1 00:00:00,160 --> 00:00:05,359 Speaker 1: The Seventh Daughter contains scenes of realistic violence and graphic sexuality. 2 00:00:05,880 --> 00:00:14,280 Speaker 1: It is intended for mature listeners. Have you come seeking knowledge? 3 00:00:15,480 --> 00:00:19,040 Speaker 1: Do you wish to know the truth? Allow me to 4 00:00:19,120 --> 00:00:24,319 Speaker 1: show you. Close your eyes and follow the sound of 5 00:00:24,360 --> 00:00:34,800 Speaker 1: my voice. Allow it to lead you further into the past. 6 00:00:36,080 --> 00:00:42,360 Speaker 1: Wherever my voice leads, you must follow. Let it pull 7 00:00:42,479 --> 00:00:51,479 Speaker 1: you down beneath the surface of your waking mind. Feel 8 00:00:51,520 --> 00:01:00,760 Speaker 1: yourself thinking deeper. Like a stone, drop into the ocean. 9 00:01:02,200 --> 00:01:05,639 Speaker 1: You slide through the depths of the cold, cold water 10 00:01:06,920 --> 00:01:15,400 Speaker 1: until you settle on the bottom. When I will leave 11 00:01:15,480 --> 00:01:20,319 Speaker 1: my blindfold, you may look into my eyes. Don't just 12 00:01:20,360 --> 00:01:25,120 Speaker 1: look at them, look through them, and you will see 13 00:01:25,120 --> 00:01:30,920 Speaker 1: what they have seen, and all my secrets will be revealed. 14 00:01:35,560 --> 00:02:55,160 Speaker 1: The Seventh Daughter, Oh Gros, thank you girls, that was lovely. 15 00:02:55,880 --> 00:02:58,400 Speaker 1: For the remainder of the morning, you may go outside 16 00:02:58,440 --> 00:03:01,040 Speaker 1: and enjoy the sunshine in the garden, in the lee, 17 00:03:02,440 --> 00:03:06,320 Speaker 1: may the flowers of the field, the swans in our pond, 18 00:03:06,800 --> 00:03:09,400 Speaker 1: and the fragrance in the air remind you of our 19 00:03:09,480 --> 00:03:35,400 Speaker 1: heavenly Father who created them. What is the color of saying? 20 00:03:36,680 --> 00:03:53,000 Speaker 1: That is ash man? Goodies would for having faith? Dear, 21 00:03:55,760 --> 00:04:01,280 Speaker 1: that's very pretty pearl. Thank you, Sister Rays. Is there 22 00:04:01,320 --> 00:04:04,800 Speaker 1: some reason you're not playing with the other girls, No, 23 00:04:05,000 --> 00:04:09,040 Speaker 1: Sister Trees. Sometimes I just like to be alone. I 24 00:04:09,160 --> 00:04:13,560 Speaker 1: certainly understand. May I sit with you for a moment, Yes, 25 00:04:13,600 --> 00:04:23,159 Speaker 1: of course, Pearl, what is it? In a moment, I'll 26 00:04:23,200 --> 00:04:25,440 Speaker 1: ask you to come inside with me to talk to 27 00:04:25,480 --> 00:04:29,599 Speaker 1: Mother Superior. Did I do something wrong? No, child, as 28 00:04:29,640 --> 00:04:32,320 Speaker 1: if you could ever do anything worthy of punishment. Now 29 00:04:33,920 --> 00:04:38,640 Speaker 1: there's someone here to see you from the outside, to 30 00:04:38,720 --> 00:04:44,560 Speaker 1: see me. That's correct. Who is it? You'll find out 31 00:04:44,600 --> 00:04:48,800 Speaker 1: soon enough. But listen to me, Pearl. What you learn 32 00:04:48,880 --> 00:04:51,960 Speaker 1: in there may come as something of a surprise, a 33 00:04:52,000 --> 00:04:55,520 Speaker 1: pleasant one, I'm sure of it. But I want you 34 00:04:55,560 --> 00:05:02,279 Speaker 1: to just keep your heart open, because sometimes change