1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:14,480 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,560 --> 00:00:20,119 Speaker 1: to say hello to Annie and Emma. Hello to Shalev 3 00:00:20,400 --> 00:00:26,040 Speaker 1: who is six, and his brother Hadar. We have a 4 00:00:26,040 --> 00:00:29,240 Speaker 1: special shout out for Matan and Leah who live in 5 00:00:29,360 --> 00:00:35,360 Speaker 1: Ranana from their Grandma, Aunt Sam, Aunt Shana and Gidget. 6 00:00:36,080 --> 00:00:38,239 Speaker 1: They miss you very much and want you to know 7 00:00:38,280 --> 00:00:42,040 Speaker 1: how much they love you. You are both amazing, strong 8 00:00:42,240 --> 00:00:45,559 Speaker 1: and curious kids and they are so proud of you. 9 00:00:46,680 --> 00:00:49,640 Speaker 1: Make sure to listen to your mom and Abba and 10 00:00:49,720 --> 00:00:55,680 Speaker 1: give them a big hug. Grandpa too. Happy birthday to 11 00:00:55,760 --> 00:01:00,320 Speaker 1: Camilla Faciani from Atlanta, Georgia, who is turning five years 12 00:01:00,360 --> 00:01:03,720 Speaker 1: old on October ninth and has a big move from 13 00:01:03,720 --> 00:01:09,600 Speaker 1: Atlanta to London in the UK. Happy belated birthday to 14 00:01:09,720 --> 00:01:15,200 Speaker 1: Ella from Windsor, Ontario, Canada, who turned eight on October second, 15 00:01:15,800 --> 00:01:20,520 Speaker 1: and Adele who turned ten on October seventh. Love Mom 16 00:01:20,600 --> 00:01:25,720 Speaker 1: and Dad. Happy belated birthday to Everett from New Jersey 17 00:01:25,760 --> 00:01:29,760 Speaker 1: who turned ten on October fourth. Mama and Papa love 18 00:01:29,800 --> 00:01:33,080 Speaker 1: you more than anything, are very proud of you and 19 00:01:33,160 --> 00:01:37,400 Speaker 1: look forward to family time with you every day. Happy 20 00:01:37,440 --> 00:01:43,240 Speaker 1: belated birthday to Bianca from her good friend Aura. Happy 21 00:01:43,280 --> 00:01:47,280 Speaker 1: birthday to Paul who is turning four on October ninth. 22 00:01:47,800 --> 00:01:51,960 Speaker 1: Love Mommy, Daddy and Emmy, They love you so much. 23 00:01:53,880 --> 00:01:57,840 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Beckett in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, who 24 00:01:57,880 --> 00:02:02,080 Speaker 1: is turning eight on October nine. Mom and Dad are 25 00:02:02,160 --> 00:02:06,040 Speaker 1: so proud of the kind, inquisitive young man you are 26 00:02:06,080 --> 00:02:10,560 Speaker 1: growing up to become, and love you. Happy birthday to 27 00:02:10,680 --> 00:02:15,440 Speaker 1: Owen who is turning eight on October tenth. Happy birthday 28 00:02:15,480 --> 00:02:19,280 Speaker 1: to Mela from Tuscan, Arizona, who is turning six on 29 00:02:19,400 --> 00:02:24,280 Speaker 1: October ninth. Mommy, Daddy, Shiloh and Bruno love you so 30 00:02:24,520 --> 00:02:28,880 Speaker 1: much and are so proud of you. Happy birthday to 31 00:02:29,040 --> 00:02:33,720 Speaker 1: Reya from San Francisco, California, who is turning five on 32 00:02:33,840 --> 00:02:40,800 Speaker 1: October thirteenth. Mommy, Daddy, Simba and Lily love you very much. Also, 33 00:02:41,520 --> 00:02:45,800 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Montana, Raya's best friend, who turned five 34 00:02:45,880 --> 00:02:51,280 Speaker 1: on October seventh. Happy birthday to Abriance who is turning 35 00:02:51,360 --> 00:02:56,519 Speaker 1: six on October thirteenth. Happy birthday to Harriet who was 36 00:02:56,600 --> 00:03:02,519 Speaker 1: turning six on October thirteenth. Happy birthday to Omari who 37 00:03:02,600 --> 00:03:08,240 Speaker 1: is turning seven on October thirteenth. Happy birthday to Amara 38 00:03:08,360 --> 00:03:13,959 Speaker 1: Chaba who is turning ten on Friday, October thirteenth, from Papa, 39 00:03:14,240 --> 00:03:21,240 Speaker 1: Mama and Arav have a spectacular birthday. Happy birthday to 40 00:03:21,440 --> 00:03:27,000 Speaker 1: Julianne from Edmonton, Alberta, who is turning seven on October thirteenth, 41 00:03:27,360 --> 00:03:33,880 Speaker 1: from Dad, Mom, Byron and Berkley. Happy birthday to Linus 42 00:03:34,000 --> 00:03:39,680 Speaker 1: who is turning eight on October fifteenth. And Happy birthday 43 00:03:39,720 --> 00:03:43,600 Speaker 1: to Apollo from the Philippines who is turning six on 44 00:03:43,680 --> 00:03:48,200 Speaker 1: October fifteenth. Keep up the good work at school, stay 45 00:03:48,320 --> 00:03:52,320 Speaker 1: kind and amazing. Mama Joan and Papa Brian love you 46 00:03:52,600 --> 00:03:57,440 Speaker 1: so much. Happy birthday to you all. I hope you 47 00:03:57,480 --> 00:04:02,000 Speaker 1: have a wonderful days and birthday wishes are one way 48 00:04:02,080 --> 00:04:05,120 Speaker 1: we give thanks to our supporters. If you would like 49 00:04:05,200 --> 00:04:08,480 Speaker 1: to support us and receive more bedtime entertainment like this, 50 00:04:09,160 --> 00:04:12,720 Speaker 1: all add free, please visit our support page at sleep 51 00:04:12,760 --> 00:04:26,720 Speaker 1: tightstories dot org slash support Thank you. Esther and Ariah 52 00:04:26,760 --> 00:04:31,560 Speaker 1: have been walking for what feels like forever. When Ariah 53 00:04:31,640 --> 00:04:36,920 Speaker 1: finally agrees to let Esther take a break. Esther doesn't 54 00:04:37,000 --> 00:04:40,000 Speaker 1: understand why Ariah speaks to her the way she does, 55 00:04:40,600 --> 00:04:44,800 Speaker 1: but they talk a little. As they rest, Ariah seems 56 00:04:44,800 --> 00:04:49,920 Speaker 1: to finally relax a bit. When they start up again, 57 00:04:50,080 --> 00:04:53,400 Speaker 1: they continue to talk, but when Ariah comes to a 58 00:04:53,520 --> 00:04:59,280 Speaker 1: sudden stop, Esther knows that something must be wrong. There 59 00:04:59,360 --> 00:05:02,559 Speaker 1: is no one there, and now they need to find 60 00:05:02,600 --> 00:05:10,640 Speaker 1: out where they went and why. The Magical Book of Dreams, 61 00:05:10,960 --> 00:05:18,680 Speaker 1: Part fifteen. Esther and Ariah stood there in silence for 62 00:05:18,839 --> 00:05:24,000 Speaker 1: what Esther felt was an eternity. Esther was used to 63 00:05:24,120 --> 00:05:28,960 Speaker 1: quiet shirewood was too quiet for her tastes, but this 64 00:05:29,360 --> 00:05:35,640 Speaker 1: was something else altogether. There were no birds, no clucking 65 00:05:35,800 --> 00:05:40,920 Speaker 1: or bleating of distant creatures, no wind flowing through the leaves, 66 00:05:41,720 --> 00:05:46,479 Speaker 1: no sounds of elders stroking their fires, not even the 67 00:05:46,560 --> 00:05:50,680 Speaker 1: annoying sounds of insects buzzing as they came too close 68 00:05:50,720 --> 00:05:56,400 Speaker 1: to your ears. It was still, except for the sound 69 00:05:56,440 --> 00:06:01,480 Speaker 1: of Esther's heart, which was now beating hard. What would 70 00:06:01,480 --> 00:06:10,120 Speaker 1: they do now? Breaking the silence, Ariah sighed deeply, Well, 71 00:06:10,680 --> 00:06:16,680 Speaker 1: isn't that just great? The fog was still thick on 72 00:06:16,760 --> 00:06:20,880 Speaker 1: the glade, which made the already gray landscape all the 73 00:06:20,960 --> 00:06:25,800 Speaker 1: more difficult to discern. Stick close to me, little Princess, 74 00:06:26,440 --> 00:06:29,839 Speaker 1: Ariah said, with some sarcasm, I need to look for 75 00:06:30,000 --> 00:06:33,160 Speaker 1: signs as to what happened. Here and where Gimbal might 76 00:06:33,200 --> 00:06:39,000 Speaker 1: have taken the people. Shouldn't we go back, Esther asked, 77 00:06:39,920 --> 00:06:45,400 Speaker 1: go back? No, we won't go back. I promised Eliza 78 00:06:45,640 --> 00:06:48,680 Speaker 1: to take you to Gimbal, and I plan to fulfill 79 00:06:48,760 --> 00:06:53,960 Speaker 1: my promise. But if they aren't here, then how can 80 00:06:54,000 --> 00:06:58,040 Speaker 1: you deliver me? Esther said, starting to feel a little scared. 81 00:06:59,040 --> 00:07:02,880 Speaker 1: Fear was a new emotion for Esther, other than a 82 00:07:02,960 --> 00:07:07,000 Speaker 1: life of doing boring tasks. Like the elders, there was 83 00:07:07,080 --> 00:07:11,640 Speaker 1: nothing to fear in Shirewood. No talking while I look. 84 00:07:12,560 --> 00:07:17,200 Speaker 1: If you see large sunken tracks, let me know. That 85 00:07:17,280 --> 00:07:20,920 Speaker 1: would be the wagons they transport their heavy tents into 86 00:07:20,920 --> 00:07:25,240 Speaker 1: wherever they might have decided to go. At least that's 87 00:07:25,280 --> 00:07:28,680 Speaker 1: what I hope they have done. Ariah said, as her 88 00:07:28,720 --> 00:07:34,480 Speaker 1: face took on yet another shade of seriousness, and as 89 00:07:34,520 --> 00:07:38,360 Speaker 1: if she sensed Esther's fear and wanted to stir her 90 00:07:38,400 --> 00:07:43,040 Speaker 1: emotions even more. She added, if you see something moving, 91 00:07:43,880 --> 00:07:53,760 Speaker 1: don't scream. They like that, great Esther thought, just great 92 00:07:54,600 --> 00:07:58,160 Speaker 1: Esther followed Ariah around the flattened earth of what was 93 00:07:58,200 --> 00:08:01,920 Speaker 1: supposed to be a settlement for what felt like a cycle, 94 00:08:02,800 --> 00:08:06,400 Speaker 1: but since the sun was hard to follow, Esther had 95 00:08:06,480 --> 00:08:10,120 Speaker 1: no idea of the passage of time, except that her 96 00:08:10,200 --> 00:08:14,760 Speaker 1: legs were getting sore. She should have spent more time 97 00:08:14,800 --> 00:08:18,240 Speaker 1: outdoors like her little stinker of a brother, instead of 98 00:08:18,280 --> 00:08:22,080 Speaker 1: reading books all the time. It felt a bit like 99 00:08:22,440 --> 00:08:25,880 Speaker 1: Follow the Elder, a game she played when she was young, 100 00:08:26,320 --> 00:08:29,320 Speaker 1: except you always got some treats at the end of 101 00:08:29,400 --> 00:08:33,320 Speaker 1: that game, and you weren't warned to not scream. Without 102 00:08:33,400 --> 00:08:40,240 Speaker 1: telling you why I found it, Ariah said quietly. I 103 00:08:40,360 --> 00:08:42,880 Speaker 1: would be much more excited if I found something in 104 00:08:42,960 --> 00:08:46,480 Speaker 1: this endless gray, especially if it meant I might get 105 00:08:46,480 --> 00:08:52,320 Speaker 1: to rest. Esther thought, what did you find? Follow me 106 00:08:52,400 --> 00:08:57,120 Speaker 1: over here, Ariah said to Esther, obviously somewhat proud that 107 00:08:57,200 --> 00:09:03,120 Speaker 1: she had found something, whatever that something was. These little 108 00:09:03,160 --> 00:09:08,200 Speaker 1: tracks here are probably why they decided to leave this area. 109 00:09:09,240 --> 00:09:12,800 Speaker 1: Riah pointed to many small tracks in the grayish dirt. 110 00:09:14,920 --> 00:09:17,720 Speaker 1: These are the tracks of the chick lore, and they 111 00:09:17,800 --> 00:09:21,760 Speaker 1: are a menace to all who still live on the glade. 