1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:14,440 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,480 --> 00:00:19,360 Speaker 1: to say hello to Edie and Margo in San Francisco. 3 00:00:19,560 --> 00:00:22,919 Speaker 1: I'd like to say a happy belated birthday to Haley 4 00:00:23,040 --> 00:00:29,000 Speaker 1: from the Philippines who recently turned six. Happy birthday to 5 00:00:29,080 --> 00:00:35,239 Speaker 1: Iliana turning five on August ninth. Happy birthday to Johnny 6 00:00:35,360 --> 00:00:40,320 Speaker 1: who has a birthday on August twelfth. Happy birthday to 7 00:00:40,479 --> 00:00:47,440 Speaker 1: Audrey from Fulsome, California who is turning nine on August thirteenth, 8 00:00:47,680 --> 00:00:51,839 Speaker 1: and happy birthday to Wyatt who is turning six on 9 00:00:51,920 --> 00:00:56,880 Speaker 1: August fourteenth. Happy birthday to you all. I hope you 10 00:00:56,960 --> 00:01:01,480 Speaker 1: have a wonderful day. No doubts and birthday wishes are 11 00:01:01,520 --> 00:01:04,880 Speaker 1: one way we give thanks to our supporters. If you 12 00:01:04,880 --> 00:01:08,240 Speaker 1: would like to support us and receive more bedtime entertainment 13 00:01:08,400 --> 00:01:12,360 Speaker 1: like this, all add free, please visit our support page 14 00:01:12,360 --> 00:01:29,120 Speaker 1: at sleep tightstories dot org slash support. Thank you. This 15 00:01:29,319 --> 00:01:33,360 Speaker 1: is the first part of our story about a weird witch, 16 00:01:34,040 --> 00:01:40,120 Speaker 1: a princess, and a boy. The weird witch lived on 17 00:01:40,160 --> 00:01:43,639 Speaker 1: the top of a hill and helped everyone she could 18 00:01:44,040 --> 00:01:48,800 Speaker 1: with the things they needed. She had put spells around 19 00:01:48,800 --> 00:01:51,440 Speaker 1: the base of the hill where she lived so that 20 00:01:51,480 --> 00:01:53,920 Speaker 1: people did not need to come all the way to 21 00:01:54,040 --> 00:01:59,880 Speaker 1: the top to see her. One day, Princess Winsome came 22 00:02:00,160 --> 00:02:03,600 Speaker 1: to see her and did not stop running until she 23 00:02:03,680 --> 00:02:08,200 Speaker 1: stood right in front of her. What could she possibly 24 00:02:08,280 --> 00:02:14,120 Speaker 1: want from the witch? The Weird Witch of the Willow 25 00:02:14,160 --> 00:02:21,160 Speaker 1: Herb Part one. The Weird Witch of the Willow Herb 26 00:02:21,520 --> 00:02:25,360 Speaker 1: lived in a pink cottage on the top of a hill. 27 00:02:26,919 --> 00:02:32,360 Speaker 1: She was merry and beautiful, and wise and kind, and 28 00:02:32,440 --> 00:02:36,520 Speaker 1: she was all dressed in pink and green. And she 29 00:02:36,560 --> 00:02:41,040 Speaker 1: had great eyes that were sometimes filled with laughter and 30 00:02:41,200 --> 00:02:47,360 Speaker 1: sometimes filled with tears, and her round soft mouth looked 31 00:02:47,400 --> 00:02:51,880 Speaker 1: as though it had done nothing but smile or hundreds 32 00:02:51,919 --> 00:02:59,040 Speaker 1: and hundreds of years. Her pink cottage was the most 33 00:02:59,160 --> 00:03:03,799 Speaker 1: charming place in the world to live in. The walls 34 00:03:03,880 --> 00:03:07,160 Speaker 1: were made of the flower of the willow herb, and 35 00:03:07,280 --> 00:03:11,200 Speaker 1: the roof was made of the green leaves, and the 36 00:03:11,280 --> 00:03:15,720 Speaker 1: floors were made of the white down, and all the 37 00:03:15,800 --> 00:03:20,519 Speaker 1: little lattice windows were cobwebs spawn by the spiders who 38 00:03:20,560 --> 00:03:24,240 Speaker 1: live in Fairyland and make the windows for the fairy 39 