1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:19,680 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. This is 2 00:00:19,720 --> 00:00:22,639 Speaker 1: a special episode to give a shout out to some 3 00:00:22,840 --> 00:00:28,200 Speaker 1: friends who have filled out our survey. I would like 4 00:00:28,280 --> 00:00:36,000 Speaker 1: to say hello to Cayton, Gutso, Sinai, Sara and Zilah, 5 00:00:36,080 --> 00:00:44,360 Speaker 1: Jade Shepherd, Scarlett Sawyer and Archer Peyton, Marie and Paige, Louise, 6 00:00:45,600 --> 00:00:56,440 Speaker 1: Alina and Ilah, Armando, Perez, Toa Goot Major and Juniper, 7 00:00:57,720 --> 00:01:07,720 Speaker 1: Poppy and Ella, Coben and Marlowe, Oliver and Cohen Harper, 8 00:01:07,840 --> 00:01:15,400 Speaker 1: Joe December, Sander, Sydney. 9 00:01:15,160 --> 00:01:17,360 Speaker 2: Hass and Sadie has. 10 00:01:18,640 --> 00:01:33,520 Speaker 1: Vivian, Isabella and Landon Matthew, Fiona and finn Na, Hannah, Lydia, Arion, 11 00:01:35,200 --> 00:01:46,800 Speaker 1: Caitlin and Nova, lacn Meghan Odin, Riley and Matteo, Kkoka, 12 00:01:47,960 --> 00:01:58,480 Speaker 1: Elsin N, Gertie, Elliott and Rachel, Dia, go Vind, Sama 13 00:02:00,280 --> 00:02:08,560 Speaker 1: and Sam Rainy, Grace and Willow Rose, Sam O'Grady, Ella 14 00:02:08,680 --> 00:02:15,720 Speaker 1: Rain and Seely, Lucy, Sadie and Theodore, Drake and Jocelyn, 15 00:02:17,280 --> 00:02:25,680 Speaker 1: Monet and Mellencia Macy from the UK, Naomi and Nico Lopez, 16 00:02:27,200 --> 00:02:37,400 Speaker 1: Eluisa and Francine, Natasha and Leanna, Alamo and Santiago Brushel 17 00:02:37,520 --> 00:02:48,079 Speaker 1: and Chica, Natalie z and Johan James Pinkett from Mason, Ohio, 18 00:02:49,919 --> 00:03:02,000 Speaker 1: Gargey and Amberlyn Moren. As a Holidays season is quickly approaching, 19 00:03:02,680 --> 00:03:07,640 Speaker 1: I'd like to share an extra story with you. This 20 00:03:07,800 --> 00:03:10,560 Speaker 1: is a story I had never heard of before, but 21 00:03:10,639 --> 00:03:13,359 Speaker 1: I liked how the birds were willing to help each 22 00:03:13,400 --> 00:03:15,760 Speaker 1: other when one of them was in need. 23 00:03:24,160 --> 00:03:33,560 Speaker 3: The birds Christmas chickadee, de d chickadee D chicken Drup 24 00:03:33,760 --> 00:03:39,640 Speaker 3: chrup chree, chirrup, chirrup, che gee, dearly dearly dearly. 25 00:03:40,280 --> 00:03:44,840 Speaker 1: Wrap tap tap tap tap, went the woodpecker. Missus chickadee 26 00:03:44,880 --> 00:03:50,840 Speaker 1: may speak first, friends, began missus chickadee. Why do you 27 00:03:50,920 --> 00:03:56,680 Speaker 1: suppose I called you together because it's the day before Christmas? 28 00:03:57,120 --> 00:04:00,280 Speaker 1: Twittered snow bunting, And you're going to get you a 29 00:04:00,360 --> 00:04:04,920 Speaker 1: Christmas party, tripped the robin, and you want all of 30 00:04:05,000 --> 00:04:09,640 Speaker 1: us to come, said downey woodpecker. Hooray, three cheers for 31 00:04:09,760 --> 00:04:15,040 Speaker 1: missus chickadee. Hush, said missus chickadee. And I'll tell you 32 00:04:15,160 --> 00:04:20,960 Speaker 1: all about it. Tomorrow is Christmas Day, but I don't 33 00:04:20,960 --> 00:04:25,200 Speaker 1: want to give a party. Chee chee, chee, cried robin, 34 00:04:25,360 --> 00:04:26,080 Speaker 1: rusty breast. 