112 00:09:21,880 --> 00:09:27,480 Speaker 1: Ariah indicated that Esther should continue to follow her. Here 113 00:09:27,559 --> 00:09:31,440 Speaker 1: is the direction that they went, Ariah said, pointing to 114 00:09:31,559 --> 00:09:35,760 Speaker 1: a long series of deep tracks that looked to Ester's 115 00:09:35,800 --> 00:09:41,480 Speaker 1: eyes to have been made by large heavy two wheeled wagons. 116 00:09:42,760 --> 00:09:46,160 Speaker 1: This is the direction we must go, but we must hurry. 117 00:09:46,920 --> 00:09:51,240 Speaker 1: There is little shelter in this direction, no dead trees 118 00:09:51,360 --> 00:09:54,880 Speaker 1: in which to start a fire, and nowhere comfortable to 119 00:09:55,000 --> 00:09:58,960 Speaker 1: lay our head. We must reach their camp before the 120 00:09:59,040 --> 00:10:04,240 Speaker 1: sun disappears completely. I hope you have some strength left 121 00:10:04,280 --> 00:10:08,000 Speaker 1: in those skinny legs of yours, old helpless one, a 122 00:10:08,120 --> 00:10:11,880 Speaker 1: Riah said, as she immediately set forth on the trail 123 00:10:12,400 --> 00:10:19,680 Speaker 1: forged by the wagons. After a while, for what felt 124 00:10:19,720 --> 00:10:23,160 Speaker 1: like an eternity, they set into a rhythm of walking, 125 00:10:24,200 --> 00:10:27,839 Speaker 1: and since Ariah still had a face of stone, Esther 126 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:32,600 Speaker 1: didn't dare to break their silence. So her mind wandered 127 00:10:33,160 --> 00:10:37,520 Speaker 1: going back to her life in Shirewood. It had only 128 00:10:37,559 --> 00:10:41,400 Speaker 1: been a couple of cycles, but already Esther felt like 129 00:10:41,440 --> 00:10:46,760 Speaker 1: her life at home was a distant memory. She never 130 00:10:46,840 --> 00:10:51,000 Speaker 1: thought she would, but she missed the flowers, the stone 131 00:10:51,120 --> 00:10:56,640 Speaker 1: covered moss and vines that bloomed in summer people's gardens, 132 00:10:56,679 --> 00:11:01,560 Speaker 1: the moss and the green. She missed the smell of 133 00:11:01,679 --> 00:11:06,360 Speaker 1: wood burning and cooking all manner of foods. She missed 134 00:11:06,480 --> 00:11:12,960 Speaker 1: her mother's pot of stew. Her stomach started making incredibly 135 00:11:13,080 --> 00:11:17,440 Speaker 1: loud noises Why did I have to think of food? 136 00:11:17,920 --> 00:11:22,640 Speaker 1: She thought to herself. Is that your stomach I hear? 137 00:11:23,200 --> 00:11:28,839 Speaker 1: Ariah said, with a laugh, breaking the silence. Yes, Esther said, 138 00:11:29,280 --> 00:11:33,280 Speaker 1: just a bit embarrassed, her face turning red, a pleasant 139 00:11:33,360 --> 00:11:37,680 Speaker 1: contrast to the gray. Sometimes my stomach talks to me. 140 00:11:39,120 --> 00:11:42,960 Speaker 1: That sounds more like yelling than talking. I thought they 141 00:11:43,040 --> 00:11:48,960 Speaker 1: taught you people in Shirewood to never yell. Ariah was 142 00:11:49,120 --> 00:11:54,439 Speaker 1: clearly enjoying the sounds coming out of my stomach. Estra thought, 143 00:11:54,679 --> 00:11:57,600 Speaker 1: here is something for you to eat, Ariah said, is. 144 00:11:57,640 --> 00:12:01,960 Speaker 1: She handed Esther a piece of something and slightly sticky. 145 00:12:03,120 --> 00:12:07,240 Speaker 1: Thank you, Esther said, Eliza did send me with something. 