00:03:24,360 --> 00:03:29,640 Speaker 1: queen's own palace. And no one but an elf or 40 00:03:29,680 --> 00:03:33,239 Speaker 1: a fairy could have said how long the Weird Witch 41 00:03:33,280 --> 00:03:36,280 Speaker 1: of the Willow Herb had been living in her cottage 42 00:03:36,560 --> 00:03:42,200 Speaker 1: on the top of the hill. Now, anyone might think 43 00:03:42,400 --> 00:03:46,520 Speaker 1: that this wonderful witch was so sweet and so wise 44 00:03:47,120 --> 00:03:50,680 Speaker 1: that all sorts of people would be coming all day 45 00:03:50,800 --> 00:03:55,120 Speaker 1: long to ask her to help them, for of course, 46 00:03:55,800 --> 00:04:01,240 Speaker 1: that is what a witch is for. But this particular 47 00:04:01,320 --> 00:04:04,480 Speaker 1: witch who lived in her pink cottage on the top 48 00:04:04,560 --> 00:04:07,960 Speaker 1: of the hill had not been living there all that 49 00:04:08,120 --> 00:04:12,640 Speaker 1: time for nothing. If I did not keep a few 50 00:04:12,720 --> 00:04:16,159 Speaker 1: spells lying about at the bottom of the hill, I 51 00:04:16,200 --> 00:04:20,440 Speaker 1: would never have a moment's peace, chuckled the Witch of 52 00:04:20,480 --> 00:04:24,280 Speaker 1: the willow Herb. And that is why most of the 53 00:04:24,320 --> 00:04:28,280 Speaker 1: people who came to her to ask for spells never 54 00:04:28,400 --> 00:04:32,599 Speaker 1: got as far as the pink cottage at all, or 55 00:04:32,640 --> 00:04:35,600 Speaker 1: they found what they wanted at the bottom of the hill. 56 00:04:36,720 --> 00:04:40,400 Speaker 1: And no doubt that saved everybody a great deal of trouble. 57 00:04:42,960 --> 00:04:47,200 Speaker 1: Poor people, said the witch, with her voice full of kindness. 58 00:04:48,200 --> 00:04:51,200 Speaker 1: Why should I make them climb all this way just 59 00:04:51,240 --> 00:04:57,440 Speaker 1: to see me? Sometimes, however, it did happen that somebody 60 00:04:57,520 --> 00:05:00,400 Speaker 1: got to the top of the hill or else, it 61 00:05:00,480 --> 00:05:03,160 Speaker 1: is clear that this story would never have been written. 62 00:05:04,600 --> 00:05:07,960 Speaker 1: For one day, as the witch sat on her doorstep 63 00:05:08,040 --> 00:05:11,560 Speaker 1: of her pink cottage, looking out over the world with 64 00:05:11,640 --> 00:05:16,480 Speaker 1: her great eyes that saw everything. The little Princess Winsom 65 00:05:16,960 --> 00:05:20,960 Speaker 1: came running up the white path that twisted round and 66 00:05:21,200 --> 00:05:25,360 Speaker 1: round and up and up until it reached the cottage 67 00:05:25,400 --> 00:05:29,480 Speaker 1: at the top, and she did not stop running until 68 00:05:29,520 --> 00:05:34,120 Speaker 1: she stood in front of the weird witch herself. She 69 00:05:34,160 --> 00:05:36,640 Speaker 1: looked as though she must have come along in a 70 00:05:36,680 --> 00:05:39,960 Speaker 1: great hurry, for she had lost one of her shoes 71 00:05:40,000 --> 00:05:43,600 Speaker 1: on the way, and there was quite a serious scratch 72 00:05:43,680 --> 00:05:48,320 Speaker 1: on her dimpled chin. But of course it is difficult 73 00:05:48,360 --> 00:05:51,320 Speaker 1: to walk sedately when one is going to call on 74 00:05:51,400 --> 00:05:58,920 Speaker 1: a witch. I am Princess Winsome, she announced, as soon 75 00:05:58,960 --> 00:06:03,080 Speaker 1: as she had breath en to speak. To be sure, 76 00:06:03,120 --> 00:06:06,440 Speaker 1: you are smiled the weird witch, who knew that before. 