1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:27,600 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Thank you 2 00:00:27,680 --> 00:00:33,800 Speaker 1: to Cameron for helping with this story. Pip is a 3 00:00:33,880 --> 00:00:37,519 Speaker 1: rabbit who enjoys staying close to his mother where no 4 00:00:37,560 --> 00:00:41,599 Speaker 1: one can bother him. He is smaller than some of 5 00:00:41,640 --> 00:00:47,840 Speaker 1: his friends, and that sometimes causes problems. Pip's mother encourages 6 00:00:47,920 --> 00:00:50,800 Speaker 1: him to go out and play with his friends, and 7 00:00:50,880 --> 00:00:55,680 Speaker 1: so he goes, but the same thing that always happens 8 00:00:55,720 --> 00:01:01,200 Speaker 1: happens again. After this, decides to go and get some 9 00:01:01,280 --> 00:01:07,000 Speaker 1: carrots for his mom, and then something totally new happens. 10 00:01:12,000 --> 00:01:19,400 Speaker 1: Pip eats a purple carrot. It was early morning in 11 00:01:19,520 --> 00:01:24,199 Speaker 1: the magical meadow, nestled deep in the heart of the forest. 12 00:01:25,480 --> 00:01:29,080 Speaker 1: The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, 13 00:01:29,800 --> 00:01:35,399 Speaker 1: casting its warmth all over those who lived there. The 14 00:01:35,520 --> 00:01:41,040 Speaker 1: trees stretched awake, the grass shed its dew, and the 15 00:01:41,120 --> 00:01:49,040 Speaker 1: flowers started to open and say hello. As these first 16 00:01:49,200 --> 00:01:53,000 Speaker 1: rays of light shone through the trees, the animals who 17 00:01:53,040 --> 00:01:58,480 Speaker 1: lived there also began to stir. First, a family of 18 00:01:58,560 --> 00:02:02,920 Speaker 1: rabbits hopped out of their burrow, their long ears perking 19 00:02:03,000 --> 00:02:08,600 Speaker 1: up as they listened to the sounds of the forest. Next, 20 00:02:08,800 --> 00:02:13,360 Speaker 1: a family of deer appeared, their spotted coats shimmering in 21 00:02:13,440 --> 00:02:18,760 Speaker 1: the early morning light. A pair of squirrels chased each 22 00:02:18,800 --> 00:02:23,440 Speaker 1: other around a tree, their bushy tails flicking back and forth. 23 00:02:25,480 --> 00:02:30,119 Speaker 1: A group of birds took flight, swooping and diving through 24 00:02:30,160 --> 00:02:36,320 Speaker 1: the air, teasing the other animals. A family of raccoons 25 00:02:36,400 --> 00:02:40,840 Speaker 1: peeked out from behind a tree, their masked faces watching 26 00:02:40,880 --> 00:02:45,200 Speaker 1: the activity of the other families. And a group of 27 00:02:45,280 --> 00:02:51,000 Speaker 1: butterflies fluttered by, their delicate wings shimmering in the sunlight. 28 00:02:54,440 --> 00:02:58,079 Speaker 1: As the meadow came to life, the young animals began 29 00:02:58,240 --> 00:03:03,400 Speaker 1: to play. The most exuberant of all the animals was 30 00:03:03,440 --> 00:03:07,480 Speaker 1: a kit of young rabbits, the children of all the 31 00:03:07,560 --> 00:03:13,320 Speaker 1: rabbit families. They tumbled and played in the grass, rolling 32 00:03:13,480 --> 00:03:17,440 Speaker 1: over and over as they chased each other around the meadow, 33 00:03:19,360 --> 00:03:24,560 Speaker 1: all except for one, whose name was Pip. He sat 34 00:03:24,600 --> 00:03:27,520 Speaker 1: at the edge of the meadow near his mother, watching 35 00:03:27,600 --> 00:03:34,600 Speaker 1: all the others play. He seemed a little sad. Pip, 36 00:03:34,960 --> 00:03:38,040 Speaker 1: why don't you play with the other rabbits. I love 37 00:03:38,120 --> 00:03:41,480 Speaker 1: having you around me this morning, but you really should 38 00:03:41,480 --> 00:03:44,800 Speaker 1: go with your friends. It's a beautiful morning and a 39 00:03:44,840 --> 00:03:51,080 Speaker 1: great time to play. Pip's mother