1 00:00:09,920 --> 00:00:11,440 Speaker 1: Welcome to sleep Tight. 2 00:00:11,360 --> 00:00:39,680 Speaker 2: Stories, Chapter seven. Shut up. 3 00:00:39,960 --> 00:00:44,720 Speaker 1: As she was in the basket, Blackie could see little 4 00:00:45,120 --> 00:00:49,319 Speaker 1: of what was going on about her or where she 5 00:00:49,479 --> 00:00:56,280 Speaker 1: was being carried. There were little cracks in the basket, 6 00:00:56,360 --> 00:01:01,240 Speaker 1: to be sure, but one cannot see much through such cracks, 7 00:01:02,080 --> 00:01:07,240 Speaker 1: especially when being carried along and bobbing up and down. 8 00:01:08,680 --> 00:01:13,959 Speaker 1: Oh dear, thought Blackie, this isn't at all nice. It's 9 00:01:14,040 --> 00:01:16,800 Speaker 1: like the time when Arthur and Mabel brought me away 10 00:01:16,840 --> 00:01:20,759 Speaker 1: from the farm. They put me in a basket. Then 11 00:01:20,880 --> 00:01:23,560 Speaker 1: I remember that very well. Though I was only a 12 00:01:23,600 --> 00:01:31,360 Speaker 1: little kitten, Blackie could tell that Missus Thompson was carrying 13 00:01:31,440 --> 00:01:35,520 Speaker 1: the basket. For every little while, the lady would speak 14 00:01:35,560 --> 00:01:41,360 Speaker 1: to the pet cat. Don't be afraid, now, Blackie. The 15 00:01:41,480 --> 00:01:44,240 Speaker 1: lady would say, you will be all right in a 16 00:01:44,280 --> 00:01:51,560 Speaker 1: little while. Now thing she'll hurt you. And Missus Thompson 17 00:01:51,720 --> 00:01:55,920 Speaker 1: spoke in such a gentle voice, just the kind that 18 00:01:56,080 --> 00:02:00,880 Speaker 1: cats and dogs like to hear. That Blackie fel felt better. 19 00:02:03,720 --> 00:02:06,720 Speaker 1: I guess it will be all right, thought the black cat. 20 00:02:07,200 --> 00:02:10,560 Speaker 1: I'll try to go to sleep, and when I wake up, 21 00:02:11,080 --> 00:02:19,480 Speaker 1: I maybe in the nice country. Blackie curled up in 22 00:02:19,560 --> 00:02:22,800 Speaker 1: a little ball in the basket and tried to go 23 00:02:22,919 --> 00:02:29,120 Speaker 1: to sleep, but it was hard work. The basket kept 24 00:02:29,160 --> 00:02:33,959 Speaker 1: bobbing up and down, and then after a while Blackie 25 00:02:33,960 --> 00:02:42,160 Speaker 1: felt herself being set down basket and awe. Then followed 26 00:02:42,200 --> 00:02:49,400 Speaker 1: a strange rumbling sound, like distant thunder. Blackie remembered that 27 00:02:49,960 --> 00:02:53,760 Speaker 1: for she knew what thundershowers were, and she did not 28 00:02:54,600 --> 00:03:00,840 Speaker 1: like them nor rain. Oh dear, thought the black cat. 29 00:03:01,280 --> 00:03:05,880 Speaker 1: I hope it isn't going to lighten. I can't bear that. Still, 30 00:03:05,960 --> 00:03:12,000 Speaker 1: it can't hurt me in the basket. But it did 31 00:03:12,040 --> 00:03:17,680 Speaker 1: not seem to be a storm. The low rumbling noise 32 00:03:17,880 --> 00:03:24,400 Speaker 1: kept up, and Blackie felt herself, basket and all being 33 00:03:24,520 --> 00:03:32,360 Speaker 1: gently jiggled, as she said afterward, Then Blackie began to 34 00:03:32,600 --> 00:03:46,520 Speaker 1: feel sleepy. Oh, I know where I am now, She 35 00:03:46,720 --> 00:03:52,680 Speaker 1: suddenly thought, I'm on a railroad train, just as when 36 00:03:52,840 --> 00:03:57,280 Speaker 1: Arthur and Mabel brought me from the country. Missus Thompson 37 00:03:57,320 --> 00:04:00,520 Speaker 1: has brought me to the railroad car in the basket, 38 00:04:01,160 --> 00:04:06,200 Speaker 1: and that's what makes the rumblings out. It's the car wheels. 