146 00:12:07,720 --> 00:12:10,720 Speaker 1: If you want, I can share it with you. No, 147 00:12:11,120 --> 00:12:14,600 Speaker 1: you keep it. Eliza is a great cook, but I 148 00:12:14,720 --> 00:12:21,040 Speaker 1: prefer this food when I am walking the glade. After 149 00:12:21,120 --> 00:12:25,600 Speaker 1: taking a bite, Esther asked, it's chewy and slightly sweet. 150 00:12:26,120 --> 00:12:31,800 Speaker 1: What is it called. It's molastic. I take food from 151 00:12:31,880 --> 00:12:35,680 Speaker 1: the ground and combine it with a syrup extracted from 152 00:12:35,720 --> 00:12:39,760 Speaker 1: the molass tree, a rare tree found in the depths 153 00:12:39,800 --> 00:12:44,040 Speaker 1: of the glade. It will keep you walking for cycles 154 00:12:44,120 --> 00:12:49,360 Speaker 1: upon cycles. It lasts forever. If you find yourself here 155 00:12:49,400 --> 00:12:52,160 Speaker 1: for as long as the rest of your kind. I 156 00:12:52,200 --> 00:12:58,240 Speaker 1: will teach you the recipe. Seeing that Ariah's face looked 157 00:12:58,240 --> 00:13:02,720 Speaker 1: more relaxed, as decided to walk beside her and asked, 158 00:13:03,760 --> 00:13:06,839 Speaker 1: what exactly were those tracks you were so worried about. 159 00:13:07,559 --> 00:13:12,480 Speaker 1: They couldn't have been any larger than a spoon. Those 160 00:13:12,600 --> 00:13:16,600 Speaker 1: tracks are from the chicklare. The chicklare is about the 161 00:13:16,640 --> 00:13:20,800 Speaker 1: size of a small dog, but with delicate feather like 162 00:13:20,920 --> 00:13:26,440 Speaker 1: scales covering its body instead of fur or feathers. Its 163 00:13:26,480 --> 00:13:30,920 Speaker 1: scales used to shimmer in iridescent blues and purples, but 164 00:13:31,080 --> 00:13:35,880 Speaker 1: most chicklaors now appear dull ashen gray do to the 165 00:13:36,000 --> 00:13:40,720 Speaker 1: dark artifact. They used to be curious and playful creatures, 166 00:13:41,480 --> 00:13:46,240 Speaker 1: but now they harass all those they come upon. They 167 00:13:46,440 --> 00:13:52,319 Speaker 1: used to feed on insects and berries, but now well 168 00:13:52,960 --> 00:14:00,760 Speaker 1: they too do the artifacts bidding, but they won't hurt us. Right. Well, 169 00:14:00,920 --> 00:14:04,160 Speaker 1: I didn't say that, now, did I? Ariah said, smiling. 170 00:14:04,960 --> 00:14:07,680 Speaker 1: It's best you keep up with me, or you might 171 00:14:07,840 --> 00:14:13,959 Speaker 1: find out. With that comment Esther found the energy to 172 00:14:14,080 --> 00:14:17,280 Speaker 1: walk a bit faster, or it might have been the 173 00:14:17,360 --> 00:14:22,320 Speaker 1: molastic I know I have only been here a short time, 174 00:14:22,560 --> 00:14:26,440 Speaker 1: but I don't understand what has happened here and why 175 00:14:26,480 --> 00:14:31,080 Speaker 1: I was rushed out the door this morning. I'm not 176 00:14:31,200 --> 00:14:34,960 Speaker 1: much of a talker or an explainer. That's Eliza's job 177 00:14:35,360 --> 00:14:39,640 Speaker 1: and whatever other elder is still around. I'm young, so 178 00:14:39,800 --> 00:14:43,000 Speaker 1: I do things and don't fret about the past. You 179 00:14:43,080 --> 00:14:45,640 Speaker 1: won't get much more out of me than you already know. 180 00:14:46,760 --> 00:14:50,520 Speaker 1: The artifact has influenced the queen, and you can see 181 00:14:50,560 --> 00:14:55,360 Speaker 1: the result all around you. I know of nothing else 182 00:14:55,400 --> 00:14:59,320 Speaker 1: which makes me an ideal night For the elders, they 183 00:14:59,360 --> 00:15:03,440 Speaker 1: long for a return to what was before, to color, 184 00:15:03,480 --> 00:15:07,280 Speaker 1: to good magic. I can find beauty in the gray 185 00:15:07,760 --> 00:15:11,200 Speaker 1: and simply want a good future for myself and my people. 