1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:17,599 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep tight Stories. In this story, 2 00:00:17,640 --> 00:00:21,720 Speaker 1: Bernice's back and she is asking Papa Bear about something 3 00:00:21,800 --> 00:00:25,759 Speaker 1: the teacher talked about at school that day. When she 4 00:00:25,840 --> 00:00:28,960 Speaker 1: gets home, she has some cookies and a hot drink 5 00:00:29,480 --> 00:00:32,440 Speaker 1: to warm up after playing in the snow at school. 6 00:00:32,840 --> 00:00:37,720 Speaker 1: And outside of her house, she and Papa talk about 7 00:00:37,720 --> 00:00:41,280 Speaker 1: her day, and then she has a few questions to 8 00:00:41,400 --> 00:00:55,240 Speaker 1: ask Bernice's resolutions. Hi, Papa, I'm home, yelled Bernice as 9 00:00:55,240 --> 00:00:58,080 Speaker 1: she walked in the front door of their small house. 10 00:00:58,760 --> 00:01:03,680 Speaker 1: Come look at me, Papa Bah. Walking to the front 11 00:01:03,680 --> 00:01:06,800 Speaker 1: door of the house, Papa Bear said, who is this 12 00:01:06,920 --> 00:01:10,200 Speaker 1: little bear? I see all covered in snow? Are you 13 00:01:10,360 --> 00:01:15,680 Speaker 1: the snow bear? It's me, Papa. There is so much 14 00:01:15,720 --> 00:01:18,720 Speaker 1: snow outside that I just had to jump into the 15 00:01:18,760 --> 00:01:23,880 Speaker 1: snow bank and make snow angels and stuff. I think 16 00:01:23,920 --> 00:01:27,960 Speaker 1: you brought that snowbank inside with you, Papa Bear said, laughing. 17 00:01:28,920 --> 00:01:32,560 Speaker 1: My coat is super cool, Papa. The hood covers so 18 00:01:32,800 --> 00:01:37,280 Speaker 1: much of my face it's like looking through a periscope. 19 00:01:37,959 --> 00:01:41,000 Speaker 1: I'm happy you like it. Why don't we clean you 20 00:01:41,080 --> 00:01:44,880 Speaker 1: off outside so that all that snow doesn't turn our 21 00:01:44,920 --> 00:01:52,279 Speaker 1: house into an igloo? Taking Bernice outside onto the front step. 22 00:01:52,680 --> 00:01:55,320 Speaker 1: Papa Bear brushed her off and got her to stamp 23 00:01:55,320 --> 00:01:58,720 Speaker 1: her feet on the step. That looks good, little bear. 24 00:01:59,200 --> 00:02:01,640 Speaker 1: Let's go back in inside the house where it's warm, 25 00:02:02,640 --> 00:02:06,800 Speaker 1: and inside where the yummy cookies are. Right. Ha ha ha, 26 00:02:07,080 --> 00:02:11,200 Speaker 1: that's right. It's cookies and hot chocolate milk today for 27 00:02:11,360 --> 00:02:17,560 Speaker 1: our treat Yay Bernie said, I'm super starving and super 28 00:02:17,639 --> 00:02:22,200 Speaker 1: thirsty today. Come join me in the kitchen when you 29 00:02:22,240 --> 00:02:25,320 Speaker 1: put your stuff away, Papa Bear said as he walked 30 00:02:25,320 --> 00:02:31,919 Speaker 1: towards the kitchen. Bernice took off her boots, put them 31 00:02:31,919 --> 00:02:34,400 Speaker 1: where they wouldn't make a mess, and hung up her 32 00:02:34,520 --> 00:02:39,160 Speaker 1: favorite warm jacket. She jumped over the puddles she made 33 00:02:39,240 --> 00:02:44,400 Speaker 1: on the floor and ran into the kitchen. I smell 34 00:02:44,520 --> 00:02:50,000 Speaker 1: something super chocolate yummy. I've made you hot mint chocolate milk, 35 00:02:50,360 --> 00:02:53,160 Speaker 1: and the cookies are fresh out of the oven, Papa 36 00:02:53,160 --> 00:02:57,200 