1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:29,080 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Today's fairy 2 00:00:29,160 --> 00:00:35,000 Speaker 1: tale is a retelling of snow White. Snow White is 3 00:00:35,040 --> 00:00:39,839 Speaker 1: a very beautiful girl, but her stepmother is jealous and 4 00:00:39,960 --> 00:00:46,400 Speaker 1: doesn't want her around, so she sends her away. No 5 00:00:46,520 --> 00:00:49,840 Speaker 1: White finds the Seven Dwarfs and agrees to take care 6 00:00:49,880 --> 00:00:54,240 Speaker 1: of their homes so she can stay there. They love 7 00:00:54,320 --> 00:00:57,160 Speaker 1: her and want to take care of her and warn 8 00:00:57,280 --> 00:01:02,320 Speaker 1: her about letting strangers into the house when snow White 9 00:01:02,320 --> 00:01:10,080 Speaker 1: doesn't listen. They need to try and help snow White 10 00:01:10,680 --> 00:01:17,399 Speaker 1: and the Seven Dwarfs. Once upon a time, in the 11 00:01:17,440 --> 00:01:21,040 Speaker 1: middle of winter, when the flakes of snow were falling 12 00:01:21,280 --> 00:01:25,319 Speaker 1: like feathers from the clouds, a queen sat at her 13 00:01:25,360 --> 00:01:30,520 Speaker 1: palace window, which had an ebony black frame, stitching her 14 00:01:30,600 --> 00:01:35,360 Speaker 1: husband's shirts. While she was looking out at the snow, 15 00:01:35,720 --> 00:01:39,720 Speaker 1: she pricked her finger, and three drops of blood fell 16 00:01:39,800 --> 00:01:45,600 Speaker 1: upon the snow. Now the red looked so pretty upon 17 00:01:45,680 --> 00:01:50,720 Speaker 1: the white, that she thought to herself, Oh, that I 18 00:01:50,840 --> 00:01:54,680 Speaker 1: had a child as white as this snow, as red 19 00:01:54,680 --> 00:01:57,880 Speaker 1: as this blood, and as black as the wood of 20 00:01:57,960 --> 00:02:04,680 Speaker 1: this frame. Soon afterwards, a little daughter came to her, 21 00:02:05,280 --> 00:02:09,799 Speaker 1: who was as white as snow, and with cheeks as 22 00:02:09,840 --> 00:02:13,200 Speaker 1: red as the blood, and with hair as black as 23 00:02:13,240 --> 00:02:19,919 Speaker 1: the wood. And from this she was named snow White. 24 00:02:20,040 --> 00:02:27,880 Speaker 1: But sadly her mother passed. About a year afterwards, the 25 00:02:27,960 --> 00:02:33,440 Speaker 1: king married another wife, who was very beautiful, but so 26 00:02:33,840 --> 00:02:37,960 Speaker 1: proud and haughty that she could not bear anyone to 27 00:02:38,040 --> 00:02:45,079 Speaker 1: be better looking than herself. She owned a wonderful mirror, 28 00:02:45,800 --> 00:02:50,320 Speaker 1: and when she stepped before it and said, mirror, mirror 29 00:02:50,440 --> 00:02:54,239 Speaker 1: on the wall, who is the fairest of us all? 30 00:02:56,080 --> 00:03:00,440 Speaker 1: It replied, the Queen is the fairest of the day. 31 00:03:02,560 --> 00:03:06,320 Speaker 1: Then she was pleased, for she knew that the mirror 32 00:03:06,360 --> 00:03:14,880 Speaker 1: spoke truly. Little snow White, however, grew up and became 33 00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:20,680 Speaker 1: prettier and prettier, and when she was seven years old, 34 00:03:20,800 --> 00:03:25,200 Speaker 1: she was as fair as the noonday, and more beautiful 35 00:03:25,280 --> 00:03:32,400 Speaker 1: than the Queen herself. When the Queen now asked her mirror, mirror, 36 00:03:32,440 --> 00:03:36,040 Speaker 1: mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of us all? 37 00:03:37,440 --> 00:03:43,160 Speaker 1: It replied, The Queen was fairest yesterday. Snow White is 38 00:03:43,200 --> 00:03:51,000 Speaker 1: the fairest now? They say. This answer so angered the 39 00:03:51,120 --> 00:03:57,840 Speaker 1: Queen that she became quite upset. From that hour, whenever 40 00:03:57,920 --> 00:04:01,839 Speaker 1: she saw snow White, her heart was hardened against her 41 00:04:02,600 --> 00:04:07,000 Speaker 1: and she started to not like the little girl. Her 42 00:04:07,160 --> 00:04:11,800 Speaker 1: envy and jealousy increased, so that she had no rest 43 00:04:12,120 --> 00:04:18,919 Speaker 1: day or night. After years, she said to her huntsman, 44 00:04:19,880 --> 00:04:22,560 Speaker 1: take the child away into the forest. I will never 45 00:04:22,640 --> 00:04:29,680 Speaker 1: look upon her again. The huntsman listened and took the 46 00:04:29,720 --> 00:04:33,640 Speaker 1: girl away, but when they got into the woods, snow 47 00:04:33,680 --> 00:04:39,599 Speaker 1: White began to cry, saying, oh, dear huntsman, please help me. 48 00:04:40,160 --> 00:04:42,800 Speaker 1: I will run into the wild forest and never come 49 00:04:42,839 --> 00:04:49,400 Speaker 1: home again. This speech softened the hunter's heart, and her 50 00:04:49,440 --> 00:04:52,960 Speaker 1: beauty so touched him that he had pity on her 51 00:04:52,960 --> 00:04:57,839 Speaker 1: and said, well, run away, then, poor child, And he 52 00:04:57,880 --> 00:05:02,800 Speaker 1: felt as though a stone had been lifted from his heart. 53 00:05:04,200 --> 00:05:09,200 Speaker 1: But now poor little snow White was left all alone 54 00:05:09,240 --> 00:05:13,880 Speaker 1: and overcome with grief. She was confused at the sight 55 00:05:13,960 --> 00:05:18,240 Speaker 1: of so many trees, and knew not which way to turn. 56 00:05:20,400 --> 00:05:24,280 Speaker 1: She ran till her feet refused to go farther, And 57 00:05:24,360 --> 00:05:27,239 Speaker 1: as it was getting dark and she saw a little 58 00:05:27,279 --> 00:05:34,640 Speaker 1: house near, she entered in to rest. In this cottage, 59 00:05:34,800 --> 00:05:42,520 Speaker 1: everything was very small, but very neat and elegant. In 60 00:05:42,600 --> 00:05:45,560 Speaker 1: the middle stood a little table with a white cloth 61 00:05:45,760 --> 00:05:51,320 Speaker 1: over it, and seven little plates upon it, each plate 62 00:05:51,440 --> 00:05:56,080 Speaker 1: having a spoon and a knife and a fork, and 63 00:05:56,160 --> 00:06:03,760 Speaker 1: there were also seven little mugs. Against the wall were 64 00:06:03,839 --> 00:06:08,040 Speaker 1: seven little beds arranged in a row, each covered with 65 00:06:08,160 --> 00:06:16,880 Speaker 1: snow white sheets. Little snow white. Being both hungry and thirsty, 66 00:06:17,680 --> 00:06:20,640 Speaker 1: ate a little morsel of porridge out of each plate, 67 00:06:21,400 --> 00:06:24,080 Speaker 1: and drank a drop or two out of each mug, 68 00:06:25,200 --> 00:06:27,720 Speaker 1: for she did not wish to take away the whole 69 00:06:27,880 --> 00:06:34,800 Speaker 1: share of anyone. After that, because she was so tired, 70 00:06:35,640 --> 00:06:39,240 Speaker 1: she laid herself down on one bed, but it did 71 00:06:39,279 --> 00:06:44,360 Speaker 1: not suit. She tried another, but that was too long, 72 00:06:45,440 --> 00:06:50,560 Speaker 1: a fourth was too short, a fifth too hard. But 