1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:14,440 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,520 --> 00:00:20,200 Speaker 1: to say hello to Eva from Australia. I'd like to 3 00:00:20,239 --> 00:00:24,520 Speaker 1: say happy belated birthday to Cade Webb who turned six 4 00:00:24,600 --> 00:00:30,840 Speaker 1: in January. Happy belated birthday to Ivan who turned one 5 00:00:31,040 --> 00:00:38,599 Speaker 1: on February sixth. Happy belated birthday to Rowan in Okamiss, Michigan, 6 00:00:38,920 --> 00:00:45,120 Speaker 1: who recently had her sixth birthday. Happy birthday to Sophia 7 00:00:45,240 --> 00:00:48,840 Speaker 1: who is turning five on Valentine's Day with her little 8 00:00:48,840 --> 00:00:56,280 Speaker 1: brothers listening on Alexander Lane. Happy birthday to Oliver from Portland, Oregon, 9 00:00:56,440 --> 00:01:03,080 Speaker 1: who is turning five on February fourteenth. Happy birthday to 10 00:01:03,200 --> 00:01:08,080 Speaker 1: Alex Surez John from Napier, New Zealand, who is turning 11 00:01:08,160 --> 00:01:16,080 Speaker 1: ten on February fourteenth. Happy birthday to Rogan Leung from Pleasanton, California, 12 00:01:16,440 --> 00:01:22,000 Speaker 1: who is turning five on February fifteenth. Happy birthday to 13 00:01:22,120 --> 00:01:29,039 Speaker 1: Coraline from Illinois who is turning nine on February sixteenth. 14 00:01:29,080 --> 00:01:32,600 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Mira Ruth from India as she turns 15 00:01:32,720 --> 00:01:36,640 Speaker 1: ten on February seventeenth. We are so proud of you 16 00:01:36,720 --> 00:01:42,960 Speaker 1: and love you. Happy birthday to Sasha Perry from Victoria, BC, 17 00:01:43,560 --> 00:01:50,080 Speaker 1: who is turning nine on February eighteenth, and Happy birthday 18 00:01:50,120 --> 00:01:55,279 Speaker 1: to Maverick from Dakila, Georgia, USA, who is turning five 19 00:01:55,520 --> 00:02:00,920 Speaker 1: on February eighteenth. Happy birthday to eive you all. I 20 00:02:01,000 --> 00:02:05,520 Speaker 1: hope you have a wonderful day. Shout outs and birthday 21 00:02:05,600 --> 00:02:08,560 Speaker 1: wishes are one way we give thanks to our supporters. 22 00:02:09,120 --> 00:02:11,560 Speaker 1: If you would like to support us and receive more 23 00:02:11,560 --> 00:02:16,120 Speaker 1: bedtime entertainment like this I'll add free, please visit our 24 00:02:16,120 --> 00:02:21,280 Speaker 1: support page at sleep tightstories dot org slash support thank You. 25 00:02:26,800 --> 00:02:30,400 Speaker 1: Bernice is home from school, but when she comes into 26 00:02:30,440 --> 00:02:33,880 Speaker 1: the house quietly, she gives Papa Bear a little bit 27 00:02:33,919 --> 00:02:37,720 Speaker 1: of a fright. Papa Bear says he didn't hear her 28 00:02:37,800 --> 00:02:43,680 Speaker 1: come in and asks her what is wrong. Bernice and 29 00:02:43,720 --> 00:02:47,000 Speaker 1: Papa Bear sit down with cookies and drinks to talk 30 00:02:47,040 --> 00:02:51,079 Speaker 1: about Bernice's day and to see if Papa Bear can 31 00:02:51,160 --> 00:02:58,400 Speaker 1: make her feel any better. Bernice does poorly on her 32 00:02:58,480 --> 00:03:06,680 Speaker 1: science test. Bernie slowly walked down the walkway to the 33 00:03:06,720 --> 00:03:12,160 Speaker 1: front door of her small house. She quietly opened and 34 00:03:12,360 --> 00:03:16,320 Speaker 1: closed the front door, took off her coat and boots, 35 00:03:16,919 --> 00:03:20,400 Speaker 1: and walked into the kitchen, where Papa Bear took a 36 00:03:20,440 --> 00:03:25,840 Speaker 1: panful of cookies out of the oven. Bernice, you certainly 37 00:03:25,880 --> 00:03:30,000 Speaker 1: came in quietly. You gave me a little fright, Papa 38 00:03:30,040 --> 00:03:37,840 Speaker 1: Bear said, Is everything okay? You look a bit sad today, Yeah, Papa, 39 00:03:38,480 --> 00:03:42,480 Speaker 1: I'm a bit disappointed today, Bernice said, as she sat 40 00:03:42,520 --> 00:03:45,120 Speaker 1: her book bag down and went to the sink to 41 00:03:45,320 --> 00:03:49,520 Speaker 1: wash her hands. Do you feel like talking about it, 42 00:03:49,560 --> 00:03:55,960 Speaker 1: little bear? I guess so, Papa. How about some cookies 43 00:03:56,120 --> 00:03:58,800 Speaker 1: while you tell me about your day and what is 44 00:03:58,880 --> 00:04:06,600 Speaker 1: bothering you? A Bear asked with a little smile. Bernice replied, okay, Papa, 45 00:04:07,600 --> 00:04:12,000 Speaker 1: they smell super yummy, but I'm not sure if even 46 00:04:12,080 --> 00:04:18,360 Speaker 1: your cookies can cheer me up. That sounds serious, Papa 47 00:04:18,360 --> 00:04:20,640 Speaker 1: Bear said, as he set a plate of cookies and 48 00:04:20,720 --> 00:04:25,080 Speaker 1: a glass of milk in front of Bernice. Let me 49 00:04:25,160 --> 00:04:28,080 Speaker 1: get a cup of tea before you start. This might 50 00:04:28,279 --> 00:04:33,040 Speaker 1: be a tea in cookies talk. What kind of cookies 51 00:04:33,080 --> 00:04:36,320 Speaker 1: are they, Papa Bernice asked before she took a bite, 52 00:04:37,680 --> 00:04:42,680 Speaker 1: White chocolate macadamia nut. Little Bear, Maceadamia nuts are my 53 00:04:42,880 --> 00:04:49,080 Speaker 1: favorite treat in the whole world, more than cookies, Papa 54 00:04:49,320 --> 00:04:54,679 Speaker 1: second favorite treat, Papa Bear replied with a smile, So 55 00:04:54,720 --> 00:04:56,960 Speaker 1: tell me about your day and why you are so 56 00:04:57,360 --> 00:05:04,000 Speaker 1: down in the dumps. Well, Papa, the day started great. 57 00:05:04,600 --> 00:05:07,159 Speaker 1: We had math class, which was a lot of fun, 58 00:05:07,640 --> 00:05:12,760 Speaker 1: and social studies which was pretty interesting. Gertrude and Bobby 59 00:05:12,800 --> 00:05:15,400 Speaker 1: were back, and we're not sick anymore, so we got 60 00:05:15,400 --> 00:05:19,640 Speaker 1: to play outside together. My lunch was tasty too, Papa, 61 00:05:19,960 --> 00:05:22,760 Speaker 1: but Bobby and I shared a bit because he had 62 00:05:22,760 --> 00:05:25,840 Speaker 1: some pizza for lunch, and well, I have a weakness 63 00:05:25,880 --> 00:05:31,119 Speaker 1: for pizza. Taking a drink of tea, Papa Bear said, 64 00:05:31,960 --> 00:05:34,400 Speaker 1: that sounds like a good day so far, little Bear. 65 00:05:35,160 --> 00:05:41,279 Speaker 1: What happened next? In the afternoon, during science class, the 66 00:05:41,360 --> 00:05:46,040 Speaker 1: teacher gave us a surprise test. Bobby did really good, Papa, 67 00:05:46,360 --> 00:05:52,719 Speaker 1: But I didn't. I think I got a really bad mark. Really, 68 00:05:53,680 --> 00:05:56,640 Speaker 1: you don't need to be so hard on yourself, little Bear. 69 00:05:57,600 --> 00:06:00,920 Speaker 1: I'm very proud of you and think you be proud too. 70 00:06:02,000 --> 00:06:06,360 Speaker 1: You do your homework, read lots of books, are very 71 00:06:06,400 --> 00:06:11,640 Speaker 1: curious about the world, and study all kinds of science topics. 