35 00:04:26,560 --> 00:04:27,640 Speaker 3: Chee chee chee. 36 00:04:29,640 --> 00:04:33,760 Speaker 1: Just listen to my little plan, said missus chickadee. For indeed, 37 00:04:34,480 --> 00:04:41,520 Speaker 1: I want you all to help. How many remember thistle goldfinch, 38 00:04:42,160 --> 00:04:45,400 Speaker 1: the happy little fellow who floated over the meadows through 39 00:04:45,400 --> 00:04:50,719 Speaker 1: the summer and fall. Chirrup, che chee, chirrup che chee. 40 00:04:50,760 --> 00:04:54,960 Speaker 1: I do, sang the robin. How he loved to sway 41 00:04:55,080 --> 00:05:01,400 Speaker 1: on thistletops, Yes, said downey woodpecker. And didn't he sing 42 00:05:02,080 --> 00:05:05,960 Speaker 1: all about blue skies and sunshine. 43 00:05:05,800 --> 00:05:09,400 Speaker 3: And happy days with his sweet. 44 00:05:08,800 --> 00:05:11,839 Speaker 1: Sweet, sweet sweet A twitter witter witter witter witter, weird 45 00:05:11,920 --> 00:05:18,239 Speaker 1: wee Terry Lee, Terry Lee said snow bunting. We've all 46 00:05:18,279 --> 00:05:22,479 Speaker 1: heard of thistle goldfinch. But what can he have to 47 00:05:22,560 --> 00:05:26,600 Speaker 1: do with your Christmas party? He's way down south now 48 00:05:27,120 --> 00:05:32,320 Speaker 1: and wouldn't care if you gave a dozen parties. Oh 49 00:05:32,680 --> 00:05:38,239 Speaker 1: but he isn't He is right here in these very woods. 50 00:05:39,560 --> 00:05:46,520 Speaker 1: Why you don't mean indeed, I do mean every single word. 51 00:05:48,920 --> 00:05:53,960 Speaker 1: Yesterday I was flitting about among the trees, pecking at 52 00:05:53,960 --> 00:05:56,680 Speaker 1: a dead branch here and a bit of moss there, 53 00:05:57,480 --> 00:06:01,839 Speaker 1: And before I knew it, I found found myself away 54 00:06:01,920 --> 00:06:06,880 Speaker 1: over at the other side of the woods. Chickadee de 55 00:06:07,080 --> 00:06:11,680 Speaker 1: de chickadee de d I sang as I turned my 56 00:06:11,920 --> 00:06:18,000 Speaker 1: bill toward home. Just then I heard the saddest little 57 00:06:18,080 --> 00:06:19,280 Speaker 1: voice pipe. 58 00:06:18,960 --> 00:06:22,000 Speaker 3: Out, dearie me, dearie me. 59 00:06:23,520 --> 00:06:27,560 Speaker 1: And there on the sunny side of a branch perched 60 00:06:27,680 --> 00:06:33,520 Speaker 1: a lonesome bit of yellowish down. I went up to 61 00:06:33,520 --> 00:06:37,920 Speaker 1: see what it was and found dear little Thistle Goldfinch. 