73 00:06:50,680 --> 00:06:55,520 Speaker 1: the seventh was just the thing, And tucking herself up 74 00:06:55,560 --> 00:07:02,760 Speaker 1: in it, she went to sleep. When it became quite dark, 75 00:07:03,080 --> 00:07:08,120 Speaker 1: the owners of the cottage came home, seven dwarfs who 76 00:07:08,200 --> 00:07:12,720 Speaker 1: dug for gold and silver in the mountains. They first 77 00:07:12,800 --> 00:07:16,920 Speaker 1: lit seven little lamps and saw at once, For they 78 00:07:16,960 --> 00:07:20,520 Speaker 1: lit up the whole room that somebody had been in, 79 00:07:21,560 --> 00:07:24,240 Speaker 1: for everything was not in the order in which they 80 00:07:24,280 --> 00:07:30,480 Speaker 1: had left it. The first asked who has been sitting 81 00:07:30,520 --> 00:07:35,160 Speaker 1: on my chair? The second who has been eating off 82 00:07:35,240 --> 00:07:40,240 Speaker 1: my plate? The third said, who has been nibbling at 83 00:07:40,280 --> 00:07:46,920 Speaker 1: my bread? The fourth who has been at my porridge. 84 00:07:47,200 --> 00:07:52,280 Speaker 1: The fifth who has been meddling with my fork? The 85 00:07:52,400 --> 00:07:57,560 Speaker 1: six grumbled out, who has been cutting with my knife? 86 00:07:57,760 --> 00:08:01,600 Speaker 1: The seventh said, who has been drinking out of my mug? 87 00:08:05,480 --> 00:08:09,040 Speaker 1: Then the first, looking round, began again, Who has been 88 00:08:09,120 --> 00:08:12,280 Speaker 1: lying on my bed? He asked, for he saw that 89 00:08:12,400 --> 00:08:17,240 Speaker 1: the sheets were tumbled. At these words, the others came, and, 90 00:08:17,280 --> 00:08:20,680 Speaker 1: looking at their beds, cried out too, someone has been 91 00:08:20,760 --> 00:08:25,680 Speaker 1: lying in our beds. But the seventh little man, running 92 00:08:25,760 --> 00:08:30,120 Speaker 1: up to his, saw snow White sleeping in it. So 93 00:08:30,200 --> 00:08:34,840 Speaker 1: he called his companions, who shouted with wonder and held 94 00:08:34,920 --> 00:08:38,440 Speaker 1: up their seven lamps so that the light fell upon 95 00:08:38,520 --> 00:08:43,959 Speaker 1: the girl. Oh heavens, Oh heavens, said they, what a 96 00:08:44,000 --> 00:08:49,080 Speaker 1: beauty she is. And they were so much delighted that 97 00:08:49,160 --> 00:08:52,480 Speaker 1: they would not waken her, but left her to sleep. 98 00:08:53,559 --> 00:08:57,840 Speaker 1: And the seventh dwarf, in whose bed she was, slept 99 00:08:57,840 --> 00:09:01,400 Speaker 1: with each of his other fellows one hour, and so 100 00:09:01,920 --> 00:09:09,680 Speaker 1: passed the night. As soon as morning came. Snow White 101 00:09:09,679 --> 00:09:13,079 Speaker 1: awoke and was quite frightened when she saw the seven 102 00:09:13,120 --> 00:09:17,400 Speaker 1: little men. But they were very friendly and asked her 103 00:09:17,440 --> 00:09:22,520 Speaker 1: what she was called. My name is snow White, was 104 00:09:22,559 --> 00:09:27,000 Speaker 1: her reply, Why have you come into our cottage, they asked. 105 00:09:28,240 --> 00:09:30,920 Speaker 1: Then she told them how her stepmother had sent her 106 00:09:30,960 --> 00:09:34,280 Speaker 1: away from her home, and how she had wandered about 107 00:09:34,320 --> 00:09:38,320 Speaker 1: the whole day until at last she had found their house. 