to end. Waiting met the phone? 853 00:37:47,080 --> 00:37:48,160 Speaker 1: Why did somebody get ghosted? 854 00:37:48,239 --> 00:37:50,600 Speaker 3: It's new and it's next after metro Boom in two 855 00:37:50,680 --> 00:37:51,839 Speaker 3: minutes away Fred Show. 856 00:37:54,880 --> 00:37:58,759 Speaker 1: I've never been left waiting by the phone. It's the 857 00:37:58,920 --> 00:38:02,040 Speaker 1: Fred Show. Hey, Hey, good morning, welcome, good morning. 858 00:38:02,160 --> 00:38:04,320 Speaker 3: Who are you? We're doing great? Waiting by the phone 859 00:38:04,480 --> 00:38:06,759 Speaker 3: is what this is called. So tell me why you 860 00:38:06,840 --> 00:38:08,960 Speaker 3: feel like you're being ghosted by this woman? Nicole, how 861 00:38:09,000 --> 00:38:11,080 Speaker 3: did you meet? Tell us about any dates that you've 862 00:38:11,120 --> 00:38:12,439 Speaker 3: been on, and then where things stand. 863 00:38:12,680 --> 00:38:14,880 Speaker 13: So we met. We met on a dating app, and 864 00:38:15,520 --> 00:38:16,440 Speaker 13: everything is going well. 865 00:38:16,520 --> 00:38:19,719 Speaker 17: We you know, went out for drinks, We had a 866 00:38:19,760 --> 00:38:23,280 Speaker 17: block and a really good conversation, got a little. 867 00:38:23,080 --> 00:38:26,839 Speaker 13: Buzz, went to my place and you know, we hung out. 868 00:38:27,000 --> 00:38:29,920 Speaker 17: We didn't we didn't have sex or anything, but we 869 00:38:30,040 --> 00:38:32,640 Speaker 17: did have a nice kiss before she left. 870 00:38:32,920 --> 00:38:35,920 Speaker 13: And then after that nothing. So I don't know if 871 00:38:35,960 --> 00:38:39,000 Speaker 13: I'm just a bad kisser or something, but I haven't 872 00:38:39,040 --> 00:38:39,879 Speaker 13: heard from her since. 873 00:38:40,239 --> 00:38:43,400 Speaker 3: Okay, so great date back to your place, which obviously 874 00:38:43,600 --> 00:38:46,719 Speaker 3: indicates a level of comfort. And then everything was cool 875 00:38:46,760 --> 00:38:50,160 Speaker 3: at the house except now you know she won't respond 876 00:38:50,160 --> 00:38:52,719 Speaker 3: to you. I assume you've called, you've texted DMD on 877 00:38:52,840 --> 00:38:53,640 Speaker 3: the app or whatever. 878 00:38:54,160 --> 00:38:56,160 Speaker 13: Absolutely, yes, everything, huh, all. 879 00:38:56,120 --> 00:38:57,759 Speaker 3: Right, Well that's where we come in, Dave. We're gonna 880 00:38:57,800 --> 00:38:59,360 Speaker 3: call Nicole, see if we can get her on the 881 00:38:59,400 --> 00:39:01,400 Speaker 3: phone and ask some questions for you. You'll be on 882 00:39:01,440 --> 00:39:03,000 Speaker 3: the phone at the same time. At some point. You're 883 00:39:03,000 --> 00:39:04,800 Speaker 3: welcome to jump in after we get you some info. 884 00:39:05,200 --> 00:39:07,279 Speaker 3: And the hope here is that we can straighten things 885 00:39:07,320 --> 00:39:09,520 Speaker 3: out and then set you guys up on another date 886 00:39:09,560 --> 00:39:10,000 Speaker 3: that we pay for. 887 00:39:10,160 --> 00:39:11,600 Speaker 1: Sound good, Yeah, sound good. 888 00:39:11,680 --> 00:39:11,919 Speaker 13: Thanks. 889 00:39:12,040 --> 00:39:14,520 Speaker 3: We're going to find out what's going on next after Neighborhood, 890 00:39:14,520 --> 00:39:16,640 Speaker 3: We're back in two minutes the Freend Show commercial free. 891 00:39:16,680 --> 00:39:20,200 Speaker 3: For the next forty minutes, Neighborhood is on the frend Show. 892 00:39:20,239 --> 00:39:22,839 Speaker 3: We're commercial free. Good morning, glad you're here on the radio, 893 00:39:22,920 --> 00:39:25,319 Speaker 3: and of course the iHeartRadio apps search for the Fred Show. 894 00:39:25,600 --> 00:39:28,080 Speaker 1: Hey, Dave, Yeah, all right, let's call it a cole. 895 00:39:28,239 --> 00:39:29,120 Speaker 1: You man on the apps. 896 00:39:29,239 --> 00:39:31,920 Speaker 3: You had a great date back to your place, no 897 00:39:32,080 --> 00:39:34,319 Speaker 3: crazy shenanigans, but you guys did kiss at the end 898 00:39:34,320 --> 00:39:36,240 Speaker 3: of the date. You really thought that there was chemistry 899 00:39:36,280 --> 00:39:37,759 Speaker 3: and things are going well, except now you can't get 900 00:39:37,800 --> 00:39:39,440 Speaker 3: a hold of her and you feel like you're being 901 00:39:39,480 --> 00:39:40,160 Speaker 3: ghosted and you. 902 00:39:40,160 --> 00:39:42,719 Speaker 1: Want to know why exactly. All right, all right, let's 903 00:39:42,760 --> 00:39:44,440 Speaker 1: call her now. Good luck, Dave, thank you? 904 00:39:50,800 --> 00:39:51,040 Speaker 13: Hello. 905 00:39:51,440 --> 00:39:55,839 Speaker 1: Hi is this Nicole, Yes, Heinekole, Good morning. My name 906 00:39:55,960 --> 00:39:56,239 Speaker 1: is Fred. 907 00:39:56,239 --> 00:39:57,600 Speaker 3: I'm calling for the Fred Show, and I do have 908 00:39:57,680 --> 00:39:59,319 Speaker 3: to tell you that we are on the radio right now, 909 00:39:59,360 --> 00:40:01,480 Speaker 3: and I would need you permission to continue with this call. 910 00:40:01,560 --> 00:40:06,120 Speaker 1: Can we chat for just a couple of minutes? Okay, sure, 911 00:40:06,400 --> 00:40:07,200 Speaker 1: thank you very much. 912 00:40:07,640 --> 00:40:09,160 Speaker 3: I'll get right to it. We're calling on behalf of 913 00:40:09,200 --> 00:40:10,880 Speaker 3: a guy who says he met you on the one 914 00:40:10,880 --> 00:40:13,360 Speaker 3: of the dating apps. His name is Dave, and you 915 00:40:13,400 --> 00:40:15,279 Speaker 3: guys went out recently. Do you remember Dave? 916 00:40:16,680 --> 00:40:16,879 Speaker 17: Yes? 917 00:40:17,120 --> 00:40:17,360 Speaker 14: I do? 918 00:40:17,880 --> 00:40:20,440 Speaker 3: Okay, wow, yeah, what's going on with this guy? Because 919 00:40:20,760 --> 00:40:22,759 Speaker 3: I'll tell you. You know, he called us and said 920 00:40:22,760 --> 00:40:24,040 Speaker 3: that he liked you a lot and thought the date 921 00:40:24,160 --> 00:40:26,279 Speaker 3: was successful, but he says he can't get a hold 922 00:40:26,320 --> 00:40:27,799 Speaker 3: of you for another date. 923 00:40:27,920 --> 00:40:30,080 Speaker 1: So what's your sort of side of the story here. 924 00:40:31,080 --> 00:40:34,400 Speaker 12: Well, I'll tell you that Dave is a total weirdo. 925 00:40:35,200 --> 00:40:39,840 Speaker 18: Oh wow, yeah, yeah, okay, And I didn't I didn't 926 00:40:39,960 --> 00:40:41,239 Speaker 18: have any idea how. 927 00:40:41,200 --> 00:40:43,400 Speaker 13: Weird he was until we get back to his place. 928 00:40:43,719 --> 00:40:46,239 Speaker 3: Okay, why was he rude? So so things went well 929 00:40:46,440 --> 00:40:48,680 Speaker 3: up until after dinner and you go to his place. 930 00:40:48,719 --> 00:40:50,840 Speaker 3: He told us about dinner, He told us about his place. 931 00:40:51,400 --> 00:40:55,759 Speaker 18: So when we got there, we kissed a little, you know, 932 00:40:55,880 --> 00:40:59,360 Speaker 18: the date went pretty well, and then he asked me 933 00:40:59,480 --> 00:41:02,200 Speaker 18: if I want to a tour and I was like. 934 00:41:02,440 --> 00:41:05,359 Speaker 12: Well, yeah, sure, so I said, you know, I said, 935 00:41:05,360 --> 00:41:11,000 Speaker 12: guess do you guys know what Madame Alexander dolls are? 936 00:41:11,480 --> 00:41:11,560 Speaker 1: Oh? 937 00:41:11,640 --> 00:41:11,960 Speaker 9: My god? 938 00:41:12,120 --> 00:41:12,319 Speaker 19: Yeah? 939 00:41:13,239 --> 00:41:13,600 Speaker 20: What is that? 940 00:41:14,120 --> 00:41:14,879 Speaker 2: What they're? 941 00:41:14,920 --> 00:41:17,680 Speaker 8: They're those old well dolls like from I feel like 942 00:41:17,840 --> 00:41:19,759 Speaker 8: these people had them a lot. 943 00:41:20,120 --> 00:41:20,920 Speaker 1: I don't know what that is. 944 00:41:21,320 --> 00:41:22,200 Speaker 5: You might have to google that. 945 00:41:23,080 --> 00:41:25,360 Speaker 12: They're like, I don't know if they're made out of 946 00:41:25,440 --> 00:41:29,200 Speaker 12: porcelain or you know, it's like those old dolls that 947 00:41:29,280 --> 00:41:31,360 Speaker 12: you see in horror films. 948 00:41:33,200 --> 00:41:35,560 Speaker 1: He has one or some or a lot. 949 00:41:35,440 --> 00:41:39,880 Speaker 2: Of Oh he has a ton of them, like. 950 00:41:40,600 --> 00:41:45,920 Speaker 18: A crap ton of all on shelves, on shelves in 951 00:41:46,080 --> 00:41:47,080 Speaker 18: his bedroom. 952 00:41:49,920 --> 00:41:52,360 Speaker 12: Oh yeah, we creepy. 953 00:41:53,080 --> 00:41:54,800 Speaker 2: Let me tell you it was creepy. 954 00:41:55,080 --> 00:41:57,800 Speaker 1: It was so crazy, Dave. I forgot to mention that. 955 00:41:57,880 --> 00:41:59,880 Speaker 1: Davis here, what do these? Says Madame Alex. 956 00:42:00,680 --> 00:42:04,719 Speaker 13: Oh god, yeah, those are my grandmother's dolls. Are you 957 00:42:04,800 --> 00:42:05,200 Speaker 13: kidding me? 958 00:42:05,320 --> 00:42:05,440 Speaker 3: Oh? 959 00:42:05,480 --> 00:42:07,440 Speaker 1: These are kind of creepy, super. 960 00:42:07,960 --> 00:42:09,439 Speaker 13: Whoa, whoa, whoa. That's so rude. 961 00:42:09,440 --> 00:42:11,640 Speaker 17: I'd let you come to my house and I give 962 00:42:11,680 --> 00:42:13,360 Speaker 17: you a tour, and then suddenly you're just going to 963 00:42:13,400 --> 00:42:15,680 Speaker 17: make fun of me for having my grandmother's things. 964 00:42:15,800 --> 00:42:19,759 Speaker 1: Like what that's so rude? Well, they are kind of. 965 00:42:19,760 --> 00:42:20,560 Speaker 2: Creepy in front of you. 966 00:42:21,160 --> 00:42:23,240 Speaker 12: Yeah, I thought I was gonna get murdered. 967 00:42:26,640 --> 00:42:32,040 Speaker 1: I am yeah, yeah, I mean what man has dolls 968 00:42:32,239 --> 00:42:35,560 Speaker 1: in their room? I will say, like, I think it's lovely. 969 00:42:35,880 --> 00:42:38,560 Speaker 3: I think David's lovely that you you you are hanging 970 00:42:38,600 --> 00:42:41,120 Speaker 3: onto these heirlooms of your beloved grandmother. But I'm not 971 00:42:41,160 --> 00:42:43,879 Speaker 3: sure if the bedroom is the right place for them 972 00:42:44,600 --> 00:42:45,480 Speaker 3: for a lot of reasons. 973 00:42:47,000 --> 00:42:49,640 Speaker 13: I'm just trying to, you know, remember my grandma. But 974 00:42:49,760 --> 00:42:51,839 Speaker 13: I guess I'm I'm the jerk here. 975 00:42:52,080 --> 00:42:53,840 Speaker 3: Yeah, well I always said you're a jerk. I just 976 00:42:53,880 --> 00:42:55,440 Speaker 3: don't think they want to be stared at by those 977 00:42:55,520 --> 00:42:57,520 Speaker 3: like weird little dolls. Did they have the eyes that 978 00:42:57,680 --> 00:42:59,439 Speaker 3: kind of open and closed and are kind of weird 979 00:42:59,480 --> 00:42:59,920 Speaker 3: and stuff like? 980 00:43:00,080 --> 00:43:04,320 Speaker 1: I don't I right, do you have dolls in your bedroom? 981 00:43:05,480 --> 00:43:08,360 Speaker 12: There's so many, like I don't even know how you 982 00:43:08,640 --> 00:43:11,960 Speaker 12: sleep with those things just scaring at you. 983 00:43:12,640 --> 00:43:17,160 Speaker 18: There's one doll that's like a witch like It's literally 984 00:43:17,280 --> 00:43:18,160 Speaker 18: has a broomstick. 985 00:43:18,239 --> 00:43:20,440 Speaker 13: It looks like a like as Heather Games. 986 00:43:21,760 --> 00:43:24,400 Speaker 3: I mean, you have to admit, David, it's a unique collection, 987 00:43:24,840 --> 00:43:27,719 Speaker 3: and the bedroom is an interesting place to store them all. 988 00:43:28,840 --> 00:43:30,839 Speaker 13: I guess. I mean, I just thought they were nine. 989 00:43:30,840 --> 00:43:33,120 Speaker 13: They remind me of my grandmother. You know, they just 990 00:43:33,160 --> 00:43:34,680 Speaker 13: sit on the shelf. They're just dolls. 991 00:43:34,960 --> 00:43:37,480 Speaker 3: Well maybe one or two or maybe not thirty of 992 00:43:37,560 --> 00:43:39,239 Speaker 3: them or something, you know, that kind of thing. Maybe 993 00:43:39,360 --> 00:43:41,920 Speaker 3: moderation is the key. I mean, look, here's the thing. 994 00:43:42,480 --> 00:43:44,399 Speaker 3: This has happened so many times. I'm waiting mother phone. 995 00:43:44,440 --> 00:43:45,600 Speaker 3: It's like, if that's what you want to have in 996 00:43:45,640 --> 00:43:47,120 Speaker 3: your bedroom, you want to have a bunch of dolls 997 00:43:47,160 --> 00:43:49,160 Speaker 3: in your bedroom to remember your grandmother. 998 00:43:49,760 --> 00:43:53,200 Speaker 1: I can't believe that's a sentence. I'm saying that my 999 00:43:53,320 --> 00:43:53,799 Speaker 1: old means. 1000 00:43:53,840 --> 00:43:56,440 Speaker 3: But you can't be surprised when someone thinks that that's 1001 00:43:56,480 --> 00:43:58,640 Speaker 3: a little bit abnormal for them. 1002 00:43:59,040 --> 00:44:02,680 Speaker 13: That's crazy to me. It's just a collection. 1003 00:44:03,320 --> 00:44:06,480 Speaker 3: Okay, all right, Well Nicole, what if he paired it 1004 00:44:06,560 --> 00:44:08,160 Speaker 3: now I'm not saying he's willing to, but what if 1005 00:44:08,200 --> 00:44:09,880 Speaker 3: he paired it down a little bit? Or or now 1006 00:44:09,880 --> 00:44:12,080 Speaker 3: that you understand the significance or the meaning to him, 1007 00:44:12,280 --> 00:44:14,279 Speaker 3: I mean, you liked him up until that point, would 1008 00:44:14,280 --> 00:44:15,200 Speaker 3: you give him another shot? 1009 00:44:16,800 --> 00:44:16,840 Speaker 14: No? 1010 00:44:17,239 --> 00:44:19,839 Speaker 1: Okay, I don't trust him. 1011 00:44:20,239 --> 00:44:20,920 Speaker 6: I don't know why. 1012 00:44:21,120 --> 00:44:23,760 Speaker 12: I just okay, too weird. 1013 00:44:24,040 --> 00:44:26,640 Speaker 13: It was way too weird. You had to be there. Well, no, 1014 00:44:26,960 --> 00:44:27,520 Speaker 13: don't go there. 1015 00:44:28,960 --> 00:44:30,520 Speaker 1: He's about to do some kind of a seance. 1016 00:44:31,000 --> 00:44:31,279 Speaker 15: Are they? 1017 00:44:31,960 --> 00:44:32,200 Speaker 1: Yeah? 1018 00:44:32,400 --> 00:44:32,800 Speaker 13: Exactly? 