1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:17,319 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep tight stories. Do you 2 00:00:17,440 --> 00:00:20,120 Speaker 1: ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed? 3 00:00:21,640 --> 00:00:27,080 Speaker 1: Are you sometimes cranky or in a bad mood? In 4 00:00:27,160 --> 00:00:31,800 Speaker 1: this story, Bernice is not having a good day. She 5 00:00:32,040 --> 00:00:36,400 Speaker 1: is in a bad mood. The sun is too bright, 6 00:00:37,120 --> 00:00:41,519 Speaker 1: the water is not warm enough, and things just aren't 7 00:00:41,720 --> 00:00:47,760 Speaker 1: going her way. Papa Bear comes up with some ideas 8 00:00:47,960 --> 00:00:55,279 Speaker 1: of things she can do to feel better. Bernice is 9 00:00:55,280 --> 00:01:02,400 Speaker 1: in a bad mood. Bernice laid in bed, trying to 10 00:01:02,520 --> 00:01:06,080 Speaker 1: hide her eyes from the sun shining into her bedroom. 11 00:01:07,400 --> 00:01:10,480 Speaker 1: She hadn't slept that well and wanted to stay in 12 00:01:10,560 --> 00:01:16,800 Speaker 1: bed just a little bit longer. Silly sun, Why must 13 00:01:16,840 --> 00:01:20,960 Speaker 1: you shine so bright? She grumbled. I think it would 14 00:01:21,040 --> 00:01:24,560 Speaker 1: be better if it was raining outside at least then 15 00:01:24,640 --> 00:01:30,280 Speaker 1: I might get a bit more sleep. Are you awake yet, 16 00:01:30,319 --> 00:01:34,319 Speaker 1: little bear? It's Saturday and it is such a beautiful 17 00:01:34,400 --> 00:01:37,919 Speaker 1: day outside. You should come down and have some breakfast, 18 00:01:38,560 --> 00:01:46,039 Speaker 1: called her Papa. Okay, Papa, I'll come down, Bernice said, 19 00:01:46,240 --> 00:01:49,600 Speaker 1: as she slowly climbed out of bed and made her 20 00:01:49,600 --> 00:01:56,120 Speaker 1: way to the bathroom. Why is the water so cold 21 00:01:56,160 --> 00:01:59,320 Speaker 1: when I want to wash my hands? Why can't it 22 00:01:59,360 --> 00:02:03,680 Speaker 1: be warm like at Bobby's house. Bernice grumbled as she 23 00:02:03,800 --> 00:02:08,120 Speaker 1: was washing her hands and face in the sink. After 24 00:02:08,240 --> 00:02:11,160 Speaker 1: she brushed her teeth, she went back into her room 25 00:02:11,200 --> 00:02:15,280 Speaker 1: to get dressed, but noticed that her favorite shirt was 26 00:02:15,320 --> 00:02:20,679 Speaker 1: in the laundry hamper. Oh why haven't my mama and 27 00:02:20,800 --> 00:02:26,680 Speaker 1: Papa washed it yet? She grumbled. Walking down the stairs 28 00:02:26,680 --> 00:02:30,800 Speaker 1: to the kitchen, she said, good morning, Papa, where's mama? 29 00:02:30,840 --> 00:02:36,520 Speaker 1: This morning she went out running, Little Bear. It's such 30 00:02:36,560 --> 00:02:39,240 Speaker 1: a beautiful day. I think she might run for a 31 00:02:39,280 --> 00:02:45,160 Speaker 1: couple of hours. Papa Bear replied, she is always out running. 