77 00:06:07,240 --> 00:06:12,080 Speaker 1: And you have run away from home because because I 78 00:06:12,240 --> 00:06:15,880 Speaker 1: want to find the bravest boy in the world, interrupted 79 00:06:15,920 --> 00:06:19,120 Speaker 1: the princess, who never liked to let anyone else do 80 00:06:19,200 --> 00:06:24,000 Speaker 1: the talking. Are there no brave boys in your country, 81 00:06:24,040 --> 00:06:29,520 Speaker 1: then asked the witch. That's not it, answered Princess Winsome. 82 00:06:30,480 --> 00:06:33,760 Speaker 1: The boys in my country are so brave that it 83 00:06:33,880 --> 00:06:38,200 Speaker 1: is no fun playing games with them. They stop all 84 00:06:38,240 --> 00:06:41,599 Speaker 1: the games by fighting about nothing at all. And it's 85 00:06:41,720 --> 00:06:45,880 Speaker 1: dreadfully boring when you're a girl, isn't it. Perhaps it 86 00:06:45,960 --> 00:06:49,880 Speaker 1: is smiled the witch. Then why are you looking for 87 00:06:49,960 --> 00:06:55,720 Speaker 1: the bravest boy of all, ah, said the little princess. Wisely, 88 00:06:56,839 --> 00:07:00,520 Speaker 1: the bravest boy of all would never fight unless there 89 00:07:00,640 --> 00:07:03,680 Speaker 1: was a reason, you see, and so we should have 90 00:07:03,800 --> 00:07:07,599 Speaker 1: lots of time to play. But how am I to 91 00:07:07,680 --> 00:07:12,680 Speaker 1: find him. The only way to find him is to 92 00:07:12,800 --> 00:07:16,600 Speaker 1: let him find you, said the weird witch. And the 93 00:07:16,640 --> 00:07:19,520 Speaker 1: best thing I can do for you is to trap 94 00:07:19,600 --> 00:07:23,240 Speaker 1: you in the middle of an enchanted forest, where no 95 00:07:23,320 --> 00:07:26,760 Speaker 1: one but the bravest boy in the world would ever 96 00:07:26,880 --> 00:07:31,120 Speaker 1: come to find anyone. Now go quickly, or you won't 97 00:07:31,160 --> 00:07:37,080 Speaker 1: get there in time. And the princess with the scratch 98 00:07:37,120 --> 00:07:41,040 Speaker 1: on her chin must certainly have made haste, for she 99 00:07:41,160 --> 00:07:44,679 Speaker 1: had quite disappeared by the time the Witch's next visitor 100 00:07:45,280 --> 00:07:50,040 Speaker 1: came up the winding white path, And that happened the 101 00:07:50,240 --> 00:07:55,400 Speaker 1: very next minute. This time it was a boy who 102 00:07:55,480 --> 00:08:01,760 Speaker 1: came along, a tall, strong, jolly looking boy with his 103 00:08:01,880 --> 00:08:05,160 Speaker 1: hands in his pockets and his cap at the back 104 00:08:05,200 --> 00:08:10,600 Speaker 1: of his head, whistling a strange, wild tune that was 105 00:08:10,680 --> 00:08:13,840 Speaker 1: made up of all the songs of all the birds 106 00:08:13,920 --> 00:08:18,560 Speaker 1: in the air, so that as he whistled it, every 107 00:08:18,640 --> 00:08:26,680 Speaker 1: bird for miles around stopped to listen. I am Kit, 108 00:08:26,840 --> 00:08:30,640 Speaker 1: he said, pulling off his cap for the witch to 109 00:08:30,760 --> 00:08:34,200 Speaker 1: be sure. You are smiled, the weird witch. And you 110 00:08:34,360 --> 00:08:37,160 Speaker 1: have run away from home because the other boys think 111 00:08:37,240 --> 00:08:40,600 Speaker 1: you are not brave, and you want to show them 112 00:08:40,679 --> 00:08:44,000 Speaker 1: that you are as brave as they are. Only you 113 00:08:44,080 --> 00:08:49,560 Speaker 1: won't fight without a reason. Isn't that it? Of course 114 00:08:49,559 --> 00:08:53,240 Speaker 1: it is, answered Kit, who liked to have his talking 115 00:08:53,320 --> 00:08:57,720 Speaker 1: done for him. But how shall I find something worth 116 00:08:57,760 --> 00:09:02,960 Speaker 1: fighting about? That is not difficult, said the weird witch. 