is 35 00:05:02,400 --> 00:05:07,200 Speaker 1: God's way of providing us with new opportunities to glorify 36 00:05:07,400 --> 00:05:14,039 Speaker 1: his name in ways we never could imagine change. You 37 00:05:14,160 --> 00:05:21,799 Speaker 1: needn't be afraid. This is most irregular. We cannot simply 38 00:05:21,839 --> 00:05:24,520 Speaker 1: allow you to come in without advanced notice and just 39 00:05:24,520 --> 00:05:28,600 Speaker 1: just take the child. Only a child's parent has the authority. 40 00:05:28,720 --> 00:05:31,360 Speaker 1: I am here about the authority on a child's Farah 41 00:05:31,360 --> 00:05:35,760 Speaker 1: William a podcast. The third, you have the letter? Who 42 00:05:35,800 --> 00:05:39,600 Speaker 1: knows where this letter came from. Compare the signature on 43 00:05:39,720 --> 00:05:41,719 Speaker 1: a liver to that one on a document. When she 44 00:05:41,760 --> 00:05:44,359 Speaker 1: has got left here, that will leave no room for 45 00:05:44,520 --> 00:05:48,320 Speaker 1: anyone can forge a signature. No one except her father 46 00:05:48,839 --> 00:05:52,120 Speaker 1: knows the dallas here. No one will said these worlds 47 00:05:52,200 --> 00:05:55,600 Speaker 1: even nor she exists. For what other purpose would I 48 00:05:55,720 --> 00:06:02,279 Speaker 1: come to retriever, except to take up to what has 49 00:06:02,320 --> 00:06:06,640 Speaker 1: happened to you, dear sister, to make yourself cynical? Cynical? 50 00:06:07,400 --> 00:06:11,960 Speaker 1: Is it cynical for me to want to protect? What's this? 51 00:06:14,839 --> 00:06:19,160 Speaker 1: The bottom half of a card torn in half the 52 00:06:19,360 --> 00:06:24,479 Speaker 1: High Priestess when the girl were left here eleven year ago. 53 00:06:24,880 --> 00:06:27,360 Speaker 1: The other half of his card were placed in her 54 00:06:27,400 --> 00:06:32,280 Speaker 1: basket as a sort of claim ticket, treating her as 55 00:06:32,320 --> 00:06:35,920 Speaker 1: if she were a piece of luggage. I presume you 56 00:06:36,240 --> 00:06:39,599 Speaker 1: still have the other half? Well, there can only be 57 00:06:39,680 --> 00:06:54,760 Speaker 1: a one corresponding card. Yeah, well do the two have 58 00:06:55,120 --> 00:06:58,839 Speaker 1: a mega whole? Even if you have the authority to 59 00:06:58,960 --> 00:07:03,120 Speaker 1: reclaim the try There is a matter of finances. Her 60 00:07:03,200 --> 00:07:05,719 Speaker 1: room and board have not been paid in at least 61 00:07:05,760 --> 00:07:09,320 Speaker 1: two years. When her father left her in our care, 62 00:07:09,440 --> 00:07:12,720 Speaker 1: he did so with a promise that certain obligations to 63 00:07:12,840 --> 00:07:19,840 Speaker 1: people for money. My dear woman, who I didn't just simply, 64 00:07:20,120 --> 00:07:24,040 Speaker 1: I'm only trying to ensure you're saying that this modern 65 00:07:24,200 --> 00:07:37,560 Speaker 1: Sittlia count I don't no, this is almost irregular. Allow me, no, 66 00:07:37,880 --> 00:07:45,560 Speaker 1: that really isn't necessary. Look at it. You could certainly 67 00:07:45,720 --> 00:07:49,640 Speaker 1: clothed and feared a lot of cheering with the gold, 68 00:07:49,440 --> 00:07:53,920 Speaker 1: and that's on a table, if you'll forgive me for cne. 69 00:07:54,560 --> 00:07:57,640 Speaker 1: It appeared to me that some of our holy sisters 70 00:07:58,080 --> 00:08:06,000 Speaker 1: called you, some read months as well. Just a moment, please, 71 00:08:13,680 --> 00:08:22,440 Speaker 1: m hm, you may enter, Ah, sister Teres, I see 72 00:08:22,480 --> 00:08:30,640 Speaker 1: you brought pearl, Pearl, Yes, come closer, don't be shy, Pearl. 