32 00:02:45,639 --> 00:02:49,280 Speaker 1: Bernice grumbled, I thought I might go out and clean 33 00:02:49,360 --> 00:02:52,359 Speaker 1: up the yard this morning after breakfast. Want to help me, 34 00:02:52,440 --> 00:02:56,720 Speaker 1: little bear? Fresh air, sunshine, and a bit of exercise 35 00:02:56,840 --> 00:03:04,680 Speaker 1: is a lot of fun. Maybe what's for breakfast, Papa? Well, 36 00:03:05,240 --> 00:03:08,360 Speaker 1: I made something new this morning. I made a new 37 00:03:08,560 --> 00:03:12,880 Speaker 1: kind of cereal for you to try. It's ground nuts 38 00:03:12,919 --> 00:03:17,200 Speaker 1: and seeds. Plus I added some of your favorite berries 39 00:03:17,600 --> 00:03:20,880 Speaker 1: and a bit of yogurt, and of course a little 40 00:03:20,919 --> 00:03:27,080 Speaker 1: bit of honey. No pancakes, Papa Bobby says he eats 41 00:03:27,160 --> 00:03:32,760 Speaker 1: pancakes every day of the week. Bernice said, sorry, little Bear, 42 00:03:33,280 --> 00:03:37,160 Speaker 1: no pancakes today. Maybe if we have time to go 43 00:03:37,200 --> 00:03:40,400 Speaker 1: to the grocery store. We can get the ingredients we 44 00:03:40,480 --> 00:03:44,400 Speaker 1: need and I can make them tomorrow morning, replied her. Papa, 45 00:03:45,440 --> 00:03:55,360 Speaker 1: noticing how Bernice didn't seem to be herself. Okay, Papa sighed, Bernice, 46 00:03:55,480 --> 00:03:58,560 Speaker 1: you don't seem like your usual self this morning, Little bear. 47 00:03:59,120 --> 00:04:02,440 Speaker 1: You are usually cheap fearful in the mornings, especially on 48 00:04:02,520 --> 00:04:05,680 Speaker 1: the weekend when you have more time to do different 49 00:04:05,720 --> 00:04:10,040 Speaker 1: activities than during the week. Didn't you sleep well last 50 00:04:10,120 --> 00:04:15,440 Speaker 1: night or are you not feeling well today? I just 51 00:04:15,520 --> 00:04:19,000 Speaker 1: feel a little bit tired, Papa, that's all. I think. 52 00:04:19,040 --> 00:04:22,359 Speaker 1: I slept okay, but it took me longer than usual 53 00:04:22,400 --> 00:04:26,120 Speaker 1: to get to sleep, Bernice said as she slowly ate 54 00:04:26,120 --> 00:04:31,160 Speaker 1: her breakfast. Even after that long story I shared with you, 55 00:04:31,720 --> 00:04:36,920 Speaker 1: Papa Bear asked, yes, Papa, did you turn on your 56 00:04:36,960 --> 00:04:40,520 Speaker 1: stories to listen to after I left? Papa Bear asked, 57 00:04:41,440 --> 00:04:44,680 Speaker 1: I couldn't, Papa, because the battery was dead on the 58 00:04:44,720 --> 00:04:48,000 Speaker 1: device you gave me to listen with. I think I 59 00:04:48,080 --> 00:04:55,920 Speaker 1: need a new fancier one that plays longer like Bobby has. Oh. Okay, well, 60 00:04:55,960 --> 00:04:58,279 Speaker 1: I'll make sure that it's charged before you go to 61 00:04:58,320 --> 00:05:03,320 Speaker 1: bed tonight, Little Bear. You can take it easy while 62 00:05:03,360 --> 00:05:07,080 Speaker 1: I clean up the backyard later, and then maybe you 63 00:05:07,120 --> 00:05:09,960 Speaker 1: can have a short nap before we do something else. 64 00:05:10,680 --> 00:05:13,400 Speaker 1: It's such an awesome day it would be a shame 65 00:05:13,440 --> 00:05:23,520 Speaker 1: to not enjoy it outside, okay, Papa. After Bernice finished 66 00:05:23,520 --> 00:05:26,479 Speaker 1: her breakfast and put her dishes in the sink, she 67 00:05:26,640 --> 00:05:30,359 Speaker 1: and Papa Bear spent the next few hours outside, with 68 00:05:30,560 --> 00:05:33,880 Speaker 1: Papa Bear doing much of the cleaning up around their house. 