117 00:09:03,840 --> 00:09:06,000 Speaker 1: All you have to do is to go to the 118 00:09:06,080 --> 00:09:10,040 Speaker 1: court of King Hurly Burly and ask him to give 119 00:09:10,040 --> 00:09:15,040 Speaker 1: you something brave to do. The king is always going 120 00:09:15,080 --> 00:09:18,720 Speaker 1: to war about something, so you will soon have as 121 00:09:18,800 --> 00:09:22,280 Speaker 1: much fighting as you want. Now, be off with you, 122 00:09:22,880 --> 00:09:27,280 Speaker 1: or else some one will get there before you. All right, 123 00:09:27,360 --> 00:09:31,200 Speaker 1: said Kit, Which is the way any way you like, 124 00:09:31,679 --> 00:09:36,360 Speaker 1: laughed the weird Witch. But in what direction? Asked Kit? 125 00:09:37,200 --> 00:09:43,320 Speaker 1: It doesn't matter, laughed the weird witch. So Kit made 126 00:09:43,360 --> 00:09:48,000 Speaker 1: another bow and marched away again down the hillside, whistling 127 00:09:48,080 --> 00:09:52,560 Speaker 1: the same tune. As before, and all the birds of 128 00:09:52,600 --> 00:09:56,160 Speaker 1: the air came flying along when they heard it, and 129 00:09:56,280 --> 00:09:58,880 Speaker 1: they flew in front of him to show him the way, 130 00:09:59,400 --> 00:10:02,920 Speaker 1: and he follo followed them over meadows and streams, and 131 00:10:03,160 --> 00:10:07,720 Speaker 1: orchards and cornfields, until they brought him to the walls 132 00:10:08,280 --> 00:10:12,800 Speaker 1: of King Hurley Burley's city. And they would not have 133 00:10:12,880 --> 00:10:15,840 Speaker 1: left him then if he had not pointed out to 134 00:10:15,960 --> 00:10:20,600 Speaker 1: them most politely that although it was very obliging of 135 00:10:20,640 --> 00:10:24,080 Speaker 1: them to have come so far with him, he would 136 00:10:24,160 --> 00:10:27,800 Speaker 1: find it a little inconvenient to travel any further with 137 00:10:27,960 --> 00:10:33,960 Speaker 1: so many companions. So they flew away again, and Kit 138 00:10:34,320 --> 00:10:37,440 Speaker 1: marched into the city and up to the gates of 139 00:10:37,520 --> 00:10:43,240 Speaker 1: the King's palace. I have come to fight for the king, 140 00:10:43,360 --> 00:10:46,040 Speaker 1: said Kit, when the guards came out and asked him 141 00:10:46,040 --> 00:10:50,079 Speaker 1: what he wanted, and he looked such a fine strong 142 00:10:50,200 --> 00:10:53,080 Speaker 1: fellow that they took him at once to the king. 143 00:10:56,080 --> 00:10:58,240 Speaker 1: You have come in the nick of time, said King 144 00:10:58,360 --> 00:11:01,440 Speaker 1: Hurley Burly. Or the king commander in chief of the 145 00:11:01,520 --> 00:11:06,400 Speaker 1: royal forces has overslept so often that I had him 146 00:11:06,400 --> 00:11:10,960 Speaker 1: fired this morning. The army is in consequence without the 147 00:11:11,000 --> 00:11:15,080 Speaker 1: commander in chief, So if you will become their general 148 00:11:15,520 --> 00:11:19,079 Speaker 1: and invade the country of my neighbor, King topsy Turvy. 149 00:11:19,720 --> 00:11:25,080 Speaker 1: I shall be much obliged to you. Why do I 150 00:11:25,120 --> 00:11:28,439 Speaker 1: have to invade the country of King topsy Turvy, demanded Kit. 151 00:11:30,760 --> 00:11:33,880 Speaker 1: The king pushed his crown on one side, which he 152 00:11:33,920 --> 00:11:38,319 Speaker 1: always did when he felt puzzled. Now that you mention it, 153 00:11:38,440 --> 00:11:42,360 Speaker 1: he said, I believe there was a reason, but for 154 00:11:42,440 --> 00:11:46,600 Speaker 1: the life of me, I can't remember what it was. However, 155 00:11:47,040 --> 00:11:51,880 Speaker 1: the reason is of