Speaker 1: Bear said, with a chuckle. It smells so good, Papa 37 00:02:57,560 --> 00:03:00,000 Speaker 1: Bernie said, as she washed her hands in the sea. 38 00:03:01,919 --> 00:03:06,400 Speaker 1: Today is chocolate Day. I made chocolate caramel cookies and 39 00:03:06,520 --> 00:03:11,880 Speaker 1: mint chocolate cookies. Sitting at the table, Bernice said, I 40 00:03:12,080 --> 00:03:16,280 Speaker 1: can't wait to try them. Here is a glass of water. First, 41 00:03:16,360 --> 00:03:20,320 Speaker 1: little Bear, it's important to drink water when you're thirsty. 42 00:03:20,919 --> 00:03:27,520 Speaker 1: Thank you, Papa. Papa Bear placed a plate of cookies 43 00:03:27,560 --> 00:03:30,520 Speaker 1: on the table and gave Bernice her cup of hot 44 00:03:30,600 --> 00:03:35,520 Speaker 1: chocolate milk. This looks so fancy, Papa. You even put 45 00:03:35,520 --> 00:03:40,720 Speaker 1: whipped cream on top and there are sprinkles. After taking 46 00:03:40,760 --> 00:03:47,480 Speaker 1: a great big slurp, she said, it's delicious. I'm happy 47 00:03:47,520 --> 00:03:54,360 Speaker 1: you are enjoying it. So how was school today? Licking 48 00:03:54,400 --> 00:03:57,440 Speaker 1: the whipped cream off her top lip, Bernice took a 49 00:03:57,520 --> 00:04:02,400 Speaker 1: great big breath and said, it was a good day, Papa. 50 00:04:03,120 --> 00:04:10,160 Speaker 1: Science class was super interesting because we started learning about energy. Unfortunately, 51 00:04:10,720 --> 00:04:14,160 Speaker 1: Bobby wasn't there today because he had a cold, and 52 00:04:14,240 --> 00:04:16,520 Speaker 1: I guess he didn't want to share his virus with 53 00:04:16,640 --> 00:04:22,359 Speaker 1: the class. There are some things we don't want to share, 54 00:04:22,440 --> 00:04:26,240 Speaker 1: little Bear. Mama Bear talked with Bobby's mama today at 55 00:04:26,320 --> 00:04:29,680 Speaker 1: lunch and he will probably be back at school tomorrow. 56 00:04:31,000 --> 00:04:33,760 Speaker 1: So what part of energy are you going to be 57 00:04:33,839 --> 00:04:38,200 Speaker 1: studying in science class? We are going to talk about 58 00:04:38,320 --> 00:04:44,400 Speaker 1: solar energy, heat energy, and light energy. We finished our 59 00:04:44,400 --> 00:04:48,880 Speaker 1: section on recycling that we started before our break. Did 60 00:04:48,920 --> 00:04:54,359 Speaker 1: you know, Papa that plastic garbage contains energy? Too, that 61 00:04:54,520 --> 00:04:57,960 Speaker 1: plastic bottles may be an energy source thanks to the 62 00:04:58,040 --> 00:05:02,840 Speaker 1: oil used to make them. I didn't know that, little Bear, 63 00:05:03,279 --> 00:05:09,200 Speaker 1: that sounds very interesting. That might help keep our planet clean. Yes, 64 00:05:09,440 --> 00:05:13,279 Speaker 1: I think so. But you know what else was super 65 00:05:13,279 --> 00:05:17,120 Speaker 1: fun at school today? Bernice asked, with a mouthful of cookies. 66 00:05:18,160 --> 00:05:22,640 Speaker 1: What else was fun today? Little bear? Playing in the snow. 67 00:05:23,440 --> 00:05:26,680 Speaker 1: The teachers let us go outside today, and the snow 68 00:05:26,880 --> 00:05:30,520 Speaker 1: was so high that it was over my head in places. 