1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:21,959 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep tight stories. Do you 2 00:00:22,160 --> 00:00:25,680 Speaker 1: like to use your imagination and go to far away 3 00:00:25,800 --> 00:00:33,000 Speaker 1: beautiful places Flippy does. Flippy spends her time with her 4 00:00:33,080 --> 00:00:38,040 Speaker 1: bestest friend, Evie, but when Evie is sleeping, Flippy likes 5 00:00:38,080 --> 00:00:43,519 Speaker 1: to go on adventures using her imagination. Where is Flippy 6 00:00:43,560 --> 00:00:54,720 Speaker 1: going to go tonight? Flippy the Walrus? It was finally 7 00:00:54,880 --> 00:00:59,320 Speaker 1: Flippy's favorite time of the day, the time she got 8 00:00:59,360 --> 00:01:02,920 Speaker 1: to get cold and warm with her bestest friend in 9 00:01:02,960 --> 00:01:09,240 Speaker 1: the whole wide world, Evie. It was bedtime, and that 10 00:01:09,360 --> 00:01:14,600 Speaker 1: meant snuggles and stories and like every night, as soon 11 00:01:14,720 --> 00:01:18,880 Speaker 1: as the lights went out, Evie would soon be fast asleep, 12 00:01:20,520 --> 00:01:24,400 Speaker 1: but not Flippy. Flippy wouldn't go to sleep right away. 13 00:01:26,000 --> 00:01:29,559 Speaker 1: Even though Flippy was soft and cuddly and a little 14 00:01:29,600 --> 00:01:36,720 Speaker 1: bit squishy, she was no ordinary stuffed animal. Whenever her 15 00:01:36,800 --> 00:01:40,480 Speaker 1: best friend went to sleep at night, Flippy would lie 16 00:01:40,520 --> 00:01:45,319 Speaker 1: there using her imagination to go on adventures all over 17 00:01:45,360 --> 00:01:55,320 Speaker 1: the world. Flippy was a very special stuffed walrus. Flippy 18 00:01:55,400 --> 00:01:58,120 Speaker 1: lived with her best friend in a place with wide 19 00:01:58,280 --> 00:02:05,880 Speaker 1: open spaces, huge mountains, and beautiful forests. Though she didn't 20 00:02:05,880 --> 00:02:09,920 Speaker 1: know for sure, she heard that some really cool animals 21 00:02:10,000 --> 00:02:16,240 Speaker 1: lived there too, like bears, elk, bison, and even wolves. 22 00:02:18,200 --> 00:02:22,440 Speaker 1: She heard her family talk about geysers, hot springs, and 23 00:02:22,520 --> 00:02:28,000 Speaker 1: even a giant canyon. Flippy hoped that one day she 24 00:02:28,080 --> 00:02:35,840 Speaker 1: would be able to see these places with Evie. Snort, snort, snort. 25 00:02:36,919 --> 00:02:39,760 Speaker 1: Flippy knew that Evie must be fast asleep if she 26 00:02:39,880 --> 00:02:45,600 Speaker 1: was starting to make her quiet snoring noises. While Flippy 27 00:02:45,720 --> 00:02:48,800 Speaker 1: was happy to live with Evie and her family, she 28 00:02:49,000 --> 00:02:55,200 Speaker 1: did sometimes long for adventure, any kind of adventure, to 29 00:02:55,280 --> 00:03:00,440 Speaker 1: see places outside her imagination and far away from her home. 30 00:03:03,000 --> 00:03:05,560 Speaker 1: She thought maybe she might visit her relatives in the 31 00:03:05,680 --> 00:03:10,600 Speaker 1: Arctic Circle, but she felt that that might be too cold. 32 00:03:12,440 --> 00:03:16,320 Speaker 1: She also thought about visiting the Pyramids of Egypt, the 33 00:03:16,360 --> 00:03:21,880 Speaker 1: Great Wall in China, the taj Mahal in India, or 34 00:03:21,960 --> 00:03:29,080 Speaker 1: maybe going swimming in the Great Barrier Reef. Swimming in 35 00:03:29,160 --> 00:03:33,240 Speaker 1: a warm ocean sounded really fun, because Flippy knew she 36 00:03:33,560 --> 00:03:38,080 Speaker 1: was a great swimmer. Blippy once held her breath for 37 00:03:38,240 --> 00:03:42,480 Speaker 1: almost thirty minutes, so she knew she could swim underwater. 38 00:03:46,200 --> 00:03:50,280 Speaker 1: Flippy had yet to see these places, but she had tried. 