73 00:08:31,480 --> 00:08:36,400 Speaker 1: This is Mrs ms Rose. She's come here today on 74 00:08:36,520 --> 00:08:42,360 Speaker 1: behalf of your father, my father. What's wrong with us? 75 00:08:43,559 --> 00:08:46,400 Speaker 1: You'll have to excuse her. This must come as something 76 00:08:46,440 --> 00:08:49,080 Speaker 1: from a surprise to her. You see, she has no 77 00:08:49,240 --> 00:08:53,199 Speaker 1: knowledge of her family, only that she has a father. Otherwise, 78 00:08:53,679 --> 00:08:56,800 Speaker 1: no communication, not so much as a letter or a postcard. 79 00:08:57,240 --> 00:09:01,200 Speaker 1: So to suddenly be that's enough, Sister a Race. I'm 80 00:09:01,240 --> 00:09:04,240 Speaker 1: sure ms I'm sure the woman is well acquainted with 81 00:09:04,280 --> 00:09:09,320 Speaker 1: the father's, well with the family she is representing. Pearl 82 00:09:10,240 --> 00:09:13,120 Speaker 1: Ms Rose has come for you. She has come to 83 00:09:13,200 --> 00:09:19,960 Speaker 1: take you to your father. My father wants me, of 84 00:09:20,000 --> 00:09:22,880 Speaker 1: course he does, Pearl. It was only a matter of 85 00:09:22,920 --> 00:09:26,480 Speaker 1: time until he could send for you. Yes, and that 86 00:09:26,559 --> 00:09:30,760 Speaker 1: time is now. Step close, a girl. Let me look 87 00:09:30,800 --> 00:09:35,800 Speaker 1: at you. Show me your aunts her hands. Let's see 88 00:09:35,800 --> 00:09:38,760 Speaker 1: how well you have been cared for. How dare you 89 00:09:40,240 --> 00:09:45,600 Speaker 1: mm hm ah, you have not had such a difficult 90 00:09:45,640 --> 00:09:51,320 Speaker 1: time here? So saft and wait, you're not spending many 91 00:09:51,360 --> 00:09:56,160 Speaker 1: hours in a field in the kitchen. I see you 92 00:09:56,240 --> 00:10:03,359 Speaker 1: are right. What do you rate my lessons, penmanship, scripture? 93 00:10:03,960 --> 00:10:07,960 Speaker 1: Mm hmm, open your mouth. I beg your pardon. But 94 00:10:08,160 --> 00:10:15,880 Speaker 1: is this show me your teeth? Uh huh m hmm. 95 00:10:17,360 --> 00:10:19,800 Speaker 1: Your father will expect to know how well they've cared 96 00:10:19,840 --> 00:10:24,680 Speaker 1: for you. Here. I know your feet really now, I 97 00:10:24,920 --> 00:10:29,160 Speaker 1: must inst need to be sure you are who they 98 00:10:29,240 --> 00:10:34,080 Speaker 1: say you are at her feet. Go on, Pearl, do 99 00:10:34,360 --> 00:10:37,839 Speaker 1: as she asks. You cannot allow her to treat the 100 00:10:37,920 --> 00:10:41,760 Speaker 1: child as that's enough terrace a piece of livestock, or 101 00:10:42,200 --> 00:10:47,360 Speaker 1: as if we would would somehow deceive her by silence, Pearl, 102 00:10:48,800 --> 00:11:00,720 Speaker 1: show her your feet. Satisfied, Now quite satisfied, Please gather 103 00:11:00,880 --> 00:11:04,040 Speaker 1: the girl stinks. I'll instruct a carriage to leave in 104 00:11:04,080 --> 00:11:07,920 Speaker 1: twenty minutes time. We have a train to catch that 105 00:11:08,080 --> 00:11:10,959 Speaker 1: should be modern enough time to bid her fair winds. 