1019 00:44:33,040 --> 00:44:33,880 Speaker 1: Are they spiritual? 1020 00:44:33,960 --> 00:44:34,440 Speaker 14: In all? Dave? 1021 00:44:34,560 --> 00:44:36,440 Speaker 1: Like, are the voodoo dolls? Can you like poke at it? 1022 00:44:36,480 --> 00:44:37,680 Speaker 1: And they'll hurt her or something. 1023 00:44:37,840 --> 00:44:41,480 Speaker 13: Oh no, they're just dolls. I mean, I don't know. 1024 00:44:41,800 --> 00:44:43,800 Speaker 13: I feel like I'm not the weirdo in this situation 1025 00:44:43,880 --> 00:44:45,480 Speaker 13: where you all are thinking that these dolls are going. 1026 00:44:45,480 --> 00:44:47,960 Speaker 1: To come to life and hurt somebody. They're dolls. 1027 00:44:49,840 --> 00:44:52,080 Speaker 3: Yeah, maybe we are the that's possible. You know, we've 1028 00:44:52,080 --> 00:44:55,640 Speaker 3: been called weirdos before. I don't have any dolls in 1029 00:44:55,719 --> 00:44:57,680 Speaker 3: my bedroom, but you know, not to say that I 1030 00:44:57,719 --> 00:45:01,200 Speaker 3: shouldn't or couldn't or you know, maybe maybe no search shopping. 1031 00:45:01,400 --> 00:45:03,239 Speaker 11: Yeah, we don't want to know any dolls in your room, right, 1032 00:45:03,280 --> 00:45:06,719 Speaker 11: we don't know what? Well, not those kind of hell 1033 00:45:07,960 --> 00:45:10,799 Speaker 11: all right, I gotta go, guys. 1034 00:45:10,880 --> 00:45:10,920 Speaker 18: Not. 1035 00:45:11,080 --> 00:45:12,440 Speaker 3: I guess it's not going to be another date. So 1036 00:45:12,560 --> 00:45:13,840 Speaker 3: best of luck to both of you, and thank you 1037 00:45:13,920 --> 00:45:17,279 Speaker 3: for your time. Thank you the Entertainer Report and She'll 1038 00:45:17,320 --> 00:45:19,759 Speaker 3: be Shelley one thousand, three hundred and fifty bucks. If 1039 00:45:19,800 --> 00:45:22,279 Speaker 3: you can beat the gorilla or pop culture expert in 1040 00:45:22,400 --> 00:45:25,520 Speaker 3: five questions, it's next on the French show What three 1041 00:45:25,600 --> 00:45:27,520 Speaker 3: five Kiss FM, Chicago's number one. 1042 00:45:27,480 --> 00:45:28,240 Speaker 2: Hit music station. 1043 00:45:28,800 --> 00:45:30,680 Speaker 1: Calin's Entertainer Report is on. 1044 00:45:30,800 --> 00:45:34,080 Speaker 8: The Fresh Show during Saturday night at her tour stop 1045 00:45:34,200 --> 00:45:36,200 Speaker 8: in Foxborough, Jason, what state is that in? 1046 00:45:36,880 --> 00:45:42,399 Speaker 1: Oh gosh, Massachusett. Watch out now, watch out, watch out 1047 00:45:42,560 --> 00:45:47,239 Speaker 1: the juice? Yes, nice, nice, thank you. 1048 00:45:47,920 --> 00:45:48,640 Speaker 5: Very eloquent. 1049 00:45:50,520 --> 00:45:56,160 Speaker 19: It's eloquent and elegance, quit and elegant. QUI no, that's 1050 00:45:56,200 --> 00:46:03,840 Speaker 19: the same thing, eloquent and against eloquent. Yes, yeah, anyway, anyway, 1051 00:46:04,200 --> 00:46:04,520 Speaker 19: let's not. 1052 00:46:04,680 --> 00:46:06,759 Speaker 3: On the fly put words together, because I'm afraid when 1053 00:46:06,800 --> 00:46:09,879 Speaker 3: we do then that results in somehow something profane coming out. 1054 00:46:10,080 --> 00:46:12,440 Speaker 5: Yeah, okay, I won't do that anymore. 1055 00:46:13,880 --> 00:46:17,160 Speaker 8: Taylor Swift was introducing her first surprise song of the 1056 00:46:17,320 --> 00:46:19,800 Speaker 8: night and told the crowd that right now is the 1057 00:46:19,880 --> 00:46:22,560 Speaker 8: happiest she's ever been in her entire life. 1058 00:46:29,080 --> 00:46:31,440 Speaker 19: Oh my gosh, Jesus, I. 1059 00:46:34,280 --> 00:46:34,520 Speaker 18: Don't know. 1060 00:46:36,080 --> 00:46:38,920 Speaker 2: I've just said that. Maybe they just happy in my 1061 00:46:39,120 --> 00:46:40,959 Speaker 2: life and all aspects of my life. 1062 00:46:41,160 --> 00:46:45,480 Speaker 1: I feel so bad for the ex boy. We were 1063 00:46:45,480 --> 00:46:46,480 Speaker 1: talking about this off the air. 1064 00:46:46,600 --> 00:46:50,480 Speaker 3: I'm like, why would you do that if, like, I 1065 00:46:50,560 --> 00:46:56,160 Speaker 3: don't know, maybe maybe the last relationship was like really 1066 00:46:56,239 --> 00:46:58,520 Speaker 3: toxic or something. Because I feel like she's really going 1067 00:46:58,560 --> 00:47:02,760 Speaker 3: out of her way to make everybody know how sexy 1068 00:47:02,880 --> 00:47:05,239 Speaker 3: this is and fun this is, and you know, and 1069 00:47:05,520 --> 00:47:07,520 Speaker 3: clearly how happy she is she's kind of know hor 1070 00:47:07,680 --> 00:47:09,959 Speaker 3: X is going to hear this. Taylor doesn't speak without 1071 00:47:09,960 --> 00:47:11,680 Speaker 3: the whole world, you know, playing it back. 1072 00:47:11,960 --> 00:47:13,640 Speaker 8: Yeah, but at what point do you start living your 1073 00:47:13,680 --> 00:47:16,800 Speaker 8: life for you and not think about your past? 1074 00:47:16,880 --> 00:47:17,480 Speaker 2: Do you know what I mean? 1075 00:47:17,640 --> 00:47:19,600 Speaker 8: And like I was telling you off the air, women 1076 00:47:19,760 --> 00:47:23,080 Speaker 8: tend to be out of relationships a long time before 1077 00:47:23,120 --> 00:47:24,600 Speaker 8: they add them, a long time. 1078 00:47:24,719 --> 00:47:26,120 Speaker 5: They are mentally out, So she's. 1079 00:47:26,320 --> 00:47:27,719 Speaker 1: Men can be that way. I don't think it's just 1080 00:47:27,760 --> 00:47:29,799 Speaker 1: a female thing. I think men can disconnect too. 1081 00:47:29,920 --> 00:47:31,400 Speaker 5: I think men can absolutely do that. 1082 00:47:31,680 --> 00:47:33,360 Speaker 8: They can for sure, but I don't think they waited 1083 00:47:33,400 --> 00:47:35,800 Speaker 8: out as long as women do. I think some women, 1084 00:47:35,920 --> 00:47:38,280 Speaker 8: like for years, will stay in something years. 1085 00:47:38,520 --> 00:47:41,360 Speaker 2: Yeah, because men typically disconnect and go connect with somebody 1086 00:47:41,400 --> 00:47:42,640 Speaker 2: Else's exactly. 1087 00:47:45,360 --> 00:47:47,800 Speaker 1: Tell me more about that are connecting with they connect 1088 00:47:47,880 --> 00:47:48,359 Speaker 1: with the other. 1089 00:47:48,320 --> 00:47:51,920 Speaker 3: Connect right because right now is given that You're going 1090 00:47:51,960 --> 00:47:53,240 Speaker 3: to explain it to your kids someday. 1091 00:47:53,600 --> 00:47:55,759 Speaker 1: So when a man loves a woman, they connect with 1092 00:47:55,840 --> 00:47:56,440 Speaker 1: the other. Connect. 1093 00:47:56,520 --> 00:47:56,719 Speaker 8: Yeah. 1094 00:47:56,719 --> 00:47:59,200 Speaker 2: You know how we plug the charger in for your iPhone? Yeah, 1095 00:47:59,640 --> 00:48:01,600 Speaker 2: that's how that Yeah, just. 1096 00:48:01,680 --> 00:48:04,560 Speaker 5: Like, yeah, that's fair, that's announcement. 1097 00:48:05,520 --> 00:48:05,800 Speaker 15: I don't know. 1098 00:48:05,960 --> 00:48:12,080 Speaker 5: To me, it's just giving God, that's a couple's Halloween costume. 1099 00:48:12,160 --> 00:48:16,360 Speaker 5: By the way, the plug in the thing, I was it. 1100 00:48:16,560 --> 00:48:20,840 Speaker 3: Yeah, I was with Mike No, no, no, no, with 1101 00:48:21,040 --> 00:48:23,200 Speaker 3: someone who was you were a plug and somebody else 1102 00:48:23,280 --> 00:48:24,799 Speaker 3: wanted to out. 1103 00:48:25,400 --> 00:48:28,479 Speaker 1: Was it your girlfriend? No, just a friend a friend? Yeah, 1104 00:48:28,640 --> 00:48:31,440 Speaker 1: okay was the reason. 1105 00:48:32,920 --> 00:48:33,400 Speaker 3: Sticking out? 1106 00:48:34,080 --> 00:48:34,560 Speaker 19: Yeah, you. 1107 00:48:38,440 --> 00:48:41,600 Speaker 1: Know, it was very telling that you were that she 1108 00:48:41,760 --> 00:48:51,560 Speaker 1: was a European outlet. I believe I'm that's. 1109 00:48:51,440 --> 00:48:53,640 Speaker 5: Someone who's been that costume. I always see it a 1110 00:48:53,680 --> 00:48:56,120 Speaker 5: party sitting to me and Taylor's just. 1111 00:48:56,160 --> 00:49:00,200 Speaker 8: Giving the like honeymoon phase, like everything's amazing and this 1112 00:49:00,360 --> 00:49:02,239 Speaker 8: is it feels so good, Like I don't think do 1113 00:49:02,320 --> 00:49:03,560 Speaker 8: I think she's gonna marry this dude? 1114 00:49:03,640 --> 00:49:05,360 Speaker 1: Know, but I don't know. 1115 00:49:05,440 --> 00:49:07,719 Speaker 8: I'm glad she's happy and the happiest she's ever been 1116 00:49:07,719 --> 00:49:09,840 Speaker 8: in her whole life. That's that's kind of a big statement. 1117 00:49:10,520 --> 00:49:13,720 Speaker 8: Kim Kardashian speaking of happiness, she's not so happy sometimes, 1118 00:49:13,800 --> 00:49:16,160 Speaker 8: so she says there's some nights that she actually cries 1119 00:49:16,239 --> 00:49:18,640 Speaker 8: herself to sleep from the chaos of being a single mom. 1120 00:49:18,760 --> 00:49:21,000 Speaker 8: She said, everyone says the days are long and the 1121 00:49:21,080 --> 00:49:22,840 Speaker 8: years are short, and that couldn't be more of a 1122 00:49:22,880 --> 00:49:26,360 Speaker 8: true statement. It's the most rewarding job in the entire world. 1123 00:49:26,719 --> 00:49:28,880 Speaker 8: There's nothing that can prepare you. I don't care how 1124 00:49:28,960 --> 00:49:30,600 Speaker 8: long you wait, I don't care what you're waiting for. 1125 00:49:30,880 --> 00:49:34,160 Speaker 8: You're never prepared. She also talked about parenting during COVID, 1126 00:49:34,200 --> 00:49:36,120 Speaker 8: which is what I feel like this is really about, 1127 00:49:36,239 --> 00:49:39,120 Speaker 8: because she probably had less help saying, I mean there's 1128 00:49:39,200 --> 00:49:41,319 Speaker 8: nights when you don't wash your hair for days as 1129 00:49:41,360 --> 00:49:43,239 Speaker 8: a mom, and you have spit up all over you 1130 00:49:43,360 --> 00:49:45,800 Speaker 8: and you're wearing the same pjs, especially during COVID. I 1131 00:49:45,840 --> 00:49:48,120 Speaker 8: think that was all of us during COVID, even you know, 1132 00:49:48,160 --> 00:49:50,160 Speaker 8: if it was our own spin up yea from drinking 1133 00:49:50,160 --> 00:49:50,760 Speaker 8: too much wine. 1134 00:49:50,800 --> 00:49:51,120 Speaker 18: It was. 1135 00:49:52,160 --> 00:49:54,239 Speaker 8: But I have to say, and I know Jason's gonna 1136 00:49:54,239 --> 00:49:56,320 Speaker 8: get mad at me because he writes for Kim. I 1137 00:49:56,400 --> 00:49:59,080 Speaker 8: think this is While I understand that being a mom 1138 00:49:59,120 --> 00:50:01,359 Speaker 8: and single mom is very I think she's being very 1139 00:50:01,440 --> 00:50:04,400 Speaker 8: tone deaf by talking about this because there are a 1140 00:50:04,480 --> 00:50:08,319 Speaker 8: ton of single moms who don't have the means. Yeah, 1141 00:50:08,400 --> 00:50:10,480 Speaker 8: they don't have a maid, they don't have a nanny, 1142 00:50:10,560 --> 00:50:13,680 Speaker 8: they don't have drivers or makeup artists to come fix 1143 00:50:13,719 --> 00:50:14,360 Speaker 8: their hair that they do. 1144 00:50:14,440 --> 00:50:14,920 Speaker 2: You know what I mean? 1145 00:50:14,960 --> 00:50:16,520 Speaker 1: It's I think, But that's said. 1146 00:50:16,719 --> 00:50:19,680 Speaker 3: It doesn't mean that her emotion about being alone correct 1147 00:50:19,840 --> 00:50:21,160 Speaker 3: is any less correct. 1148 00:50:21,239 --> 00:50:24,320 Speaker 8: But I think that when you're at that caliber, sometimes 1149 00:50:24,400 --> 00:50:27,799 Speaker 8: you lose touch with reality and society. And I think 1150 00:50:27,920 --> 00:50:31,440 Speaker 8: I would really consider thinking before I speak. And and 1151 00:50:31,600 --> 00:50:34,040 Speaker 8: I understand, like it's okay, you can cry yourself to sleep, 1152 00:50:34,080 --> 00:50:38,000 Speaker 8: but I know a lot of single moms who don't 1153 00:50:38,040 --> 00:50:39,239 Speaker 8: have half of what she has. 1154 00:50:39,600 --> 00:50:41,640 Speaker 2: Her kids are really mean, they are really mean that 1155 00:50:43,360 --> 00:50:44,640 Speaker 2: I'm tired, angry. 1156 00:50:47,840 --> 00:50:48,520 Speaker 5: Her father's daughters. 1157 00:50:48,760 --> 00:50:50,920 Speaker 1: I mean, you know what I get, and I hear 1158 00:50:50,960 --> 00:50:51,840 Speaker 1: what you're saying, Caitlin. 1159 00:50:51,880 --> 00:50:56,080 Speaker 3: I just think people sometimes associate wealth with happiness, and 1160 00:50:56,160 --> 00:50:57,600 Speaker 3: I think there are a lot of wealthy people who 1161 00:50:57,640 --> 00:50:58,200 Speaker 3: are unhappy. 1162 00:50:58,640 --> 00:51:00,839 Speaker 5: Saying you don't wash your hair and supposed to feel 1163 00:51:00,880 --> 00:51:01,200 Speaker 5: bad for you. 1164 00:51:01,360 --> 00:51:04,000 Speaker 1: That's I mean that she's depressed. She's saying she's depressed, 1165 00:51:04,040 --> 00:51:04,600 Speaker 1: which I don't think. 1166 00:51:05,080 --> 00:51:07,120 Speaker 8: She said during COVID she didn't have help and so 1167 00:51:07,320 --> 00:51:09,200 Speaker 8: she she couldn't She had to take care of her 1168 00:51:09,239 --> 00:51:10,880 Speaker 8: own kids, is basically what happened. 1169 00:51:11,280 --> 00:51:13,200 Speaker 1: But she also said she was sad about being alone. 1170 00:51:13,920 --> 00:51:17,040 Speaker 5: Well, she said, being a mom, you know, single mom. 1171 00:51:17,560 --> 00:51:20,880 Speaker 1: Well, yeah, so being alone but what she's referring to, 1172 00:51:21,000 --> 00:51:23,200 Speaker 1: I think, and I think she would rather be raising 1173 00:51:23,239 --> 00:51:25,120 Speaker 1: her family with someone else. 1174 00:51:25,200 --> 00:51:27,759 Speaker 5: Maybe you think like she wishes she was with someone 1175 00:51:27,840 --> 00:51:28,719 Speaker 5: I didn't get that from that. 1176 00:51:28,960 --> 00:51:31,719 Speaker 3: How I read with loneliness. She's lonely, and I think 1177 00:51:31,800 --> 00:51:34,640 Speaker 3: loneliness doesn't you know. Look, I'm I'm not a huge 1178 00:51:34,719 --> 00:51:37,000 Speaker 3: Kardashian fan, but like, I think you can be rich 1179 00:51:37,080 --> 00:51:39,320 Speaker 3: and lonely. I think you can be rich and depressed. 