62 00:06:38,920 --> 00:06:42,080 Speaker 1: He was very glad to see me, and soon told 63 00:06:42,200 --> 00:06:49,680 Speaker 1: his short story. Through the summer, Papa and Mamma Goldfinch 64 00:06:49,839 --> 00:06:53,239 Speaker 1: and all the brothers and sisters had a fine time 65 00:06:53,920 --> 00:06:59,560 Speaker 1: singing together, fluttering over thistletops or floating through the balmy air. 66 00:07:01,760 --> 00:07:07,000 Speaker 1: But when little Jack Frost walked through the trees, Papa 67 00:07:07,080 --> 00:07:12,640 Speaker 1: Goldfinch said, it is high time we went south. All 68 00:07:12,680 --> 00:07:16,400 Speaker 1: were ready, but Thistle. He wanted to stay through the winter, 69 00:07:17,040 --> 00:07:22,000 Speaker 1: and begged so hard that Papa Goldfinch said, try it, 70 00:07:22,120 --> 00:07:25,400 Speaker 1: my son, but do find a place to stay in 71 00:07:25,480 --> 00:07:32,120 Speaker 1: at night that's warm. Then off they flew, and Thistle 72 00:07:32,400 --> 00:07:38,360 Speaker 1: was alone for a while. He was happy. The sun 73 00:07:38,480 --> 00:07:41,480 Speaker 1: shone warm through the middle of the day, and there 74 00:07:41,520 --> 00:07:46,320 Speaker 1: were fields and meadows full of seeds. You all, remember 75 00:07:46,360 --> 00:07:51,480 Speaker 1: how sweetly he sang for us. Then, but by and by, 76 00:07:51,760 --> 00:07:55,640 Speaker 1: the cold north wind came whistling through the trees, and 77 00:07:55,800 --> 00:08:00,200 Speaker 1: chilly Thistle woke up one gray morning to find the 78 00:08:00,240 --> 00:08:08,080 Speaker 1: air full of whirling snowflakes. He didn't mind the light snows. 79 00:08:08,720 --> 00:08:11,960 Speaker 1: Golden rod and some high grasses were too tall to 80 00:08:12,040 --> 00:08:17,280 Speaker 1: be easily covered, and he got seeds from them. But 81 00:08:17,480 --> 00:08:21,360 Speaker 1: now that the heavy snows have come, the poor little 82 00:08:21,400 --> 00:08:25,800 Speaker 1: fellow is almost starved. And if he doesn't have a 83 00:08:25,840 --> 00:08:30,120 Speaker 1: warm place to sleep in these cold nights, he won't survive. 84 00:08:33,480 --> 00:08:38,040 Speaker 1: Missus chickadee paused a minute. The birds were so still 85 00:08:38,559 --> 00:08:43,600 Speaker 1: one could hear the pine trees whisper. Then she went on. 86 00:08:45,080 --> 00:08:48,520 Speaker 1: I comforted the poor little fellow as best I could, 87 00:08:48,960 --> 00:08:51,800 Speaker 1: and showed him where to find a few seeds. Then 88 00:08:51,840 --> 00:08:55,960 Speaker 1: I flew home, for it was bedtime. I tucked my 89 00:08:56,040 --> 00:08:58,839 Speaker 1: head under my wing to keep it warm, and thought 90 00:09:00,120 --> 00:09:09,160 Speaker 1: and thought and thought, and here's my plan. We chickadees 91 00:09:09,200 --> 00:09:12,000 Speaker 1: have a nice warm home here in the spruce trees, 92 00:09:12,400 --> 00:09:15,280 Speaker 1: with their thick, heavy boughs to shut out the snow 93 00:09:15,320 --> 00:09:20,120 Speaker 1: and cold. There is plenty of room, so Thistle could 94 00:09:20,200 --> 00:09:24,320 Speaker 1: sleep here all winter. We could let him perch on 95 00:09:24,360 --> 00:09:27,920 Speaker 1: a branch when we check. These would nestle around him 96 00:09:28,320 --> 00:09:33,160 Speaker 1: until he was as warm as a lovely summertime. These 97 00:09:33,280 --> 00:09:36,559 Speaker 1: cones are so full of seeds that