72 00:06:12,640 --> 00:06:17,599 Speaker 1: We all have bad days, but Bobby didn't have a 73 00:06:17,640 --> 00:06:23,320 Speaker 1: bad day, Papa. That's Bobby, little Bear. Be happy for him, 74 00:06:23,880 --> 00:06:28,080 Speaker 1: But you don't need to compare yourself with him and 75 00:06:28,160 --> 00:06:33,760 Speaker 1: I'll tell you a secret, Papa Bear whispered, what secret, Papa? 76 00:06:34,440 --> 00:06:38,200 Speaker 1: What is most important now is that you enjoy learning 77 00:06:38,640 --> 00:06:44,120 Speaker 1: and understand what you are being taught. I love learning 78 00:06:44,160 --> 00:06:49,839 Speaker 1: new things, Papa, I know you do. Was there a 79 00:06:49,920 --> 00:06:55,919 Speaker 1: question on the test you didn't understand? Yes, Papa, I 80 00:06:55,960 --> 00:07:01,080 Speaker 1: think I got confused or something. Took the test from 81 00:07:01,080 --> 00:07:06,120 Speaker 1: her book bag and showed it to Papa Bear. Looking 82 00:07:06,160 --> 00:07:09,880 Speaker 1: at her test, Papa Bear said, little Bear, you did 83 00:07:09,920 --> 00:07:13,040 Speaker 1: really well. I don't know why you are so upset. 84 00:07:13,960 --> 00:07:20,600 Speaker 1: You understood and answered all the questions. Well, Bernice pointed 85 00:07:20,600 --> 00:07:24,640 Speaker 1: to the test, but I got confused with this question, Papa. 86 00:07:26,600 --> 00:07:31,480 Speaker 1: Papa Bear read the question the difference between renewable and 87 00:07:31,600 --> 00:07:38,480 Speaker 1: non renewable resources. I see the teacher wanted more examples, 88 00:07:39,080 --> 00:07:43,320 Speaker 1: and you got some of your examples mixed up. That's okay, 89 00:07:43,360 --> 00:07:47,160 Speaker 1: little bear. Maybe we can spend some time studying this 90 00:07:47,360 --> 00:07:54,120 Speaker 1: topic in our next science lesson. Speaking quietly, Bernice asked, 91 00:07:54,840 --> 00:07:59,760 Speaker 1: can you give me some examples? Now, Papa, I know 92 00:07:59,840 --> 00:08:03,920 Speaker 1: more or about baking cookies and energy sources, so let 93 00:08:03,960 --> 00:08:09,160 Speaker 1: me get my science book from the living room. As 94 00:08:09,200 --> 00:08:13,040 Speaker 1: Papa Bear walked away, Bernice laughed, are cookies a source 95 00:08:13,080 --> 00:08:18,360 Speaker 1: of energy, Papa, ha ha, they are for us. Maybe 96 00:08:18,360 --> 00:08:22,120 Speaker 1: we can talk about nutrition sometimes too. Your mama is 97 00:08:22,160 --> 00:08:28,920 Speaker 1: an expert. Looking at his book, Papa Bear said, so, 98 00:08:29,800 --> 00:08:34,640 Speaker 1: I think you know this part. Renewable resources are resources 99 00:08:34,800 --> 00:08:39,040 Speaker 1: that can be replenished naturally and at a rate that 100 00:08:39,200 --> 00:08:42,800 Speaker 1: is equal to or faster than the rate at which 101 00:08:42,840 --> 00:08:48,360 Speaker 1: they are