no importance. Oh yes, it is, interrupted, Kit. 156 00:11:52,520 --> 00:11:56,680 Speaker 1: I can't possibly fight without a reason, you know. Huh, 157 00:11:56,800 --> 00:12:01,760 Speaker 1: that's awkward, said King Hurley Burly. Perhaps the army will know, 158 00:12:03,160 --> 00:12:06,000 Speaker 1: and he sent a message around to the barracks to 159 00:12:06,120 --> 00:12:11,200 Speaker 1: ask the soldiers why they were going to war. But 160 00:12:11,800 --> 00:12:15,640 Speaker 1: although the soldiers were all ready to begin, they had 161 00:12:15,640 --> 00:12:21,200 Speaker 1: not the least idea what the war was about. So 162 00:12:21,360 --> 00:12:27,080 Speaker 1: the king's crown became more crooked than before. Would you 163 00:12:27,120 --> 00:12:30,679 Speaker 1: be able to invent a reason, he asked Kit, for 164 00:12:30,840 --> 00:12:33,160 Speaker 1: he could not help thinking how nice it would be 165 00:12:33,280 --> 00:12:36,440 Speaker 1: to stay at home while his soldiers were being led 166 00:12:36,480 --> 00:12:40,040 Speaker 1: to war by some one else. You may marry the 167 00:12:40,080 --> 00:12:44,719 Speaker 1: Princess Winsom if she agrees. When you come back victorious, 168 00:12:44,760 --> 00:12:49,320 Speaker 1: he added, as an afterthought, but Kit only shook his head. 169 00:12:50,200 --> 00:12:53,240 Speaker 1: He had never heard of the Princess Winsome, and he 170 00:12:53,400 --> 00:12:56,959 Speaker 1: was not going to fight anybody without a very good 171 00:12:57,040 --> 00:13:02,600 Speaker 1: reason for it. Then King Hurley Burley had a brilliant 172 00:13:02,679 --> 00:13:06,959 Speaker 1: idea go and declare war on the enemy to begin with, 173 00:13:07,280 --> 00:13:14,280 Speaker 1: he said, and perhaps they will remember the reason. There 174 00:13:14,400 --> 00:13:18,520 Speaker 1: was certainly no harm in declaring war. So Kit rode 175 00:13:18,559 --> 00:13:22,120 Speaker 1: off at once on one of the King's fastest horses, 176 00:13:22,880 --> 00:13:26,120 Speaker 1: and arrived the next morning at the court of King 177 00:13:26,360 --> 00:13:32,559 Speaker 1: topsy Turvy just as his majesty was sitting down to breakfast. 178 00:13:33,840 --> 00:13:37,040 Speaker 1: I have come from King Hurley Burley to declare war, 179 00:13:37,120 --> 00:13:42,600 Speaker 1: said Kit, who always went straight to the point. What for, 180 00:13:43,160 --> 00:13:47,760 Speaker 1: asked King topsy Turvy. I don't know, said Kit. That's 181 00:13:47,800 --> 00:13:52,280 Speaker 1: what I want you to tell me. The King ate 182 00:13:52,360 --> 00:13:59,480 Speaker 1: two eggs before he replied, well, he said, presently. I believe, 183 00:13:59,559 --> 00:14:04,160 Speaker 1: I said Hurley Burley was a shocking old muddler. Yeah, 184 00:14:04,280 --> 00:14:07,480 Speaker 1: I suppose that's it, all right. When do you want 185 00:14:07,520 --> 00:14:12,079 Speaker 1: to begin. I don't want to begin at all, answered Kit. 186 00:14:12,880 --> 00:14:16,440 Speaker 1: Why did you say he was a muddler? Oh, just 187 00:14:16,440 --> 00:14:22,440 Speaker 1: to make conversation, said King topsy Turvy. Helping himself to marmalade. 