69 00:05:35,279 --> 00:05:40,120 Speaker 1: Bernice didn't feel like doing much of anything, especially cleaning 70 00:05:40,160 --> 00:05:42,680 Speaker 1: up the garden that her and Papa Bear planted in 71 00:05:42,720 --> 00:05:49,680 Speaker 1: the spring. Coming inside for a snack break, Papa Bear said, 72 00:05:50,240 --> 00:05:53,559 Speaker 1: why don't you go upstairs, wash up and have a nap. 73 00:05:54,400 --> 00:05:56,159 Speaker 1: I'll come up in a minute to tell you a 74 00:05:56,160 --> 00:06:04,000 Speaker 1: little story. No cookies, Papa Bernice said, disappointed, Maybe later, 75 00:06:04,120 --> 00:06:06,679 Speaker 1: little Bear. I think a nap would be a better 76 00:06:06,760 --> 00:06:12,920 Speaker 1: idea right now. Sitting by her bed, Papa Bear asked, 77 00:06:13,240 --> 00:06:17,400 Speaker 1: are you comfy and warm? Little bear? Yes? Papa, Are 78 00:06:17,440 --> 00:06:21,200 Speaker 1: you going to tell me a story? She asked, sort of. 79 00:06:22,360 --> 00:06:25,080 Speaker 1: I read about a little boy in a news article 80 00:06:25,120 --> 00:06:27,719 Speaker 1: this morning and thought I might share it with you. 81 00:06:30,040 --> 00:06:33,159 Speaker 1: This little boy's name is Reggie, and he loves to 82 00:06:33,200 --> 00:06:38,960 Speaker 1: play soccer and go to school. Recently, though, he hasn't 83 00:06:38,960 --> 00:06:44,279 Speaker 1: been able to go to school or play soccer. Why, Papa, 84 00:06:45,680 --> 00:06:49,400 Speaker 1: There have been some crazy storms near where he lived 85 00:06:49,720 --> 00:06:53,279 Speaker 1: which caused the power to go out, water to go 86 00:06:53,440 --> 00:06:57,320 Speaker 1: into his home, and now he and his family are 87 00:06:57,360 --> 00:07:04,279 Speaker 1: staying in a community center. Home can be repaired. But 88 00:07:04,560 --> 00:07:09,560 Speaker 1: this isn't an entirely sad story, little Bear, because when 89 00:07:09,640 --> 00:07:13,000 Speaker 1: Reggie talked to the reporter who wrote the article, he 90 00:07:13,120 --> 00:07:15,480 Speaker 1: said that he was happy to have a dry place 91 00:07:15,520 --> 00:07:18,480 Speaker 1: to sleep and to be able to eat hot food 92 00:07:18,560 --> 00:07:22,400 Speaker 1: with his family. He also played soccer with the other 93 00:07:22,520 --> 00:07:29,120 Speaker 1: kids in the community center. Little Bear, he was grateful 94 00:07:29,240 --> 00:07:35,640 Speaker 1: to have what was most important to him. After your nap, 95 00:07:36,160 --> 00:07:38,840 Speaker 1: I would like you to think about all the things 96 00:07:38,880 --> 00:07:42,760 Speaker 1: that are important to you and what you are grateful for, 97 00:07:43,440 --> 00:07:48,080 Speaker 1: and maybe we can share them during bedtime tonight. I 98 00:07:48,120 --> 00:07:52,840 Speaker 1: will try my very best, Papa, Thank you, little Bear. 99 00:07:54,000 --> 00:07:56,480 Speaker 1: I'll wake you after a bit and maybe the three 100 00:07:56,520 --> 00:07:59,040 Speaker 1: of us can go visit the Big Tree Park this 101 00:07:59,120 --> 00:08:02,240 Speaker 1: afternoon and take some hot cocoa and cookies with us 102 00:08:02,280 --> 00:08:07,840 Speaker 1: to have as a snack. That souts great, Papa, Bernice 103 00:08:07,960 --> 00:08:11,080 Speaker 1: said with a yawn as she closed her eyes to 104 00:08:11,200 --> 00:08:20,120 Speaker 1: have a nap. I really enjoyed dinner tonight, Papa. It 105 00:08:20,240 --> 00:08:24,000 Speaker 1: was very delicious, Bernice said, as she was walking up 106 00:08:24,040 --> 00:08:27,720 Speaker 1: the stairs to have her bath. I'm glad you liked it, 107 00:08:27,760 --> 00:08:31,720 Speaker 1: little Bear. Mama Bear has been trying new recipes lately, 108 00:08:32,240 --> 00:08:37,120 Speaker 1: and I think this one was super great. Yeah. It 109 00:08:37,200 --> 00:08:40,840 Speaker 1: made my tummy feel warm and full. And