consumed. That doesn't include cookies, does a, Papa 102 00:08:48,480 --> 00:08:54,800 Speaker 1: Bernice said, laughing, No, unfortunately not. I don't think we 103 00:08:54,840 --> 00:08:57,880 Speaker 1: can heat our house with cookies, Papa Bear said, with 104 00:08:57,920 --> 00:09:01,800 Speaker 1: a laugh. Can you read remember some examples, little bear. 105 00:09:03,600 --> 00:09:08,000 Speaker 1: I knew that there was solar because we have solar panels, 106 00:09:08,679 --> 00:09:13,520 Speaker 1: and I knew about wind because of the windmills we see. 107 00:09:13,720 --> 00:09:19,920 Speaker 1: That's correct, little bear. Other examples of renewable resources include 108 00:09:19,920 --> 00:09:27,840 Speaker 1: water and bio energy sources like crops and forests. Bobby's 109 00:09:27,880 --> 00:09:31,559 Speaker 1: parents use wood in their stove. Bernice said, that's right, 110 00:09:31,640 --> 00:09:34,960 Speaker 1: little Bear. Bobby's house has a wood stove for the 111 00:09:35,000 --> 00:09:43,800 Speaker 1: winter cold. Now, non renewable resources are resources that cannot 112 00:09:43,920 --> 00:09:50,120 Speaker 1: be replenished quickly enough to sustain their consumption rate. I 113 00:09:50,160 --> 00:09:55,240 Speaker 1: couldn't think of any examples, Papa. That's okay, little bear, 114 00:09:56,120 --> 00:10:01,280 Speaker 1: Some examples of non renewable resources include ud, fossil fuels 115 00:10:01,360 --> 00:10:08,480 Speaker 1: like coal, oil, and natural gas, and minerals like iron, aluminum, 116 00:10:08,760 --> 00:10:14,400 Speaker 1: and gold. Once these resources are used up, they cannot 117 00:10:14,520 --> 00:10:19,400 Speaker 1: be replaced. While I am preparing dinner, why don't you 118 00:10:20,000 --> 00:10:24,679 Speaker 1: rewrite the answers to those questions? And if you have time, 119 00:10:25,240 --> 00:10:27,920 Speaker 1: see if you can find in the book why the 120 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:36,120 Speaker 1: difference between renewable and non renewable resources is important. Okay, Papa, 121 00:10:36,280 --> 00:10:40,880 Speaker 1: but I have a little problem. What's that, little Bear? 122 00:10:41,840 --> 00:10:45,200 Speaker 1: I think I am out of energy, Bernice said, smiling. 123 00:10:46,200 --> 00:10:51,080 Speaker 1: Would another cookie help? Papa Bear asked, I think it would, Papa, 124 00:10:51,240 --> 00:10:57,000 Speaker 1: because they are super duper delicious. Okay, little bear, here's 125 00:10:57,080 --> 00:11:07,319 Speaker 1: another cookie. Thank you, Papa. It's that time, Papa, said Bernice. 126 00:11:07,920 --> 00:11:11,440 Speaker 1: And what time is that, little Bear, replied her, Papa, 127 00:11:11,840 --> 00:11:15,760 Speaker 1: the time you read me a story. That means it's 128 00:11:15,840 --> 00:11:19,400 Speaker 1: my favorite time of day. What kind of story would 129 00:11:19,400 --> 00:11:25,199 Speaker 1: you like her? Papa asked, hmm, maybe a story with Booboo. 130 00:11:26,080 --> 00:11:28,560 Speaker 1: I think Booboo and Kai Kai are a lot like 131 00:11:28,640 --> 00:11:32,120 Speaker 1: Bobby and me. Bernice said, with a great big yawn, 132 00:11:33,800 --> 00:11:37,480 Speaker 1: they could be. Papa Bear said, smiling. Did you do 133 00:11:37,600 --> 00:11:41,160 Speaker 1: all the things you need to do before bed, I 134 00:11:41,240 --> 00:11:45,160 Speaker 1: think so. I gave Mama a great big hug and kiss. 135 00:11:45,640 --> 00:11:48,400 Speaker 1: I had a soapy bath. I even did a good 136 00:11:48,480 --> 00:11:53,440 Speaker 1: job cleaning behind my ears. I put on my warm pajamas. 