said, I'm too small, Mum, 40 00:03:51,600 --> 00:03:54,160 Speaker 1: the kids always give me a hard time because of 41 00:03:54,200 --> 00:03:58,280 Speaker 1: my size, and then when they let me play, I 42 00:03:58,520 --> 00:04:02,240 Speaker 1: always lose the chase games because I can't run as fast. 43 00:04:02,760 --> 00:04:07,960 Speaker 1: Pip said, you don't always have to win, Pip. It's 44 00:04:08,000 --> 00:04:11,120 Speaker 1: a fun game, and I'm sure there are games you 45 00:04:11,200 --> 00:04:16,120 Speaker 1: can all play that you are good at too. Why 46 00:04:16,120 --> 00:04:19,719 Speaker 1: do I have to be the smallest, mom, It's not fair. 47 00:04:22,080 --> 00:04:25,520 Speaker 1: I don't know why you are growing slower than the others, Pip. 48 00:04:26,360 --> 00:04:30,320 Speaker 1: You will grow larger soon enough. Just be happy with 49 00:04:30,440 --> 00:04:33,880 Speaker 1: who you are right now and stop comparing yourself to 50 00:04:33,960 --> 00:04:40,720 Speaker 1: your friends. Everyone is different. Bouncy's mother tells me that 51 00:04:40,760 --> 00:04:43,320 Speaker 1: the kids all think you are very smart and kind. 52 00:04:44,360 --> 00:04:48,600 Speaker 1: That is what matters. Now. I want you to go 53 00:04:48,720 --> 00:04:55,040 Speaker 1: off play with your friends and try to have some fun. Okay, Mom, 54 00:04:55,440 --> 00:05:01,960 Speaker 1: I will try. Pip wasn't entirely convinced that it was 55 00:05:02,040 --> 00:05:05,440 Speaker 1: a good idea, but he hopped off to the side 56 00:05:05,440 --> 00:05:08,560 Speaker 1: of the meadow where all the other rabbits were now 57 00:05:08,600 --> 00:05:14,400 Speaker 1: playing Hi guys, Pip said, when he finally arrived, Can 58 00:05:14,440 --> 00:05:19,440 Speaker 1: I play too? Of course, Pip, Bouncy said, are you 59 00:05:19,600 --> 00:05:23,360 Speaker 1: sure you can keep up? Little guy? Another rabbit called, 60 00:05:23,920 --> 00:05:28,920 Speaker 1: you are still the size of a baby, Dash said, laughing, yeah, 61 00:05:29,160 --> 00:05:32,960 Speaker 1: won't your little legs get too tired. Another rabbit, who 62 00:05:33,040 --> 00:05:37,919 Speaker 1: called himself Blitz, said, in a whiny voice, stop being 63 00:05:38,040 --> 00:05:41,320 Speaker 1: so mean and let Pip play in peace. Bouncey said, 64 00:05:42,279 --> 00:05:45,320 Speaker 1: I'm sorry, Pip. Those other rabbits are being a little 65 00:05:45,400 --> 00:05:48,200 Speaker 1: rude and seem to have forgotten that it was only 66 00:05:48,240 --> 00:05:52,080 Speaker 1: a short while ago when they were your size. We 67 00:05:52,160 --> 00:05:54,279 Speaker 1: all want you to play with us. You are the 68 00:05:54,360 --> 00:06:00,479 Speaker 1: nicest rabbit in the kit. Thank you, bouncy. Pip said, Okay, 69 00:06:00,680 --> 00:06:04,240 Speaker 1: let's play tag. One of the faster rabbits yelled, who 70 00:06:04,320 --> 00:06:13,800 Speaker 1: wants to be it? Pip does? Blitz said, with a laugh. Okay, Pip, 71 00:06:14,080 --> 00:06:16,880 Speaker 1: you close your eyes and count to ten. When you 72 00:06:16,920 --> 00:06:20,640 Speaker 1: are finished counting, yell here I come, ready or not? 73 00:06:21,960 --> 00:06:25,920 Speaker 1: Then you try to come and find us. But when 74 00:06:26,000 --> 00:06:29,599 Speaker 1: you find us, you also have to tag us or 75 00:06:29,640 --> 00:06:33,320 Speaker 1: you lose. Dash said, and the rest of us have 76 00:06:33,400 --> 00:06:36,080 Speaker 1: to make sure we only hide here in the meadow, 77 00:06:36,600 --> 00:06:42,719 Speaker 1: no going off into the woods. So Pip closed his 78 00:06:42,800 --> 00:06:46,760 Speaker 1: eyes and started counting while all the little rabbits went 79 00:06:46,880 --> 00:06:51,400 Speaker 1: and found a hiding place. When he reached the number ten, 80 00:06:51,520 --> 00:06:57,560 Speaker 1: he yelled, ready or not? Here I come now. Pip 81 00:06:57,640 --> 00:07:01,840 Speaker 1: might be small, but he was really good at finding things, 82 00:07:02,680 --> 00:07:05,359 Speaker 1: so when he hopped around the meadow, he found the 83 00:07:05,400 --> 00:07:11,480 Speaker 1: other rabbits more easily than any of the others would have. Unfortunately, 84 00:07:12,080 --> 00:07:15,240 Speaker 1: when he tried to tag them, they were all too 85 00:07:15,400 --> 00:07:19,240 Speaker 1: fast and he couldn't catch them, so he lost the 86 00:07:19,280 --> 00:07:24,880 Speaker 1: game again. I'm sorry, Pip, Bouncy said, that wasn't a 87 00:07:24,920 --> 00:07:27,760 Speaker 1: fair game for you. I think we can play something 88 00:07:27,800 --> 00:07:32,280 Speaker 1: else that you were good at. That's okay, Pip said, 89 00:07:32,840 --> 00:07:34,840 Speaker 1: I think I am going to take a break and 90 00:07:34,960 --> 00:07:41,200 Speaker 1: gather some carrots for my mother. Pip walked away from 91 00:07:41,280 --> 00:07:44,400 Speaker 1: the other rabbits towards the patch of carrots on the 92 00:07:44,480 --> 00:07:49,200 Speaker 1: other side of the meadow. He was sad. As he 93 00:07:49,360 --> 00:07:51,800 Speaker 1: was walking. He could hear the voices of the other 94 00:07:51,960 --> 00:07:55,080 Speaker 1: rabbits calling him to come back and play something else, 95 00:07:56,080 --> 00:08:03,000 Speaker 1: but he didn't listen and just kept walking. Finally, arriving 96 00:08:03,080 --> 00:08:05,880 Speaker 1: on the other side of the meadow, Pip saw the 97 00:08:05,880 --> 00:08:09,000 Speaker 1: green leaves of the carrots poking out of the ground 98 00:08:09,160 --> 00:08:14,400 Speaker 1: like little green fingers, waving in the breeze. Though no 99 00:08:14,560 --> 00:08:17,880 Speaker 1: other rabbits were there, it was still a busy place, 100 00:08:18,360 --> 00:08:23,960 Speaker 1: buzzing with all sorts of creatures. Bees buzzed from flower 101 00:08:24,000 --> 00:08:30,280 Speaker 1: to flower, pollinating the nearby plants. Ladybugs crawled along the leaves, 102 00:08:30,680 --> 00:08:34,320 Speaker 1: gobbling up any pests that dared to nibble on the carrots, 103 00:08:35,160 --> 00:08:39,800 Speaker 1: and in the soil, earthworms wriggled and squirmed, helping to 104 00:08:39,880 --> 00:08:45,720 Speaker 1: keep the soil healthy and rich. As Pip was about 105 00:08:45,720 --> 00:08:49,360 Speaker 1: to pull some carrots for his mother, he noticed leaves 106 00:08:49,400 --> 00:08:55,400 Speaker 1: in the distance that looked slightly different. Hopping over, he 107 00:08:55,440 --> 00:08:58,520 Speaker 1: saw that while the leaves were a different color of green, 108 00:08:59,240 --> 00:09:03,920 Speaker 1: the carrots themselves, sticking out of the ground were all purple. 109 00:09:06,720 --> 00:09:10,320 Speaker 1: I've heard of purple carrots before, Pip said to himself, 110 00:09:10,760 --> 00:09:16,320 Speaker 1: but I've never actually seen or tasted them. They almost 111 00:09:16,400 --> 00:09:21,520 Speaker 1: sparkle in the sky. I must try a bite of one. 112 00:09:21,640 --> 00:09:24,480 Speaker 1: So Pip took a bite of a purple carrot, and 113 00:09:24,559 --> 00:09:29,320 Speaker 1: it tasted so different and so sweet. So we took 114 00:09:29,360 --> 00:09:34,880 Speaker 1: another bite, and another and another, until the whole carrot 115 00:09:35,000 --> 00:09:41,240 Speaker 1: was gone. Feeling very full, Pip thought, before I take 116 00:09:41,280 --> 00:09:43,920 Speaker 1: some carrots back to my mom, I think I will 117 00:09:43,920 --> 00:09:49,080 Speaker 1: have a short nap. So Pip found a safe place 118 00:09:49,120 --> 00:09:55,559 Speaker 1: to lie down and fell fast asleep. A short time later, 119 00:09:55,640 --> 00:10:00,640 Speaker 