the dessert 110 00:08:40,920 --> 00:08:44,960 Speaker 1: you made was super good too, Papa, Thank you, little Bear. 111 00:08:46,720 --> 00:08:50,520 Speaker 1: As they walked into the bathroom, Papa Bear said, you 112 00:08:50,640 --> 00:08:53,120 Speaker 1: get your friends in your bedroom while I get your 113 00:08:53,120 --> 00:08:58,880 Speaker 1: bath ready. Okay, Papa, don't forget the bubbles. I'm going 114 00:08:58,960 --> 00:09:01,840 Speaker 1: to take Ducky and Goosey into the bath again tonight, 115 00:09:02,280 --> 00:09:08,920 Speaker 1: and they love playing in bubbles, Bernice said from her bedroom. 116 00:09:08,960 --> 00:09:12,800 Speaker 1: Sitting in her bath, Bernice said, Ducky and Goosey love 117 00:09:12,880 --> 00:09:18,080 Speaker 1: all the bubbles. Papa, I'm happy to hear that. I'm 118 00:09:18,200 --> 00:09:22,480 Speaker 1: sorry I was kind of cranky today, Papa. It's okay, 119 00:09:22,520 --> 00:09:26,280 Speaker 1: little Bear. We all have some bad days or days 120 00:09:26,280 --> 00:09:30,160 Speaker 1: when we aren't in the best of moods. Do you 121 00:09:30,240 --> 00:09:34,679 Speaker 1: ever have days when you are in a bad mood? Papa? Smiling, 122 00:09:34,800 --> 00:09:40,520 Speaker 1: Papa Bear said, hmm, I sure do. Mama Bear told 123 00:09:40,520 --> 00:09:42,839 Speaker 1: me that you are always in a better mood after 124 00:09:42,880 --> 00:09:45,760 Speaker 1: you have coffee in the morning. But what else do 125 00:09:45,840 --> 00:09:51,400 Speaker 1: you do to be in a better mood? Well, Mama 126 00:09:51,440 --> 00:09:54,800 Speaker 1: Bear is kind of joking about my morning coffee, little Bear, 127 00:09:55,360 --> 00:09:58,000 Speaker 1: but I do like to have a few minutes every 128 00:09:58,080 --> 00:10:02,480 Speaker 1: day to read and drink coffee in some water. I 129 00:10:02,520 --> 00:10:07,280 Speaker 1: think coffee is yucky, Papa, Yeah, I think you should 130 00:10:07,280 --> 00:10:10,280 Speaker 1: stick with hot cocoa and juice, Papa Bear said with 131 00:10:10,320 --> 00:10:14,160 Speaker 1: a big smile. But what works to put me in 132 00:10:14,240 --> 00:10:16,960 Speaker 1: a better mood is not so different from what we 133 00:10:17,040 --> 00:10:21,640 Speaker 1: did today. If it's sunny outside, I go outside and 134 00:10:21,800 --> 00:10:25,280 Speaker 1: enjoy the weather and maybe get a little bit of exercise. 135 00:10:26,640 --> 00:10:29,800 Speaker 1: I find giving you or Mama a great big hug 136 00:10:30,240 --> 00:10:35,240 Speaker 1: helps me a lot, and doing something for someone else 137 00:10:35,520 --> 00:10:42,719 Speaker 1: also makes me feel better, like what Papa. Baking cookies 138 00:10:42,880 --> 00:10:45,800 Speaker 1: or making dinner for you or Mama makes me happy, 139 00:10:46,480 --> 00:10:50,760 Speaker 1: especially when we can share it together. I also make 140 00:10:50,800 --> 00:10:54,600 Speaker 1: sure I get a good night's sleep. I find after 141 00:10:54,640 --> 00:11:00,280 Speaker 1: a good rest everything feels so much better. Do you 142 00:11:00,280 --> 00:11:03,439 Speaker 1: think about what I asked you earlier today before your nap? 143 00:11:03,800 --> 00:11:09,599 Speaker 1: Papa Bear asked, yes, Papa, because Bobby gets so excited 144 00:11:09,640 --> 00:11:12,880 Speaker 1: about the new things he gets. I sometimes think that 145 00:11:12,960 --> 00:11:16,760 Speaker 1: having newer and better things might be exciting for me too, 146 00:11:17,400 --> 