108 00:09:41,679 --> 00:09:45,280 Speaker 1: When her tail was finished, the dwarf said, will you 109 00:09:45,360 --> 00:09:50,480 Speaker 1: look after our household, be our cook, make the beds, wash, 110 00:09:50,800 --> 00:09:54,440 Speaker 1: sew and knit for us, and keep everything in neat order. 111 00:09:55,880 --> 00:09:58,480 Speaker 1: If so, we will keep you here, and you shall 112 00:09:58,559 --> 00:10:05,000 Speaker 1: want for nothing. And snow White answered yes with all 113 00:10:05,160 --> 00:10:09,480 Speaker 1: my heart and will, And so she stayed with them 114 00:10:09,880 --> 00:10:15,960 Speaker 1: and kept their house in order. In the morning, the 115 00:10:16,040 --> 00:10:19,240 Speaker 1: dwarfs went out into the mountains and searched for silver 116 00:10:19,320 --> 00:10:23,320 Speaker 1: and gold, and in the evening they came home and 117 00:10:23,480 --> 00:10:28,960 Speaker 1: found their meals ready for them. During the day, snow 118 00:10:29,000 --> 00:10:32,760 Speaker 1: White was left alone, and therefore the good dwarfs warned 119 00:10:32,800 --> 00:10:36,640 Speaker 1: her and said, be careful of your stepmother, who will 120 00:10:36,720 --> 00:10:40,720 Speaker 1: soon know of your being here. So let nobody enter 121 00:10:40,760 --> 00:10:47,800 Speaker 1: the cottage. The queen, meanwhile, supposing that her step daughter 122 00:10:48,040 --> 00:10:52,280 Speaker 1: was nowhere near, believed that she was now above all 123 00:10:52,920 --> 00:10:58,360 Speaker 1: the most beautiful woman. One day she stepped before her 124 00:10:58,440 --> 00:11:03,480 Speaker 1: mirror and said, mirror, mirror on the wall, who is 125 00:11:03,559 --> 00:11:09,920 Speaker 1: the fairest of us? All and it replied, the queen 126 00:11:10,120 --> 00:11:14,520 Speaker 1: was fairest yesterday. Snow White is fairest now, they say. 127 00:11:15,559 --> 00:11:20,160 Speaker 1: The dwarfs protect her from thy sway amid the forest 128 00:11:20,840 --> 00:11:27,440 Speaker 1: far away. This reply surprised her, but she knew that 129 00:11:27,600 --> 00:11:32,760 Speaker 1: the mirror spoke the truth. So she changed her face 130 00:11:33,080 --> 00:11:36,320 Speaker 1: and dressed herself as a peddler woman, so that no 131 00:11:36,360 --> 00:11:40,760 Speaker 1: one could recognize her. And in this disguise she went 132 00:11:40,960 --> 00:11:44,880 Speaker 1: over the seven Hills to the house of the seven Dwarfs. 133 00:11:47,360 --> 00:11:50,000 Speaker 1: She knocked on the door of the house and called out, 134 00:11:51,000 --> 00:11:57,679 Speaker 1: fine goods for sale, Beautiful goods for sale. Snow White 135 00:11:57,720 --> 00:12:00,520 Speaker 1: peeped out of the window and said, good day, my 136 00:12:00,600 --> 00:12:06,200 Speaker 1: good woman. What have you to sell? Fine goods? Beautiful goods? 137 00:12:06,920 --> 00:12:12,560 Speaker 1: She replied, stays of all colors, and she held up 138 00:12:12,600 --> 00:12:17,280 Speaker 1: a pair, which were made of many colored silks. I 139 00:12:17,400 --> 00:12:21,640 Speaker 1: may let in, this honest woman, thought snow White, and 140 00:12:21,679 --> 00:12:26,400 Speaker 1: she unbolted the door and bargained for one pair of stays. 141 00:12:28,960 --> 00:12:32,920 Speaker 1: You can't think, my dear, how they become you, exclaimed 142 00:12:32,960 --> 00:12:36,360 Speaker 1: the old woman. Come let me lace them up for you. 143 00:12:39,640 --> 00:12:43,800 Speaker 1: Snow White suspected nothing and let her do as she wished. 