137 00:11:53,760 --> 00:11:57,160 Speaker 1: I brushed my teeth, and I even did some stretches. 138 00:11:59,120 --> 00:12:03,720 Speaker 1: You are growing up, little bear, I know, Papa. Soon 139 00:12:04,000 --> 00:12:08,959 Speaker 1: I'll be taller than you. I'm sure you will. Are 140 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:15,000 Speaker 1: you comfy, yes, Papa. How about Twigger, Wolfe and Madeleine? 141 00:12:15,320 --> 00:12:19,400 Speaker 1: Are they ready for a story? They say they are ready, 142 00:12:19,720 --> 00:12:25,239 Speaker 1: and I think they are looking forward to it too. Okay, 143 00:12:25,640 --> 00:12:27,840 Speaker 1: give me a hug and a kiss, and I'll tell 144 00:12:27,840 --> 00:12:37,520 Speaker 1: you a short story. Thank you, Papa. Once upon a time, 145 00:12:37,800 --> 00:12:40,960 Speaker 1: in a world full of magic and fun, there lived 146 00:12:41,000 --> 00:12:46,240 Speaker 1: a brave little bear named Booboo. She lived in a 147 00:12:46,400 --> 00:12:51,280 Speaker 1: large castle at the edge of a mystical forest. In 148 00:12:51,400 --> 00:12:57,800 Speaker 1: this forest where unicorns, fairies, gnomes, and all manner of insects, 149 00:12:57,880 --> 00:13:05,200 Speaker 1: birds and animals. It was a wonderful place. Her best 150 00:13:05,240 --> 00:13:08,880 Speaker 1: friend was a young dragon called Kai Kai, and they 151 00:13:09,080 --> 00:13:13,319 Speaker 1: liked to play as much as they could. The kingdom 152 00:13:13,360 --> 00:13:15,720 Speaker 1: they lived in was full of people who lived in 153 00:13:15,760 --> 00:13:19,800 Speaker 1: the meadows, those who lived in the hills and those 154 00:13:19,880 --> 00:13:23,720 Speaker 1: who lived in the forest, and they all lived in harmony. 155 00:13:27,240 --> 00:13:31,280 Speaker 1: On this day, Bubu and Kaiki were outside in the garden, 156 00:13:31,679 --> 00:13:36,000 Speaker 1: at their preferred meeting place, away from where the gardener worked. 157 00:13:37,559 --> 00:13:41,120 Speaker 1: The gardener was still leery of Kaikai and would get 158 00:13:41,200 --> 00:13:46,280 Speaker 1: upset whenever he saw him. It wasn't that Kaiki did 159 00:13:46,320 --> 00:13:51,440 Speaker 1: anything wrong or was anything but polite. It was just 160 00:13:51,480 --> 00:13:54,680 Speaker 1: that the gardener was from a different time when dragons 161 00:13:54,720 --> 00:13:59,600 Speaker 1: were not as careful as they are today. Dragons were 162 00:13:59,600 --> 00:14:03,040 Speaker 1: more lum and had ruined many of his gardens by 163 00:14:03,120 --> 00:14:06,520 Speaker 1: trampling on the plants when they landed to visit the king. 164 00:14:09,760 --> 00:14:12,240 Speaker 1: What do you feel like doing today, Kai Kai asked. 