1180 00:51:39,640 --> 00:51:41,960 Speaker 3: Now to say like I don't have any help, that's 1181 00:51:42,120 --> 00:51:45,960 Speaker 3: that's tone deaf. But if the part I was reflecting 1182 00:51:46,000 --> 00:51:47,480 Speaker 3: on was the part of her being sad. 1183 00:51:47,719 --> 00:51:49,759 Speaker 5: Yeah, yeah, I don't know. 1184 00:51:50,120 --> 00:51:52,160 Speaker 8: She went on there's more, there's more of the quote 1185 00:51:52,200 --> 00:51:54,120 Speaker 8: and just talking about COVID and you can't change your 1186 00:51:54,160 --> 00:51:56,319 Speaker 8: pajamas because your kids are running around, and she talked 1187 00:51:56,320 --> 00:51:58,399 Speaker 8: about the mess they created in our house. It's like, yeah, 1188 00:51:58,600 --> 00:52:00,960 Speaker 8: that's because I don't know what I listen. I mean, 1189 00:52:01,120 --> 00:52:03,320 Speaker 8: I suffer from all the mental illness I understand, but 1190 00:52:03,719 --> 00:52:06,759 Speaker 8: I wouldn't say that to a world where a lot 1191 00:52:06,760 --> 00:52:07,520 Speaker 8: of people have it harder. 1192 00:52:07,520 --> 00:52:09,120 Speaker 5: It's just my opinion. Laslie. 1193 00:52:09,160 --> 00:52:12,600 Speaker 8: The Foo Fighters introduced Josh Freeze as their new live drummer, 1194 00:52:12,680 --> 00:52:16,040 Speaker 8: so Josh is replacing Taylor Hawkins after he tragically passed 1195 00:52:16,560 --> 00:52:19,160 Speaker 8: last year at just fifty years old. Before revealing Josh 1196 00:52:19,440 --> 00:52:21,319 Speaker 8: as the drummer he had, they had like a little 1197 00:52:21,360 --> 00:52:22,800 Speaker 8: skit with video is funny. 1198 00:52:22,920 --> 00:52:23,400 Speaker 5: Did you see it? 1199 00:52:23,520 --> 00:52:25,759 Speaker 1: It was like every famous drummer walks in the room, 1200 00:52:25,800 --> 00:52:27,120 Speaker 1: but different reasons. 1201 00:52:27,280 --> 00:52:30,880 Speaker 8: Tommy Lee, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Chad Smith, and 1202 00:52:30,960 --> 00:52:32,719 Speaker 8: then Danny Carey from Tool We're in it. 1203 00:52:32,800 --> 00:52:34,640 Speaker 1: We'll keep walking in like oh hey guys, and then 1204 00:52:34,680 --> 00:52:36,480 Speaker 1: you're thinking that they're going to roll out them as 1205 00:52:36,520 --> 00:52:39,319 Speaker 1: the next drummer, and it's like, I got your pizzas, Yeah, 1206 00:52:39,400 --> 00:52:41,760 Speaker 1: you know whatever. It was pretty cleverer. 1207 00:52:42,080 --> 00:52:43,200 Speaker 5: Yeah, it was super cute. 1208 00:52:43,280 --> 00:52:46,439 Speaker 8: And their new album is dedicated to Taylor and Dave 1209 00:52:46,480 --> 00:52:48,640 Speaker 8: Girl's mom. We're to chok it online today, a ton 1210 00:52:48,760 --> 00:52:51,359 Speaker 8: of stars are in a new music video for Fast ten, 1211 00:52:51,760 --> 00:52:54,560 Speaker 8: and then Kelly Clarkson did one of her new singles, 1212 00:52:54,640 --> 00:52:55,520 Speaker 8: Jason's Very Excited. 1213 00:52:55,560 --> 00:52:56,920 Speaker 5: It's on friend Show radio dot com. 1214 00:52:57,560 --> 00:53:00,000 Speaker 3: Shelley is up next one thousand, three hundred and fifty 1215 00:53:00,000 --> 00:53:02,360 Speaker 3: two bucks just the price her record seven hundred and 1216 00:53:02,520 --> 00:53:06,000 Speaker 3: twenty four wins only forty eight losses, eighteen straight. Can 1217 00:53:06,120 --> 00:53:10,200 Speaker 3: you beat the gorilla in five questions? Eight, five, five, five, nine, one, 1218 00:53:10,320 --> 00:53:12,440 Speaker 3: one oh three five Call now and we'll play next 1219 00:53:12,560 --> 00:53:14,320 Speaker 3: after Miley back in two minutes. 1220 00:53:14,800 --> 00:53:18,320 Speaker 1: It's the Fred Show. Do you have what it takes 1221 00:53:18,400 --> 00:53:21,760 Speaker 1: to battle show biz? Shelley in the show Biz Showdown? 1222 00:53:23,000 --> 00:53:31,480 Speaker 19: Job Hi, Shelby Shelley, Hi, good morning, Fred, Welcome. 1223 00:53:31,520 --> 00:53:33,840 Speaker 1: I wipe had a great weekend. What are you just 1224 00:53:33,920 --> 00:53:34,160 Speaker 1: are you? 1225 00:53:34,400 --> 00:53:36,040 Speaker 3: Were you surprised by the amount of energy I have 1226 00:53:36,120 --> 00:53:37,840 Speaker 3: today because I don't feel sick anymore. 1227 00:53:38,440 --> 00:53:41,319 Speaker 8: I wo I noticed, And no, you know, I can't 1228 00:53:41,360 --> 00:53:44,000 Speaker 8: really get through my day unless you greet me good 1229 00:53:44,080 --> 00:53:45,880 Speaker 8: in a very energy queshion, I appreciate it. 1230 00:53:45,880 --> 00:53:47,319 Speaker 3: Well, I think it's weird when you call me at 1231 00:53:47,520 --> 00:53:49,759 Speaker 3: you know, around this time on the weekend and make 1232 00:53:49,840 --> 00:53:51,880 Speaker 3: me do it. I'm like half asleep, you know, and 1233 00:53:51,960 --> 00:53:53,240 Speaker 3: I'm like, okay, fine. 1234 00:53:53,160 --> 00:53:56,480 Speaker 11: Job biz, and You're like, okay, get my coffee right 1235 00:53:57,160 --> 00:53:58,120 Speaker 11: exactly exactly. 1236 00:53:58,200 --> 00:54:01,000 Speaker 3: Let's welcome your challenger today, it said Julieana. Hi, Juliana, 1237 00:54:01,040 --> 00:54:01,759 Speaker 3: good morning. 1238 00:54:02,400 --> 00:54:04,920 Speaker 2: Good morning, Juliana, welcome. 1239 00:54:04,680 --> 00:54:06,719 Speaker 1: To the program. Tell us all about you, please. 1240 00:54:07,880 --> 00:54:11,600 Speaker 14: Well, I'm currently in college to be a nurse. 1241 00:54:12,400 --> 00:54:15,960 Speaker 1: Amazing that is amazing. Good for you, Thank you for 1242 00:54:16,040 --> 00:54:16,360 Speaker 1: doing that. 1243 00:54:17,560 --> 00:54:17,920 Speaker 12: Thank you. 1244 00:54:18,200 --> 00:54:19,080 Speaker 9: It's a lot of work. 1245 00:54:19,120 --> 00:54:19,880 Speaker 14: I'm getting through it. 1246 00:54:20,560 --> 00:54:22,680 Speaker 1: I can imagine. I can imagine that it is. Yeah, 1247 00:54:22,719 --> 00:54:25,239 Speaker 1: but good for you. So this money could come in handy. 1248 00:54:25,239 --> 00:54:27,360 Speaker 3: I'm sure one three hundred and fifty bucks is the 1249 00:54:27,400 --> 00:54:29,480 Speaker 3: price eighteen straight games for Shelley. 1250 00:54:29,480 --> 00:54:31,560 Speaker 1: A bunch of tizo. It's been hard, seven twenty four 1251 00:54:31,600 --> 00:54:34,640 Speaker 1: and forty eighths a record. Let's play the game. Five questions, 1252 00:54:34,800 --> 00:54:39,120 Speaker 1: Good luck, Yeah, La, Shelley, with all the respect to 1253 00:54:39,239 --> 00:54:41,239 Speaker 1: hell out off to the sound Blue booth. 1254 00:54:41,320 --> 00:54:44,399 Speaker 3: She goes, Juliana, Here we go. Question number one selling. 1255 00:54:44,520 --> 00:54:48,480 Speaker 3: Sunset Season six is out on this streaming service. 1256 00:54:49,840 --> 00:54:50,320 Speaker 13: Netflix. 1257 00:54:50,480 --> 00:54:53,839 Speaker 1: Disney released a clip of Melissa McCarthy play Ursula from 1258 00:54:53,880 --> 00:54:57,680 Speaker 1: the live action reboot of this classic Little Mermaid. 1259 00:54:57,800 --> 00:55:00,759 Speaker 3: Kim Kardashian open up about the anxiety she feels from 1260 00:55:00,800 --> 00:55:05,920 Speaker 3: being a mom. How many kids does she have? Which 1261 00:55:06,640 --> 00:55:10,000 Speaker 3: music power couple just purchased a home for two hundred 1262 00:55:10,000 --> 00:55:13,640 Speaker 3: million dollars, making it the most expensive home ever sold 1263 00:55:13,680 --> 00:55:15,440 Speaker 3: in the entire state of California. 1264 00:55:16,960 --> 00:55:21,680 Speaker 12: Oh three, Taylor Swift, I'm guessing, and the. 1265 00:55:21,760 --> 00:55:25,120 Speaker 3: Late iconic wrapper Christopher Wallace had a birthday over the weekend. 1266 00:55:25,280 --> 00:55:26,520 Speaker 1: What is He? Better known as. 1267 00:55:29,040 --> 00:55:31,000 Speaker 5: Three taking us of a rapper that. 1268 00:55:31,080 --> 00:55:31,600 Speaker 17: Died to. 1269 00:55:33,800 --> 00:55:37,480 Speaker 1: Okay, we got two? You got two? Okay? I don't know. 1270 00:55:37,800 --> 00:55:40,920 Speaker 1: Maybe Shelley is drunk. I don't know. I don't think. 1271 00:55:41,120 --> 00:55:46,400 Speaker 1: Probably unlikely. She she can still get a three, Shelley 1272 00:55:46,440 --> 00:55:49,080 Speaker 1: can't get a five? Or she's drunk? Yeah, Shelly? Are 1273 00:55:49,120 --> 00:55:49,520 Speaker 1: you drunk? 1274 00:55:50,120 --> 00:55:50,160 Speaker 21: No? 1275 00:55:51,560 --> 00:55:51,799 Speaker 12: Drunk? 1276 00:55:53,320 --> 00:55:53,480 Speaker 14: Well? 1277 00:55:54,520 --> 00:55:55,520 Speaker 1: Two? Is this square to be? 1278 00:55:56,040 --> 00:55:56,320 Speaker 5: Okay? 1279 00:55:56,480 --> 00:55:56,760 Speaker 1: Okay? 1280 00:55:57,120 --> 00:55:59,560 Speaker 3: Question number one selling. Sunset Season six is out now 1281 00:55:59,600 --> 00:56:00,640 Speaker 3: on this Taming service. 1282 00:56:02,400 --> 00:56:02,560 Speaker 14: Yeah. 1283 00:56:02,640 --> 00:56:05,239 Speaker 3: Disney released a clip of Melissa McCarthy playing Ursula from 1284 00:56:05,280 --> 00:56:08,600 Speaker 3: the live action reboot of this classic The Little murmid Yeah, 1285 00:56:08,719 --> 00:56:11,000 Speaker 3: Kim Kardashian open up about the anxieties she feels from 1286 00:56:11,000 --> 00:56:11,440 Speaker 3: being a mom. 1287 00:56:11,480 --> 00:56:14,160 Speaker 1: How many kids does she have? Four? Yeah? 1288 00:56:14,320 --> 00:56:16,880 Speaker 3: Which music power couple just purchased a home for two 1289 00:56:16,960 --> 00:56:19,440 Speaker 3: hundred million dollars, making it the most expensive home ever 1290 00:56:19,600 --> 00:56:24,640 Speaker 3: sold the entire state of California. Yeah, and the this 1291 00:56:25,080 --> 00:56:28,360 Speaker 3: late iconic rapper Christopher Wallace had a birthday over the weekend. 1292 00:56:28,440 --> 00:56:30,040 Speaker 1: What's He? Better known as the. 1293 00:56:34,800 --> 00:56:35,000 Speaker 16: Yeah? 1294 00:56:36,239 --> 00:56:38,880 Speaker 3: Yeah, she's really good at this game. I tell you, Juliana, 1295 00:56:39,480 --> 00:56:42,160 Speaker 3: I've been listening forever. Thank you for that, by the way, 1296 00:56:42,320 --> 00:56:43,759 Speaker 3: but you have to say, my name is Juliana. I 1297 00:56:43,800 --> 00:56:44,960 Speaker 3: got showed up on the show now, and you. 1298 00:56:45,000 --> 00:56:45,439 Speaker 1: Know the rest. 1299 00:56:46,840 --> 00:56:48,960 Speaker 14: My name is Juliana, and I got showed up on 1300 00:56:49,040 --> 00:56:52,760 Speaker 14: the show. This Silly's show and she's going to remain undefeated. 1301 00:56:53,080 --> 00:56:55,320 Speaker 1: Wait wait did this become her show? A second? 1302 00:56:58,680 --> 00:56:58,799 Speaker 12: Now? 1303 00:56:58,840 --> 00:57:01,320 Speaker 1: Wait a minute her segment? Oh thought you to be 1304 00:57:01,400 --> 00:57:02,640 Speaker 1: listening forever? What's happened here? 1305 00:57:02,800 --> 00:57:17,800 Speaker 22: Yeah, Juliana, you can't hang wait that rail on the 1306 00:57:18,280 --> 00:57:18,840 Speaker 22: Shelly Show. 1307 00:57:19,040 --> 00:57:20,440 Speaker 1: Whoo that was good. 1308 00:57:22,000 --> 00:57:24,840 Speaker 3: Boy, Juliana, Thank you so much for listening. Hang on 1309 00:57:24,840 --> 00:57:26,840 Speaker 3: one second. Have a great day and good luck with 1310 00:57:26,960 --> 00:57:27,560 Speaker 3: nursing school. 1311 00:57:28,400 --> 00:57:28,760 Speaker 13: Thank you. 1312 00:57:29,080 --> 00:57:31,040 Speaker 1: I stay right there. Showby is Shelley. 1313 00:57:31,120 --> 00:57:31,560 Speaker 16: We love you. 1314 00:57:31,720 --> 00:57:35,240 Speaker 3: That's another win for you. Fourteen hundred dollars tomorrow. That's 1315 00:57:35,320 --> 00:57:38,120 Speaker 3: good money. That's respectable, good exciting money. 1316 00:57:38,280 --> 00:57:39,960 Speaker 5: It's getting up there. It is for sure. 1317 00:57:40,240 --> 00:57:40,480 Speaker 9: It is. 1318 00:57:40,640 --> 00:57:43,120 Speaker 1: So have an amazing day and we'll talk to you later. 1319 00:57:43,360 --> 00:57:44,040 Speaker 2: Thank you so much. 1320 00:57:44,600 --> 00:57:48,440 Speaker 1: Okay, Fred show is on. It feels good. 1321 00:57:48,480 --> 00:57:51,520 Speaker 3: All right, good news, happy stories. We love to share 1322 00:57:51,520 --> 00:57:54,080 Speaker 3: them with you every day on the show. Caylin, Yeah, 1323 00:57:54,200 --> 00:57:55,000 Speaker 3: Pat you gout, I. 1324 00:57:55,040 --> 00:57:57,760 Speaker 8: Got you so a musician who was expelled from a 1325 00:57:57,920 --> 00:58:01,400 Speaker 8: Denver high school over fifty years years ago finally just 1326 00:58:01,480 --> 00:58:04,040 Speaker 8: got his diploma. So Otis Taylor was kicked out of 1327 00:58:04,280 --> 00:58:08,000 Speaker 8: Manuel High School in nineteen sixty six because of his hair. 1328 00:58:08,440 --> 00:58:12,440 Speaker 8: This was decades before laws ending racial hair discrimination, but 1329 00:58:12,760 --> 00:58:16,360 Speaker 8: now Denver public schools wanted to right or wrong spend 1330 00:58:16,480 --> 00:58:19,000 Speaker 8: decades since Otis roam the halls of his high school. 1331 00:58:19,040 --> 00:58:22,080 Speaker 8: He remembers everything he loved about school, but he doesn't 1332 00:58:22,120 --> 00:58:25,480 Speaker 8: remember much about the day he was expelled, other than thinking, oh, okay, 1333 00:58:25,880 --> 00:58:26,760 Speaker 8: I'm out of school. 1334 00:58:27,280 --> 00:58:30,160 Speaker 5: That was seventeen. He was seventeen years old at the time. 1335 00:58:30,560 --> 00:58:31,240 Speaker 5: Cut to now. 1336 00:58:31,440 --> 00:58:34,480 Speaker 8: The school heard the story, reached out to him, and 1337 00:58:34,560 --> 00:58:37,360 Speaker 8: he finally got the diploma that he deserved to get. 1338 00:58:37,360 --> 00:58:41,440 Speaker 1: That's amazing. Yeah, I love that. Yes, you know, I 1339 00:58:41,480 --> 00:58:43,400 Speaker 1: love stories about old people. I love old people. 