39 00:03:52,360 --> 00:03:55,720 Speaker 1: As she cuddled with Evie, she remembered the one day 40 00:03:55,800 --> 00:03:58,640 Speaker 1: when Evie had gone out for the day, and she 41 00:03:58,920 --> 00:04:04,720 Speaker 1: was a little bored. She didn't really understand where Evie 42 00:04:04,760 --> 00:04:09,440 Speaker 1: went and why she didn't take her with her. She 43 00:04:09,560 --> 00:04:14,520 Speaker 1: had heard her family talk about school teachers and having 44 00:04:14,600 --> 00:04:23,080 Speaker 1: fun learning, but why couldn't Flippy do that too. I 45 00:04:23,120 --> 00:04:25,480 Speaker 1: think I will go to one of the places I 46 00:04:25,520 --> 00:04:29,919 Speaker 1: have always wanted to visit, the Arctic, where all my 47 00:04:30,040 --> 00:04:35,040 Speaker 1: relatives live, she thought. Would it really be as cold 48 00:04:35,080 --> 00:04:40,880 Speaker 1: as she thought? But first I must find the door 49 00:04:40,920 --> 00:04:46,840 Speaker 1: that everyone leaves the house through. Flippy had heard her 50 00:04:46,880 --> 00:04:49,960 Speaker 1: family say that when you leave through the door, you 51 00:04:49,960 --> 00:04:54,000 Speaker 1: should close it behind you. She didn't understand why you 52 00:04:54,040 --> 00:04:57,960 Speaker 1: couldn't leave the door open. If the door was closed, 53 00:04:58,360 --> 00:05:04,440 Speaker 1: how could friendly bears come in to visit. So that day, 54 00:05:04,839 --> 00:05:08,560 Speaker 1: after Evie gave her a hug and she heard everyone leave, 55 00:05:09,640 --> 00:05:14,880 Speaker 1: Flippy mustered all her bravery and began her journey. Right 56 00:05:15,000 --> 00:05:21,160 Speaker 1: from Evie's cozy bedroom, she carefully maneuvered through a forest 57 00:05:21,279 --> 00:05:25,599 Speaker 1: of fluffy pillows on the bed, pretending they were icy trees. 58 00:05:27,320 --> 00:05:30,760 Speaker 1: Flippy waddled off the bed and fell to the floor, 59 00:05:31,680 --> 00:05:38,080 Speaker 1: but it didn't hurt because Flippy was squishy and could squish. 60 00:05:38,440 --> 00:05:44,120 Speaker 1: Flipper by Flipper. Flippy waddled across the bedroom floor, imagining 61 00:05:44,200 --> 00:05:47,839 Speaker 1: it to be the vast frozen tundra of the Arctic, 62 00:05:49,279 --> 00:05:53,480 Speaker 1: using her front flippers to push herself forward and dragging 63 00:05:53,560 --> 00:06:00,080 Speaker 1: her hind flippers behind her. The more she imagined the 64 00:06:00,080 --> 00:06:03,599 Speaker 1: floor to be like the Arctic, the colder she got, 65 00:06:04,720 --> 00:06:07,800 Speaker 1: so she stopped imagining it for a while so that 66 00:06:07,920 --> 00:06:14,800 Speaker 1: she could warm up a little. As she waddled, Flippy 67 00:06:14,920 --> 00:06:20,160 Speaker 1: encountered obstacles along the way, like a towering stack of 68 00:06:20,200 --> 00:06:25,839 Speaker 1: books that became her very own treacherous mountain range. She 69 00:06:25,960 --> 00:06:31,960 Speaker 1: climbed up and down, pretending she was conquering the snowy peaks. 70 00:06:34,120 --> 00:06:38,000 Speaker 1: Then she ventured through a maze of toys, using her 71 00:06:38,040 --> 00:06:47,080 Speaker 1: imagination to navigate the icy caves and treacherous crevices. As 72 00:06:47,160 --> 00:06:52,560 Speaker 1: time ticked by, Flippy encountered friendly stuffed animals that joined 73 00:06:52,600 --> 00:06:59,680 Speaker 1: her Arctic adventure. Together, they braved imaginary blizzards and crossed 74 00:06:59,720 --> 00:07:05,679 Speaker 1: pretty hen frozen rivers. It was cold and the journey 75 00:07:05,800 --> 00:07:11,960 Speaker 1: was super long, but Flippy was determined she was brave too, 76 00:07:12,400 --> 00:07:19,560 Speaker 1: just like Evie. After what felt like days of trying 77 00:07:19,720 --> 00:07:23,320 Speaker 1: super hard, she only made it to the door of 78 00:07:23,400 --> 00:07:28,040 Speaker 1: the room Flippy had yet to really do much walking, 79 00:07:28,600 --> 00:07:32,760 Speaker 1: instead relying on Evie to take her to most places. 