144 00:12:44,840 --> 00:12:47,839 Speaker 1: But the old woman laced her up so quickly and 145 00:12:47,880 --> 00:12:55,000 Speaker 1: so tightly, that all her breath went and she fell down. Now, 146 00:12:55,080 --> 00:12:59,080 Speaker 1: thought the old woman to herself, hastening away. Now again, 147 00:12:59,280 --> 00:13:05,560 Speaker 1: I am the most beautiful of all. That evening, not 148 00:13:05,760 --> 00:13:09,720 Speaker 1: long after the stepmother had left, the seven dwarfs came 149 00:13:09,760 --> 00:13:13,480 Speaker 1: home and were much frightened at seeing their dear little 150 00:13:13,520 --> 00:13:18,520 Speaker 1: girl lying on the ground, neither moving nor breathing. They 151 00:13:18,640 --> 00:13:21,480 Speaker 1: raised her up, and when they saw that she was 152 00:13:21,559 --> 00:13:25,920 Speaker 1: laced too tightly, they cut the stay to pieces, and 153 00:13:26,000 --> 00:13:31,000 Speaker 1: presently she began to breathe again, and little by little 154 00:13:31,280 --> 00:13:36,440 Speaker 1: she revived. When the dwarfs now heard what had taken place, 155 00:13:36,520 --> 00:13:40,040 Speaker 1: they said, the old peddler woman was no other than 156 00:13:40,080 --> 00:13:44,520 Speaker 1: your wicked stepmother. Take more care of yourself, and let 157 00:13:44,600 --> 00:13:50,719 Speaker 1: no one enter when we are not with you. Meanwhile, 158 00:13:50,800 --> 00:13:54,320 Speaker 1: the Queen had reached home, and going before her mirror, 159 00:13:54,360 --> 00:13:59,760 Speaker 1: she repeated her usual words, mirror, mirror on the wall, 160 00:14:00,320 --> 00:14:05,280 Speaker 1: Who is the fairest of us all? And it replied, 161 00:14:05,360 --> 00:14:11,280 Speaker 1: as before the Queen was fairest yesterday, snow White is fairest. Now, 162 00:14:11,360 --> 00:14:16,400 Speaker 1: they say. The dwarfs protect her from thy sway amid 163 00:14:16,440 --> 00:14:22,720 Speaker 1: the forest far away. As soon as it had finished, 164 00:14:23,280 --> 00:14:26,880 Speaker 1: all her blood rushed to her heart, for she was 165 00:14:27,080 --> 00:14:30,840 Speaker 1: so angry to hear that snow White was still more beautiful. 166 00:14:32,600 --> 00:14:36,800 Speaker 1: But now thought she to herself, will I make something 167 00:14:36,880 --> 00:14:42,400 Speaker 1: which shall ruin her completely? Thus saying, she made a 168 00:14:42,480 --> 00:14:47,680 Speaker 1: poison comb, and then, disguising herself, she took the form 169 00:14:47,760 --> 00:14:51,760 Speaker 1: of an old widow. She went over the seven hills 170 00:14:51,800 --> 00:14:55,520 Speaker 1: to the house of the seven Dwarfs, and, knocking at 171 00:14:55,520 --> 00:14:59,720 Speaker 1: the door, called out good wares to sell to day. 172 00:15:01,600 --> 00:15:04,440 Speaker 1: Snow White peeped out and said, you must go farther, 173 00:15:04,560 --> 00:15:08,280 Speaker 1: for I dare not let you in. But still you 174 00:15:08,440 --> 00:15:12,600 Speaker 1: may look, said the old woman, drawing out the comb 175 00:15:12,600 --> 00:15:17,160 Speaker 1: and holding it up. The sight of this pleased snow 176 00:15:17,160 --> 00:15:21,440 Speaker 1: White so much that she allowed herself to be persuaded 177 00:15:22,120 --> 00:15:27,480 Speaker 1: and opened the door. As soon as she had bought 178 00:15:27,480 --> 00:15:31,320 Speaker 1: the comb. The old woman said, now let me once 179 00:15:31,480 --> 00:15:38,680 Speaker 1: comb your hair properly, and snow White consented. But scarcely 180 