39 00:04:08,320 --> 00:04:11,160 Speaker 1: Now I can go to sleep in peace, and when 40 00:04:11,240 --> 00:04:19,040 Speaker 1: I awaken, I will be in the nice country. How 41 00:04:19,080 --> 00:04:23,400 Speaker 1: long she slept, Blackie did not know, but when she 42 00:04:23,600 --> 00:04:27,599 Speaker 1: did wake up, she found herself being lifted up in 43 00:04:27,680 --> 00:04:32,880 Speaker 1: the basket again. I guess we must be in the country, 44 00:04:32,960 --> 00:04:36,919 Speaker 1: she thought. Now I shall have some nice milk, and 45 00:04:37,080 --> 00:04:43,440 Speaker 1: perhaps I may see my brothers and sisters. Blackie felt 46 00:04:43,440 --> 00:04:47,080 Speaker 1: herself being carried out in the air, for she could 47 00:04:47,120 --> 00:04:51,479 Speaker 1: feel the gentle summer breeze blowing on her through the 48 00:04:51,560 --> 00:04:56,840 Speaker 1: cracks in the basket. Then she heard a lot of 49 00:04:56,920 --> 00:05:02,800 Speaker 1: strange noises which frightened her. There were shouts and yells, 50 00:05:03,640 --> 00:05:07,920 Speaker 1: the puffing of engines, the ringing of bells, and the 51 00:05:07,960 --> 00:05:14,799 Speaker 1: blowing of whistles. Oh dear, what can this be, thought Blackie. 52 00:05:15,400 --> 00:05:17,719 Speaker 1: I guess it must be the railroad station where the 53 00:05:17,800 --> 00:05:21,159 Speaker 1: Chuchu car stop, as Mabel used to call them when 54 00:05:21,200 --> 00:05:23,720 Speaker 1: she was a little girl and I was a little kitten, 55 00:05:27,080 --> 00:05:32,080 Speaker 1: And that is where Blackie was. The train Missus Thompson 56 00:05:32,160 --> 00:05:35,880 Speaker 1: had taken to reach the station, and she had just 57 00:05:36,040 --> 00:05:43,359 Speaker 1: gotten out of with her cat in the basket. My 58 00:05:43,800 --> 00:05:46,760 Speaker 1: I did not know the country was as noisy as this, 59 00:05:47,800 --> 00:05:53,080 Speaker 1: thought Blackie. But she was not quite in the country yet. 60 00:05:53,680 --> 00:05:57,320 Speaker 1: You see, Missus Thompson had to take a wagon to 61 00:05:57,440 --> 00:05:58,560 Speaker 1: get to her country. 62 00:05:58,600 --> 00:05:58,960 Speaker 2: Place. 63 00:06:03,400 --> 00:06:07,800 Speaker 1: Blackie felt her basket being set down, and she heard 64 00:06:07,920 --> 00:06:12,400 Speaker 1: Missus Thompson talking to some man about trunks and boxes 65 00:06:12,960 --> 00:06:19,359 Speaker 1: and about bringing up a carriage and things like that. Then, 66 00:06:19,880 --> 00:06:24,400 Speaker 1: all at once Blackie noticed that the cover of her 67 00:06:24,440 --> 00:06:30,080 Speaker 1: basket was loose. There was a hole out of which 68 00:06:30,240 --> 00:06:35,280 Speaker 1: she could put her head. I guess I'll get a 69 00:06:35,279 --> 00:06:39,440 Speaker 1: breath of fresh air and look around, said Blackie to herself. 