188 00:14:22,760 --> 00:14:26,200 Speaker 1: Then you don't really think he is an old muddler, 189 00:14:26,680 --> 00:14:31,360 Speaker 1: asked Kit. Dear me, no, said King topsy Turvy. I 190 00:14:31,560 --> 00:14:36,560 Speaker 1: never thought that. Then write that down on a piece 191 00:14:36,560 --> 00:14:39,240 Speaker 1: of paper. And there needn't be a war at all, 192 00:14:39,280 --> 00:14:46,040 Speaker 1: cried Kit. The king stroked his beard. Hmm, perhaps there needn't, 193 00:14:46,120 --> 00:14:51,520 Speaker 1: he agreed. But I never write, I do, though, said Kit, 194 00:14:51,800 --> 00:14:54,760 Speaker 1: who had learned to write while all the other boys 195 00:14:54,760 --> 00:14:58,880 Speaker 1: were making catapults. You've only got to sign your name here. 196 00:15:01,280 --> 00:15:05,480 Speaker 1: King topsy Turvy stopped eating his breakfast just long enough 197 00:15:05,520 --> 00:15:09,200 Speaker 1: to sign the beautiful apology Kit had written on a 198 00:15:09,200 --> 00:15:13,120 Speaker 1: sheet of notepaper. And then Kit jumped on his horse 199 00:15:13,160 --> 00:15:16,760 Speaker 1: again and rode back to the palace of King hurly 200 00:15:16,880 --> 00:15:23,360 Speaker 1: burly Well said, his majesty, did you discover the reason? 201 00:15:24,800 --> 00:15:27,640 Speaker 1: There wasn't any reason? And there isn't going to be 202 00:15:27,720 --> 00:15:31,440 Speaker 1: a war, answered Kit, and he held out the beautifully 203 00:15:31,440 --> 00:15:37,320 Speaker 1: written apology from King topsy Turvy. What cried his majesty 204 00:15:37,320 --> 00:15:40,960 Speaker 1: in alarm. Do you mean to say you've stopped the war? 205 00:15:42,360 --> 00:15:45,040 Speaker 1: Of course, I have said Kit, and I have come 206 00:15:45,120 --> 00:15:48,880 Speaker 1: back victorious, as you see. Didn't you say something about 207 00:15:48,920 --> 00:15:53,480 Speaker 1: a princess. But buba bu bu, But said the king. 208 00:15:54,080 --> 00:15:57,120 Speaker 1: How am I to appease the army? The army has 209 00:15:57,160 --> 00:16:02,360 Speaker 1: its heart set on a war, so did I, answered 210 00:16:02,440 --> 00:16:08,760 Speaker 1: Kit sadly. But I never can find anything worth fighting about. Meanwhile, 211 00:16:09,640 --> 00:16:14,320 Speaker 1: where is the princess? You have not earned the princess, 212 00:16:14,760 --> 00:16:19,120 Speaker 1: said King hurley Burly, who was now thoroughly angry. I 213 00:16:19,200 --> 00:16:23,520 Speaker 1: believe you are not very brave at all. That is 214 00:16:23,560 --> 00:16:27,520 Speaker 1: what the other boys say, answered Kit, smiling. It is 215 00:16:27,600 --> 00:16:30,600 Speaker 1: not my fault that there is nothing to fight about. 216 00:16:31,520 --> 00:16:33,920 Speaker 1: Will you please send for the princess so I can 217 00:16:34,000 --> 00:16:39,680 Speaker 1: meet her. The princess has run away from home, so 218 00:16:39,800 --> 00:16:43,720 Speaker 1: I can't send for her, said the king irritably. She 219 00:16:43,920 --> 00:16:48,280 Speaker 1: is trapped in an enchanted forest and surrounded with wild 220 00:16:48,360 --> 00:16:52,960 Speaker 1: beasts and magic spells and giants. It is not at 221 00:16:52,960 --> 00:16:55,160 Speaker 1: all a nice place for a princess to be in. 222 00:16:55,720 --> 00:17:02,120 Speaker 1: But how am I to get her away? Why? Exclaimed Kit, laughing. 223 00:17:02,800 --> 00:17:06,399 Speaker 1: Here is something for your army to do. Let it 224 00:17:06,440 --> 00:17:11,200 Speaker 1: go and rescue the princess. Nothing would convince the army 225 00:17:11,240 --> 00:17:15,040 Speaker 1: to go near the place, explained the king sorrowfully. The 226 00:17:15,200 --> 00:17:20,800 Speaker 1: army is too afraid of being bewitched. Hooray, shouted Kit, 227 00:17:21,240 --> 00:17:25,320 Speaker 1: laughing more than ever. At last, I have found something 228 00:17:25,400 --> 00:17:29,560 Speaker 1: brave to do. I will go and rescue the Princess. 229 00:17:34,600 --> 00:17:38,400 Speaker 1: And that is the end of this part. Good Night, 230 00:17:39,480 --> 00:17:41,920 Speaker 1: sleep tight.