106 00:11:12,160 --> 00:11:15,800 Speaker 1: Come along, Pearl, I'll help you pack your things. Thank you, 107 00:11:15,960 --> 00:11:28,800 Speaker 1: Sister Teresa. My father. She's taking me to my father. Yes, 108 00:11:29,280 --> 00:11:33,160 Speaker 1: it's it's wonderful. I was beginning to think he never 109 00:11:33,240 --> 00:11:35,400 Speaker 1: come for me, that I'd have to spend the rest 110 00:11:35,400 --> 00:11:38,560 Speaker 1: of my life alone. It really is a miracle, isn't it. 111 00:11:40,840 --> 00:11:44,520 Speaker 1: What is it? Sister Trees? Aren't you happy for me? 112 00:11:45,160 --> 00:11:49,640 Speaker 1: I am, of course, I am, child. I couldn't be happier. 113 00:11:49,800 --> 00:11:57,640 Speaker 1: But but what you're You're going to meet your father 114 00:11:57,920 --> 00:12:01,000 Speaker 1: and live with him, and I'm or you'll be very 115 00:12:01,040 --> 00:12:05,079 Speaker 1: happy in his care. But let me say this to you. 116 00:12:06,400 --> 00:12:13,440 Speaker 1: The world beyond these walls can be difficult and confusing place. 117 00:12:14,960 --> 00:12:20,480 Speaker 1: Should something happen, should your situation change, You're always welcome 118 00:12:20,559 --> 00:12:25,560 Speaker 1: to return to us here what might happen? Life is 119 00:12:25,600 --> 00:12:31,559 Speaker 1: full of surprises, Pearl, surprises and disappointments. But sister too 120 00:12:31,720 --> 00:12:34,079 Speaker 1: is I shouldn't be saying these things to you. It's 121 00:12:34,080 --> 00:12:37,640 Speaker 1: foolish of me, I know, but I really care about 122 00:12:37,640 --> 00:12:40,559 Speaker 1: your Pearl, and I've come to look upon you as 123 00:12:41,280 --> 00:12:45,160 Speaker 1: almost as a daughter, and nothing means more to me 124 00:12:45,200 --> 00:12:50,280 Speaker 1: than your happiness. So should you ever need someone or someplace, 125 00:12:51,440 --> 00:12:55,440 Speaker 1: I don't understand. Is there something wrong? There's nothing to 126 00:12:56,360 --> 00:13:01,720 Speaker 1: There's nothing wrong. Please, it's just it's the pain of 127 00:13:01,760 --> 00:13:09,000 Speaker 1: losing you. So suddenly the heartbrick of saying goodbye? Forgive me? 128 00:13:10,240 --> 00:13:13,760 Speaker 1: Can I can I say a prayer for your protection 129 00:13:14,200 --> 00:13:22,840 Speaker 1: right now? Of course, most powerful, Heavenly Father. It is 130 00:13:22,880 --> 00:13:26,520 Speaker 1: with some personal sadness that I bid farewell to Pearl, 131 00:13:27,600 --> 00:13:30,880 Speaker 1: But it is with immense gladness that I release her 132 00:13:31,000 --> 00:13:34,280 Speaker 1: into the world, where I know you are guiding and 133 00:13:34,400 --> 00:13:39,000 Speaker 1: protecting hand will remain upon her. I pray that you 134 00:13:39,000 --> 00:13:42,080 Speaker 1: will provide her earthly father with the love in his 135 00:13:42,240 --> 00:13:45,440 Speaker 1: heart to care for her, give him the judgment to 136 00:13:45,520 --> 00:13:51,480 Speaker 1: protect her. And I pray that that this woman, this 137 00:13:52,640 --> 00:13:58,480 Speaker 1: person into whose temporary care Pearl is being intrusted. That 138 00:13:58,720 --> 00:14:24,680 Speaker 1: her sister Joyce. Sister Joyce Amen now boarded the two 139 00:14:24,800 --> 00:14:31,720 Speaker 1: ten Arrow had expressed north then Nashville, Louisville, Cincinnati. Leave 140 00:14:31,800 --> 00:14:34,840 Speaker 1: your things there, We'll have a porter. Bringdon the board. 