80 00:07:34,880 --> 00:07:37,760 Speaker 1: She was a little surprised at how slow she was. 81 00:07:39,240 --> 00:07:43,880 Speaker 1: Flippy had forgotten that as a walrus she wasn't really 82 00:07:43,960 --> 00:07:49,280 Speaker 1: suited to walk very far on land. Walruses were better 83 00:07:49,360 --> 00:07:57,600 Speaker 1: suited for swimming and more comfortable in the water. Finally, 84 00:07:58,120 --> 00:08:02,760 Speaker 1: after what felt like an entire fire day's journey, Flippy 85 00:08:02,800 --> 00:08:08,760 Speaker 1: reached the entrance to Evie's house. The door stood tall 86 00:08:09,200 --> 00:08:14,560 Speaker 1: and imposing. Blippy mustered all her strength and pushed against 87 00:08:14,560 --> 00:08:23,800 Speaker 1: the door, but it wouldn't budge. She tried again. Still 88 00:08:24,160 --> 00:08:29,040 Speaker 1: the door would not open. No wonder bears never came 89 00:08:29,080 --> 00:08:35,000 Speaker 1: in to visit. The door was too strong and heavy. 90 00:08:37,080 --> 00:08:41,040 Speaker 1: Flippy quickly realized that she couldn't go on and adventure 91 00:08:41,120 --> 00:08:45,480 Speaker 1: to the Arctic, but that was okay. She tried her 92 00:08:45,520 --> 00:08:50,280 Speaker 1: best and had an adventure on the way. She had 93 00:08:50,320 --> 00:08:55,599 Speaker 1: her imagination, and with her imagination, she could travel all 94 00:08:55,720 --> 00:09:04,040 Speaker 1: over the world. Snort, snort, snort, Evie snored again. Now 95 00:09:04,080 --> 00:09:07,679 Speaker 1: that Evie was asleep, it was time to decide where 96 00:09:07,720 --> 00:09:14,600 Speaker 1: she would travel tonight. Last night, after listening to a story, 97 00:09:15,120 --> 00:09:18,880 Speaker 1: Flippy had traveled to a distant world, or at least 98 00:09:18,920 --> 00:09:22,880 Speaker 1: it sounded like it was really far away. It was 99 00:09:22,920 --> 00:09:27,400 Speaker 1: a place with red mud, white sandy beaches, and some 100 00:09:27,520 --> 00:09:33,840 Speaker 1: kind of special ice cream. Flippy loved ice cream, even 101 00:09:33,880 --> 00:09:37,320 Speaker 1: though she only had it once. She had taken a 102 00:09:37,320 --> 00:09:40,360 Speaker 1: bite of Evie's when she wasn't looking, and it was 103 00:09:40,600 --> 00:09:45,600 Speaker 1: really delicious, much better tasting than the raw fish that 104 00:09:45,679 --> 00:09:50,520 Speaker 1: her relatives ate, she guessed, though she hadn't eaten raw 105 00:09:50,559 --> 00:09:57,640 Speaker 1: fish before. Tonight, she thought she would fly somewhere high 106 00:09:57,880 --> 00:10:03,120 Speaker 1: up in the sky, because cause why not. Walrusk can 107 00:10:03,160 --> 00:10:08,360 Speaker 1: fly too if they want to. Flippy thought she might 108 00:10:08,440 --> 00:10:12,680 Speaker 1: explore close to home and leave far off destinations for 109 00:10:12,800 --> 00:10:18,080 Speaker 1: another night, So she closed her eyes tight and let 110 00:10:18,120 --> 00:10:25,240 Speaker 1: her imagination take flight. Flippy felt a gentle breeze, lifting 111 00:10:25,280 --> 00:10:30,080 Speaker 1: her up high up in the blue sky, amongst the clouds, 112 00:10:30,559 --> 00:10:36,559 Speaker 1: and higher and faster than the birds. She found herself 113 00:10:36,600 --> 00:10:41,800 Speaker 1: flying above beautiful mountains and could see the snow capped 114 00:10:41,840 --> 00:10:47,000 Speaker 1: peaks stretching far and wide like a blanket of white 115 00:10:47,040 --> 00:10:52,040 Speaker 1: frosting on a cake that Evie once had. The memory 116 00:10:52,080 --> 00:10:56,320 Speaker 1: of that cake made Flippy's mouth water and almost made 117 00:10:56,320 --> 00:10:59,960 Speaker 1: her forget how to fly, causing her to dip a little, 118 00:11:01,720 --> 00:11:06,880 Speaker 1: but she recovered, and as Flippy soared higher, she spotted 119 00:11:06,880 --> 00:11:11,480 Speaker 1: a herd of graceful elk, their antlers pointing up toward 120 00:11:11,559 --> 00:11:16,080 Speaker 1: her like they wanted to tickle her belly. She had 121 00:11:16,080 --> 00:11:19,520 Speaker 1: seen pictures of them, so she knew what they looked like, 122 00:11:20,880 --> 00:11:24,960 Speaker 1: but because she was using her imagination, some of them 123 00:11:25,040 --> 00:11:31,240 Speaker 1: had colors like a unicorn. The way they ran through 124 00:11:31,240 --> 00:11:35,640 Speaker 1: the green meadows looked like they were playing or maybe dancing. 