1340 00:58:44,600 --> 00:58:48,840 Speaker 3: But this grandmother, who is ninety three years old, has 1341 00:58:48,960 --> 00:58:52,280 Speaker 3: been to all sixty three national. 1342 00:58:52,080 --> 00:58:54,600 Speaker 1: Parks and that's a cool story. She's the oldest person 1343 00:58:54,680 --> 00:58:55,200 Speaker 1: ever to do it. 1344 00:58:55,320 --> 00:58:57,880 Speaker 3: But making it even better is that she and her 1345 00:58:57,960 --> 00:59:02,200 Speaker 3: grandson did it together, what he calls the greatest privilege. 1346 00:59:02,720 --> 00:59:04,960 Speaker 3: So it began in October of twenty fifteen, they went 1347 00:59:04,960 --> 00:59:07,920 Speaker 3: to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee and 1348 00:59:08,080 --> 00:59:11,320 Speaker 3: concluded last Monday when they made it all the way 1349 00:59:11,320 --> 00:59:14,080 Speaker 3: out to South South Pacific to American Samoa to see 1350 00:59:14,160 --> 00:59:16,480 Speaker 3: that one too. But nonetheless, this is something that they 1351 00:59:16,520 --> 00:59:19,680 Speaker 3: shared together, which I love and what I wouldn't give 1352 00:59:20,360 --> 00:59:23,320 Speaker 3: to do something very similar with my grandparents. Anything they 1353 00:59:23,400 --> 00:59:25,120 Speaker 3: want to do at this point to have them back, 1354 00:59:25,160 --> 00:59:29,040 Speaker 3: but to sixty three parks in eight years, all with 1355 00:59:29,200 --> 00:59:31,560 Speaker 3: their grandson, and I'm sure they'll remember that forever. 1356 00:59:31,720 --> 00:59:34,600 Speaker 1: So here you go. Let me see Kiki's Court. Yes, 1357 00:59:35,080 --> 00:59:36,720 Speaker 1: are we doing the one that we got? Are doing 1358 00:59:36,720 --> 00:59:37,200 Speaker 1: a different one? 1359 00:59:37,320 --> 00:59:39,560 Speaker 2: No, we're doing that when we have to discuss. 1360 00:59:39,240 --> 00:59:42,560 Speaker 3: This, okay, yeah, all right, because I received a message 1361 00:59:42,600 --> 00:59:48,160 Speaker 3: over the weekend that I was to share with Kiki. Yeah, yes, 1362 00:59:49,480 --> 00:59:55,520 Speaker 3: well apparently something introduced me wasn't good enough. Yes, single 1363 00:59:55,520 --> 00:59:58,120 Speaker 3: one of us guys. Yeah, okay, well this will be 1364 00:59:58,200 --> 01:00:01,360 Speaker 3: good and that more show next. 1365 01:00:02,920 --> 01:00:03,120 Speaker 11: Order. 1366 01:00:03,920 --> 01:00:07,120 Speaker 1: It's a fresh show. It's Kiki's Court, all right. 1367 01:00:08,240 --> 01:00:14,120 Speaker 3: Ladies and gentlemen, all rise for the honorable Kik a 1368 01:00:14,200 --> 01:00:18,080 Speaker 3: Leak sunglasses are coming on. Yes, they're only judging the 1369 01:00:18,120 --> 01:00:21,840 Speaker 3: business that wears sunglasses while presiding. That's right, if you'd 1370 01:00:21,880 --> 01:00:23,640 Speaker 3: like to be on the jury eight five five five 1371 01:00:23,760 --> 01:00:26,520 Speaker 3: nine three five, if you would tell us what's going on? 1372 01:00:26,720 --> 01:00:28,280 Speaker 2: Oh yes, order in the court. 1373 01:00:28,960 --> 01:00:31,640 Speaker 1: You using your phone? Why are you hitting your phone 1374 01:00:31,680 --> 01:00:32,280 Speaker 1: with the gavel? 1375 01:00:32,360 --> 01:00:34,800 Speaker 2: Because the budget has not been approved for my bench. 1376 01:00:34,960 --> 01:00:36,840 Speaker 3: Well, the budgets are gonna be approved when you shadow 1377 01:00:36,880 --> 01:00:38,880 Speaker 3: your screen either, well, just hit the desk. 1378 01:00:38,920 --> 01:00:42,200 Speaker 2: It's to say you'll still hear it. Listen, I'm the judge. Okay, 1379 01:00:42,920 --> 01:00:45,720 Speaker 2: I have to get locked up for consent or whatever they. 1380 01:00:45,640 --> 01:00:49,920 Speaker 1: Call it or whatever they call All right, go ahead. 1381 01:00:49,720 --> 01:00:53,080 Speaker 2: So here's the case. Now brace yourself, friend, because it 1382 01:00:53,160 --> 01:00:54,240 Speaker 2: involves Taylor's. 1383 01:00:54,000 --> 01:00:58,960 Speaker 3: Wall Jesus, so you gotta go care judge if it 1384 01:00:59,040 --> 01:01:00,720 Speaker 3: had anything to do with me, get somebody tickets. 1385 01:01:00,760 --> 01:01:02,720 Speaker 1: The answers, No, I don't have them. They don't exist. 1386 01:01:03,280 --> 01:01:06,160 Speaker 2: Kind we'll say so it goes. So me and my 1387 01:01:06,280 --> 01:01:09,120 Speaker 2: two friends were all trying to get Taylor Swift tickets 1388 01:01:09,200 --> 01:01:12,440 Speaker 2: when they went on sale. Obviously it was pure chaos 1389 01:01:12,520 --> 01:01:15,320 Speaker 2: trying to get through. But my friend Sarah eventually got 1390 01:01:15,400 --> 01:01:18,040 Speaker 2: in and was able to buy two tickets. But she 1391 01:01:18,280 --> 01:01:20,640 Speaker 2: later decided that she was just going to take her sister, 1392 01:01:20,960 --> 01:01:23,040 Speaker 2: So my other friend and I just accepted the fact 1393 01:01:23,040 --> 01:01:25,680 Speaker 2: that we were not going to the concert. Fast forward 1394 01:01:25,760 --> 01:01:28,960 Speaker 2: to this weekend, Sarah texts us that she found two 1395 01:01:29,080 --> 01:01:32,120 Speaker 2: more tickets in a better section, so she offered to 1396 01:01:32,600 --> 01:01:35,240 Speaker 2: her sell us her original tickets, and we were so 1397 01:01:35,400 --> 01:01:39,640 Speaker 2: excited until she told us the price. My so called 1398 01:01:39,720 --> 01:01:42,200 Speaker 2: friend was trying to sell us her four hundred level 1399 01:01:42,280 --> 01:01:46,000 Speaker 2: tickets for three hundred dollars apiece when we know for 1400 01:01:46,240 --> 01:01:49,000 Speaker 2: sure that she only bought them at face value for 1401 01:01:49,080 --> 01:01:54,120 Speaker 2: one hundred and fifteen dollars. Come up. Then she had 1402 01:01:54,160 --> 01:01:57,240 Speaker 2: the nerve to say she was considering selling them on 1403 01:01:57,400 --> 01:02:00,280 Speaker 2: Facebook for nine hundred dollars, but she wanted to give 1404 01:02:00,440 --> 01:02:07,200 Speaker 2: us a deal now because we feel like she shouldn't 1405 01:02:07,200 --> 01:02:09,360 Speaker 2: be trying to make money off her friends when we 1406 01:02:09,440 --> 01:02:12,000 Speaker 2: were originally trying to get tickets all together in the 1407 01:02:12,200 --> 01:02:12,840 Speaker 2: first place. 1408 01:02:13,240 --> 01:02:16,080 Speaker 1: Please weigh in on this one hundred percent agree with 1409 01:02:16,160 --> 01:02:16,520 Speaker 1: this woman. 1410 01:02:16,880 --> 01:02:19,920 Speaker 3: That is that is not right to gouge your friends 1411 01:02:20,040 --> 01:02:24,120 Speaker 3: and charge them secondary market prices, even if it's a deal. 1412 01:02:24,480 --> 01:02:28,880 Speaker 3: Gouge them, man, Triplet. 1413 01:02:27,560 --> 01:02:31,080 Speaker 2: You're playing three hundred dollars for tailor Swift tickets, you 1414 01:02:31,200 --> 01:02:32,400 Speaker 2: better shell out that dough. 1415 01:02:32,920 --> 01:02:36,320 Speaker 1: She can make bag whatever. She could make a thousand 1416 01:02:36,400 --> 01:02:39,080 Speaker 1: dollars easily East tickets. Okay, but how about friends? 1417 01:02:39,880 --> 01:02:43,800 Speaker 3: Right Aboudship, how do you think this woman is gonna. 1418 01:02:43,560 --> 01:02:45,160 Speaker 1: Pay for the new tickets? Jason? 1419 01:02:45,200 --> 01:02:47,200 Speaker 5: Come here, I'm getting scared she. 1420 01:02:47,320 --> 01:02:49,640 Speaker 2: Already has them. Let me tell you something. This is 1421 01:02:49,720 --> 01:02:51,720 Speaker 2: shady from the beginning, because how this girl keep getting 1422 01:02:51,720 --> 01:02:58,400 Speaker 2: Taylor Swift tickets? But allow anyway, Jason tickets. He still 1423 01:02:58,480 --> 01:03:01,360 Speaker 2: can't get a ticket. So that's a suspect in the 1424 01:03:01,440 --> 01:03:04,440 Speaker 2: first place. Okay, yeah, pontiful. 1425 01:03:04,000 --> 01:03:07,200 Speaker 1: Action to make money a ticket? Okay, Okay, Kiki, what 1426 01:03:07,280 --> 01:03:08,880 Speaker 1: do you think get sad rufio? 1427 01:03:09,000 --> 01:03:10,800 Speaker 2: This is even low for you, my friend, like you 1428 01:03:10,840 --> 01:03:12,600 Speaker 2: would charge us triple? 1429 01:03:12,760 --> 01:03:14,560 Speaker 1: I can see half well. 1430 01:03:14,640 --> 01:03:17,960 Speaker 11: Okay, when you say triple, listen, when you say triple, 1431 01:03:18,000 --> 01:03:20,160 Speaker 11: you make it sound like it's a huge amount. 1432 01:03:20,400 --> 01:03:22,200 Speaker 1: You know what I'm saying. Yes, it's going from one 1433 01:03:22,320 --> 01:03:24,040 Speaker 1: fifteen to three hundred dollars. 1434 01:03:24,200 --> 01:03:27,120 Speaker 23: Yeh, friend, But three hundred dollars to see Taylor's with 1435 01:03:27,320 --> 01:03:28,040 Speaker 23: ain't nothing. 1436 01:03:28,240 --> 01:03:29,680 Speaker 5: Oh my friends. 1437 01:03:30,880 --> 01:03:31,040 Speaker 9: Mad? 1438 01:03:31,360 --> 01:03:33,200 Speaker 2: He's so mad. If your friends, if we charge you, 1439 01:03:33,400 --> 01:03:36,760 Speaker 2: I would I'd be like, yo, that's that's pretty reasonable. 1440 01:03:36,760 --> 01:03:38,080 Speaker 2: You got to make your money on your end, to 1441 01:03:38,440 --> 01:03:39,280 Speaker 2: make your money. 1442 01:03:39,520 --> 01:03:41,920 Speaker 3: The only thing that you should have to pay for 1443 01:03:42,160 --> 01:03:45,840 Speaker 3: as your friend. As a friend would be whatever my 1444 01:03:46,080 --> 01:03:49,080 Speaker 3: exact cost was, if it was one hundred and twenty 1445 01:03:49,120 --> 01:03:52,800 Speaker 3: five dollars face value plus fees, so that if my 1446 01:03:53,040 --> 01:03:55,600 Speaker 3: if my tax whatever, if it was let's say it 1447 01:03:55,640 --> 01:03:58,840 Speaker 3: was two hundred dollars out the door, then two hundred 1448 01:03:58,960 --> 01:04:01,720 Speaker 3: times too. You paid four hundred dollars, I paid four 1449 01:04:01,800 --> 01:04:04,640 Speaker 3: hundred dollars. Were friends don't get to make money off 1450 01:04:04,720 --> 01:04:08,040 Speaker 3: of me, noe. What she could do is she wanted 1451 01:04:08,080 --> 01:04:11,240 Speaker 3: to is just not tell her friends that she had 1452 01:04:11,280 --> 01:04:14,760 Speaker 3: the tickets, go sell them privately and stay out of 1453 01:04:14,840 --> 01:04:16,920 Speaker 3: it completely and not let her friends know she not. Look, 1454 01:04:16,960 --> 01:04:19,960 Speaker 3: do I think that's a little shady, Yes, but but 1455 01:04:20,840 --> 01:04:22,920 Speaker 3: at least she's not gouging her own friends. 1456 01:04:22,960 --> 01:04:23,280 Speaker 1: Correct. 1457 01:04:23,320 --> 01:04:24,720 Speaker 10: If she wanted to make the profit that was her 1458 01:04:24,720 --> 01:04:26,640 Speaker 10: biggest goal, then she should have never went back to 1459 01:04:26,720 --> 01:04:28,800 Speaker 10: her two friends like it's bogus. 1460 01:04:29,000 --> 01:04:30,680 Speaker 1: Yeah, you can call it text eight five five five 1461 01:04:31,400 --> 01:04:34,160 Speaker 1: three five yes orfil what the lady the lady that 1462 01:04:34,240 --> 01:04:35,040 Speaker 1: messaged Yukiki. 1463 01:04:35,120 --> 01:04:37,240 Speaker 11: What she's doing wrong is that she should buy these 1464 01:04:37,280 --> 01:04:39,600 Speaker 11: tickets from her friend for three hundred dollars, right okay, okay, 1465 01:04:39,600 --> 01:04:40,640 Speaker 11: and then she should. 1466 01:04:40,400 --> 01:04:41,360 Speaker 1: Flip them again. 1467 01:04:41,560 --> 01:04:44,440 Speaker 23: God in the market, so she should have money and 1468 01:04:44,560 --> 01:04:47,520 Speaker 23: then take that money and buy more tickets. That's the 1469 01:04:47,640 --> 01:04:51,080 Speaker 23: plan right there, that's the play, Okay, to buy for 1470 01:04:51,600 --> 01:04:55,480 Speaker 23: faith for three hundred dollars, flip them again so she 1471 01:04:55,520 --> 01:04:58,400 Speaker 23: could make three hundred dollars herself or whatever even more 1472 01:04:58,480 --> 01:05:00,720 Speaker 23: than that, and then boom, and then she could buy 1473 01:05:00,760 --> 01:05:02,880 Speaker 23: tickets with that money she just made ticket. 1474 01:05:03,160 --> 01:05:04,840 Speaker 3: You're assuming that she can just go back to the 1475 01:05:04,920 --> 01:05:08,240 Speaker 3: well for more tickets. Again, there's gonna be tickets available. 1476 01:05:08,280 --> 01:05:09,680 Speaker 3: She's gonna have to pay more money. But I'm just 1477 01:05:09,720 --> 01:05:12,720 Speaker 3: saying she can use that money to pay for other tickets. 1478 01:05:12,840 --> 01:05:15,720 Speaker 2: This is the problem. This is why people can't get tickets. 1479 01:05:15,960 --> 01:05:18,240 Speaker 5: If we do this, real fails can't go. 1480 01:05:19,640 --> 01:05:22,160 Speaker 2: It's a problem out here. And I don't I don't 1481 01:05:22,160 --> 01:05:22,480 Speaker 2: agree with. 1482 01:05:22,520 --> 01:05:25,280 Speaker 3: This, one asked Rufio. Okay, so, and I hate to 1483 01:05:25,360 --> 01:05:26,800 Speaker 3: do this to you, but I'm going to bring Acelin 1484 01:05:26,840 --> 01:05:30,080 Speaker 3: into this. Ashley wants to go to make up an 1485 01:05:30,120 --> 01:05:34,200 Speaker 3: event whatever his favorite thing is. Right now, that's what 1486 01:05:34,280 --> 01:05:35,680 Speaker 3: John cena right now, I want to go to his 1487 01:05:35,840 --> 01:05:38,480 Speaker 3: favorite thing and it's sold out and tickets are impossible 1488 01:05:38,520 --> 01:05:40,960 Speaker 3: to get, and I have them uncle for it, and 1489 01:05:41,080 --> 01:05:42,880 Speaker 3: I paid one hundred dollars a piece for them, So 1490 01:05:42,960 --> 01:05:45,600 Speaker 3: two hundred dollars and I go to you when I say, yeah, 1491 01:05:45,600 --> 01:05:48,000 Speaker 3: I got tickets three hundred dollars apiece. 