00:11:22,040 Speaker 1: Bernice said, I think Bobby gets excited about a lot 147 00:11:22,080 --> 00:11:26,400 Speaker 1: of things, little Bear, not just his toys. We know 148 00:11:26,480 --> 00:11:30,200 Speaker 1: his mama and Papa well, and he is just full 149 00:11:30,240 --> 00:11:38,040 Speaker 1: of enthusiasm for all kinds of things, especially dinosaurs. Bernice interrupted, Yes, 150 00:11:38,280 --> 00:11:42,640 Speaker 1: Papa Bear laughed. His enthusiasm for what he likes makes 151 00:11:42,679 --> 00:11:47,160 Speaker 1: him fun. But that's Bobby and we are all different, 152 00:11:47,200 --> 00:11:51,160 Speaker 1: little Bear. It would be a boring world if we 153 00:11:51,160 --> 00:11:54,840 Speaker 1: were all the same, right, Papa, That's right, little Bear. 154 00:11:56,960 --> 00:12:00,319 Speaker 1: What I am most grateful for is what I have here, Papa. 155 00:12:01,200 --> 00:12:04,280 Speaker 1: I have a mama and Papa who loved me. I 156 00:12:04,360 --> 00:12:08,840 Speaker 1: have fresh cookies, a comfy and warm bed, and stuff 157 00:12:08,960 --> 00:12:13,360 Speaker 1: like that. Bernice said, those are wonderful things to be 158 00:12:13,480 --> 00:12:17,000 Speaker 1: grateful for, Little Bear. I know Mama Bear and I 159 00:12:17,080 --> 00:12:21,520 Speaker 1: are very grateful we have a little bear like you. Now, 160 00:12:22,280 --> 00:12:29,360 Speaker 1: how about we get you dried off and into bed, okay, Papa. 161 00:12:30,480 --> 00:12:34,560 Speaker 1: After Bernice brushed her teeth, got into her favorite pajamas 162 00:12:34,679 --> 00:12:37,960 Speaker 1: and did some stretches, she got into her bed and 163 00:12:38,040 --> 00:12:43,559 Speaker 1: pulled the covers up tight. Are you comfy, yes, Papa, 164 00:12:44,040 --> 00:12:47,160 Speaker 1: and I am so clean. My skin makes a squeaky 165 00:12:47,240 --> 00:12:50,400 Speaker 1: sound when I rub it. That soap that Mama gave 166 00:12:50,440 --> 00:12:54,320 Speaker 1: me smells like honey, which is one of my favorite things. 167 00:12:54,800 --> 00:12:58,880 Speaker 1: Bernice said, with a laugh. I'm glad you liked it. 168 00:12:59,520 --> 00:13:01,760 Speaker 1: Just don't wake up in the middle of the night 169 00:13:01,840 --> 00:13:05,240 Speaker 1: and chew on your arm thinking it's a cookie or something. Okay, 170 00:13:06,520 --> 00:13:12,439 Speaker 1: Bernice laughed, Okay, Papa, I'll try not to. Are your 171 00:13:12,440 --> 00:13:16,840 Speaker 1: friends Twiggle, Wolfy and Madeline ready for bed? They said, 172 00:13:16,840 --> 00:13:20,720 Speaker 1: they are ready, but they have a request. What might 173 00:13:20,800 --> 00:13:24,480 Speaker 1: that be, Papa Bear asked, with his usual big smile. 174 00:13:26,000 --> 00:13:28,280 Speaker 1: They said that they would sleep better if you gave 175 00:13:28,400 --> 00:13:33,560 Speaker 1: everyone a great big hug. I love giving hugs, little 176 00:13:33,600 --> 00:13:40,320 Speaker 1: Bear or big bear hugs. Coming up after her bear 177 00:13:40,400 --> 00:13:44,920 Speaker 1: hug and with a great big yawn, Bernice said, I'm 178 00:13:44,960 --> 00:13:50,000 Speaker 1: super duper tired, Papa. All right, little Bear, give me 179 00:13:50,080 --> 00:13:52,800 Speaker 1: another hug and kiss, and I'll turn on your stories. 180 00:13:54,040 --> 00:13:57,520 Speaker 1: I love you, Papa. I love you too, little Bear. 181 00:14:01,400 --> 00:14:06,680 Speaker 1: And that's the end of our story. Good night, sleep tight.