141 00:14:38,640 --> 00:14:41,640 Speaker 1: You're there. You can't board this car. Get back to 142 00:14:41,760 --> 00:14:45,440 Speaker 1: the Colored Fat. I have two second class tickets to 143 00:14:45,560 --> 00:14:48,240 Speaker 1: Steal City, which can move up after they crossed the 144 00:14:48,320 --> 00:14:51,080 Speaker 1: Mason Dixon. But until then you can only ride in 145 00:14:51,120 --> 00:14:54,680 Speaker 1: the provate coach. This girl is in my care and 146 00:14:54,840 --> 00:14:59,480 Speaker 1: taking her to her father, a very important man. I 147 00:14:59,560 --> 00:15:02,960 Speaker 1: don't make the rules, lady. Do you actually expect her 148 00:15:03,040 --> 00:15:05,440 Speaker 1: to ride in the back with girl can ride where 149 00:15:05,480 --> 00:15:08,320 Speaker 1: she wants, But as long as we're in this state, 150 00:15:08,480 --> 00:15:14,320 Speaker 1: you don't get in that car unless you'd rather walk. 151 00:15:15,000 --> 00:15:17,160 Speaker 1: I suggest you get back to the colored coach where 152 00:15:17,160 --> 00:15:37,480 Speaker 1: you're along. Come along, yeah, here, I'll put your grip overhead. 153 00:15:41,200 --> 00:15:46,640 Speaker 1: Go ahead and sit. Can I sit by the window 154 00:15:46,720 --> 00:15:51,560 Speaker 1: if you like? How long will the train read? Last? 155 00:15:52,920 --> 00:15:56,640 Speaker 1: About six hours? But sitting back here, it'll feel like twelve. 156 00:15:58,800 --> 00:16:02,640 Speaker 1: Why are you looking at me like, uh? You want 157 00:16:02,640 --> 00:16:09,720 Speaker 1: to ask me something? No? Sorry? Have you never ridden 158 00:16:09,760 --> 00:16:15,840 Speaker 1: a train before? No? Never? Never? Have you ever been 159 00:16:15,880 --> 00:16:21,920 Speaker 1: to the city, Steel City, any city? No? Ever been 160 00:16:21,960 --> 00:16:30,440 Speaker 1: outside the valley? No, ma'am. Mm hmm. Well, until I 161 00:16:30,560 --> 00:16:33,560 Speaker 1: deliver you to your father. As long as you are 162 00:16:33,600 --> 00:16:36,920 Speaker 1: in my care, you will do exactly as I say. 163 00:16:37,560 --> 00:16:41,960 Speaker 1: Do you understand? Yes, ma'am. Do not question my judgment, 164 00:16:42,480 --> 00:16:48,240 Speaker 1: Do not defy my authority. Do you understand, Yes, ma'am, 165 00:16:48,560 --> 00:16:53,960 Speaker 1: say you understand, I understand you will not say a 166 00:16:54,000 --> 00:16:58,960 Speaker 1: word to anyone man, woman, black or white unless I 167 00:16:59,000 --> 00:17:06,159 Speaker 1: instruct you too. Is that understood? I understand? Humph. I 168 00:17:06,240 --> 00:17:09,719 Speaker 1: suppose the Good Sisters told you all about Steel City, 169 00:17:10,359 --> 00:17:15,280 Speaker 1: what a dark and iniquitous place it is, haven't they. Yes, 170 00:17:17,000 --> 00:17:24,240 Speaker 1: you know what iniquitous means, sinful? Sinful, that's right, And 171 00:17:24,320 --> 