00:15:38,880 --> 00:15:42,280 Speaker 1: was the comb drawn through her hair when the poison 181 00:15:42,360 --> 00:15:50,360 Speaker 1: began to work, and the maiden fell down asleep. Your 182 00:15:50,480 --> 00:15:54,440 Speaker 1: pattern of beauty, cried the wicked queen. It is now 183 00:15:54,520 --> 00:16:03,120 Speaker 1: all over with you, and so saying, she departed. Fortunately, 184 00:16:03,560 --> 00:16:08,520 Speaker 1: evening soon came and the seven Dwarfs returned, and as 185 00:16:08,560 --> 00:16:11,600 Speaker 1: soon as they saw snow White lying upon the ground, 186 00:16:12,320 --> 00:16:17,960 Speaker 1: they suspected the queen, and, discovering the poisoned comb, theymediately 187 00:16:18,080 --> 00:16:21,760 Speaker 1: drew it out of snow White's hair. Then she very 188 00:16:21,800 --> 00:16:25,680 Speaker 1: soon revived and told them all that had happened. So 189 00:16:25,880 --> 00:16:30,560 Speaker 1: again they warned her against her wicked stepmother, and bade 190 00:16:30,600 --> 00:16:37,440 Speaker 1: her open the door to nobody. Meanwhile, the Queen, on 191 00:16:37,600 --> 00:16:43,200 Speaker 1: her arrival home, had again consulted her mirror and received 192 00:16:43,280 --> 00:16:48,680 Speaker 1: the same answer as twice before. This made her tremble 193 00:16:49,120 --> 00:16:54,080 Speaker 1: and foam with rage and jealousy. She went into an 194 00:16:54,120 --> 00:16:58,520 Speaker 1: inner secret chamber, where no one could enter, and made 195 00:16:58,560 --> 00:17:04,280 Speaker 1: an apple of the deep and subtle poison. Outwardly, it 196 00:17:04,359 --> 00:17:08,280 Speaker 1: looked nice enough and had rosy cheeks, which would make 197 00:17:08,359 --> 00:17:14,119 Speaker 1: the mouth of everyone who looked at it water, But 198 00:17:14,240 --> 00:17:18,760 Speaker 1: whoever ate the smallest piece of it would surely perish. 199 00:17:19,280 --> 00:17:22,080 Speaker 1: As soon as the apple was ready, the Queen again 200 00:17:22,280 --> 00:17:27,360 Speaker 1: changed her face and clothed herself like a peasant's wife, 201 00:17:27,680 --> 00:17:30,480 Speaker 1: and then over the seven mountains to the house of 202 00:17:30,520 --> 00:17:37,640 Speaker 1: the Seven Dwarfs she made her way. She knocked at 203 00:17:37,680 --> 00:17:40,960 Speaker 1: the door, and snow White stretched out her head and said, 204 00:17:41,480 --> 00:17:44,399 Speaker 1: I dare not let anyone enter. The seven dwarfs have 205 00:17:44,520 --> 00:17:49,800 Speaker 1: forbidden it. This is hard on me, said the old woman, 206 00:17:50,240 --> 00:17:53,280 Speaker 1: for I must take back my apples. But there is 207 00:17:53,400 --> 00:17:58,040 Speaker 1: one which I will give you. No, answered snow White, No, 208 00:17:58,760 --> 00:18:03,359 Speaker 1: I dare not take it. What are you afraid of it? 209 00:18:04,320 --> 00:18:08,000 Speaker 1: Cried the old woman. There see, I will cut the 210 00:18:08,040 --> 00:18:11,560 Speaker 1: apple in half. You eat the red cheeks, and I 211 00:18:11,600 --> 00:18:17,840 Speaker 1: will eat the core. The apple was so artfully made 212 00:18:18,320 --> 00:18:24,960 Speaker 1: that the red cheeks alone were poisoned. Snow White very 213 00:18:25,040 --> 00:18:28,800 Speaker 1: much wished for the beautiful apple, and when she saw 214 00:18:28,840 --> 00:18:33,879 Speaker 1: the woman eating the core, she could no longer resist, but, 215 00:18:34,000 --> 00:18:40,960 