1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:15,960 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I would 2 00:00:16,000 --> 00:00:18,720 Speaker 1: like to say hello to some more friends who filled 3 00:00:18,760 --> 00:00:24,599 Speaker 1: out our sleep Tight Stories survey. Hannah Too, Isabella and 4 00:00:24,720 --> 00:00:33,960 Speaker 1: Alexandre from Denmark, Matilda, Elsie and Emerson, Mollie, Olivia and 5 00:00:34,000 --> 00:00:38,600 Speaker 1: Bennett from Oregon, g Neil Almalan who just had his 6 00:00:38,720 --> 00:00:47,839 Speaker 1: birthday last week, and Leennray Almalan, Aida and Mollie and Charlotte. 7 00:00:48,080 --> 00:00:51,559 Speaker 1: If you'd like to support our podcast, please visit us 8 00:00:51,640 --> 00:00:58,080 Speaker 1: at patreon dot com slash sleep Tight Stories. A link 9 00:00:58,240 --> 00:01:01,240 Speaker 1: to our Patreon site and some other ways to support 10 00:01:01,280 --> 00:01:09,399 Speaker 1: the podcast can be found in our show notes. Tomorrow 11 00:01:09,880 --> 00:01:15,640 Speaker 1: is National Children's Day in Canada. We celebrate this day 12 00:01:15,680 --> 00:01:20,200 Speaker 1: to remind us that we have a responsibility to keep 13 00:01:20,240 --> 00:01:29,679 Speaker 1: our children safe, healthy and happy. This episode is a 14 00:01:29,800 --> 00:01:34,400 Speaker 1: classic fairy tale which has been told over and over 15 00:01:34,920 --> 00:01:49,520 Speaker 1: again The Frog Prince. In the olden time when wishing 16 00:01:49,840 --> 00:01:56,000 Speaker 1: was having, there lived a king whose daughters were all beautiful, 17 00:01:57,360 --> 00:02:03,240 Speaker 1: but the youngest was so exceedingly beautiful that the sun himself, 18 00:02:04,080 --> 00:02:09,320 Speaker 1: although he saw her very often, was enchanted every time 19 00:02:09,440 --> 00:02:15,680 Speaker 1: she came out into the sunshine. Near the castle of 20 00:02:15,720 --> 00:02:20,560 Speaker 1: this king was a large and gloomy forest, and in 21 00:02:20,600 --> 00:02:26,840 Speaker 1: the midst stood an old lime tree, beneath whose branches 22 00:02:27,120 --> 00:02:33,080 Speaker 1: splashed a little fountain. So whenever it was very hot, 23 00:02:33,760 --> 00:02:38,440 Speaker 1: the king's youngest daughter ran off into this wood and 24 00:02:38,639 --> 00:02:42,720 Speaker 1: sat down by the side of this fountain. And when 25 00:02:42,760 --> 00:02:47,520 Speaker 1: she felt bored, would often divert herself by throwing a 26 00:02:47,639 --> 00:02:52,560 Speaker 1: golden ball up in the air and catching it, And 27 00:02:52,680 --> 00:03:01,680 Speaker 1: this was her favorite amusement. One day, it happened that 28 00:03:01,800 --> 00:03:05,480 Speaker 1: this golden ball, when the king's daughter threw it into 29 00:03:05,520 --> 00:03:10,360 Speaker 1: the air, did not fall down into her hand, but 30 00:03:10,600 --> 00:03:15,640 Speaker 1: on the grass, and then it rolled past her into 31 00:03:15,680 --> 00:03:21,520 Speaker 1: the fountain. The king's daughter followed the ball with her eyes, 32 00:03:22,280 --> 00:03:26,840 Speaker 1: but it disappeared beneath the water, which was so deep 33 00:03:27,440 --> 00:03:32,360 Speaker 1: that no one could see to the bottom. Then she 34 00:03:32,480 --> 00:03:37,840 Speaker 1: began to cry louder and louder, and as she cried, 35 00:03:38,240 --> 00:03:43,320 Speaker 1: a voice called out, why are you crying, O King's daughter? 