00:17:26,879 Speaker 1: they probably taught you about the kind of people that 172 00:17:27,000 --> 00:17:31,760 Speaker 1: live in that iniquitous city and the lengths they'll go 173 00:17:32,000 --> 00:17:38,800 Speaker 1: to to sink their teeth into a young girl like you. Hum. Yes, 174 00:17:39,160 --> 00:17:44,920 Speaker 1: m m. Well, don't you worry, little one. Rose is 175 00:17:44,960 --> 00:17:47,879 Speaker 1: not going to let any harm come to you as 176 00:17:47,920 --> 00:17:52,440 Speaker 1: long as you do exactly as I say. I understand. 177 00:17:54,280 --> 00:17:59,920 Speaker 1: You disobey me and I will throw you to the dogs. Yes, ma'am. 178 00:18:00,040 --> 00:18:06,720 Speaker 1: Ye are you hungry? Oh? Of course you are. We'll 179 00:18:06,760 --> 00:18:09,960 Speaker 1: find ourselves something to eat. See if we can't work 180 00:18:10,000 --> 00:18:12,800 Speaker 1: our way up in the world. H Are we allowed? 181 00:18:13,640 --> 00:18:22,960 Speaker 1: You leave that to me? Hurry up? Now, excuse me, sir. 182 00:18:23,600 --> 00:18:26,399 Speaker 1: Is there a dining car on this train? I believe 183 00:18:26,400 --> 00:18:29,800 Speaker 1: there's one, Sorry, lady. Dining car is open to first 184 00:18:29,880 --> 00:18:33,840 Speaker 1: and second class passengers only it's just the little girl, 185 00:18:34,200 --> 00:18:36,560 Speaker 1: you see. She didn't get any lunch, and she can 186 00:18:36,600 --> 00:18:38,680 Speaker 1: go ahead, but you gotta wait in the colored coach. 187 00:18:39,160 --> 00:18:41,000 Speaker 1: You could always get off and get something in oak 188 00:18:41,040 --> 00:18:45,080 Speaker 1: Ward or Nashville. Yes, sir, sorry to trouble you, sir, 189 00:18:46,760 --> 00:18:49,320 Speaker 1: you'll be fine, child. Let's go on back to our car. 190 00:19:07,640 --> 00:19:11,160 Speaker 1: Are you all right? Child? Yes? I just lost my balance. 191 00:19:11,680 --> 00:19:17,760 Speaker 1: Stand right there. Tell me if anyone is coming, how 192 00:19:17,800 --> 00:19:23,040 Speaker 1: are you doing? Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut. 193 00:19:23,640 --> 00:19:35,399 Speaker 1: Remember what I told you about what? Oh? Jee as? 194 00:19:35,520 --> 00:19:41,080 Speaker 1: Somebody helped her handing down the stairs. All right, step aside, 195 00:19:41,119 --> 00:19:44,000 Speaker 1: let me okay, what's going on? She's bleeding? What have 196 00:19:44,119 --> 00:19:48,840 Speaker 1: they done to you? We were walking back to our car. 197 00:19:49,080 --> 00:19:52,040 Speaker 1: The train lurched and she just gets into That's enough now, 198 00:19:52,160 --> 00:19:57,080 Speaker 1: white ours. I closed that stair on myself. Jesus, could 199 00:19:57,080 --> 00:19:59,680 Speaker 1: you could any thing else? You will have to get 200 00:19:59,680 --> 00:20:03,960 Speaker 1: her up itself. She's bleeding. Look at her. You won't 201 00:20:04,000 --> 00:20:06,520 Speaker 1: do anything her. Poor mother. Please, the mother is going 202 00:20:06,600 --> 00:20:11,480 Speaker 1: to be furious. Please the girl. The girl, tell me, 203 00:20:11,840 --> 00:20:22,960 Speaker 1: young lady, are you are you boys? Just lay down 204 00:20:23,000 --> 00:20:26,720 Speaker 1: on the bed just like that. We'll have to kill you. 205 00:20:26,880 --> 00:20:28,840 Speaker 1: Look at her as soon as we pull into Oakwood. 