1492 01:05:48,120 --> 01:05:50,880 Speaker 1: That's fine, that's my son, Yes it is. I gotta 1493 01:05:50,880 --> 01:05:53,320 Speaker 1: make it for me to make four hundred dollars on you, 1494 01:05:53,560 --> 01:05:56,880 Speaker 1: my friend. No, No, that's not okay. I mean that's 1495 01:05:57,240 --> 01:05:58,560 Speaker 1: I mean, I'm gonna pay that money. 1496 01:05:58,600 --> 01:05:59,240 Speaker 12: That's to me. 1497 01:05:59,320 --> 01:06:01,440 Speaker 1: That's not don'tay to make money out of you. 1498 01:06:01,600 --> 01:06:04,320 Speaker 2: But you're not gonna look at Fred's sideways Liken'll be my. 1499 01:06:04,400 --> 01:06:06,680 Speaker 1: Mouth because I've done this before. 1500 01:06:06,880 --> 01:06:11,280 Speaker 6: Oh straight to jail to give me an example, like whatever, 1501 01:06:11,400 --> 01:06:12,640 Speaker 6: Like if I had to take it to a sporting 1502 01:06:12,680 --> 01:06:14,640 Speaker 6: event and I have and I can't go, I'm not 1503 01:06:14,680 --> 01:06:16,720 Speaker 6: gonna charge face value, want to charge more money to it, 1504 01:06:16,960 --> 01:06:17,720 Speaker 6: especially if it's a. 1505 01:06:17,760 --> 01:06:22,360 Speaker 2: Team that that people want to play. Yes, I think 1506 01:06:22,400 --> 01:06:23,320 Speaker 2: should die from mistakes. 1507 01:06:23,400 --> 01:06:27,760 Speaker 11: No, no, never, never ever, no periods are my personal 1508 01:06:27,840 --> 01:06:29,200 Speaker 11: tickets I've paid money for. 1509 01:06:29,720 --> 01:06:32,160 Speaker 3: Do not think it's okay to charge your friends a 1510 01:06:32,360 --> 01:06:38,320 Speaker 3: markup on stuff? Mustafa Hi good morning. Hey, welcome to 1511 01:06:38,400 --> 01:06:40,680 Speaker 3: the show. What do you think Kiki's Court? You cannot 1512 01:06:40,880 --> 01:06:44,600 Speaker 3: charge your friends up? Up charge your friends. 1513 01:06:45,960 --> 01:06:49,600 Speaker 13: I'm with you, like with you, like like this is 1514 01:06:49,600 --> 01:06:52,000 Speaker 13: a shame, Like you know, friends should be for the friends. 1515 01:06:52,280 --> 01:06:54,440 Speaker 9: If you got the tickets for like you know, for 1516 01:06:54,600 --> 01:06:56,880 Speaker 9: two hundred bucks or like one hundred bucks just like 1517 01:06:56,960 --> 01:06:58,560 Speaker 9: the same day, like you know, the same money, the 1518 01:06:58,600 --> 01:07:01,320 Speaker 9: same body, why would you coprofic I don't feel the friends. 1519 01:07:01,720 --> 01:07:05,640 Speaker 3: This is shame, especially considering this isn't even like some 1520 01:07:05,760 --> 01:07:08,400 Speaker 3: people came along all of a sudden and said, hey, 1521 01:07:08,480 --> 01:07:09,320 Speaker 3: what do you think about? 1522 01:07:09,640 --> 01:07:11,680 Speaker 1: Uh, you know, what do you think? Do you have 1523 01:07:11,720 --> 01:07:13,520 Speaker 1: any tickets? You have access to tickets? I'd love to 1524 01:07:13,560 --> 01:07:14,080 Speaker 1: go to the show. 1525 01:07:14,240 --> 01:07:18,120 Speaker 3: They were supposed to go together, right, so so the 1526 01:07:18,200 --> 01:07:19,920 Speaker 3: fact that she was able to get the tickets that 1527 01:07:20,040 --> 01:07:24,400 Speaker 3: just means they can do what they were planning on doing, yes, exactly. 1528 01:07:24,040 --> 01:07:25,640 Speaker 13: Like I don't know, Like I don't get it, so 1529 01:07:25,680 --> 01:07:27,200 Speaker 13: I'm gonna do like a hundred percent. 1530 01:07:27,480 --> 01:07:28,480 Speaker 9: Then I don't know, Like I'm. 1531 01:07:30,200 --> 01:07:32,120 Speaker 2: Like, what did you want? 1532 01:07:33,360 --> 01:07:34,000 Speaker 1: What do you want to say? 1533 01:07:35,920 --> 01:07:36,400 Speaker 9: Talk about? 1534 01:07:36,520 --> 01:07:36,720 Speaker 22: Chelse? 1535 01:07:37,040 --> 01:07:37,560 Speaker 9: Like some money? 1536 01:07:37,600 --> 01:07:37,960 Speaker 1: Exactly? 1537 01:07:39,320 --> 01:07:39,800 Speaker 16: Thank you? 1538 01:07:40,920 --> 01:07:41,200 Speaker 1: Thank you? 1539 01:07:42,200 --> 01:07:44,440 Speaker 11: Not okay for me to make money off of my 1540 01:07:44,560 --> 01:07:46,720 Speaker 11: friends whatever. But it's okay. 1541 01:07:46,840 --> 01:07:48,720 Speaker 1: I could charge six times as much on the open 1542 01:07:48,760 --> 01:07:49,760 Speaker 1: market and get that money. 1543 01:07:49,880 --> 01:07:50,280 Speaker 2: That's okay. 1544 01:07:50,440 --> 01:07:53,640 Speaker 1: Yeah, sure, sure, I can't stop. 1545 01:07:53,880 --> 01:07:55,680 Speaker 2: I don't my friends. Then my friend day we see 1546 01:07:55,680 --> 01:07:58,640 Speaker 2: Taylor's with like she wanted to. But listen, we're all 1547 01:07:58,680 --> 01:08:01,520 Speaker 2: on ticket Masters together. Everybody's just we're in here working together, 1548 01:08:01,600 --> 01:08:03,840 Speaker 2: like whoever gets in is going to get the tickets 1549 01:08:03,880 --> 01:08:06,120 Speaker 2: for us. And then I come back like, why actually, gaalen, 1550 01:08:06,480 --> 01:08:08,080 Speaker 2: it's going to be extra three hundred gir I need 1551 01:08:08,160 --> 01:08:11,040 Speaker 2: I need that running that money. That is wrong, rufio. 1552 01:08:11,720 --> 01:08:13,240 Speaker 2: I mean, we usually scam together. 1553 01:08:13,320 --> 01:08:17,679 Speaker 3: But if you want to be part of the problem 1554 01:08:17,760 --> 01:08:19,479 Speaker 3: and you've got tickets and you want to put them 1555 01:08:19,520 --> 01:08:21,040 Speaker 3: on the open market for a bunch of money, that's 1556 01:08:21,120 --> 01:08:23,040 Speaker 3: up to you. That's fine. But I'm not doing that 1557 01:08:23,160 --> 01:08:26,080 Speaker 3: to my friends. I'm not doing that to my Hey, Juliana, 1558 01:08:27,200 --> 01:08:29,840 Speaker 3: what's up? Hey, good morning. So the Kiki's Court here. 1559 01:08:29,920 --> 01:08:34,040 Speaker 3: Just to recap, a woman and her friend were supposed 1560 01:08:34,080 --> 01:08:36,160 Speaker 3: to get four tickets to Taylor Swift so they can 1561 01:08:36,200 --> 01:08:38,280 Speaker 3: all go together. They only wound up getting two. She 1562 01:08:38,720 --> 01:08:41,639 Speaker 3: the friend got the tickets, so it's fine. The friend's going. 1563 01:08:42,040 --> 01:08:45,040 Speaker 3: Then the friend got two other tickets and said, now 1564 01:08:45,080 --> 01:08:48,240 Speaker 3: we can all go together. Except I'm charging you basically 1565 01:08:48,400 --> 01:08:51,960 Speaker 3: triple the face value, which is still a deal. But 1566 01:08:52,120 --> 01:08:54,360 Speaker 3: you're still charging your friends triple. 1567 01:08:54,800 --> 01:08:55,439 Speaker 1: What do you think? 1568 01:08:56,840 --> 01:08:59,519 Speaker 14: I think that's okay, because honestly, with the amount of 1569 01:08:59,560 --> 01:09:03,200 Speaker 14: concert I've been to fighting with, like all of these 1570 01:09:03,320 --> 01:09:06,360 Speaker 14: companies that usually like scam like if I know I'm 1571 01:09:06,400 --> 01:09:08,960 Speaker 14: getting it straight from the source, I'm okay with like 1572 01:09:09,080 --> 01:09:13,040 Speaker 14: up charging and like I personally would pay more if 1573 01:09:13,080 --> 01:09:17,160 Speaker 14: I know I'm getting it direct from the source. So okay, 1574 01:09:17,520 --> 01:09:19,960 Speaker 14: because I've been I've been scammed out of tickets a lot. 1575 01:09:20,560 --> 01:09:28,080 Speaker 3: Fair enough, You have a good day, yep, Oscar high, Oscar, Hey, 1576 01:09:28,120 --> 01:09:29,240 Speaker 3: turn your radio down please? 1577 01:09:29,439 --> 01:09:32,840 Speaker 1: What do you you're on rufio side? Apparently I am 1578 01:09:32,960 --> 01:09:35,639 Speaker 1: on Rufeo side. Yes, they don't consider it gouging. 1579 01:09:35,800 --> 01:09:38,160 Speaker 13: I think it's a little up charge that you should 1580 01:09:38,200 --> 01:09:39,599 Speaker 13: not be a problem. 1581 01:09:40,200 --> 01:09:44,600 Speaker 1: One charge fees to. 1582 01:09:48,880 --> 01:09:51,679 Speaker 13: One fifteen. I would have charged maybe like two hundred, 1583 01:09:51,760 --> 01:09:55,799 Speaker 13: maybe two fifty, you know, but yeah, that's my site. 1584 01:09:55,760 --> 01:09:58,599 Speaker 1: Which is still a great deal to see a top artist. Okay, 1585 01:09:58,920 --> 01:09:59,880 Speaker 1: it's still a great deal. 1586 01:10:00,040 --> 01:10:02,280 Speaker 13: I probably wonder any told them my body for one fifteen. 1587 01:10:06,160 --> 01:10:06,479 Speaker 9: Thank you. 1588 01:10:09,000 --> 01:10:11,760 Speaker 3: Look about these people, Mike, Mike, you say I'm charged 1589 01:10:11,800 --> 01:10:14,240 Speaker 3: with friends going, oh my god, I got to. 1590 01:10:14,240 --> 01:10:16,000 Speaker 1: Be able to charge the friends. These are like, these 1591 01:10:16,040 --> 01:10:16,880 Speaker 1: are the hottest tickets. 1592 01:10:18,840 --> 01:10:19,000 Speaker 22: Mike. 1593 01:10:19,080 --> 01:10:20,120 Speaker 1: Do you have any friends? 1594 01:10:21,800 --> 01:10:24,479 Speaker 2: I don't have, and I mean they. 1595 01:10:25,360 --> 01:10:28,280 Speaker 4: They would know these are the hottest tickets on the 1596 01:10:28,320 --> 01:10:29,000 Speaker 4: face of the planet. 1597 01:10:29,040 --> 01:10:31,240 Speaker 5: How do you not make they talk about you behind 1598 01:10:31,280 --> 01:10:31,599 Speaker 5: your back? 1599 01:10:31,920 --> 01:10:34,559 Speaker 6: Because if you think about it, you're already taking You're 1600 01:10:34,560 --> 01:10:36,519 Speaker 6: already taking a loss on these tickets by giving them, 1601 01:10:36,760 --> 01:10:38,479 Speaker 6: by sewing to your friend for three hundred dollars. 1602 01:10:38,760 --> 01:10:40,519 Speaker 1: You know what I'm saying. But think about the time 1603 01:10:40,600 --> 01:10:41,160 Speaker 1: and effort. 1604 01:10:41,240 --> 01:10:43,040 Speaker 13: How much is how much time and effort did it 1605 01:10:43,120 --> 01:10:44,080 Speaker 13: take to get these tickets? 1606 01:10:44,640 --> 01:10:47,559 Speaker 1: You get paid, You got get compensations. All right, thank you, Mike. 1607 01:10:47,640 --> 01:10:49,640 Speaker 1: Have a good day. All right? 1608 01:10:50,320 --> 01:10:56,759 Speaker 3: Okay, this Jerry sucks. This is crazy. I love everybody 1609 01:10:56,760 --> 01:10:58,200 Speaker 3: who listens to this show. I don't want to be 1610 01:10:58,240 --> 01:11:01,120 Speaker 3: friends with any of you. Actually, you know what, I 1611 01:11:01,240 --> 01:11:03,080 Speaker 3: love all of you. I'm not buying tickets from any 1612 01:11:03,120 --> 01:11:05,200 Speaker 3: of you. Come down to Alex Hi. 1613 01:11:06,880 --> 01:11:10,599 Speaker 13: Hi, Yeah, my wife's best friend. All growing up. 1614 01:11:11,120 --> 01:11:13,080 Speaker 17: We got to be adults, and I obviously married her 1615 01:11:13,160 --> 01:11:15,920 Speaker 17: and her wife's best friend was selling a sofa, told me, 1616 01:11:16,120 --> 01:11:17,719 Speaker 17: you guys can have it for a three hundred dollars. 1617 01:11:17,760 --> 01:11:18,960 Speaker 9: We just needed it for a back room. 1618 01:11:19,600 --> 01:11:21,800 Speaker 21: And then she came back a couple hours later and 1619 01:11:21,840 --> 01:11:24,360 Speaker 21: said she actually found somebody that was willing to sell 1620 01:11:24,439 --> 01:11:26,720 Speaker 21: buy it for thirteen hundred dollars and I could buy 1621 01:11:26,720 --> 01:11:29,000 Speaker 21: it for the same amount, and basically ripped it out 1622 01:11:29,000 --> 01:11:31,439 Speaker 21: from underneath us and said you can't have it anymore, 1623 01:11:31,439 --> 01:11:33,679 Speaker 21: even though I went and rented a U haul truck 1624 01:11:33,760 --> 01:11:35,080 Speaker 21: to go pick it up that afternoon. 1625 01:11:35,080 --> 01:11:36,880 Speaker 1: Already, that's mess up. The least she could do is 1626 01:11:36,920 --> 01:11:38,400 Speaker 1: pay for your U haul with some of the money. 1627 01:11:38,439 --> 01:11:40,880 Speaker 3: She just meane, like, if somebody wants to pay one 1628 01:11:40,920 --> 01:11:43,160 Speaker 3: thousand dollars more than what she's trying to give it 1629 01:11:43,240 --> 01:11:45,599 Speaker 3: to you for, that's one thing. But if you went 1630 01:11:45,680 --> 01:11:47,040 Speaker 3: as far as to rent a U haul and the 1631 01:11:47,080 --> 01:11:48,920 Speaker 3: whole thing, the least that they can do is pay 1632 01:11:49,000 --> 01:11:51,160 Speaker 3: for the U haul since you made arrangements. But I'd 1633 01:11:51,240 --> 01:11:53,080 Speaker 3: probably take the higher all I'd be like, guys, this 1634 01:11:53,160 --> 01:11:55,200 Speaker 3: is outrageous. I can't believe I'm gonna make this much money. 1635 01:11:55,280 --> 01:11:56,680 Speaker 3: But let me, let me make sure I take care 1636 01:11:56,720 --> 01:12:00,200 Speaker 3: of you since you made the effort. But still it's 1637 01:12:00,240 --> 01:12:01,320 Speaker 3: totally great. 1638 01:12:01,360 --> 01:12:04,160 Speaker 21: But regardless, we're no longer friends with her. 1639 01:12:04,200 --> 01:12:04,880 Speaker 13: Over that end. 1640 01:12:05,400 --> 01:12:08,679 Speaker 2: Oh, because yeah, you wouldn't get my couchy the thirteen 1641 01:12:08,760 --> 01:12:11,599 Speaker 2: hundred dollars. Now that's what I gotta be a scammer. 1642 01:12:12,920 --> 01:12:17,479 Speaker 21: Yeah, I don't know, especially once a friend says like, 1643 01:12:17,560 --> 01:12:19,640 Speaker 21: oh yeah you can have it or yes, it's it's 1644 01:12:20,280 --> 01:12:22,040 Speaker 21: I don't know, it's just it's bad friendship. 1645 01:12:22,120 --> 01:12:22,360 Speaker 4: Mojo. 1646 01:12:22,560 --> 01:12:23,160 Speaker 1: Yeah, I get that. 1647 01:12:23,400 --> 01:12:25,680 Speaker 5: I mean I bought Rufio breakfast this morning. Should I 1648 01:12:25,680 --> 01:12:26,360 Speaker 5: have up charged in? 1649 01:12:26,520 --> 01:12:26,880 Speaker 1: You should have? 1650 01:12:27,200 --> 01:12:27,400 Speaker 20: Yeah? 1651 01:12:28,160 --> 01:12:28,679 Speaker 2: I made money? 