165 00:14:12,880 --> 00:14:15,640 Speaker 1: We could fly up to the mountains and slide on 166 00:14:15,720 --> 00:14:19,240 Speaker 1: the snow, or go for ice cream, or visit the 167 00:14:19,280 --> 00:14:24,480 Speaker 1: fishing villages. We have no class with Bixi today, and 168 00:14:24,600 --> 00:14:30,320 Speaker 1: Bluebell is traveling with her family, so we have many choices, 169 00:14:31,000 --> 00:14:34,880 Speaker 1: Kai Kai. How can you always have so much energy, 170 00:14:34,920 --> 00:14:40,040 Speaker 1: Booboo asked, I'm just naturally energetic, Kai Kai said, laughing. 171 00:14:41,240 --> 00:14:44,880 Speaker 1: Can you give me some of your energy? I'm tired? 172 00:14:46,920 --> 00:14:51,040 Speaker 1: Why are you so tired? We just finished writing a 173 00:14:51,200 --> 00:14:55,200 Speaker 1: bunch of tests and it has worn me out. It's 174 00:14:55,240 --> 00:15:00,480 Speaker 1: surprising how tiring studying and writing tests can be. It's 175 00:15:00,520 --> 00:15:04,480 Speaker 1: almost like when we trained for running races. The tests 176 00:15:04,560 --> 00:15:08,000 Speaker 1: my teachers give me at my level are mostly physical, 177 00:15:08,400 --> 00:15:12,160 Speaker 1: so I guess it's different. Why don't we just go 178 00:15:12,280 --> 00:15:16,360 Speaker 1: for a walk in the woods, Booboo said. Okay, the 179 00:15:16,400 --> 00:15:19,560 Speaker 1: seasonal flowers are in bloom, and I think there are 180 00:15:19,600 --> 00:15:23,320 Speaker 1: some berries ready to be eaten. Kai Kai said as 181 00:15:23,320 --> 00:15:28,120 Speaker 1: his stomach started to growl Oh, Kai Kai, you are 182 00:15:28,280 --> 00:15:33,440 Speaker 1: so funny, always thinking with your stomach. A young dragon 183 00:15:33,560 --> 00:15:36,600 Speaker 1: has to grow, you know, Kai Kai said, with a laugh. 184 00:15:38,800 --> 00:15:42,120 Speaker 1: Kai Kai and Booboo walked along the path towards the 185 00:15:42,360 --> 00:15:48,280 Speaker 1: entrance to the forest. The entrance they always took was 186 00:15:48,360 --> 00:15:52,680 Speaker 1: clearly marked by a round archway that the trees created 187 00:15:53,000 --> 00:15:58,880 Speaker 1: so that all could see. Though Kai Kai wasn't a 188 00:15:59,040 --> 00:16:03,040 Speaker 1: large dragon as dragons go, he still found it difficult 189 00:16:03,120 --> 00:16:06,800 Speaker 1: to walk along the narrow path without stomping on the 190 00:16:06,840 --> 00:16:12,960 Speaker 1: flowers and plants that lined the way. The trees of 191 00:16:13,040 --> 00:16:17,280 Speaker 1: the forest towered high into the sky, their branches coming 192 00:16:17,320 --> 00:16:21,560 Speaker 1: together to form a dense canopy that filtered the sunlight 193 00:16:21,640 --> 00:16:27,680 Speaker 1: along the path into a dim and mystical glow. The 194 00:16:27,760 --> 00:16:31,160 Speaker 1: gentle rustle of the trees, and the soft chirping of 195 00:16:31,240 --> 00:16:36,880 Speaker 1: birds provided a relaxing soundtrack to their walk, a soundtrack 196 00:16:37,120 --> 00:16:43,160 Speaker 1: interrupted only by the heavy thuds of Kaikai's feet. Booboo 197 00:16:43,200 --> 00:16:47,920 Speaker 1: and Kaikai are known to all in the forest. Walking 198 00:16:47,960 --> 00:16:51,240 Speaker 1: along the path and deeper into the woods, they meet 199 00:16:51,480 --> 00:16:56,800 Speaker 1: talking animals, fairies, and even a couple of gnomes, all 200 00:16:56,840 --> 00:17:01,520 Speaker 1: going about their day. The Greek Kai Kai and Booboo 201 00:17:01,880 --> 00:17:07,640 Speaker 1: and treat each other as friends. As Booboo and Kai 202 00:17:07,760 --> 00:17:10,720 Speaker 1: Kai come to a clearing, the air is filled with 203 00:17:10,840 --> 00:17:15,680 Speaker 1: the sweet scent of flowers and the sounds of more birds. 