206 00:20:28,880 --> 00:20:32,280 Speaker 1: Thank you, sir. I'm sure she'll be fine, just scared. 207 00:20:32,359 --> 00:20:35,359 Speaker 1: More than anything. You've been most kind to the girl. 208 00:20:36,119 --> 00:20:38,280 Speaker 1: We truly do regret what happened to the girl. I 209 00:20:38,800 --> 00:20:46,120 Speaker 1: appreciate that, sir. Well, I suppose I should get back 210 00:20:46,200 --> 00:20:50,720 Speaker 1: to the colored coat. No, ma'am. Under the circumstances, we 211 00:20:51,400 --> 00:20:54,200 Speaker 1: and I speak for the railroad as well as Mr 212 00:20:54,280 --> 00:20:57,159 Speaker 1: Peters and myself, we think it would be better for 213 00:20:57,160 --> 00:21:00,800 Speaker 1: the girl if you stay with her and enjoy this 214 00:21:01,080 --> 00:21:07,280 Speaker 1: first class compartment with our compliments. Thank you, sir. Mm hmm. 215 00:21:08,040 --> 00:21:13,400 Speaker 1: But you see, I was just what is it? I 216 00:21:13,440 --> 00:21:16,119 Speaker 1: was just trying to find some food for the child 217 00:21:16,240 --> 00:21:19,919 Speaker 1: when the incident occurred. She hadn't had a bite to 218 00:21:20,000 --> 00:21:24,960 Speaker 1: eat all day. Oh well, I'll speak to the porter 219 00:21:25,520 --> 00:21:28,880 Speaker 1: and have a bowl of souper, two bowls of soup 220 00:21:29,000 --> 00:21:33,800 Speaker 1: brought to you to your compartment. Mm hmm. Is that 221 00:21:34,000 --> 00:21:37,919 Speaker 1: a bowl of soup will hardly compensate her for the 222 00:21:38,040 --> 00:21:41,160 Speaker 1: cunt on her head? Beg your pardon. It's a miracle 223 00:21:41,280 --> 00:21:45,439 Speaker 1: she's even alive. I heard someone say the stair guard 224 00:21:45,520 --> 00:21:52,560 Speaker 1: had been left open. That's quite impossible. Nevertheless, I shall 225 00:21:52,600 --> 00:21:56,080 Speaker 1: have to tell all this to her father. The Senator 226 00:21:56,640 --> 00:22:00,280 Speaker 1: will be very unhappy about it. As I said, we 227 00:22:00,400 --> 00:22:03,040 Speaker 1: all feel terrible about what happened, and I'm sure I 228 00:22:03,040 --> 00:22:06,960 Speaker 1: could get the necessary authorization to offer a small, yes, 229 00:22:08,320 --> 00:22:13,920 Speaker 1: financial compensation for her suffering. That's most generous of you. 230 00:22:15,080 --> 00:22:18,560 Speaker 1: Tell me how much does a cut on the head 231 00:22:18,640 --> 00:22:25,200 Speaker 1: cell for these days? How much are you asking? Make 232 00:22:25,320 --> 00:22:36,840 Speaker 1: us an offer? I'll I'll see to it now, eyes open, 233 00:22:37,320 --> 00:22:43,320 Speaker 1: mouth shut, I understand. Have something to eat, then get 234 00:22:43,359 --> 00:22:46,560 Speaker 1: some rest. Once we get to Steal City, will begin 235 00:23:05,440 --> 00:23:11,480 Speaker 1: the ocean. This is Still City. Five minutes in Still City, 236 00:23:11,520 --> 00:23:14,640 Speaker 1: it is to enlist there. There are your backs over there, 237 00:23:15,760 --> 00:23:19,000 Speaker 1: get them in death the Northbound Arrowhead Express, but a 238 00:23:19,080 --> 00:23:24,560 Speaker 1: part in exactly eleven. We've sent our sons to defend 239 00:23:24,680 --> 00:23:31,879 Speaker 