186 00:15:12,600 --> 00:15:16,280 Speaker 1: You best keep your questions for Gimbal. He's full of stories. 187 00:15:19,280 --> 00:15:22,920 Speaker 1: Is it much farther? Esther started to notice her legs again. 188 00:15:24,120 --> 00:15:27,280 Speaker 1: We have to climb that tall bluff up ahead, and 189 00:15:27,360 --> 00:15:31,080 Speaker 1: then I suspect they will be camped on the other side. 190 00:15:31,160 --> 00:15:35,600 Speaker 1: If you can keep up, it won't be long. Tall 191 00:15:35,720 --> 00:15:39,840 Speaker 1: bluff Esther thought to herself that looked like the mountains 192 00:15:39,880 --> 00:15:42,680 Speaker 1: to the north of the mystical forest she had read about. 193 00:15:43,560 --> 00:15:47,880 Speaker 1: How was she going to ever climb that? Tell me 194 00:15:47,920 --> 00:15:51,640 Speaker 1: more about the book Eliza was so excited about, Ariah said. 195 00:15:54,440 --> 00:15:57,680 Speaker 1: Esther didn't know that Eliza was excited about her book. 196 00:15:59,120 --> 00:16:02,440 Speaker 1: There isn't much to say. I found the book in 197 00:16:02,480 --> 00:16:05,720 Speaker 1: a box made of rock on a trail that travelers 198 00:16:05,720 --> 00:16:09,960 Speaker 1: to the Unknown Realm used to walk on. It has 199 00:16:10,040 --> 00:16:15,200 Speaker 1: a patterned leather cover with what looks like pictures of gnomes, unicorns, 200 00:16:15,240 --> 00:16:19,400 Speaker 1: and fairies. No markings or what not. I thought it 201 00:16:19,480 --> 00:16:24,960 Speaker 1: was simply a diary or journal, but for the map inside. 202 00:16:25,040 --> 00:16:29,000 Speaker 1: Gimbal likes to make everything a mystery. Why not just 203 00:16:29,120 --> 00:16:32,040 Speaker 1: leave a sign that said those that are worthy can 204 00:16:32,120 --> 00:16:36,000 Speaker 1: read the book and find the way to the glade. 205 00:16:36,280 --> 00:16:41,400 Speaker 1: I don't understand, Esther replied, you will, But first we 206 00:16:41,560 --> 00:16:46,840 Speaker 1: need to get to the top of that bluff. Esther 207 00:16:47,040 --> 00:16:50,360 Speaker 1: and Ariah pushed forward. As they neared the crest of 208 00:16:50,400 --> 00:16:56,600 Speaker 1: the high bluff, the haunting synchronized melodies of distant, unseen 209 00:16:56,680 --> 00:17:03,800 Speaker 1: creatures echoed through the vast emptiness. Chicklres. Ariah said, try 210 00:17:03,840 --> 00:17:07,080 Speaker 1: to keep up. It will be most unfortunate if they 211 00:17:07,160 --> 00:17:12,640 Speaker 1: catch our scent and find the encampment. Each step they 212 00:17:12,640 --> 00:17:16,520 Speaker 1: took sent small puffs of arid dust into the air. 213 00:17:17,280 --> 00:17:20,920 Speaker 1: The smell dry and earthy, tinged with the faint scent 214 00:17:21,080 --> 00:17:27,480 Speaker 1: of ancient withered plants. With every step, Ester's breathing grew heavier, 215 00:17:28,000 --> 00:17:33,280 Speaker 1: her feet dragging through the loose, gravelly soil, her legs 216 00:17:33,359 --> 00:17:40,000 Speaker 1: hurt more than ever. Ariah, noticing her struggle, scowled at her, 217 00:17:40,320 --> 00:17:44,600 Speaker 1: but slowed her pace all the same. The muffled atmosphere 218 00:17:44,640 --> 00:17:49,800 Speaker 1: made everything eerily silent, the fog dampening what sound there was, 219 00:17:51,160 --> 00:17:56,000 Speaker 1: the few tufts of stubborn vegetation they came across, rustled gently, 220 00:17:56,560 --> 00:17:59,680 