1652 01:12:29,080 --> 01:12:31,000 Speaker 1: Yeah no, So if it was five dollars you told 1653 01:12:31,080 --> 01:12:31,759 Speaker 1: him it was ten. 1654 01:12:31,760 --> 01:12:32,920 Speaker 11: Right, it was wrong, and I had to go back 1655 01:12:32,920 --> 01:12:34,360 Speaker 11: downstairs and get the new one that. 1656 01:12:36,000 --> 01:12:37,040 Speaker 5: You got two sandwiches. 1657 01:12:37,720 --> 01:12:38,240 Speaker 13: That was wrong. 1658 01:12:40,640 --> 01:12:41,280 Speaker 1: Oh my god. 1659 01:12:42,400 --> 01:12:43,600 Speaker 5: Sorry, I'll remember that. 1660 01:12:44,680 --> 01:12:46,360 Speaker 1: Bridge High, Bridget. 1661 01:12:46,360 --> 01:12:48,599 Speaker 3: A lot of people agree with Rufio, and I'm shocked 1662 01:12:48,760 --> 01:12:52,320 Speaker 3: and also not shocked, Bridget, Hi, what do you want 1663 01:12:52,320 --> 01:12:52,519 Speaker 3: to say? 1664 01:12:52,560 --> 01:12:52,960 Speaker 1: Good morning? 1665 01:12:54,080 --> 01:12:57,880 Speaker 9: So I think it's okay to charge maybe like twenty 1666 01:12:58,080 --> 01:13:01,439 Speaker 9: to like fifty dollars more, because like when I when 1667 01:13:01,479 --> 01:13:05,280 Speaker 9: we go to concerts, I'll go to like the box office, 1668 01:13:06,000 --> 01:13:08,200 Speaker 9: and I save them a bunch of peace, and I 1669 01:13:08,400 --> 01:13:11,439 Speaker 9: never get like like anything like for my gas and 1670 01:13:11,560 --> 01:13:14,240 Speaker 9: my time or anything like that. So I think maybe 1671 01:13:14,400 --> 01:13:17,040 Speaker 9: just like twenty to fifty dollars would be like, okay. 1672 01:13:17,400 --> 01:13:21,200 Speaker 2: Sure, small convenience. Okay, yeah, I get. 1673 01:13:21,120 --> 01:13:23,600 Speaker 9: Small because I always do it. I always get the 1674 01:13:23,640 --> 01:13:26,840 Speaker 9: tickets for everyone, and I that's my gas in our 1675 01:13:26,880 --> 01:13:28,960 Speaker 9: box office is like an hour and a half. Awak, 1676 01:13:29,120 --> 01:13:31,600 Speaker 9: So I feel like maybe just a little bit, but 1677 01:13:31,760 --> 01:13:32,439 Speaker 9: not a whole bunch. 1678 01:13:32,520 --> 01:13:43,080 Speaker 3: All right, bridget Well, thank you? Yeah, Nicola, Nikola, Sorry Nicolas, Now, 1679 01:13:43,120 --> 01:13:44,920 Speaker 3: now this would have been a great time. Ben Hamina 1680 01:13:45,000 --> 01:13:49,040 Speaker 3: Benjamin for some panetics, but that's fun. What's he doing 1681 01:13:49,080 --> 01:13:49,360 Speaker 3: in there? 1682 01:13:49,560 --> 01:13:51,639 Speaker 1: My god? Anyway, what do you want to say? Good morning, 1683 01:13:51,680 --> 01:13:52,559 Speaker 1: Welcome to the Fred Show. 1684 01:13:53,439 --> 01:13:54,479 Speaker 9: Hi, I love you guys. 1685 01:13:54,600 --> 01:13:56,760 Speaker 1: First of all, I love you too. Thank you. Don't 1686 01:13:56,800 --> 01:13:58,479 Speaker 1: be nervous. We're a bunch of clouds, dang. 1687 01:13:58,880 --> 01:14:01,720 Speaker 9: I So I'm not a uge Taylor Swift fan, and 1688 01:14:01,840 --> 01:14:02,080 Speaker 9: I know. 1689 01:14:02,200 --> 01:14:05,559 Speaker 20: That getting tickets is absolutely insane, and I know people 1690 01:14:05,640 --> 01:14:08,560 Speaker 20: want money and whatnot, but I said that if I 1691 01:14:08,760 --> 01:14:11,400 Speaker 20: was able to get Taylor Swift tickets, then I would 1692 01:14:11,439 --> 01:14:14,320 Speaker 20: probably just give them to Jason and Caitlin because I 1693 01:14:14,400 --> 01:14:18,080 Speaker 20: know how fans they are. Yeah, I'm not a big fan, 1694 01:14:18,960 --> 01:14:21,880 Speaker 20: so like I was literally like, just give them to them. 1695 01:14:22,080 --> 01:14:24,000 Speaker 20: So I was totally never up. 1696 01:14:24,040 --> 01:14:24,680 Speaker 13: Charging to you. 1697 01:14:25,160 --> 01:14:27,360 Speaker 3: That's very sweet. I couldn't have charged my friends. No, 1698 01:14:27,560 --> 01:14:29,920 Speaker 3: you're our friend, grof Thank you, Nikola, I have a 1699 01:14:29,960 --> 01:14:31,600 Speaker 3: great day. Thank you for listening to we love you. 1700 01:14:32,560 --> 01:14:33,040 Speaker 2: I love you. 1701 01:14:34,000 --> 01:14:34,200 Speaker 22: Well. 1702 01:14:34,600 --> 01:14:37,160 Speaker 3: I'm not surprised by Rufio's stance on this. I mean 1703 01:14:37,200 --> 01:14:38,400 Speaker 3: it's there's nothing more on brand. 1704 01:14:42,080 --> 01:14:44,760 Speaker 11: I'm really just saying like she's losing money by not 1705 01:14:44,880 --> 01:14:46,719 Speaker 11: selling it in the secondary market a race. 1706 01:14:46,640 --> 01:14:49,880 Speaker 3: Okay, then selling the secondary market and let her friends 1707 01:14:49,960 --> 01:14:51,519 Speaker 3: go to the show, then give them. 1708 01:14:54,280 --> 01:14:57,280 Speaker 7: She ditched them already by only day two at the beginning. 1709 01:14:57,360 --> 01:15:01,600 Speaker 7: Now you're trying to up the was two tickets. She 1710 01:15:01,720 --> 01:15:03,760 Speaker 7: was only able to get two tickets through that fiasco. 1711 01:15:03,920 --> 01:15:05,200 Speaker 7: Where's the girl code here? 1712 01:15:06,320 --> 01:15:07,599 Speaker 1: There's not how you trade friends. 1713 01:15:08,000 --> 01:15:11,160 Speaker 3: We're sitting with the enemy, and I'm think I only 1714 01:15:11,240 --> 01:15:12,920 Speaker 3: has like I can count my friends at one hand. 1715 01:15:12,960 --> 01:15:15,280 Speaker 3: Maybe that's what Maybe that's maybe I should be meeting. 1716 01:15:15,680 --> 01:15:18,080 Speaker 1: I have more friends. I don't know how that works. 1717 01:15:18,640 --> 01:15:21,800 Speaker 3: Three five just Outime, Chicago's number one at music station. 1718 01:15:22,400 --> 01:15:25,120 Speaker 1: Calin's Entertainer Report. He's on the Fread show. 1719 01:15:25,479 --> 01:15:26,960 Speaker 5: Oh my gosh, we're still talking about this. 1720 01:15:27,200 --> 01:15:29,600 Speaker 8: Adita said they're going to sell off some of the 1721 01:15:29,840 --> 01:15:32,639 Speaker 8: remaining Yeezies that they have at the end of this month, 1722 01:15:33,120 --> 01:15:37,600 Speaker 8: saying a significant amount will be donated to selected organizations 1723 01:15:37,640 --> 01:15:42,200 Speaker 8: working to combat discrimination and hate, including racism and anti Semitism. 1724 01:15:42,640 --> 01:15:44,679 Speaker 8: No word on how much will go to each charity 1725 01:15:44,720 --> 01:15:46,519 Speaker 8: they named a couple, but we do know that there's 1726 01:15:46,640 --> 01:15:50,080 Speaker 8: about one point three billion in easy products left over 1727 01:15:50,160 --> 01:15:52,920 Speaker 8: at the company before they pulled the plug obviously on 1728 01:15:53,040 --> 01:15:54,240 Speaker 8: Kanye back in October. 1729 01:15:54,720 --> 01:15:56,920 Speaker 5: So at least they're doing something good with it. 1730 01:15:57,240 --> 01:15:58,360 Speaker 1: But I don't know. 1731 01:15:58,439 --> 01:16:00,000 Speaker 5: I'm kind of sick of talking about it, to be honest. 1732 01:16:00,640 --> 01:16:04,759 Speaker 8: Jonathan Majors is pretty clearly in a new relationship because 1733 01:16:04,800 --> 01:16:08,519 Speaker 8: he and Megan Good were spotted at Lax holding hands 1734 01:16:08,600 --> 01:16:12,120 Speaker 8: packing on the PDA. Obviously, this comes in the swirl 1735 01:16:12,320 --> 01:16:16,040 Speaker 8: of all that controversy surrounding Jonathan, who's accused of physical 1736 01:16:16,120 --> 01:16:18,880 Speaker 8: abuse by his act something that he strongly denies. 1737 01:16:18,920 --> 01:16:19,400 Speaker 5: I should say. 1738 01:16:19,479 --> 01:16:23,519 Speaker 8: Jonathan was arrested, remember on assault and aggravated harassment charges. 1739 01:16:23,840 --> 01:16:26,400 Speaker 8: His lawyers have called the arrest a witch hunt, pointing 1740 01:16:26,479 --> 01:16:29,519 Speaker 8: to a video they released showing the alleged victim was 1741 01:16:29,600 --> 01:16:33,120 Speaker 8: partying in a club and seemingly unbothered just after the 1742 01:16:33,280 --> 01:16:36,000 Speaker 8: incident allegedly went down. And Fred, this is the story 1743 01:16:36,080 --> 01:16:38,080 Speaker 8: I teased, And I don't know why. I'm just like 1744 01:16:38,200 --> 01:16:40,680 Speaker 8: picturing like what you would do in this situation. But 1745 01:16:40,880 --> 01:16:44,640 Speaker 8: a homeless man broke into Owen Wilson's house and he 1746 01:16:44,720 --> 01:16:47,040 Speaker 8: didn't mess anything up or steal anything. 1747 01:16:47,080 --> 01:16:50,000 Speaker 5: He just put on his jammys. Oh yeah. 1748 01:16:50,640 --> 01:16:53,519 Speaker 8: Owen's assistant came home to discover the man. They came 1749 01:16:53,600 --> 01:16:55,880 Speaker 8: face to face. They both looked at each other. He 1750 01:16:56,040 --> 01:16:57,920 Speaker 8: was in the jammis and then he ran out of 1751 01:16:57,960 --> 01:16:59,920 Speaker 8: the house and like they called nine one one. But 1752 01:17:00,040 --> 01:17:02,240 Speaker 8: the guy truly didn't mess anything up. Everything was clean. 1753 01:17:02,320 --> 01:17:03,839 Speaker 8: He just wanted to try on his jammis. 1754 01:17:03,920 --> 01:17:07,560 Speaker 1: So well, I wear the boy like that Borat swimsuit 1755 01:17:07,680 --> 01:17:09,320 Speaker 1: to bed. Oh no, you do, you know? 1756 01:17:09,479 --> 01:17:11,880 Speaker 3: Like the MANKINI That's what I wear to bed, So 1757 01:17:12,040 --> 01:17:14,080 Speaker 3: I that would be weird if I saw if I 1758 01:17:14,120 --> 01:17:15,360 Speaker 3: came home with somebody was wearing that. 1759 01:17:15,640 --> 01:17:18,600 Speaker 5: Now do you have multiples, because that's pretty invasive to 1760 01:17:18,760 --> 01:17:19,360 Speaker 5: wear every night. 1761 01:17:19,600 --> 01:17:21,479 Speaker 3: I rotated a couple of them. I'm like Rufio, I 1762 01:17:21,880 --> 01:17:25,200 Speaker 3: washed them in between. Murfio just has one and he 1763 01:17:25,280 --> 01:17:26,120 Speaker 3: wears his every night. 1764 01:17:26,160 --> 01:17:27,760 Speaker 1: That's right. Yeah, it just it's all up in the 1765 01:17:27,760 --> 01:17:31,280 Speaker 1: booty and it's gross. Yeah, discussion. Yeah, I would be. 1766 01:17:31,360 --> 01:17:32,920 Speaker 1: I would be shocked to come home and see someone 1767 01:17:33,000 --> 01:17:35,679 Speaker 1: wearing that. That's very invasive. 1768 01:17:35,840 --> 01:17:37,439 Speaker 3: I would I would really freak me out if I 1769 01:17:37,520 --> 01:17:39,840 Speaker 3: came home and somebody was in my house wearing my pajamas. 1770 01:17:40,120 --> 01:17:41,160 Speaker 1: I don't know if I don't know if I can 1771 01:17:41,200 --> 01:17:45,880 Speaker 1: get over that. No, Like, I'd just be really freaked out. 1772 01:17:46,080 --> 01:17:48,000 Speaker 8: Same you would never feel I mean Taylor Swift has 1773 01:17:48,120 --> 01:17:50,280 Speaker 8: come home and like there's been a homeless student or bed, 1774 01:17:50,479 --> 01:17:51,360 Speaker 8: you know, somebody in the shop. 1775 01:17:51,439 --> 01:17:53,759 Speaker 5: Like I just feel like that would be very very scary. 1776 01:17:53,840 --> 01:17:54,760 Speaker 1: Like I know you've had this app. 1777 01:17:54,800 --> 01:17:57,880 Speaker 3: I know you've had your car stolen, but if you've 1778 01:17:57,880 --> 01:18:00,599 Speaker 3: had your car broken into, it's it's a very eerie. Yes, 1779 01:18:00,760 --> 01:18:03,880 Speaker 3: Like the car space to me is very personal for 1780 01:18:04,000 --> 01:18:06,439 Speaker 3: whatever reason, and like, I don't know, somebody broke into 1781 01:18:06,439 --> 01:18:07,560 Speaker 3: my car a couple of times and it was just 1782 01:18:07,680 --> 01:18:09,600 Speaker 3: it was very like creepy to me. 1783 01:18:09,760 --> 01:18:11,639 Speaker 1: You see your stuff, right, yeah, because you went. 1784 01:18:11,600 --> 01:18:13,479 Speaker 3: Through all my stuff, Like or if you have your 1785 01:18:13,520 --> 01:18:16,759 Speaker 3: house broken into, it's very violating because it's like somebody 1786 01:18:16,840 --> 01:18:21,720 Speaker 3: came in and they messed up your you know, your vibe. Yeah, yeah, 1787 01:18:21,960 --> 01:18:23,600 Speaker 3: it's kind of hard to get over even if you 1788 01:18:23,640 --> 01:18:25,600 Speaker 3: get the car back or clean up the house and 1789 01:18:25,720 --> 01:18:27,879 Speaker 3: still like somebody was in there going through your drawers. 1790 01:18:28,120 --> 01:18:30,120 Speaker 8: I know a dude broke into our house when I 1791 01:18:30,240 --> 01:18:32,040 Speaker 8: was little. My mom went after him with a bat, 1792 01:18:32,120 --> 01:18:34,040 Speaker 8: but I feel like I was like, never the same again. 1793 01:18:34,040 --> 01:18:35,720 Speaker 8: I'm like, I think we should move and burn this 1794 01:18:35,800 --> 01:18:37,560 Speaker 8: house down. Did they take anything from your car? Or 1795 01:18:37,640 --> 01:18:38,320 Speaker 8: did they just know? 1796 01:18:38,439 --> 01:18:41,120 Speaker 1: What's funny is it was basically just vandalism. They just 1797 01:18:41,200 --> 01:18:42,080 Speaker 1: rummaged through everything. 1798 01:18:42,120 --> 01:18:44,559 Speaker 3: I didn't have anything really, but it was like both 1799 01:18:44,640 --> 01:18:46,840 Speaker 3: times it happened, they just went through everything and didn't 1800 01:18:46,840 --> 01:18:47,280 Speaker 3: take anything. 1801 01:18:47,400 --> 01:18:47,599 Speaker 17: Yeah. 1802 01:18:47,600 --> 01:18:50,120 Speaker 8: If I could offer any advice, just don't leave stuff 1803 01:18:50,160 --> 01:18:52,400 Speaker 8: that you care about in your car and lock it. 1804 01:18:52,479 --> 01:18:54,320 Speaker 8: My friend just got her car stole and she had 1805 01:18:54,360 --> 01:18:56,160 Speaker 8: the keys left in there and unlocked, and I was like, 1806 01:18:56,240 --> 01:18:57,360 Speaker 8: well maybe that one I'm going. 1807 01:18:57,320 --> 01:18:59,040 Speaker 3: To take the gold bars out of my car immediately. 