125 00:11:35,679 --> 00:11:42,280 Speaker 1: To Flippy, were they playing soccer? She giggled as she 126 00:11:42,400 --> 00:11:47,720 Speaker 1: watched them for a while from above. Next, Flippy glided 127 00:11:47,800 --> 00:11:51,720 Speaker 1: over a crystal clear river that wound its way through 128 00:11:51,800 --> 00:11:58,439 Speaker 1: pretty valleys. She saw beavers busily building their cozy lodges 129 00:11:58,960 --> 00:12:03,080 Speaker 1: along the river bank and fish leaping in the crystal 130 00:12:03,160 --> 00:12:07,880 Speaker 1: clear water. Blippy thought that it would be fun to 131 00:12:08,000 --> 00:12:12,680 Speaker 1: jump in the water and race with fish, but tonight 132 00:12:13,120 --> 00:12:16,360 Speaker 1: was for flying, so she might come back and swim 133 00:12:16,400 --> 00:12:22,560 Speaker 1: another time. As she continued flying, a bald eagle came 134 00:12:22,640 --> 00:12:25,959 Speaker 1: up to fly beside her for a while and winked 135 00:12:26,080 --> 00:12:31,880 Speaker 1: a hello. Flippy imagined the eagle could fly faster than her, 136 00:12:32,679 --> 00:12:36,240 Speaker 1: but she tried to keep up As the eagle sped ahead, 137 00:12:36,800 --> 00:12:43,880 Speaker 1: continuing on its way. As she continued, she saw colorful 138 00:12:43,960 --> 00:12:50,520 Speaker 1: geysers that erupted in bursts of steaming water. She flew 139 00:12:50,559 --> 00:12:53,320 Speaker 1: down a little closer so that she could see the 140 00:12:53,440 --> 00:13:02,760 Speaker 1: rainbows that formed from the steam. It was beautiful. Flippy's 141 00:13:02,840 --> 00:13:07,640 Speaker 1: journey through the sky continued as she spotted even higher mountains. 142 00:13:09,360 --> 00:13:13,400 Speaker 1: Slippy flew up higher and higher until she reached the 143 00:13:13,520 --> 00:13:18,920 Speaker 1: tallest peak she imagined herself. Perched there for a while, 144 00:13:19,520 --> 00:13:24,000 Speaker 1: the wind gently brushing against her fluffy fur, and the 145 00:13:24,080 --> 00:13:30,000 Speaker 1: whole world stretched out below her. She took some great, 146 00:13:30,120 --> 00:13:38,080 Speaker 1: big belly breaths, which helped her relax even more. As 147 00:13:38,120 --> 00:13:43,000 Speaker 1: the sun began to set, painting the sky with orange, pink, 148 00:13:43,120 --> 00:13:47,679 Speaker 1: and purple hues, Flippy knew it was time to return home. 149 00:13:50,240 --> 00:13:55,280 Speaker 1: With a final leap of her imagination, she slowly descended 150 00:13:55,400 --> 00:14:00,280 Speaker 1: back into Evie's room, landing softly beside her on the bed. 151 00:14:03,920 --> 00:14:09,560 Speaker 1: After using her imagination, Flippy felt tired and ready for sleep. 152 00:14:11,160 --> 00:14:15,040 Speaker 1: She snuggled up closer to her best friend and felt 153 00:14:15,040 --> 00:14:22,080 Speaker 1: comfy and warm. Where should I go tomorrow night? She thought? 154 00:14:23,160 --> 00:14:28,080 Speaker 1: Maybe I could visit the Mystical Forest, a planet outside 155 00:14:28,160 --> 00:14:32,320 Speaker 1: the solar system, or a land where the sheep jump 156 00:14:32,520 --> 00:14:39,720 Speaker 1: over the moon. As she was thinking about where she 157 00:14:39,880 --> 00:14:46,360 Speaker 1: might travel next, she got sleepier and sleepier until she 158 00:14:46,560 --> 00:14:55,400 Speaker 1: fell fast asleep, and that is the end of our story. 159 00:14:56,720 --> 00:15:04,000 Speaker 1: Good night, sleep tight, nan Un.