Speaker 1: stretching out her hand, took the poisoned part. Scarcely had 216 00:18:41,000 --> 00:18:44,000 Speaker 1: she placed a piece in her mouth. When she fell 217 00:18:44,040 --> 00:18:49,840 Speaker 1: down upon the ground. Then the queen, looking at her 218 00:18:49,880 --> 00:18:55,000 Speaker 1: with glittering eyes, laughed bitterly and exclaimed, white as snow, 219 00:18:55,520 --> 00:18:59,960 Speaker 1: red as blood, black as ebony. This time the duel 220 00:19:00,000 --> 00:19:06,959 Speaker 1: wwarfs cannot reawaken you. When she reached home and consulted 221 00:19:07,000 --> 00:19:11,960 Speaker 1: her mirror, mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the 222 00:19:12,000 --> 00:19:17,360 Speaker 1: fairest of us all? It answered? The Queen is fairest 223 00:19:17,720 --> 00:19:26,040 Speaker 1: of the day. Then her jealous heart was finally at rest. 224 00:19:27,400 --> 00:19:30,760 Speaker 1: When the little dwarfs returned home in the evening, they 225 00:19:30,840 --> 00:19:35,000 Speaker 1: found snow White lying on the ground, and there appeared 226 00:19:35,000 --> 00:19:39,360 Speaker 1: to be no life in her body. They raised her 227 00:19:39,440 --> 00:19:43,720 Speaker 1: up and tried if they could find anything poisonous. They 228 00:19:43,800 --> 00:19:48,640 Speaker 1: unlaced her and even uncombed her hair and washed her 229 00:19:48,680 --> 00:19:55,200 Speaker 1: with water, but nothing worked. Then they laid her upon 230 00:19:55,280 --> 00:19:59,560 Speaker 1: a frame, and all seven dwarfs placed themselves around it 231 00:20:00,080 --> 00:20:07,200 Speaker 1: and wept and wept for three days. Then they prepared 232 00:20:07,240 --> 00:20:11,600 Speaker 1: to bury her, but she still looked fresh and lifelike, 233 00:20:12,119 --> 00:20:16,000 Speaker 1: and even her red cheeks had not deserted her. So 234 00:20:16,040 --> 00:20:19,760 Speaker 1: they said to one another, we cannot put her in 235 00:20:19,840 --> 00:20:23,840 Speaker 1: the ground. So they ordered a case to be made 236 00:20:23,880 --> 00:20:28,159 Speaker 1: of glass. In this they could see the body on 237 00:20:28,359 --> 00:20:32,520 Speaker 1: all sides, and the dwarfs wrote her name with golden 238 00:20:32,640 --> 00:20:37,240 Speaker 1: letters upon the glass, saying that she was a king's daughter. 239 00:20:39,240 --> 00:20:42,080 Speaker 1: Now they placed the glass case upon the ledge on 240 00:20:42,160 --> 00:20:46,560 Speaker 1: a rock, and one of them always remained by it, watching. 241 00:20:48,480 --> 00:20:52,960 Speaker 1: Even the birds cried over the loss of snow White. 242 00:20:53,000 --> 00:20:57,600 Speaker 1: First came an owl, then a raven, and last of 243 00:20:57,640 --> 00:21:05,280 Speaker 1: all a dove. For a long time, snow White lay 244 00:21:05,359 --> 00:21:10,280 Speaker 1: peacefully in her case, and changed not but looked as 245 00:21:10,320 --> 00:21:14,720 Speaker 1: if she were only asleep, for she was still white 246 00:21:14,720 --> 00:21:18,880 Speaker 1: as snow, red as blood, and black haired as ebony. 