36 00:03:44,040 --> 00:03:49,040 Speaker 1: Your tears would melt even a stone. And she looked 37 00:03:49,040 --> 00:03:52,400 Speaker 1: around to the spot from where the voice came, and 38 00:03:52,480 --> 00:03:57,680 Speaker 1: saw a frog stretching his thick head out of the water. Ah, 39 00:03:58,000 --> 00:04:01,920 Speaker 1: you old water paddler, she said, was it you that spoke? 40 00:04:02,680 --> 00:04:06,120 Speaker 1: I am weeping for my golden ball, which has slipped 41 00:04:06,120 --> 00:04:11,000 Speaker 1: away from me into the water. Be quiet and do 42 00:04:11,120 --> 00:04:15,600 Speaker 1: not cry, answered the frog. I can help you. But 43 00:04:15,680 --> 00:04:18,159 Speaker 1: what will you give me if I fetch your plaything 44 00:04:18,279 --> 00:04:23,320 Speaker 1: up again? What will you have, dear frog? She said, 45 00:04:23,880 --> 00:04:28,760 Speaker 1: my dresses, my pearls and jewels, or the golden crown 46 00:04:28,880 --> 00:04:36,680 Speaker 1: which I wear. The frog answered, dresses or jewels or 47 00:04:36,720 --> 00:04:41,360 Speaker 1: golden crowns are not for me. But if you will 48 00:04:41,400 --> 00:04:45,360 Speaker 1: love me and let me be your companion and playfellow, 49 00:04:46,040 --> 00:04:49,839 Speaker 1: and sit at your table, and eat from your golden plate, 50 00:04:50,480 --> 00:04:53,920 Speaker 1: and drink out of your cup, and sleep in your room, 51 00:04:55,320 --> 00:04:58,640 Speaker 1: if you will promise me all these, then I will 52 00:04:58,720 --> 00:05:05,359 Speaker 1: dive down and fetch your ball. Oh, I will promise 53 00:05:05,400 --> 00:05:08,640 Speaker 1: you all, she said, if you will only get me 54 00:05:08,760 --> 00:05:14,440 Speaker 1: my ball. But she thought to herself, what is the 55 00:05:14,560 --> 00:05:18,760 Speaker 1: silly frog chattering about? Let him stay in the water 56 00:05:18,880 --> 00:05:23,839 Speaker 1: where he belongs. But the frog, as soon as he 57 00:05:23,920 --> 00:05:27,679 Speaker 1: had received her promise, drew his head under the water 58 00:05:28,279 --> 00:05:34,159 Speaker 1: and dived down. Presently, he swam up again with the 59 00:05:34,240 --> 00:05:37,600 Speaker 1: ball in his mouth, and threw it on the grass. 60 00:05:39,560 --> 00:05:43,960 Speaker 1: The king's daughter was full of joy when she saw 61 00:05:44,040 --> 00:05:49,840 Speaker 1: again her beautiful plaything. She grabbed it up and ran 62 00:05:49,960 --> 00:05:56,360 Speaker 1: off immediately. Stop, stop, cried the frog, Take me with you. 63 00:05:56,839 --> 00:06:02,080 Speaker 1: I cannot run as you can. But all his croaking 64 00:06:02,480 --> 00:06:07,640 Speaker 1: was useless. Although it was loud enough, the king's daughter 65 00:06:07,839 --> 00:06:13,719 Speaker 1: did not hear it, but hastening home, soon forgot the 66 00:06:13,800 --> 00:06:18,440 Speaker 1: poor frog, who was obliged to leap back into the fountain. 67 00:06:22,360 --> 00:06:25,600 Speaker 1: The next day, when the king's daughter was sitting at 68 00:06:25,600 --> 00:06:29,560 Speaker 1: her table with her father and all his courtiers, and 69 00:06:29,800 --> 00:06:33,960 Speaker 1: was eating from her own little golden plate, something was 70 00:06:34,080 --> 00:06:40,719 Speaker 1: heard coming up the marble stairs, splish splash, splish splash, 71 00:06:42,000 --> 00:06:45,360 Speaker 1: And when it had arrived at the top, it knocked 72 00:06:45,400 --> 00:06:49,920 Speaker 1: at the door, and a voice said, open the door, 73 00:06:50,240 --> 00:06:55,760 Speaker 1: youngest daughter of the king. So she rose and went 74 00:06:55,839 --> 00:07:01,080 Speaker 1: to see who it was that called her. But when 75 00:07:01,080 --> 00:07:04,400 Speaker 1: she opened the door and caught sight of the frog, 76 00:07:05,200 --> 00:07:09,800 Speaker 1: she shut it again quickly and sat down at the table, 77 00:07:10,680 --> 00:07:17,560 Speaker 1: looking very pale. But the king saw that her heart 78 00:07:17,680 --> 00:07:21,080 Speaker 1: was beating quickly, and asked her whether it was a 79 00:07:21,200 --> 00:07:24,920 Speaker 1: giant who had come to fetch her away who stood 80 00:07:24,960 --> 00:07:30,800 Speaker 1: at the door. Oh no, she answered, it is no giant, 81 00:07:31,600 --> 00:07:38,400 Speaker 1: but an old, ugly frog. What does the frog want 82 00:07:38,480 --> 00:07:44,320 Speaker 1: with you, asked the king, Oh, dear father, when I 83 00:07:44,560 --> 00:07:49,320 Speaker 1: was sitting yesterday playing by the fountain. My golden ball 84 00:07:49,440 --> 00:07:53,560 Speaker 1: fell into the water, and this frog fetched it up 85 00:07:53,600 --> 00:07:59,360 Speaker 1: again because I cried so much. But first I must 86 00:07:59,440 --> 00:08:04,160 Speaker 1: tell you he pressed me so much that I promised 87 00:08:04,240 --> 00:08:09,040 Speaker 1: him he should be my companion. I never thought that 88 00:08:09,120 --> 00:08:12,960 Speaker 1: he could come out of the water, but somehow he 89 00:08:13,040 --> 00:08:16,760 Speaker 1: has jumped out, and now he wants to come in here. 90 00:08:20,920 --> 00:08:25,119 Speaker 1: At that moment there was another knock, and a voice said, 91 00:08:26,560 --> 00:08:31,960 Speaker 1: King's daughter youngest, open the door. Have you forgotten the 92 00:08:32,000 --> 00:08:36,600 Speaker 1: promises made at the fountain, so clear neath the lime 93 00:08:36,720 --> 00:08:45,800 Speaker 1: trees shade? King's daughter youngest open the door. Then the 94 00:08:45,920 --> 00:08:51,000 Speaker 1: king said, what you have promised that you must perform, 95 00:08:51,720 --> 00:08:56,080 Speaker 1: go and let him in. So the king's daughter went 96 00:08:56,440 --> 00:09:00,839 Speaker 1: and opened the door, and the frog hopped in after her, 97 00:09:01,760 --> 00:09:05,080 Speaker 1: right up to her chair, And as soon as she 98 00:09:05,240 --> 00:09:11,360 Speaker 1: was seated, the frog said, take me up. But she 99 00:09:11,600 --> 00:09:16,199 Speaker 1: hesitated so long that at last the king ordered her 100 00:09:16,320 --> 00:09:21,280 Speaker 1: to obey. And as soon as the frog sat on 101 00:09:21,360 --> 00:09:25,760 Speaker 1: the chair, he jumped on to the table and said, 102 00:09:27,160 --> 00:09:30,679 Speaker 1: now push your plate near me that we may eat together. 103 00:09:32,520 --> 00:09:38,319 Speaker 1: And she did so, but as everyone saw, very unwillingly, 104 00:09:40,840 --> 00:09:45,000 Speaker 1: the frog seemed to enjoy his dinner very much, but 105 00:09:45,240 --> 00:09:49,480 Speaker 1: every bite that the king's daughter ate nearly choked her, 106 00:09:50,960 --> 00:09:54,960 Speaker 1: till at last the frog said, I have satisfied my 107 00:09:55,120 --> 00:10:01,640 Speaker 1: hunger and feel very tired. Will you carry me upstairs 108 00:10:01,679 --> 00:10:04,560 Speaker 1: now to your room, and let's get ready to sleep. 