1: when Pip woke up, he felt refreshed. Wow, he said 120 00:10:00,640 --> 00:10:04,400 Speaker 1: to himself, that was the best nap I have ever had. 121 00:10:05,120 --> 00:10:11,199 Speaker 1: I feel stronger than ever. But then Pip couldn't believe 122 00:10:11,280 --> 00:10:15,400 Speaker 1: his eyes when he looked around the meadow. Everything looked 123 00:10:15,400 --> 00:10:20,280 Speaker 1: so tiny now. The blades of grass that used to tower 124 00:10:20,280 --> 00:10:24,920 Speaker 1: over him were now at his feet. The flowers he 125 00:10:25,080 --> 00:10:28,080 Speaker 1: used to nibble on were now as big as he was. 126 00:10:29,360 --> 00:10:33,120 Speaker 1: The trees in the distance looked like tiny sticks, and 127 00:10:33,160 --> 00:10:39,400 Speaker 1: the birds flying overhead looked like little bugs. The carrots 128 00:10:39,440 --> 00:10:41,720 Speaker 1: that he would have had to carry one by one 129 00:10:41,760 --> 00:10:44,880 Speaker 1: to his mother he could now carry by the bunch. 130 00:10:46,679 --> 00:10:52,360 Speaker 1: Pip had somehow miraculously grown. He was a giant rabbit. 131 00:10:53,320 --> 00:10:56,960 Speaker 1: He had to show someone his new larger size, so 132 00:10:57,040 --> 00:11:00,440 Speaker 1: he ran as fast as he could toward his family's burrow, 133 00:11:00,840 --> 00:11:07,160 Speaker 1: making loud thumping noises along the way. Before he got 134 00:11:07,200 --> 00:11:09,839 Speaker 1: to the burrow, he met his friends again, who were 135 00:11:09,840 --> 00:11:17,080 Speaker 1: playing a game amongst the flowers. Hi, guys, Pip bellowed, 136 00:11:17,240 --> 00:11:22,680 Speaker 1: can I play too? Pip towered over all the other 137 00:11:22,800 --> 00:11:27,720 Speaker 1: rabbits and they were all a little nervous. Pip, what 138 00:11:27,920 --> 00:11:31,800 Speaker 1: happened to you? Bouncy exclaimed, you have grown so much 139 00:11:31,840 --> 00:11:36,040 Speaker 1: that you are now a giant. Yeah, I ate some 140 00:11:36,200 --> 00:11:39,680 Speaker 1: purple carrots, and then while I had a nap, I 141 00:11:39,840 --> 00:11:46,319 Speaker 1: magically grew to this size. Those purple carrots must have 142 00:11:46,400 --> 00:11:50,400 Speaker 1: had some strong magic. Bouncey said, do you guys want 143 00:11:50,400 --> 00:11:54,000 Speaker 1: to play tag again? Pip asked, looking at the other 144 00:11:54,120 --> 00:11:57,320 Speaker 1: young rabbits who had been playing but had stopped to 145 00:11:57,440 --> 00:12:02,920 Speaker 1: look at how Pip had changed. Blitz, looking a little scared, 146 00:12:03,000 --> 00:12:06,320 Speaker 1: said uh ah, I think I might need to go 147 00:12:06,360 --> 00:12:11,120 Speaker 1: and have a nap. I'm feeling a little tired. Looking 148 00:12:11,200 --> 00:12:14,480 Speaker 1: up at Pip, Dasher said, I think I am tired too, 149 00:12:14,520 --> 00:12:18,760 Speaker 1: and might also have a nap. Then all the other 150 00:12:18,880 --> 00:12:22,760 Speaker 1: rabbits said pretty much the same thing and slowly walked away. 151 00:12:23,600 --> 00:12:27,400 Speaker 1: I'll accept Bouncy, who had always been one of Pip's 152 00:12:27,440 --> 00:12:33,320 Speaker 1: best friends. I don't understand, Bouncy. The other rabbits used 153 00:12:33,320 --> 00:12:36,679 Speaker 1: to always tease me about being smaller than them, and 154 00:12:36,760 --> 00:12:39,679 Speaker 1: now that I am bigger, no one wants to play 155 00:12:39,720 --> 00:12:45,560 Speaker 1: with me. Oh, Pip, they always liked to tease you 156 00:12:45,640 --> 00:12:49,280 Speaker 1: a little bit, just like they tease each other. They 157 00:12:49,320 --> 00:12:52,640 Speaker 1: teased me too, until I told them I didn't like it. 158 00:12:53,679 --> 00:12:56,000 Speaker 1: I told them, you didn't like it either, and they 159 00:12:56,080 --> 