1808 01:19:00,000 --> 01:19:01,720 Speaker 3: I keep them in there just for say, you know, 1809 01:19:01,760 --> 01:19:03,200 Speaker 3: I thought it was safe, but you're telling me I 1810 01:19:03,240 --> 01:19:08,840 Speaker 3: should put him in somewhere else, dooms, I just ride 1811 01:19:08,880 --> 01:19:09,320 Speaker 3: around town. 1812 01:19:10,720 --> 01:19:12,760 Speaker 5: That's what I heard. Yeah, that's why your trunk is 1813 01:19:12,840 --> 01:19:15,760 Speaker 5: like weighted down, you know, full of gold. 1814 01:19:15,880 --> 01:19:18,000 Speaker 1: Yeah, to move that safe place. 1815 01:19:18,120 --> 01:19:19,720 Speaker 5: Yeah, we're just I got off fine. 1816 01:19:19,760 --> 01:19:22,800 Speaker 8: Today, Jason's very excited about the new Kelly Clarkson single 1817 01:19:22,960 --> 01:19:24,280 Speaker 8: being sung by his queen. 1818 01:19:24,320 --> 01:19:25,120 Speaker 5: What what's the single? 1819 01:19:26,000 --> 01:19:27,720 Speaker 1: It's called My Favorite Kind of High? 1820 01:19:28,040 --> 01:19:28,320 Speaker 13: Okay? 1821 01:19:28,560 --> 01:19:28,960 Speaker 5: Is it good? 1822 01:19:29,120 --> 01:19:32,320 Speaker 1: Yeah? It's like way like poppier and dancers. 1823 01:19:33,280 --> 01:19:35,760 Speaker 8: And then Taylor Swift's piano started playing by itself. Turns 1824 01:19:35,760 --> 01:19:38,040 Speaker 8: out it's not good to perform in all the rain 1825 01:19:38,320 --> 01:19:41,720 Speaker 8: and get all your equipment rained all over. She broke 1826 01:19:41,760 --> 01:19:43,000 Speaker 8: her piano. It's on Fresher Radio. 1827 01:19:43,400 --> 01:19:46,160 Speaker 3: Okay, Fred Show. This is what's trending, all right, guys, 1828 01:19:47,439 --> 01:19:51,320 Speaker 3: fun fact in a minute. It's very educational in case 1829 01:19:51,360 --> 01:19:53,120 Speaker 3: you're wondering, and if you missed waiting by the phone, 1830 01:19:53,439 --> 01:19:55,759 Speaker 3: that's coming up as well, why did somebody get ghosted? 1831 01:19:55,880 --> 01:19:57,400 Speaker 1: New today? We'll get to it a little bit. 1832 01:19:57,640 --> 01:20:02,600 Speaker 3: Uh So, guys, another social media platform, because that's what 1833 01:20:02,720 --> 01:20:04,360 Speaker 3: we need. You didn't know we needed that, but that's 1834 01:20:04,400 --> 01:20:07,760 Speaker 3: what we need. Instagram is planning to release a text 1835 01:20:07,840 --> 01:20:11,719 Speaker 3: based app that will compete with Twitter. They're currently testing 1836 01:20:11,800 --> 01:20:15,439 Speaker 3: the project with celebrities and influencers. It's been secretly available 1837 01:20:15,520 --> 01:20:18,120 Speaker 3: to select creators for months. According to sources, The app, 1838 01:20:18,320 --> 01:20:21,040 Speaker 3: which will be separate from Instagram but will allow people 1839 01:20:21,120 --> 01:20:24,519 Speaker 3: to connect accounts, may debut as soon as June. Twitter's 1840 01:20:24,520 --> 01:20:27,439 Speaker 3: takeover by Elon Musk has caused some users to look 1841 01:20:27,479 --> 01:20:31,360 Speaker 3: for different alternatives and have created an opening in the market. 1842 01:20:31,880 --> 01:20:34,200 Speaker 3: So another app that we're gonna have to get into. 1843 01:20:34,360 --> 01:20:36,400 Speaker 3: So we got I mean, if you're really, like really 1844 01:20:36,439 --> 01:20:41,519 Speaker 3: into this stuff, you got Facebook sort of, maybe Instagram, Twitter, 1845 01:20:42,160 --> 01:20:46,920 Speaker 3: TikTok be real, Snapchat, snapchat, clapper. 1846 01:20:49,880 --> 01:20:52,120 Speaker 1: People. Are you on old people? 1847 01:20:52,240 --> 01:20:52,439 Speaker 19: Yeah? 1848 01:20:52,600 --> 01:20:54,400 Speaker 1: Oh jesus yeah, do you post? 1849 01:20:54,680 --> 01:20:54,720 Speaker 14: No? 1850 01:20:55,479 --> 01:20:57,400 Speaker 1: I just want are you friends with on that? I watch? 1851 01:20:58,320 --> 01:21:01,880 Speaker 2: I no one really creeping out. 1852 01:21:01,800 --> 01:21:06,479 Speaker 4: People to watch people's lives. I'm a weirdo and it's 1853 01:21:06,560 --> 01:21:09,400 Speaker 4: like old people's lives, right, I don't know, like it's 1854 01:21:09,439 --> 01:21:12,120 Speaker 4: our age. I don't want to categorize myself as old. 1855 01:21:12,240 --> 01:21:15,000 Speaker 3: Well, I'm just but you're supposed to be the more 1856 01:21:15,080 --> 01:21:17,280 Speaker 3: ma sure, TikTok, right, that's why you're supposed to be 1857 01:21:17,400 --> 01:21:18,280 Speaker 3: not old mature? 1858 01:21:18,479 --> 01:21:20,760 Speaker 1: Yeah, mature okay. And related news. 1859 01:21:20,840 --> 01:21:22,920 Speaker 3: By the way, gen zers and millennials say that social 1860 01:21:23,000 --> 01:21:27,320 Speaker 3: media apps like TikTok and Instagram worsen their financial anxiety. 1861 01:21:27,760 --> 01:21:30,400 Speaker 3: A survey found that fifty one percent of gen zers 1862 01:21:30,439 --> 01:21:32,679 Speaker 3: and forty three percent of millennials so that social media 1863 01:21:32,760 --> 01:21:35,400 Speaker 3: makes them want to buy things they know they can't afford. 1864 01:21:36,160 --> 01:21:37,280 Speaker 1: Keeping up with the Joneses. 1865 01:21:37,479 --> 01:21:39,559 Speaker 3: By the way, remember the next time you see somebody 1866 01:21:39,600 --> 01:21:41,760 Speaker 3: on social media with some really cool stuff that you want, 1867 01:21:42,400 --> 01:21:44,439 Speaker 3: they probably didn't pay for it themselves, right, and if 1868 01:21:44,479 --> 01:21:45,760 Speaker 3: they did, they're probably in debt. 1869 01:21:46,280 --> 01:21:49,200 Speaker 1: So just remember that not every appearances are not always 1870 01:21:49,240 --> 01:21:49,880 Speaker 1: as they seem. 1871 01:21:50,080 --> 01:21:50,840 Speaker 5: Oh boy, they're not. 1872 01:21:51,600 --> 01:21:55,080 Speaker 3: Congress is considering a nationwide no fly list for disruptive 1873 01:21:55,160 --> 01:21:59,880 Speaker 3: passengers with the Protection from Abusive Passengers Act. Under the law, 1874 01:22:00,040 --> 01:22:02,880 Speaker 3: passengers would land in the no fly database for a 1875 01:22:02,960 --> 01:22:05,960 Speaker 3: conviction for assaulting, threatening, or intimidating a crew member of 1876 01:22:05,960 --> 01:22:09,040 Speaker 3: an aircraft. Passengers have different opinions though, on who should 1877 01:22:09,040 --> 01:22:12,639 Speaker 3: be on that no fly list, including babies. I don't 1878 01:22:12,640 --> 01:22:14,360 Speaker 3: think we can ban babies from flights. I don't think 1879 01:22:14,360 --> 01:22:17,639 Speaker 3: we can do that. Smelly or sick passengers. I guess 1880 01:22:17,680 --> 01:22:20,320 Speaker 3: we're banning them too, according to some people, but we're not. 1881 01:22:20,760 --> 01:22:22,120 Speaker 3: I don't think Congress will pass that. 1882 01:22:22,320 --> 01:22:25,200 Speaker 5: But we were all babies at one point. Did everybody 1883 01:22:25,240 --> 01:22:25,840 Speaker 5: forget yes? 1884 01:22:28,680 --> 01:22:32,680 Speaker 1: No, no, I was never a baby. I came out 1885 01:22:32,680 --> 01:22:33,360 Speaker 1: looking just like this. 1886 01:22:33,560 --> 01:22:38,040 Speaker 3: Oh. I asked my mom about this six five, two fifty. 1887 01:22:38,280 --> 01:22:41,479 Speaker 3: It was painful. She has a little limp. Still, it's weird. 1888 01:22:42,240 --> 01:22:44,880 Speaker 3: Kia and Hyundai have agreed to a two hundred million 1889 01:22:44,920 --> 01:22:49,799 Speaker 3: dollar class action settlement following a viral social media challenge 1890 01:22:49,840 --> 01:22:52,400 Speaker 3: that showed people how to steal the vehicles if you 1891 01:22:52,479 --> 01:22:54,000 Speaker 3: have one of those cars that you could check out 1892 01:22:54,160 --> 01:22:58,040 Speaker 3: the details on that. A traveler shared the mortifying experience 1893 01:22:58,080 --> 01:23:01,160 Speaker 3: that another passenger had when she was forced to step 1894 01:23:01,240 --> 01:23:05,479 Speaker 3: on a baggage scale before takeoff after confusion over her weight. 1895 01:23:05,640 --> 01:23:07,479 Speaker 1: She said she was one hundred and thirty pounds. The 1896 01:23:07,520 --> 01:23:10,400 Speaker 1: gate agent didn't believe her, and they needed to know 1897 01:23:10,520 --> 01:23:13,400 Speaker 1: how much she weighed really for safety reasons because of 1898 01:23:13,520 --> 01:23:15,680 Speaker 1: the weight and balance of the small regional flight. So 1899 01:23:15,920 --> 01:23:18,120 Speaker 1: they said get on the scale and she did no word, 1900 01:23:18,200 --> 01:23:20,680 Speaker 1: and how much she weighed A lot of people were 1901 01:23:20,760 --> 01:23:22,880 Speaker 1: okay with this though, like, hey, look, just tell the 1902 01:23:22,960 --> 01:23:25,719 Speaker 1: truth like it. Nobody was shaming you. They just wanted 1903 01:23:25,760 --> 01:23:26,360 Speaker 1: to know the real. 1904 01:23:26,320 --> 01:23:33,639 Speaker 3: Number for the manifest and Fast ten fast x sixty 1905 01:23:33,720 --> 01:23:36,519 Speaker 3: seven million dollars over the weekend. Said thing has made 1906 01:23:36,560 --> 01:23:40,240 Speaker 3: so much money. Sixty seven. That's on the lower end 1907 01:23:40,280 --> 01:23:43,280 Speaker 3: of opening zone one hundred and forty two for Furious 1908 01:23:43,360 --> 01:23:45,720 Speaker 3: seven one hundred and forty two million dollars, so like 1909 01:23:45,800 --> 01:23:48,040 Speaker 3: almost what almost well double. 1910 01:23:47,840 --> 01:23:49,800 Speaker 11: A little more than thirty seven I do believe was 1911 01:23:49,880 --> 01:23:52,439 Speaker 11: Paul Walker's last one. So that's why still that thing's 1912 01:23:52,479 --> 01:23:53,240 Speaker 11: made so much money. 1913 01:23:53,560 --> 01:23:56,640 Speaker 3: It's International being U Day, It's National Craft Distillery Day, 1914 01:23:56,760 --> 01:23:59,760 Speaker 3: National Solitaire Day, National Bio Musical Instruments Day, in National 1915 01:24:00,120 --> 01:24:01,720 Speaker 3: Maritime Days today as well. 1916 01:24:01,760 --> 01:24:05,200 Speaker 1: The fun fact is next. I got more pread show next. 1917 01:24:05,720 --> 01:24:08,479 Speaker 1: The thread show is on the Fread's Fun Fact. 1918 01:24:09,120 --> 01:24:10,280 Speaker 20: Freads fund. 1919 01:24:16,960 --> 01:24:17,439 Speaker 13: So much. 1920 01:24:19,400 --> 01:24:21,280 Speaker 1: Guys, you didn't know this, you'd never heard this before. 1921 01:24:21,280 --> 01:24:21,960 Speaker 1: I'll tell you right now. 1922 01:24:22,920 --> 01:24:29,640 Speaker 3: Text messages sent by eagles bankrupted a scientific study what 1923 01:24:30,439 --> 01:24:33,840 Speaker 3: eagles set and text messages. So a team from the 1924 01:24:34,120 --> 01:24:37,479 Speaker 3: Russian Raptor Research and Conservation Network thought they had a 1925 01:24:37,479 --> 01:24:42,080 Speaker 3: great idea when they attached SMS text based tracking devices 1926 01:24:42,560 --> 01:24:45,479 Speaker 3: on thirteen eagles. The hope is that the birds would 1927 01:24:45,520 --> 01:24:48,760 Speaker 3: then send back valuable information about their behavior, but one 1928 01:24:48,880 --> 01:24:53,360 Speaker 3: bird flew all the way to Iran, where roaming rates 1929 01:24:53,439 --> 01:24:56,040 Speaker 3: or sky high. So to get the idea of the 1930 01:24:56,080 --> 01:24:59,040 Speaker 3: money involved, the eagles set hundreds of text messages it 1931 01:24:59,160 --> 01:25:02,200 Speaker 3: once each one cast seventy seven cents. What they say, 1932 01:25:03,040 --> 01:25:05,160 Speaker 3: he disappeared for five months. All of a sudden, here 1933 01:25:05,240 --> 01:25:08,439 Speaker 3: he is with a very very expensive phone bill. The 1934 01:25:08,520 --> 01:25:12,160 Speaker 3: bill was so constantly bankrupted in the study, so he had. 1935 01:25:12,040 --> 01:25:12,519 Speaker 1: A lot to say. 1936 01:25:12,560 --> 01:25:14,440 Speaker 5: I guess, yeah, that's ridiculous. 1937 01:25:14,520 --> 01:25:16,200 Speaker 1: Have you ever done that before? Have you ever forget? 1938 01:25:16,320 --> 01:25:18,240 Speaker 3: Like and I think they have a way around this now, 1939 01:25:18,280 --> 01:25:20,320 Speaker 3: but like I've gone to Canada or Mexico before and 1940 01:25:20,360 --> 01:25:22,400 Speaker 3: forgot to turn the data off. Oh yeah, and then 1941 01:25:22,479 --> 01:25:25,200 Speaker 3: they'll wind up shutting your phone down. They'll turn the 1942 01:25:25,280 --> 01:25:27,640 Speaker 3: data off because and then I called him up and 1943 01:25:27,680 --> 01:25:30,320 Speaker 3: I'm like, hey, why is my phone not working? They're like, 1944 01:25:30,320 --> 01:25:33,160 Speaker 3: because you always eight thousand dollars for you know, like data, 1945 01:25:33,280 --> 01:25:34,960 Speaker 3: because you were looking on the Internet or whatever. 1946 01:25:35,040 --> 01:25:37,719 Speaker 1: And I'm like, uh, it was stolen. 1947 01:25:38,000 --> 01:25:38,640 Speaker 22: Yeah, it was. 1948 01:25:41,160 --> 01:25:50,120 Speaker 1: No. No, mephone. No, it's not kidding deals me. That's 1949 01:25:50,160 --> 01:25:51,160 Speaker 1: what I said to him. Yeah. 1950 01:25:51,200 --> 01:25:53,519 Speaker 3: So anyway, those damn eagles. I wonder what they're looking at? 1951 01:25:53,560 --> 01:25:56,240 Speaker 3: What kind of eagle adult content they're looking at? What 1952 01:25:56,680 --> 01:25:57,760 Speaker 3: are they's streaming for so long? 1953 01:25:58,000 --> 01:25:59,599 Speaker 1: Eagle? What are you looking at? 1954 01:26:00,880 --> 01:26:01,040 Speaker 11: More? 1955 01:26:01,120 --> 01:26:06,040 Speaker 1: Fred Show? Next right here, Fred Show is on. 1956 01:26:07,880 --> 01:26:10,880 Speaker 3: Good Morning everybody. Thank you so much for having us on. 1957 01:26:11,000 --> 01:26:15,439 Speaker 3: Kaylin's here. Hi, Hi Jason Brown, Hi Rufio, Hi, hike 1958 01:26:15,640 --> 01:26:18,439 Speaker 3: Ke the iHeart Radio app you could listen to us 1959 01:26:18,560 --> 01:26:21,439 Speaker 3: anytime search for the Fred Show. Also, the show goes up. 1960 01:26:21,439 --> 01:26:23,559 Speaker 3: If you missed any part of it, you can hear 1961 01:26:23,600 --> 01:26:26,080 Speaker 3: it the rest of the day. And The Tangent is 1962 01:26:26,160 --> 01:26:29,200 Speaker 3: our off air uncensored podcast that's going up a little 1963 01:26:29,200 --> 01:26:32,240 Speaker 3: bit later on as well. New episode Fred Show Radio 1964 01:26:32,320 --> 01:26:35,320 Speaker 3: and Instagram, Fredshaw Radio dot Com, as well the Entertainer 1965 01:26:35,400 --> 01:26:37,840 Speaker 3: Report after a new Waiting by the Phone and blogs 1966 01:26:37,880 --> 01:26:38,400 Speaker 3: what are you working on? 1967 01:26:38,479 --> 01:26:38,799 Speaker 1: Kalin? 