109 00:10:07,120 --> 00:10:12,439 Speaker 1: At this speech, the king's daughter began to cry, for 110 00:10:12,520 --> 00:10:16,080 Speaker 1: she was afraid of the cold frog and dared not 111 00:10:16,280 --> 00:10:21,320 Speaker 1: touch him, and besides, he actually wanted to sleep in 112 00:10:21,400 --> 00:10:29,760 Speaker 1: her own beautiful, clean bed. But her tears only made 113 00:10:29,800 --> 00:10:34,480 Speaker 1: the king very angry, and he said, he who helped 114 00:10:34,480 --> 00:10:37,960 Speaker 1: you in the time of your trouble must not now 115 00:10:38,080 --> 00:10:42,959 Speaker 1: be turned away. So she took the frog up with 116 00:10:43,120 --> 00:10:47,640 Speaker 1: two fingers and put him in a corner of her room. 117 00:10:49,000 --> 00:10:52,040 Speaker 1: But as she lay in her bed, he hopped up 118 00:10:52,080 --> 00:10:57,000 Speaker 1: to it and said, I am so very tired that 119 00:10:57,120 --> 00:11:02,160 Speaker 1: I shall sleep well. Take me up, or I will 120 00:11:02,200 --> 00:11:07,680 Speaker 1: tell your father. This speech put the king's daughter in 121 00:11:07,800 --> 00:11:13,200 Speaker 1: a terrible mood, and catching the frog up, she threw 122 00:11:13,360 --> 00:11:18,720 Speaker 1: him with all her strength towards the wall, saying, now 123 00:11:18,760 --> 00:11:25,280 Speaker 1: will you be quiet, you old frog. But as the 124 00:11:25,400 --> 00:11:29,679 Speaker 1: frog got near the wall, he was changed from a 125 00:11:29,800 --> 00:11:36,800 Speaker 1: frog into a handsome prince with beautiful eyes, who, after 126 00:11:37,000 --> 00:11:42,240 Speaker 1: time became a dear friend and companion to the princess. 127 00:11:43,960 --> 00:11:47,520 Speaker 1: Then he told her how he had been transformed by 128 00:11:47,559 --> 00:11:51,720 Speaker 1: a witch, and that no one but herself could have 129 00:11:51,800 --> 00:11:54,360 Speaker 1: had the power to take him out of the fountain, 130 00:11:56,880 --> 00:12:00,640 Speaker 1: and that if she agreed, he would like to marry 131 00:12:00,679 --> 00:12:08,959 Speaker 1: her and return with her to his kingdom. The next morning, 132 00:12:09,520 --> 00:12:13,880 Speaker 1: as soon as the sun rose, a carriage drawn by 133 00:12:13,960 --> 00:12:18,840 Speaker 1: eight white horses with ostrich feathers on their heads and 134 00:12:19,040 --> 00:12:23,040 Speaker 1: golden bridles, drove up to the door of the palace, 135 00:12:24,080 --> 00:12:28,920 Speaker 1: and behind the carriage stood the trusty Henry, the servant 136 00:12:29,160 --> 00:12:34,199 Speaker 1: of the young prince. When his master had changed into 137 00:12:34,240 --> 00:12:40,360 Speaker 1: a frog, trusty Henry had been so sad, But now 138 00:12:40,400 --> 00:12:43,320 Speaker 1: that the carriage was ready to carry the young prince 139 00:12:43,360 --> 00:12:48,880 Speaker 1: to his own country, the faithful Henry helped in the 140 00:12:48,960 --> 00:12:53,040 Speaker 1: bride and bridegroom and placed himself in the seat behind. 141 00:12:53,880 --> 00:13:00,760 Speaker 1: Full of joy. At his master's return, they took leave 142 00:13:00,960 --> 00:13:05,160 Speaker 1: of the king, and in the coach with eight white horses, 143 00:13:05,880 --> 00:13:10,840 Speaker 1: set out full of joy and merriment for the prince's kingdom, 144 00:13:11,720 --> 00:13:16,840 Speaker 1: which they reached safely, and there they lived happily a 145 00:13:16,960 --> 00:13:18,840 Speaker 1: great many years.