00:13:01,120 Speaker 1: promised to stop. Just because you were smaller, that doesn't 160 00:13:01,160 --> 00:13:04,920 Speaker 1: mean we couldn't play different games. But now you are 161 00:13:05,080 --> 00:13:08,240 Speaker 1: so big, everyone is a little bit scared of you. 162 00:13:10,040 --> 00:13:12,680 Speaker 1: Just be yourself, and I'm sure they will come around 163 00:13:13,760 --> 00:13:17,520 Speaker 1: when you let your personality shine through. I'm sure they 164 00:13:17,559 --> 00:13:21,400 Speaker 1: will see the old Pip inside the new giant size Pip. 165 00:13:22,480 --> 00:13:28,119 Speaker 1: It might just take a bit of time, Pip side. Ugh. Okay, 166 00:13:28,840 --> 00:13:31,079 Speaker 1: I guess I thought that if I had changed how 167 00:13:31,120 --> 00:13:33,839 Speaker 1: I looked I might be able to play with you 168 00:13:33,880 --> 00:13:39,080 Speaker 1: guys more. What you look like or your size doesn't 169 00:13:39,120 --> 00:13:42,360 Speaker 1: matter to me, Pip. It's what you are like inside 170 00:13:42,400 --> 00:13:47,160 Speaker 1: that counts. Just don't step on me with your supersized paws. Okay, 171 00:13:47,880 --> 00:13:51,559 Speaker 1: Bouncy said with a laugh. I promise I won't step 172 00:13:51,600 --> 00:13:55,640 Speaker 1: on you with my paws, Pip said, smiling. I think 173 00:13:55,720 --> 00:13:59,080 Speaker 1: I need to go have another nap. All this growth 174 00:13:59,080 --> 00:14:03,360 Speaker 1: has made me slip deep much faster than usual. Have 175 00:14:03,480 --> 00:14:07,080 Speaker 1: a good nap, Bouncy said. As they hopped their separate ways. 176 00:14:09,120 --> 00:14:13,000 Speaker 1: Pip lay down near his family burrow because he was 177 00:14:13,040 --> 00:14:21,840 Speaker 1: too big to fit inside now, and fell fast asleep. Pip, 178 00:14:22,360 --> 00:14:26,880 Speaker 1: Wake up, Wake up, little rabbit. His mother said, you 179 00:14:26,960 --> 00:14:30,000 Speaker 1: fell asleep after carrying all the carrots from the carrot 180 00:14:30,040 --> 00:14:34,040 Speaker 1: patch home. You must have been exhausted if you didn't 181 00:14:34,080 --> 00:14:38,840 Speaker 1: even make it into the burrow. Pip looked up at 182 00:14:38,880 --> 00:14:43,080 Speaker 1: his mother. Huh. I shouldn't be able to stare up 183 00:14:43,120 --> 00:14:48,040 Speaker 1: at my mom unless she grew to be a giant too. 184 00:14:48,280 --> 00:14:52,920 Speaker 1: Looking around, Pip saw that the grass, flowers and trees 185 00:14:53,720 --> 00:14:59,640 Speaker 1: all looked as they were before. I'm not a giant anymore, mom, 186 00:15:00,280 --> 00:15:03,280 Speaker 1: Pip said to his mother, who was busy preparing the 187 00:15:03,320 --> 00:15:08,160 Speaker 1: carrots for the end of the day meal. Looking a 188 00:15:08,200 --> 00:15:11,560 Speaker 1: bit puzzled, his mother said, you will always be a 189 00:15:11,600 --> 00:15:15,080 Speaker 1: giant to me, little rabbit. You are the smartest and 190 00:15:15,280 --> 00:15:20,080 Speaker 1: kindest rabbit in the whole meadow. Now, why don't you 191 00:15:20,120 --> 00:15:23,280 Speaker 1: go off and play with your friends. Bouncy, Blitz and 192 00:15:23,400 --> 00:15:26,320 Speaker 1: Dash were just here looking for you, but I didn't 193 00:15:26,360 --> 00:15:30,000 Speaker 1: want to wake you. I think they wanted to play 194 00:15:30,040 --> 00:15:36,720 Speaker 1: some new games with you. Feeling a little confused, Pip 195 00:15:36,800 --> 00:15:41,520 Speaker 1: stood up, stretched his paws, and bounced off as fast 196 00:15:41,600 --> 00:15:44,800 Speaker 1: as his little legs would carry him to play with 197 00:15:44,920 --> 00:15:53,040 Speaker 1: his friends in the meadow. And that's the end of 198 00:15:53,080 --> 00:16:39,200 Speaker 1: our story. Good night, sleep tight the Baby Cook clonglock