1968 01:26:38,960 --> 01:26:41,720 Speaker 8: The Food Fighters named their new drummer, and they did 1969 01:26:41,760 --> 01:26:43,040 Speaker 8: it in a pretty funny way. 1970 01:26:43,200 --> 01:26:46,880 Speaker 5: Also, Taylor Swift is really down bad and I will 1971 01:26:46,880 --> 01:26:47,400 Speaker 5: tell you why. 1972 01:26:47,600 --> 01:26:52,880 Speaker 1: Oh yeah, they talk better than the Excite. These are 1973 01:26:52,960 --> 01:26:55,680 Speaker 1: the radio blogs on the fred show like running in 1974 01:26:55,720 --> 01:26:56,280 Speaker 1: our diaries. 1975 01:26:56,360 --> 01:26:58,760 Speaker 3: We say them aloud, we call them blogs. Rufeo's got 1976 01:26:58,840 --> 01:27:01,640 Speaker 3: one go the way. This is gonna cost you fifty bucks. Oh, 1977 01:27:03,439 --> 01:27:05,240 Speaker 3: everybody else only pays ten, but you got you have 1978 01:27:05,320 --> 01:27:05,840 Speaker 3: to pay fiftey. 1979 01:27:05,880 --> 01:27:07,400 Speaker 2: Oh you charging everyone else too? 1980 01:27:07,520 --> 01:27:10,719 Speaker 1: Okay, No, the regular price is ten for you, it's fifty. 1981 01:27:10,760 --> 01:27:13,880 Speaker 1: Oh okayany got it? Go ahead? Thank you, dear blog. 1982 01:27:14,800 --> 01:27:17,640 Speaker 11: So Jess and I my wife, Jessa, we have been 1983 01:27:17,720 --> 01:27:22,080 Speaker 11: together for over almost fifteen years together and gonna be 1984 01:27:22,120 --> 01:27:25,080 Speaker 11: married for six years this year, and I finally figured 1985 01:27:25,120 --> 01:27:29,760 Speaker 11: out how to get her not to be mad at 1986 01:27:29,800 --> 01:27:32,519 Speaker 11: me when I buy stuff. I finally figured it out. 1987 01:27:32,920 --> 01:27:36,400 Speaker 11: So over the weekend, it was our nephew's birthday shout 1988 01:27:36,400 --> 01:27:38,360 Speaker 11: out to Ohen. He just turned two, and we were 1989 01:27:38,400 --> 01:27:41,120 Speaker 11: going shopping, you know, getting some stuff for him, some 1990 01:27:41,240 --> 01:27:44,320 Speaker 11: birthday gifts and stuff like that. And then we were 1991 01:27:44,400 --> 01:27:46,840 Speaker 11: at the van store. We're getting him new vance, new 1992 01:27:46,960 --> 01:27:49,679 Speaker 11: check advance, because he's got a match. He's got a match, 1993 01:27:49,760 --> 01:27:53,200 Speaker 11: you know, uncle kay that's me and that's me. Yeah, 1994 01:27:53,360 --> 01:27:56,320 Speaker 11: And I was like, oh, I was like, oh, there 1995 01:27:56,360 --> 01:27:57,920 Speaker 11: were shoes. I was like, oh, I like those shoes. 1996 01:27:57,920 --> 01:28:00,800 Speaker 11: And I'm not supposed to be able to buy shoes anymore, 1997 01:28:00,800 --> 01:28:02,000 Speaker 11: you know what I'm saying, Like, I'm cut off. 1998 01:28:02,040 --> 01:28:04,240 Speaker 1: Could buy a lot of shoes. You're a shoe your 1999 01:28:04,240 --> 01:28:05,920 Speaker 1: sneaker head. Many of us are right. 2000 01:28:06,120 --> 01:28:08,679 Speaker 11: Maybe it could be you know, Jordan's, it could be whatever. 2001 01:28:08,800 --> 01:28:10,360 Speaker 11: It could be vans. I'm not allowed to buy any 2002 01:28:10,400 --> 01:28:12,559 Speaker 11: And I was like, I really like those. And then 2003 01:28:13,360 --> 01:28:15,400 Speaker 11: Jess was shopping around the store. She's like, Oh, I 2004 01:28:15,560 --> 01:28:18,040 Speaker 11: like these overalls and so she's like, I'm gonna get 2005 01:28:18,040 --> 01:28:19,599 Speaker 11: and I was like, oh, I got you, I'll get them. 2006 01:28:19,640 --> 01:28:20,840 Speaker 11: And then I was like, what do you think of 2007 01:28:20,880 --> 01:28:22,439 Speaker 11: these shoes? And she's like, yeah, you should get them. 2008 01:28:22,439 --> 01:28:25,640 Speaker 11: I was like, okay, like I've so you just. 2009 01:28:25,720 --> 01:28:27,560 Speaker 3: Now figured out that if you get her something, you 2010 01:28:27,640 --> 01:28:28,520 Speaker 3: can have something. 2011 01:28:28,280 --> 01:28:30,960 Speaker 11: To We never like shop, like, we don't really shop 2012 01:28:31,120 --> 01:28:32,960 Speaker 11: like that like all the time, you know what I'm saying. 2013 01:28:32,960 --> 01:28:35,840 Speaker 11: When we're shopping together, like it's usually she's buying stuff 2014 01:28:35,840 --> 01:28:37,720 Speaker 11: for herself. I'm buying stuff on myself. And then it 2015 01:28:37,840 --> 01:28:39,280 Speaker 11: was just like, oh, I like these shoes too. So 2016 01:28:39,360 --> 01:28:41,680 Speaker 11: it was like I know I'm spending more money now, 2017 01:28:41,800 --> 01:28:44,000 Speaker 11: but at the same time, I'm able to get what 2018 01:28:44,080 --> 01:28:46,000 Speaker 11: I want, so she ended up buying, like we both 2019 01:28:46,080 --> 01:28:48,040 Speaker 11: got a new pair of shoes, she got some overalls 2020 01:28:48,080 --> 01:28:49,680 Speaker 11: and the T shirt and stuff like that. Then we 2021 01:28:49,720 --> 01:28:51,760 Speaker 11: would go to another store like Forever twenty one and 2022 01:28:52,560 --> 01:28:55,760 Speaker 11: he's just now figuring out that she can be bought. 2023 01:28:56,920 --> 01:28:57,880 Speaker 11: It took you how old. 2024 01:28:58,120 --> 01:29:00,240 Speaker 1: But normally, like I said, normally she just buy their 2025 01:29:00,240 --> 01:29:00,639 Speaker 1: own stuff. 2026 01:29:00,680 --> 01:29:00,840 Speaker 5: She did. 2027 01:29:00,920 --> 01:29:02,920 Speaker 3: But if you come home with a big bag of 2028 01:29:03,000 --> 01:29:04,880 Speaker 3: clothes and she's like what the hell and you're like, 2029 01:29:05,000 --> 01:29:07,200 Speaker 3: but and you pull something off the top for her, 2030 01:29:07,720 --> 01:29:09,479 Speaker 3: I bet you, then the rest of it we don't 2031 01:29:09,479 --> 01:29:11,760 Speaker 3: really even discuss anymore because you were so thoughtful. 2032 01:29:12,000 --> 01:29:15,679 Speaker 15: I don't know, like I've I'm like, I'm a really 2033 01:29:16,120 --> 01:29:19,360 Speaker 15: thoughtful I'm really a gift giver, but I like sometimes 2034 01:29:19,400 --> 01:29:21,320 Speaker 15: I mess up the size and then it's got to 2035 01:29:21,360 --> 01:29:22,960 Speaker 15: be the like she's got to pick it out herself, 2036 01:29:23,000 --> 01:29:25,240 Speaker 15: because I could be like, I thought I liked this 2037 01:29:25,400 --> 01:29:27,240 Speaker 15: for you, but then she'll be like, no, not really 2038 01:29:27,320 --> 01:29:27,679 Speaker 15: my style. 2039 01:29:27,680 --> 01:29:28,200 Speaker 1: You know what I'm saying. 2040 01:29:28,240 --> 01:29:30,519 Speaker 11: So like if I let her shop and then we're 2041 01:29:30,560 --> 01:29:33,320 Speaker 11: shopping together and then she says I like this, I 2042 01:29:33,400 --> 01:29:35,559 Speaker 11: was like, well, I like this, and. 2043 01:29:35,600 --> 01:29:37,799 Speaker 2: Then you probably try to come home with like Gucci 2044 01:29:37,880 --> 01:29:40,800 Speaker 2: shoes for you. Now from the thrift story, I'm like, 2045 01:29:41,320 --> 01:29:42,480 Speaker 2: I got something. 2046 01:29:44,439 --> 01:29:45,519 Speaker 1: After I left Gucci. 2047 01:29:47,680 --> 01:29:49,320 Speaker 3: I just met a bunch of money and as I 2048 01:29:49,439 --> 01:29:51,439 Speaker 3: was driving home, I'm like, I should get you something. 2049 01:29:51,760 --> 01:29:54,679 Speaker 3: So here, here's the here's a stick of gum. 2050 01:29:55,760 --> 01:29:57,920 Speaker 11: So that's like, but that's in person shopping, so that's 2051 01:29:58,360 --> 01:30:01,240 Speaker 11: that's fine, But like it's when you know they're sneakers 2052 01:30:01,280 --> 01:30:02,400 Speaker 11: on the Sneakers app from Nike. 2053 01:30:03,439 --> 01:30:04,920 Speaker 1: I gotta figure out a way to do that. 2054 01:30:05,400 --> 01:30:08,280 Speaker 3: That's your marriage pro tip then is to go shopping 2055 01:30:08,360 --> 01:30:11,400 Speaker 3: together and strategically such that you're in a store where 2056 01:30:11,439 --> 01:30:13,800 Speaker 3: you want something right, and then if she gets something, 2057 01:30:13,840 --> 01:30:14,760 Speaker 3: then you can have something. 2058 01:30:14,920 --> 01:30:18,880 Speaker 1: She was really testing the credit limit on my credit card. Yeah, 2059 01:30:21,000 --> 01:30:25,040 Speaker 1: teach me. Yeah, there you go. 2060 01:30:26,160 --> 01:30:29,240 Speaker 3: Rufio's marital pro tip of the day, Finley Cyrus. The 2061 01:30:29,280 --> 01:30:30,519 Speaker 3: French Show is on. Good Morning. 2062 01:30:30,560 --> 01:30:32,080 Speaker 1: Thank you so much for having us on today. 2063 01:30:32,240 --> 01:30:32,840 Speaker 3: We love you. 2064 01:30:32,920 --> 01:30:34,920 Speaker 1: The iHeart Radio app is where to go catch up 2065 01:30:34,960 --> 01:30:37,000 Speaker 1: with us anytime, search for The Freend Show or wherever 2066 01:30:37,080 --> 01:30:39,559 Speaker 1: you listen to podcasts. A new episode of The Tangent 2067 01:30:39,640 --> 01:30:42,240 Speaker 1: Are Off Air Uncensored podcast is going up in a 2068 01:30:42,280 --> 01:30:44,920 Speaker 1: little bit. Fred show radio dot com, fred Show Radio 2069 01:30:44,960 --> 01:30:47,880 Speaker 1: and Instagram dfread show TikTok. It's all there we learned today. 2070 01:30:47,880 --> 01:30:52,040 Speaker 3: When we learned today, then having heirloom dolls in your 2071 01:30:52,080 --> 01:30:56,200 Speaker 3: bedroom is creepy, Yes, very and you shouldn't. 2072 01:30:55,840 --> 01:30:58,400 Speaker 5: Do that any kind of doll. I feel like maybe we. 2073 01:30:58,479 --> 01:31:02,759 Speaker 3: Learned today never never to buy contract tickets or rufio 2074 01:31:03,040 --> 01:31:05,160 Speaker 3: because he's absolutely up charging you. 2075 01:31:05,560 --> 01:31:09,760 Speaker 1: Yes bye by who knows what what? Multiplier two, three, four, 2076 01:31:09,880 --> 01:31:13,760 Speaker 1: five times? And think about that, Jason next time you 2077 01:31:13,880 --> 01:31:15,960 Speaker 1: give tickets to him to give to his you know, 2078 01:31:16,320 --> 01:31:19,160 Speaker 1: so insightul what's happening right with my ticket? 2079 01:31:19,520 --> 01:31:19,720 Speaker 11: Never? 2080 01:31:20,320 --> 01:31:23,120 Speaker 1: Never, on my mom, I've never charged for tickets from 2081 01:31:23,120 --> 01:31:26,400 Speaker 1: the radio station. Oh yeah, well that's okay. I take 2082 01:31:26,479 --> 01:31:32,880 Speaker 1: that set believe that was that was traumatic? Yeah, no, 2083 01:31:33,640 --> 01:31:36,639 Speaker 1: I believe you. Yeah. What else do we learn today? 2084 01:31:37,920 --> 01:31:39,519 Speaker 1: We learned to say that people think that they should 2085 01:31:39,560 --> 01:31:41,479 Speaker 1: be like everyone they see on the internet, even though 2086 01:31:41,479 --> 01:31:43,160 Speaker 1: a lot of people on the internet are fake as hell. 2087 01:31:43,400 --> 01:31:47,839 Speaker 2: Yeah, yep, I'm lying about your weight. That's for myself. 2088 01:31:49,640 --> 01:31:51,880 Speaker 2: I just that story just triggered me a little bit. 2089 01:31:52,320 --> 01:31:54,840 Speaker 3: Lady the airline made her get on the scale because 2090 01:31:55,040 --> 01:31:57,240 Speaker 3: she said she was probably lighter than she was, and 2091 01:31:57,320 --> 01:31:58,880 Speaker 3: they needed to know for like the weight and balance 2092 01:31:58,880 --> 01:32:01,320 Speaker 3: of the airplane, because this airplane, would you be honest, 2093 01:32:01,360 --> 01:32:02,479 Speaker 3: would you say the actual number? 2094 01:32:02,720 --> 01:32:05,160 Speaker 2: Thinking back when I got my driver's license, I was 2095 01:32:05,240 --> 01:32:07,240 Speaker 2: I had anxiety about how they would figure out what 2096 01:32:07,400 --> 01:32:09,360 Speaker 2: weight to put on there, and I thought they were 2097 01:32:09,400 --> 01:32:11,240 Speaker 2: gonna make me stand on the scale and they didn't, 2098 01:32:11,320 --> 01:32:14,160 Speaker 2: so I definitely lied. But now after reading this story, 2099 01:32:14,200 --> 01:32:15,120 Speaker 2: I want to tell the truth. 2100 01:32:15,360 --> 01:32:15,519 Speaker 22: Yeah. 2101 01:32:15,560 --> 01:32:17,160 Speaker 3: I mean you could write it down. You don't have 2102 01:32:17,240 --> 01:32:19,120 Speaker 3: to say it out loud, you know, but they got 2103 01:32:19,240 --> 01:32:21,639 Speaker 3: to know because they got to know how much weight 2104 01:32:21,680 --> 01:32:24,160 Speaker 3: there is. If it's a little tiny plane, and if 2105 01:32:24,160 --> 01:32:26,519 Speaker 3: you're lying by fifty pounds, that could make a difference, 2106 01:32:26,640 --> 01:32:28,160 Speaker 3: or I don't know, thirty four now it don't make 2107 01:32:28,160 --> 01:32:32,599 Speaker 3: a difference. Anyway, Let's see tomorrow on the program Stay 2108 01:32:32,680 --> 01:32:35,240 Speaker 3: or Goble Debates and relationship Drama, The of course, the 2109 01:32:35,400 --> 01:32:38,080 Speaker 3: Entertainment report showed Bis Shelley fourteen hundred bucks on the 2110 01:32:38,080 --> 01:32:41,559 Speaker 3: show tomorrow, Waiting Metaphone is on the show tomorrow. 2111 01:32:41,960 --> 01:32:44,680 Speaker 1: Lots of stuff. So have an amazing day, Thank you 2112 01:32:44,800 --> 01:32:46,439 Speaker 1: so much for listening, and we'll see you then. Bye, 2113 01:32:46,479 --> 01:32:47,240 Speaker 1: god bye.