70 00:06:41,520 --> 00:06:44,760 Speaker 1: Out of the basket, she popped her head and she 71 00:06:44,880 --> 00:06:49,000 Speaker 1: saw Missus Thompson standing a little way off on the 72 00:06:49,040 --> 00:06:52,560 Speaker 1: station platform, talking to the baggage man. 73 00:06:55,720 --> 00:06:56,480 Speaker 2: On the track. 74 00:06:56,600 --> 00:07:00,360 Speaker 1: To one side was the train which had brought Blackie 75 00:07:00,400 --> 00:07:06,040 Speaker 1: and Missus Thompson to the country. The engine was puffing 76 00:07:06,400 --> 00:07:09,800 Speaker 1: and the bell was ringing for the train was about 77 00:07:09,840 --> 00:07:16,080 Speaker 1: to start off again. All of a sudden, there was 78 00:07:16,160 --> 00:07:21,560 Speaker 1: a dreadfully loud noise, almost like a gun being fired, 79 00:07:22,280 --> 00:07:27,720 Speaker 1: and then followed by a loud whistle. Whooooooo oh my, 80 00:07:27,960 --> 00:07:33,640 Speaker 1: oh my, cried poor frightened Flacky to herself. This is dreadful. 81 00:07:33,880 --> 00:07:37,200 Speaker 1: It must be a terribly big dog after me. I'm 82 00:07:37,200 --> 00:07:39,840 Speaker 1: not going to stay in this basket and be bitten. 83 00:07:44,120 --> 00:07:44,520 Speaker 2: With that. 84 00:07:45,200 --> 00:07:50,320 Speaker 1: Blackie gave a sudden jump and out of the basket 85 00:07:50,480 --> 00:07:56,680 Speaker 1: she went, knocking it over the whistle of the steam engine, 86 00:07:57,080 --> 00:08:01,680 Speaker 1: and the loud noise which sounded like a gun, but 87 00:08:01,800 --> 00:08:06,040 Speaker 1: which was only the train giving a strong puff of steam. 88 00:08:05,760 --> 00:08:06,680 Speaker 2: To get started. 89 00:08:07,880 --> 00:08:14,080 Speaker 1: All these noises kept getting louder and louder, and Blackie 90 00:08:14,240 --> 00:08:18,600 Speaker 1: was so scared that she ran along the station platform 91 00:08:19,400 --> 00:08:25,000 Speaker 1: until she found some boxes and barrels, and in among. 92 00:08:24,720 --> 00:08:30,640 Speaker 2: These she ran to hide. 93 00:08:31,040 --> 00:08:34,280 Speaker 1: At least the dog can't get me in here, thought 94 00:08:34,320 --> 00:08:38,440 Speaker 1: the black cat. I am safe for a time. Oh 95 00:08:38,480 --> 00:08:41,720 Speaker 1: what a lot of adventures I am having. I guess 96 00:08:41,840 --> 00:08:45,560 Speaker 1: even Speckle would say these are enough to make one 97 00:08:45,679 --> 00:08:52,240 Speaker 1: a good fence jumper. I jumped out of the basket anyhow, 98 00:08:52,960 --> 00:08:57,680 Speaker 1: Hidden as she was behind the boxes and barrels, Blackie 99 00:08:57,760 --> 00:09:06,200 Speaker 1: could not see Missus Thompson. Now I'll just stay here 100 00:09:06,280 --> 00:09:10,840 Speaker 1: until everything gets quiet, thought Blackie. Then I'll come out 101 00:09:10,880 --> 00:09:14,600 Speaker 1: and go to Missus Thompson's country house, for I like her, 102 00:09:15,000 --> 00:09:17,360 Speaker 1: and I'll stay with her a little longer before I 103 00:09:17,480 --> 00:09:20,760 Speaker 1: go away again and make a journey back to Arthur 104 00:09:20,840 --> 00:09:29,040 Speaker 1: and Mabel. Blackie did not stop to think that perhaps 105 00:09:29,120 --> 00:09:32,160 Speaker 1: she might not be able to find her way to 106 00:09:32,360 --> 00:09:37,240 Speaker 1: Missus Thompson's country house, which the black cat had never seen. 107 00:09:39,360 --> 00:09:43,840 Speaker 1: All Blackie thought of was hiding away from the noise. 