69 00:05:31,480 --> 00:05:35,160 Speaker 1: Gertrude and I started building tunnels through the snow, and 70 00:05:35,200 --> 00:05:38,400 Speaker 1: some other kids came along and helped. We have a 71 00:05:38,480 --> 00:05:42,560 Speaker 1: secret place now, Papa, well, except all the teachers. No, 72 00:05:45,480 --> 00:05:48,240 Speaker 1: laying in the snow is a lot of fun. I 73 00:05:48,320 --> 00:05:53,239 Speaker 1: played in the snow today too, Really, Papa, you aren't 74 00:05:53,240 --> 00:05:58,039 Speaker 1: too old, hey, Papa Bear said, with a laugh. You 75 00:05:58,120 --> 00:06:02,200 Speaker 1: are never too old to play in the snow. What 76 00:06:02,320 --> 00:06:06,960 Speaker 1: did you play, Papa, Bernice said, laughing. I played shovel 77 00:06:07,000 --> 00:06:12,040 Speaker 1: the driveway and front walk, Papa Bear said. Was it fun, Papa? 78 00:06:12,960 --> 00:06:16,200 Speaker 1: Maybe not as fun as what you did, But even 79 00:06:16,279 --> 00:06:19,360 Speaker 1: when doing chores, I try to have as much fun 80 00:06:19,400 --> 00:06:26,240 Speaker 1: as I can. After eating the last of her cookies 81 00:06:26,320 --> 00:06:32,000 Speaker 1: and hot milk, Bernice said, Papa, Yes, little bear, what 82 00:06:32,120 --> 00:06:37,600 Speaker 1: are resolutions the meaning of the word, little bear? I 83 00:06:37,720 --> 00:06:41,360 Speaker 1: think so. It's just that the teacher asked us if 84 00:06:41,400 --> 00:06:44,560 Speaker 1: we had any resolutions for the new year, and I 85 00:06:44,720 --> 00:06:51,279 Speaker 1: didn't really know what that meant. Do I have resolutions? Papa? Oh? 86 00:06:51,400 --> 00:06:55,400 Speaker 1: I see, with every new year, little Bear comes a 87 00:06:55,480 --> 00:06:59,359 Speaker 1: chance for a fresh start. So many people pick some 88 00:06:59,520 --> 00:07:03,880 Speaker 1: goals to accomplish throughout the year. Did you and Mama 89 00:07:03,920 --> 00:07:09,040 Speaker 1: pick resolutions? Not this year, little Bear. Mama Bear and 90 00:07:09,080 --> 00:07:12,000 Speaker 1: I have goals throughout the year that we are working 91 00:07:12,120 --> 00:07:15,120 Speaker 1: hard to keep, but I think we might have had 92 00:07:15,160 --> 00:07:20,480 Speaker 1: some in the past. Cookie baking goals, Papa, I think 93 00:07:20,520 --> 00:07:24,200 Speaker 1: you should try hard to keep making cookies. Ha haha. 94 00:07:24,880 --> 00:07:29,080 Speaker 1: That sounds like a great resolution. Do you have any 95 00:07:29,160 --> 00:07:34,000 Speaker 1: resolutions for the year, little Bear? I'm not sure, Papa. 96 00:07:34,760 --> 00:07:38,400 Speaker 1: I want to eat more cookies. Is that an okay? Resolution? 97 00:07:40,280 --> 00:07:43,640 Speaker 1: Sitting here with me after school eating cookies is a 98 00:07:43,680 --> 00:07:46,400 Speaker 1: lot of fun, and we need to have some fun, 99 00:07:46,440 --> 00:07:49,920 Speaker 1: little Bear. Why don't you think of other new habits 100 00:07:49,960 --> 00:07:52,520 Speaker 1: or goals you might like to accomplish over the year 101 00:07:53,000 --> 00:07:57,560 Speaker 1: and share them with me at bedtime? Okay, Papa? I 102 00:07:57,600 --> 00:08:05,760 Speaker 1: also have some math homework to finish before dinner. After dinner, 103 00:08:05,840 --> 00:08:09,600 Speaker 1: while walking upstairs with Papa Bear, Bernice said, with a yawn, 104 00:08:10,720 --> 00:08:14,920 Speaker 1: I'm super sleepy tonight, Papa. I must have worked hard 105 00:08:14,960 --> 00:08:20,080 Speaker 1: today to be so tired. Studying at school and playing 106 00:08:20,080 --> 00:08:24,080 Speaker 1: in the snow will make you sleepy, little bear. Yeah, 107 00:08:24,120 --> 00:08:28,440 Speaker 1: I'm a hard worker. I'll get your bath ready while 108 00:08:28,480 --> 00:08:31,280 Speaker 1: you go to your room and get Ducky. Papa Bear said, 109 00:08:32,360 --> 00:08:35,480 Speaker 1: lots and lots of bubbles, please. Ducky wants to build 110 00:08:35,480 --> 00:08:40,560 Speaker 1: a snow fort, Bernice said from her bedroom. Sitting in 111 00:08:40,600 --> 00:08:44,520 Speaker 1: her bath, Bernice said, Ducky says she is too sleepy 112 00:08:44,559 --> 00:08:46,960 Speaker 1: to make a snow fort, so she is just going 113 00:08:46,960 --> 00:08:51,040 Speaker 1: to float tonight. There is nothing like a hot bath 114 00:08:51,160 --> 00:08:55,480 Speaker 1: after a fun day like today, right, Papa, You are right, 115 00:08:55,559 --> 00:08:58,920 Speaker 1: little bear. I might soak in the tub after you 116 00:08:59,120 --> 00:09:02,680 Speaker 1: to help make my sore muscles feel better. There was 117 00:09:02,920 --> 00:09:07,880 Speaker 1: so much snow to shovel today. So did you think 118 00:09:07,880 --> 00:09:13,400 Speaker 1: of some resolutions you would like to try? I did, Papa. First, 119 00:09:13,840 --> 00:09:16,400 Speaker 1: you already know that I want to eat more cookies 120 00:09:16,440 --> 00:09:21,360 Speaker 1: with you, so that's my first resolution. And then after 121 00:09:21,440 --> 00:09:25,400 Speaker 1: I finished my math homework, I thought super hard and 122 00:09:25,480 --> 00:09:28,720 Speaker 1: thought that my next resolution might be to try and 123 00:09:28,760 --> 00:09:32,360 Speaker 1: be a better writer. The teachers already say I am 124 00:09:32,440 --> 00:09:35,640 Speaker 1: super good at reading, and I read all the time. 125 00:09:36,640 --> 00:09:40,240 Speaker 1: Maybe I should spend more time writing because my teachers 126 00:09:40,320 --> 00:09:45,960 Speaker 1: sometimes say my writing needs improvement. That sounds great, little bear. 127 00:09:46,360 --> 00:09:51,160 Speaker 1: We could all improve at something. Oh yes, And I 128 00:09:51,280 --> 00:09:54,440 Speaker 1: want to spend more time helping Gertrude with math this year, 129 00:09:55,160 --> 00:09:58,200 Speaker 1: because she is the bestest at art in our class, 130 00:09:58,679 --> 00:10:01,839 Speaker 1: but finds math harder than me, so maybe I can 131 00:10:01,920 --> 00:10:07,040 Speaker 1: help her. I really like your resolutions, little bear. I 132 00:10:07,080 --> 00:10:11,120 Speaker 1: think they are just perfect. I'll check back with you 133 00:10:11,200 --> 00:10:18,360 Speaker 1: to see how you are doing after a while. Thank you, Papa. 134 00:10:19,679 --> 00:10:23,240 Speaker 1: Are your friends Twiggy, Wolfy and Madeline ready for a story? 135 00:10:24,760 --> 00:10:27,520 Speaker 1: They said they are ready, But we are all kind 136 00:10:27,600 --> 00:10:32,560 Speaker 1: of sleepy, Papa pretty said with a yawn. I can 137 00:10:32,600 --> 00:10:36,240 Speaker 1: see that. Let me think of a short short story 138 00:10:36,559 --> 00:10:41,000 Speaker 1: and you can go to sleep faster. Could you tell 139 00:10:41,040 --> 00:10:44,520 Speaker 1: me a real story, Papa. I like to make believe ones, 140 00:10:44,920 --> 00:10:47,320 Speaker 1: but I'd like to hear the story again about how 141 00:10:47,360 --> 00:10:51,920 Speaker 1: you and Mama Bear met. Okay, that's a story I 142 00:10:52,160 --> 00:10:55,880 Speaker 1: love to tell, even if it may not be that exciting. 