1: freedom and liberty. What are you looking for? Arms were 240 00:23:31,880 --> 00:23:35,680 Speaker 1: at the station? No, child, we won't be seeing your 241 00:23:35,720 --> 00:23:38,480 Speaker 1: father just uilt. There are some things we need to 242 00:23:38,480 --> 00:23:42,879 Speaker 1: take care of first. Hurry up, now, do your share 243 00:23:42,960 --> 00:24:11,480 Speaker 1: to defeat the tyrants, liberty, war bonds. Hyah, Okay, we're 244 00:24:11,560 --> 00:24:17,040 Speaker 1: just up here, and watch your step. Now. Is this 245 00:24:17,119 --> 00:24:19,720 Speaker 1: where my father lives? This is where you're living for 246 00:24:19,800 --> 00:24:30,760 Speaker 1: now until we can meet your father. Yeah, m hm, oh, 247 00:24:34,400 --> 00:24:36,840 Speaker 1: drop your bags in the corner. I made up a 248 00:24:36,880 --> 00:24:40,119 Speaker 1: palette for you on the floor. There's a commode outside 249 00:24:40,119 --> 00:24:42,840 Speaker 1: at the end of the hall, and cold water here 250 00:24:42,840 --> 00:24:48,640 Speaker 1: in the tap. Why are you looking like that? Oh 251 00:24:48,880 --> 00:24:52,639 Speaker 1: you were expecting something more. It ain't the ritz, honey. 252 00:24:52,760 --> 00:24:58,720 Speaker 1: But oh the banner. I hung it there so you 253 00:24:58,760 --> 00:25:02,040 Speaker 1: could have some privacy behind in it. Who's the woman 254 00:25:02,920 --> 00:25:06,600 Speaker 1: whose space is painted on the canvas you can read? 255 00:25:08,359 --> 00:25:18,359 Speaker 1: Called herself Davina hypnotist, mentalist, mesmerist. It is illegal to 256 00:25:18,520 --> 00:25:23,920 Speaker 1: tell fortunes, but yes, you might call her that. You'll 257 00:25:23,920 --> 00:25:26,520 Speaker 1: find out soon enough. But right now it's time for 258 00:25:26,600 --> 00:25:30,200 Speaker 1: me to smoke my pipe and for you to stop 259 00:25:30,240 --> 00:25:33,679 Speaker 1: asking questions. I'll be going out for a few hours 260 00:25:33,680 --> 00:25:40,119 Speaker 1: in the morning, but i'll be back early. Clean the 261 00:25:40,200 --> 00:25:45,760 Speaker 1: room while i'm gone, yes, ma'am. And if anybody knocks 262 00:25:45,760 --> 00:25:56,040 Speaker 1: on the door, don't let them in. Don't let nobody in. Um. 263 00:25:56,040 --> 00:26:01,080 Speaker 1: What is it? Child? What should I call you? I mean, 264 00:26:01,800 --> 00:26:06,119 Speaker 1: how should I address you? You call me Rose? Rose, 265 00:26:06,560 --> 00:26:10,160 Speaker 1: That's all you need to know, Yes, ma'am. The less 266 00:26:10,200 --> 00:26:25,040 Speaker 1: you know about me, the better. I must now replace 267 00:26:25,280 --> 00:26:30,480 Speaker 1: my blind hold as my vision begins to fade, your 268 00:26:30,480 --> 00:26:37,000 Speaker 1: own senses will gradually return, Return to the warmth in 269 00:26:37,040 --> 00:26:45,560 Speaker 1: the light of your own reality. The Seventh Daughter is 270 00:26:45,560 --> 00:26:49,520 Speaker 1: a production of I Heart Radio, written and directed by 271 00:26:49,560 --> 00:26:55,200 Speaker 1: Brett Wood, recorded and mixed by Rob Gal, featuring Minca 272 00:26:55,240 --> 00:27:04,720 Speaker 1: Wilkes as Rose and Elizabeth Hunter as Pearl. There you 273 00:27:04,840 --> 00:27:07,840 Speaker 1: may now open your eyes