108 00:09:47,440 --> 00:09:52,160 Speaker 1: The train puffed away, and it grew more quiet about 109 00:09:52,200 --> 00:09:56,800 Speaker 1: the station, but still there were quite a number of sounds. 110 00:09:59,080 --> 00:10:03,359 Speaker 1: Men and boy walked up and down the platform, whistling 111 00:10:03,960 --> 00:10:10,480 Speaker 1: and calling one to another. I won't walk out yet, 112 00:10:10,760 --> 00:10:19,240 Speaker 1: thought Blackie. Meanwhile, Missus Thompson, having finished telling the expressman 113 00:10:19,400 --> 00:10:23,320 Speaker 1: about bringing her trunks to the country house, looked around 114 00:10:23,440 --> 00:10:28,800 Speaker 1: for the basket with Blackie in it. She saw the 115 00:10:28,840 --> 00:10:37,240 Speaker 1: basket turned on its side, but no cat in it. Oh, dear, 116 00:10:38,040 --> 00:10:39,240 Speaker 1: cried Missus Thompson. 117 00:10:39,559 --> 00:10:40,840 Speaker 2: Where is Blackie gone? 118 00:10:41,320 --> 00:10:52,720 Speaker 1: Blacky, Blacky, where are you? But Blackie did not meow 119 00:10:52,880 --> 00:10:58,000 Speaker 1: or purr an answer. She did not even hear Missus 120 00:10:58,040 --> 00:11:04,320 Speaker 1: Thompson calling for Just then, a baggage man wheeled a 121 00:11:04,480 --> 00:11:10,120 Speaker 1: rumbling truck along the platform, and it made a great noise. 122 00:11:12,240 --> 00:11:16,600 Speaker 1: Oh where could my cat have gone to, asked Missus Thompson. 123 00:11:16,920 --> 00:11:21,400 Speaker 1: I must find her. Did anyone see her? I saw 124 00:11:21,440 --> 00:11:23,679 Speaker 1: a black cat jump out of the basket just as 125 00:11:23,720 --> 00:11:28,640 Speaker 1: the engine whistled, said a man. That was Blackie, said 126 00:11:28,679 --> 00:11:32,040 Speaker 1: Missus Thompson. Which way did she run. I'll give a 127 00:11:32,080 --> 00:11:35,800 Speaker 1: dollar to get her back. She ran down the platform, 128 00:11:36,640 --> 00:11:39,240 Speaker 1: spoke another man. I'll see if I can find her 129 00:11:39,280 --> 00:11:44,280 Speaker 1: for you, and so will we, said two or three boys. 130 00:11:45,080 --> 00:11:47,880 Speaker 1: They would have been glad to find Blackie to get 131 00:11:47,920 --> 00:11:48,480 Speaker 1: the dollar. 132 00:11:48,960 --> 00:11:49,520 Speaker 2: I guess. 133 00:11:51,280 --> 00:11:57,880 Speaker 1: Then began a search for the black cat, but no 134 00:11:57,920 --> 00:12:02,640 Speaker 1: one found her, for Blackie knew how to hide well 135 00:12:03,000 --> 00:12:09,280 Speaker 1: in among the boxes and barrels. Well, I guess she 136 00:12:09,360 --> 00:12:14,520 Speaker 1: has run away, said Missus Thompson. At last, I'll have 137 00:12:14,679 --> 00:12:17,040 Speaker 1: to go on to my country house alone. 