143 00:10:57,280 --> 00:11:00,720 Speaker 1: I love you, Papa, I love you. To do Little Bear. 144 00:11:05,120 --> 00:11:08,280 Speaker 1: Many years ago, when I was just a young student 145 00:11:08,320 --> 00:11:13,120 Speaker 1: at university, I was walking towards downtown in the hope 146 00:11:13,120 --> 00:11:16,920 Speaker 1: of finding a store open. I was hungry and a 147 00:11:17,040 --> 00:11:21,760 Speaker 1: little bored. It was the Christmas holiday and many students 148 00:11:21,840 --> 00:11:26,040 Speaker 1: had gone home. The snow was thick on the road 149 00:11:26,200 --> 00:11:29,440 Speaker 1: and on the roofs of the surrounding houses. It was 150 00:11:29,480 --> 00:11:34,360 Speaker 1: a wonderful scene. I trudged through the snow until I 151 00:11:34,480 --> 00:11:38,280 Speaker 1: made it to main Street. It was a beautiful small 152 00:11:38,400 --> 00:11:43,720 Speaker 1: town with lots of holiday spirit. Store windows were decorated 153 00:11:43,760 --> 00:11:48,200 Speaker 1: and blinking lights were lit everywhere. Light fluffy snow was 154 00:11:48,240 --> 00:11:53,000 Speaker 1: falling from the dark sky. As I was walking down 155 00:11:53,040 --> 00:11:56,720 Speaker 1: the street towards what looked like the only open store, 156 00:11:57,240 --> 00:12:00,960 Speaker 1: an old convenience store that had had the same owners 157 00:12:01,000 --> 00:12:04,840 Speaker 1: for a generation. I saw walking down the street a 158 00:12:05,040 --> 00:12:10,679 Speaker 1: beautiful young student wearing fashionable round glasses. Her arms were 159 00:12:10,720 --> 00:12:16,400 Speaker 1: full of books. Recognizing her from class, I stopped to 160 00:12:16,400 --> 00:12:20,160 Speaker 1: say hello. I don't remember what we said, but I 161 00:12:20,280 --> 00:12:22,960 Speaker 1: offered to carry her books for her, and I walked 162 00:12:22,960 --> 00:12:27,240 Speaker 1: her home. She lived with a family who were cooking 163 00:12:27,280 --> 00:12:30,040 Speaker 1: a meal for some students who couldn't go home for 164 00:12:30,120 --> 00:12:34,080 Speaker 1: the holidays. She invited me in and assured me that 165 00:12:34,280 --> 00:12:39,400 Speaker 1: everyone would welcome me. The inside of the house was 166 00:12:39,480 --> 00:12:43,720 Speaker 1: beautifully decorated with tinsel and holly, and the rich smell 167 00:12:43,800 --> 00:12:48,240 Speaker 1: of turkey and sage and onion stuffing wafted from the kitchen. 168 00:12:49,240 --> 00:12:53,640 Speaker 1: I had a wonderful meal. Your mama and I talked 169 00:12:53,640 --> 00:12:57,160 Speaker 1: for most of that evening and eventually became the best 170 00:12:57,240 --> 00:13:02,640 Speaker 1: of friends. While I don't remember all we talked about, 171 00:13:03,120 --> 00:13:06,920 Speaker 1: I will never forget how she looked that evening, carrying 172 00:13:06,960 --> 00:13:17,120 Speaker 1: her books and walking down the snow covered street. And 173 00:13:17,240 --> 00:13:21,719 Speaker 1: with that, Papa Bear kissed Bernice on the forehead, adjusted 174 00:13:21,720 --> 00:13:26,280 Speaker 1: her blanket, turned off her light, and quietly whispered, I 175 00:13:26,400 --> 00:13:34,000 Speaker 1: love you, little bear. Good night, and that's the end 176 00:13:34,040 --> 00:13:43,120 Speaker 1: of our story. Good Night, sleep tight.