Speaker 1: moved by a light breeze that felt like the softest 221 00:17:59,720 --> 00:18:05,639 Speaker 1: wind whisper against their skin. The muted sun started to 222 00:18:05,720 --> 00:18:10,240 Speaker 1: show its face, but only cast a diffused light, making 223 00:18:10,320 --> 00:18:15,360 Speaker 1: the world appear less gray and more inviting. When they 224 00:18:15,400 --> 00:18:20,399 Speaker 1: finally reached the top, both paused, their gaze, drawn to 225 00:18:20,520 --> 00:18:27,040 Speaker 1: the silhouette of the settlement below. We made it, Esther said, 226 00:18:27,240 --> 00:18:31,240 Speaker 1: completely out of breath. There is no way that was 227 00:18:31,320 --> 00:18:34,720 Speaker 1: a simple bluff. That felt more like I was climbing 228 00:18:34,760 --> 00:18:40,200 Speaker 1: a mountain. That's because your legs are thin, like a chicalore's. 229 00:18:41,000 --> 00:18:43,560 Speaker 1: Stay in the glades long enough, and if you can 230 00:18:43,600 --> 00:18:49,199 Speaker 1: find food, you will develop strong legs. I guess that 231 00:18:49,359 --> 00:18:53,359 Speaker 1: is the encampment below. It looks close. We should be 232 00:18:53,400 --> 00:18:55,920 Speaker 1: able to get there in no time at all, Esther said, 233 00:18:56,320 --> 00:19:00,439 Speaker 1: feeling relieved that perhaps this day's journey was coming to 234 00:19:00,480 --> 00:19:05,960 Speaker 1: an end. Yes, it is obviously quite close, but I 235 00:19:05,960 --> 00:19:10,760 Speaker 1: am afraid there is an obstacle in our way. Obstacle, 236 00:19:11,440 --> 00:19:14,560 Speaker 1: Esther asked. It's a flat walk all the way down 237 00:19:14,600 --> 00:19:21,080 Speaker 1: this mountain. It shouldn't take. Before Esther could finish her sentence, 238 00:19:21,359 --> 00:19:25,959 Speaker 1: a shadow came into her view. Someone was standing ahead 239 00:19:25,960 --> 00:19:32,920 Speaker 1: of them, just outside the encampment. The cloaked figure stood motionless, 240 00:19:33,440 --> 00:19:38,400 Speaker 1: a silhouette against the pale backdrop of the fog enveloped encampment, 241 00:19:39,320 --> 00:19:46,439 Speaker 1: its form barely distinguishable from the surrounding mist. Esther, catching 242 00:19:46,480 --> 00:19:51,800 Speaker 1: her breath, nudged Ariah, silently, pointing towards the mysterious stranger. 243 00:19:53,359 --> 00:19:59,800 Speaker 1: Their eyes met Ariah's eyes filled with determination, Esther's trepidation. 244 00:20:01,800 --> 00:20:06,080 Speaker 1: The cloak, rustling gently in the breeze, concealed all but 245 00:20:06,200 --> 00:20:10,640 Speaker 1: the faintest glint of two eyes watching them intently from 246 00:20:10,640 --> 00:20:15,879 Speaker 1: beneath the hood. You could almost feel the tension, or 247 00:20:15,920 --> 00:20:21,359 Speaker 1: so Esther thought. Ariah's face took on that seriousness again. 248 00:20:22,640 --> 00:20:27,280 Speaker 1: Who or what is that, Esther asked, And why are 249 00:20:27,320 --> 00:20:31,760 Speaker 1: they just standing there looking at us? I don't know 250 00:20:31,800 --> 00:20:34,720 Speaker 1: who that is, but it's obvious that they are there 251 00:20:34,800 --> 00:20:38,760 Speaker 1: waiting for us, but we won't know for sure until 252 00:20:38,800 --> 00:20:44,480 Speaker 1: we meet. Stay behind me, Ariah said, as they both 253 00:20:44,600 --> 00:20:49,440 Speaker 1: descended the tall bluff toward the encampment and the shadowy 254 00:20:49,520 --> 00:20:58,280 Speaker 1: figure standing before them. And that is the end of 255 00:20:58,359 --> 00:21:02,840 Speaker 1: this part. Good night, sleep tight.