138 00:12:17,960 --> 00:12:18,760 Speaker 2: If any of. 139 00:12:18,679 --> 00:12:21,920 Speaker 1: You men around the depot find her, please save her 140 00:12:21,960 --> 00:12:31,640 Speaker 1: for me. We will, said the railroad men. Missus Thompson 141 00:12:31,840 --> 00:12:36,280 Speaker 1: drove away in a carriage, taking the empty basket with her. 142 00:12:39,640 --> 00:12:42,040 Speaker 1: I'm sorry I had to run away from such a 143 00:12:42,120 --> 00:12:46,360 Speaker 1: nice lady, thought Blackie. In her hiding place. I'll go 144 00:12:46,480 --> 00:12:53,200 Speaker 1: back to her after dark. Blackie was not hungry, for 145 00:12:53,360 --> 00:12:56,679 Speaker 1: she had been well fed before being shut. 146 00:12:56,559 --> 00:13:00,240 Speaker 2: Up in the basket. 147 00:13:01,160 --> 00:13:09,560 Speaker 1: She curled herself snugly up and waited. Pretty soon the 148 00:13:09,679 --> 00:13:13,840 Speaker 1: men and boys stopped looking for her, and after a 149 00:13:13,880 --> 00:13:22,400 Speaker 1: while it grew more quiet about the railroad station. I 150 00:13:22,440 --> 00:13:25,600 Speaker 1: guess I can come out now and look around thought 151 00:13:25,640 --> 00:13:29,000 Speaker 1: the black cat. I'll start off in the country, and 152 00:13:29,160 --> 00:13:31,920 Speaker 1: I ought to be able to find missus Thompson's house. 153 00:13:32,640 --> 00:13:35,560 Speaker 1: I think she must live in a quiet place, for 154 00:13:35,720 --> 00:13:38,959 Speaker 1: she was so quiet in her city house, living all 155 00:13:39,000 --> 00:13:47,920 Speaker 1: alone except for me. Blackie stuck her nose out a 156 00:13:47,960 --> 00:13:54,160 Speaker 1: little way from in between two barrels. She sniffed the air, 157 00:13:54,920 --> 00:14:01,720 Speaker 1: and she smelled no danger. Then she looked around and 158 00:14:01,920 --> 00:14:07,200 Speaker 1: came out. She ran down the platform a little way. 159 00:14:08,760 --> 00:14:12,320 Speaker 1: There were no trains at the station now, for which 160 00:14:12,360 --> 00:14:18,360 Speaker 1: Blackie was glad. Now for a nice trip to the country, 161 00:14:18,800 --> 00:14:24,680 Speaker 1: thought Blackie. She looked across the road and saw that 162 00:14:24,800 --> 00:14:29,120 Speaker 1: the station was near a little country town. There were 163 00:14:29,200 --> 00:14:33,760 Speaker 1: wagons going up and down the street, but not as 164 00:14:33,800 --> 00:14:39,640 Speaker 1: many as in the city where Blackie had come from. 165 00:14:40,440 --> 00:14:43,160 Speaker 1: I wonder if I can get a drink anywhere around here, 166 00:14:44,240 --> 00:14:49,920 Speaker 1: thought Blackie. So she sniffed the air hard, and she 167 00:14:50,040 --> 00:14:56,520 Speaker 1: smelled some water. She went toward it and saw not 168 00:14:56,880 --> 00:15:03,800 Speaker 1: far away a drinking fountain for horses. Some of the 169 00:15:03,880 --> 00:15:07,080 Speaker 1: water dripped down and had made a little puddle on 170 00:15:07,120 --> 00:15:13,120 Speaker 1: the ground. I'll get a drink there, thought Blackie. And 171 00:15:13,280 --> 00:15:24,440 Speaker 1: while she was drinking, something else happened to her