we could spare 98 00:09:36,640 --> 00:09:39,880 Speaker 1: him a good many. And I think that you robins 99 00:09:40,320 --> 00:09:43,120 Speaker 1: might let him come over to your pines someday and 100 00:09:43,160 --> 00:09:49,560 Speaker 1: share your seeds. Downy woodpecker must keep his eyes open 101 00:09:49,800 --> 00:09:53,680 Speaker 1: as he hammers the trees, and if he spies a 102 00:09:53,760 --> 00:09:56,960 Speaker 1: supply of seeds, he will let us know at once. 103 00:09:59,720 --> 00:10:02,480 Speaker 1: Snow Bunting is only a visitor, so I don't expect 104 00:10:02,559 --> 00:10:05,200 Speaker 1: him to help, but I wanted him to hear my 105 00:10:05,360 --> 00:10:08,679 Speaker 1: plan with the rest of you. Now you will try, 106 00:10:08,800 --> 00:10:15,800 Speaker 1: won't you. Everyone? Cheer up, Cheer up, dear lee. Indeed 107 00:10:15,920 --> 00:10:20,679 Speaker 1: we'll try. Let's begin right away. Don't wait until tomorrow. 108 00:10:21,360 --> 00:10:26,680 Speaker 1: Who will go and find thistle? I will chirped Robin, 109 00:10:26,800 --> 00:10:30,440 Speaker 1: rusty breass, And off he flew to the place which 110 00:10:30,480 --> 00:10:34,120 Speaker 1: missus Chickadee had told of at the other side of 111 00:10:34,160 --> 00:10:41,400 Speaker 1: the wood. There, sure enough he found thistle goldfish, sighing, 112 00:10:42,600 --> 00:10:47,680 Speaker 1: dearie me, dearie me, the winter is so cold, and 113 00:10:47,880 --> 00:10:54,160 Speaker 1: I'm here all alone. Cheer up, chee chee, piped the robin. 114 00:10:54,600 --> 00:10:57,440 Speaker 1: Cheer up, cheer up. I'm here, I'm here, and I 115 00:10:57,559 --> 00:11:01,840 Speaker 1: mean to stay. What if the winter is drear? Cheer up, 116 00:11:01,960 --> 00:11:08,200 Speaker 1: cheer up anyway, but the snow is so deep, said Thistle, 117 00:11:08,720 --> 00:11:12,640 Speaker 1: And the robin replied, soon the snows will be over 118 00:11:12,760 --> 00:11:16,880 Speaker 1: and gone, run and rippled away. What's the use of 119 00:11:16,960 --> 00:11:22,800 Speaker 1: looking forlorn? Cheer up, cheer up, by say? Then he 120 00:11:22,920 --> 00:11:27,120 Speaker 1: told Thistle all their plants. And wasn't Thistle surprised? 121 00:11:28,280 --> 00:11:28,640 Speaker 3: Why? 122 00:11:29,280 --> 00:11:32,200 Speaker 1: He just couldn't believe a word of it till they 123 00:11:32,320 --> 00:11:38,680 Speaker 1: reached missus Chickadees, and she said it was all true. 124 00:11:38,800 --> 00:11:44,080 Speaker 1: They fed him and warmed him, then settled themselves where 125 00:11:44,080 --> 00:11:56,680 Speaker 1: a good night's rest. Christmas morning they were chirping gaily, 126 00:11:57,000 --> 00:12:00,319 Speaker 1: and Thistle was trying to remember the happy song he 127 00:12:00,440 --> 00:12:04,120 Speaker 1: sang in the summer time. When there came a whir 128 00:12:04,440 --> 00:12:10,120 Speaker 1: of wings as snow Bunting flew down tirily tirilye tire 129 00:12:10,280 --> 00:12:13,000 Speaker 1: Lee said he can you fly a little way? 130 00:12:14,760 --> 00:12:14,960 Speaker 3: Oh? 131 00:12:15,040 --> 00:12:19,360 Speaker 1: Yes, replied Thistle, I think I could fly a long way. 132 00:12:21,200 --> 00:12:24,520 Speaker 1: Come on, then, said snow Bunting. Every one who wants 133 00:12:24,559 --> 00:12:29,800 Speaker 1: a Christmas dinner follow me. That was every word he 134 00:12:29,840 --> 00:12:30,440 Speaker 1: would say. 135 00:12:30,920 --> 00:12:31,840 Speaker 3: So what could they. 136 00:12:31,679 --> 00:12:36,560 Speaker 1: Do but follow? Soon they came to the edge of 137 00:12:36,640 --> 00:12:42,120 Speaker 1: the wood, and then to a farmhouse. Snow Bunting flew 138 00:12:42,240 --> 00:12:46,760 Speaker 1: straight up to the piazza, and there stood a dear 139 00:12:46,920 --> 00:12:51,360 Speaker 1: little girl in a warm hood and cloak, with a 140 00:12:51,400 --> 00:12:54,439 Speaker 1: pail of bird seed on her arm and a dish 141 00:12:54,440 --> 00:12:58,800 Speaker 1: of bread crumbs in her hand. As they flew down, 142 00:12:58,960 --> 00:13:03,560 Speaker 1: she said, and here are some more birdies who have 143 00:13:03,640 --> 00:13:07,440 Speaker 1: come for a Christmas dinner. Of course you shall have some, 144 00:13:07,679 --> 00:13:12,640 Speaker 1: you dear little things. And she laughed merrily to see 145 00:13:12,640 --> 00:13:19,080 Speaker 1: them die for the crumbs. After they had finished eating. 146 00:13:19,640 --> 00:13:24,240 Speaker 1: Elsie that was the little girl's name, said Now, little birds, 147 00:13:24,679 --> 00:13:27,680 Speaker 1: it is going to be a cold winter. You would 148 00:13:27,760 --> 00:13:31,000 Speaker 1: better come here every day to get your dinner. I'll 149 00:13:31,080 --> 00:13:36,080 Speaker 1: always be glad to see you. Chirrup chee chee, chirrup 150 00:13:36,160 --> 00:13:41,360 Speaker 1: chee chee. Thank you, thank you, cried the robins. Tara Lee, 151 00:13:41,440 --> 00:13:46,680 Speaker 1: Tarry Lee, Tarry Lee, thank you, thank you, twittered snow bunting. 152 00:13:47,520 --> 00:13:50,480 Speaker 3: Chickadee ed, chickadee edy, chickadee ed. 153 00:13:51,320 --> 00:13:56,760 Speaker 1: How kind you are, sang the chickadees. And thistle goldfinch. 154 00:13:58,120 --> 00:14:02,880 Speaker 1: Yes you remember Bert his summer saw, or he say, 155 00:14:03,400 --> 00:14:08,679 Speaker 1: as they flew away, Sweet sweet, sweet sweet. 156 00:14:08,520 --> 00:14:19,120 Speaker 2: A twitter witter witter, witter witter, wheetweet side, good night, 157 00:14:19,480 --> 00:14:21,480 Speaker 2: tween sweet tie. 158 00:14:23,280 --> 00:14:24,200 Speaker 3: Cal and. 159 00:14:26,080 --> 00:14:35,760 Speaker 1: Spry coon ginrangant holy. 160 00:14:36,040 --> 00:14:44,800 Speaker 3: And sots and and sidid night. 161 00:14:47,320 --> 00:14:53,320 Speaker 2: Calm, spry slan n. 162 00:14:56,320 --> 00:15:01,560 Speaker 3: Night Sidlin night, call me. 163 00:15:03,840 --> 00:15:04,960 Speaker 1: Roundon. 164 00:15:05,280 --> 00:15:11,800 Speaker 2: Heard the chant coldly. 165 00:15:12,280 --> 00:15:14,600 Speaker 3: So ten the emd 166 00:15:21,720 --> 00:15:24,600 Speaker 1: Say ben leav