247 00:21:21,960 --> 00:21:24,639 Speaker 1: By and bye, it happened that a king's son was 248 00:21:24,720 --> 00:21:28,320 Speaker 1: traveling in the forest and came to the dwarf's house 249 00:21:28,359 --> 00:21:32,639 Speaker 1: to pass the night. He soon saw the glass case 250 00:21:32,720 --> 00:21:37,280 Speaker 1: upon the rock and the beautiful maiden lying within, and 251 00:21:37,359 --> 00:21:43,239 Speaker 1: he read the golden inscription. When he had examined it, 252 00:21:43,320 --> 00:21:46,919 Speaker 1: he said to the dwarfs, let me have this case, 253 00:21:47,119 --> 00:21:51,040 Speaker 1: and I will pay what you like for it. But 254 00:21:51,080 --> 00:21:54,880 Speaker 1: the dwarfs replied, we will not sell it for all 255 00:21:55,080 --> 00:22:00,080 Speaker 1: the gold in the world. Then give it to me, 256 00:22:00,480 --> 00:22:05,239 Speaker 1: said the prince, for I cannot live without snow White. 257 00:22:05,440 --> 00:22:08,639 Speaker 1: I will love her and protect her for as long 258 00:22:08,720 --> 00:22:14,159 Speaker 1: as I live. When the dwarf saw that he was 259 00:22:14,280 --> 00:22:18,600 Speaker 1: so much in earnest, they believed him, and at last 260 00:22:18,800 --> 00:22:22,239 Speaker 1: gave him the case, and the prince ordered it to 261 00:22:22,280 --> 00:22:28,080 Speaker 1: be carried away on the shoulders of his attendants. Presently, 262 00:22:28,160 --> 00:22:32,679 Speaker 1: it happened that they stumbled over a root, and with 263 00:22:32,840 --> 00:22:36,439 Speaker 1: the jolt, the piece of poisoned apple which lay in 264 00:22:36,560 --> 00:22:42,120 Speaker 1: snow White's mouth fell out. Very soon she opened her 265 00:22:42,119 --> 00:22:45,560 Speaker 1: eyes and raising the lid of the glass case. She 266 00:22:45,720 --> 00:22:51,919 Speaker 1: rose up and asked, where am I full of joy? 267 00:22:52,480 --> 00:22:57,800 Speaker 1: The prince answered, you are safe with me, and he 268 00:22:57,960 --> 00:23:01,639 Speaker 1: told her what had happened, and how he would rather 269 00:23:01,800 --> 00:23:05,919 Speaker 1: have her than any other for his wife, And he 270 00:23:06,000 --> 00:23:09,960 Speaker 1: asked her if she would consider accompanying him home to 271 00:23:10,040 --> 00:23:15,520 Speaker 1: the castle of the king his father. Snow White agreed, 272 00:23:16,160 --> 00:23:19,639 Speaker 1: and when they arrived there they were married with great 273 00:23:19,720 --> 00:23:28,040 Speaker 1: splendor and magnificence. Snow White's stepmother was also invited to 274 00:23:28,160 --> 00:23:31,600 Speaker 1: the wedding, and when she was dressed in all her 275 00:23:31,720 --> 00:23:35,280 Speaker 1: finery to go, she first stepped in front of her 276 00:23:35,359 --> 00:23:41,480 Speaker 1: mirror and asked, mirror, mirror on the wall, who is 277 00:23:41,520 --> 00:23:47,800 Speaker 1: the fairest of us all? And it replied, the Queen 278 00:23:48,080 --> 00:23:53,200 Speaker 1: was fairest yesterday. The Prince's bride is now, they say. 279 00:23:55,760 --> 00:23:59,720 Speaker 1: At these words, the queen was in a fury and 280 00:24:00,119 --> 00:24:02,840 Speaker 1: was so upset that she knew not what to do 281 00:24:02,920 --> 00:24:07,080 Speaker 1: with herself. At first, she resolved not to go to 282 00:24:07,160 --> 00:24:10,600 Speaker 1: the wedding, but she could not resist the wish to 283 00:24:10,600 --> 00:24:20,000 Speaker 1: see the princess, so she went. But as soon as 284 00:24:20,040 --> 00:24:25,240 Speaker 1: she saw the bride, she recognized snow White and was 285 00:24:25,359 --> 00:24:30,120 Speaker 1: so full with rage and astonishment that she rushed out 286 00:24:30,119 --> 00:24:42,040 Speaker 1: of the castle and was never heard of again. Good Night, 287 00:24:44,000 --> 00:25:05,040 Speaker 1: sleep tight Da