204 00:17:17,320 --> 00:17:20,040 Speaker 1: This looks like a great place to stop and rest, 205 00:17:20,040 --> 00:17:23,439 Speaker 1: Bobo said, And I see some berries for us to 206 00:17:23,480 --> 00:17:29,560 Speaker 1: snack on. Yes, pooh, I can now finally let my 207 00:17:29,720 --> 00:17:34,320 Speaker 1: wings spread naturally. Keeping them close to my body when 208 00:17:34,320 --> 00:17:39,640 Speaker 1: we are walking can get uncomfortable. I'm sure the forest 209 00:17:39,720 --> 00:17:44,000 Speaker 1: plants appreciate your effort, Kaikai. And after this short walk, 210 00:17:44,560 --> 00:17:50,640 Speaker 1: I already feel better. It was brighter in the clearing, 211 00:17:50,880 --> 00:17:55,520 Speaker 1: and the sunlight poured down in a warm and inviting beam, 212 00:17:55,560 --> 00:18:01,760 Speaker 1: illuminating the area with a golden glow. In the center 213 00:18:01,840 --> 00:18:05,639 Speaker 1: of the clearing was a small pool of crystal clear water, 214 00:18:06,359 --> 00:18:11,000 Speaker 1: surrounded by a ring of glowing mushrooms, bright flowers, and 215 00:18:11,160 --> 00:18:14,520 Speaker 1: juicy looking berries that Kai Kai wanted to snack on. 216 00:18:17,800 --> 00:18:22,560 Speaker 1: Sitting down, Booboo said, I think I could relax here forever. 217 00:18:23,320 --> 00:18:26,240 Speaker 1: I love spending time in the forest as much as 218 00:18:26,320 --> 00:18:30,720 Speaker 1: I enjoy spending time at home. If only there was 219 00:18:30,760 --> 00:18:35,000 Speaker 1: an ice cream shop here, Kai Ki said, laughing. We 220 00:18:35,119 --> 00:18:38,359 Speaker 1: don't have to keep walking or chatting. Why don't you 221 00:18:38,440 --> 00:18:40,760 Speaker 1: sit here and relax while I see if I can 222 00:18:40,800 --> 00:18:43,760 Speaker 1: eat all the berries that are by the pool, Kai 223 00:18:43,840 --> 00:18:48,280 Speaker 1: Ki said, as his stomach grumbled. Sounds good to me, 224 00:18:48,960 --> 00:18:52,560 Speaker 1: Booboo said, as Kai Ki walked towards the berries, and 225 00:18:52,720 --> 00:18:59,000 Speaker 1: save some for me. As Kai Kai approached the pool, 226 00:19:00,200 --> 00:19:03,679 Speaker 1: hear the distant laughter of fairies and the whispers of 227 00:19:03,760 --> 00:19:07,960 Speaker 1: the gentle wind. The sun was warm on her face. 228 00:19:09,600 --> 00:19:12,360 Speaker 1: I'll just close my eyes for a moment and then 229 00:19:12,520 --> 00:19:15,359 Speaker 1: join Kai Kai at the berry bush, she said to 230 00:19:15,400 --> 00:19:23,639 Speaker 1: herself as she slowly fell to sleep. And with that, 231 00:19:24,240 --> 00:19:28,119 Speaker 1: Papa Bear gave Bernice a kiss on the forehead, adjusted 232 00:19:28,160 --> 00:19:32,200 Speaker 1: her blanket, making sure that her friends were comfy too, 233 00:19:32,800 --> 00:19:42,719 Speaker 1: turned off her lamp and quietly whispered good night, and 234 00:19:42,800 --> 00:19:48,120 Speaker 1: that is the end of our story. Good Night, sleep tight. 235 00:20:00,840 --> 00:20:09,560 Speaker 1: The b b BA